THE SCBAUTON TBIBUNE WEDNESDAY MOHNTNG. SEPTEMBER 23. 189B. Neute.oHh? Sdbdpbs. WST SIDE EVENTS. Marriage ol Miss Anna Carlyle Hut too to William Ward Luce by Rev. J. P. Moffatt. The wedding- of Miss Anna Carlyle Ilutton to William Ward Luce was performed at 8.30 o'clock last evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mutton, of 13.1 South Sumner avenue. Hev. J. P. Moffatt, pastor of the Washburn Street l'rtsby terinn church, read the mnrriaRp rites of that denomination. Miss Hutton was dressed In a gown of white brocad ed silk with lace trlniiniiiR. She car ried bridal roses. Mi..s Anna Munsoti was maid of honor. She wore white orRnndie over green and carried pink carnations. Harry Decker was grooms man. The bridal party entered the parlor while Miss Ksther Ferris, of ISreen liidKe, Played Lolienfrrin's march. The place where the vows were said was the centre of an effect In green. The chandeliers were decorated with sinilux and about the rooms were banks of palms, ferns, etc. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Mr. und Mrs. Luce left on an early morning train for a wed ding tour of the principal eastern cit ies. They will return and reside on Jackson street. Mr. Luce is a member of the firm of Luce llros. He is an energetic business man and has a large number of friends. At the reception were: Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Luce, Mr. and Mrs. It. V. Luce, Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Luce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Luce. Mr. ami Mrs. Morris Chase, Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Kl dred, Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Jlnvles, In: and Mrs. (leorge It. Iteynolds, Mr. and Mrs. lavld J. Da vies, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh tlallagher. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dun. kite, Mr. and Mrs. Horry, of New York; Mrs. Sophia Shoemaker, Mrs. Strang, Mrs. Mary Hosier, Mrs. S. W. Iteynolds. Misses Shoemaker, Ferria, Munson.dibbs, Doster, Barrow -nan, Dufy, Healey, Stanton; Haydn Kvans, Will Hutton, Harry Decker. Arthur Luce, Curtis Colvln, Frank Mansfield, l'eter Maker. (5 HAND CONCERT AND DRAWING. A concert and drawing will be given for the benefit of David Davies. who lost his eyesight by a blast while nt work in Tripp's; slope January, 1SH5. The entertainment will be held in M ears' hull Wednesday evening, Oct. 14. 'CG. The following prizes will be i warded to the ones holding the win ning tickets: Reed couch, I'rotheroe & Co., $14: watch and rhaln. Rev. H. I. Kvans. ?S: rocking chair, Neville & Law, $3; lamp, I'rotheroe & Co., $4; Symcna rug, Clarke Hros., $4; table, 1'. W. Tftgue, $4; ladies' hat, Jenkins & Morris, $3.00; express wagon, J. D. 'Williams, , $:i.!i0; lxiir shoes. Lewis, Reilly' Davies, $.1; gent's hat, Nich ols, $2.r,0; lump, Doyle, S2.M; box cig ars. Isaac Kvans, $:': Indies' shoes, S. L. tlnlh-n, jl.iid; men's slippers. Johns Itros., $l.!ifl. The following artists will tnke part: Richard Thomas (Hew Herbert). David Stevens, Edith Rlch-nrds-lleckel, Mary Jane Hnston-tt'll-llnnis, Mrs. John Jones, Philip Warren, Thomas Ahrams, Harry llollcy nnil Clump's hand. Accompanists. Nellie Moses-Thomiig nnd Norma Williams; chairman of the evening, Prof, (leorge Howell; committee. Rev. D. V. Jones, S:i"'H 1 Holers, Thomas D. Rees, Hugh Williams. , . i ... JENK1NS-DAVIE8 NUPTIALS. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning Wll linm Jenkins, of Bromley avenue, and Miss Elvira Davies, of North Hyde I'nrk avenue, were united In marriage by the Rev. Peter Roberts, of Olyphant. The ceremony took place In the home of the bride, where the following rela tives witnessed It: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davies, tha father and mother of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gillette, of Dunmore; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davies, of Peckvllle; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomas, Mrs. A. M. Herold, Miss Christine Mohr, Miss Elvira Thomas, John. Thomas, Walter Davies and Corlnne Davies. Rreakfast was serv ed to those present, after which the bride and bridegroom left In a bar ouche for the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western depot nnd took the 9.50 trnln ft.' Hhamokln, where they will spend tell days of their honeymoon visiting the parents of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are two popular young people of the West Side nnd a large circle of friends wish them much happiness. When they return they will begin housekeeping on Nrth Hyde I'ark avenue. IRVING IS OVERSHADOWED. St. Rrenden council's literary circle met Inst evening nnd spent a few hours In mutual education. The de bate of the evening was on the topic: "Resolved, That Dickens was a greater ...o tknn Trvlnir" The affirmative ...., frha .lchnlern nrpre; Affirmative. J. F. Durkin, James Quinnan, Thomas Judge; neoauve, jm. aicj,ane, i iiunm. Flimine, W. K. Morris. Edward Em peror gave a special i catling from Car- i:lKI,nntt' "1'hriKtinn Hei-it'iavl" Wlill im U.lroy declaimed, nnd Thon-as Hurst read an tssay on "juomy. ine meetings nre now held on Tuesday instead of Thursday evenings. RAISED THE FULL AMOUNT. Mondav evening the First Baptist church call d In the tithing bonks which had been distributed among thJ members, with the result whl h more than astoni.-hed those who had the matter in charge. Monday evening pnved one thing c mclus.vely: that bv ndopt;ng some nnvil scaeme ill will hs Induced to give. Mrs. Dr. Heddoe, president oftlie Ladles' Aid society con nected with the church procured 10 or mon of the novel tithing books nnd put them In the hands of as many members or fnmilles These books hi Id fifty sli ver dimes and when the names were called the full amount, $.'00, whs teil Ized. Last month the congregation paid some $200 Interest on their bond ed debt, nnd the Idea Is to apply the $5uo raised to rcduc the burden. VOl'-NCl MAN DIES. William Anthony, aged 21 ytnrs, died yesterday ufternnon at the home of Uenjamin Anthony, of North Main avenue. The d ud young man has l e i in this city, off nnd i n, two year.. His home is In Maryland, where lilt r ment will he made. About one week ago he became ill und his death was a m: prise. His mother is here on a visit. The body will be taken South this morning. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Wyoming district will hold its annual convention tomorrow In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. A buby daughter has arrived -t tli home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crar.e, of South Lincoln avenue. Mr. Hugh Williams, of Price Hivit. Is recovering from a sprained back, re ceived while at work last week. Miss Minnie .Tacoby, of Portland, Is the guest of Mrs. William Cipher, i f North Garfield avenue. Miss Elizabeth Mann, of Alloona, l visiting Mrs. J. P. Acker, of South Main avenue. Miss Bessie Roe, of South Summ r avenue, left yesterday for Jersey City. Attorney and Mrs. Charles K. Diver, of North Main avenue, are horn? from Philadelphia. Miss Ray Morgan, of North Sumner avenue, is visiting at Newark. A child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thonint Cannon, of Washburn street, was In terred yesterday in the Hyde Put I: Catholic cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. lj. F. Sheiwood i f New York, have returned home after a w.-ck's visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. M Morse, of South Bromley avenue. William Clnpp, of Anaconda, Mon tana. Is the guest of Constable Timo thy Jones, of Jackson street. The Mi Klnley nml Hobnrt Song c ub rehearsed last evening In BeVs hull. The freshest political songs have beef. received and are being rapidly mas tend. Mrs. Dnvld Reynolds, of Mnhanny City, is visiting acquaintances on this side. West Side Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cllt flowers and funeral designs u specialty; m South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Stumer's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South .Main avenue. 8ECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 701 to 709 West Lack awanna avenue. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. James Kearney, of Minooka, Injured by a Premature ExplosionBridge Foreman Hurt Notes. James Kearney, of Minooka, son of John Kearney, was injured severely by the premature explosion of a blast yes terday, and Is fortunate that he wasn't killed. His left nrm was painfully lacerated by the flying coal, and his face received several large cuts. He had a blast ready to explode nnd th siitilh he adjusted to set off the powder fused before he got far enough from the face of the chamber to a rlace of safety. Lnrire chunks of conl went flying with terrific force on nil sides of him, but he was struck by only the smaller pieces. The accident occurred in his chamber In the Hrld-n shaft. Feltzvllle, where he is employed. The mine ambulance conveyed him home and Dr. J. A. Man ley, of Pittston avenue, attended him. MONKEY WRENCH FELL ON HIM. John Burns, one of the foremen In charge of the erection of the bridge Herons the Lackawanna river at tho South Steel mill, was struck on the head yesterday bv n monkev wrench falling on him Pom several feet over head nnd he was knocked unconscious nnd a deep rut was indicted In the sculp. The bridge Is being nut no by the Delaware. Lackawanna and West ern to connect a switch running Into the steel mill yard with Its line, nnd the coniract Is In char-'e of the Pas saic llrldirc company, of Pitt-raon, :. ,)., nt which place .Mr. Burns lives. His Injury will not inraplcate him more than a few days. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. James Williams, of Cirlnr avenue, n boy employed at the South Stel r.ilil 'Hires, was trying his hand ut coup ling cars yesterday end he get his fingers pinched. It will take a week of two frr them to heal. Dr. Manlcy attended him. Martin ('auglinn. of Irvtnpr avenue, v.iis out yesterday In the praiseworthy oieuwitlon of lending a helping h.Tnl to hi-: neighbor, who Is sinking n Weil. A wliiilUss is used to hoist the rii't f' bottom, and Mr. Giinglian irot Ills luil'd enUKht ill th i-hnln. The it. !'h was torn almost to the bone r.ecr t!l" base i f the thumb. Jacob Dt'imtth, of P:tt-"ton avenue, returned from a visit to U i::es-nnm The iiict:lc nt Co:j ten I park y,"-'"r-day aftertioi.n nnd cviilur'. tid'-r th nuM'h'i!' of .Pilin g (Vni.,.11 . -!, (.f odd Fcllo'v r,.r the 1 vim lit of tli- ...m tlniretit fond, wns v.-ell at' no;, wlthstandlm; the rci I wiatluT, s:;d it ni'v sum w;is 'vall-.-d. M. J. I'.ur: s li:i-i ' i -gun the r ( Uoi o; a new house en Cbti-.t.'it iiV'.:nc. Willi the ntipmm ! i f col l w'-f'or 'the trump Ml!',ilW" lv.'r;ini :(' r if concern to the iollc,. .M: I'l n 1 "K dox- n l'nl ovs wef" i Iri.-i .i ". ri ! Ma-t fe'eare ly tile wnt'-bn'ni' t GOLD DEMOCRATS IN THE ARENA (Concluded from Pago 1.1 Thr sharti.'i; nt tl 'Kl: I ' '.v. to Inf.'sf.'d i!ig:;tly v.-It'i t!.. i!u ;vi ' wrcli. Willlnm Crane, of T,oeie-t it:" t. I. ft j yo-sferdav for New York to 1 i "in it c n:rse of study at o::e of t!v col'(iT( .i i there. I Conductor Chllln McG:ilvc i: lm!li!!::s a new house on li virg aviiui". PKDVID! N V. MINER INSTANTLY KILLED. Large Slab of Hock I cll I'pon II im in tho Marvine Shaft. Patrick Flannnghnn, a miner, was Instantly killed In the Marvine shaft yesterday by a fall of roof. Flannghan was standing alongside if a car when a large slab of rock fell from the roof without, warning nnd crushed him in a fearful manner. He was uncovered by his fellow workmen but was then beyond earthly help. His remains were conveyed to tils home on Perry avenue. Flnnaglmn was 50 years of age nnd is Burvived by a wife and five children. All the Latest Styles and designs of fall millinery at Brown's Bee Hive. Try Jordan's one-half minute stews. Ill 111 I II. j MILLION patriotic voters have rcc II m.T) ognized the confusion of our pub lic politics, and arc determined toiuform themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines of his own party, but the views of all other parties and the reason for the differences Gold,' Silver, Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, Prescott, WHICH WE WILL PKESEXT TO THE PURCHASER OF ANY MEN'S SU IT. im SAMTERS 1 :. , Atare Dealing Clothiers, Hatters and Fumislnri ' ' ' ... ' ''" ' ' ' ' The funeral of Dan It I !,r-.vK L.te if H(.ring itreet. who died AloncPiy m ru It.lf of typhoid fever, will ti'.Ue .ltc' ihi;' it f lei niio!i. Services co:nniei eit ; tt 1! o'elvi. l;. will bo In !d i.i I'.ie N. rth Main Av nr.? Ha tM eir ic . ln cr me! t wl 1 be mail I i V iilil.ii.n i t eel c'lietery. Charles Jllir, of ru".-.!... r. T . Is the fvttest of M-. and ;ii". D. Ilirt ley. of North Jinln nvonue. y.W-A llaitle .Mnttl.i'ws wii i hn' 1cm the guest i.f Mrs. A. J. Clari.. i ' i".'.;. i li aveliue, to:- the ft v; w.'i ks. lurri-d to her heme in Hr..o!;ly:i yt-ster-ilay. Frank Husr-ell. of T i ivlt. N. Y.. has nccepted a position in Gioit:-' lu.vli'' ding store, in the Seunri. William Hnvl". i f Wayne uvtntie. b f yinterday for Marietta. .. vh're lie will resume his studies in Marietta col lege. There will be a game of Indoor br ball tonir-Tht In Company 11 armory, be tween Clark's store company and the Combination. A young child of Put: hnan nnd Mrs. Aiiinsa Palmer, of Church uveitua, is seriously 111. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. P. Miller, of Church nver.ue. nre visiting friends at Nin eveh. N. V. John Sullivan, of Vayne avenue, leaves today for the college for i hv siei ins and surgeons r.t ll ilti'rore, Md. William Love, of North Ma'n avenue, leaves today for Wliilimsnort. where he will attend a reunion of the A rmy. Mrs. I.urnway, of YI!he?-r.aT' i lining entet tallied by Mrs. J. W. it'.:l- lei;, of Thompson street. A meeting of the Marquette Conn ell. No. 'IJl!. Young SIcn'r Institute, v.-iw heid hv.t f verlug. Tames Korrei, of Spiing utrcet, who was arrested n f w days ago on a charge of assault nnd battel y, v:ai committed to the county jail yester day nftcrnooii In default of $".00 ball. The Misses Mary end Nellie O'Kara the Market street milliners, have re turned from New York city. The Kurckas nnd Hittenbenders will piny a gume of base ball for Jrl dollar a side this afternoon at Athletic park. Miss Jennie White, of William rtreet, has returned from New York city. Hev. George M. Guild, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Is nt Towauda. iJL'N.MOKi;. thoritlea to punish for contempt need leg islative revision. It Is true that the power condemned is one of which has been framed and exerclned by courts, utate and federal, and on many occasions. That power has for Its foundation principles that are well understood, and tha only dlllU'Ulty Is different pernors have dif ferent views as to the extent of which that power shoulil be applied. A mere alluvion to these declarations of the Chicago plat form is all that is neee.sury for the pres ent occasion, REFERENCE TO COINAGE. Mr. Bryan and the mure Intelligent of ids supporters reject the shallow defini tion of blmetall'sm which demands no mere than the udniisston of both KM and silver to the mints ut the ratio of HI to 1. but he asserts that the free coinage of silver at that ratio to gold will produce real bimetallism, a double mil equal stiimhiril of value. The coins of both gobl and silver with equal power in the nuirk-.t ami !n the payment of debt. t,et us con sider the import of this startling propo sition for one moment. First It assumes thnt tho unlimited coinage of silver on private account ti the ratio of Hi of silver to 1 of gold with full legal tender quality by the Coiteil titatcH alone will give to the 4JI,ti0i),o: of silver tioliurs alrea ly coined an equal foinnti reial debt paying and purchuslng power to th" dollar containing twenty-live an 1 eight-tenths grains of standard gold which nt present the uold dollars ur sup posed to ponces, supported by tile nation, al pledge to nui'ntnln the parity In value of three silver dollars with gold colli. Second It assumes that the same cause, free colnai.e of silver, will maintain the cipiully Keieptabie value of all dollars that may hereafier be coined on private ueeoutit by tin t'nlteil Stales. Third li assumes that the free coinage of silver by the I'nlte I States aionc would nt once a. (Vance, the value of the commer cial silver of the world to that of gold. It would In tho siime manner nffect the value of nil the sliver coinage of nil ilvillxeil nations, it seems asloiilshlnur that In the fight of all human experience such a propoKitliiti should not only be en tertained by MM-e men, but that upon Its ncei'iita nee ard belief a great party should ili .miil'l public cniitiilenen. The commer cial law which controls this subject Is familiar to the country, t'nder Its opera tion sll "ht differences In the comparative value of silver and gold led to the expor tation ef the Ann 1'h an coined dollar to such an extent that few or none of them Were in domestic circulation. If the un lln.Hed coinage of silver dollars by the I'nlted States should cause even a small advance (n silver either In the form of bullion or coin. Importations would follow until prices were equalized ami Imports of silver wool. I become without prolit. (Ap plause.) The real qiii'sltiin then Is, Can the Ainerienn people by a law authorising tiie unliinlti 'l coliuiMe of silver dollars on private account on the rutin of Pi of silver to I of cr.l l with full legal tender quality for all debts and limits, public and prlvute, makn the silver coinage of the world of oyunl i-ccepiaMilt y and value and of equal power in lie' markets and In the payments of debts with nil the gold coinage In tho world? Tills statement of the question Is inaile 111 unusual form, but neither Its truth n: its exactness will he questioned by any t hmicht fill mn after lie has fullc midi'i-rcd the rapid methods of modern liitctvominiiiili ailoii anil the activities of eerr.mrrelal Pfe. (Applause.) . Jc ley iuilfqucnt results, such ns I have ihsi r'I.eil, nr.- Impossible of nccomplih n r et by Hie in. mure proponed. 1 admit silver bullion may be advanced In eo'i.mi ri lsl value by its Increased nse-feliie-a. Inn no advance to a parity with :-o;d Is poyslblc it nil tho whole result of :':" :-.e.'.iiire v,ll lie tile ileprecla'.lon of the vabie of tl'e iidDMiie, the ruin of public a 'i.l r"'vn'e ere. lit, the disturbance of busiiics. flic dlst iirhauee of vilues nnd the ov rthrnw of all American industries, llvrry interest Is oppneil to this ruinous measure. The I lenioi ratle pnrty, throiiuh lis principles ami traditions, is compelled to e "iii.-e It. ( Applause.) It Invokes the S !! Iay.s and pulieb's of its reverend i in; to arrest Die destruction of that cr at party and save the country from bcadilatlon and dishonor. (Applause.) Winn Central Palmer finished and b id been cheered to the satisfaction of tli" rrortd, Mr. Flower introduced the cctuiidiite for vice president. General ituckner was rci-dvrd with great 'lie;rs. 11" bowed his acknowledge ments. Home one shouted: "Three cKf.f.s fcr the Southern general." which villi given while the bund enlivened the scene with -Dixie." General Muck ner did net read his speech. He spoke from notes nnd was Interrupted with frequent bursts of np.'ilause. FIRE AT JAMAICA. A lit DYSPEPSIA CURE Over 6,oo People In State ol Mkhlgaa Cared la 1894 by This New Pr par at lea, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, the new discovery for stomach troubles, Is claimed to have cured over 6.000 peopla in the state of Michigan alone In 189L These tablets have become so DODUlar I with physicians and people who have j any form of Indigestion that they . have the endorsement of such physl ; clans as Dr. Harlandsnn and Dr. Jen ' nison as being the safest, most reli able remedy f.,r sour stomach, chronlo dyspepsia, gas, bloating, palpitation, headache, constipation and in all cases where the appetite is poor or the food imperfectly digested. It is safe to say that Stuait's Dys pepsia Tablets will cure any kind of stomach trouble except cancer of tho stomach. They are not a secret natent ! medicine, but comiKised of vegetable and fruit essences, pure pepsin, Clolden : Seal, ginger and the digestive acids. They are pleasant to take, can be car j rled In the pocket, nnd they cure bo ! cause they digest the food promptly j before It has time to ferment and poi- son the blood. , I Druggists everywhere sell Stuart's , Dyspepsia Tablets, full slsed packagi-s, ut T.0 cents. A book on Stomneh dis eases and thousands of testimonials . sent free by addressing The Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. SCHOOL FOR PIANO, ORGAN AND YOICE PUPILS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME J. ALFRED PEHINGTON, Church and Concert Organist Pupil of Gullmant, Paris; Enrllcu, Berlin. TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN ft BARB ON Y Fine two annual organ at studio, blown by electric motor, for organ practice. Solo Contralto In Concert, Oratorio and Muslcale. Certificated Pupil of Madame Marches!, Paris. TEACER OF SINGING. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Ucview. I New York. Sept. 22. The bears on stocks were more aggressive than usual of late and under their sales and liqui dations by small holders prices for the usually active issues scored net de clines of anywhere from 'i to 2' per cnt. London firms were sellers 'of the Internationally listed stocks 011 account of advance in discounts In the open ' market and a belief that the bank rate 1 will bo raised on Thursday. Local I operators were generally working for 1 a reaction, and' when Sutrar rirnk 2U I per cent, to 111 after midday they set actively to work. The heaviness of the stock named proved of material assistance and in the late afternoon trading the entire list yielded. The de cline In Sugar wns attributed to sales by a lower Wall street Interest which has been Identified with the long side of the account of late. Manhattan fell 2 to SB, Western, T'nlon to Tobacco to 82, Chicago (las to BO'i and Louis ville and Nashville to 40. These were the most Important declines. leather l'referred jumped from MVi to B7V4 on more favorable trade reports, but later receded to 5,"iaG6 In sympathy with the . general list. Heading was bid up to . WYt on a belief that the efforts to ! stop the foreclosure sale of the prop erty will be defeated. The market closed weak In tone. The total sales were 236,431 shares. Furnished by WILLIAA1 WNN, Ah. LKN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms ?0o-?mJ. Open- High- Low- Clos ing. st. est In?. JAMES MOIR, III THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Movsa U His Nsw Qwrurs,' 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entraac on side neit to Flrvt National Uauk. Ha ton bow in Tlircruiirtcr of tlio Town of Kins; stun Im Destroyed. Kingston. Jamaica. Sept. 22. Advice front Jiu lii.ii I. one of the principal ports of Ilaytl, which (lues tin extensive trade with the 1'nlteil States, ore to the ef fect that a oiinllaeratlon that occurred there destroyed three-quarters of the town. The fire appliances In the plice wore piimntive, and little could be done to check the progress of the fire. Many persons have lost everything they pos sessed, and the buffering among them is very great. TOO .111 II l'OIt A SHARK. Am. Tobacco Co 3 KPg Am. Bug. Hef. Co. ..lit 114 Ateh.. To. & S. Fe ... 12 I2'i Cites. H Ohio II 14 ' I'nlengo (iiis Ul i1:'h Chicago & N. W IW'i ' Chic, n. & Q tii'n r(i ! C. C. C & St. L. ... 2.'i'i SM4 1 i'ui mii t. m p civ. 7i-ti Chic., K. I. & Pac. .. " 61 Vt Plat. & C. F b ! Oen. Klectrle 2 2S Lake Shore 14" l.ouis. & N'ash 4U4 41;S M. K. Tex. IT. ... 22 22, Man. Klevated M Mo. Pac 19'4 IS' 4 Nat. Cordage 37 4't 'nt LchiI 21 21 N. J. Central 1t Mi Utt N. Y.. 8. & W. Pr. ... 224 22'4 22 Nor. Pac V: K, Ontario ft West. ... l.P 1'hll. & ReRdlng V IKU Southern R. R V Vk Southern H. it. Pr. .. 21 22 Tenn. C. Iron ... 2Pi 21 ',4 Texas Pacific .1 ? (V t'nlon l'aelllo P4 (! Wabash Pr 13 l".- Western Union 83 H4 W. L V. S. leather Mi ' IT. 8. Leather Pr. .. G4Vi 67 !4 2 2 ltl4 Ul"-i 14 i;ii'i (ll-ll JTr?. O. Simons and datighti r, Jane, of Jermvn, have returned to their home aft-r spending a fetv '"ays at th : home of Mts. Charles Keast, of Throop st eei. Th" wedding cf M'ss Kttnlce Jeftiey ad William Taylor w II tak placo t.t uiKht at the h m; of the btldj c.n CI. y a vrru -. The Misses Krni nm! Edith Whlie-s.-.ll, of I'sz'eton. ate the guests f atv t, Mrs. John Focte of Bro.ik ttr.-: Th Lallcs' Aid so.- e'.y of the M tri ed st eh will hold a s 11 la' ft the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceoigo Uulnn-.y, of IJutlcr street, ton'ght. A rcci ption was given last nljrht by the eongreeatlnn cf the Dudley S r et I'.apt:st chi r.h to Rev. A. II. O'Veal and wlf". They were prt s ntcd with a most delicate ard exiiui dt' i'av land china dinner set, the g ft of ihe congre gation. John Fls-h nnd- the p esenta ticn spee h. nnd was fcllowel ty It v. A. R O'Ntal, who In a brief spe ch thanked his ccngrrga lon most hea' li ly for their valuable ire.ent, slnce-.eiy h plng that they would help him them out by coming as often as f os sible and dining with him. He c m vu'std the people during the course o his speech liy many breezy cnecdot 'S. fina ly Inviting them to Fit d wn at the tbffeient table", where they partook of Ice err am and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Latham, of flrtervdle, nre the duili of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Conrad, of Throap street. The following tri the romlne-s for office In the Loyal Tempi rancs b glon. The election will take place t ext Satur day nisht: President. Wililam Uees, Ijiwrence Brlnktvlce-pre.-ldent, t a-ia Cepwell and Clara Hess; secretary, Kdith Crnk; at slstant ne-rttary. Theo dore fliegk-r; tiensursr, Edward Stvarta and Churlt-g Fletcher This Fish Wn L'nnble to Digest the London Time. One of th;" largest sailing vessels ufloat recently arrived in New York from Calcutta. Shu repotted bavins caught a shark off St. Helena whtcn wiTi found to contain a copy of thj - ' "" - " ' I, t-nr, -T ' r : tint 1 1 to have been thrown overboard from a Cape mall steumer, and wns, strange to state. In tcuilable condition when brought to Ilglit. Feed the Nerves upon pure, rich blood and you will not lie nervous. Pure blood comes by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla which Is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic Hood's Tills cure nausea, sick Head ache, Indigestion, biliousness. All druggists. 2ic. TorlM-lt VI!I right Sharkey. San Francisco. Sept. 22. President (room, of the Nat'onal Athletic club, re ceived a dlapatch from James J. orbett staling that he accepted the offer of the club for a lil-romul "go." with Tom Shar- I key for JR'Knt. This Is considered as final I arrangement match, as It carries with it j the acceptance of Sharkey. 14 lie' .4 1IH, t7r)M 2-.', 71113 (it 'U 7U. 27K. 7ii W,4 M4 40 22 wi'i 1 ' 21 124 lit l'l"i 7'Si 21 2U4 A H 'i 22', in'4 44 21 1i2 22 12'i PI n-vt 7" 21 'i M 1 ;- n 1:1 srn4 w CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICE3. WHEAT. Open,- HlRh- Low Clos. Ing. est. est. '.pit. rurember fi2 fi 2'4 2'!i May ttfta T' il4 '. PdRK. December 1fl-K 17 V, 1W4 May 199. Wi !' LARD. necember 22 22'4 21 2l'i May SITi 2.V4 S4 24'i CORN. necember 3 70 3.70 37 3.T7 January 8.93 3.97 S.95 a.H.'i Scranton Board of Trndo F.irlittnee QuotntionsoAII Quotation Based on Tnrof 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs Rank 140 Scrnnton Lnce Curtain Co fr i Nutlonsl Horlng & Drilling Co ... ?) j First National Rank GSO Scranton Jsr & Stopper Co 25 j Klmhurst Poulevard Co 100 Scranton Bavlnta Hank 2iW I Honta Plate Class Co 1 1 Scranton Packing Co 2"0 Lackawanna Iron Steel Co. ... 13l Third National Hank 3.7) Throop Novelty M'fg. Co ' Scranton Traction Co 16 21 Scranton Axle Works Hi Lack'a Trust Safe Dep. Co. 143 lad Economy Steam Heat & Power Co TO HONI'S. Scrnnton Olass Co 100 Scmnion Puss. Railway, first modsa"1 due 191X 110 People's Street R.illwny, first morttrnge due itilg 110 Scranton ft Pittston Trac. Co. ... 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage one. 1!'2' 110 D!c';son Manufacturing Co P) I.ncka. Tf Wiiship S"bool T 12 City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. ... 12 Horoiish of Wlnton 6 1i"l Mt. Vernon C011I Co K' Sersnton Axle Works 1"0 Scranton Traction Co W j t.niu ire n orin ?.h',uimi ?ioien j Tdluridc. Col.. Sept. i-. Nine 0 pound sacks of gold ore. valued at Jt10.0"iO, I wire stolen last nlcht from the powder magozine or the To!-lioy mine, where they had been temporarily placed. Philadelphia E'rovi-lon .llirket. Philnilclphin, Sept. 22. Provisions were In steady Jobblm: demsnd and llrm. We quote: CPy smoked beef, Ibili'c.; lcf hams, tl'i..ViaPi.7d. as to average: pork, fomily. JC.i.-filo; hams, 8. I', cttrcil. In tierces. 9'iaKi'e. ; i!o. smoked. 1h4ii12-, as to average: pbles. ribbed. In t.ilt. 4it 4'tC; do. do. smoked, 4:i.c.: shoulder", plckle-cureil,'ii'. : 1I0. ilo. smoked, U'-a ,c; picnic h:itnH. S. P. cured, &s,hi;'4; do. do. moked, Ii:i-ia7'4c.; bellies In pickle, fi';"ir'Prg ti average, loo'e, fi'-jaiPc. ; breakfast bacon, 7a7'ie., as to bnn.l and aveiage; bird, pure, city refined. In tlere. s, 4vic: do. do. do., in tubs. 4'af"-ic; do. biitelicrs', loose, " Uc; city tallow, in hog heinls, 3:i3Uc; country do., 21-a214c as to quality, and cakes, 3'c. Oil Market. Oil Citv, Sept. 22. Option oil was quoted at tl.12; credit balances. $1.12. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. lii-ii w tfrtfr -- Jicw York Produce .Hnrkrt. New York, 8"iit. 22. Fictur Firm. qukt. unchanged. Wheat Spot market quiet, firmer with options, f. o. b., Sl'-ic : uimnrl eil red, 70.tS2t; No. 1 northern, ii9'c. : op tions clofcd steady nt V1arc. over yestcr ilsv. Corn Soots dull. eRslcr! No. 2 at i 2iir,.c. elevator: 2'Vc. ttnnat; options ad- : vanced 1.hhC over yesterday. 'ats Spins more active, stronger: options firmer, more iietive; Septfmhcr, 2"rtC.; October. 21ie.: l'eceml'tfr, 21"iC.: spot prices. No. 2 ut 2?ic.; So. 2 white, 24V.; No. 2 Chl.aso. 2IH".: No. 3. 1''.c.: No. 3 white. 21 n 21 I mived western, I9n-2c; while do., 2Ha2.v.; ! white stnte. 2M29e. Provisions gu'et. ; stesily. uiichamred. Lard Quiet, firmer; ; western stenm, H.'i; ctly, J.trw; SJptem- her, I2.S7 ncmln:il: retlneil better demand; continent. M.3; Soulti Aroerl 'a. II rn; cmn prund, SiafJ. Hntter Steady, fair ile mind, unchanged. Cheeser-Quiet, lin ehanged. Kbits Firmer, fair demand: state ami Pennsylvania, lfial74e. : western fre-h, ltalti'ic.; do. case, flMai.W. BnPnlo Live Stork. Ruffalo. Sept. 22. Cattle Dull, lower for heavy steers; few sales. N.1Ta4.4!); handy an I meiPiint steady, extra heavy bulls. J.i'.a.!..V: fair to good. S2.HT,a3. Hogs Active, hiHher; Yorkers, ll.da.l .65; plKS, J1.2.'a3.4li; mixed packers, f3.Swa3.35; me dium weights, f3.43a3.50; heavy grailis, f!.30a3.40: rouiths, t2.73a3; stags, t2fl2.30. Sheep and Iambs S tea 'ly. firm: fair to good native lnmhs. ft.2.-a4.i.3; no choice here; fair to good mixed sheep, $3.25n3 W; cull lambs, f!23a3.7a; Canada lambs, Jl.VJa Chirago Lire Stock, t'nlon Stock Yards. III., Sept. 22. Cattle Mnrket steady; common to extra steers, $3.23a5; Blockers and feeders, $2.5ua3.80; cows and bulls, t1.25a3.2j; calves, f:!i1.; Texans, r-'-fithit; western rangers, t2.23a3.75. Hoes Market firm and Sc. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots. 12 803.30; com mon to choice mixed, f2.8T,a3 37': choli-e assorted, IT.30a3.4O; IlKhl, f2.fwa3.40; pins, fl.DHa3.30. Shrep Market slow and steady; Inferior fo choice, L75u3; lambs. f3aj.7. n I; Hi Willi::; Comprising STerything roqtlslta for tins lierolmnt Tilortnir. And tin im ea bu sbown to Bilrintsxe In Ids spina dialy nimd up ruum A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Eittndtd to All Rcsdiir el Tht Trllc ns to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His Naw Buslacsj Home THE I0SIC POWDER 0 rooms 1 and 2, coivlth erra, SCRANTON, PA. SIIGIKG ADD BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSB DALB WORKS. LAPLIN RAND POWDER C08 ORANGE OUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Hlaeti'lc ExDlojr. far ex plodlug Llasts, Safety Fum, ud . Repanno Chemical Co. 's EXpSes, FREE $300.00 Seal Skin Sacqus. Our ambition is to reach the 600,900 mark In circulation, making us the largeet weekly liomu magazire in the world. To ao complinh this wo have decided to Rive sbao lutely free, to eauli lady obtaiuin In the state In which she reeidos the largest numlwr uf yo ny subscriptions for The Hout hold Com ran Ion by January 1, 18117, the fluent S3UUU9 Hualakin Jacket inanufactared hy Henry A Newland 3c Co., Detroit. In addition to this unpreced' nted offor we will pay 25 cent! for eac i (ubseriptlon sent us. Our yearly sub scrlption trice has been reduced from $1.25 TO 73 CENTS. Send one cent stamped addressed wrapper fur attlncriptioa blauKu and freo sample copy of 1 aper to Household Publishing Co., DETROIT, MICH. References; Any Bank in Detroit. The St. Denis Brcidway and Eleventh St.. New York. Cj.r- Uraca Church.-European Plan, Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. in n not1ot aid unolitrmiva way thnre are f w b'tier ronducted butcU iu thj IDutropulos thiiti tie Sr. lining. The treat pupil arity it hta ecqnlreil can rendil 7 lie ti nrol to its unique lo atinn, its I.i lii il'.k iitinoMlier, tha peculUr ex ellonee i,r ih -M'.iHiue and sjrvioa, aud its very Qtoder . te pr. cos. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. FOR Dr. Van Pelt's Mon thly Kecrulatlnir Vtir. A( l1 ET ll 'table dranule i-oiii-1 V' J I VI Cm IM limiid anil iimintnin a ci.nt'ii'ioiiti truuo 11a urecimerntivAini'xhu:'-1 tloii and debility rernli:irly innidint to women or tenner ointitutmns myoiildnn l old ;!. 'J Iict have n iquid. 1 ho faculty atroiiBly r.'ti miuenil the 111. 1 errrit.tivo ch rti er tree, actit frn ttlv fcrlnl. Juveniai Toilet Co., Dept. ft I rtstiyterian Btdg.. N. V.f mm m -- BS I A Celehrnted Female Fowdprfi BpTtpr fall. ..".(eiiisair warn mu w mvm il1. hmwr fmi!d. P.rit.'tilur 4 rants. lilL Ik 'i eVUk, BMk Vi Ut AUM. ITVCJ RESTORES VITALITY. wmdkt fTfw - 'f,rs-j!i " " M THE GPEAT Made a W'l Mar. of Me. 30th tiay. proilneea the nbore reutta In 30 ilarn. It 't Ikjwi rtullr and quickly. Cum when all othrn tail VoiiLt men will renain their lot manhood. and old wi'U will reeoier their routlifiil Tmor br uuns RrJVIVO. It nntclilraad.itrely restores Nfrvno. now, l.ot Vitalltr. Iiniiotencr. Nisutly Kralsalonr-, Power, lalllns Mi-rnorr, Wastina Oiraiea.snd 11 tirrrt of aelf-abtue or exreuand indlientlen. nhlrh uuut. one tor a- nf.f. bimlanm or ssairtas. It tot oolr ciiren by atiartiua at the aeat of d-Jeaaa. but isasreat nerve toule and blood builder, brio Irs luck the pink rtIow to rale rheekaandro lorliiK the fire of youth. It ward, off fnnltv nil ( ontumplton. Innirt on birtnf RK VI V(, n iter. It can be carried iu vent peoket. bf mail 1 .OO per park we. or ail lor SS.O0, with peat .e written guarantee to cure at releua money. Circular fw. Addreaa , r isle fey y All HEWS BROS., DruiiW 1 fecraatea, pe. t High Grade Slaw, Emerson, Ealcolm Lou Clongli ft Wima, Carpenter, Vtterloa AndLonrGradssi) Very Low Pricai J, LAWRENCE STELLE 03 SPRUCE STREET. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO. U. L CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE I. strictly temperanoe, 1 new and well furnished and Ol'KNED TO TUB I'UltLIC THK YUAR ROUND, la looated midway between Hlnghamton and Scranton. on the Montrose and Irfiiks wanna Hallroad. six miles from D., L. 4k V. R. R. at Alford Station, and five mile, from Montroae; capaolty etahty-nve. three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from th. lake, wide veranda extends th. entire leofta of the houae, which is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackls, Etc. Fre. to Ouests. Altitude about t.000 feet, equalling1 la tit reapeot th. Adirondack and Catsklll Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shad, and beetitU ful scenery, making a Summer Hesort ua excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, awings, croquet grounds, etc. COT.P FPRINO WATBaf AND PLENTY OF MILK. Rstes $7 t. f 10 Per Week. $1.10 Par Day. Excursion ticket, sold at all station, osj Dm L. ft W. lines. Porter meata all trains. BALDWIN'S DRY M . Hill THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE INT It CONNELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. . i TEINWAT ft SON'S . . AsluMwkdged tas Leadlsf PIANOS Of the WafMl DECKER BROS., KRANICHB ft BACHB and ethers. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise! Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always And a eesjaMt. stock and at price. a lew as the quale y ol the faatrumeot w3l peralt at II. fl. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyomins Ave. Scnntoa ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer, of th. Celebrate in in le CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum CALL UP 3682: rnnrnnt inumiiriuritbiUKi CO. office and warehouse. 141 to 1(1 meridian street. 1LW.C0UJXS, Manager. .....Jl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers