The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 23, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Come, Beany, Hi time you wr gog to
;omolyoa your pillow your tired little hoed."
Why. Auniin, huw funny. I Jou't go by day,
Tho mm la sosuiuy. I'll go out to play."
The mil is not binlwr, my child, it it niht;
But our people una tile Su buian Light,"
Did It liver Strike You This Way ?
Drop In, WE will WIN the doubtful by our
Special Notice
ABOUT Sept. 20th our
new store will be
completed, which will be
the largest Carpet, Wall
Paper, Drapery and Cur
tain Store in the State,
aud we will show the
largest stock of new
goods in each department
ever shown in Scrautou. '
taipcfs, Draperies and Vail Pap jr.
The Si-rnnton UeuVrlcranz will elect a
musical director tonltrht.
Sntiniluy. net. 3, is the last day for tak
ing out niiturnlUutlon jiaiiers.
Jumps Connery went to St. lioimven
ture's colicKe, nt Allcheny, N. Y., yester
day to Join the foot bull team.
This evehlnir 51. W. l.owry, Chirniru
litillentlne nml Hev. Henry llurris will
address a political niei-tltiB at Olyphant.
Rev. Foster U. Gift is uttt-wllng the
North llrnneh confeivnce of the Women's
Koine mid Foreign Mtssionnry society at
humoliin Dam, I'o,
In the estutc of Harry imslnbcrry, late
of this idly, letters of administration were
Kranled yesterday to John V. JJuslnborry
by HeKlHter Hopkins.
;. 11. Hall, (1. M. Watson nnd II. 11.
Blroetnr wlil deliver mblresses to the
1'ockville MeKlnUy and Holmrt club on
Thursday evenlnt?, Sept. 2t.
fertlllentes of noininatlon of the ean
lidatea named nt the reeent Demnerutic
.oiiuty convention were filed with the
'ounty comnilsHioneis jfsterday by T. .
lennhiKH, chairman of the cuiivemiun.
, At.H o'clock toniuht In the CVnliul lie
,itiblleun cltib rooms u club will be omau
Jzed of younit men who will cast their
irst bullot at the cemlnif election. All
rueh are Invited to attend. J. SI. Wulkef
nnd John JleComb will be the speakers.
A replevin suit was begun yesterday for
U.iM feet of lumln, valued at $3:m.:ii, by
t'ulkiiw & Co. nualnst Thonius II. Sharp,
ltohert .MeKenna and the Delaware,
Liii'kawniinu uiul Western Hallroad com
pany. Patterson & Wilcox am attorneys
for the plalntlir.
Alfred Cooper, of Olyphant, pelltl'inecl
court yesterday to Krant him permission
to adopt Alfred James Ijoder, son of
James anil Manrarct Loder, ns his child
and heir. The boy's father Is willing and
Ids mother Is dead. Attorney John J.
JlunnlnB represents the petitioner.
The tlnnnre eommltteo for the stnte
?hrlstlan Kndeavor convention met last
ilt?ht In the Voiinn Men's Christian nsso
.intion bulldhiK. While the meetlnw was
orief. It develoiiod that the amotint of
money neressary to beer the expense of
the convention will be forthcoming.
The enke wnlk announced to toko place
last night In Klulny's hall, on Laekawanni
avenue, was postponed until loinotrow
nlcht, when will nlso take place a literary
nnd soclul entertainment for the benefit of
the M. T. Jones Household of Itiith, No.
Ml, nn oiKunlr-atlon of colored women,
auxiliary to the lodge of colored Odd Fel
lows, Matthew Connolly, of the N'orth End,
alleges that u few ilnyu ngo In the pres
ence of several persons, lie was called an
)ld black thief by MugKi" and Martin (iol
len, his neighbors. He thinks they plight
:o pay about &!,fK) for this laiigiiaire. nnd
lie brought u slander suit for that much
iamages yesterday against them, lie is
represented by Hulslunder & Vosbnrs.
At Ifiirrlsburx yesterday a charter was
grunted to tho Colllus-I lule Mamtlactiir
lug company of this city, whl-h has been
liialiufactnrlng furniture at Ciipouse tive
tine and 1'oplnr slit-et for some time. The
capital stock Is tw.iM and the directors
lire Arthur I.,. Collins, 1,o'ds Oeitlngir,
William M. Van Dyke, C. K. Hpnerl. Scran
ton: John Knsehendach, WIlUes-Harre.
A prayer service over the remains of W.
J. Jtobb was conducted yesterduy morn
ing jit his late home, on l.lnden street,
and the body was then taken to Philadel
phia, where Interment was made. The
pall bearers were: W. J. Madljtan. John
Bumford, Frank Shlffer. 10. ,1. Coleninn.
J. J. Colemnn and Arthur F.vans. The
llowrr-bcarers wero Frank Callahan and
C. M. Duffy.
St. Luke' Churchman for September
Just received abounds In notes of work
done, work renumed, nnd that to be done
In an early day. Out of nil we single the
remltidir of all the generous contributors
to the "Ncedleworkers' Oulld" thai their
two new nrtleles of elothln?, for the hos
pital and the poor, ure rct nested on or
before Oct. 15. The Ou'ld lias member
ship if both men nnd women, some of
them not members of the parish, but vol
untary alders In thin sjieeial work for the
Marriage licenses weri? granted yester
day by Clerk of tho Courtw John H. Thom
as to Michael Mnngan nnd Delhi C. Mul
herln, of Providence; William Taylor, of
Kirnnton, and tiunlco Jeffrey, of Dun
more; Patrick Folan and Bridget Toolo,
of Mlnonka: tleorge K. Hoblnxun and Alice
O. IMilKenn, of Carlmndiile; PnU'ick J.
Itowan and Iterthn P.olfflson. of Wilkes
Jtarre; .William Henry Watts, of New
Street, and Annie F. NolHti. of Stono ave
nue; Owen V. lilirlln and ltrldgct V. Hol
leran, of Dunmore. ,
The llternry department of tho Elm
Park Church Kpworth Lenguo hnve or
ranged a fine progrnmme for tomorrow
night, nt 8 o'clock. Tho leading feature
VIII be a debate on tho interesting ucs
lion of tho authorship of Hhokespearc's
tdays. Tim Iinconlan theory will he con
tended for by Aaron V. Hower and Frank
S. Llttell, whllo Klsca Cocker and H. H.
beldleman will uphold tho traditions of
u past. Borne good music, also, will b
heard. The evening promises to be very
Interesting and profitable. All ara Invit
ed. For tlie alleged illegal sale of the house
hold elTeets of John Capper, of Old Forge,
Alderman Wright yesterday awurded Cali
per Judgment In the sum of IllJO. The de
fendants In the case were lieorge Drake
and T. Stewart, who conduct a mercan
tile store at Old Forge, and Constable
William Davis. The tlrm had caused an
attachment to be issued for a store debt of
28 and a sule followed, notwithstanding
Capper's claim of a benefit of ?M.
Deputy Sheriff Frank E. Ryan is 111.
Robert Adams, of Franklin avenue, is
home from a trip to Kurope.
Miss Edith Morton, of North Main ave
nue, has returned from I.nko Ariel.
Miss Maggie Walsh, of Price street. Is
spending the week with Stroudsburrf
ltegister W. B. Hopkins was at his of
fice yesterduy attir u week spent ut Tunk
haniioek. Miss Margaret Dlscon, of Dodgetown,
has returned from Croton, N. V utter a
live week's visit.
Miss Mat tie Kate, of Carhondale, Is be
ing entertained by Miss Uertrude Orbits,
of Franklin avenue.
Miss Catharine Scnnlon and Miss Annie
Cooiicy, of the Metropolitan, attended a
buniiiei at Ciirboudalu last evening.
iCinest 1!. Oerdnir, who has been vis
iting hi.s pun uis. at HM.s Dickson avenue,
returns to Juliet, 111., loiluy, where he
has charge of the spike muUiineo in the
large Juliet mills.
Annual Inspection Will 'J'nKe I'loru
This Aftc innoii-I,iiic of .11 arch.
The annual parade unil inspeclon of
the (Ire department nnil nlso of the
police department will tube place this
afternoon. The firemen will turn out
in their dross uniforms, uml the tire
engines, liiisti cnrrlaucs, niul nil other
city property will be polished up in the
neatest style to make the best possible
appeu ranee.
At the court house bell will strike
one tap nnd this will be the signal for
tin1 parade to move. The lino of march
will be from Jefferson to Spruce, to
Franklin, to Kightli, counterniurchln?r,
lo Adams, to Pine, to Washington, to
'iibriiii, and countermarching ugilin.
The review by Mayor Uuiley. member
nf councils and invited guests will oc
cur at the city hall on WiishliiRlon ave
nue. Police inspection will take place at 1
o'clock in front of idly hull. Chief
Holding will be in charge and Mayor
lliilley will inspect. All police not on
duty will Join the firemen's parade Hint
will march at the head of the line.
Afler the police will come tho Forest
band, nnd then tho carriages. Chief
llkikey nnrl Assistant Chiefs John Tim
lin, Fred Wuriike. M. McManus, l,ou!s
Sehwnss, J. J. O'.Malley, and ChnrlcH
Jtuynor will march afoot at the heud
of the companies nnd the bands.
Should n lire occur tltirimr the par
ade only the companies In the district
will leave the procest-lon to respond to
it, and it will be the duty of the assist
ant chief bavins? charge of the district
to see Hint there is 1's little confusion
ns possible In such an emergency. He
will hnve absolute control of affairs
at the lire und his orders ure authori
tive. The vlslllnjr compnnles In line will be
the Taylor Hose company, guests of the
board of enulnecrs. and the Crystals,
of Jermyn, guests of the Nay Augs.
Homo lor the rricuilless Is the Do
readmit in nu Anion lor J,'00.
Edward V. Hates, of Syracuse,
brought suit for damages in the sum of
'J.r,uil yesterduy against the Society of
the Hume lor the Friendless Women
and Children of Scranton.
Mr. l'.ates was one of those who sent
In scaled propofals for llttinjr the new
building of the Home for the Friendless
with a heating and ventilating system.
Charles H. Scott was the lowest bidder,
but his proposal did not comply with
all the requirements, and the contract
was let to Mr. Hates, who was the
next lowest bidder.
Hefore the contract was executed
Mr. Hates nllorjes that the managers
reconsidered their action nnd received
new proposals. Mr. Scott was the low
est again, and his second bid met with
approvfil, und the cimtiuct was award
ed to him. The amount of the contract
is between Sd.non and tT.OOU and Mr.
Hates says he is damaged to the amount
named in his suit, because on the
strength of being given, the contract
primarily he exended large amounts
of money in procuring material to be
gin the work.
Au Austrian Laborer Severely Injured
. nt I'cclivilli".
Alex Meipar, of Olyphant, employed
In the mines of the Xew Yoik and
Scranton O'miI cimiat.y, at IVckvill.'.
was F(iieej!"d betwvin can ea eruay
nnd sustained a fructure of the r g it
I k above the ankle. The tksh above
the point of fracture Is fcvetely lac r
at. d. end lie r.l-'o is stiffeilng iron it
dl located collar Imne.
The iimbulanc1 co- vcy d h'm to the
Erickawnnna hoppltvl, whuv hi in
juries were attended to by Pr. Fish.
He Is an Austrian nnd uiinn.r.h d.
In in-rn I of Mr. Wiianer.
tin Monday afternoon the funeral of
Mis. A. M. Wagner, mother of Fred
Wagner, of this city, took place f 'oin
the home of her granddaugliti ;. Jim.
William P. Morrow, of Wilk-r-:- ...
Services were conducted In St. lV.u!':,
Lutheran church, Wilkes-Hnrre, by
l'.ev. M. Conrad, of Plttston. nnd burial
was made in Dunmore cemetery.
O lira u one-it.
Mr. J. Alfred Pennington's first or
gan concert of the renon at Elm Park
chti'ch. occurs n Fr'djy evening at S
o'clock. Miss Caroline Wolf, soprano,
will assist. Adrrlifljn fie". Silver of
fering. Inspection
Of choice and select Fnll millinery.
Wednesday, Sept. 23. M. A. Fried
lander & Co., 503 Spruce St., opp. Court
I.ndioi' Jackets mid Cupes,
tho newest winter novelties at Brown's
Bee Hive.
Auction sale of furniture nnd carpets
at 400 Jeff, rpon avenue. This morn
Inn at .3U. A. K. Han Is, auction
eer. Lady C'nshicr Wnntcd.
at Haslacher's M;lllneiy store, 324
Lackawanna ave,
Dr. II. F. Reynolds, Dentist,
Williams Bldg., opp. postolflce.
Of choice and select Fall millinery,
Wednesday, Sept. 2.1. M. A. Fried
lander & Co.. COS Spruce st., opp. Court
Display of Fnll Millinery
and trimmed hats and bonnets at
Urown'a I3ee Hive.
Jordan's' butter cakes and coffee, 10c.
ANTHONY In Scranton. Bept. 22, Will
iam Anthony, at the home or his brother,
K. B. Anthony, 414 North Main avenue.
Funeral uotic later.
Contained in Letters Seat to Them by
Attorney W. W. Watson. ; ,
.11 r. Watson Also Sent Letters to
-Mayor Uuilcy and Attorney Price.
No Agreement About an Aniicablo
Ac!iou--Arrc8t of WorUmeu Or
Uercd.. Mayor 11ns Not Vet Signed
Itesolutiuua l'nssed by Councils.
That squabl le between the city and
the Providence and Ablnston Turnpike
com! any over the repairing i f ll at
I or. Ion of the Abington turnpike with
in the citv Is stili far from settlement.
Maynr Bailey has not i-ined the two
Impoitant resolutions which
a b pted In common council Monriay
nlKl't, but Is not the id Rht at
doubt that he will do so. On le olu
tloti cbre ts the street commissioner to
cause t'.ie anvst of ar.y compat y em
ployes found working on the londway,
and the other directs the city solicitor
to petition te pits ni grand jury i
condemn the thoroughfare.
To n Tr'bunt repirter yesterday
Ma o - Hal'y s I I h hud not i fflx d
his signature to the two measures re.
fened to; hmv.vcr, h" would tot atiti
that he would not do so. On the eon
t ary there was sullicl nt impl citlon
given ly him that he would sign
them. This was Indicted ly h's di
recting tliu street commison-r e.iry
In tl.e day. and before the papers trim
the precedira night's rouncll mesllnv him. to go to the turnpike and
cause the of any company em
ployes that he might find working
tl ore.
M. anwhlle the company was no;
idle. I rei idert Pnlr.e nnd W. W. Wf-t-son,
th comn iny'.i attorney, attended
Monday right's meeting. What th y
hi hi (I ami saw nt"st have prompted
tl.em lo can e the issuanc of n letter.
It Is a p In ed t'ocmenl nnd wns s'nt
to ivcry n ember of iach brunch of the
euundis Apintcnt'y P is meant to
c nv y the 'mprcssl n thnt If cotinull
men were pren iiv it fnm d m all
Hides of the dl jm:e Ihey w .ill 1 net rtlf
feiently. The 1, iter b gins as follows:
"Ilefcre any r.idbal meinins ar
tak dl In regard to ihe Prov'denc at d
Ablngten 'lurnilke and Plauk Heal
company, 1 would l'k' to cill your nt
tei timi to a few facto." After set:ln-j
forth a number of fa ts with reference
I I Hi.- i.Hi ute. the letter, under the
head of Section (I, tontulns thid
chiichlrg iirguniert: "It is said. It
i-eonis, that the c mpany has no right
to re air that part i f the ria l, r.ot-wlt!'.s;a-
ill;ig It Is not In tevu r. Pi
you l elleve it? If you do, why not let
the Tur. p!l;e lompany repair the mad.
beniuso if the company hai n i riB-it
lo r. pair, surely It cannot colleit t e
cost fnm tho ilty and th tixpv.cri
of the city would g t the ben fit of th"
money expended." "It s not
true that the pompnny has refused to
h ive any liispule I question d'termined
by the courts in n civil action. Nor Is
It tme, us asset tnd, thnt the company
agreed to 1 lirg suit before this date or
at any pp clil ilnte." The letter 18
slgne 1 by V. W. Wo son, attorney fO;
the company.
Although comtany workmen were
sal ' 1 1 be repni'lng theiond early ys
tetday mutnlnx, they wcie not on the
ground when Street Commissioner
Kinsley went there to ciuse their ,r
test, ns directed by the mayor. That
Ihe mavor's order was not a "bluff, '
was indicated by the fact that the po
lice patrol wagon and officers were
ready to respond to a tel. phone call In
case their n-rvlecs were needed. Tin?
f llowlnr I'ltT was s nt to Attrrne
Price jesterdny by Attorney Wat.on:
Me. S. II. Price, Attorney for tho'cily of
My Dear Sir: As there has been conald.
cmlile In tile newspaper alleging that
lucre was nu llKi ei iiiciii in me Hll inn Plllilu I
action In couri in l to the Tu-npiKe
enmpiiny, I address you lo say that ,
Turnpike company is mil yet advised what
question you desire submitted lo the court,
wlnther it Is the right of the Turnpike
company lo repair the road, whether the
road is owned ny ine city or owned Ly
the company or ; v.'hether lh' ngt'eenieiit :
ed Muy II, ISsh. is valid or not.
Now. If' you' will' advise us what ones-1
Hon you desire determined by the court, i
und It Is a proper mutter to be so deter- ;
mined we win oe pe-uM'ii 10 join you tnere
in. Very truly yours,
V. W. Watson.
Attorney for the Turnpike company.
This is a copy of a letter sent to
Mayor Halley:
Hcrnnton, Pa., Bept. 22, 1SIH1.
To the Honorable James (. Halley, Mayor
of the city of Sorunlon, and Other of
ficers of Said City.
The Providence and Abington Turnpike
iiiki riiiniv ito.ui company nereiiy
Kiiowieoge me
receipt of your notice 1
served upon i ihc president of said company '
;'.''..fl'u1:',..V'!!,y.?.i?1'',t,:,.U,i,.t ,hei
iu ui nei union nun iti-cciit-i uie leruis i
o! the contract executed the Hill day of
Mnv, 1810. between the subl Turnpike com-1
puny ami the said city, wherein the city
uureed to keep tile roud running from
I'loviiicnoe corners to i.cgKctt's creek
bridge In as good order und repair as the
said Turnpike company were bound bv
I'm' If. tl ..,., tirl.i,' In iUa nVA....'
lion of sail contract. And further that : lelRh will appear in Old Maine." Th g
the city Intends lo provide and muiniiin Is what the Syracuse P. st say:j of the
proper fenci s and guards at points el' ; atttn-tion: "'In Old Maine,' as pr.
duiiger und to Indemnify tho company nted nt the Wlct ng laat evening bv
livm expense and loss or damage growing f , DaiU h-h and his c mpany. Is a
out of any iieclert or negligence of Ihe ..., ,,,,, ,,.,.,.. u. , '..
city In the premises, and In which vou gav Jll.w 1 loc, im " ''t'oi y ts, i .., el .-nt.
Hu.U ild company and nil per.-or.s who are Th w"nd act. II: st scene, wis ul nut
ei, tas!. d In work upon said road .n-e here-, as preity as Syrn-ltso has veen In
bj nollded to cease nnd leave the same, th ,
c.;y nuving imree.i 10 neeepi ine terms in ,
said contract and undertaken Ihe liability '
repair und keep In order the road afore-,
"i'lie Turnpike company is gratified to i
receive this notice, and u:-si:nie thut the '
city of Hcrnnton is now ready to fulfill !
in good faith the terms and conditions of 1 To lovers of (Ine art in the drama,
sai l agreement and comply with the no-1 there'll be clad tldlrius in the 1111
ci'imay" B " Turnpike nun(,( m( ,nt of thp forthcoming pre--
' in addition to the acknowUdgmrnt of 1 'T.Uthn at the Frothinghniri, Friday
your notice we desire to give you nnd the "!Hl SaHrd.'y niehH. of "S C'ct S r
clty of Scranton the following nolle,-: vice," Wl.llam Ollbtt-'s latist work.
First That '.he Turnpike company de. by a cunp ny of Chirl'S Frol'.m'n's
mands that the road-bed of said r.iad, not i clever plavers. Mr. Frohman hen
recently repaired by the Turnpike com- mounted the niece. It Is said, in liN
pc.ny, be miu-udamized; made an even sur- ., ,. , ,tm .i i, ' V J 1
face and so nearly level In Its progress um'"' "V"'1 f -sl!.rn 'P ' M tenv
thnt It shall In 110 ohice rl-e or fall more ,to ltH' mt'.-rpretation. b.-Fldes Mr. C. l
than will form an nmrle of four (I) de- l'te himself. Amy Rushy, Odette Ty-
grees with n liori.'.orlal line as rerpilred hy '
said contiact nnd ihe Act of Assembly In
inch cases made and provided.
Second That said road below whero the has been recently repaired by the
Turnpike company Is In bad condition, full
of hollows and ruts nnd not un'mii'-!
face und that the guards along said road
nredown and worthless and no protection
iiuulnst Injury, and in fact were insuf -
li.lcnt for guarding purposes.
Th'id The Turnpike coinonnv further
gives notice that it will? "jj! compHam-e
with your request, cease further work
upon snld road until the 1st lnv of Octo.
her. 1W. and unless the city of Scranton
on or before that date proceeds In good I
faith to speedily put the road In the con
dition above mentioned the Turnpike com
pany will, for its own protection and for
the benefit of the traveling public continue
Its repairs thereon.
Fourth That the Turnpike company In
sists that the repairing of the part of the
road as now being done by the city of
Scranton is but a pretense and does not In
any manner comply with said agreement
or the Act of Assembly for the maintain
ing of the road.
In our judgment the way tho clly is
now working upon said road Is a waste of
public moneys and we may further add
that the macadamizing recently done by
the Turnpike company covers about nine
hundred feet of the roud from Leg.
Belt's creek bridge to Providence Corners,
and tins cost one hundred and rlxty-sevon
dollars and fourteen cents ($1(17.11.)
Therefore to properly muriidatnlse the
whole distance, to wit. 7.W7.3 feet, w'll
not necessarily cost over l,5n0 and the
Turnpike company Is ready to do It for
the city for that sum.
. w- w- Wnjton.
Attorney for the Turnpike company.
City Assessor! Infolded Their New
Plan of Making Assessments.
The twe'nty-one assistant city assess
ors recently appointed were called to
gether In the select council chamber
lust night and Instructed as to the man
ner of making tho new assessments,
ordered by the buurd of revision and
The plans as agreed upon by the
board, Charles 8. Fowler. William
Daivton and Chris Ftckua were un
folded by President Fowler. It is pro
posed to make a new and complete
assessment without consulting any for
mer assessment books or following any
customs that have obtained In former
years. The most deidded departure
from the methods heretofore followed
Is the system of arriving at the value
of a property.
The statutes provide that a property
shall be assessed at what In the opln
Ion of the assessor It would bring at a
...nn, mni-. i.iiM.'u., jvnt n in, a niiiKiii is u i o-ueienuant with the city,
value was computed by taking the ac- and Michael Heap, of West Market
tual value and dividing It by three In Btreet, is plaintiff.' He wants $5,000 for
the cuse of land and by two in the a retaining wall built on part of his
case of Improvements. The new as- lot. Attorneys J. Alton Davis and C.
sessors have determined to make no Comegys represent him, and City So
distlnetion between lund and Improve- licltor Torrey and Assistant City So
nients and Intend to assess each at one- licltor D, J, Davlcs are for the defend
thlrd their netunl value. In the matter ants.
of new buildings tho actual value, will j Mr. Roup's property Is on West Mar
be arrived at by consulting the price : ket Btreet; or to be more specific It
stated on the building permit. commands a fine view of the scene
The board or assessors themselves where the bloodless battles have re
will endeavor to fix the values through- eently been waged between Street Com
out the whole city. They will nt least ' nilssloner Kinsley and Weather Ob
give their personal attention to tho server Paine, president of the Abing
buelness wards. The details such us ; ton Turnpike company. Hy an ordln
the enumeration of horses, cows, dogs, : ance passed away back In 18SS provid
etc, will receive the attention of the . lug for the construction of a Ptone cul
iiHsistiints, who will nlso cover what- I vert on West Market street, Mr. Knight
ever other work the assessors will not : was given the contract to make the lm
be able to attend to; The assessing ' prowmont, and It is alleged by the
will hegln next week and must be com- i plaintiff that not only a large strip
pleted before January 1, 1S87. j of his lot was taken to build the wall,
City Engineer Phillips attended the j but the wall has damaged his property
meeting ond explained to the assessors i by making access to and from the
th Intricacies of the city maps upon
which the assessment will be based.
Wants Means with Which to Carry on
lis Work During the Coining
Winter Months.
At the meeting of the nssoelnted ;
i; hiirltles lust night, the depleted con- ; finished in the morning. Tho parties
ditlon of the treasury and the near : ilvp ln Montdale, or Brown Hollow, up
approach of a winter which promises ; n round P.lokelv. There was a differ
to be one of the worst this city has cnoe between tiiem as to the ownership
ever experienced ill the mutter of hard- I ,,f some horses, wagons, carriages,
ship amoii-j the poor, were about tho : harness nnd household furniture. The
bole to;ilcs of discussion. Thut the . jury's verdict was as near nn equat
board mlaht be In shape to continue the .division of the property in illsnute ns
jrood work it has beetle doing and lo i could ho estimated. The whole lot Is
meet the usual demands that are ex- . worth nhout l.0fi0.
peeted Vlie-i the cold weuther sels'ln The other interpleader suit cam to
it wns resolved to make an appeal to an ending. Judge Arc-hunld
the .nubile. The following was ordered withdrew a Juror and continued It. W.
published in all the papers: j J. Pugelholl and Lewis Pugelholl,
Many hundreds nf-.iir people are out of brothers, were plaintiffs, and R S. Roy
work, cold weuther is upon us, and coul, muds was defendant. The former were
clothing and food ure needed at once to represented by Attorneys W, It. Lewis
pruvidu fur the necessitous. The Hoard nnd J. Alton Davis, and the latter by
of Associated Charities has exhausted its I, Tl. Hums and Frank T. Okell. The
funds entirely To eoiitlniie our work we Hiigelholls are mine contractors, en
are compelled to appeal to thoe who can ,,, j ,,, i,..-!-.... i T .......i..
spare from their plenty something for the d I" ''llslm-ss In Luzerne county,
poor and destitute, lionatlons of money ',1'cyt'i'ide a contract with II. M.
etin he sen tu ihe treasurer, William 1'. Miller to furnish them with $!M)0 worth
Smith, Third Nationul Hank building, of machinery, air compressers, dril's,
Donations of fuod and clothing can b ; etc. When they prepared to move the
delivered at police In udipianeis, city hall, muchlnery Chester Cummer came for
!'i," ''.'f-'il'".1 f?.!,"t,,',oir,.,':lV''n1!0i wn''' " Informed them Miller had
unto coal'wlll please notify the a'gent of I
the boar
ard from where the coal can be di- !
livered and th oiinnlity.
1 lie need ror all these supplies is very I ammer elnlmcil a partnership Inter
urgent, and we earnestly appeal lo He est with Miller In tho machinery, and
public to put us in position to help tho;that he was not consulted nor did he
X beor hun'coM lX ! "'"V I?.
It should also he remembered by tile
public when plvlng that this organization
cares for destitute and Ill-treated children,
supplies u nurse for the sick poor, finds
employment, as l'ur as possible, for men
ami women uud mliil.Nltm to distressed
The bourd'H agent, Mrs. Uuggun. re
ported having Investigated 'M cases of
which 17 were found worthy ,nnd as
sisted In the following ways: Furn
ished employment, 0; furnished trans
portation, H; sent to hospital. 1; sent
... ,,, iil.nuir,. f,. unnt ti Fieinill'niir
J" " e i re?em u t dlst.dct atlor ley
oome, 1. rereiietl to Ulsi li t Blluille,
referred to chief of police, 3.
Mrs. Duggun also reported that she
had had nn application for help from
Andrew Columbus, u son of the woman
who grinds u small music box on the
a, avelulea. .luy 'nnd night. In
the family are not in need and further
that common report has it that they
huve money In bank.
Thutsdny evenlpg Kmllr Bnncker
and her lino rupportlng company will
again be seen at the Academy of
Music in thut del g'otful nb-urdlly,
"i.ur Flut." TIij come y lllust atej
tho 1 umorors s de of lif - in n fashion
a' le apartment house. It li biimful of
I umor, and mbt:iees rld'culous titua-
tions, lut imrerneiih th re Is a string
,.o nf Int. rest wb'eh holds the nt.
t,.,,t:on much more th in the niatb'-to.
order fun of the svernge modern farce.
,ci, . o,,m,,n,' lnol.,,lj u'ili
V. "J ', ,. V.
Mandi-vlDe, Phlllti H. Ityley, t.eorgo
W. Parsons and Uher prominent com -
At Davis' theatre Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week l.'an Dar
some time. Mr. Daileigli's make-up. u
n aKe-up which nature rave him.
, npltal. and he cured himself throurii
1(, ;y w;t e-inscb nt' IM-
f'?:. rnl'.i' 1 h. lhe waif' wa' cliver
' C'" part.
ler, Campbill ( iolliin, Walter Th.'mns
and others of the best nmonrr his
f. r:e.
At the Academy of MupIc on Friday
nnd Saturday evenings, with a Sntur
jny mntlnee. Harry Mnrtell's origh:nl
"S Ulh H fire the War' coin pin v will
. be se-n. It Is n picture of Sru'thirn
1 1f , ln ..inv..v ,L '
!P f!nV(iy days, lulntfirg oet the
Pfeulln-ltlej and fun-loving qualiti.s o.'
the col re 1 penide. The comranv Is
composed of fifty prfo-mors. mainly
colo e the innln phnrmloro t,r'A,-r.
beinit taken by whPe artists, who
Fta-il in the fruit tarki it their pro.
ft Fslon. The slrirlng of the company
Is Inspiring nnd tle rich melody awak
ens the tnu-ic-lovlng eou! tj sympa
thetic fellowship.
In U nt's lints nnil N'cckwriir,
a full assortment of fall novelties at
Rrown's Hee Hive. Agents for the Pr.
Jaeger sanitary woolen goods.
A li Your Denier
for McGarrah's Insect Towdor. 25 and
10-eent boxes. Never sold ln built
Take no other.
Opening nt M. Ackorman's, 207 Penn
avenue, Wtdnetdjy and Thursday.
Harris, the nuctioneer, will sell fjurnl
turo and carpets at the residence of
captain Hlnes, 408 Jefferson avjenue,
una morning at
Case Pot
ei Trial Before
Clnirat Five Thousand Dollars Dam
age Wns Dona to His Lot on West
Market Street by tho Construction
ofa Retaining Wall nt the Culvert.
Interpleader Suits Disposed Of.
A suit for damages against the city
WaS IlUt On trllll In nlwll nnnrl
; tirday afternoon. Contractors Anthony
street very Ineoiivlent.
After Mr. Womegya opened the case
to the jury he offered Mr. Heap's deed
of the lot in evidence, and today wit
nesses will be called on the part of the
plaintiff to prove that the retaining
wall built when the culvert was con
structed has lessened the value of his
property to the extent thut ho Is en
tilled to a large meusure of damages,
The cases on trial before this were
interpleaders. The suit of Harry Smith
nirnlniil AT ITtii'la JB, 11pa,v.oi. ..-ft,ll.
u:u lu.cnn' ia m,,,,,i af,....A., .
'"' rPnt a am hl Bot
juncuoii uoni uie court 10 resiruin
them from taking possession of It.
sale of the property to the Hugelholls,
While the Injunction was pending,
tho New York Powder company hml nn
execution of $:!.rifl entered against H. M.
Miller and Chester Cummer. Mr. Cam
tner paid the judgment and mused It
to be nsslgned to It. S. Reynolds. The
Iskuo was framed to determine the
pwnershlp of. the machinery, but the
and To-florrow
Opening display that'll show the drift
of Fall Styles nod set the pace for the new
season. We want everybody to see, If only
to see, the great value of this display ap
pear in lis relation to the latest und most
Kpproved styles.
Today and tomorrow, remember.
133 Wyoming Avenue.
(Musical Dlrcitnrnf tlii First Prcshy. .
Uiiaa Church J
Teacher of I'iano, Organ tuiJ
Ilariuony: Also the Art of Accom.
ruityinj; i':tti;;ht Sttiilio at Uesi.
sidenjjof. the LATE IIURR KOPFF,
wi? AJum A,.,,,,,, t,
M2 AUjnH
Includin? tho pniulcts extracting of
tetli by an eatiisly now proo.s.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
tl EracsCt, Opp. Hutcl Jermyn.
The Selections
Of the World
find their way to this carpet
stock. We are not content
with buying from om maker.
Each must yield up his best.
In this way we get a varied
and beautiful stock. Our aim
is to give perfect satisfaction
to every one. . Nothing in
misrepresented. You get solid
spend with us.
Opposite Wyoming House.
record showed that the execution on
which the sheriff had taken the 'Inter,
pleader. Is not now In force because
the judgment was satisfied by Mr. Cam
mer. It was the opinion of the court that
the condition of the record did not sup
port an interpleader that a replevin
waa the proper proceeding to take and
a juror waa' withdrawn and the case
waa continued.
The finest teaa and coffeea can be
bought at the Scranton Tea store at
reasonable prlcea, 625 Lackawanna avenue.
Tailor made fall suits and overcoats,
latest styles, John Ross, 307 Spruce
Htcnni Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howlry, 231 Wyoming ave.
Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams
avenue, -
Try Jordan1 one-half minute stewa.
The King of PilU
U Beechara'a
Must Be Sold Before Nov. 3,
Regardless of Cost.
They Stand 16 to t
423 Lackawanna Avanm
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
SEPT, 24, 25 AND 26
ros. .
Jlusic Store,
(The Standard of the W'crld,)
I vers Si Pond
(With Patent Suit-Stop, )
(With Compensating RodJ.)
Norris & Hyde
(.With Transposing Keyboard.)
other excellent
makes. Prices and terms
on application.
value for every cent you
Lackawanna Avenue.
tiffin P fiflfi
Jill ulJulW
Wonderful Values
this week,
The prices quoted are bat
samples of tho saving items
through our 6tore. Every thrifty
man or woiuau will appreciate tho
Early Fall (Capes, which were
sold at $7; sale price - $3.50
Cape $5; sale price, - - 2.50
Cape $3-50; sale price, - - 1.50
Early Fall Coat, which were sold
at $8; sale price,
Coat, $7; sale price, -
Watch this space ror our Fall
Have your Furs repaired by the
only practical furrier ln the city.
Pattern Bonnets
and Hals
And rich and Artistic Aut
unin Novelties.
II. LANGFELD, Successor,
324 Lackawanna Avenue
Sixty Candle Power
It is no use of Laving an old tIyle
lamp when you can set the best for
little moacy. Call and examine our
231 m An Cpp. I&ptist Cburco.
Mlddle ol the Block.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOtrr.B from T.S0 a. m. to p.
ni. (1 hour Intannlsalon for dinner and
Particular Attention dlvea to Collection
Prompt tettlemtnt Omrantced. Vour Hut
ouu I. Vcspoctluliy Soi,clteU. Telephone 144.
" mi