THE SCILANTON -TRIBUNE-FKIDAY MORNING, SEPFEMBER 18, 189, 5 Horrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. 'TTa found i new sua," said a native or Bars, 'It's brilliant and glowing as thousands of stars." M toe wise old astronomer answered, "Not so. lis naught but a One incandescent glow, 'lis tbs same old earib nude wondrously bright By using The Suburban Electric Light." Did It Ever Strike You This Way ? ackawanna THE .aundry. Drop In, WE will WIN the doubtful by our works. Special Hotice ABOUT Sept. 20th our new store will be completed, which will be the largest Carpet, Wall Paper, Drapery and Cur- . tain Store in the State, and we will show the largest stock of new goods in each department ever shown in Scrautou. (at ptts, Drspdes and Wall Pap?r. I j7 WYOMING AVE. CITY KOTJKS. The grand jury will make Its second re turn this mornlne. William J. Robli, proprietor of the Crys tal Palace, Is danRcrouxly 111. On Monday next tho Lackawanna Pres bytery will convene In tho Kirst Presby terian church at Towamla, In semi-annual fe.won. Michael Slltzan, alias Max Stoln, charued with false pretences, was released on i'M ball ycttenlay. John Wilczek quulllled as bondsman. The investigation of thr coroner's jury In the case of William Huike, who was roasted ly mis In the Dickson shaft, will be made this morning. At the Central Republican club's room tonlRht a Yonnir .Men's Republican ilnli will be formed and all the younK men of the city are cordially invited to attend. The Hist meeting of the McKinley and llobsrt club, composed of workmen em ployed in the car shops, will be held at noon S.'rturdny and will be addressed by Major Kverett Warren. MarrlaKe licenses were granted yester day by Clerk of the Courts John H. Thom as to Paul Jones nnd Annie Kllza Judson, or Old Koine, Frank I.. Luft and Minnie Schumacher, of the South Hide. .Mrs. Ann Hosnn, widow of the late John Ttoiiun, died at her residence, Fourth street. Ku".eral Saturday morning at U.30 o'clock at St. Peter's cathedral; Interment in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. County Surveyor K. A. n.irtl, I. A. Phil bin ami C. Reynolds llcdfoi'd, were ap pointed yesterday by the court as viewers In the matter of vacating a road in tho First ward of Archbald borough. JuriKe Archbald naturalized nbout thirty foreinncrs yesterday. Twenty-four were from Forest City. Naturalization court wns held In the arbitration room. Oct. 3 will be the last day for taking out citizen papers. An execution amounting to wns filed in court yesterday auutnst C. M. Flo rey, James H. Holt and Stephen Jones, of Florey & Holt. 8. W. Little Is the holder of the Judgment. Tho sheriff has not served the writ yet. The shoe store of Mary E. Reynolds. 109 Wyoming- avenue, was closed yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Frank Ryan on un execution amounting to JJ.uiM entered up by K. I.. Weeks. The sale will tako I' lace on Friday, Sept. 23, at 2 p. m. The Chautauqua circle of the Younsr Women's Christian association will hold th first meeting tonight nt 7.45 at tho rooms. The courso of reading will be of special interest this year, as the French nnd Creek studies will be pursued. A gen era) invitation Is given to women and girls to Join this class. Attorney Cleneral McCormlck, at Harris burg, is engaged In combining in the shape of one report of the views of Mine Inspec tors Stoln, Roderick and Brcnnan, who epnducted the investigation Into tho Twin shaft horror. After the attorney general has completed his work It will bo re viewed by tho Inspectors. Chief Illckcy and Mayor r.nlley yester day witnessed an exhibition spurt by the Niagara Hoso company's new team on Wyoming avenue yesterday. Tho new team Is a pair of well-matched western bays, weighing about 2,f.00 pounds and pos scssinir good speed and endurance. They were purchased from Frank Cobb. Hon, Ben Tillman, tho pitchfork sena tor from South Carolina, wns in this city yesterday for a few minutes while en route from Klmlrn, where ho spoke Wednesday, to Plttston, where he delivered nn ad dress last night. A number of well-known Democrats shook Mr. Tillman's hand at the Pelawro, Lackawanna nnd West ern stntlon, while he was waiting for tho Plttston trnln. Mrs. Florence Lilly, administratrix of the estate of her husband, John Lilly, by her attorneys, Taylor & Lewis, began a re plevin suit yesterday against Patrick Gol. den, ex-conncllman of the Sixth wan!. Messrs, Golden and Lilly were In partner ship In the scavenger business, and nfter they dissolved Mr. Oolden took from the barn on West Lackawanna avenue n gray horse valued at $iVl and a harness worth J25, which she claims ho had no right to. Dr. II. F. Reynold", lriitit, Williams Bldg., opp. postoffloe. GRIEVES INJAILAOAIN. ftaurrendcred n Second Time by Hit Itoutlsmnn. W. H. Grieves is having hard luck with his bondsmen. First, after he was Jailed for shooting Dr. J. It. New ton, Michael Gibbons, nf Mlnooka, went his ball when the doctor's condition was such as to denote that he wan out of danger. Grieves was not long out Jsvhen Mr. Gibbons decided to surrender htm. After spending a term in jail, James Btello went his security, and now yes terday Mr. Btelle obtained a ball pleco and hadOrleve. committed to the coun ty Jail. Bead Williams' Business College ad Ml VETERANS HAVE A J0Y0USREUNI0N They Fought to the War In the One Hundred and Thirtysecond, P. V. WANT TO HAVE A TABLET ERECTED Members of the Itcgiment Took a Prominent Part in the Battle of An ticlam and They Want n Memorial Tablet on That Historic Field. O (liters Electcdllanquct at the Wyoming. About the streets of the city might be seen yesterday middle aged and venerable men wearing a light blue silk badge; it might have ' n noticed, too, that most of them displayed on their coat lapels the little bronze button Indi cating membership In the Grand Army of the Republic. The badges signified that the owners were survivors of tne One Hundred and Thirty-second Penn sylvania volunteers. They held their annual reunion here yesterday, the pro gramme including a reception through out the morning In the Lieutenant zra S. Griffin post rooms, a business meet ing in the same place In the afternoon followed by a trolley ride and a hanuuet at the Wyoming house last night. Tho survivors .present were from nearly every county in this section o the state. They began arriving at 8 o'clock, many of them being accompa nied by their wives, and when the roll was completed over eighty names had been recorded as follows: J. L. Fields, Danville; Joseph II. Hale, Danville: Thomas Jones, Danville; N. Fer ree Light ncr, -Philadelphia; Samuel Lun ger, Danville; L. X. .Miller, Danville; An gus Wright, Danville; F. C. Wlnteimute, Maiich Chunk: John Hates, Catuwlssa; Rev. II. It. Fortner, Uracil Haven; C. F. Harder, Catawlssa; L. T. Rider. Hlooms burg; A. II. Sharpless, Catawlssa; Dr. I. W. Willlts, Hluomsburg: V. H. (Ulniot, llloomshurg; O. H. Hendcrsliott, Hloonis buig; Samuel It. Johnson. Xescopeck; Isaao Roadarmel, Hloomsburg; C. 1. Sloan, Illoomsburg; George R. -Gabriel, Wilkcs-llurre: John C. Higglns. Clark's Green; J. 11. Ilavenstrite, Dalevllle; L. D. Kemmerer, Faetoiyvllle; Andrew Lande slckel, Hansom; John It. Powell, Clifton; Joseph Pellam, Waverly; George M. Sny der, Avoen; W. D. Snyder, Gracedale; Peter Selgle, Dunmnre; George X. Colvln, On.'onta, X. Y. ; Beth A. Cnbli, Fnctory vllle; T. J. Chase, Wllkes-Harre; W. 8. Fnrnharrf, Mill Cltv; D. D. Gardner, Fnc toryvllle; S. 'P. Ingham. Nicholson; O. K. Reynolds, West Nicholson; W. II. Reyn olds, Factoryvllle: J. W. Reynolds, Fac toryville; 1'tler Turner, Factoryvllle; J. W. Stark, West Nicholson; Harmon Stark, West Xlcholfon: M. V. Kennedy, Dalton; George W. Conklln, I'tlca, N. Y. ; H. V. Finn, Dunmore; Renjainln Gardner, Honesdalc; Lyman S. Milrov. Danville; Louis G. Reed, Taylor; William H. Smith. Mauch Chunk; Orlando Tavlor, Nicholson: George A. Wllcott. Halisfead, and these from Scranton: Colonel F. L. Hitchcock. M. D. Humes. John It. Foln, Thomas llarrowman, Wlllium Krtinlx I '.rooks A. Hhss. Downing Parrv, John Fern; John S. Short; James Archbald, George Smithing, Thomas H. Allen, Rich ard Stlllwell. W. It. Haslett, Charles li. Scott. Isaac Parmlter. George II. Taylor. Charles Hn mill, John Wcstpfahl, John W. Jones, George C. Wilson, o. 11. Wright, Conrad Young, K. c. James C. liegraw. Stephen Moonev. Charles Pont ius, James I. Randolph, W. H. Seeley. BUSINESS MEKTINO. At 2 o'clock the business meeting In tho post rooms was opened by First Vice-President C. P. Sloan, of Hlooms burg, owing to the absence of Presi dent James FoBter, who Is ill at his home in Danville. Officers were elected as follows: Thomas Rarrowman, of Scranton, president; II. T. John, of Mt. Carmel, Hist vice-president; T. J. Chase, of WHUes-Iiarre, second vice-president; D. J. Newman, of Scranton, secretary; and F. C. Wintermute, of Scranton, treasurer. The last two olllcfcrs were re-elected. The following committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions of condol ence on the death of Colonel V. M. II cox, of New York city, commander of the association, and present them to the deceased's family: Clark Harder, of Cntawissa; Colonel F. L. Hitchcock and D. J. Newman, of this city. A committee was appointed to con sider the feasibility of petitioning the legislature for the erection of a One Hundred and Thirty-second regiment memorial tablet on the Antletam bat tlefield. In this battle the regiment bore an Important part. It was of the Second corps. The committee Is John Fern, of this city; N. F. Llghtner, of Philadelphia, and Colonel Hitchcock, of this city. It wns advocated that a regimental tablet be pluced in Memorial Chapel at Sharpesburg, but no decisive notion was taken, though the matter was ijuite fully discussed. A feature that pleased tho gather ing was Colonel Hitchcock's presenta tion of an Antletam souvenir to each one present. The souvenirs were even ly cut chips from the well preserved roots of a stump that was on the bat tlefield. AVIlkes-Harre was selected for the next place of meeting. This wns tho seventh reunion. When the regiment left for the war it was commanded by Colonel It. A. Oakford, of this city. The other officers were Lieutenant Colonel V. M. Wilcox, New York city; Adjutant P. L. Hitchcock, Scranton; Quartermaster C. V. Neal, Bloomsburg; Chaplain A. H. Schoon maker, Franklin Grove; Sergeant Ma jor F. J. Dcemer, Wilkes-Harrc, and Surgeon J. W. Anawalt, whose later whereabouts are unknown. Originally the members were mostly from Lu zerne, Carbon, Bradford, Wyoming, Mohtour and Columbia counties. BANQUET AT WYOMING. Instead of the customary meeting with long speeches and the like, which obtain at veterans' reunions, a banquet was substituted as the means of afford ing the evening's enjoyment. The af fair was held at the Wyoming. With the wonted gallantry of a Boldier the veterans brought their ladles along and the banquet was all the more enjoyable for that. Thomas llarrowman was president and Colonel F. L. Hitchcock chairman. Among those who were called upon for speeches, reminiscences and the like were Colonel M. L. Jones, of tho Ono Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania volunteers; Moses Morey, of Griffin post; F. J. Amsdcn, Oiip Hun dred and Thirty-sixth Pennsylvania volunteers; John T. Howe, Ninety third Pennsylvania volunteers; Dr. H. If. ltlshop. A. Conrad, N. F. Llghtner, F. C. Wintermute, George Conklln, John Fern, Thdrnas Allen, Rev. H. H. Fot tner, C. F. Harder, A. H. Shurpless. D. J. Newman, Edward C. Youmans and George N.Colvln. Those who attended were: Alderman and Mrs. O. H. Wright, Mrs. L. Purdy, James C. DeGrant, Dr. Martha M. DeGraw, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Reyn olds. ThomaB Jones, N. Ferree LlghTner, .Mr. and .Mrs. L. D. Kemmerer, Miss Katie Lsndslodel, Andrew Landsiedel, Dr. H. II. Thrcop, Colonel Meredith L. Jones, Rev. H. H. Fortner, Thomas Harrowman, Col onel and Mrs. F. R. Hitchcock, Clark F. Hnrded, Daniel J. Newman, George C. Wilson, Moses Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Scott, I'ncle John Annemnn, C. H. Hendershot, Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Sel gle, A. H. Shnrpless. F. W. Willlts, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Snyder, 8. R. Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Young Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young:. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foln. Mr. und Mrs. Samuel Sunger, Mr. id Mrs. Henjumln Uanlmr, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Farnham. Mr. and Mrs. John Fern, J. W. K-ynol'N. George N. L'olvln, Lloyd T. Kider, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sehot, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Thomas, Lev! M. Miller, Lyman S. Mil rov, Isaac Roadarmel, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gllmore, Miss Henrietta Pontius, John Westpfuh), Mis Anna Pontius, Charles Hamm. Miss Edith Rloek, John L. Field, O. W. Conklin. K. C. Wintermute, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Allen. Mr. und Mrs. Fred J. Amsden, Alderman and Mrs. John T. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Randolph. Mr. and Mrs. W. il. Huzlett. At the conclusion of the banquet a motion was passed thanking the local members of the regiment for the very elegant manner In which they enter tained the visitors. COLONEL FAIRMAN'S PREDICTION. New Jersey ill ivc nn t'oprcce deuted Republican Majority. Colonel James Falrman, of Scranton, Pa., who has been campaigning In New Jersey, visited national Republican headquarters In New York yesterday, says a New York dispatch. "I expect," said Colonel Falrman, "to see New Jersey give an unprecedented Republican majority, though It win not all be constituted of Republican votes. New Jersey lias a great many Dem ocrats who feel that they were be trayed at Chicago and propose to resent It at the polls." COMMITTEES AT WORK. Arranging the Details (or the Big Chris tian Endeavor State Convention. Address to the Citizens. '.Lart night two Important meetings of Christian Endeavor committees were held and transacted business relntlve to the approaching state convention to be held here Oct. 6, 7 and 8. The com mittee of '6, the main executive body, met In the Young1 Men's Christian as sociation building, and the reception committee, which has over 200 mem bers, met in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church. Other cities have been lavish In their decorations during the convention periods, nnd, that Scranton may be equally emphatic In Its welcome of bunting, the Committee of '90 decided to Issue a public request for generous decorating. The following open letter on the matter was approved: Scranton, Pa., Sept. 17, 18M. To the Ruslness Men und Citizens of Scruntoii. The tenth annual state convention of the Young People's Society of Christian En deavor will be held In Scranton on Tues day. Wednesday und Thursday, Oct. ti, 7 ami 8. It will brin to the city at least 4.0UO visitors. While it will be primarily a religious gathering, still the effect of such u lurse number of delegates In (ho city will be felt in business circles. Scrun ton's welcome should be commensurate with the magnitude of the convention. The committee of "W, the executive com mittee of arrangements, therefore requests that business men fittingly decorate their stores, nnd citizens their homes, to give expression to a cordial welcome to all del egates. The convention colors are to bo red and white, anil there is ulso a special ly designed flag. Hoping that there will be tt generous response to this request for decorating the city, we are, for the com mittee of ', Charles E. Daniels, Chairman, Committee of "X; D. A. Stone, Chairman, Decorating Committee. It was decided to hold the final re convention rally In the Penn AVenue Iiaptist church on Thursday night, Oct. 1. The arranging of a programme was relegated to Rev. V F. Gibbons, Rev. W. II. Stubbleblne and C. E. Daniels. Places for holding- committee confer ences on Wednesday of the convention were designated ns follows: Social, First Presbyterian church; lookout, Second Presbyterian church; prayer meeting, Penn Avenue Iiaptist church; temperance and citizenshp, Grace Re formed Episcopal church. Miss Delia P. Kvans and E. S. Will iams, chairmen of the mammoth recep tion committee, presided over the ses sion of that body. The committee Is one of tho most Important attached to the convention machinery and Is com posed of ten members from each of tho twenty-three societies In the city. Each of these bands of ten Is headed by a lieutenant and the whole Is divided Into four groups representing the central city. West Side, North End and Green Ridge. There are four captains, one for each group. Thus the work of so large a body is carried along without confusion through Its two chairmen, four captains, twenty-three lieutenants ami over 200 members. The reception committee will meet all In-comlng delegations and escort them to designated headquarters In certain churches according to an already es tablished schedule by counties. ILLEGAL PROCEDURE ALLEGED. Artiir Frulliingliaiii Causes the Arrest of a Constable nnd His Landlords. During the absence from the city of Arthur Frothinghnm last week Colonel Meridith L. and W. Gibson Jones, his landlords, proceeded to have him sold out for a rent bill amounting to $500. Deputy Constable E. C. Yeomans, of Alderman Howe's court, distrained his household effects and proceeded early Thursday morning to inake the sale. According to Mr. Frothingham's (statement, tho constable and the land lords went to his house before his fami ly had arisen, entered by unlocking the front dour and in ruinninglng nbout the house and frightened his wife Into hys terics. Ho also contends that the sale wns advertised for Friday and that their writ was defective. For all this he hnd the constable and landlords arraigned before Alderman Miliar yesterday afternoon. The hear ing was set for 2 o'clock this afternoon. PRESIDENT SEAMAN'S RESIGNS. Firemen's I nion lipid a Sliinly At tended .Meeting Last Night. The Firemen's union, organized for the purpose of booming this city for the next convention of tho State Fire mens' association, met last night In the city clerk's office. The attendance was small. Chief Durschell, of the Dunmore de partment, presided. The resignation of President C. S. Soamnns wns received and accepted, but nn reconsideration a committee of Captain James Molr, P. Yoos and F W. Zlzcltnann was appointed to see Mr. Seamans and request him to wlthdrnw his resigna tion. The committee having charge of tho ball to be held at Music hall on Sept. 3, the date of the annual parade, was In structed to go ahead with the arrange ments now under way. Tailor made fall suits and overcoats, latest styles, John Ross, 307 Spruce street. . Ktcnm llcntlng nnd Plumbing. P. P. & M. T. Howley, 231 Wyoming ave. Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams avenue. DETERMINED AIR OF ATTORNEY WATSON His Opinio Qlves an Inkling of the Turnpike Company's Stand. THEY ARE EVIDENTLY IN EARNEST Willing; to Have a a Amicable Action at Court, bat Repairs to the Road IMust Go oa Undisturbed in the Menntinic-F.xccrpt from the Opin ion I'ndrr Which the Company Is flaking Its Fisht. When the attorneys for city and the Providence and Ablngton Turnpike company met In Alderman Millar's of fice yesterday morning' to war over the arrest of President H. E. Paine and his gang of workmen on the previous day, tt was mutually agreed that the prosecution should be indefinitely post poned and that the differences between the city nnd tho company should be submitted to court in the form of a case stated. S. 13. Price, the city's attorney, also agreed to advise Mr. Kinsley not to further Interfere with the company's workmen, feeling satisfied that the city will win In the long- run, and the com pany will not be able to collect the cost of the repairs from the city. Mr. Watson, attorney for the com pany, said he could not do otherwise than direct his clients to continue the work of repair. In an opinion on this point submitted to the directors on Sept. 8, he said, after reciting the law on the case which holds the company privately responsible for the condition of the road: MR. WATSON'S OPINION. What shall this company do? As I hnve shown the ollleers or tne company are lia ble to bo arrested and Indicted. The only stranne thine to mo is that we are not all of us arrested and under Indictment. Per haps It Is because the traveling public do not know the law. That wo are liable to Indictment nnd have been for weeks and. Indeed, for months Is beyond question, and If 1 were not & member of the company and was compelled to travel over this turnpike nnd pay tolls 1 would have the ollleers of the company Indicted at the next court of Quarter session and I would proceed against the company nnd recover every pennlty provided by statute and thua compel this company to provide a suita ble roadbed, u good road, one that would accommodate the traveling public and comply with the Act of Assembly. Of course, It Is tho duty of the city to put the roud In such repuir, but the Pity, as I have said, refuses or neglects to do t nnd It is therefore the bounden duty of this company to proceed at once to repair that portion of Its rond. The fact thnt certain officials of the city threatened to arrest or enjoin the of ficers of this company If they go upon that portion of Its rond to repair the samo Is of no earthly account. It does not re lease this company of Its duty In any re spect whatsoever nor does the fact that the street commissioner has gone upon that part of the road and shovelled the rubbish out of the ditches und has levelled down the ridge that the city made In the road while constructing a Bfwer therein make any difference In this regard. Nor is the company released, of Its obligation if there nre some places In the road above tho bridge, not In proper condition. CITY HAS DONE NOTHING. The city has done nothing, absolutely nothing, toward repairing this road. It has not fulfilled Its agreement to keep this road In repair any more than If It had never done anything upon it. It is, tlaVefore, my direction, so far os I am authorized by tho company, to di rect that the president of this company proceed without further delay to repair that part of the turnpike from Leggett's creek bridge to Mulley's Corners, and thnt such repairs commence nt Leggett's creek bridge nnd be continued down the line of the road. That coarse stones, so far ns Is necessary, be broken Into the shallow places or hollows until the road shall be of the level provided by the Act of Assem bly and that crushed stones then be placed upon the surface of tlm road until It shall be macadamized and In good con dition ns provided by law and by resolu tion of this company. That the president of the company or some person authorized by him keep an exact and correct account of the time of the employes working upon the road and of nil the expense incurred In repairing the samo and that a sworn statement of the money so expended be rrade.j 1 to the city clerk each month and payment of the same be demanded of the city, and that If the city refuses or neglects to pay the same that suit be instituted and the moneys so expended recovered from the city. 1 will only add that. In my judgment. If the present board of managers of the Providence and Ablngton Turnpike and Plank Roud company tins not the courage to do Its duty In this regard ami carry out the plan herein suggested the board had better resign nt once and permit the stock holders of the company to elect a board that will do Its duty under the law nnd tho decisions of the courts. All of which is respectfully submitted. Mr. Watson also directed a letter to Mr. Paine defining his duties In the premises and telling him he should not be swerved from his duty by the inter ference of any of the city officials. Mr. Paine and his workmen recom menced operations yesterday afternoon. Instead of simply grading: and levelling1 the road they are building a solid and substantial macadam roadbed and In case the city should come out second best in the litigation now on, it will have a bill of repairs of very robust di mensions to meet. RICHARDS-K00NS NUPTIALS. Ceremony Performed in the Chase Residence on t'lny Avenue. The wedding of two of the city's prominent personnges, Mrs. Josephine C. Koons and John T. Richards, took place last night at the home of th- former's brother, E. E. Chase, on Clay avenue. It was a very quiet affair. No form al announcement of the event had been made, and It wns attended by only the Immediate relatives. Mr. Richards and his wife left Scranton early this morning and will Ball for Europe to morrow. Rev. Dr. James McLeod, of the First Presbyterian church, was the officiat ing clergyman. There was no formal ity of any kind. The bride wns attired In a stylish, brown colored traveling suit, nnd the groom was In conven tional business dress. Following the ceremony, which ' took place at 9 o'clock a collation was served. Mr. and Mrs, Richards left here for New York city at 1.40 o'clock this morn ing via the Lackawanna road. They will sail in the Umbrla tomorrow morning, and will be in Europe for about two months. The brido Is a member of the city's most prominent social element. Her splendid executive qualities have caused her to be identified with the management of many semi-public af fairs In the First Presbyterian church, of which she is a member, and in other interests. Few women, her acquaint ances say, could be possessed ' of a cheerier manner or affability and tact than she. These qualities have won for her a large and loyal circle of friends. Mr. Richards Is reputed to be the wealthiest of Scranton's younger and self-made business men. He Is an un defatlgable worker, and to this energy and his aptitude for handling exten sive schemes of finance and business may be attributed his unusual success. He Is an ex-cashler of the Merchants' and Mechanics' bank, one of the exaeu- tors of the large Handley estate, and has extensive real estate and coal In terests. Ho goes to Europe with the other executors of the estate to Investi gate the claims of certain alleged heirs to the Handley millions who reside In Ireland. CONVENTION NEXT TUESDAY. Democrats of the First District Will Name a Candidate. At a meeting- of the Democratic standing committee of the First Legis lative district, held In the St. Charles hotel last night it was decided to hold a convention in O'Donnell's hall. Prov idence, next Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock to nominate a candidate to op pose John R. Farr. The primaries will be held Saturday between the hours of 4 and 7 p. ill. The following wards were represent ed at last night's meeting: First ward, T. F. Durkln; second ward, Thomas Golden; Third ward, Benjamin Cuslck; Fourth ward, Benson Davles; Sixth ward, John P. Mahon; Fourteenth ward, James McCormlck; Eighteenth ward, Patrick Langon; Twenty-llrst ward, Michael Gray. These named vigilance committees for the different districts who will con duct the primaries. The call for last night's meeting was Issued by Benson Davles, the candidate two years ago, and F. M. Vandllng, the chairman of the convention. After waiting until 9 o'clock for Mr. Vandllng the commit tee then proceeded to business with out him, and elected John P. Mahon chairman and Patrick Langan, secre tary. The names of several new candidates were mentioned yesterday. They are: P. O'Connor, the North End newsdeal er; Jacob Smith, a North End grocer, and William Luce, a young West Side business man. OPENING OF EVENING CLASSES. Branches Thnt Will Be Taught at John Raymond Institute. Classes in twenty-six different branches will open at the John Ray mond institute on Monday evening, Oct 5, as follows: Arithmetic, grammar, reading, spelling, American history, penmanship, business correspondence, commercial law, bookkeeping, stenog raphy, typewriting, music, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, archi tectural, mechanical and free hand drawing, plumbing, sign painting, steam and gas pipe tittlng, woodwork ing, mining. Membership and tuition fees from $8 to $12, acording to studies. Call for prospectus at Young Men's Christian association office. MRS. BAILEY ADOPTED. Has Become Heir to Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Obcr, of Penn Avenue. Judge Edwards granted a decree yes terday permitting Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Ober, of Penn avenue, to adopt Julia Fries Bailey, wife of Mayor James G. Bailey, as their heir with all the rights the same as if she was their child. The petition was presented to court by Attorneys Beers and Grambs. Mrs. Bailey was born in Williamsport and 1s the daughter of Adam and Elizabeth Fries. She came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Ober on May 18, 1864, when she was 3 years old, and lived with them, being all the time known as Julia Ober, until her marriage to Mayor Bailey on May 2, 1895. APPOINTED TO HAZLET0N. Father Aunt W ill Kntcr I pon His Duties There Next Sunday. Rev. Richard A. Aust has been ap pointed to the pastorate of the Polish church at Hazieton made vacant by NEW l 1 I Caps, Walking Hats and Sailors. In your visit this week a liberal sprin kling of new Fall Headwear will be ob served. In this respect our store may be likened to a huge rose. Another week will see It blossomed Into full bloom, filling every corner with Head wear loveliness. Aa R. 5AWYER, 13a Wyoming Avenue. REEVES JONES, CONCERT riAXIST. (Musical Director of the First Preiby tcrian Church.) Teacher of Piano, Organ and Harmony; Also the Art of Accom panying Taught. Studio at Resi dence of the LATE HERR KOPFF, 30'2 Adams Avenue, Scrnnton. I SETS Of ra, tt. Including the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new procu. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., W Same St.. Opp. Hotel Jermyn. CARPET We are in the carpet busi- ness. We have a fine stock of carpets in varying degrees of quality. The degrees start with Good, and then go on up. We would like to sell you a carpet. Look about and see if you haven't room for one. Change the parlor carpet to some other room and put soma fresh bright- ness in the parlor. The best room in the house ought al ways to be "best." SIEBECKER & WATKINS, the appointment of Father Domblnskl to the South Side. In other words they have exchanged places. Father Aust will assume charge there next Sunday and his successor will do likewise here. Father Aust returned yesterday morning from New York city, where he went Monday with Father Dom blnskl and Father Gramlewlcs, of Nan tlcoke. to attend a meeting of the Im migration commissioners. On the train which Father Aust came home on, a young man attempted to get off at Bethlehem before the stop was made and he was dragged under the wheels and his legs were cut off above the knees. He was a Catholic and Father Aust gave him the last rites of the church. The injured man died before the train resumed its course. Board of Pardons to Meet. Harrlsburg, Pa., Sept. 17. A regular meeting of the board of pardons will be held next Wednesday. There are twenty one cases on the list. Th King of Pills U Beecham's.- BEECHAM'S. 100 ) Host Be Sold Before Nov. 3. Regardless of Cost. They Stand 16 to 1 LOOK IN OUR WINDOW BERRY, THE JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Avanm TRY ONE OF I CELEBR1IED 0 H IMS The finest quality of Hams sold in the city. We will match them against any Ham sold by other stores for 14c. per pound. They are of a delicious flavor and are sold by Clarke Bros, at the EXTREMELY LOW PRICE 01 9 C Per Ib POWELL'S fiusic Store. PIANO SPECIALTIES : Chickering (The Standard el the World,) Ivers & Pond (With Patent Soft-Stop,) McPhail (With Compensating Rods. Norris & Hyde (With Transposing- Keyboard.) And other excellent makes. Prices and terms on application. ?4EWS. f" , 1 ..... I si iii wmmm 406 Lackawanna' Aroa, ANOTHER RARE OPPORTUNITY. flu Cimi Remarkably Low Prices. LADIES' CAPES. Ladles Cloth Capes, formerly $2.S0, sale Price. 93a. Ladies' Velvet Capes, formerly $5.00, sale Price, $2.59 Ladles Silk Capes, formerly $6.00. Sale Price. $2.98 LADIES' SUITS. Ladies' Outing Suits, lined with silk, full skirt, formerly $11.50, Sale Price, $8.98 Ladles' Blazer Suits. In all . wool mixed goods, formerly $10.00, sale Price. $5.93 Ladies' Black All Wool Serge Suits, formerly $12.00, Sale Price, $7.00 Fine Milan Braid 'Sailors, worth $1.40, Sale Price, 39a LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Which were sold at $1.19, 98c. and 75c, Sale Price, 39o. Ladies' Fine Dimity Shirt Waists. formerly $2.50, $1.75 and $1.45, Sale Price, $1.19 INFANTS' COATS. Infants' Long and Short Coats, silk and cashmere, formerly $3.50, Sale Price, $1.19 Infants' Caps, formerly 35c., Sale Price, 10s Now Is the time to have youi furs repaired by the only practi cal furrier in the city. J. BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Avenua, High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Glongb & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo And Lower Grades a) Very Low Prices. J, LAWRENCE STELLE, S03 SPRUCE STREET. RIDING AROUND THE RIM Of n teacup out of oar dinner set would not hurt it In the least. We are known to handle the beat ware at lowest prices. S31 Penn Ave. Opp. Baptist Church. Middle of the Block. BTEINWAY SON! . . Ackaewledgcd toe Leading PIANOS OtU. WwtsV DECKER BROS., KRANICHB BACHB sad otksfa. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urch.ser. will slwsys find cenptrt. stock and at prices a low a the qual ity of the fn.trwmcnt wUI permit at N. A. n nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Are. Scranton 1 S7 Bl f HATS AT V ' Dunn's 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers