The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Eallyaud Weekly. No Sunday Edition.
FsblUhrd t Bcranton, P . by Tbt Trlbeo Vtb
lUliluf Company.
C. . KINOSBURV, hn. 0,i
C. H. MIPPLC, Sjee-v Tmu.
LlWt . NICNANO, Kuroa.
W. W. DAVIS, HUmms.
W. W. VOUNOS, Am. Mtn'a-
New York OfflCR Tribune Fulldlni, Ttwk &
tiny, Manager.
Vice Fresldent-OARRET A. HOBART.
Congressmen - at - Large aALUBHA A.
Comnilssloners-S. W. ROBERTS, GILLS
Auditors-A. E. KIEFF.R. FRED I
Senate. 21st District col- W. 3. SCOTT.
Representative. 1st District JOHN It.
FA11R; M District A. T. CONNELL;
3d Dlstrlct-UH. N. C. MACKE.
Mr. Thaohrr, the Democratic nominee
for governor of New York state, went
to Chicago a gold man, but Is now run
ning on a five coinage platform. He Is
not. however, likely to run fnst enough
to create much Interest In the race.
Frank lilntlf will have a walk-over.
Mr Merrlfield Acc;p.s.
The nei.eptuuee by Mr. Horrific! .1
yeotcrduy cf the Democratic congres
sional nomination ppvns up a fair and
square IseU" to the voters of this coun
ty. On the one hand stund Protection
to Atii'i,lci,n Industries, an honest cur
reTicy w orth 100 cents on the dollar the
world over, reciprocity, resolute en
forcement of law and order, nn Imie
liendent and unsullied United States
Supreme court and a business Ilka and
competent administration of the a flu Irs
of lhe national government. On the
other hand stand half-lint money, un
checked mob rule In time of riots, a
packed Supreme court and a tariff iys
tcm which In thfpe years of operation
has cost the country In direct money
Ions more than the comblnel money
costa to North and South of the great
civil war. The Issue, It will be per
ceived, li one of principle, rithe - than
of men. Hence It Is to be hoped that
the canvass will be kept free from
mean personalities, and that the deci
sion of the people may a reached fair
ly and In good spirit. We are sure that
by such a decision Mr. Connell and his
miiIorter will cheerfully abide.
The antl-Platt Republicans ot the
Twenty-seventh New York district, re
inforced by the Democrats, have nomi
nated Hon. J. J. Belden, of Syracuse,
fot congress, against Major Poole, the
rcpular Republican nominee. The
fight is a revival of an old factional
trouble and In either Issue a good man
is sure to win. Hut to an outsider dis
claiming detailed knowledge of .the
situation It Is amatter of regret that
this test of factional strength Is not
deferred until some more Butiable year.
The Eclipse ot David B. mil.
There is more truth than poetry In
th- Washington Post's remark that
"six weeks ago lion. I). II. Hill was
one of the most important men in the
United States. Today he stands shorn
of all bis consequence an Insignificant
and imponderable Integer without
weight or Intluenco or value. Six
weeks ago Mr. Hill could have created
a sensation and exerted an influence
by announcing; his plans and purposes.
Today he Is a mere individual voter,
like any cabman or roustabout. The
Democratic organization vyalted for him
to speak waited with anxiety as for a
great and skillful leader. He has failed
to speak, and the procession has passed
him by. No matter what he Says af
ter this, he will not be heard or heed
ed." In Intellectual ability Hill is a great
man. In the subordination of all ap
petites, instincts a fid other considera
tions to the Indomitable and relentless
motive of political ambition he has
Jons; been foremost among the human
phenomena of our time. But as in the
case of most men who make a god of
their sreed for power. Hill has lacked
the saving quality of conscientiousness,
and therefore at a critical moment has
failed where a man of greater regard
for principle would have scored a pro
nounced success.
Hill ha no one to blame but "himself.
A man capable of winning the highest
. respect and possessed of gifts that
would with proper direction place their
possessor on a pinnacle of popular ad
miration and esteem, he has deliberate
ly chosen the role of the opportunist
in politics; has deliberately sought to
trifle with the moral verities upon
which alone true success is builded. In
fair weather his sandy structure
loomed up picturesquely, but it needed
only a storm to demonstrate its in
trinsic flimsiness.
Infinitely superior in brain power to
his historic rival, Cleveland, Hill to
day presents toward Cleveland a pit
iable contrast. Cleveland at least has
been true to his convictions. He com
mands even in misfortune not a little
personal admiration. ' But as for Hill,
there la none so poor as to do bint -rev
e renee. He trilled with an emergency,
and It in return has shot him Into the
depths of popular derision and con
tempt. ;
It is possible that the far South may
remain solid for Bryan. It is a com
munity still largely at the mercy of
the Ignorant and unsophisticated vote.
But sooner or later the ' South will
have to desist from. Its traditional sec
tionalism and get In step with the
times. It will have to do this for its
own sake.' It cannot afford not to do
The Case of the Farmer.
It is figured out that the average
consumption of wheat in the years 1894
and 1895, in this country, when times
were bad, was 33 per cent, lower thnu
in 1890, when times were good. The
per capita consumption In 1895 was 4.C4
bushels; in 1894, 3.41 bushels; average
for the two years, a trllle less than 4
bushels. In 1890 the per capita con
sumption was 8 bushels.
In 1894 and 1895 the price of wheat
averaged about 60 cents a bushel. In
1890 it was OS cents a bushel. I will
be been that the deollne In price corre
sponds very closely with the decline In
the home demand, although also af
fected In the long run by the vast In
crease In the world's wheat acreage
which hag been taking place in recent
years, and with which our surplus crop
is brqusht Into competition in foreign
This brings us to a subject which
every farmer can understand the fall
ing off in the home demand. What
caused It? Who Is responsible for it?
Not the gold Btandurd, for that had
been In compltfo operation for fifteen
years. Not the Republican Protective
taiiff laws, for they produced the larg
est per capita consumption of wheat
by the busy tollers of the land on rec
ord. What could It have been, then,
but the "dehelt only" Wilson tariff bill,
supplemented later by the agitation In
favor of a debased currency?
No legislation under heaven can can
cel the consequences of natural over
production as Illustrated in the great
lvent Increase In the world's wheat
growing area. One of these Inevitable
consequences is a fall In price. But
Piotectlon and Sound Money, as rep
resented by McKinley, can put the
mills and the factories at work again,
cause Idle labor to And re-employment
and thereby make It possible once more
f?r hungry mouths to get the required
amount of food, and all this is sure to
b.'peflt the American farmer.
Bryan threatens not to appoint a
man like Carlisle as his secretary of
the treasury. Probably Altgeld would
be more after his style.
Let Us Have Peace.
At the conclusion of his victorious
fight against the Penrose-Durham con
tingent In Philadelphia David Martin
said: "This is the end of Republican
factionalism, I hope, and we will all
now drift together for the good and
welfare of the city and the country."
It Is possible that this remark has a
deeper meaning than appears on its
surface. It Is well-known to persons
familiar with state politics that within
a comparatively brief period of recent
time overtures have passed between
Mr. Martin and Senator Quay for a
truce and If possible a peace in the
fruitless and bootless war of the Phila
delphia factions. Just what farm these
mutual negotiations have assumed can
not be told, but on both sides it is be
lieved there is fiank recognition of paBt
errors of judgment and confession that
party Interests as well as personal In
clinations require a speedy termina
tion of the strife.
At that time, however, factional riv
alry had already set up opposing can
didates for party honors in connection
with the county nominations and the
campaign had progressed so far as to
render Inexpedient the retirement of
either ticket. The subsequent victory
of the followers of Mr. Martin comes as
an expected consequence, and clears the
field for a renewal tf negotiations in
the direction of party harmony. From
every standpoint of party Interest it is
to be hoped that the importunities of
understrappers Interested personally in
the prolongation of hurtful dissensions
will not be permitted to avert a recon
ciliation nor force upon the party the
unwelcome and undeserved burdens
which such a continuation of purely per
sonal animosities would carry with it.
It is the rule of good politics to pay
small heed to ancient history. Tho
man who makes a practice of nursing
private grudges In political life sooner
or later comes to grief. Between lead
ers of the experience and sagacity of
Quay and Martin it ought to be possible
for an understanding to be reached
which would involve neither personal
reproach nor future peril to the party.
Both have the ability to comprehend
the futility of Indefinite .guerrilla war
fare and the manifest advantages of a
new era of reconciliation and reason
able subordination of personal to party
Colonel McClure has not forgiven
Judge Gordon of Philadelphia for sun
dry passages at arms that have oc
curred between in the course of pro
fessional business. After alleging that
75 per cent, of Judge Gordon's unaided
decisions have been reversed on appeal
the editor of the Times says: "A judi
cial automaton, with a guessing ma
chine attachment, could decide cases
correctly about half the time, an at
tainment that Judge Gordon has not
reached; and such a judge would have
other advantages than those of greater
accuracy. An automatic judge would
make no stump speeches; would end
the vocation of the shyster; would make
Insult of witnesses impossible; would
bring no scandals on the administra
tion of justice, and would be sublimely
economical. True, about one-half the
cases tried In such a court would have
to be tried over again, but Justice would
be hastened over Judge Gordon's ad
ministration by reason of its greater
accuracy In the aggregate." The bar
of Philadelphia, however, doesn't share
Colonel McClure's opinion, nor is there
any danger that a judge who has no
opposition at the polls will fall of re
election in consequence of one jour
nalist's bias.
On June 24 of this year at Saratoga
the Democrats of New York In state
convention assembled declared them
selves "opposed to the free and unlim
ited coinage of silver in the absence of
tho co-operation of other great na
tions." On Sept. 17, of tho same year
they "unreservedly endorsed" at Iiui
falo a national platform, adopted In the
Interval, which "demands the free and
unlimited coinage of both gold and sil
ver at the present legal ratio of 16 to
1, without waiting for the aid or con
sent of any other nation." From June
21 to Sept. 17 Is not quite three months.
It might be well for some one to In
form the Democratic nominee for con
gress in this district that It Is nowhere
proposed to continue the "ruinous finan
cial policy of Grover Cleveland" an
other four years. He is evidently mis
Informed on that point. The intention
of the Republican party Is to substi
tute for Mr. Cleveland's "ruinous" pol
icy a policy which will enable the na
tional government to pay current ex
penses without the sale of bonds, and
which will afford to the producers of
America adequate protection from de
structive foreign competition.
The cry of "full barns but empty
pockets," to which Mr. Merrlfield al
ludes, began to be heard about the time
that the Democratic party set to work
to reconstruct the tariff. It has been
heard with increasing emphasis ever
since, but no one had for years heard
such a cry prior to the last election of
Grover Cleveland. This doesn't bear
out the contention that it arises from
the operation of the gold standard, for
this country has been on a recognized
gold standard since 1879.
Says the Buffalo News: "The way
the York state sllverltes clamored for
an endorsement on the back of the Chi
cago ticket recalls the practice of a
newspaper man down In Scranton, who
made all his checks payable 'only after
personal presentation to me.' He used
to pay the checks, but when they were
Issued they were no more than a decla
ration of more or less remote intention.
They had to be ratified by him later on."
Couldn't you give the newspaper man's
The thanks of The Tribune are due to
William O. Johnston & Co., ot Pitts
burg, for a copy of a pamphlet pub
lished by that firm entitled "The Vot
er's Guide." It is the compilation of
Hon. Jesse M. Baker, author of the
Baker ballot law, and in addition to giv
ing a thorough explanation ot that law
it answers almost every question that
can possibly arise in connection with
election usages in this state. It Is a
rich bargain at the price of 25 cents.
Tho theory once was that Bryan was
no politician, but the way in which he
larrups the administration bolters and
bids to the feeling for party regularity
In the South shows that he is by no
means as young as he looks. He will
be defeated, of course, but he will
leave behind a nice mess In the inner
precincts of the Democratic party.
It is true that this government has
lost over $150,000,000 while trying to
prop up a limited coinage of sliver; but
it isn't true that it intends to remove
either the limit or the props.
It is announced that Gorman's health
will not permit him to take an active
part in the management of Bryan's
canvass. This announcement follows
the Maine election.
In New York city 13,000 children
were turned away from the public
schools on opening day because of
lack of room. Tammany must be ex
pecting recruits.
They are calling Palmer's the cam
paign of the Four Hundred. ThlB may
truthfully express its elite quality but
as a mathematical proposition isn't it
rather large?
Senator Faulkner avers that Secre
tary Carlisle's parity letter will give
the Popocrats thousands of votes. They
will need 'em.
The secret of Bryan's coming to
Scranton Is probably that Garman
needs him in Luzerne.
One thing at least is certain. David
B. Hill cannot much longer refuse to
fish or cut bait.
Concerning Maine, Bryan "had
nothing to say." But then, what could
he say?
William J. Eryan may his tribo de
crease Awoke one night from a sweet dream of
And saw within the moonlight's silver
An angel writing In a book of gold.
His last great speech had made Will Bryan
And to the presence In the room he said,
What'writest thou?
The vision slowly raised Its head and in a
voice all made of sweet accord an
swered: "The names of those that love the LorJ."
"And is mine one?" said Bryan.
"Nay, not bo."
Bryan spoke more low, but cheerily still.
And with that tremulo In his voice he said:
"1 pray thee. then, write me as one who
loves his fellow men."
The angel wrote, and vanished, and the
next night came again with a great
awakening light and showed the
names whom love of God had blessed,
and lo! Will Bryan's name had been
rased I '
. From the Times-Herald.
Is It Triie That '
Gold Is Cornered ?
From tho Times-Herald.
One of the stock statements In common
use among the silverltes, volubly made
alike on the platform and on the streets,
is that gold Is cornered. That the Roth
schilds, the Uelmonts, the Morgans and
other conspirators, generally known as
"the money power," have formed a com
bination to make gold scarce and dear,
thus oppressing all who have to borrow
and all who are In debt. The object of
these conspirators is to ruin debtors and
confiscate entirely such securities as havj
been put up. thus bankrupting those to
whom they have loaned money and bring
ing untold disaster on the world. The sll
verltes allege that this is the result of
"tho crime of 1S73," and was the object in
view when that "crime" was committed.
When asked for proof of this astounding
conspiracy they only offer the addltionnl
allegation that there Is no gold In clrcula
tion among us and that banks will not
pay It out of their depositors In the usual
course of business.
Now. If gold Is cornered It must be cor
nered In Europe as well as In the Cnlted
Btiites, in London and Paris as much as
in New York and Chicago. To coiner a
commodity of such world-wise use as gold
It must be made scarce everywhere, so
that those who want It must be compelled
to go to the cornerers and pay their price
for It. else there would be no protit In the
adventure. When men have attempted to
corner wheat they have had to forestall
the supplies of that grain coming from all
quarters and It is because, as a rule, they
have not been able to do this that wheat
corners have proved disastrous to their
projectors. But there Is not a tittle of evi
dence that the gold supply In Loudon and
Paris, in Berlin and St. Petersburg, is any
less than It ever was, or that men hnve to
pay premiums to obtain It. That this la
true is evident from the largo shipments
of gold now being made to this country In
the usual course of business. They must
have plenty of It over there. To corner
gold the conspirators would hnve to obtain
possession of or control all the gold In the
world, not only that which Is now In the
form of money, but that which can almost
Instantly, be turned Into money. Tho
mere statement of such a proposition
shows Its absurdity.
To go no further back than the discov
ery of America, the gold production since
1192 amounts to about 88,Oti0,0U0,00O. Some,
of course, has been lost or destroyed
but there Is today In form of money over
l,(W0,uuo,0uo of it, while In other forms
there must be nearly as much. And this
enormous amount, which the mind can
not grasp would have to bo under the
mastery of the cornering syndicate. Not
only so, but they would have to buy the
output of the mines, now amounting to
jaw.WJO.OOO annually. If an ordinary wheat
or pork corner, embracing crops eon
siimcd almost as fast as produced, works
illsastes to Its projectors, what must be
the result of a gold corner, where the arti
cle Is always Increasing and can never be
consumed? Would not those who would
dream of such an enterprise be almost
as hopelessly lunatic as those who assert
that It has actually been accomplished?
Some years ago an attempt was made
to corner copper by men who had almost
illimitable resources, and they were bank
rupted, some of them being driven to
shameful deaths as the result. The gold
corner is a myth conceived only by men
who never see gold because they have
nothing to exchange for It. Gold does not
clrculato among us at the present tlmo to
nny great extent, not because It Is Cor
nered, but because there Is no temptation
to investment In Industrial enterprises,
while its owners are feurful that we may
come to a silver basis, when gold will go
to a premium. It Is the Bryans and Tel
lers and Stewarts who have driven gold
from circulation In the United States, not
the Rothschilds and the Morgans.
Senator Palmer will speak at New York
next Tue9day evening.
Senator Teller will in a few days begin
a stumping tour for Bryan In Kentucky.
Senator-elect Foraker Just returned
from Europe, says he believes Ohio will
give McKinley 200,000 majority.
A secret ballot taken among the 1,800
employes of the Crane Elevator works at
Chicago, showed less than 100 votes for
Clarence S. Darrow, the Populist who
was uttorney for Eugene V, Debs at Chi
cago, has been nominnted for congress by
the Democrats of the Third Illinois dis
trict. Evangelist Sam Small has written Ken
tucky friends that he will make a thor
ough tour In the interest of Bryan. He
expects to spend considerable time in Ken.
tueky, which he considers a field demand
ing much plowing and harrowing.
Senutor Gorman's refusal to attend the
Bryan reception to be held in Washln
ton on Saturday Is rather disheartening to
the Democratic managers, who have per
sisted in trying to make It appear that the
Maryland senator Is an active director ot
the liryun forces In the Eastern states.
When asked as to whether tho dispatch
from Little Rock, Ark., to the effect that
Sewall would be withdrawn within a week,
and be succeeded by Chief Justice Clarke,
of North Carolina, printed In the morning
papers, was correct, Chairman Jones said:
"Tho story has been printed before and Is
not correct, at least so far as I know."
On Tuesday thero was a conference In
Washington between Senators Jones, Tel
ler, Dubois and Gormnn. Senator Teller
expressed his opinion In language which
could not be misunderstood that the cam
paign has been Improperly managed thus
far. Jones admitted the charge was true.
Ho said that he was a tyro In the con
duct of nutlonnl campaigns and that he
would gladly resign his position as chair,
man of the national committee if Senator
Gorman would consent to accept the man
agement. Senator Gorman replied that
he would not attempt to manage the cam
paign unless he could be assured that Mr.
Bryan will listen to his suggestions and as
he Is convinced that Mr. Bryan is not In
a listening mooil and as Mr. Bryan has de
clined up to the present to tako advleo
from anybody he did not see how it
would be possible for him to acquiesce In
Senator Jones' suggestion.
Says Walter Wellman: "I speak where
of 1 know when I say all the Democratic
managers now in Washington are begin
ning to fear they are to be overwhelmed by
a great tidal wave. When the people get
started in a certain direction they travel
faster and go farther than nny one calcti
litts. It ws so in 'SO, In '92, in '91. The ma
jorities In those years, first for the Dem
ocrats and then for tho Republicans, were
greater than the most optimistic obser
ver had dared estimate. The Indications
today are that the people are about to re
peat their performances at the last three
clsctlons. There are wholesome rigns
that the tidal wave will run as strongly
through the remainder of New England
as It has run In Vermont and Maine, that
It will sweep New York by 200.1MO or 300,001,
New Jersey by Ki.OOO and Pennsylvania by
2.MMKV), that it will-take In Maryland, West
Virginia. Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan.
As It reaches the central west It may di
minish somewhat in force, but no one
doubts now that It will run over Indiana,
Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa. Mnncsota,
Nebraska and Wyoming are nil likely to
fall within the Republican column, and
there are hopes for even Missouri and
Kansas. The Democratic managers ad.
mlt that the hardest thlnr they will have
to contend against henceforth will be
the general belief that Bryan Is whipped
and that the only question remaining to be
decided Is as to the size of McKlirley's
From the Des Moines Capital.
In traveling westward from her eastern
tour with her husband Mrs. W. J. Bryan,
of Lincoln, Neb., the wife of the Popo
cratlc presidential nominee, lost her
pocketbook containing all the money she
had, also a vast number of railway passes
and her Pullman pass. Mrs. Bryan, being
Our new stock now complete. It comprises all of the
latest weaves, such as Lizard Cloths, Crepons, Basket
Cloths, Boucles, Camel's Hairs, Cheviots, Cravennettes,
Vicunas, Brocades, Serges, Henriettas, etc., etc. It will
be a pleasure to show them.
Special Sale
200 Dozen
Every Street
They say we are crazy, selling such Suits, Overcoats and bants
at such low prices. Well, let us be crazy. Craziness has been our suc
cess. Therefore we continue to be crazy.
the wife of a staesman who Is devoting
his life to the destruction of the pluto
crats, of course, travels on gilt edge an
nual passes. She discovered at Galesburg,
111., that she had lost her passes and she
was supplied with a trip pass to Pacific
Junction. Nobody in Illinois could sup
ply her with a pass on the B. A. M. In Ne
braska. A gold bug on the train gave the
conductor a $20 gold piece and told him to
go and give it to Mrs. Bryan, telling her
that her husband could repay It In silver
dollars after he got home, provided he paid
it before election. But the conductor be
ing a silverlte would not make the pro.
From the Post-Express.
Treasury reports show cleardly enough
that more money, both In the aggregate
and per capita, is now In circulation than
In 1873; and that owing to the purchase of
silver under the Bland and Sherman acts,
we have had more silver and more circu
lating medium than ever before in our
history. A few llgures will set this forth:
Money in Per
Year Circulation. Capita.
lStlii 714.000,000 20..17
1X70 075,000,0110 17.50
PJ7J 7.11,O0O.0UO 18.01
JSSO 973.000,0(10 19.41
8V l,292.0UO,UU0 23.02
1890 l,4U!I.OUO.00O 22.82
1S93 l,CO2,O(X),0tf0 22.93
In the light of these statistics It Is Im.
possible to assert that our currency has
been inadequate. As a matter of fact
there were coined but 8.0ih,oOO silver dol
lars from 1792 up to 1S73, while from
1S?S we have added 430,000.000 of sliver
dollars to our stock. The alleged "crlmo
of IS73" therefore has not curtailed our
supply of money but It has been In
creased, until in the opinion of financial
men it has been Bince 1S93 In over-supply,
beyond the needs of business. This
redundancy of the currency is one of the
secondary causes for the large exports of
gold during the last three years. Clearly
enough In the United States the demone
tization of Bil ver did not decrease our stock
of money, and there Is now no shortnge to
fill; henco prices could not have fallen
from that cause and could not now be
raised by any addition to our circulation
on a gold basis. Debasement is the only
chance for such a rise.
It Is credit wftleh constitutes tho real
medium of exchange in the greater part
of the United States today, and It is this
credit which is the most valuable thing
In our trade that a change In the standard
would destroy.
From the Washington Post. ,
J. M. H. Frederick has an article In the
American Journal of Civics for August
and September In which ho takes the un
tenable ground that Invention and ma
chinery ore Inimical to the happiness and
prosperity of tho people. He quotes John
Stuart Mill's remark that "It Is question
able If all tho mechanical Inventions yet
made have lightened the day's toll of any
human being," and follows this with Rus
kln's familiar proposition: "Though Eng
land Is deafened with spinning wheels, her
people nre not clothed; though she Is blaek
with the digging of coal, her people die
with cold; though she has sold her soul
for gain, they die of hunger."
There are better authorities than Mill
or Ituskln on a question of this kind, and
no man's opinion Is to be accepted any
farther than It accords with universally
accepted facts. There is not a man in the
United States whose memory goes back
forty years who does not know that, con
temporaneously with the grand march of
applied science, the condition of labor has
Improved. The Introduction of labor-saving
machinery has always had Its oppo
nents. Their predictions of disaster have
been sounding ever since the first cotton
spinning machine was Invented. They
have Incited some of tho Ignorant and cred
ulous to riots for the destruction of ma.
chtnery as the deadly foe of man. But as
years have passed on the Intelligent work
tngmen of this country have learned that
invention, instead of enslaving them, has
been their best friend. They have shorter
'day's work, more comfortable and whole
some places to work In, better homes, bet
ter food, better clothing, better schools,
Point De Venice Handkerchiefs, in 15
Your Choice, 22 Cents.
Gar Stops
and In all ways, a larger return for their
From Barcus' "Boomerang."
Mr. Bryan, why Is It that you Democrats
always want something free? During the
war your party fought for free labor
didn't want to pay anything for It wanted
actual slavery.
After that you wanted free trade; I, e.,
since you could hot get the work for noth
ing you wanted It for the smallest pay
possible by putting us In competition with
the pauper labor of Foreign countries.
Now, having partly accomplished that,
you want free sliver, bo as to give us our
reduced wages in half-priced money. Let
us see then to sum up:
18C1. Free work equals no pay equals
absolute slavery.
1892. Free trade equals one-half work ct
one-half pay equals three-fourths
1896. Free silver equals one-halt work
at one-half pay, and pay worth one-half
equals seven-eighths slavery.
From the Washington Star.
The Sultan's defence consists in bringing
forward either of two propositions, as the
occasion may require. That there are no
outrages In Armenia, and that if there are
it Is nobody's business except his own.
"I wonder,' said the policeman who
knows more about the local regulations
than about Biblical history, "why It was
that Joshua made the sun stop?"
And the member of the bicycle-squad ex
panded his chest and looked learned and
"That's easy. He probably arrested it
for scorching," Washington Star.
All good housekeepers
use Lightning Jars.
Why? Because they open
and close easy, and are
perfect sealers. The re
sult is they never lose a
can of fruit.
A Charming New Juvenile by
Author of Stlckit Minister, Lllao Sunbonn.t,
Tho Raiders and The Fluy Actress.
The greatest jnvenile since Mrs. Burnett's
Fauntlorojr." It takes by storm the hearts
of all the children from baby to grandma.
437 Sprue St.. Opp.Thi CtasioowMltb. .
at the Door.
Lackawanna Ave.
As four needs suggests anything In the
way of H.tlontiy, Blcnk tcclm or OIB
Supplies, and when your list Is full bring
it in and we will surprise you with the
novelties we receive daily. We also carry
a vory neat line of Calling Cards and Wed-iing-
Invitation at a moderate prica.
Stationers and Engravers,
Never So Cheap.
Never So Good.
Houses for Sale and for Rent.
If you contemplate purchasing or leas
Ing a house, or want to Invest In a lot,
sec the list of desirable property no
page s el Tb Tribune.
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