CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Mm Steady Work at The Way to Get It Is to Yote for BcDalej. Good Wages Paid - in Good Honey. EIGHT TAGES 3 COLUMNS. SCKAXTON, PA., THURSDAY MORN1XG, SEPTEMBER 17. 1890. TWO CENTS A COPY unAui t Fist Gin Fired PROM THE We open the Fall and 'Winter Blanket 5ea5on Thursday, September 17, wilh a !M:p cut hi p.-'. v fur one ive--k eily. und iit)i a ii;ty lonu?r. Kvt'i'y pair In Hi" iollosvlntr l"t Is Oils mi mum's s.'i.iiiN, fir-sh h ml clo. in from the mills 1' ImiiKilt them u Kuuil (l.ill bilti't riniii most wlure keepers would cull "liht," and pioposti tu emphasize this fii' f In a Grand Op iale ennv. lint don't come after it's nil over sui-l expert a eouli.tu.incp of Ihi'si- pre i s, for you won't kc '.'in. iniiiiiiitl'-y .ire nlcii limited in 1 hi- nnmli'Ts stated. HJR&E AiPihRLR FACTS. Willis OMm Blankets " 1 M 10 4 size, tK.'!ai. ipialtty, lie'. 11 putr. L' '! II 4 s!7., ?."ic. (inalily, r,;.G. 1 pair. 1' ease. 11-4 ii7.ij, Jl.uu quality, u pii it. - i?M 11-4 Hlzt $l,12',i quality, !-. 11 pair. J caes 1:1 size, qua Illy, J 1.1 a pair. 3K1 - i-ai-a lu 4 mite, G-'liu. quality, 4!ii. a pair. 2 cyes 11-4 niz J.V.. quality, fill a - ca.-ies 11-4 size, tl.OO, quality, J'.ii a I ! 1! ri.--.c-s 11 1 size $l.l:-'.j quallly, Wo. a pn'r. 1' 12-4 .i-, Jl.l'i quality, JU-i u pa:,. All Wool White Blankets 1(0 pai'-R 10-4 size, J3.M iiiality,' a pa! -. M pair II ( size, JI.J4 quality, a pur. liO pairs 10-4 size, J4.00 quality, $3.30 a pair lu pairs 11-4 size, J.V0O quality, $4.37',i a pair. pairs 11-4 size, $il5ft quality, V. 'J'i a pair. rams 75 pairs 10-1 size, J2.M quality, $1,115 a pah. Hi pairs 11-4 e'7., 4.00 quality, t3 25 u p.ll'. p paiig 10-4 size, J3.S0 quality, II pair. K. paTj 11-4 size. 4.00 quality, J."u pair. Wool Wccf 4o W- piths 10-4 cize. XI.U quality, Dir. a pair. ?.i palrn 10-1 nlZ'.-, H.Oi) quality, Jl.iiU a p.Tr. 7,i paint 11-4 ilze, (2.GV quality, JI.M a pair. AH Wool Colored Biakis 100 Tinim 10-4 Size, j:i.:: quality, $2.7.", a pair. KiO pairs 11-4 Blue, 11.00 quality, y.Ut a pair. 75 pairs 10-4 Size, $3.25 quality, $2.75 a pair. 80 pairs 11-4 size, $5.00 qiiullty, $l..17'! a pair. W pair 11-1 ize, $-1.00 quality, SX&i a pair. 'ft pairs 11-1 Sim, $5.00 quality, $4.27'(, a pair. Tlie last two numbers art scarlet. Special At this ralo w will offer 73 pairs ex tra fine all wool white blankets, with new stylo borders, especially deslgnec for use on sliiKla brass or Iron bed steads. Their actual value Is $0.50 . Sale Price, $5.25 a pair GLOBE JtlKCt M'KINLEY PASSES ONE QUIET DAY He Male No Speeches but Receives Several Prominent Visitors. CHEERINO NEWS FROM THE COAST iidicalioui Art' tluit I'lilifornin, Dregou uud WaHliinglou will f.iv Sulctuulinl Pluralities lor Sound Moii'yl!lg "oy Planned nt Can lull lor I'tidiiy-luily Thousand Person Expected to he There, ranliui. O., Sept. 10. Vli-o Clialrmnn Apsloy uf the ooiwi'Ssiiinul ciiiuiiiltltw, who has been tnnkiiiK mwhoH on th Par-llli- sluiH", ralli'J mi .Major Mi-Kiu-ly today ami lirouirlit him choi'ilns tiHw.s frmn tln far (. Mr. Apsl'-y s:iys tin' sitiiatinii mi (In- I'ai Itii- .lip' Is iininiivinit daily from tin- Iti-publli an iiiit uf vh'v ami lie ln-lli-ws I'alifoinla, u-i-unn and WashiiiKtmi will Hive sub stantial j'liii'alltlrs for Mi Kinli y uml Holiail. "Tlio ju-ople In tlicsi' slati-s want a fair iiii-iisiiiv of prolectinn for lln-ir iniliistrli's," said Mr. Apsl'-y. ami IIh-v haw niilarown tln-lr frw silvi-r ti'iidciii ics." Major MrKlnli-y has had u unli t day, so far as tin- i-oinin of ili'lt-KUtions is l ulli i'l Mi d. but riilli-rs liaw bi-eii ilil-ini'roii;-!. Ilu has pri-paivd somo spHri lu s which ho expi-i-U to di-ilvi-r lati'i' in tlio wct-k. Anaiiui'inonts for llif bif nii-eiiiiK to bo ln-ld hi'r on l-'riday an- uuinic raiiidly fonvard. As ill" IIIHHtillK' Is to III- till- till 1 1 in I opening of tin- rtiiiipalmi in tlio iiiiidlilali-'d own c 'ii n I y and as it Is to bo aildiosscd by St-nators Thurston ami t'lilloui, liovor nor llartiims. of 1'niiisyK unla, uml t'oniossinaii Mil'liary, of Minnesota, IlllrOIIIIIIOII illloll'St is llr-illK lllallifl'.i-li ill it. i:i; hav in i'K(isri:'T. Tin ro uill bo (li'li'iHl ions horo on l''rida I'roni I'liiiu-vlvanla, V.VM ii 'Alnla, Kiiiluiky. ludiaua and .Mi'lr- T-n iboii.-'.ind pli- itir x- jK-ciiil from riitiliiirir and vp-niiy and an onaily I r 1 1 1; . nuinbi-r is i oinoii; f mill t 'It i la nil .'ind Kusfi'in Ohio. Til" K I k i 1 1 i iiili-ts will i oiiio on a sp' oial Halo li'iin 'bii lilif; and n il-b-:i I mil of 2.HUU biiyrli.-ts is si-litiliiltd In ill nvo fiorii Tolido for tlio Kilday nn-i ' iiiK. Major Mi-iini- will probalily li.aki- slmi'i kjii oi In-s at tlio all. ilio ui a nd i-M Mint: no i i iiu's. lowinor r.u-bm'll. or Ohio, will ho pifsidoiit of tin- day. II l i-st lm:it l Hint llii'io will In- iiiiw.ilils of -111.111111 vhdli.iv; in ranloli on Dial day. Tlio Ki ll Kslato .Men's IIi'puliMi .'iu lub, of Ohio, havo wilttoii JM.ijor Mi linli-y ihal Ihc-.v woiild likx to rail on liim l illn-r .w.'!ilonili, r 2:;d or 241 Ii MMvlNI.KV IHNI'.S Ol'T. Major MoKlnloy this .-y.-nina: att-nd-od u dlnni-r parly at tlio residenoe of lion. Kiibort S. Shli-lil.-i. Mr. Slili-KIs was I'nltoil Slatos dlslrict ultornoy for tlio Hurl Ihtm distrii-t or thin din ing 1'i-i'sldi'iit. Clovoland's lirst udmliiislia tion, Totnoirow a largo dtdi'tuition of the oiiiployos of (ho KdKar Thomson Slool works, lit Hraddoi k, Ha., is rxpt'iled to i-all upon .Major McKinloy. The dol Kalioii will bo ill i hai'Ko of .iolni l.illlo. siipcrliilondoiit of tlio rail mill, and .lolm JonHM will art as spokosman of llio party. FURTHER RETURNS FROM MAINE. Ui'iiiMi'uil I'lmalily llutt Srltlrd Down tu About I'ill) Thoitainl. I'oitlaiul, Muino. S(-pt. lii.-Tlio Hort lu ml l.aily l'ross has iocoIvhiI returns from all hut 01 or tlio 'owns and plantations lu Mnltio. Tiiesn return Klw for sovornor: Howois (Hop.), sn,. 221; KihiiI; tDeiu.), :i2.ti0::; Hatonuin i Hon.). :t.25:l; I.ndd (Hro.), 2,i)!Ki; 'llf fnrd (Nat. Honi.), Oll.'i. Powers' plural ity is 47..Vi.H in tlu's-o (owns. Tlio Mimo towns Rave in 1RH4, tho lamlslido yours: Cl-avPH (Ih-p.), t!0, s:tl; Johnson (Doni ), 2S.WiS; fiatoiniin (IVo.), 5.402; llorsoy tPro.). 2.111. ('loaves' pluinlity for llii'so towns was ,' In tho roniainiii); 01 towns iind I.liiiitali.ins (.'leaves had a plurality .r l,t.5. Those fisuios oonflrni the Press' pro Vious osiitnato that iho Kepublii a n plui ality would bo very lu ar 4!t,rHl votes. islon, Me., Sept. 10.- The Journ al has ltveivd returns from every lily, town uml plantation that voted in - Maine on Monday. Tliey Rive: I'oweis, K!,74!: Frank. 24.2.SS; Italo nian,; I.add, 2.:i07; I'litTord. Mi 7. The lli'iiublioan pliirulUy in tin; whole slulo is 4X.40I. The full porrerted vnto for i onurossmaii in the S'-i ond dis trict Is: I.iiiiKh.V (Kep.). 22,240; Ijev ensalor (Dnu.), X,4P.(i; Allen (Heo.). 1. 107; ush-r (Pro.), :ib7. DiiiRley's plur olliy, 13,10. "WHAT DID I TELL VOL'?" Lodge Heniinds Republicans of Jlis Prophecy About -Maine. Lexington, Mass., Sept. 16. Senator Lodge addressed a large Republican rally last nii;ht. In speaking of the Maine election he said: "It was my privilege, at St. Louis to move to make unanimous the nomina tion of William Alclvlnky. In so mov ing to make that nnmlnntinn, unani mous I then and there said that the frauds of Mr. Reed and the Republi cans of New KriKland would give to Mr. JIcKifiley the same loyalty which they had uhown to their own candi dates. I point you to Maine to show how we kept our word." . ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Annual Itc union Held in Burlington, Vt.Tlie Afternoon Parade. lliirMngton. Vt., Kept 10. The an nual reunion of the society of the Army of the Potomac began in this city today and will continue throtmli tomorrow. The different corps held meeting thin morning and chose offi cers. At 2 o'clock a parade took place. LUTHERAN SYNOD-CONVENES. Ninety 1'lrrivul and Mixtjr Lay Dele antes Assemble at Knston. Kaslon, Pa., Sept. 16. The East Pennsylvania synod of tht Evangell- cal Lutheran church convened In St. Paul's Lutheran church, this city, this evening. The openlnK sermon was preached by the president if tin synod, ltev. I). ;.1. Ollbert, i. l. of Harrlsburff. umr the synndleiil com munion .was partaken of by the as sembled delegates. There are about ninety i-lerlcal and sixty lay ilelesales present. The sen slons will conolude on. Tuesday next. BANK R03BERS FOILED. Au Dei-frit' Aliirin Prevents T brill l.noliiiK ii irciitiii liatik. Slatiassas. Va., Sept. 10. An tinsue rossful attempt was made at 2 20 o'clock this morning to rob tho Manassas Na tional hank. The thieves succeeded only lu l'orriiis the niuin door to the bank hulldliiK v.u n they were frlRht enod away by the elortrio nlarni which ronnerts therewith. The alarm also ronneels wilh the bedroom of ('. L. Kynson, onu of the diivrtors of tho bank, ami when it sounded he quickly dresM-d and hurried to the biiilillni;. Ho found everything qulol. hut vlili n-o of tin nl tempt at burglary. POPS READY TO QUIT. i Concede Their Defeat but Want la (tot Scwall Off lite Bryan Ticko at All Hazards. ('l:ilaf;ii. Soot. 10. Those responsible for the Hoporral rampaii;n have abso lutely xl,-u up all hope of 111') all's suc cess, and from now to the end of the battle they will simply make a show of whlsflhi!? In order to keep up tlio or MMliixali'Hi and the ( (illume of their supporlers. This statement is abso. lliAely free fiiiiu patti.sun bias, and aecuraloly ami honeslly pictures the condition of sentiment ut the National heabiiai tors. While loyal to 1 1 1 i i causo ami iuido in tlu-lr own efforts 'i ii ii i -1 the eiiliiv aKKi'iK'al ion, from Senator Jones down 1o the seiKoant-al-iiriiis. to out on a l-M front and talk nthusiastl ally and with apimr- elll collliilellco to pail.V Wolkers, lo visilors from abroad and to the news paper people. J el I h' I'e is Si al'eely a man or boy Dial IiiIImmi; In iiillninle fiiemls as man to man dues admit Hint tlio cause is hopi e.-s. and that n uliim; short of a miracle Is liliely to bring III Vail Within M league of tile pl'i'sl- deiilial mile lmst. With tlio ri-iurii of Senator .lopes the li ilil Is on in earnest. Colonel Wash burn, of Hosiiiii, rhairmaii of the east ern branch of the Hopnlist committee, and who. up to yesterday, was In clined to be lion -commit lal, leads olT Willi all iniinci' H'lil scoiitii; i.f tho Itulh shipbuilder, which has brought ioii sternatinii to I'opoei al ic headquarters. Washburn insists that Scwall should withdraw, and w I: -n be says that lie is mi nioiv the cumlidate of the Populist allies of I lie Pnpocruts than is .Mr. I In built. Iu rellecls tho SilitlmeutS of those upon Whom the III unites de pend tor the bulk of their support in the west and south. The situation Is one of lie- most delicate Ihal any na tional cainjiaii;'! had to encounter, and its success will be a work to lax the iiiireiiuily of a modern Solomon. HISCI'SSINli SK WALL'S CASK. It is admitted by the members of Iho ailvb.ory committee that there is no longer tiny sentimental posilion lo tlie plan of taking Scwall oft the ticket, for he has proven himself about as unacceptable a candidate as ever ran for vice president. What I he advisory council feats, however, is that if Sewn II is ousted tens of thoti Minds of Deiiioctais who are now will ing to vote fur the ticket because tlp-y regard It as "regular" and believe lu keeping In the party traces will re volt at a Populist appendage lu the shupe ot Watson, and will take refuse in the Palmer and liuekner ranks. Hence, the feeling in favor of retiring both Scwall and Watson and placing a dark horse on the ticket. With tho Middlo-of-the-Rond Popu lists it has now become a question of anybody but Scwall. mid If Senator Jones undertakes to snub the Popullnt committee that Is lo wait on hi:n to. morrow In- will ! then to un lerstaud thai for the remainder or the cam paign the Watsonites will wage war on tlie silver ticket, and not hesitate to drag low it Pryan in their efforts to preserve their parly. BORN IN LUXURY, "DIED IN POVERTY Kiiglisbmiiii iff Noble liiith i:pirci in n hanuiH Almshouse, Wichita, Kan., Sept. 10. An examina tion of the papers loft by Henry Dixon, Iho Knllshmun who lias just died in the almshouse here, reveals the fact Ihal ltixoii was of nohlo birth, find that his wifi" was the granddaughter of the Karl of Albemarle and daughter or l..roy (leorgiaini Hill, who eloped wilh Thomas McCanii, lhe Keniaii agitator. The story was told In an old diary found among Uixon's papers. 1 Miring the boom days of Wichita the Dixons moved hero from Australia. Subse quently they hnd trouble, and Mrs. Dixon went easl to live. Financial re verses brought lUxon lo tho poorhouse. NINE SPECTATORS INJURED. Spectacular Kail way I'ollisionas Had ns the Itcal Tiling. Waco, Tex., Sept. 10. The pre-arranged collision which has been so ex tensively advertised took place toduy at Crush, Tex., fourteen miles north of this place, on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad. There were six curs behind each engine, and the wreck of both engines, as well as seven cars, was complete. Nine of the spectators were badly Injured by falling wreckage, two probably fatally. It Is estimated that fiO.OOO people witnessed the collision. SILVER DISCORD IN IDAHO. Secretary M nMi Arrive in the Stale lo Vtork lor Harmony. Roise, Ida.. Sept. Hi. P. A. "Walsh, secretary of the Democratic National committee. i;a i arrived in Roise for the purpoi-c ' -r making an attempt t.i adjust the i leieiires of the silver fori est of .he Mate. Ho represents not only Hie IJenioiratic committee, but has full power uml I'lstrucllons in speak for the national Populist com mittee. This is the second attempt to secure recognition ot In silver Republican, . 44 NEW YORK STATE DEMOCRATS MEET Did Nut Succeed in Effecting a Perma nent Organization. HILL IS BOSSINU THE CONVENTION Not on llic Scene but He is I'sing the Lorn; IHsliiiicuTeli'plioneaud Tele graplft'bicago Platform will be i:illoiM-il--Silvc lites Not Alto gether Pleased w ith the Ticket that is Satc Ruffalo, Sept. 10. -The Democratic convention held a session of just one hour and elghteeu minutes today and adjourned until tomorrow morning without effecting a permanent organi zation. It was free sliver from the moment ex-Senator Thomas F. Grady took Hie gavel us temporary chair man. A resolution endorsing Rtyan and Sewull and the Chicago platform was greeted with cheers, but under the rules was referred without action to the committee on resolutions. The latter body put In several hours' work and agreed to present a platform to morrow which will endorse the Chi cago platform us a whole and pledge the support of the Democracy of th'j state (o the Rryun and Sewull ticket, it will be adopted with a whoop. There ure many nieu here who are sincere In their silver views, and they are loudly protesting against the mun ner in which the organization is run ning the convention. In the lirst place tiny object to the slated nomlnre, John Royd Thachur, of Albany, who is a sound money man, and made a strong gold speech at the June con. vcntlun in Saratoga. Next they ob ject to Frank Campbell, cx-comptroi-ler of the stale, who is slated for na tional committeeman. Mr. Campbell is said to be a sound money man nt heart. Tho silver men are not entirely satlslied as to the conversion of Klliot Ranforth, who has ulsvays been a sound money man, and who Is slated to succeed Major James W. lllnkley as chairman of the stale committee. David R. Hill has run things up to date us he pleased by aid of long dis tance telephone and the telegraph. The Mate Is unbroken except that Catliu, Crout ami Ridgway, of Kings, are not lu second place, Thomas Ryan, ex major of Syracuse, seems to be the mi it-1 prominent running mate for Thurher in sight. The members of tlie Pouulist com mittee who ure wilh authority from the pi ople's party convention to effect a fusion with Democrats, have waited p;'la nlly nil day for a conference, and tonight they are still waiting. Chair man Hinkley remarked when he hoard the suggestion of fusion: "Wo have troubles of our own without mixing with the Populists." MURPHY WOULDN'T HAVE IT. The New York Senator Doesn't fare to Succeed Slieeluiu. Ruffalo, Sept. 10. Chairman Hinkley wired to Senator Murphy this morning asking him to accept tlie place on the national committee which will be made vacunt by the resignation of William F. Sheehan. While tlie convention was in session he received the following tele gram in reply: "I would not accept under any con ditions. I favor Frank Campbell for tlie place." A CHILD MURDERER. Twelve Year-Old Hoy Clubs au In fant to Death. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. IS. In Min eral township a 12-yenr-ohl Polish boy named Kucinskl killed a 4-year-old child of Andrew Zulosok by striking it on the head with a club. He dug a shallow grave and burled his little companion, then fled. SWALLOWED THEIR MEDICINE. Connecticut Democrats Endorse the Chicago Platform Like Little Men. New Haven, Conn.. Sept. 16. The Democratic state convention met here this morning with nearly every delegate 1 nhli seat. Chairman Davia Intra There Goes Another Bubble." dueed William ,Tay ns chairman, who delivered an address. His references to the money plank of the Democratic na tional platform and the names ot the candidates were given a slight degree of applause. Another reference to the names of ex-Senator O. F. Kdnmnds at tracted tlie sympathy of a few dele gates. Joseph R. Sargent, who this morning minourced that he would not uccept the nomination, was ununiinously lomiuated for governor. C. A. Cran dall was nominated for lieutenant gov ernor. A motion was adopted provid ing for the appointment of a committee to ((infer with a committee of the Peo ple's party, die object being that the latter secure representation on the elec oral ticket. The platform adopted was an unre served endorsement of the Chirago platform. After the selection of the electoral ticket the convention ad journed. 0AVID MARTIN WINS. He Nominates Miles for Sheriff of Phila delphia James Rankin Young for Congress Other Nominations. Philadelphia. Sept. 10. Tlie Republi can conventions were held to day, und generally resulted In victories for tlie friends und suptotters of the adminis tration. There were better contests In the sheriff's convention, In tlie Fourth congreslsnnnl, the First and Fifth sena torial nnd in several of the representa tive districts. Rolling conventions were mure numerous, than for a long time before In local politics, and In several Instances two sets of candidates were named. As a result of today's work, the fol lowing nominations were made: Sheriff James L, Miles. Commissioners Ja cob Wildemtre and Joseph G. Rich mond. Judges Abraham M. Beltler, Charles V. McMichael and James Gay Gordon. Congressional: First district Henry II. Ringhnm. Second Robert Adams, Jr. Third J. Frederick Halderman. Fourth James Rankin Toung. Fifth Alfred C. Harmer. Senatorial: First district George A, Vare, uuti-adtnliistratlon, and Georgo Handy Smith, administration, (two conventions). Third Francis A. Os born. Fifth Charles L. Rrown, anti udminislratlon, and Henry F. Walton, administration (two conventions.) Seventh John C. C.rndy. Representatives were also nominated In ull of the twenty-eight districts. Steamship Arrivals. New York, Sept. 10. Arrived: Hekla, from Copenhagen; Majestic, from Liver pool and (Jtutenstown; Werra, from Uonoa nnd Naples; Spree, from Bremen mil Hoiilluinipton. Arrived out: H. 11. Sloer, al Brenierhaven; St. Paul, at Southamp ton. Sailed fur New York; Spaurmlaru, from Rotterdam: Lahn, from Southamp ton; Zatidam, from Amsterdam; Auranla, from Queenstown. Sighted: Scandla, from New York, for Hamburg, pas.ed Lewis' Island (Sept. 15). THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indlcaiiwiia lodayl Generally Fair; Easterly Wlnda. 1 How the Day Was Tussed by McKinley. Veterans of the Blue and Gray. New York State Democrats lu Session. Dave Martin Still on Top la Philadel phia, 3 Bryan on Hit Southern Journey. S (Local) Bonta Glaaa Company After Funds. Mora C. B. Convention Arrangement. 4 Editorial. Lesson Taught by the Result In Maine. 5 (Loral) Father Aust No Loger Pastor of South Side Polish Catholic Church. Turnpike Company Workmen Arrested. 0 Successful Bicycle Races at Wilkes! Harre. National League Rai"e Eall Oamea. Saturnalia of Khurdlsh Ferocity. 7 Suburban Happenings. First Report of the Grand Jury. -"" Wall Street Review and Market Re- Ports. g News Up and Down tha Valley. Wbllnaya Waakly Nawa Budgat, From tho San Francisco CalL VETERANS OF THE BLUE AND GRAY Affecting Commingling of Men Once Arrayed in Bitter Strife. ON THE WAY TO ANTIETAM FIELD Survivors of the Second llrigado, Army of the Potomac, Join with Survivors oi lhe Army of the Virginia iu a Notable Commemoration at tbe Capital of the Reunited Nation. Washington, Sept. 18 Veterans of the Blue and Gray, enroute to the Held of the battle ot Antietam, held a re union In Washington today under the auspIceB of the Philadelphia brigade, officially known as the Second brigade. Second division. Army of the Potomac. They go to Antietam tomorrow morn ing to dedicate the monument erected In memory of their comrades who fell In that battle. The members ot the brigade to the number of several hundred, under com mand of General John W. Frazier, reached the city at 12.30 o'clock p. m. In a special train over the Rultlmore and Ohio railroad. Many were accompa nied, by their wives and daughters, and In the party were Governor Hastings and staff, ex-Governor Reaver and Archbishop Ryan. Mayor Warwick came over later in the day. The vis itors were met at the station by Mrs. Pickett, widow of the general who led tho famous charge at Gettysburg. AN UNIQUE COMMEMORATION. Mrs. Pickett was a prominent figure on the platform nt the afternoon meet ing in Central hall. This was attend ed by the Philadelphia brigade and members of tlie Pickett's camp, C. S. A., of Richmond, Va. The veterans were welcomed to the national capital by George Truesdcll. After Invoca tion by Rev. Mr. Sanders, chaplain department of Pennsylvania Grand Army ot tlie Republic, and a brief In troductory address, by General Fra zier, the following programme iwas curried out: "Reunited People," Archbishop P. J. Ryan, Philadelphia; song, "The New Rosette," Miss Louise Orndorff, Raltimore; "Army of the Potomac," General James A. Reaver, Pennsyl vania; "Army of Northern Virginia," General 'Y. R. Naylett, Virginia, In tlie course of his address, Gen eral Xayh-tt reproduced and read, amldsl great applause, a resolution, drafted by himself while confined In the old capitol prison, on behalf of his associate prisoners of the army of the Northern Virginia, deploring and denouncing the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln "at a time when he waa so much needed to restore peaoe to the country." JUMPED THE TRACK; Accident to a Southern Pnssenger Train Near Woyrross, ta. Jacksonville, Fin., Sept. 16. Train No. 78 on the Plunt system, northward bound from Jacksonville, left the track two miles south of Waycross, (ia., at 9.05 o'clock last night. Two Pullmun cars were badly wrecked, but, as If by miracle, no one the train was Injured. A special was sent out from Wuy cross, to which tlie passengers were transferred. Wrecking trains were also sent out Death of Congressman Ashley. Toledo, O., Sept. 16. James M. Ashley, ex-congreasmnn from the state of Monta na, died here today. He waa bora near PittBburg, Pa., Nov. 14, 1S24. Winthrop Found Guilty. San Franeltvo, Sept. 18. The Jury In the case or l). W. Wimhrup. charged with kidnapping and robbing Millionaire Camp bell, of Honolulu. In this cltv, some weeks ago, today returned a verdict ot guilty. llernid's Weather Forecast. New York, Spt. 17. Herald's weather: In the Middle Steles today, fair to partly cloudy, slightly warmer weather will pre vail, with light and fresh variablo winds, preceded by high winds nnd some rain and followed by local rain in the north'n districts of this section. On Friday p.lrt ly cloudy to fair weather will prevail, with slight temperature changes, sraoedad bv 4 local rain oa tfaa coaat. Tf Y Y VT YfS VT V O TSl Fall Dress Goods We tire now exhibiting our HEW . FALL STOCI The character of our Goods being &o well and favorably known it is un necessary to enumerate the good qualities and great variety of this season's IMPORTATION. WeMl only say that our PMSEHT - SHOWM Is strictly high class and up to date la every par ticular. esigas arc cxclosfyc Styles and Onall-. ties unexcelled. Prices are ccrreet. ; An early Inspection Is Mil 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP FINE N WW JLf VV CAN BE SEEN AT 403 SFRUCESTEEET When you pay for Jwalry you art rat aa well get th bast. A nna Una of Kovaitlat of Ladlaa aa4 Gantla W. J. Weachel 403 Spruce St. Busy . Busy Selling Fall Footwear. Every department com plete, wholesale and re tail. LEWIS,REItLY & BAV1ES 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVB MATTHEWS BROTHERS Atlantic Leal Freed! Zinc; Enamel Pails," Carriage Pate, IReyaoMs9 Pure Colors, ReyEoMs9 Wood Finish, Crockett's Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure Unjc) Oil, Guaranteed EllY i