The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 16, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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fKsiJr will T1ie not that avertl
nt. orders for Job work, and Item tor
gubllrttlon left at the establishment of
Shannon A Co.. newsdealers. North Main
ttreet, will receive prompt attention; ot
ace open tram t a. ro. to ID p. m.
The f'olunibin nt Anthrnrilo Vnrk.
. Columbia Iloso company liavo ar
laiiKcl J'or n scrk'S of gumes anil rai-os
at Anthracite park on the occasion of
tln'ir picnic. Tlic foot. Pack ami vlieel
lirrntv races will be open to all, anil the
entile for tli'-m will not close till
Thiirxilay noon. Names of those who
w ill participate can be sent at any time
to William JVel. The Mitchell anil Cot
t a . Hose companies expect to endure
tile tujf of war. John l.aviti, of this
city, and William Scott, of Susquehan
na, will eii(ai;e ill a one-mile bicycle
lace. TheVe wist be a match game of
MUoits between Cuff, of' Curbonilale,
and Tviss, of Pricebiirir, and various
inlTostins contests. The Mozart band
nil: furnish the music.
J ruth ol Mis. June .Marshall.
Ay'er a linf;erins illness of many
weoks .Mrs. Marshall, long a resident of
No. I. was called away yesterday afier
?!".!!. Her entire life of ol years was
passed In" Carbondale, where she was
born. She is mourned by a husband
and eight children. Sister Mary Flor
tnce, of thj order of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, now stationed at South
Scrantoli; Ida, Ccortilana, Clara, fler
frude. James and Vi-miik, of this place,
mid William, of New Jersey; also two
M.siers, Mrs. M. Iievinc, of Itiver street,
and Mrs. Ann McDermotl, of Mi'diigan.
A requiem mass will be celebrated at
St. Hose's church this morning nt JO
o'clock. Interment in St. llose ceme
'y. I'laccil 1 ndcr Uail.
The piu tlcitianls in, t!n riot nt Simp
Monday were brought before
'Squire (llcnn on warrants if sued nt
I lie instance of Jacob DonKo. at w hose
place tile light occurred. The 'squire
placed i .k Ii of the prisoners under bail
lor their appearance, at court. One of
the men. named donah, has taken to
the woods, and no truce of him can be
found. Audio t'omenivli, the Injured
.nan, !m no better, but there are hopes
of his reLi.V'ty.
Andrew 1'Mynn, of Klmirn, was thi
nnest of William I 'eel yesterday.
.Misses Sarah 'iethins and Maty (!nl
luifher left yesterday morning for a visl
In Philadelphia.
Mrs. A. Vartridge, of Clinton, Wayne
county, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
i'ulph (tiles, of Urook street.
Mrs. W. 1 Salmon, of lilrkett street,
and Mrs. John Hopkins, of Terrace
si reel, are visiting friends in Scranton
this week.
John K. Morgan and wife returned
from their wedding tour Monday even
tiifa'. They will begin housekeeping at
once In their new home on South W'ush
iiiKton street.
T. K. Campbell and William C.illies
left yesterday for Catasaqua. where
they will attend the grand lodge of the
I.oyal Knights of America.
Mis. Harry Campbell und daughter.
May, left Monday for a two months'
Visit with relatives In Nova Scotia.
Miss Kate Mouney and J. I. McCuw
ley, who have been visiting in New
York, returned home Monday.
Rev. lv. D'Anna, Italian missionary of
Bcruiitoii. und his luiiilly, are In Ing en-t'-rtained
for a few days at the home ot
ltev. 1). A. Korea.
K. D. I.alhiop. of the Leader, left yes
terday morning for New York.
.Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Chase and Miss
Alice Chase are visiting in Brooklyn,
Susquehanna county.
Coroner l.onjrstieet and wife were the
guests of the hitter's brother, tieoige
. Kvans. of Wayne street, over Sun
day. Miss l.yda Stewart, who will have
charge of the Kit-mess to be given in
this city during the coming month,
Went to her home in Middli'town yes
terday. She expects to return Thurs
day and begin rehearsals for the Kir
mess on Friday. The rehearsals will
be held in the Columbia parlors.
Mrs. Stephen Maroney. of Susque
hanna, is the piiest of her daughter,
Mrs. 1'. K. Motrin.
Miss May Itoyle, of New Milford. who
bus been the guest of Mrs. A. ... .miles,
returned home yesterday.
.Miss Hessie Kejsch, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. lilemioii
for the past week, returned home yes
terday. Mrs. I.. S. Barber, of Fori Mollis, N.
J., is visiting Mrs. 1 1. W. Samson.
Miss Martha Kurds is home from the
West Chester Normal school, sunVrtiis
from u severe attuck of nostalgia.
Mrs. Williams, of Plymouth, who has
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Moon, sr., for the past few days,
returned home yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. drover Ueynolds. of
Oren Kidge, who have been visit ins
Mrs. James, of South Shurch street,
have returned home.
Marcus O. Fnrrell, of riutte City, .Mon
tana, is the guest ot Miss .May Mor
rison, on lielmont mreet.
Wilson li. fleary, of South Churcli
street, will return to his studies at
Bucknell university today,
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Lewis have re
turned from a trip to Niagara Falls
and Toronto.
Miss M. h). Lest relurned yesterday
to her home in Philadelphia after
pending the past month with her cou
sin, Mrs. John ljennis, of Brook street.
Miss Bridget MeAndrew spent last
evening with friends In Olyphaiit. '
Rev. Antraing Anlnvdian, an Arme
nian orator and lecturer, will give u
free lecture in the Methodist church to
morrow evening on the ways and cos-
Just read our prices and compure them with
any and all of the other attempts:
25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35C Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c
50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c
65c. Brussels Carpets, Now .... 39c
75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
85c. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
AIm a quantity nt Body Brutsel length!
from a to ao yards in each piece at about one
half price to close.
Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer.
TBRMS Cash oa the Above Qood.
tumes of his country, t'nduuljtedly a
lare audience will tercet the speaker,
Supei lutendeiit w. A. "May, of Scrun
tou. was in t.-wti on ollleial luisiuess
John p'.Malley, of CarhoiidHle. was In
this borough yesterday.
-A. Kulk. "f l.'tt'-a. is registered at the
Forest house.
I. J. McCaffrey and K. V. Marsh, of
Scrantoli, were in this place yester
day. Prayer Meetings are beinK held in the
Presbyterian church every night this
week, to close with the prepurntory ser
vice on Thursday evening. looking for
waril to the observance of the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper next Sabbath
moniin?, at which t:m new members
will be publicly received Into the
church. Any who are expectlns to
unite with this church are invited to
meet ivlth the session after any of these
Several front this place were "court
ing" ut the county metropolis last
Th flremen'si convention at Towunda
is reported to have been a very suc
cessful affair.
Miss .Mary l'ljlt is visit'niK her
frieiuls in town and vicinity.
Miss Irene Smith, of Newark Valley,
N. V., who has been the guest of Miss
Annio Cooke for several weeks, re-Uirne-tl
home last Monday.
J. L. Miller, uf Tiinkhannook, has ac
cepted a position on the Times.
H. J. Woodford und family, of Candor,
N. Y.. have been spending a week past
at A. S. tiuldwin's.
A. It. l'orter was up from Wyalnsiiiff
the first of last week.
A company of ladies were entertained
at dinner by Miss Kmeline Hosuorth
last Thursday.
William Miller visited his brother Al
bert, ut Towunda. last Friday and wit
nessed the lireinen's parade.
Mrs. Mary lieecher. a former resident
of this "bniK,'- but latent Philadelphia
und Atlantic City, N. .1.. Is In these
parts visiting amoiii? friends and rela
tives. At thur Johnson lias gone to Philadel
phia, where, ho will tuke an electrical
Hev. Mr. iiikI Mrs. T. S. Ievitt and
child, of Uranilford. Conn., ale visiting
their many friends In these parts, being
guests of S. W. Muck. Mr. L.evitt was
a former pastor of the Congregational
churi'li at this place, and tilled the pul
pit both morning and evening lust Sun
day. Miss Nellie Davis.' who lias been
home spending; her summer vacation,
returned to Springtleld, Mass., last
Thursday, where she Is attending a
Christian Workers' college.
Mr. n ud Mrs. II. F. (Iregory, of I.acey
ville. were guests at S. Li. Cantleld'S
In town over Sunday.
Mrs. W. T. Morris was visiting rela
tives In Wyalusing last week.
Ywoniy persons were accepted at the
Methodist Episcopal church on proba
tion last Sunday morning.
Mrs. K H. lteardsley has been In the
city the past week selecting; her usual
stock of millinery goods.
Master Kmeison Miller, of Atlantic
City, N. J., is visiting his unlit. Miss
Cora Ashton, and grandparents for a
time. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Miller, with their two other chil
dren, are expected next Week.
H. I'. Fassett and wife liavo been en
tertaining the hitter's parents from Kl
mira torn few days.
John brink, of (ilyphant, was visit
ing friends here lust week.
K. V. Haylord. who has been foreman
of the 'I'hnes for the past four yeurs,
has uccepted n like position on the
Itradford Star. He and his wile will
move to Touuiidii next week.
Mr. V.. Krisble. of I'ottersville, died
Monday ut his late home utter an illness
of some time. He leaves a widow and
grow n-tip children. Funeral services
will be held this week, Wednesday. Rev.
S. 1. Davis being the official int; rlergy
lua u.
M. 11. flregoi y. a former merchant of
this dace, is suffering from a paralytic
stroke at his home in North Orwell.
(. V. Moure lins been doing carpenter
Work in Towunda.
Hradford comity fair at Kast Towun
da next week for four days. if course
ex cry body will go.
Mrs. Amelia lluek and two children,
of Schenectady. N. V., who have been
spending several weeks at I', li. buck's,
her lute husband's home, returned last
Howard ii'losky Is home after a few
weeks' visit with his parents In Lu
zerne county.
This afternoon and evening1 the True
Ivoiltes will hold a picnic at t lie old
Homestead, in rear of Lowiy's hotel.
Taylor band will be present and en
liven the event Willi some excellent
Master Chester Simmons, of Kim
hurst, is visiting his uncle. I r. Stegner
of Iti'iidhaiu, for the past lew days.
The residents ol' the borough are
anxious to hear the Anilirnclte !lee
club ulve mi open air concert.
Miss Mirlie Taylor, of Thompkiiis-vlll-'.
is vlsiliiitr .Miss (!iii(e l.owry on
Norib Main street.
Mis. David Price, of the Hill Side
Icrin. who hab been visiting her pa
rents on North Main street, returned
home yesierday.
The Independent Social club con
ducted is. largely attended social at
WidicT'a rink lost evening. A large
number of out of town folk?; were pri-M-ent.
The Pelawnre, Lackawanna and
Western mines are s. hi'diil-d thi week
for live days, eight hours each.
The application for the new Pyneund
An hfiald borough will be presented
before the grand jury in November
term of court.
Miss Martha Thomas, of Hyde Park,
sp.-nt Sunday with her mother in this
low D.
Kdwnr Cangwer is con fined to his
home on North Main street with sickness.
Mis. Abel StorniF. of Main street. Is
visiting among friends in Philadelphia.
The trustees c.r the Mooslc Methodist
Episcopal church will hold an oyster
supper in the parlors of the ehurch on
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1NH6. All are cor
dially invited to come and partake.
W. S. Ilutchinijs was a visitor in
Scran ton Monday.
David Robertson, of Wyoming semin
ary, spent Sunday nt the home of his
parents on Main street.
Mr. Ilessler Is vlsitinsr among
friends at Stoddardsvllle, Luzerne
J. W. Swartz. of Scranton, was visiting-
a mow,' friends In town yesterday.
ltev. A. J. Welsloy, of Avoca, was a
caller in town yesterday.
John nnd lrn Hrodhead. of Mill City,
spent Sunday among friends In tills
The Hillside Coat and Iron company
paid their employes yesterday in full
for the month of Aiifust.
Itoduey J. liurdwell, who went to
Colorado for his health t early part
of last winter, dropped in unexpected-,
ly upon his friends heiv Ihe latter purt
of Ihe week. He will remain but a
short time us the silver bug state
UK rees with him pliyslciully. if not po
litically. Paul J. Uuiin. the Scranton man who
had the contract for pulling in our
sewer system, was over Friday night
to confer with the town council about
completing the outlets, etc. It will be
remembered that the work was cut
short by the defeat at a special election
of a project to bond the town for sut
licieiu funds to complete Ihe system.
The council now proposes to finish the
outlets and extend the system us much
further as the available funds will al
low. Isaac DcWItt. one of the old-time
Lemon township fanners, was buried
ttl Sunnyside Monday. He was well
known In this section, and leaves a
wile and family. Among the latter
are: O. 1. and Spencer DeWitt, who
own a planing mill ut Providence,
The Wyoming County AKiiciillural
siAdely has nearly concluded a. lease
for the fair grounds on the West Side
for another ten-year team. There was
something of a hitch between the so
ciety und Stephen Harding, the owner
of the grounds, und surveying for new
grounds on this side of the river was
begun, but matters were finally ad
justed in a sutisfuctory manner. The
society, under the new lease, will have
exclusive right to the grounds from
Aug. 1 until the close of the fair.
The Hryanltes at Lynn will organ
ize n c lub this week.
l. c. IvWIlt. Ihe lhadioid county
silverile who has sat in exposed pluces
with a Piece of steel on his head dur
ing all t lie iKditical thunder storms of
lule yeurs, has at last been hit. Oar
inun's reconsideration convention
thought congressmun-at-lurge about
his size, and put it on lo him. UeWitt
Is not small, ami he wore It off very
comfortably. He will take the stump
in his own behalf.
The Wyoming county Pops have the
following ticket In the field: Repre
sentative, lr. H. H. Tibblns; sheriff.
i. II. Kocher: prothonotary and clerk
of the courts, J. c,. Vosburg; ussoclute
Judge. W. T. Kiethllne; register and
recorder, W. li. Rogers; commission
ers. Silas Decker und F.. H. Pindnr;
auditors, Alvuh Luce and byim Iim
mick: congressman, C. 1'. Shaw, of
Itradford county. L. U. Avery is chulr
man of the county committee.
C. L. Stebbins, ot this place, nnd L.
II. Avery, of Ctntremorclund, are war
ring through the local papers on the
silver question.
Wyoming county will roll up IluO ma
jority for McKinley this fall. There
are no Hryan clubs here, only what
the Republicans are brandishing.
Passenger tratllu Is exceptionally
good on the Lehigh Vulley this full.
The Hluck Diamond express frequently
carries extra coaches, a thing It pro
jectors never contemplated.
The New York city excursion Mon
day took a large delegation off the
Montrose road.
Train No. 1 killed an unknown man
between Towunda and t'lster Friday.
He was walking on the tracks and re
fused to gel off. though repeatedly
warned by the engineer. Whether It
was a ease of deliberate suicide, or
absent mlndediiess, was not wholly
The tall schedule for the Montrose
will soon be out. liadi.iil changes In
the train arrangement are expected.
Ta-ru-ra. boom do aye,
doing to the lair today?
You bet !
Kverythlng goes the poor and rich
everything goes but the nug on which
You bet.
The potato and corn crops ure re
ported big.
The Lackawanna Presbytery meets
at Towunda on Moiiduy, Sent. US.
During Saturday's thunder shower a
barn on C.eorge Shupp's furm on
Shupp Hill, was struck by lightning
und binned. It contained a lot of buy
and other fodder, which was a total
The Tnnkhunnock Water company Is
boring an artesian well on their prop
erty north of town to Increase the wat
er supply. The hole is down about
lr.D feel, und a depth of 4m feet or more
will be reached, ir necessary. The
water indications are said to be good.
The county fuir opens today. The
grand rush will begin tomorrow and
increase Friday.
The dwelling house of Widow Hard
ing, at Russell Hill, which she pur
chased of Klijah Kinlner last spring,
wus burned to the ground Friduy, to
gether with a portion f the contents.
The lire started from a defective IJjje.
Kditor James I'. Tuylor, of the Mont
rose Republican, was In town Monday,
enroute to Wilkes-bane. He Is as ro
tund and jocund as ever.
Rev. J. C. Lcacock, pastor of the
Methodist Kpiseopal church, will con
ilucl quarterly meeting services ut
L'nion Hill on Sunday next. His pul
pit will be supplied by R-v. W. H.
Dr. K. II. Hill was called to Titus
vllle. N. J., the latter part of the week
oil uccoiinl of the death of his mother.
She hud been ailing for u long time.
Scarlet fever is still getting in its
deadly work at Mehoopuny. Mr. and
Sirs. Alfred Harford have, buried two
children, and the third and only re
maining one is 111 with the same dis
ease. Jerome Remington, of Russell Hill,
is reiKirted very HI, with little hopes
of recovery.
A poll of the legal voters on the Le
high Vulley excursion lo.New York last
Monday resulted us follows: McKln
ley, B4; Bryun, 29; Pulmer, 4.
Hon. John Wanamaker will address
the people of this place on Friday.
Sept. 25. enroute home from the To
wunda fair. Senator Holes Penrose Is
also expected to be hero some time dur
ing the campaign. V. H. 1
Nerves just as surely come (ram the use of
Hood's Harsaparilla as does the cure tt
scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called
blood diseases. This is simply because
the blood affects the condition of all the
bones, muscles and tissues. If it is im
pure it cannot properly sustain these
fiarts. If made pure, rich, red and vital
zed by Hood's Harsaparilla, it carries
health Instead of disease, and repairs the
worn, nervous system as nothing else can
do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria,
neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by
Because It it the One True Blood Purifier.
' rtiii the best after-dinner
nOOU S FIllS pills, aia dltjeiuoa. we.
Rev. Mr. Watkins and wife attend
ed the baptist ministers' banquet ut
the Fuurot house ut Scranton Monday
Charles Jfiinncll, of Montrose,, spent
Saturday uud Sunday In town.
Irani Beardsley, who has been can
vassing during the summer, hus re
turned to town uud resumed his studies
at Keystone academy.
The McKinley club held a very en
thusiastic and Interesting meeting
Tuesduy evening.
Miss Agnes Serine, who has been
spending u few duys with Carrie Wat
kins, hus returned to her home in
Scranton. .
Don't forget the chicken supper at
the Methodist church this evening.
Come und get your 1111 for 15 cents.
Kills bond, of Nicholson, was a call
er in town Monday. '
Miss Kthel Can- left for Ithuca Tues
day, where she will attend Cornell uni
versity of that place. -
Professor Hully nmde a speech nt the
Puptist ministers' banquet ut Scran
ton Monday night.
Anizl Harmon, bullock Reynolds,
Stanley Simrell and Irving Middleman
were among those who attended, the
opera "The American Heuuly," by 1.11
lluu Russell, at the Frothingham at
Scrunton Monday evening.
Harry Kulp, of Rendham, spent a
few days this week in town.
Persouul letters reach Mrs. Pinkham
by thousands; some anking advioe, and
otnera, like the following', telling" of
what Lyditt E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound has done and will ever con
tinue to do in eradicating those fearful
James Klrby has purchused Ihe
house on Church street lutely vacated
by Ueorge W. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Moxley, of Jac k
son, Pa., are the guests of their son.
Professor Charles K. Moxley, county
superintendent of schools.
Miss Orace Waterman, of Hickory
t'lrove. who hus been staying at the res
idence of Superintendent Moxley for ine
past nine months, left on Saturday for
Trenton, N. J., to enter the State Nor
mal school at that place.
The gospel meeting in the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association hall
next Stmduy afternoon will be for men
only, und will be addressed by Hon.
S. R. Chase.
Miss Muude Cuchman, of New York
city, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mcin
tosh, on Front street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Van Loan have
returned home after a pleusant visit
with friends at Clifford and Carbon
dale. Hurley Shelp. of New Milford, was In
town on Saturduy.
Rev. John Davis addressed a meet
ing of railroad men at blnghamton mi
Sunday evening.
County Superintendent of Schools
Charles K. Moxley is muking arrange
ments for tlie unnual teachers' insti
tute, which will be held at the high
school building In Montrose beginning
Oct. 1M. Among the prominent speak
ers that will be in nlteiidaiice will he
Will Curleton. Dr. A. A. Wellets, 11. H.
Kinmett und lion. Samuel Phelps Le
land. John Connelly's house on Churcli
Street Is being repainted.
Professor 11. .1. Risk, principal of the
Susquehanna, schools, called on Super
intendent Moxley on Saturday.
female complaints to littiij understood
by physicians.
All womb and ovarian trouble,
Irregularities, whites, bearing-down
pains, displacements, tendency to can
cer und tumor are cured permanently.
" 1 feel an if I owed my life to your
Vegctuble Compound. After the birth
of my babe 1 wus very miserable. I
hud a drawing- pain in the lower purt
of my bowels, no strength, and a terri
ble backache. Every day I failed. My
husband said if I would try a bottle of
your Vegetable Compoutid, lie would
get it for me. The change wns won
derful. After I hud tukeu the first
half bottle I begun to have great faith
in it. When I hud tukeu three bottles,
1 wus well uud growing stout. Jtuta
pleakure for me to write this to you
1 only ask women iu any way ufili'cted
with female troubles to try it." Mn.
As-a Ivoii, Pittsford Mills, liutlund
Co.. Vt.
16 TO 1
That no tailor in Scranton
can give you a better fit and
that none will give you as
low a price.
We make our own gar
ments iu our own shop under
our own supervision.
Prepare , .jwith
tljcbe" the best
Wl DAVIS 315 Wyemlny
l. UrtYia, Arcade Bulbl
Will absolutely do away with
the Dust Nuisance of Stores,
School Houses, Hulls and all Pub
lic Places.
No more Sprinkling, no more
We cun show merit: of the oods
on our own floors. It will ruiy
you to investigate.
Tim CottoteiM trade uinrkt n Cullulent" and
metr's Arurf in wttoiplant wrtalh uit ever tin.
Ihlriiio, Me Yrk, PtaiUdcliihla. I'ttubarr.
Olnbratcd Femftt
Fowdrr never fail.
aft and iur wh ail otbat
laiiiaill ii ham fkiUrl Partipu ar 4 rciiU.
1'be Superbly AnpoiiiU'il untl Commodious
V'Tei'I stcMtuship.
American tiiruugli anil tliroiiKti.
leave Buffalo 'I' in niIkV' nnil KriUnvs y.30 p.m.
tut Cleveland, Delrult, Muckinac, The Moo.
Uuluth. mid Western Points, nauiK all
place of hiteroU by UuyliKht In cotinoctiou
tt form the uiunt direct route, uud Iroin uv
ery point of rntuparison, tlie must dcliu'litful
nnd wmfortiiMe one to MiiiiuapoliH. st I'liul,
Ureat Kails Helena, Piitte. Spunune and IV
ritiu ciaHt. 'i'lie onlv trnnn ontinental line
runiiinif tli fanioiiH luillet, library, observa
tion oar.
New t; liour tiiiln for I'ortlaiul via S,nku.'.
HOTIil. I.AfAVI.I II:, l ake Miniwtonka.
lit iinles from .Miniieatiolif. largfHt and ntoNt
heantiiii report in t lie west.
'J irketNand any Information of anv afcvut or
A. A. MiAKU, tloneral l'asni;'er aceiit,
BnflHlo. N. Y.
We Have Proven It
to luutiy. our 111 a in ainliiiiun is In piovc it to
mnuy more who know it not. Ut us do it. Tli?ro's ;i ynotl ileal
you can leuru u limit us good ileal to Iu- saved if you lv liyht turn
on till' searcliliylit of iiivestiyation, and you will see. Our iksirc is
to break tlie wroni; prices of others. Tluy nesA breukiat;. Com
(arisoiis will convince you we are right Our aim is to double our
Imsiuessfor mutual advantage. We set the price puce.
New and Handsome Effects in MATTELINE, JAPANESE and
Our complete lina in every grade fop the Fall Trade ha been received.
An inspection will be instructive and to your advantage.
Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVETS,
lengths of I, M and 1 yards. Prices, 35cts., 60cts ,
75cts,. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 each.
Opposite Main Entrance
to the Wyoming House.
408 Lackawanna Avenue
SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAftRE, PA. Manufacturers of
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
OeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus; - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rif
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Supi
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheel,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
BomeMtBMneedtsTOliable,nonth1y,re(nlting medicine. Onlf Iralttl4
lbepureitdrusihould be lined. II jou ni the bwi, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
Thov are prompt, ite anil certain In reealt.Theiiilne(tr. Feri)oer4Uaf
uoiat. Bent where, Ailditw fSAbMuieuia U tlevtlauO, O,
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenua and
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
J That's the long aud short of it
the fact of it the truth of it. We
Morris Chairs
cut $3-S5 off of the price of $12.75
7Vi pnir l.u(llo!'':Hanil-!(Pw;l Shocu, lii'tt
IoiikoIh BKick. the tvRiilur prli-e t In- wnriil
ov-r fSM, OI K MPJ'VIAI. PK1CE. Jl.4.
fi pair T.inllfS' Fine Donxolu Button
Bhoe.i. worth KM, Ol'H SI'KCIAl. J'lUi.'l';,
ON LI II. 3.',,
ir. pair lien's Cult Shoes, werw :'.iHt.
NOW O.N L Y tl.3u.
Mcn'ii $3.00 and J 1. 01 Shoes ut UM.
pair School Shoes, high ml. sizes ll'i
to 2, noi ili nt
L'2r. pair ('hil.rM Shoes, button liocl unl
HprliiK heel, the lient whoul lioe In the
town, worth Kl.i'p, at 7m.
SUhhcs' Sehnol Shoes, &k:, $l.o ami
fhlhlretrs Shoes, 3 to (i, nt 'Mr., uml 3 to
8, ut 41k;.
nc invite tou to call and examine our Roods before Ituvinz else
where. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods, and you will surely
save money by it
Full Hi..! Monia Clmir 1'nliheil
Oak Ail,iM.;il to .Many Pihiiioik
Sure eouifort Larire t,n!liioiiM--Vo.
lour Oovering Brass Koil at Back
aim Castvrcd
i $8.90
Placed on Sale
This WeeK
26 Inches Wide, 54 Inches Long, $1.39.
30 Inches Wide, 60 Inches Long, $1.69.