THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1896, 8 OARBONDALE. f Renrter will please not tTittt avert! fnnts. order for Job work, nnd Items for publication left at the wtabllshment of Shannon A Co . newsdealers. North Mala street, will receive prompt attention; of (ice oiien trim t a. m. to 10 p. in. RIOT AT A CHRISTENING. One Mud Is Niiuly Killed uud Others Are Injured. A rhrlslwihiB va held near Simpson piin,l;iy whk'h emli-d In a Kiand liuiu-h hisliiiR until yesterday iimrnlnK. Tin- (leliuih li was only ended by several if the IwrtieipiilitH disntiietlnK ainunR tlieiuai IveH and then inoceedlns to wipe oat their Rrlevpures with liluotl. All present Joined in the fracas, and all kinds of weapons were used. t-luls, axes, xtniie, feme rails, und in fait Hiiythlns which would do Injury In some manner. John Crozuli wielded a heavy -ln1 and ib.'t he did It Willi evil intent is Mhown by the condition ot Andrew Coiiitnick. (Viinnilck was hit a terri ble blow on the liead and fell senseless. This only added tire to the nnsor of the furious Huns who went at It with re newed fury. In the meanwhile .Alder man ibnii had been not i lied and lie, wilh wevernl other men, rushed to the spot. The forelKii clement in th flRht were by this lime irettin;? ennUKh und tbey Hi .1 soon after tile alderman's par ly nit in its appearance. They were imrsiied and two eaptiiieil. With the O'slslrini of Constable JleHley two olli.-rs were captuiecl, anion;; them be lli!,' Joseph .lira a ho has just served a three years' sentence for causing a riot. CoiTindek was the onlv man injured to any extent, but his Injuries ale iseveie. lie Is slill uneonsi io'is and spils blood, and lie liny 1 i at any moment. INJt'KED ON THE WEST SIM:. I.iltlc llnuli .cicn Fall Into the Deep Cat e. in. A little boy named Hugh Nelson wnr bnilly Injured on the West Side by falliiiK lino tlie ib'en hole caused by tlie ground falling iu'o tin mines. The loy with several companions was viandlim' about the place where several foreigners enme u:. Tlie boys at once commenced to annoy them and Dually beiran to throw stones. Tlie foreimiers becatne enraged and dr'v ruvolvcrs. In the efforts of the boys to escape, youns Nelsen fell into the hole which at that point is twenty-live deep, the bottom belnir covered with JaRKed rocks. He was knocked insensible by the fall and lay for nearly an hour un conscious. He was then rescued and onrrb'd home. He Is covered Willi bruises and his leir is badly Injured, but it is con sidered to be Very fortunate that lie escaped so easily. CAUGHT IN AN ELEVATOR. A Voting .13 a 11 Narrowly IXcapcs uilh iiis Lite. .Tames Swift, of the I'ioneer lautidiy. Is a wiser man today. At least lo ll allied one 'tiling yesterday, and that Is that it is exe. eciincly dangerous to Ret out of an elevator while it is in Ii:oti.,u. Vest -nlay Swift had occasion to use tlie elcvuloe and was evidently not umm! to such concerns, for he started it ery quickly. The elevator Is pro vided with appliances for sueli cases, and brought It to a stop, frightening Swift so that he tried to Ket out. Ill some manner lie eaimht bis head ami f"f a moment those who saw the oc currence shut their eyes. Fortunately the elevator he k a a t descend and the yotiiiK man's head was released. Ills woUP'.si were dro-sod by I r. Kverctt. wlio found that the nose was broken ami a larre on the head. ma cave-in. I.Hi; Area el 41 round Sinks Neiuly i hitly I t i t. Tile lii ml near the fall house mi the West Side. Is lull of cave-Ins but the iaie.est which has been set,: in this ciiy for seme time occurred Saturday niebt. It was Very fortunate thai the Occi dent oc, uricd w hen it ilid or otliei iso there would have been ninny miner ki'led. At pre: eiit It is ery easy to hear the workmen below and sometimes ncike out what they are snyli'K. The cave-in is about thirty feet b.nir mid twenty I'-it wide. It is very deep s tin ('round has sunk nearly thirty f-ct. WlJl'k hi'! tin! Ileell slopjleil us it v. i'l effect only tic i handlers Imiiicd l;:iey ev tlie fall. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Francis II. C'raKo and Ttaloli liau klliM. ol' Aldeiivllle, I'm.. were tlie V.ui sts of .Mr. and Mr. II. '. ill ma'tii at the home of !eori;e lliif;'.ies on Wayne street yesterday.. .Mr.i. Henry !'.. .Ionian. ,, Scrnntmi. in I" ini; entertained at the home of her 1 rollier, .Mr. Autliony Horaii of f ill biook tlrcct. Miss Lilliun I.iarke. of AI-'diMil" und Mr. A. i'atiiUge, of (Tlntoii, Wync Like hillousncsi. dyspepsia, lieadaelio, cotistl jution. sour stoiiiacli. indigestion are promptly cutui i- llouil'-j fills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pill. V!. cents. All ihiniuists. PiBIs l'lt-pnred by (.'. I. Uuud & Co., Lowoll. Mas. The onlv l'iil to take with Howl's Sursuparillu. ANNUAL CUT PRICE REiafiANT SALE OF CARPETS Just read our prlctn and compare them with any and all ol the other attempt): 25c. Ingrain Carpels, Now 13s 35c. Ingrain Carpals, Now 25a 50c Ingrain Carpets, New 35c 65c. Brussels Carpats, Now 39c 75c. Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 85c. Brussc's Carpets, Now 75c Ainu a quantity of Hody Brucsel lengths frum a to 20 yards in each piece at about one halt price to close. Urpeu and Wall Pipar Dealer. ' TERMS Cash on the Above Goods. Lever ills county, silent Sunday with Sir. and Mrs. Kalph 3ilea. of Brook street. Henry Wrtinls ut one time employed In II. H. Jailw Ill's draff Ktore left for New York Saturday when- he will take a course in the college ot pharmacy. Howell I'biniiey of Chicaso. passed throiieh town yesierday on his way to Dim. lull where be will visit relatives. Air. Heese Lewis, of. Nalitieoke, who has been visiting her lister, Mrs. John J. Ileese. of South Main street, liua re tinmd home. Misses Mary Haley. Itose I.oftus and Nellie Minilcy have returned from West Urookville, N. Y., where they have spent a portion of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce and Mr. and .Mrs. John James drove to Lake Ariel Sunday where they spent the day. .Miss Alary A. liiirke Is the guest ot her cousin, Miss Sallie Spellman of lloncsdale. K. U Varrinuton left last cvenins for New York. Huston and other cities. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson have returned from a visit wilh friends in llonesilale. Miss l,izi:li uic PnimuKh. of 1'ike street. Is cntei'iaining Miss ruce Hoi man. of New York city. Mrs. Nancy Have Is visiting friends In Clifford. Mrs. WilPam Johnson Is visiting 1" Albany. Mrs. John Harvey nnd daughter, of Avoca, and Miss Mamie Dougherty of I'ltt.-ton. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Halo, of the South Side. Mr. and Mrs. William Fredericl and daughter .laney, of (.larlield avenue, spent Sunday with friends in Clifford. tieorge James is rusticating at Lanes born. Mrs. T.evl Sclioottvor and daughter Angle, v.lin have I teen the guests of friends in this city, returned to their home in lFonesilale Saturday. .1. S. Miller, of llonesilale. wan In town yesterday visiting his brothei. li. r Miller, who is ill. 1!. I' I 'any. of Tu race Ft 1 1, re turned home Sunday from a trip which Included Toronto. Niagara Kalis. ISuf falo and lloincllsville. Miss Minnie Mohrs eulertainei! a nun. I r ol In r friends nt her homo on I'ark mi reel last evening In honor of .Miss Kalkiiiaii, of llonesilale, who Is her guest. Mrs. Smith nnd son and daughter, nf 1'liiladelphia. nre guests at the home of .Mr. C. K. Hcttew on John street. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Hillis and son l'oderlck. ami Misses May TSoylo, of New Milloni and Mary r.tidgett visit, ed the Krlo shaft yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Sidney Colwell, of Seventh ave nue, is III. - TAYLOR. Tlie funeral of the lale Walter Wil liams, who'ie dentli occurred on Sat urday last, took place yesterday from his late home in Hid Forge, uud was largely attended, lie was a member of tlie I'.iniiletn Division, Sons of Tem perance, l'yne Keg fund, and the Tribe of 1,'i-d Men of Plymouth. Interment was made in I'lyiiioutli. l'i'ide of Lackawanna lodge. No. IS. of tills place, will meet this evening, when thev will elect officers. John I'ugh, who was injured nt the Archbalil mines last week, has been taken to tin Moses Taylor hospital. Any Items given to the Tribune car rier will be gladly received by our Tay lor correspondent. The Lackawanna Valley council. No. S, Junior order I'nited American Me chanics will have a smoker Thursday evening at l heir regular session. Illckaby und Dove played all Inter esting gallic of alley ball against Mc Cowuil and Moloney of I'rovlileiice on if Ma I ley's court Saturday afternoon for a purse nf $.".. The game was well played. It was close aud Interesting until near tin end when Hlekaby and Dove made a sprint and won by a scute of Jl tn ::l. Holh sidrs had many admirers, anil a large amount of money i 'huuged hands on I lie result of the game. on Saturday afb rneon a shooting match took place in the vicinity of the Aivlihald mines which was Very Interesting. Tlie score wart as follow s: 'f Iioiik.s .loin s .Mini i "alio rbiiry Men Kei n b.ivl.l II. Davis . Will FiMi tieorge .lalln s I la kid .ll.lles Wllil. mi Launder Jiitin Junes ..1111 1-S .. n I) 1 I 1-3 ..111 1 t .. a I I 1 1-1 ,i I n H , . ii a i) ii I .. 1 a i I 13 ..II 1 II II 12 .. 0 U II 1 1-J DI4.kYII.Ll: The Yoilior I'eopl.'s society of the Methodist lOiiiueopal cliiiirh will hold an ii ecieam social In t he church par lors tomorrow evening, Air. und Mrs. Williai-i Wariie I'pelit Sli.el'.j at Fi'ei lanil. le i ti in coiniiiimii at imi of Orienial lodge. Free and Accepted Mason.,, will be hold this cvetiiiir. Lev. Aiilralng Azhderiali. an Armen- tt'li copied the Methodist Mpis- copul pulpit last Sunday nioining. will by sneeial roiiesl fcive a I'l lecture III tie above iimiiiciI church next Friday ivciiiinr on Mie a. us nnil comIupics of bis country. A sih :- oft l ing w ill be lalo'ii nil at t b- d or. Mrs. .builiii and .Ms. William Wnl kei. of I'lains . ille. siient Sunday Willi friends in town. The Keystone iiiailetle of Ibis place Were in nltciidniicc HI Hie special exer cises at ihe I'resbyleriaii church last Sunday evening. Miss Uracil l.turher etilerlalned the following yiniii;; ladies tit her luune on Main street last Friday evening: Misses Dana Kyiuer. Anna tleiitle, Clara Davis. Josephine Duls, of .leniiyn, and Holmes, of Albany. All. and Airs. William Page and Mr. nnd Mi.s. Oiliiiiilnis llarlmau spent Sunday Willi relatives at I'liiihiii'st. .Miss Crate Ay res Is visiting friends and relative lit Carboiidale. D. .1. Feardslee Is visiting his patents near lloiiesduli. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whiltig spent Sun day In Wayne county. I OK l-'.ST CITY. While in the act of oiling an over head wheel at the new blacksmith rhop at No. 2 shaft, yesterday morning. Uicluiiil O'H'.lon, the blacksmith, had Hie misfortune to have his lipioii caught between the belt and wheel, which threw him to the lloor. a dis tance of eighteen feet, causing a se vere wrenching of the knee cap and other injury to the knee. He was re moved to bis hi'tne on Muln street, and upon the advice of Dr. Plakeslee was afterward. taken to the Kmer geticy hospital, nt farboiulale. Forest City people have entertained large numbers of delegates who have attended the different conventions, ns focintlons. etc.. held in this place dur ing the year. The next convention to meet here Is the white ribbon brigade, known as the Women's Chrlstlun Tem pernnce union. This will be the twenty-first annual convention of Susque hanna county unions, commencing Tuesday evening. Sept. 29. and closing Sept. 20. Alrn. N. M. Hummer, state president, will be present during: all the scissions, giving: a Bible reading Tuesday evening, a school of methods, Wednesday afternoon, and will leetura Wednesday evening. A tull delegation Is desired from every union in the county. The programme of the ses sions will appear in The Tribune later. About at persons from this place accompanied by two bands, attended the Republican rally at Susquehanna. Saturday evening. Among the enthu siastic KepuldlcaiiM was Thonms Kvans. of this place, who had an ex perience that he will remember, lb' was standing on one of the platforms of the train and as the excursionists were inuring Jefferson junction at a high rate of Fpeed, Thomas fell off. I'm or two persons saw him fall, bill did not act promptly In having the train stopped, so no one went back in search of Thomas, who has hud a num ber of daring leaps, falls, etc. While the bands were playing, and the poli ticians gathering. Thomas was gal tier ing himself to the station nt the Junc tion, and was soon in the blissful r gion of dreamland. The train upon returning found Thomas at the station with his face wreathed in smiles and decorated with a few scratches, not much the worse for his fall. When ho fell he wore it black soft hat. but was now the possession of a silver cap. That was one of the tilings that was worrying him. He remarked that If ho were a Democrat lie surely would have been killed. MOSTROSK. Soldi n A. Woodruff, a brother rt Oeorge K. Woodruff nnd William Woodruff of tills Place died In New York on Friday last. His remains were Interred at Moriches. L. I., on Sunday. The remains ot the late Dr. S. S. Million! arrived here last Saturday af ternoon nt :t o'clock. They were Im mediately taken to t ho cemetery where Lev. K. A. Warriner conducted the ser vices of the l'.piseopal ritual. A Montrose cliiy.eii while :ii the I'.inghaiiiton fair .'as! week look sev eral counts of those present ps to Un political badges or but tuns worn: bis report is sis follows: First count of pit). McKlnby "S; others. 22: second count of lint. McKlnley, W; others. third count of WO. AIcKinb y. I'd: others, ".ii. These counts were observed from the ciinniioe gate and ut different hours during tlie day. The old saying. 'Straws show which way the wind blows" evidently holds good In Drooine county. Tlie (ire laddies expect to have n red letter day Tuesday next. They de serve all the support which Montrose can give them. In the Montrose "Illtistrntod" Repub lican Dlmock D. Senile and an un known, 'Visitor" by name, but none other than Frof. Fayette McKeliszle, an old Montrose boy, hnve had for several weeks u controversy regarding sound gold money nnd free silver. "Visitor" has, metaphorically speak ing, broken every one of the :17S bones in tliu body of "D. D. S." Air. Seu-le while in Montrose has advocated free allver la a respectable manner, lie has not, like those of his following, told his adversaries that they Were liars, brainless nnd fools, but has advanced his theories in u cool, dispassionate manner but to no avail.. This is com mendable in Mr. Searli. but he found no solace in Montrose while advocating free silver. The people here cunnot be fooled. Speaking of free silver, a traveling man who has for some time been in the south, recently visited Montrose nnd told The Tribune man that there III tleorgla, Alabama, and other southern sections, the larger towns in a county were altvud.w. ngitating the ituestion as In which would have the mint. In their ignorance I lny suppose that if Itryan Is elected each county will have a mint for the free and unliiiilled coinage of silver. This is a. sample of what the flee silver men do to secure votes. A I'.iyan and Sewall club was funned Saturday night. About thirty or forty Free Silver Deinocials. Fopoeiats, Fopulisls and others met In the arbi tration room ut the court house. Dr. Johnnie Wilson was made president anil "Congressman" W. C. Cruser sec retary. After hearty cheers for u .1 i tut dollar and some Vague remarks regarding a cross of gold and crown of thorns the meet ins; adjourned. Among the nrrivals ut the Tatbell limine ale: 11. A. Oardner. lieorge II. Winans und W. U. Decker, Scranton Uicycle dub; N. J. Fuller. Lending; J. II. Catlney. New York, und J L. Koss, iLillstcad. I'a. AYOCA. I The Ladies' Cuild of SI. .lames' church. 1'it'ston. will conduct a social j ill the lesideiice of Mr. and Mrs. Jume.; j Ali Kline tomorrow evening. Those who are mil in. nibeis of tin- guild will be I welcome. The Ladies' Alissionaiy society of the l.augclitfe church will meet at the I home of Air. and Alls 1. AI. Snyder ' tomorrow evening. Tin- St. Al) sins sm iely have decid ed to participate ill tlie pataile at I fieianton on iici. in. i ney will lie ac I com allied by he Aloosic band. I James Jennings, sr., and son, Wll ' liaui. left yesterday for lialiiniore. where Mr. Jennings will attend the notional game, in ivhlch bis son, Hugh, has achieved success. Airs. Alary Van Tassell. of New York city, is the guest of her parents, Alt', and Ales. James AIcKane. J. 1'. Connolly, of 1 iniinii n ;, Has a caller in yesterday. The funeral of Patrick, the ri-tuontrs-old son of Air. und Airs. H. K. Kyail, look place yesterday afternoon. Inter -ment wus made in St. Aluiy's cemetery. The L. C. Ii. A. will biinijliet in T. K. lletbeil'H bait on Thursday evening, Sept. LI. An excellent entertainment will also lie rendered. The Hillside Coal company will pay ils employes today. James 1 nvlii and sister, Mrs. P. Oal lagher. on visiting friends In New ark. Air. and .Mis. P. Walsh, of the North Knd. are rejoicing over tlie arrival of a daughter. The man Inge of 'Archbald McQueen, a prominent young man of this place nnd Miss Kllen Tinnitus, of Scranton. is iinnoiinced. Also the marriage of Miss Anna Osborne, of this place, and John Ale Peak, of Old forge. The Sons of Temperance will bold nn entertainment and supper In O'Alal ley's hall on Thursday evening. Sept. SI. Aliirt P.uekley. of the North Knd. Is critically ill of pneumonia. Miss Alary Karley, of Dnnnmre, spent Sunday nt the Meude residence, on the West Side. Aliss 1!. Moruhan is visiting frteniM In Jermyn. Airs. John Cnrran Is attending the funeral of a relative in llawley. David Cranstflli. of the North Und. is moving his family to West PIttston today. . Simon Deeble. of the West Side, is seriously ill of tynhold fever. Miss Dora visiting friends In PIttston. Michael Dempsey. of the West Side, will leave this week to vit'it friends In Boston. J. J. Walsh, formerly of Jermyn but at present employed as mine foreman Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report In Simpson & Watkins colliery In Inn , -..i.i. r..i., t yea, sicnt Miniiay wnu n..,i.,, in tow n. Miss Alargaret Mctleohan. of Ilazle- ton. has retur I home after a few weeks' visit at the Juinn residence. OLY1MIANT. The Olyphnnt Kecord Is located In its new building on Hull avenue. The building Is a substantial oiip, being con structed of Hudson river brick and trimmed with Hancock blue stone, and is lilted up wilh all Ihe necessary ap pliance for gelting out that live and up-to-dule weekly. The Tribune con gratulates the liecord on Its enterprise und wishes it many years of prosperity. At noon yesterday n team of horses ow ned by William Adair became fright ened at Scotch street and ran down Lackawanna avenue at breakneck speed. When near Wutkln's drug store the team came in contact wilh a tele graph pole, throwing the driver. Joe Noysky, violently to the ground. He sustained n broken anu and dislocated w rist ami had his heud bruised. Steve Noysky. who was also In the wagon, was severely shaken UP. The vehicle was smashed uud the horses badly snatched up. The olyphunt lirowns will cross-bats with the Harmonies, of Sirintoii, at ( ilyphant. today. Waller Hutching, llek.t agent at the Ontario und Western station, will leaxe tomorrow for his vacation New York state. Miss Ollie Murnhy. of Scranton. Is spending a few days with her sister. i Airs. Z. D. Kdwurds. j Some of the wheelmen of this place will go to Wilkes-1 '.a i re tomorrow I morning to witness Nutionul bicycle I races. I There will be a meeting of the Mc ! Klnley-llobart club tomorrow evening ! In Owen's Im II. Hlukely. Leo Lynch left yesterday for (leorge town university to resume his studies. He wus accompanied by his sister. Miss tiruce Lynch, who will take up u course of studies in the Visjilntion convent. Arthur Wlddowlleld and Frank Northup rode on their bicycles to Strolidsburg Sunday. They returnled by way of Port Jervls. J. T. Thomas mid family are visiting relatives at Montrose. F.dwnrd Ferguson left yesierday for Allegheny. N. Y., where he will enter St. Honaventuie's college. Walter R Davis spent a few days with his brothel- at Leiinoxville last week. Miss Dora Levy, of New York, who litis been spending the summer months ut this place, will return home today. Miss Jennie Kennedy entertained the members of the I'resbyterlun church choir at her home Friday evening. Mrs. Sluckhouse Is the guest of Mr. and Airs. S. J. .Matthews, of Delaware avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Knapp spent Sun da ut Ureeii Itldge. WYOMING. The funeral of Henry C. .buu-s was largely uttended yesierday wilh tin; following societies hi line: Junior Or der I'nited American Aleehnnics. Suns of Veterans. Improved Order of odd Fellows, Masons and Crand Army Re public. Ilev. Wilson Treible olliciated. assisted by l!ev. John l.abar. The pall bearers were: ,1. 1. Shoemaker, Al. V. Kozclte, Lewis Inirland, of the tit'uud Army; Fisher (liuy. Hughey Christ worth and C. F. Wilson, of the Ma sonic order. Interment was In Forty Fort cemetery. Miss Clara Smith, of Kingston, was visiting friends in town Sunday. T. II. Ilinkcr, assistant agent ut the Lehigh Valley depot. Is snendliig his vacation nt UutTaln and Niagara Fulls this Week. Aliss Josie Harrington was calling on friends In Kingston Suturduy evening. Airs. Joseph (ireeiifield and son, Oeorge, were at Wilkes-fctarre Satur day. NICHOLSON. The ball game yesierday afternoon between Nicholson and Scranton lie serves was ipiite a warm game as tlie Reserves came loaded for our buys, having had a most adverse experience with Iheui uboiit two weeks ago. After a hard fought contest the game result ed in u score of 7 to III in favor of the Scruntoii Reserves. The funeral of the flvc-months-old child of J. H. Cornell was held yester day in the Presbyterian church at one o'clock. Rev. S. Iiwixht Wati l bury otli cinling. Interment wus made in Stark vllle cemetery. Mrs. K. Stevens is spending a few days in Scranton. with her daughter Airs. C. A. Shoemaker. Airs. C. H. Wil liams spent the Sdlibath Willi I hem. Mr. and Mrs. Y. II. Driggs, of Hrook iln, N. V., spent Suturduy und Sunday WE HAVE PROVEN to many, our imiiii ambition is to prove it to many mure who know it not. I.ct iih do it. There's a good deal yon uin learn a lion t us i;ood deal to be saved if you by ri;!it turn on the scarclililit of investigation, and you will see. Our desire is to break tlie wrong prices of others. They need breaking. Com parisons will convince you we arc rihL Our aim is to double our business for mutual advantage. We set the price puce. JUDGE BY THESE OFFERINGS: "r.0 pair Lailles' Ihind-sowi l Slim-M. bcxt OoiiKula stork. Ilit.- ri-Miliir I'M'' Hit world over 13.W, Ul'K HIMXUAL I'KICK. II. W. iliNl pair Lnillcs Fine Ponsola Bmtnn Shoes, worth JiJO, ll'U SfKCI.AL. I'lilOK, ONLY l.a.F. ll'i i:ilr Men' t'ulf Shots, wtjiv fc'.'-O, NOW ONLY $1.35. Men's 13.00 and H.UO Slioe ul IJ.0O. SWe invite you to call and cxainiue our gjods before bnvini; else where. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it MYER DAVIDOW, 307 LACKA. AVE. here with relatives and friends. Air. Driggs returned to New York Sunday night. Mrs. Driggs will remain here for a week or two. MARRIED ON TOP OF A MONUMENT. W. W. livers, of Chicago, and .Hiss Ida Smith Wed in the Air. Indianapolis, Sept. 14. Two hundred feet above ground, at the foot of the statue surmounting the top of the sol diers' monument, tlie adjutant general of Indiana giving the bride uwuy and the custodian of the monument acting as muster of ceremonies. William W. Hyers. of Chicago and Miss Ida -May Smith, of this city were united In. mar riage today. The ceremony was per formed by u magistrate. Tiiey gave no explanation for chim ing such a strange place save u desire for a wedding out of the ordinui y, and they had it. A half-doen witnesses were present by invitation of the adjutant general, and a medal commemorating the unusual event was presented to tlie bridal pair. Klieumnti-m Relieved in .1 Hours, "MYSTIC CI'RK" for KHKl'AIA TISAI and NKFKALC.1A relieves In three hours, lis action upon the sys tem Is marvelous and mysterious, ft removes at once the cause and the dis ease quickly disappears. The first dose great benefits. 7f cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, -IIS Lackawanna ave nue, Scranton. YOU CAN WAGERS 16 TO 1 That no tailor in Scranton can give you a better fit and that none will give you as low a price. HI ULHil. Ill We make our own gar ments in our own shop under our own supervision. Wl nAVm 3IS Wyoming A vi J. UrtTIO, Arcaile Building. HAVE YOU HEARD Of FOR FLOORS? Will absolutely Ji away with the Dust Nuisance of Stores, School Houses, Halls uud all I'tth. lie Places. No more Sprinkling, no more Sci'uhhiu. We can show merits of the ;;nnJs on our own Hunt's. It will pay you to investigate. FCOTE fi SHEAR CO, AGENTS. - 119 WCSmGTON AUEttUL THH llll-AL AMERICAN TKIP NOKTMI WN MT.AMNHIP COMPANY. Tlie Superbly Antiuiiiteil and :omiiiuuiuutt Steel Stminiliip4. NOkTHWhST ANU NORTHLAND, Aiuvricuii through anil llirmiKti. leiAe Buffalo Turmlay mid Kriiiiivs a.ju p.m. fur Cleveland, Detroit, Ai.ackiiiac, The huu, Uulutli, and Western feints, piuwing all pile es of iiiteret by ttuvliglit. In coiinec lion with I HI: (iUI-AI NOkTHBkN UAII.VVAV, it forum the uiubl direct riuite, anil triuii ev ery point of cfinmi ihon, tlie most ilelihttul mid coinfoi taM" one Pi .Miiairapelis, St Paul, (treat futK Helena, 1'utte. SpiiKimu nnd I'n I'itie rrast. The trniin uutinental line riiiiniiiK the tamous Imtlet, litirary, ubnurva tion car. Now 6" hour train for Port land via Spokane. HOTKL 1.APAVI ITC. Lake Minnetonka, III miles from Muiueapulif, lariicxt aud most beaiitiul resort in tlie went. 'iieketaaiid any information of any agent or A. A. HI-.Kl), General I'HKMiiiKur uk-ent, Buffalo, N. V. IT 171 pair Si-hool Shoes. lil(.;h cut, mlzvs II'-'. to 2, woi Hi ii.Im, al H.w. S.'.'i pair PhiliVs Shoi-s. billion hiel unl apiiiiK he.-l. i Iih hist siliool shoe in Ihe town, wurlh $1.5, ut TV. ailsH School Shoes, 1.0i) und $1.M. Children's Shoes, 3 to 0, at 2h:, and Z to 8, ul 4lk-. ONE PRICE TO ALL. SOMETHING NEW MS S. G. KERR, SON & CO. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Matxifaoturar of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AJ3D PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business find Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. MD Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washer, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sap plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. 1TTE1BE1IEB . 1 00 SCRANTON. PA. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. 5 . E I i And her home is the setting 3-011 doubtless want to make tin's setting as beautiful as possible. Elaborateness doesn't necessarily mean beauty. Some of the prettiest fur- nilttre in our store is the least expeusive. Look around at home, then look around here, and you will find ways to brighten up the home wonderfully. m mi At Less Than Half Pries. Two sizes. Oue hundred of each size. 26 inches wide, (tfl 54 inches long, k 30 inches wide, AQ 60 inches lono". K FURNITURE Antique Oak finished suite new design carload just SSS.. $13.50 SPfflll SHE III 10 Pair $1.50, 10 Pair ZOO, 8 Pair 2.53, 7 Pair 3.00, 10 Pair 5.G0. from $2.25 from 3.00 from 3.50 from 4.00 from 8.00 These Are All New Goods. Onyx Tables SPECIAL PRICE The Best Value Ever Offered in Scranton STEEL When In doubt what to use fur Ncrvuus Debility. Loss u( Power. Impotency, Atrophy, Varicocele ana other weaknesses, from any cause, use Srxine Fills. Drains checked und full viL'or uuicklv restored. If iMKlKttd. Oi'h truubltfirtKUlt fnUltf. Mailtdfnr $l.UU;tibuxes$riOU. With $j.00 orders we (five a guarantee 10 riretr refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, U. IF YOU WANT CREDIT ASK FOR IT. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR Quartered Oak polish, finish, it'igh back, upholstered in plush, tapestry or damask, worth, at regular sale, three dollars and a half, t Q Q Kcouoiuy's price, l''" .. -- CLOTHING ON CREDIT, TOO, IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. 2U7JB I WYOMING AVENUE O ill