THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOKNTCTtt, SEPTEMBER 15. 1898. HoUs.df .the. Stobtirbs. WST SIDE EVENTS. L Beers Joins the Adventists and Closes His Store on Saturday Until Sunset. 'This store will close from Friday at uniet until Saturday at sunset, In ob servance of the Lord's Sabbath Pay. Thus rendu a placard In tho window f a harware store on North Main avenue owned by C. L. Ueeru. It was a genu ine surprise to the many who have dealt with Mr. Beers. Rml no little comment Is the result of his action. The Seventh Day Adventists pitched a tent recently on South Main ave.iu. and the proprietor of the hardware store became a regular attendant. At length he decided to follow the teach InsH of the Adventists and ne now closes his store at that creeds' appoint ed hour. The Adventists have hired his hall, which Is situated over the store and the meetings are now held there. POLITICAL. CIGAIIS. The McKlnley club, of Tlellevue, held a "smoker" at their rooms on South Main avenue, Saturday evening. The affair and exercises .were a complete success. Refreshments were served In abundance. Those who participated In the sinking and speech-making were: President A. Noble, Itenjamln Jenkins.Watkln Harris, Kdward Jones, John Hartley, Nim Edwards, John Kdwards, Evan Evans. Kmory nooth, John Thomas and Gcorcje Edwards. The) lntter's rendition of "The Clu'i Hn1 a Meeting TonlKht, Love," drew forth an encore. President Noble and his assistants are entitled to much ' credit for the able manner In which the affair was conducted. The club Inland to hold another In the near future. MEETING OP DEBATERS. One of the most enjoynble and In structive sessions In the history of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating so ciety was held at the Welsh Philo sophical society's rooms last evening. The attendance was large and the sub jects brought before the society were handled In a most Intelligent and en thusiastic manner. The programme consisted of a talk on George Meredith, the novelist and poet, by the Rev. Jonn Griffiths, and a paper on "Society Work" by John York. The society changed Its night of meeting from Monday to Wednesday. Thomas J. Davis was elected a member of the society. WHO IS TO 13LAME? A well-known West Side woman liv ing near Hellevue Heights, yesterday asked a Traction company conductor to deliver to the occupants of n house along the line a package containing costly dri'ss goods. The conductor said yes and the bundle was placed mi the back seat, under his very eyes. A few hours afterward the woman nsked this name conductor what had become of the package. It had not been deliver ed. Where Its present whereabouts rwas the conductor was as much nt sea "as was the woman. He had changed cars and the package supposedly Went w'th the other car. Where it went afterward no one knows. And now the Traction company otliclnls will be asked to solve the problem: "Whose fault was it?" PERSONAL AND NEWS NOTES. The Christian Endeavor society of the Plymouth Congregational church met last evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas Eynon, of South Main avenue. The funeral of Alice, the U-nionths-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jones, of Hampton street, took place yester day afternoon. Among the West Side Wheelmen who rode to Wilkes-Harre Sunday were: Captain Hertine, Harry Reese, Herbert Warner, E. G. Peters, Edward Smith, W. H. Burns, Samuel and Archie Me Cracken, John Hawkins and C. If. Derby. Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, of Ey non street, have returned from a Va cation tour of the principal points of Interest In the east. John Eppyrt Jones, of Hellevue Heights, lust evening addressed a meeting of St. David's lodge of Ivor ites on the subjects: "The Sabbath," "The Sunday," and "The Lord's Day." There were many Ivorites present. Grand Secretary Joseph Oliver.Grand Conductor Kdward Petherlck and dele it in in n j MILLION patriotic voters have rcc II tj) ognized the confusion of our pub lic politics, and arc determined toinform themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines of his own party, hut the v iews of all other parties and the reason for the diifcrences Gold, Silver, Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, Prescott, WHICH WE WILL PRESENT TO THE PURCHASER OF ANY MEN'S SUIT. HE Square De Cl&s, gates to the National Grand lodge, Loyal Knights of America, left yes terday afternoon for Catasauqua, where the lodge will convene today. Miss Sarah Morgan, of Morris court, was a few evenings ago tendered a surprise party. "Miss Alice May Williams, of Luzerne street, has returned from a visit at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Hertine, of South Main avenue, yesterday began the re moval of their household goods to their new future home on Prescott avenue. Miss Nellie Phillips, of Swetlan-.l street. Is visiting friends at Wilkes Harre. Miss Daisy Irving and sister Mar garet, of Chicago, and Miss Crew, of Corning, N, V returned home Satur day after a visit to Mrs. Docey, of Lu serne street. Mis. William N. Chase, of Itorth Rromley avenue, is visiting at Clng hamton. Myron Evans and Art Van Fleet, of thin side, Bpent last evening at Arch bald. 15. M. Tewksbury, of North Rebecca avenue, gave a clam social at his resi dence last Saturday evening. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. H. O, Het tes. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Conklln, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holbert. William Ehh- elman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klote, Mr. and Mrs. William Vetter, Mr. and Mrs. Nepli Dale, Philip Williams, Air. Long, Fred Shorts, IJyron Slote. Mrs. Stella Mayo. Miss Allle Powell, Mrs. N. C. Mayo. Judge and Mrs. H. M. Edwards havi returned home from their western trip. Judge Edwards presided over the ses slons of the grand eisteddfod wlitcii wnB held lor three days at Denver, Col. The event was the greatest In thtj history of the American eistedd fod. The First Legislative convention w ill be held this afternoon, beginning at o'clock, in Bt. David's hall, on Nor! Main avenue. Dr. W. A. Paine, chair man of the Legislative committee, will call the convention to order. Mrs. Samuel Edwards and Mrs. John Jenkins, of North Rebecca uvenue.have eturned from n trip through Wales. Contractor J. H. Davis has begun th erection of n frame dwelling for John T. Thomas, on Elm street. De Forest Mayo and Charles Sproul are enjoying a bicycle trip through the Port Jervis region. John T. Richards, of Tenth street will sail Saturday on a European trip. The latest and best styles. Roberts, 126 North Main. Dr. t'. W. Colhorn, Dentist. Rooms 144 North Main avenue. West Hide Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty: 104 South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, $1.4i per doscn. They are Just lovely, con vlnco yourself by calling nt Btarnor a I'hoto Parlors. Jul and 103 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture stoves. ToiiIh. etc. Call and see tlie stock or J. C. King, 701 to 7u!) West Lack awunna avenue. (iKLL.N KIDUE. Xlrn. Elizabeth Hollenbeck of HIT Mousey avenue, celebrated her eignty second blrthduy yesterday. In honor of which event a few of her friends gath ered at her home and congiutuluted her for the many years alloted her. Also to assure her of the high esteem in which she is held by her muny friends be cause of her upright and consistent Christian life. Rev. M. D. Fuller, for merly of Providence Methodist Episco pal church is a son of this respected mother. A bountiful repast prepared by the devoted daughter Miss Millie, was enjoyed by all. After wishing the aged mother God's continued favor and sun shine, a short religious service was held In which Mother Hollenbeck most heurtlly Joined. Among those present were: Mrs. Sarah Swarts, Duirmore Mrs. Charles Major, South Side; Rev, G. L. Muice and wife and Miss Elsie Mulce, of Green Ridge. Mrs. A. I. West, of New York city, Is the guest of Mrs. F. A. Dony, of Monsey avenue. Miss Flora Dony has returned to Wyoming seminary. To Cure a (.'old in One Day. Take laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. 25c. (Jailors and Fumlsliart SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Reception Tendered 1o John O'Neill on His Return Home from Sidney, N. Y. Death ol A Vw Rlggs. O'Neill, I Xno esterday a moon John O'Neill, nnooka, returned home yesterday a noon from Sidney. N. Y and was tt ,ered a reception in the evening by his ninny friends. Lost July he left for St. Ronaventure's col lege, Allegany. N. Y to play behind the hat on the base ball team and take up a course of study. The mnnnger of the team heard of his good work on the Mlnooka team and in other games. Mr. O'Neill was not long on the college team before the manager of the Sidney club - him play and Immediately made aTfifWOme offer to him, which was accepted. He finished the season with that club ami won his way Into the hearts of the lovers of the game. They presented him wlth a gold watch and chain Just before he left. He ma ) found with an Eastern league tit text season, lteing not much more t a boy yet, strong, active, and t ternte, his course Is destined to be u, rd. DEATH OF ANDREW RIGGS. Andrew Rlggs, of South Washington avenue, died Sunday morning suddenly at his brother's home from hi art fail ure. Coroner Longstreet was notified of the sudden death and Dr. E. M. Pennypacker, deputy coroner, held an Inquest, summoning the following Hurors: Daniel O. Gelbert, Patrick Lennhan, John Kllcullcn, John P.. Schuller, Thomas Rust, and Thoma3 l.nvelle. Their verdict was that death was the result of heart failure caused by blood clots. SHORTER PAl AGRAPHS. A meeting of Electric City Castle, Royal Arcanum, will be held this even ing at Fruehan's hall. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, aged 79 years. died at the home jjt her son on Irving avenue at 1 o clock yesterday morning. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Interment will be made In Washburn street cemetery Marguerite, 3-year-old daughter of Mrs. Hnnnah Kelley, of Prospect ave nue, was resting comfortably last night and her recovery Is expected now for sure. Rev. F. P. McNally, of the West Side, preached the sermon of the Forty Hours' devotion at St. John's church last night. Comet lodge. Knights of Pythias, will meet this evening in their new hnll on I'ittston avenue at the corner of Alder treet. Mrs. Jacob Hols and dnuchter, of Ilawley, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar L. Helreigel, of Cedar avenue. New stock of elegant wall paper and ,.ilnts at Hoecher's, 713 Cedar ave. PROVIDENCE. Misses Aggie Cullen and Sadie Dough erty, of Dunmore, called on friends in this end yesterday. Mrs. Jones Is seriously ill at her home on Loggetts street. Edward Gallagher Is spending a few days nt Long Uranch. Patrick McHughcs, of Pittston, Is vis iting North End relatives. Michael Noon, of Green street, hns accepted a position in Morris' shoe store. John Rrady and Edward Sweeney, of Kolser avenue, are visiting friends at Wllkes-llarre. A business meeting of the Epworth league of the Providence Methodist church wll be held In the church par lors Thursday evening, September 24. An election of officers will be held. A short programme has been arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shires, of Cedar avenue, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Jones, or Short avenue. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Sher man, of North Mnln avenue, twins. The members of the Mozart Glee club will Journey to Jermyn next Friday night. DUN, MO RE. Miss Emily Seamons. has returned to her home In Philadelphia, after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cronk, of Rrook street. Hradley Woodhull. of Adams avenue, has returned home from a tour through the Western states. Mrs. Charles Koelle, and daughter Rlanche, of Jefferson avenue, have re turned from n few days visiting with relatives In Lehighton. The Epworth League of the MethsHst Episcopal church, will give an "Illus trated Hymn" lecture together with a social and entertainment, on Wednes day evening, September lfl.ln tho lecture room of the church. Ice cream and re freshments will be served after the close of the lecture, tho proceeds from which will go toward liiuldating the debts on the church property. Mrs. John Dolphin, of Chestnut street Is calling on friends In New York city. Jielow are the names of the mem bers of the St. Agnes' Guild, who form tho company which will deliver the drama entitled "Anita's Trial," In Man ley's hall on Tuesday evening. Septem ber 21): Anita, an Italian waif. Miss nna Oliver; Mrs. Deacon Pippin, who has'nn eye for business, Miss Martha Matthews: Laurella Ann Piunin. Dor- thy Pippin, daughters of Mrs. Pltmln. Miss Jennie Oliver, Miss Minnie Sex ton; Aunt Matilda, evcrybndy'8 aunt. Miss Maria Webber; Clover Wells, aunt Matildas right hand. Miss Catharine Fitzpatrick; Ethel Manning, the life of the camp, Miss Gussie Pinkey; Kate Fortescue, a bride of three months. Miss Nellie Flynn; Nan Fortescue, a victim of the camera. Miss Mario Bronson; Mary Hyde, Helen Joy, would-be na turalists, Miss May Hughes, Miss Oert rude Matthews. The Sixth ward Republican club met n the Christian church on Tripp street last night, and held a very enthusiastic meeting. Plans for the campaign were considered. THE DAY AT THE STATION HOUSE. .tlnvor Han tho Bond Redemption in Mind When Holding Court. Yesterday was a big day in police court as far as revenue was concerned. Mayor Bailey presided nnd he evi dently felt that the city needed money. Charles Thlel and his wife, whose disorderly house was raided the night before paid $25. May Snyder nnd Anna Smith their two working girls, were find $10 .apiece. They rode away In a cab, Just to show they had money to burn. Four girls, who had very much the appearance of opera singers of the rear row, were arrested at 4 o'clock yes terday morning by Patrolmen Peters and Tom Evans for acting; disorderly In Raymond court. They gave their names as Irene Wilcox. Luey Williams, Annie Robathan, and Minnie Austin. They also gave HO apiece to His Honor. A "gent" furnished the wherewith, Mary Ellen Ryan, of Dodgetown, was fined $.1 for drunkenness and abusing her husband.- James Orr, of Philadelphia, fell asleep in a Pittston car on the last trip In yeBterday morning and became very ugly when the conductor woke him up at the end of the line. He was Impudent to Patrolman May wheq thu latter was called to eject nim from the car and when arrested suld some very harsh things about the officer and all officers In general. The mayor fined him jr., which hn paid. CONNOLLY WAS TIRED OP LIFE. Swallowed n Large Dose of Poison with Hnicidnl Intent. Patrick C. Connolly, of r.02 Leggetfs street, came very near being successful In his attempt to commit suicide at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was brought to tho Lackawanna hospital and Dr. Fish was kept very busy from 2 o'clock until C trying to save his life. Connolly swallowed four ounces of laudanum. At a late hour lust night he was not out of danger, but his con dition wob Improving, About 1 o'clock he called at tho rec tory of Holy Rosary church on William street and told Rev. W. P. O'Donnoll he had token the drug.- The prleBt did not believe him, but a few minutes af terward Connolly was found writhing in great agony on the floor of the stable on the premises. Dr. J. J. Sullivan was summoned and the Lackawanna hos- Apital ambulance was telephoned for. i x-umiiy iruuuius Hltt nuej iv, ue wiu (cause of his rash net. He is separated from his wife and they have been en gaged as counter litigants In numerous cases In court. He became melancholy and despondent, and purchased tho laudanum to kill himself. The poison was obtained nt one of the North En3 drug stores yesterday. It was a four ounco bottle and was empty by his side when he was found. That was very much of an overdose, and It ac counts for the fact that he Is now alive. He was an elderly man and did business as a sewing machine agent. IT WAS AS SURMISED. Young Van Horn Stole the Money lie Was Spending So Freely. Charles Van Horn, the Dorrancetown boy, who was picked up by Patrolman Neuls nnd Sloat while lavishly spend ing money on Lackawanna avenue Sunday afternoon, was taken home by his father, Edward Van Horn, who came after him yesterday In response to a telgram messuge from Chief Hob ling. The boy, the father states. Is In tho habit of wandering away from home. Just how much money he took with hliwj this time he does not exactly know, but believes it Is not over $30. The money was tnken from a bureau drawer which contained all told over $100. The Shear boy who was arrested with young Van Horn, and who wijh guilty of nothing more than agreeing to help the young lad spend hid' "xoney, was al lowed to go by Mayor Halley yester day morning, that he might return the horse nnd carriage to his employer, II. E. Kulp, of Mudtown. SYDELL'S LONDON BELLES. They like an Entertaining Perform nnco nt Davis Theatre. Rose Lydells' London Relies company played at Davis Theatre yesterday af ternoon and evening. In the company are last seasons favorite duo of Dutch men, Campbell and Shepp. Throughout the whole performance the fun making of these two comedians Is evidenced. Resides these there is Hart and Wall ing, very excruciating; Rarr and Evans, new people to Sernutonlaus, inis insi couple nre a man and wo man. The male side of the house Is a big. Jovial fellow with a big, Jovial voice, and he s entertaining. Then the girls, there nre over a dozen of them. They march well and look well. Miss Sydell Is as petite and charming as ever. The show closes with o lively conglomeration railed "The Isle of Sham-Pain." The Helles can well bo heard. They will tinkle today and to morrow, afternoons and evenings. If the Ha by Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Kyrup hns been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays nil pain, cures wind colic and Is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world Ho sure nnd call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ' FIRST LEGMSLATIVK DISTRICT Seranton, Pa., Aug. 31, 189(5. The Republicans of the First legislative district of Lackawanna comity will assem ble In convention nt St. David s hall. North Mnln avenue, Seranton, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15, 18S0, nt 2 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a camlldalu to represent the said district In tho legig. lature. W. A. rAIN'E.' Chairman. JOHN H. REYNOLDS, Secretary. Fourth District Convention. Tho representatives of tho Republican voters or the l ourlli legislative district of Lackawanna county, will assemble In convention at "Leyards" Hall," Peck ville, Pa., on Tuesdny, September 22, 1800, at three O) o'clock p. m., for the purpose of naming a candidate for tho ofllce of state representative, to be voted for at tho general election November 3, 1800. The voters of the several precincts will take notice thnt the delegate elections will be held nt the regular pollings places be tween the hours of six (0) and seven t7) o'clock p. m. on Saturday, September 19, ISM. liy order of K. A. Jones, Chairman. Attest Samuel 8. Jones, Secretary. lArchbald, Pa., Sept. 10, 1896 Chicago Live Stork. Union Slock Yards, Sept. 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 20,000 head; market dull: choice steers loo. higher, others steady: common to extra steers.; Blockers nnd feeders, $2.S:i:l.80; cows nnd bulls, $1.25;i 3.3.1; calves, t&fiOR&M); Texans, ri.asnlt; west ern ranRers $'j.20aX.80. Hogs Receipts, 45.000 head; market for good steady, oth ers 5c. lower: heavy packing and shipping lot, $2.7mi:i.2; common to choice mixed, $2.7583.35; choice assorted, $3.30a3.37'4; light, $3.UVi3.4u; pig 2a3.30. Uheep Receipts. 25,0"0 head; market weak and 10c. lower; Inferior to choice, $2n3; lambs, $2.50al CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. T4 fi8- MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York. Sept. 14. The stock mar ket was quiet and Irregular today. The transactions were only 124,134 shares. At the opening; a general advance of C4 per cent, took place much to the surprise of tho general run of operators who were looking for a lower range on account of Saturday's bank statement and weak cables from London. A de cline soon followed and tho market ruled rather weak until late in tho af ternoon when a general advance en sued. The Improvement was not main tained and in tho decline the Indust rials; IntcrnationaJls, Munhuttan and Western Union scored losses of ViV4 per cent. The weakness was due to a belief that the Rank of England rate of discount would be advanced on Thursday and also to the big dry goods failure In Philadelphia and the increas ed nctlvlty on the part of the bears. Subsequently the losses reported were regained and there was some buying In certain quarters on the belief of a big Round money victory In Maine. To ward the close the entire list weakened on selling for both accounts and the market left off barely steady. Net changes show losses of yi$f per cent, outside of Northern Pacific Preferred, Northwest and Manhuttan which gained t&M per cent. Tobacco how ever, lost 1 per cent. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AI LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms 7U5-7UV. Open- High- Low- Cloa. Inar. est. est lmr. Am. Tobacco Co .... fit (li Am. Cot. oil 12 U Am. Bug. J-' ?o ..114 l!ii Atch., T j. Fo .. 117 11 Can. Si .in . 44 44 2v4 12 114 li1 4t 1S94 W714 2fi4 6" Ml 121 '4 2UV4 40',j 21 82U 18Vi 2014 100 92 8Vi 22 12 K"4 Hi 74 2'i) 2i4 r' 120. su mi 4',i 2'4 lleH 111 riies. & onto l:t"i 13' Chicago Oub W tiO'4 Chic. N. V t'hlc. U. & O C. C. C. & St. L .., Chic, Mil. & St. r Chic., K. I. & P ., Delaware & Hud Dlst. & C. F (UK . -''' 1 70;, m on 121 '6 121 u. 2fi'4 121 tvfs Gen. Electric 27'd 274 tUTJ, 22 51 18 21 Ml tt! 8T4 22' J 12 12 15V 7'4 . 21, 2Hi ti'4 6'4 m Mil, '.4 W'.4 iouis. c iv as li -to ;k M. K. & Texas, Pr.. 22 Manhattan Ele 84 Mo. Pacltlo KVt Nat. Luud 21 N. J. Central 100 N. Y. Contrnl 2 N. Y., S. & W K'4 N. Y.. S. & W.. Pr .. 22'.i 4014 217ii M'4 18" 20V 100 r. s',4 Nor. Paeltle 1 Ont. & West 12'4 1 12 Phil. & Read I.-.K. Southern H. R 71 Southern It. It., Pr.. lL Tenn.. C. & Iron .... 214 Texas Pacific .., ... tii Wabash 6'i Wabash, Pr 13j West. Cnlon 80'i, V. L. tiii 1 21' 20 l.Wi 8( U. S. Lnsther, Pr .... GO U. S. Rubber pw; IS- 1S 18", CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Clo- Ing. est. eat. !nt. December 89; fio'J 69'i OUft fcs w M' w 14 December 101,4 lfis; 1GV4 lCi MaVj I" 1U 1 l'i December 21 21,4 21"4 "Vy, J,LARD. 2,:)" January 3.G2 3.07 3.G2 3.67 PORK. Januury C.C7 6.77 6.07 6.72 Seranton Hoard of Trndn Exchange QuotntlonM-AII Quotation Hated ou Pur of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 140 Seranton Lace Curtain Co 60 80 National Poring & Drlll'g Co ... First National Bank 650 8cranton Jar & Stopper Co Klmhurst Boulevard Co 23 100 Seranton Savings Bank 209 Honta Piute Glass Co 10 Seranton Packing Co 95 Weston Mill Co 259 LacKawanna Iron & Steel Co. 160 si 21 80 150 50 130 Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. .. 350 Seranton Traction Co 16 Seranton Axle Works l.uck'n Trust & Safe Deo. t'o. ... Keonomy Steam Heat & Power Co BONDS. Seranton Glass Co Seranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 no People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Seranton & Pittston Trac. Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 ..... Dickson Manufacturing Co. . Lacka. Township School 6.. City of Seranton St. Imp 6 Borough of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Seranton Axle Works Seranton Traction Co 110 109 103 102 100 S3 100 95 Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia Sept. 14. Provisions were firm, with a fair demand for hams and a good Inquiry for lard, other products ruled nulet. We quote: City smoked beef, llul2..; beef hums, f!fi.50nl."5 as to average; pork, family, $ff.75a0; hams, 8. P. cured, in tierces, W'ialoV.e.: do. smoked. Hr4Ul2c as to average; sides, ribbed, In suit, 0-1' ic ; do. do. smoked, 4:lia5c. ; shoul ders, plckle-cured, !i4ae.; do. do. smoked, OVia'j-ic ; picnic isms, S. P. cured, OVaO'.ic; do. do. smoked. t'AaTViC. ; bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, fi'i I'-ic. ; lireaKrast Lincon, i.Wic.. ns to urund nnd average; bird, pure, city refined, in tierces, 4'ic; do. do. do. In tubs, 4'in4!l4c; do. butchers', loose, 2c. ; city talfow, in hogsheads, 3a3sc; country do., 2'4u271c, as to quujlty, and cakes, 3Uc. New York I'rodnro Market. New York, Sept. 14. Flour Quiet, firm; winter wheat, low grades, $1 70s 2. 50; do. fair to fancy, $2.l0u3.40: do. patents. $:U5a 8.75; Mlnncscva clear, $2.3Uo2 7o; do. straights, $2.S5u3.!!Q; do. patents, $.'1.15a4.05j low extras, $1,700.2.50; city mills, $3.90; do. patents,$tat.25. Wheat Hull. Ilrmer: No. 2 red f. o. b., C8c: ungraded red. 5saie.: No. 1 northern, Oilc; options closed firm; May, 7il",c.; September. 03c: October. 64'te. Coin Dull, lirm: No. 2. 2fie. eleva tor; 27'Hc. afloat; options dull, tlrm; Sep tember. 2!'c .: October. 2ir-ic .: Ma v. 3e;c. Oats Dull, firm; options dull, firmer; Sep tember, jy-ic. : October. 20e.: December. 21c; spot prices. No. 2, 2ic; No. 2 white. 2 h2I'4c; No. 2 Chicago, 20'ic.; No. 3, 18'c; No. 3 white. 20'i.c: mixed western. 20a 21'c; white do. and white state, 20a29'uc iieer yniet. steady; family, $7a.8: extra mess, $."...0a0. Beef Hams Dull; $15.5Ualii. Tierced lleef Firm, quiet; cllv extrn In. dla mess, $s.50a9.50. Cut .Meats Slow, steady; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 5';a5'4c ; do. shomders. 3rS,a4c: nlekled hams, ii'i'n. 9-V. Lard Finn; western steam, $3.07'a: city, S3.3.in3.40: September, tl.55: retlned dull; continent, $3.95; South American. $1.40; compound, ;p,alc. Pork Steadv; new mess. j :,intn..,. lll lTer itenuol lt)t. erul supply; state dairy, 1(al5c.; do. cream ery, llalOc; western dairy, 8a 1 2c.: do, creamery, llaltic; do. factory, 7'f.allc; Kl glns, 10c; imitation creamery," 10al2,.c; Cheese Quiet, held higher; slate large, 0'4a9c: do. small, 0'inc; part skims, 2U.a , inn pit ins. j'-iii-'iir. I'irirH 11 rrn- unite and Pennsylvania, 15'.a17c.; western fresh, HolUc; do. per cose, $ia3. It 11 fin I o Live Stork. rtnlTnlo. Scot. II. Cnttle Stemlv fnr Rood fat heavy steers nnd butchers' stock slow nml inaliic. lower for other klnda; cholco to extra heavy Bteern, .7;a.r; kooJ shippers, KI.iKii4.fiu; Texas steers, good to choice, $.1.in3.r,0; fair to choice native heifers, JliaXSu; stockers steady. I2.40a3 2:.; feeders lilirher, J:i.3."ia3.(ai; veals, ft 2.",aii.ri0. Hokb Market active. Rhade liluher- Vnrlt. ers, Rood to choice, JX5r.H:t.liO; Unlit, $3.!i0a 3.(iTii plus, skips to eholcs, U.&aΞ mixed packers, M.MaS.Go: heavy Krndes. I3.30a3.40; roughs, $2.7.".a3; HtaKS, $2ai!.r0. tiheep nnd Lambs Market steady for lambs, very dull und 25 c. lower for sheep; choice to prime lambs, tl.2iia4.fn: fnlr to irnml. ft sn a4; culls to common. J2.7Kii3.2Ii: mlre.l sheep, cood to choice, $:ta3.35; culls to fair, ll.2jn2.7i!; no export demand; Canada lambs t4.40u4.75. Oil Market. OH Cltv. Sent 14 OntUn nil o.i 113; credit balances, 112, SCHOOL J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. (Organist of Elm Park Church.) pUPIL of some of the most celebrated masters In Boston, Paris and Berlin. Boston - . . 1SSM&9. Paris and Berlin, 1S894S92. Paris, .... 1S9MS93. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF . Miss Katherine Timberman CONCERT CONTRALTO, Pupil of MME. MARCHESI, Paris, and HERR CE0RG HEXSCHEU London, as TEACHER OF SINGING. Mi$ Timberman won high pralia as ilngor from somoof tho most noted celebrities In tho world during her recent concert tour In Europe. iiWM- LESSONS. FALL TERM OPENS Thursday, September 10, i896 STI JHIfm 1 301 Mad,son At8-. Coe Linden St. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS' JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR HJ Movtd U Hit Nsw Qnsrtors, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aids next to Flrt National Bank. Ha hai now in a Comprlslnij eTerythlnf reqnlilt for Bos Merchant Tailoring. And the lama ean be ahown to ndvantac in hla apian dloly fitted up room A SPECIAL INVITATION la Bxtanded to All Reader of Tha Trlb- an to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" la Hit Now BimIimm Homo- THE MOOSIC POWDER CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COfl'LTH B'L'0'6, SCRANTON, PA, MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH KALE WORKS. LAPLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE QUN POWDER Electric Batterlm, R loo trio Exploders, for ex- nl.ull.. 1.1..... d.., .. I 1 Repauno Chemical Co. 's HKIH EXPLOSIVES. CALL UP 3682. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Mi TO isi MERIDIAN STREET. M. W. COLLINS, Manager. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Canll flower, Horse-Radish Root, Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, DHL II PKJllHEJBtl frott tilt RESTORES VITALITY. Made a 1st Day. YH Well Man 18th Day. of Me. TKE UPcAT 30th produce tho nliore results ln'30 day. It act powerfully andmilcklr. Cures when all others fill Young rueu will ri-saln their lost niaubood, and old men will recover their yontbtnl vlior by using KEVIVO. It quick Ijr and surrlr restores Nerroos ncss, Lot Vitality, lmpotencr. Nlshtlr Emlssiosw, Lost Power. Fslllnn Memory, Wastliuf Diseases, sad all rnVctH of self-sbnm or excess and indiscretion, tyhicli nnats one for study, business or marriaae- It not only cures by starting at the seat of d.seasa. but is a treat nrrvtnnfe and blood builder, bruis ing bvk the pink glow to pals cheeks sod re storing the lira of youth. It wards off Insanity end Consumption. Insist on haying RETIVO, no other. It un bo carried in Test pocket. By mail 1.00 per psckage, or sis for fM.OO, with a nol Its written gnarantse to euro or rafund he money. Circular tree. Address w'diciks r . fmco. For als by MATTHEWS BROS., Drugfl ' ScrftatOfJtPBs in UEmilKllHC CO. Oils. Vhieoor eider Jtl ' " MM. fX-fa. rr hay. PIANO ORGAN VOICE FZ THE Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A Cd U. E. CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, 1 new and well furnished and OPENED TO THE PUBLIC THE YEAR ROUND, la iocatad midway batwaen Blnghamton ani Seranton, on the Montroao and Lacka wanna Railroad, alx mllaa from D., L. 4k W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montroao; capacity atghty-nva, three minutes' walk from railroad atatlon. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wlda veranda extends tho entire length of the nouae, which la 100 feat Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to (Juests. Altitude about 1,000 feat, equalling- In this respect tha Adirondack and Cataklll Mountains. Fine grove, plenty of shsda and besutl. ful ecenery, making; a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, nwlnss. croquet irroundn. etc. COLT SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OP MILK. Rates 7 to tio Par Week, f i.go Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all station on V., L. A W. lines. Porter meets all trains. BALDWINS 1A 1111 THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE INT & CONNELL CO, 434 UCKlWAm AVENUE. E. rs Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tha Celebrated CAPACITY 1 f 00,000 Barrels per Annum DUPONT'S DINING, BUSTING IND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured st the Wapwallopen Ullls, Luzemo county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRYBELIN.Jp. General Agent for tho Wyoming District 111 WYOMINO AVENUE. Scrantoa. Pa, Third National Bank Bulldlnf. AORNCIES: THO8. FOREPItteton, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH V BON, Plymouth, Pa, E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Be. rre. Pa. Agents for the Reoauna Chaaalcol Ou. III fll fa aatfalallealv Li