8 TIIE SCTIANTOX TRTHUNE MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1896. EASTERN LEAGUE BASE BALL GAMES Game Scheduled in Scranton Saturday Prevented by Rain. BISONS ALMOST A SIRE SECOND Tlii'y .Must I.oko Two and Koclicstcr Mill Two If the Latter U-t tlio Fiuce---Vill.es-l!tirre l,osr to rrovident-c--Siituriltiy mid Siiiuinv (mni's StitnrJnvN lU'sult. Providence s Wllkes-Bnrre o d ive Innings.) KoclWcr A Syracuse S Toronto 10 Buffalo 14 bu'iulo 4 Toronto ,. u SprirsiiclJ at Scruiitnn, rain. Vrtt'rcln! Results. Buliulo 8 Toronto 5 Rochester g Syracuse 4 Rochester 7 Syracuse 5 reriTiituae Itccoiil. r. w. t.. r.c. rruvWonot- liii 71 1.". .til- l:nrtalo IK r-; ."1;.! llo-jlu-ster rjfi ci ni ."il Toronto Ill :.:i r." .".is Syracuse l:M ,r7 ti-'l .'" Nrini;llcll II'I M B2 .-I'i'i Wilkea-liurnt 11 :t 17 i;S .U'S Scranton UiS 41 iff .3!7 ToMttiyN PnMcrn League Panics. SiiiliiflltU at SiTiintoit. l'ruvil nee 1.1 Wilkcs-tJurre. llnlTiilo at Toronto, ltoclicstcr at Syracuse. SUNDAY GAMES. Itnclicstcr-SyrariiMi. Tlodi.-stcr. Sept. 11. Tin- Syracuse Stars played two names lure to-lay anil tin Itrowulctt won In each Instance. Heru cliin pitrlieil tlin lirsl inline for lioehestcr mill was fairly effective. A new uciiuisl- lloll WIIM ill till' Iw.X I'Of KlirllHStrf 111 tile m ciiml canic. ami ultlinitKh hit freely, wan sternly. Attendance, L',.Vi. Scores: First Kami ff.ll.K. loichcstcr ft 0 ! Ill) u it 0 ti- !l Hi 1 Syracuse 1 1 1 u 11 1 II l- 1 7 I llnttrrtrs lli'i'tnloii mill lfovil: Dcluncy uiid Xnlincr. I'mplre I'iutTney. Sceotnl Kame 1MI.K. Ttueliester ft ft ft 4 0 1 II 2 X 7 1'-' 2 S rai-tisc 0 I) 11 HIM 0 1 0 fi II 4 liatterles Tll anil Kelley: KuKiin uml Zaliinr. L'iiiiire .Mil.aiiKhliii. lluUitloVl'orouto. iliilTuIo, Sept. 11. The Buffalo placed tlien.si-lvos i--al'ely In seeoinl plaee by win 11 1 : icr tmlay from Toronto. After the t'a rn'cks Ii-mI Hintvcl six 111,1s In the ninth liiniiur I'mplre Swurtwood enlleil the Kiitne on m-coiint of ilnrkncs, whi.-h tnaile ill' t-vinc at the dose of the eluhth iiinlnic S Hi T, In favor of Buffalo. Attendance, (I.ikkj. Seore: H.M K. liii.Talri 1 0 ft 1 ft 2 2 S II J Tup Wo (I I 11 11 :t 1 (1 tl 0 5 !i 2 I :t, cries -Wtuliwortli and II. Smith: Morion iinU Casey, I'mplre Swartwootl. SATURDAY'S GAMES. WilkiKISnrrc I'reviileiicp. AVllk.-s-ISiirre. Sept. 12 The rontest to ilny between Wilkes-ISarre and I'rovi-ileia-e wan played under protest. Tn tho fo-irth Inning it started to rain hard and I'tr-plic Ke.-fe railed the Kaine. There ivs a nii-nn-ntiiry cessation of the rain mid the umpire railed for play ultuIii. 'amain Homier insisted that the wenther was until to ko on with the Kaine, hut Keefe was obdurate und the eontest pro reeded under protest. In the last half of the sixth limliit:, after two men were out, the triune was culled, t'ostly errors nail a couple of timely hits iravo the vislilntf ti i. in their live runs. Si ore: lenltu-s R.H.K. ".'Ilkes-IVirre 11 ft ft 0 ft 0 5 .1 ITi.Ullelll-e .1 0 1 I II- fl G 0 : .tti . ii-s Cutiklry and Hiuuins; l..-wls ai d r(ie-aii. !!M'lii'trr-Syrai-nsi'. Svnieli.-e- R.1I.75. S iviciise 1 11 mi ft 11 ft 7 4 12 2 ltoehi-siet- 1 ft I) ii 11 ft 4 ft II Ti 12 E I latteries Mason and Uyair, .MrFarland mid J:oyd. I niiii-e I iitfl'iiey. lliiHalo-i'tiioiito. At llnlTiilo n.H.K. T.uff.ilo " ft ft. I ft ft 7 2 214 17 4 Toronto Ii 4 4 0 U I 0 0 1 Hi !.' 7 t'.ulteries (laiinoti. Illliran and 7'niu liart; StUIey, Dliiliem and t'asey. I'mplre - S artwood. P-'-on I Bunie- I,II.H l-.ulYitlu n ft 2 ft 0 1 0 1 x- 4 fi :i 'l o.onio n 11 11 11 0 u 0 ft 0 ft 7 2 K.itlcries Wadswonh and rniuliart : AU t in and Casey. l inpires-Lewee anil 'i'.-i l y. .tteiiilaiic-e. H.i. NATIONAL LfcAGUE I'erct'lititgi' Heniril. I'. W. T. i'.C. Hi lilrnoro 12ft V. :ri .eiH '"li-viir.nil 1111 74 -I.". .'.22 t'le.-lllllllti 12ft 1" 47 .cos ciii.-ni-.o 121 7'i r.i ..'i'm V i.s-..in 122 ti7 r,-. .M'i ' it :..i.)r 1 f 1.2 r.; .:.:i Xexc York 122 W 1:2 ,l!-2 t'hibidelphla 121 ,r.:i ia .-i s Jb-ooklyii I2i) 1V1 i:."i .1M! Washington la) f.l ci .12" !-':. l.niils v.':i ::is S7 .21.2 l.oulsvllc 12') ?3 Xi .'Mi SUNDAY GAV.nS. I.ouidvillr-St. I.onis. Louisville. Sept. IS. St. T-onis could not bit J"razcr today tunl put up mieh a poor fiune In the Held that Louisville laid no trouble In winning. Attendance, 4,500. Gi ore: n.Tr.i:. t.oiilsvillP 4 0 .1 0 1 1 0 0 x- fl 13 1 St. l,oui U 1 0 II t) 0 0 0 ft- t 4 7 llutterlcjj Frtizer anil Dexter; Hart uml Murpby. ITmpIro Lally. - t'incinnnti-t'liirimo. Clrclnnntl. Sept. 1". Today's KamP was one of tho worst of the season, both sides muk'.iiK errors at critical stupes, tlrif liih fltclie'l Kood ball and had he been Kivett proper support would have won his Kume. Attendance, C.0HU. Score: n.ir.rc. CtnelunBtl 0 0201220 x 7 4 fi Chicago 0 0 2 ft 0 0 1 ft ft- 3 8 7 Batteries Dwyer and tiray; Url tilth and Donoluie. Cmplro Sheridan. SATURDAY'S RESULTS. At New York New York. 9; rtoston. S. At Baltimore Baltimore, 0: Brooklyn, S. At I'lttsbriiR Chicago. 4; IMttsburn, 1. At Cleveland Cleveland. 3; St. I.onls, 2. At Washington l'hiladclphiu, 12; Wash ington, 0. At Louisville Louisville. C; Cincinnati, 5. RAIN IN SCRANTON. It f'nused n Vrnnt;lo lii'twcrn tlir Two Mnnnsori. rstifore Umpire Curry said "no game" Saturday, there was a wrangle be tween Ma na Re rs Oi-IIIln und Bums. , There was less than a hundred persons In the park, and had the game been started and not called before the end of tru fifth Inning the Scranton manage liwnt would have been nearly the whole of the $100 guarantee out of pocket. , When the two managers began their ttiRiiment at ".4"i o'clock, thp hour for bcKlnlns pluy. It wus prlnklliiK liulit ly. Mniiii!;ir Uurns lnsitcd thai tire dowtifull was not enouxh to prevent n Klime, while "ilanaser "Sandy" refused to beirlii playinif in rain no inntetr whether It was phyislcally posible to play five ItiniKs or not. Mcunwhilu tho lnriepoine spectatiu s vere not clamor In); for entertainment and nobody was disappointed when I'mplre Curry yelled "no siimt'l" VERY GRAVE CHAKGC Did "rii;uy" Ward Say Auytliiug About Throw ini; tinnies. Frank Boyd says that IMttuy Ward, of Toronto, told (iallney that the Canadians would throw every Kiinie to Buffalo if there was any prospect that the Bisons Would he beaten out by Rochester. It Is tumoiihlcdly true tin. t Ward aid this. Il may be (luestioued whether he was tellitiK tliniKH Just as thev are but many are in clined to think it so. if it Is, th matter should be lnn stiKiUe 1. fully and in detail. This nort of thins; will kill the name quicker 1 hun almost nuythinit else and base -ball has stood pre-cinin. nt auuiim professional sports lucaiisc of the yeper.-.l lu lief that It Is played for all it Is worth and that there is 110 such IhliiK as Ihrow i!l Kaines. iYhen the )illlilic comes to be lieve that there is much rottenness In Ueit mak the attendance will drop away and the satno will tto Into a d'cliue. lto.-hester I leiuoeral and Chronicle. Ho ilaflney has not had enonith fun 111 his pa.xt despicahle sclienies in robbiuK I in IV, do of caiues anil at the same time it proves piHcisely what has be.-n stated in lie-He column a score of times and that is that Boyd Is GaUney's keeper. Winn the wrtlcr was with the Kutlalo team in lioi'hes-er tile ti 1 si of the season Frank Hoyd each lilnht would corral liaflney, ).'(i Into the barroom of 1'onnress Hall and the umpire would till up on ItuiKlcfoo! ; they would adjourn at Intervals to the bil liard room alio Boyd would allow Uaffney to heat him. Jollyinir him all the time. Is It any wonder that .lack ltowc should ob ject to such u man? Does any sane per son lor a moment believe that "BifJuy" Ward ever made such a statement, and even if he (lid, since when did he take Bin kenheiKer's place as manaia r of the Canucks? Ward says Gal1nc is a. man who copies closely the nielhods of all an cient personal?', named Ananias, ami ho mav some dav meet ihe same fate as tho Biblical character. Does the playini,- of yesterday look like throwinw uanies'.' Well, hardly. Some or these reporters 111 Uochester make a person tired, anyway, with their miserable croakliiK. Boyd Is a beaut. Nit! Buffalo Knquirer. The Tribune will hazard a Ktiess that Ward was Idly sayitiB thinss he didn't mean and that others as well as (luff ney btimclu on the publicity of tho thiiiR by Indiscreet posslp. There is nothing to warrant t lie belief that To ronto would throw even one fciiniP to the Bisons. When there develops even a suspicion of sin h u thittfr. 'profes sional base ball had bettor be put in a Rood slront; cnllin and be buried so deep Hint nothing but Gabriel's horn, will icMirrert il. A situntion like the one In ouestion, now t.t U has been Kosslpcd from mouth to mouth, mlsht better be heralded front Hie housetops In order that all true lovers of honest sport may put upon it the heel of dis approval. THE STEINERT CUP. Tlie Newly Arranged Series Will lie uin Next Week. President Powers and Mr. Steinert of Providence, will meet in u few days to nrraiiKf for the Steiner eup series. Providence will be one of the rontest hijc dubs. Buffalo is almost certain to lie the oilier. The s.'rles- Is seven Ramos. The first three are. to be in Providence, the next thtee in Buffalo, the seventh, if sev enth there be. to be chosen by lot. The players on the two teams net the to tal receipts, the money lieinx divided sixiy to winner, forty to loser. Last year Spi ilitflield in the Steinert de feated Providence four out of six giinies. KEENAN WELL ADVERTISED. Dispntcli Suva He's Wnnteil by Three National League t'luhs. Wiikes-Barre. Sent. in. Tho nmn- niremeiit of the Wllkes-Iiarre ball club has received offers today from three National League clubs for the services of Pitcher John Keennn. and it is. likely Hint one of the offers will be ac cepted. Iveeiiitn Is a native of CovltiRtoti. Ky and is cousblerd to be the head iest ntiil nerviest pitcher in the East ern Learrite. lie ranks hle.li us a field er and bailer. DIAMOND DUST. Lovett anil Berber will be in the points for Scranton this afternoon, and MeDon uld and Leahy will be the HpriutMleld bat tery. HlB Dan Brouthers didn't show himself IU the 41111k Saturday. He wus said to be siill'eriiuj from some trivial hurt received at Wiikes-Barre. The expected has happened. Several of the Buffalo team have already been drafted by the major organization. Two of the team have been ylven notice that they will not play here next year and the duo of cracks are two of the best players who ever wore a Buffalo uniform. The? are said to be "Little" Hltchie, shortstop, and "Billy" Clymer, ccnterliHdcr. ititclile. It Is said, will wear tl New York uniform next year, while Clymer is slated to play Willi his own home team, the Phllad.-i-1 hia club. Clymer lives In the Quaker City. When the Toronto players saw they must lose Tuesday's );ame. says Ihe Syra cuse Courier, Buokeaihrraer's lambs were equal to the emergency. 'I'Jiey could not win, but they could make the pame us unpleasant as possible for Hie spec tators, and they did so. Lan:.ruai;e of the hind heard at Star Park yesterday Is sel dom attempted by ball players In mil form, but Toronto seems callable of nny ihltiR in tlie line of rowdyism. "Vou're a ." remarked Trilby to Baiinon In a voice that could be heaul lu all pans of tlie Ki'and stand. "Smash tlie ." ndvised Ward. The advice was not taken, as at that mo ment some one in Ihe stand called for the police to put a stop to the exhibition of loaferlsluiess. Women decided it time to )ro home, and men who have some self respect left the grounds. The patrolmen In attendance sceni.-d about to rise from their scuts and end the discussion that was sill Koina- on in the II. M, but thoucht b.-t-ii-r of It and remained where they were. Trilby and Ward continued to curse until they were tired of the fun, and then went to the bench and swore at each other. Oh, It's a precious lot of cut throats Pittsburg has sent to the Knscrn leaKue. 'J hey do elevate the Ktime so, you know, and Rive it such u nood name. A few more like them, and they would elevate It out of existence Buffalo Kuqulrcr. AMATEURBASE BALL. Harmony-Minookn. The rejuvenated West Side Harmonies nt Aiiuooka yesterday played nn Interest litK Kume with the repiesentative team of that plaee. Cawley, the ex-Iunniorean. and O'Nell were the opposing twlrlers and honors were nlmoso even, the former re ceiving excellent support. The feature of the (tarao wns Coleman's snappy work at second and Sweeney's circus catch of Phil bin's lonff drive. Score: nil 1-2. Mlnookn ft 0 0 ft ft ft no ft- i) 4 r. Ilnrmony 0 110 2 0 10 x 5 H 2 Batteries I )'Ni 11 and Flanncry; Cuwley and Hurst. I'mplre Lnwry. The Mlnookas ehal',e the South Side team for next Sunday. Morning ;iorirwSoutli Side. A lartte-sizcd crowd of base hall enthu siasts assembled on. the Brick yard. Ml nouka, yesterday to witness the frame be tween the Morning Glories and the South Side team. The contest wus close and ex ( itili),- Kiel ivxiillcd lu 11 victory for th" .Morula); lllortes by the score of s 10 ."1. AMATEUR BALL NOTES There wtis nn cxoltlnj; siimc on flout dill, Saturday mornltur, between tlie Pi-I's mid the (Jold BliKH, 111 which the former came out ahead by the score of !i-x. In ten InnitiKS. The features of tne came were the work of Ani.rmun, ho strikliiK out ten men, und knockini; a home run. Tlalph Amormnu, mnnuKer; IJerbert Woodward, captain. The Taylor Beds challenge the Green HIiIkc Senators to a Kaimi on their own grounds, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 111. Answer tn The Tribune. Kvan II. Wut klns. -nianuKer. The Taylor Beds challenge the Mlnooka team to a game on the Taylor grounds, Friday afternoon, Sept. is. Answer In The Tribune. Kvan !. Watkins, manager. HIGHER GEAR NEXT YEAR. One of the Proposed Changes in (' clciloin--M ooden Handle' a:-. A conservative tradesman says: "It seems likely that there will be a decided ehuiiKe. and it is hoped for the bet ter, in the improvement of the small parts of the bicycle. liiKli gears will probably be popular next season, and I think that the standard sprockets will have twenty-one teeth to the front and eluht to the rear, glvlnt; a gear of seventy-three and one-half inches. Tills standard has. been reached after careful Investigation) into what (lie average wheelman likes best. There has been a larpe demand this season for larg:e pears, und the standard Rear of sixty-eight inches seems to Hud small favor now. In KiiKlund riders nre uidns the hi-rh gears, so it seems only fair to let rid- rs have an opportunity to experiment with them in this country. A change that seems likely to be popular next season will be a more Kenetal Intro duction of wood handle bars. Some few machines are lifted with them this season, and they are said to give great satisfaction. Wood rims were first In trcduced only a few years ago, and in addition to reducing the weight of the wheel, have proved their superi ority. The makers do not ns yet seem to know what lo do about the wood handles. Some riders who have used them this year suy that they will! use no others, but It Is a matter of specu lation whether the average rider will, after carefully testing, prefer wood for his handle bar. It is evident that they will be in large demand. The suddb'3 of 'il" will show great Improvement. Durins the season expert riders have tried every known saddle, and wlill- some nre commented on favorably. It seems to be the general oplon that th? perfect saddle Is yet to be mad"." Hill illmbinK is something of a mys tery according to the following: "The secret of hill climbing Is the continued steady application of power. If the rider jumps to his work on n long hill using great force for a time, he tires himself and does not secure ns good results ns when, catching the pedal at the top of the stroke, and using the ankle motion, he follows it for almost the complete revolution. ISy this method he secures not only the power of the thigh muscles in the push but that of tlie calf muscles ns well. Wo men are most given to rushinjr hills, and then they wonder why they are not more successful climbers. " ' Chairman nideon has forbidden ref erees to allow riders to compete in Un til heats for setting pace, when they do not qualify for a place. Of late local referees have been violating this rule, which Is No. :'. of the facing laws. Steel tubing frames for bicycles have achieved a notable victory, it Is said, over aluminum frames in a recent ron test nt Pittsburg. The contest was on points of strength in the two classes of frames. A committee of three was chosen to conduct the lest, of which John II. Parr of Cornell Pnlvers'ty was the chairman. The test took place at Pittsburg about a mouth ago. and the results have since been worked out. out of the thirteen point twelve were given the steel framed wheel. It is not definitely decided to what charituble institution the winner will direct that the $.".U0 stakes will be given. BISYCLIST'S TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Dashed Acaiiiftt n Can-in tic Pole 11 ml Sutlers a lladly l.iicerntcd Side, William Decker, of Inmniore, nged 2S, an employe of the Delaware. I.nrka watittu und Western rar simps, is stretched on a rot at Ihe Moses Taylor hospital, with a badly lacerated side tlie result of u terrible experience while bicycling Saturday night. Decker was riding from Klmhiirst over the boulevard and coming around a sharp turn at rapid speed collide. I full against the pole of u carriage which was also moving at a fast rate in nn opposite direct ion. The force of tlie collision was so ureal that Decker was fairly impaled on the wagon pole. It penetrated his clothing, passed through the muscles on tin? right side just abi,ve the hip ami emerged on the opposite side. lie was conveyed to the .Moses Tay lor hospilal witli all haste in the car riage with which he collided. 11 ml after an examination, ronmrkuble to say. the doctors said his injury was not serious. The report from tlie hospital last night was tliut lie is In no danger and will be about in a short time, unless some tin looked for complication arises. BANQUET THIS AFTERNOON. Hill lie Atleuded by Members of Haptint Pastor's Conference. The following is the programme for the banquet of the Scran ton Baptist Pastor's cinf-'i-ence -which will be served 111 the Faiirot house on Wash ington avenue til's fil'toriioou sit 1 o'clock. Patriotism vs. Pnrtylsm Kev. J. L. W illiams The Kelatlon of Keystone Academy to the Baptists of Northeastern Penn sylvania Prof. Llkanali 11 alley Tlie nidations or the Baptists of North eastern Penesyhupla to keystone Academy Rev. M. J. Watkins The Permanent Council: la) Is It Scriptural'.'.. ..Hcv. H. 'I. Harris (h) Is It Practical? I lev. W. .1. Ford Kchoes from Abroad: The Baptists of Great Britain Bev. W. S. Jones Scranton as a Mission Field ......Itev. W. (1. Watkins The Church of the Future 7iv. Joseph K. iJlxon. l. D. - - P. 0. S. OF A. CONVENTION. II. '. Phillips Fleeted Pit sident of the l.nrkiiwitiitm Western Hi-lrirt. A convention of the western Lncka wantta district nf the Patiiotic order Sons of Atiid'bu was h-ld Saturday ufiernooti In Hid Men Men's hall, corner Main avenue and Jackson street. Camps 177, 17x. :i14. 3'!:!, 4C2. fi:'T. ."'.'X at, rl 418 wete teprefvflteil. The district embraces the West Side, North Knd, Taylor, rieeiville., Waver ly. Bald MoOt and Clark's Summit. The delegates In attendance were: C. Y. t'onley, KJ. F. Sanders, camp 177; J. J. Green. I W. Phillip. Fred Deck er. W. T. Green. Frank Phillips. J. T. SraiiHuher. 17S; W. C. Lltson. 314; W. II. Harris. W. Lyman. W. B. Hisbee. f K. House, 333; W. tJ. Nyhart, 4'.r2; K. A. Fuller and It. Kresky, 52S. Duvld J. I ia vies was chairman and O. U. House secretary. Mr. Davies' teim was about to expire and the; con vention mot to elect his successor. There were- three candidates, IX W. Thillliv3, John Benjamin and C. K. House. Mr. Phillips was chosen. The dill-Tent camps sent In reports for the year. IT WAS A FUN-MAKER. A Jiov Wanted Makes a Hit at the Aciidciny of Music. It is not likely that the Academy of Minie will contain many larger audi eiu i this season than Saturday night. The main auditorium, bnlcony and gal lery werii taxed to their fullest capaci ty and scores of persons were standing. It wus quite proper that such a spark ling, lively, satisfactory farce comedy us "A Boy Wanted" should be present ed before so large an audience. It wus brimful of tiuw specialties und con tained ery, much of Harry Kinney, "the boy," who, If his work Saturday Pljjht !s any criterion, seems bound to l.o seen later In greater suci esses. "A P.oy Wanted" does not claim to be unvthinc but a vent for variety. In the hands of any less competent com pany the piece might have fared badly, but the Bluney company was too pro ficient for that. One number that bi ought forth and deserved treat ap plause wus the acrobatic dancing of Nellie O'Neill und Lithe Slit h.'l land. THE CHECK WAS LOST. .linker, However, litis to Mnke a Duplicnte, Say the Alderman. In Aldermun Wright's olllce Satur day a somewhat unusual case wus de cided. Tlie decision, in a word, was that n man is compelled to make out a duplicate check when the original is lost. The prosecutors were Snyder & Kd-wnidi-. proprietors of an Olyphaut ho tel. The defendant was K. A. Clarke, whose check for $14.25 made payafcle to P.J.Leonard, was presented by Leonard in payment for his board. On the way to the bank the bearer lost the check and when after a number of days It did not turn up, the hotel proprietors requested t'lnrke to make out n duplicate check. This lie declined to do, and hence the suit. The alderman gave judgment In favor of ihe plaintiff for the amount of the check. (!. It. Pitcher represented tho defense und Taylor & Lewis the iro3'.".-ution. TO LOOK FOR THE HEIRS. Hundley Fxccutors Mill tin' to Ire land tn Make 11 11 Investigation. Tn the course of a few days the exe cutors of the Handle' estate will start for Ireland for the expressed purpose of hunting up the Irish claimants and investigating tlie claims they make for a riidit to share in the ex-judge's millions-. Just what prompts them to take this step is not publicly known, but that they intend to take it is a certainty. All three executors, Hon. Lemuel Ameinmn end John T. Richards, of tills city, and Hon. II. W. Palmer, of Wilkes Kurre, will go. Steumer tickets and cabin accommodation were secured last week. CARPENTERS MAY COME IN IS98. Delctiiite Thomas Will Strive to (iet Another Convention Here. Philip J. Thomns, of the Carpenters' union of Si ranton, Is a delegate to the national convention of the Carpenters und Joiners of America, which opens in St. Paul. Minn., tomorrow, lie in tend to make a strong effort to have the next convention held in Scranton, The convention Is held only every two years. Secretary Atherton. of the bonnl of trade, will co-opelute will) Mr. Thomas and send a tob-gram to the convention 011 behalf of this city. INDIANA'S SILVER SERVICE. Tin; I'M'M-nlillioll Vtill He llade 011' Sept. SI. Itid'anapolis, Kept. 13. The executive committee of the ! lid i 1 na Battleship fund have completed utrangenieiiis for tlie presentatlve of tlie silver service given by the people of this state to the battleship Indiana. The ceremony will take place at Tonipklnsvllle. Statcn Is land, Monday afternoon. September 21. The presentation will be made by Governor Matthews, chairman of the executive committee, ami it is said that a upeech w ill lie made by ex - President Harrison' under whose adiiiiiiistiiitimi the battleship ias built and who named it in honor of the slate. . NO REST FOR ARMENIANS. Trench (uiveriiuiciil Serves Warrant of Impulsion mi Itctiiccs. Pal is. Sept. 13. The government has si rv.-il wn minis of expulsion upon tlie leadeis of the recent Armenian raid on the Ottoman bunk in Constantinople, who subsequently sought rcrue in France. Tho other Atmetiian refugees, of whom there are now two hundred in Marseilles, will not be interfered with by the authorities, but the government will endeavor to induce them to pro ceed to the I'niled State. ladway's r puis Purely vegetable, mild and reliable. Cause Perfect Digestion, complete absorp tion end healthful r itularity. For the cure of ail disorders of the Siomaeh. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Dis eases. Constipation, Coslivelless. Loss of Appetite. Sick Headache. InJiocstioii, IiIiotisncss, Constipation, Dyspepsia. Observe the following symptoms result-Ins.- from diseases of the digestive organs: Constipation, inward piles, fullness rf blood In the heed, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, discust of food, full-ti(-n or weight of the stomach, sour eruc tations, sinking cr rHtlterfng of the heart, ehokinn or Hi'ffoca'lni; si nsations w hen in a 4 ing poytiire. dimness of vision do's or webs before the siaht. fever and dull pain In Ihi head, deficiency of perspira tion, ycllnwnef of the skin and eyes, pain In the side, chest, limbs, und sudden Hushes of heat, burning tn the flesh. A few doses of RADWAVS PILLS will free the system of all the above-named disorder. Price 25c. per Bo. Sold by drupglsti. Bend to I)K. KADWAY & CO.. So Elm Street, .'e York, for Book of Advice, THE GREAT FIRE l 0 il i-i-m'a We call special attention to our patrons and the public in general that we are continually placing additional stock on sale and we have cut the prices deeper and, deeper. We have an extra force of people who work from 6 o'clock until mid night arranging stock and marking the goods down and having them ready for sale for the following day. Judging from the immense throngs that crowd our store, the public is more than pleased with the bargains we are giving them. LEBECK & English Capital Tor American Invest inents. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of 350 successful promoters who have placed over 100,000,000 sterling In for eign investments within the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of 1895. Price f 5 or $25, payable by postal order to the London and Uni versal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheap side, London. E. C, Subscribers will be entitled, by arrangement with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list Is first class In every re spect, and every man or firm whose name appears therein may be depend ed upon. Tor placing the following It will be found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans. Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTICR C. PEPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFK, Copyright. ICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. LIST NO. a. Buffalo Prince '9B, Imperial '38, Erie '86, Prince '86, Sterns '84, Columbia '93, Cleveland '84, Coventry '33, $38 55 45 36 35 25 25 15 Tbc3 are all fitted with pneumatic tires and nre lu good runuiug order. CHASE S FARRAR BICVCLU Sl HtiKONS. jtiyW Linden Street. Opp. Court House. Iru FOR THE EASIEST RUit'KINQ WHEEL ON EARTH R. A. GREGOF ON A SPALDING IT KlfiGjTOI, ON AUGUST 22, Took everything in silit, except the grand stand, und lie would have taken that, too, hut it wan tilled with pretty girls, and hem;; bashful he did not want to ask them to move. (let a Spalding and he with the push at FLQ What Sarah Cerohard cay IBM is---" - -. ' . ' -.. T-:va -i. - - - ' ,i ii rt&t TOSS'S H iit-i-jM it 'i AT- 124 AND 126 WYOMING 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending ilarch 1, 1896, Total Product of wranijiD The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold every where from th Pacific Coast to St. John's, New l'oundland, und in England, Irelund and Scotland very largely, and lit recognized an the beat flour in tn world. MEGARGBL WHOLESALE AGENTS. MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestic ns and of all sizes, liu-hiding Buckwheat nml Uirdseye, delivered in any part of Ilia city at the lowest price. Orders received at the Ofllce, first floor. Commonwealth btiildintf, room No. 6; telephone No. 2fi'J4 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attendeJ to.Dealurs supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8t& Ward, Scrantoa ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATCH CO. BUILDI.N3, CORNER VmiY.fi .VE. AND CEUIER ST. OFFICE KorRS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p m. (1 hour intermission tor dinner at.-, upper.) Particular Attention flivrn to Collection-.. Prompt Settlement tiiiarameifd. Vcur Kust new i ScApectiuliy Solicited, i euphoric t.H- SPECIAL TIIR!;RH CA&S Uuily I'pxcent .'Juiulayl via CENTRE RAILS03DGF f'EW J2GSSV beginning Jane it. 1NM. leaving bcrau luu at u. m., for Long Brunch. CJceatt (irove, Ashury 1'ark. Ijeintni (t)coan Rat'h) Sprint; Luke. Sea (jirt, &c. Thh trill 1) ko)it no for tlin entlio doasoii. pspcrially for the iici-omm ulatlou f f.iiuili-t, an It wilfentiblo pa-H.tittl-i to aiv-nru rind re tain ro-nfort.il'lo -cats tlin ontirp journev. J. II. tlLHAI SBN, H, P. jJ.LDWlX. tlcn. tiiiperiutt'iident. ttna. Paas. Acotit WHEELS Gifo WSEELS BICYCLE-S. ON ANP AFTER HKPT. 1ST. 1"!XI. WE will ciXet nil uf the folinwiiiK wUoiiIb we may bavo in stock nt .loliloi 'a l'ri'-CT : Wolf American, 1'htcb. Ivcr -IoluiHon, Wnverly and F. atnrnt(ino Lino. Tlii ia un cpportnnltv to tict a cod wliucl rheuik Wj atill have the fnnioiia 'Crawford," a wheel that rtina a liirht anil eay and wears riiual to any f HIO machine on the market. Come aud sea wiiat we cau do for you in our liuu. E. H HI 321 SPK li SALE AVE., CORIN il THE FROTfllNGHflM. , Wagner & Rain, Lcsseoaund Manafars MONDAY NltiHT. SEPT. Advent of tho LILLIAN RUSSELL OPERA CO. l'resuntinir fur tho tlrst limp tho new tHt lyrical production, fln flnterican Beatify Book by Hut(h Morton. Music by liitdtave kcrker. I'roiliii'eil here under tli tmraonal ilirecHn nf iiirv W. 1.1-de-er. LILLIAN klSSLLL IN A NEW HOLE. New York ChhIiio Ulcllos tia. Ilundniiie fiinvcnirs to LiidinH. I'MICES -j-i.sii, Ji.on, sot. and 25c 8al 01 aiita now in iro;rn-8. ACADKMY OK MUSIC, WLDNUSDAV, SEPTEMbER 16. Tho Sini'inu t'ouiodian, Andrew Mack In tho lieaiitiful Irish Play, JV1YLES AROON, Direction of D. W. TruBs Co, Occnt H-w Production. K uijrLb'y Strong Company. M.tk's Gwa Sweet Melodies. Prices ijc, ?r,c, ;gc, 501:, 75c ami Si. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday, Sep tembcr 14, 13 and 16. r mi New Bl: Show. A Positive Attraction. LverylhlnL' New and up to the Times. SEE THE FUIIIiY IRISH CAKE WALK Lovely Forms w'.;h Pretty Faces. Brigut and Pleasing Music Handsoma Wardrck An Extremely Funny Burlctqne, The hie of Slitun-rain AdniHoton 10. 2J or .10 Cents, Two ticrformiinccs dally. Tioora oon at l.SU und 7. Cui'tuln rises ut -.30 and 8.1S. FOR Ur. Van! Pelt' Mon thly ki-gulallng Veg etonle tiranules coin- 5WOMEN fcoutiuiinus tnido as a r mand and maintain m rnciinnrnt ivnlltiAvh.llM- Jtion and detillity pecultarly incidotit to iwoman of tender conatitutiona in youth and told nee, TlicT havo no emial. Tho faculty atrongly recommend the ra. Deacriptlve olr-l Irular tree, sent secnrelv aenlod. Juvtnlal oJnjoJJgitPreBbjteirt HELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers