The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Facb of the Contests Was a Fight to the
Finish. '
Scrniilon Had It Ciucbed, but the
Errors fume mid Unas All Utct.
lluffiilo Mill Out in tho Ninth.
' Rochester Booked tor Third Flnce.
Springfield (.nve Keeunn a Scare.
Yesterday's Results.
I'rotlJcnce 4 Scranton....,
w likes. Uarre o Springfield..
Syracuse s Wochenter...
Iiutfulu 7 Toronto
IVrceutiiKO llccord.
P. W. L. i' C.
I'tv.vidonce .T 11. " 70 .
HufTulo 118 ttl W M
Koilifsti-r 122 M "i! .511
'I'ui'onto Ill .W XI
Syracuse 117 r7 iw .17
K:T!linliHKl ll:l M
Wilkea-Hnrre "2 -17 t"i .r.'O
S.ionton 1" 41 lii .3m)
To-dayN I'.uMcrn League tJnines.
KprliiKileld lit Hcrmiton.
1'rovldence at WIlkes-Harre.
Ituffalo at Toronto.
HoiMifsier ill Syracuse.
Gillun Pitched Great Ball, but
Grays Are Able to Win on
Siranlon's Errors.
Mi-i-anton had the Grays ill the hole to
I xf'nt or three-nothing until the
liit.t of tin' sixth, when the scuiv was
mi llie rankest klml of riinkcrlito
Willi one out ttassett was hit by
pili-lier mill MiiKliIro fumbled KiiiKht's
eaf.y bounder. He iielded the ball lute
to Massey and "Hill" kept the thing go
inir by falling over the hall and him
self, too. mid letting Bassett get to
third. Knight was forced nt second by
Tivauby, Basset! coming In on the play.
Fri-I singled Drnuby to second. Lyons
lilt a fumgo to left center, Frlel going
t'i third. Lyons began a steul and Gun
sen lieliled the bull clean to Hiekey.
'I'lie ;i hud u good chunce to run Ly
ons down, but began to play lag. Frlel
. as meanwhile hugging third.
Finally Lyons made a successful
breuk past Hiekey for second. The lat
ter threw wild to Moss on the bug- mid
File! brought in the tielng run.
In the next Inning Conga n was pur
fusely hit by a pitched bull, furry
wouldn't see It that way, however.
'oor,im made u successful steal und
i'eoreil the winning run on's hit
with (wo out.
illllon pitched the kind of ball that
iisuully wins games. He gave but live
lilts, two of them being in the fulul
sixth, after Scranton had missed three
chances to retire the side. Dolan, too,
with his speed and south paw curves,
twilled good bnll, but he was hit for
two eurned runs out of Scranton's
totul of three. He gave nine hits alto
gether. Anyhow, the game was one calculated
to please nnd each of the few hundred
spectators, on account of the uncer
tainty or the thing ,got his money's
worth of excitement. I'mplre Curry
was clearly wrong In declaring Murray
safe after a steal to third in the firth
inning and that furnished an enliven
ing feature for a few moments, during
which the cranks had a few unkind re
marks to make, but the Grays failed to
score and the Incident was forgotten.
It wns different, though. In the seventh,
when Coogan got in front of a pitched
ball and ambled to first. Curry
wouldn't decide that It was purposely
done. The result wus a stolen base and
iiassett s nit, which drought m the win
ning run.
Griffin on a walk nnd F.agau on a
single found themselves on the circuit
in the first inning, with only one out,
but Hiekey Hew out to center and Mas
Key fanned. Only nine men faced
Dolan in the next three innings. And
for four innings Providence was not
much more successful. During that
interval two bases on balls and Dolun's
double were all that Oillon permitted.
Scranton broke the ice in the fifth
Maguire singled and would have been
thrown out on an attempted steal but
for Frlel's miss of Coogan's throw,
which let the "Dude" get to third. Moss
drew four balls and Coogan threw wild
to entch him at second, Maguire com
ing home and Moss making third,
(iimsoii was retired at first and Gillon
forced Moss at the plate. Griffin singled
Gillon to third, but Massey was retired
ut first. After nil, the excitement had
netted but one run.
The two in the sixth were made with
two out. One was earned. Massey
and Maguire singled nnd each advanced
a base when Moss drew four wide ones,
The two runs came in on Gunson's
single. Gillon flew out to Drauby.
Then came the mess In the last half
nnd the unearned run in the seventh
ull of which has been described In the
It seemed like a sort of fatality that
In the seventh, eighth and ninth Scran
ton made one hit In each, but always
after two were out.
A.H, R. II. P.O. A. K
Griffin, cf 4 0 I 1 0,0
Meaney, rf 5 0 1 0 0 0
CuRim, If 5 0 2 1 0 0
Hiekey, 2b 4 0 0 0 2 2
.Mnssev. lb 4 1 1 II 2 1
.Maguire. 3b 4 2 2 2 2 1
.Moss, ss 2 II 1 4 f 0
Ounson, c 4 0 15 2 0
Gillon, p 4 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 36 3 U 21 It 4
A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
Cannvnn. 2b 2 0 0 0 2 0
Bassett, .lb 3 112 2 0
KntVht, If 2 0 0 1 0 0
Urauby, lb 4 1 0 10 0 0
Frlel. ss 4 112 11
Lyons, cf 4 0 2 4 0' 0
Murray, rf 4 0 0 2 0 0
1 'nogan, c 2 1 0 0 0 1
fiulan, p 3 0 10 2 0
Totals 28 4 C 27 7 2
Rcrunton 0 00012000 t
Providence 0 0 0 0 0 S 1 0 x 4
Karned runs Scrnnton 1. Two-base hit
Iiolun. Stolen bases Maguire, Moss,
Mm ay 2, Lyons, Coogan, Bassett. Left on
bases Scranton 8, Providence t. Struck
out Massey, Menney, Hiekey, Eagan,
I'rlcl. Double plays Massey to Moss to
Massey. First on errors Providence 1.
first on bullsOff Gillon 4. off Dolan 1
Hit by pitcher Bassett, Coogan. Umpire
-Carry. Time 1.4ft -
Springfield Could Not Touch Pitcher
Keenan I'ntil It Was Too Late.
Wllkes-Rarre. Sept. . 11. In today's
jramo between ' Wllkes-Barre and
Springfield Keenon did the best pitch
ing and tip to the seventh Inning only
one run had been made oft his delivery.
Tn the seventh the visitors succeeded
In bunching their hits and made four
runs. Keenan was hit freely also in
the eighth and ninth, and the Springers
came near tioing the score. Lezotte
who was sold to Pittsburg yesterday
did some remarkable batting. He
faced the opposing pitcher five times
and made two doubles and two singles.
He was applauded for his good work.
A.B. R. II. P.O. A.
Lyttle. if ....
UonniT, 2b ..
Lesotte, if ..
Belts, cf ....
Smith, :fb ....
iloeckfl, lb .
McMdlinii, hr
WeiilP. e ....
Keenan, p....
S 3
4 1
Totals Hit 0 It 27
A.B. R. II. P.O.
A. E
Fuller, ss ..
Sn icker. 2b
heftier, rf
Duncan, lb ,
Hurley, It ..
.. 4
.. 4
lllbert, 3b
Lelghton. cf 4
Leahy, o
... 4
.. 4
oiiKhlln, p.
Totals 39 7 11 '27 12 4
Wllkes-Hurre 2 0020022 1-9
Springfield 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 27
Kurned runs-Wllkes-Barrp 4. Springfield
4. Klrst buse by errors Wilkes-Rurre 3.
Springfield M. Left on buses Wilkes-
liuire 8, Springfield 7. Klrst base on onus
.irr 1.-, 1, 1 nlY rmiL'hlln J. Struck out
By t'oughlin, McMuhon. Three-base lilt
Keenun. Two-hase lilts l,eoiie z, hut
can, Gilbert, Fuller, Barley, Smith. Sac
,.in,.n Mtiiiihnn Stolen base Striek
er. Passed uall-Wente. l.'mplre-Keefe.
lime i.i ...
Buffalo. Scut. 11. Today's wns a bitter
fighl from start to wlndiip. The Bisons
won their game in the second Inning when
they went ut Dunn und all but drove nun
from the box. The Torontos warmed up
Gray in the eighth und for 11 spell It looked
is If they would even up mutters. Attenu-
n nee 3.000. Score: R.H.K.
Buffalo 1 ,-, 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 17 1
Toronto 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 r. 11 1
Itatterles-Gray und t'rnuliurl; Dunn
ami Casey. I'niplre Swnrtwood.
Rochester. Sept. 11. Syracuse won a
game full of excltemnt from start to finish
today, the Stars earning all of their runs.
Score: it.M.K.
Rochester 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 10 1
Svraeuse 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 OO-512 1
Halerles Culllhun and Boyd; Whltehlll
and Kyun. I'nipire Not given.
Percentage Record.
p. w. l. r.c.
Bitlthnnrn 110 M X "
Cleveland 118 7:t 4.", .K31.
Cincinnati US 72 V, .Ml
Chicago 122 Wt r,:l M
Boston 121 07 M m
Pittsburg US 2 ."ni ,r.'.'tl
New York 121 50 2 -4S7
Philadelphia 120 AS 112 .4t:t
lirooklvn 110 K lit ."12
Washington 110 51 CW .42S
St. Louis 121 a! .27
Louisville 118 31 7 .2U0
Iliiltimorc-nrooklyii. ,
Baltimore. Sept. 11. A postponed game
between the champions and the Brooklyn
team was played her today and the home
team lost. Daubs pitching ami uatting
were both feutiires.while Hemming wns lilt
freelv. The contest was a listless and
spiritless one in spite of the fact that tho
home team need but one more game 10
assure the penunt lor is:. .Mtenuance
l.:&:t. Score: U.1I.E.
Baltimore 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0-.1 8 4
Brooklyn 3 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 1-10 12 .1
Butteries Hemming and Robinson;
Daub and Orlm. I'mplre Hurst.
Washington, Sept. 11. King's base on
bulls cost his side the game. Carsey twirled
steadily, und up to the elglitn inning me
Philadelphia had an apparently winning
lead. Cross made a great one-hand stop.
while the butting and fielding of DeMonl
reville nnd Hallman could hardly have
been improved upon. Altandance 2,800.
Score: R.H.E.
Washlncton 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 11 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1- 0 10 1
Batteries King and Farrell; Curgey ana
Grady. Cniplre Lynch.
At Louisville- R.H.E
Louisville 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 .1 1
Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 2 8 3
Batteries Ctinnigham nnd .Miller; Ehrci
and Vaughn. Umpire Lally.
At Pittsburg- R.H.E,
Pittsburg 0 00 00 1 0 1 O-2 S 3
Chicago 0 11I 0001 0-4 7
Batteries Hastings and Xlerrltt; Terry
and Dunahue. I'mplre Sheridan.
ftirlncfleld here today, Monday and
I.ovett nnd Berger will be In the points
this afternoon.
Scrnnton still lends with eight
won out of fifteen played with
Roiser Connor, of the Browns,
Is the
mosi scientific boxer on the diamond
Sporting News.
League I'mplre Conahnn always wore
a button In the lapel of his coat inscribed
"Don't Kick." Uncle Nick did, however,
and Con. (hall was fired.
Al Muul. the Washington pitcher, is nn
able to lift his twirling mm above bis
shoulder except on the 1st nnd 15th of
each month Sporting News.
President Freedninn is on the warpath
H has Issued an order 10 exclude Sam
Crane from Ihe Polo grounds and denied
I he courtesies of the Polo grounds to the
Cincinnati newspaper men.
Scranton's hopes of finishing better than
last have vanished. If Wilkes-Unrre loses
all three games tn Providence Its percent
age will be 409 whde if Scrnnton should
win all three gnmes from Spritmlleld the
percentage will be only .3m:.
Munager Griffin Is trying to arrange for
a game with Baltimore here on the 30th,
Scranton's players will, many of them, be
scattered, but enough will remain to make
a team with the addition of Belts, le
zotte, Goeckel and Luckey, of WilkeS'
Barre. and "Jack" Tlghe.
With Springfield comes the big and
henvy.hlttlng Dnn Brouthers. He is a
card by himself and his presence with the
Ponies should have its effect In an in
creased attendance. Daniel will have to
hump himself to make a home run hit nt
Athletic park.
It can he stated on excellent authority
that If the Baltlmores play the Cincln
natls for the Temple cup and win. Von
der Horst and Haulon will take the cham
pions to Europe. If the Clevelands get
Into the series Instead of the Reds, the
trip will be abandoned.
The melancholy days have come
When autumn hovers near.
And base hull men begin again
To figure on next year,
Nicholson. Pa.. Sept. 9. 18W.
Sporting Editor The Tribune, Scranton
Dear Sir: In order to settle a contro
versy please deWde the following base ball
nuestlon: (1) If a pitcher Is taken out of
the bos, but not out of tho game, can he
put back to pitch again for instance, he
pitches two innings, then plays gnorisiop
he next two Innlncs. can he no back la
box and finish the game? and (21 can he be
taken out for another pitcher and put
buck in as ain in the same lnnlug? An
answer to the above will greatly oblige.
Very truly yours.
I Answer (1) Yes: (2) yes. provmeu ne
has not been out of the game. Ed.
The Stars, of Green Rldee. accept the
challenge of the Nonpareils and will play
nn the lutter's grounds at 3.30 September
'. James Sheedy, manager.
The Actives, of South Side, accept the
challenge of Defenders, of the same place,
to a game of ball on the Stars' ground Sun
day morning, September 13, at 10.30 o'clock.
Cavanagh, captain; T. Kennedy, man
The Olyphant Browns challenge tn flii-
nookas for Tuesday next and the Harmon
ies, of Scranton, for Thursday. Please an
swer In Monday's Tribune. J. J. McAn
drew, manger.
Strathherry, 2.04'i.. still holds the "hop.
pled pacer" record. Dun T.. 2.0rt4. has
shown as fast and may get to the front ere
Rumor has It that James A. Murpny.
owner of Tom, 2.1SV.. and others. Is the
owner of the Chinese horse Jo He, 2.08'i.
Albei t E., 2.10i. may be seen pleasant
days on the road driven by his owner. He
Is getting hlsm ready for the snow cam
Seven thousand dollars was recently re
fused for the sensational 2-year-old colt
Jupe, 2.17. yuite like old "boom period"
The veteran pacer, Joe Jefferson, Z.V.'U.
17 years old, is still sound and showed
speed of a high order over the side-drive
Ideal park s foreign book Is reported 10
be a 87,000 loser on the Redwood race, ut
Newport, Tuesday. The tickets were
ashed yesterday.
Annual Convention ol the W. C. T. U.
Held in the Mooslc Presbyterian
ChurchThose Who Attended.
The Lackawanna. County Women's
Christian Temperance Union conven
tion was held yesterday in Mooslc in
the iPresbyterlan church. Over fifty
delegates were present and in addi
tion there were large audiences at the
morning, afternoon and evenitiK ses
sions. Mrs. C. D. Simpson, of this city,
the county president, presided.
Devotional exercises led by Mi.
Rlchurd Hlorns opened the morning
session at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Alice Drake,
of Mooslc, welcomed the delegates and
Rev. L. A. Llndermuth, pastor of the
hurch, spoke briefly. Mrs. A. E. Pease
made a very fitting response to the
welcome. Mrs. Simpson named thj
following committees:
On Resolutions Mrs. A. F. Yost,
Scranton: Mrs. R. E. Pease, Green
KMge; Mrs. IT. L. O. Squires, Carbon-
dale; Mrs. Elizabeth Sayer, Moscow;
Mrs. Minnie Van Dyke, Madisonvllle;
Mrs. E. H. Bnrber, Peckville; Miss Ella
Alumord. Waverly: Miss Tillte Turner,
Nay Aug; Mrs. Hurt. Scranton.
Credentials Mrs. Depue, Scranton;
Mrs. Tewksbury, Scranton.
Courtesy Mrs. Vaughan, Moscow,
and Mrs. Drake.
Brief addresses, congratulating the
women upon their work for temperance
nnd against the liquor traffic were
made by Rev. J. L. Race, of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist church; Rev. fc.. L
Sautee, of Duryea; Rev. Mr. Lewis, of
Mooslc, and Rev. M. Turey, of Rcrd-
Report were made as follows:
Sclentllli! Temperance Instruction, Mrs.
M. Vuughan: press work, Miss Ella
Mumford; temperance llternture, Mrs.
Emma Williams; railroad work, Mrs.
G. L. Field; work among foreigner.
Miss Tlllie Turner; prison und jnll
work, Mrs. ,1. M. Howell; llower mis
sion, Mifs Frances Ruub: franchise,
Frank Dtpue; Sunday Schools,
Mary Gardner! parlor meetings.
Lizzie Wagner: Juvenile work,
L. M. Swatz. The reports were
without exception, of 11 gratifying mi-
The evening programme Included ad
dresses by Rev. L. A. Llndermuth and
Rev. W. L. Hlller.
Among those who attended the con
vention were: Mrs. L. C. O. Sipiler,
Mrs. K. B. Gardner. W. K. Roberts.
Taylor; Mrs. Elln K. Rhodes, Elmhurst;
Mrs. Elizabeth Sayer, .Moscow: Mrs.
Kerr, Mrs. Wisby. Mrs. Smith, Mis. T.
M. Furey, Mrs. Amelia Smith, Scran
ton; Mrs. .1. M. Howell, Mrs. O. D.
Simpson, Scrnnton; Mrs. Emily Hlorns,
Scranton; Mrs. A. E. Arnold, Peckville;
Mrs. Frank DePue, Scranton; Mrs.
Voight. Scranton; Mrs. P. K. Chandler,
Scranton; Mrs. S. C. Dorsey. Scranton;
Mrs. R. E. Pease, Scrnnton; Mrs. A.
Trip, Mrs. F. L. Hudsall. Scranton;
Mrs. .1. C. Craig. Peckville; Mrs. E. H.
Bnrber. Peckville: Mrs. W. liudd,
Peckville; Misses J. S. Walker. Mos
cow: Laura wans, aioscow; airs. a.
F. Yosl, Mrs. E. .W. Kueh. Scrunton;
Mrs. John Brown. Green Ridge; Mrs.
Lizzie Wagner, Peckville; Miss Ella
Miinit'ord. Wnverly; Mis. C. K. Ma-
honey, Waverly; Mrs. A. H. Treverton
Green Ridge; Mrs. Nolan, Green
Ridge: Mrs. E. L. Walters, Madison
vllle; Mrs. V. H. Kerr, West Illtston;
Mrs. K. I Santee, Duryea; Mrs. Fan
nie Hart. Mrs. Fannie Morton, Jennie
A. Howard, Mrs. A. W. Sherwm, Jreen
Ridge: Mrs. H. L. Mallery, Green
Ridge: Mrs. L. V. Ueane, Green Ridge
Mrs. F. P. Doty, Scranton; Edith Doty.
K. llluckinan, Mrs. G. L. Field, Scran
ton; C. A. Flanagan, Taylor.
Etciirsinu, Inspection and Conven
tion .Matters Discussed.
The Firemen's I'nlon of Lackawanna
county held an Important meeting lust
night In the municipal building. The
excursion committee reported thut the
outing netted about $150. Immediately
atcr the parade on firemen's day a re
ception will be tendered the firemen
and city officials In Music Hall. In
the evening a grand hall will be held In
Music Hull, at which idty officials and
firemen will be admitted free.
A committee consisting of Chief Hick
ey. Captain Molr. Assistant Chief
Schwnsser, Isadore Goodman and Sec,
retary Zlzehnan was appointed to wait
on Mayor Bailey and have him attend
the Fremen's convention at Johnstown
in the Interest of Scranton in 1897. The
I'nlon has secured accommodations for
thirty people in Johnstown t the
Capitol Hotel at t'i per day.
The following persons have already
signified their Intention to be presnt at
the convention: Chief P. J. Hiekey, C.
S. Seamans, president Flremens Un
ion; Isadore Goodman, vice-president
J. A. Kiggalls. Nay Aug; P. F. Yoos
Phoenix: tleorge K. Bailey, General
Phlnney; J. H. Riley, Excelsior; Louis
Schwass, Century; J. C. Vaughn, Eagle
Adam Ktelnhauser, Hook and Ladder
Fred Dttrr. treasurer Firemen's I'nlon;
A. 1. Colborn. Crystals: W. 8. 'Potter,
Neptune, Dunmnre; E. H. Van Camp,
Independent. Dunmore; C. S. Alexan
der, Mitchell's, Carbondale; Charles
Smith, Columbia, Carbondale; U. D.
Swkk. Crystal. J.rmjn: C. II. Redder,
Wilson Hose company. Peckville;
George Maxey. Forest City. George Led
yard. Forest City.
Other persona desiring to accompany
the Frlemn'a Union will advise Isadora
Goodman Immediately, as accommoda
tions are limited.
Work the Xaveriaa Brothers Are
Doiag in That lastitntioa.
The advent of the Xaverian Brothers
to St Thomas' college supplies a want
that was long felt in Soranton-niinicly
the union of a thorough busin.-s edu
cation with the classics and sciences.
There are institutions n our city where
a good business or a goul classical, or
even a good scientific education might
be obtained; but no one whore all three
are combined.
Xaverian Brothers have achieved
great success in their schocLi which are
chiefly devoted to preparing younK men
for the professions and for the business
walks of life. One of ttu? most suc
cessful teachers in the Xnv.iau order
is Brother Angel us. at prvnv?nt director
of studies at St. ThoniiW. Pupils
taught by his in other cities have ut-
tuined highest honors In civil service
and competitive examinations. Studer.ts
entering St. Thomas will receive com
plete instruction Jn commercial nc-
counts, book-keeping, type-writing and
short-hand. The system of short-hand
taught by the brothers Is) the celebrat
ed Pernin system lately adopted at the
high school at Harrlsburjr, Pa., and in
the public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Writers in thlB system have no dfflcul
ty in reading; their own notes even
yearsV after they were written; they
wlllso read one another's notes with
sotnuch ease an ir these were written
in long hand.
Pupils taking the full business course
ut St. Thomas' college will be certain
to become expert in ahort-hand and
type-writing. But the business course
loes not Include these two branches
merely, but also the complete bound of
comprehensive English education
from 'English giummsr and composi
tions tn English rhetoric und English
Passed Away at a Kipe Old Age at
His Home on Mitt li,A venue.
Jacob Saint er, 76 years old, died at
his home, 340 Mifflin avenue, nr 3
o'clock yesterday .-nornlnnr. He had
been Blck several ve-k8, and tho end
was not unexpected by hia family. The
funeral will be held tomorrow .after
noon. Services will Be conducted at
the house, and lnternif nt will be made
In Dunmore cemetery.
Mr. Samter was born In Sirmuny in
1S20, came to this country in end
lived In New York until 187, when he
came to Scranton. His character was
rugged and honest through and
through. Being; of a nature not In
clined to seek prominence by going per
sonally forward, he was not well known
In public; but he had those successful
qualities of manhood that made him
progressive In business anil well adapt
ed to deal with men.
Ho Is survived by his wlf, three sons
and two daughters. His sons are Satn-
ueL Isaac and Benjamin Samter, of
Samter Bros., of Iackawanna avenue;
his daughters are Mrs. M. Levy, of St.
Louis, and Mrs. Potsdamer. wife of Dr.
J. B. Potsdamer, of Philadelphia.
Was Attended by Ex-t'ounly Surveyor
A. B. Dunning.
Ex-County Surveyor A. Tt. Dunnlns
returned nt 6 o'clock last evening from
Phllndelnhla. after attending nt 8
o'clock the night before at Hotel La
fuyette, a meeting of the State High
ways' Committee, of the Pennsylvania
Division of the League or American
Wheelmen. That commutes con
sists of Hibbard B. Worrell, of Phila
delphia, chairman: Mr. Dunning, An
son P. Dare, of Harris-burg; T. J.
Keenan, jr.. of Pittsburg; and Frank
A. Deans, of Wellsboro.
General Roy Stone, engineer nnd
road director of the I'nlted States de
partment of agriculture, and Professor
John Hamilton, assistant secretary of
agriculture in Pennsylvania and a di
rector .of Farmer's Institute, were
present and conferred with the com
mittee, it Is the desire of the com
mittee to devise some way to huve
a bill prepared to submit to the next
legislature for pussage. The committee
met principally to hear Oeneral Stone
and Prof. Hamilton, both of whom
huve hud a wide experience In the art
of road making:.
St. John's Society W ill Hold n Picnic
There on (let. IO.
St. John's society of Pine Brook yes
terday concluded negot iations by
which they secured control of Laurel
Hill park for Ociober in, when the pa
rudo of the societies comprising the
Scrnnton Diocesnn union will be held
In this city. After the parade the vis
itors will be the guests of St. John's
soclty and will be entertained with a
picnic in Laurel Hill Park.
For many weeks past active commit
tees have been at work completeing ar
rangements for this picnic which will
be on a scale equal to that of the big
demonstration which precedes It.
The parade this year promises to be
a monster uffair. Not only will nearly
all of the societies in the Diocesan
I'nlon be In line but many detached so
cieties have accepted Invitations to
take part in the parade which will be
In general charge of Grand Marshal
Michael O'Malley. or this city.
I'nnsnul Vent of One or the Century
Company's Animnl.
One of those bin. brawny horses used
by the fire department walked up a
flight of stairs at the Century Hose
house during the early hours of yester
day morning and the perman
ent man, Joseph Helpman, who was
It was a most unusual incident. The
horse had been furnished to the com
pany on trial by Frank Cobb and is a
fine specimen of its kind. During the
morning It broke through lt fastenings
and walked around downstairs for a
time. Seeing an open doorway the
animal made for it and then began the
march upstairs. The permanent man
heard the heavy footfalls. When he
opened the upstairs door the horse's
head greeted him. A little difficulty
was had in getting the animal back.
Washington Post.
The Democratic manager who con.
celved the Idea of keeping Tillman at
work among the anthracite coal miners
of Pennsylvania is entitled to much cred
it for his cleverness. The Pennsylvania
miners have put up with so much hard
luck that they will not mind a little tiling
Valuable Real Estate
By virtue of sundry wits of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex
ponas, Issued out of the court of com
mon pleas of Lackawanna county, to me
directed, I will expose to public sale by
vendue or outcry, to the highest and best
bidders, for cash, at the court house, in
the city of Scranton, Lackawanna coun
DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D.. 1896, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon of sold day, all
the right, title and Interest of the de
fendants In and to the following described
lots, pieces or parcels of lund, vis.:
NO. 1. All the right, title and Interest
of Sarah Robinson, and R. K. Bennett,
administrator of the estate of William
C. Robinson, deceased, in and to the fol.
lowing described lot, piece or parcel or
land situate, lying and being in the Bor
ough or Blakely, in the county of Lacka
wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, to wit:
Bounded on the northerly side by North
Main street; on the easterly side by land
In the possession of Sarah Smulley; on
the southerly side by land of W. A. Brun
dage; on the westerly side by land In the
possession of .Mr. MeCalvey. Said lot is
twenty t20) feet in front on said North
Main street and the sume In the rear, and
one hundred and fifty (120) feet In depth.
It Is Improved with small barn. Seized
and taken in execution at the suit of Will
lam Bell & Son vs. R, J?. Bennett, admin
istrator of the estate of William C. Rob
inson, deceased, and Sarah C. Robinson.
Debt, J08.2B. Judgment No. 313. May T.,
1KM, fl. fa. to September term, 18..
NO. 2. All the right, title and interest
of the defendant, Elisabeth Kelly, in und
to all the following described lots, piece
or parcel of land, situate, being and lying
In the Nineteenth ward of the city of
Scranton, county of Lackawanna and
state or Pennsylvania. The first thereof
described as follows, to wit: Being lot
No. five (5 )ln square or block number
eighty-two (82) and situate upon the north
easterly side of street called and known as
Plttston avenue in said city; said lot be.
ing rectangular In shape and is forty (40)
In width In front, the same in rear and one
hundred and forty (140) feet in deflth.
Improved with one two-story frame
dwelling house, one frame engine house,
and outbuildings.
The second thereof described as follows,
being the rear one hundred feet of lots
numbered twenty-one (21) and twenty-two
(22) In square or block numbered thirty
six, and situate on the south side of Maple
Btreet in said city. Said parts of lots are
contiguous and form a rectnngular piece
of land one hundred (100) feet in width on
said Maple street, the same in rear, and
eichtv (80) feet In depth, and are unim
proved. Tho abovAt described land being
the same premises uescrmea in a cerium
mortgage given by said Elizabeth Kelly
to said Industrial Building and Loan As
sociation, dated and recorded in tho Re
corders' office of Lackawanna county tn
Mortaaae Book No. 48. page 201, etc.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of Industrial Building and Loan Associa
tion vs. Elizabeth Kelly. Debt, $4,190. Judg
ment No. II1O.1. Sept. Term, l.vj-i, 11. in. 10
Sept. T.. 1S!W.
NO. S. All tho right, tltte and Interest
of tho defendant. Anton Hartman, In and
to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land situate, being and lying on Stone
Btreet In tho city of Scranton, county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania.
Bounded and described as follows, viz.:
Being lot number twenty-three (23) in
square or block number thirty-two (32)
nnon the nlot of the said city of Scranton
Intended to be duly registered and record
ed? an Id lot belna1 reetnnKular in snape,
forty (40) feet in width In front on said
Stone street same in rear ana one nun
rtrerl nnd fortv (140) feet In depth.
Said lot Is more particularly described ns
follows: Commencing at the northwest
erly corner of said Stone street at the
Junction of Beech street, thence running
northwesterly uy suin ueecn mreei uuc
hundred and forty (140) feet to an auey.
thence westerly by said alley forty (40)
feet to lot number twenty-four (24) In ssld
block- thence southeasterly by said lot
iweio v-four (24): one hunarea anu iori
(140) feet to said Stone street; 'hence
easterly on saia oiooe bucci iuuj v
la the nlnce of beginning.
All Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling, barn and outbuildings.
Being the same premises which Mary
Lucy granted and conveyed to Anthony
Hartman and Louisa Hurtman, his wife,
h.r .leeel dated the 7th day of April, 1888,
and recorded In Recorders' olllee of Iai'K
.n,,n emintv In deed book No. C1, page
"7 etc Seized and taken In execution ut the
suit of Huldrlck Dietrich vs. Anton Bail-
man. Debt, r00. Judgment no. in, isov.
T 18!. to Sept. T., I5W,.
vn ihe rlirht. title and Inlerest
of the defendants. Mary Cavaouimh and
Tl,n,nn I'HVHIIUUIlh. ill HMll tO It 1 1
certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in the city or i-uruouuuie, i-oumy 01
i ....b..niin nnd state of Pennsylvania.
Being part of out lot number 32 in Map of
Lois of the Delaware and Hudson Cuniil
eompanv, bounded and described as fol
hue iWlnnlmr nt a point on the north,
erly line of Brooklyn street ut the south-
w'est corner 01 101 ul wumn wuuurj,
ih.n in n westerly direction along line
of Brooklyn street aforesaid sixty-four
101) feet lo a corner of land of Mary Cavu-
nuugh' I hence lit a iionuerij oirrcuoii
along 'last mentioned land one hundred
(loin feet to land of Mary l.aikln; thence
In an easterly direction along last nien-
i.,.i inn,) eleven ill feet to lund of .Mar
tin Mooney aforesaid: thence in a south
erly' direction ulong lund of Martin Moo
ney one hundred und twenty WMi feet to
ulace of beginning. Seized and tuken ill
1 .YV v ..o ..i- u ii- 14. .,i,i
execution ' " " " "
Marv Cuvaimugh und Thomas Cavanatigh
bebi 300. Judgment No. 8, March term,
. . .. . ... t,...., 'I ivur.
11. 111. to rl'i- J
r,. All the right, title and Interest
. ,i.,rwtir1iiiil. .links Heuffle. In noil tn
all those two adjacent lots or pieces of
land situate III tne lownsmp 01 rtoiun au
i.....n. itniitc of Lackawanna nnH Mtuto
of Pennsylvania, being lots Nos. 1 18 and 149
upon the easterly sine oi nam avenue in
tiii.l,.,.1 Min-k. hnvlnir IL eomhineil wiilth
of pm feet and a depth of 1D0 feet. All im
proved with a two aim oue-nair story
. mA AivotllniF house, one frame hum
chlckery. well, fruit trees. Seized and
.... Avooiitlnn nl the unit nt It 1..
Bedel vs. Jinks Bengle. Debt, $75. Judg
ment No. w'.', nepi. . i""". iit. io aepi
1t lyjy. j flmiv,tv, Atty
NO. C All the right, title and Interest
of Cassie Hollenbuck and John liollen
baek In nnd to all the surface or right of
soli of all that certain lot of land situate,
lying and being In the township of Lacka
wanna (now city of Scranton), county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Being
lot number one hundred and eighteen (11M
OI piOl Ol mim m w-incn, emu IUI IB
rectangular in shape, measuring rorty (10)
feet In front on Back (formerly called
Hickory) street, the same width on the
rear, and one hundred and forty (140) feet
in depth, as designated on said plot, which
plot is Intended for record by the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
Company. All Improved with a two-story
frame dwelling house and other outbuild
ings thereon. Seized and taken In execu
tion ot the suit of Commonwealth Build
ing and Loan Association vs. Cussle Hol
iu.,h.nlt ami .lohn Hnllenhaek. lleht t-in
Tiwiirment No. 704. Sent. term. 1X90. fl. tn
uan W HUM!
NO. 7. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant, Martin Regan, in and to
all the following described lot, piece or
parcel or lana situate in tne city or si rsn
i tan, in the county, of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, described us fol
lows, vis.: Li Me. is in square or block
No. 97. and situate uuon street called
and known as River street upon the plot
of the city of Scranton. Intended to be
duly registered and recordmt. said lot be
ing forty feet In front and one hundred
and fifty-two feet in depth, rectangular,
with an alley in the rear sixteen feet wide
for public use, with the privilege of using
ten reet in front or the rront line or sum
lot for yard vault, porch, ptasza, cellar
way and bay-windows, but for no other
purpose, the top of the outside of said
vhuiis in no case to be nigner man me
sidewalk In front of the same. Coal and
minerals reserved.
Seised and taken tn execution at the
suit ot assigned to Moses Taylor Hospital
vs. Martin Regan. Debt, 1515. Judgment
No. 310, September term. 18915. ti. fa. to
Sept. T., KM.
NO. f. All the rlirht. tltln and Interest
or the defendant, Frank R. Blair. In and to
all the surface of all that certain lot of
land situate tn the First ward or the city
of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna and
state or Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: Being the
southerly part of lot No. 87 on plot ot
lots In nume or Alfred Darte. Jr., on cor
ner of Highland avenue (now Laurel
street) and Bucket Brook, or Cliff street,
hounded northerly by land of tleorge D.
Falnian. southerly bv lot No. on said
plot, easterly by laurel street (late High
land avenue) and westerly by lot No. 38
on said plot, owned by W. W. Watt, be
ing- i teei in none on Jaurei street, ot
feet In the rear, Wi feet on said Ocorge
D. Flllman, and 03 feet on lot No. 30;
excepting and reserving out ot the same
unto Alfred Derte. jr., and Caroline, his
wife, tbelr heirs and assigns, all the coal
and other minerals in and under said lot
tne same as they are reserved In deed
from them to C. N. Branson: Improved
with a two-story frame dwelling house
and outbuildings. Seised and tuken tn
execution at the suit of Michael Moran
vs. Frank R. Blair. Debt, $840. Judgment
No. 614. March T 1895. lev. fa. to Sept.
term, 1890. BUTLER, Atty.
NO. 0. All the rlirht. title and Interest
of the defendant In and to all thut certain
lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the
city of Carbondale, county of Lackawan
na and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows: On the north by
land of M. Boland ISO feet, on the east by
lands of the Delaware and Hudson Canal
company feet, on the south by an alley
187 feet, on the west by Railroad street 1fi7
ieei, anu situate on tne eust side 01 Kau
road street. Improved with a two-storv
frame dwelling house thereon. Seized
and taken In execution at the suit of the
City of Carbondale vs. Ann Ullgallou.
Estate debt, t2. Judgment No. 90. Nov.
I., alias lev. fa. to Sept. T., m.
NO. 10. All the rlcrht. title and Interest
of the defendants, Joan Dupont Dlmmlck,
mvma r;. uimmicK, executrixes ot Ho
ward C. Dlmmlck, deceased, and Curtis A.
Barnum, terre tenant, in and to all that
certain lot or parcel of land situate in
Abington township. Lackawanna county.
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de-
scrioea as louows, to wlc: Beginning at
a corner or a tract, also a corner of a
tract of Westlaks farm, thence south 49
ucgrees west m 6-10 rods a one said
Westlake farm to a corner near Brook in
line ot land of James Tinkham and north
of road leading from Job Northup's farm
to uenjamin ivnight's; thence south 46 de
grees east 34 fi-10 rods along said road to
a corner; thnnce south 41 decree east
113 4-10 rods along same road to corner to
a corner in line of lands of Job NVirthUD s
estate; thence north 49 degrees east 164 4-10
roas along mnus or said Northup's estate
to a corner in swamp; tnence nortn 41
degrees west 127 fi-to rodB along lands of
.100 uorton and Carnenter estate to nlace
ot Deginning; tne above uescrmt on in
ciiiues 4 a-iu acres in roadways, Doth or
which 4 acres sold to A. I). Fuller, are
nereoy exceptea anil reserved unto Will
lam M. Sllkman, leaving a balance In said
tract of ona hundred and nineteen and
;ii-liJ0 acres or lund. more or less, im
proved with one two-story frame dwelling
nonse, creamery, two at barns, apole
orchard, other fruit trees thereon, Seised
and taken in execution at the suit of Rus
sell Dlmmlck vs. Joan Dupont Dlmmlck
and Lavina E. Dlmmlck, executrixes of
Kilwaru r. DimniicK, deceased, and Cur
tis A. Barnum. terre tenant. Debt. t5.103.0S.
Judgment No. 683, Sept. term, vm, lev. fa.
to aepi. '1'., 18'J.
DIMM1CK, Atty.
NO. 11. All the right, title and interest
of the defendant, Annie Casey, adminis
tratrix of Stephen Cusey, in and to all the
following tlescrlneil lot or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the city of
ecrantnn, county 01 iacguwanna ami
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as roliows: Being lot No, 7 In
souure or block No, 20 and situate upon
street railed and known as Prospect ave
nue upon tne town piot or tne city or
Scranton intenuea to De amy registered
and recorded, said lot being 40 reel In
rront anu to leet in rear, anu 140 reet tn
depth, reserving and excepting coal and
minerals. Heizeu una tagan in execution
. I. ...1. r.t I, ,. fl.,.. i1J.nt ll 1.
trust-je, vs. Annie Casey, administratrix of
Stenhen Casey, deceased. Jjebt. Jffis.&O,
Judgment No. 797, Sept. T., 1896, fl. fa. to
September, 18,
NO. 12. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant, George Kaluta, In and
lo all that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land situate 111 tne lioroiiKh of Throou.
in the county of Lackawanna and state of
1'ennsylvaiiiu, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Known an lot number
sixteen (10) in block, number two (2 and
fronting on Boulevard rouil, beinic fifty
(.i0) feet in front, same width In rear by
one hundred and sixty-five (lift) feet in
depth, according to a plan or map en
titled I'rice nnu rancoast s tnnp ot Throop,
being the land conveyed by Joseph B,
Townsend anil otners to Patrick Culla
ban by deed dated July 1st, 1S85, and by
Callahan and wife to (leorge Kalata by
need dated zisi 01 .nay, a. u.. 1 si j, record
ed in Lackitwannu comity in D. B. UT,
Dace juo. elc.
All Improved with a two-story brick ho.
tel building and other outbuildings there
on. Seized and taken In execution ut the
suit of New Schiller liullding and Loan
Association vs. George Kalata. Debt, 12,-
600. Judgment No. ro, Bept. term, 1895. tl,
fa. to Sept. term, 18U0. STOK.U3, Atty.
NO. 13. All the right, title and interest
of the defendant, Thomas P. Harris, In and
to ull those certain lots of lund situate In
the township of Old Forge, now Taylor
borough, county of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, described as fol
lows: Being lots numbered one hundred
und fifty-seven and one hundred and iifty
eitfht, sltuute on the northerly side of
Pond street, measuring together one hun
dred and one feet and two Inches in front
on said Puntl street und one hundred and
thirteen feet and seven Inches in depth on
the westerly side, one hundred feet in
width In the rear and one hundred and
thirty feet ill depth on the easterly side,
all of which will appear by reference to
plot number one of lands at Taylor, as
made by the D., L. & W. Itailroad Com
pany, and being the land conveyed by
said company to the defendant by deed
dated 28th October, 1S84. recorded in
Lackawanna county In D. a. 32, page :o7,
All Improved with two two-story frame
dwelling houses and other outbuildings
thereon. Seized and taken In execution
at the suit of Lnckawanna Building and
Loan association of Scranton, Pennsylva
nia, vs. Thomss P. Harris. Debt, $1,409.
Judgment No. 12, September term, 1896,
fl. fa. to September term, 1SDG.
All of which will be sold for cash only.
Sheriff's office, Scrnnton, Pa., Aug. 23,
will offer all of the following wheels we
may hare in eto-k at Jobber's Prices : Wolf
American, Pierce, Wer-Johnnon, Waverly and
Fratheratone Line. Tills is an opportunity
to set a good wheel cheap. We still have the
fninoua 'Crawford," a wheel that runs as
Hunt and eai-- end wears ettal to any JHO
machine on tun irarket. Come and see what
we can do fcr yon in onr line,
. fi. pheh m SPRUCE SI.
Wagner Rele. Lessees aadMsaegere.
Advent of the
Presenting tor the flrat time the new
est lyrical production.
fin American Beatify
dook oy nugn merten. Mnsic by
Ouitave kerker.
Produced here andor the rwranl iHmpH.ii
of Users W. 1,-de er. LILLIAN RUSSELL
IN A NEW ROLE. Nsw Terk Casino orchm.
trs. Handsome Souvenirs to Lailivs.
PRICES inc. and nr R.l
of seats now in progress.
Charles E. Blaney's Latest Saoceta,
Array ot Original Talest.
Ravmond Finlar. Knox O. Wilson. Chart. at
Brynut, t4ua Seville. Thomas Peasley, Frank
Young, Ne.lie O'Neill, Lillie Southern, Ltlliev
Aliyn, (taorgie Lingard, Laura Beuaett, More
Evans, the Wralevan Collen Uuartatta. Flora N
ance Neilam, Belle Tuft, Agaes Teener and
crtiiui aiarau.
PRICES-Uallery. 15c: Balcony, asc, 3jc
Orchestra Circle, First Floor, sec: Orchestra
and Parlor Chairs, First Fleer, 75.
The Singing Comedian,
Andrew Mack
la the Beautiful Irish Play,
Direction of D. W. Trass Co,
MagnlQcent New Production.
Rimirkablj Stroud Company.
Hack's Own Sweet Melodies.
Prices 13c. 35c, jgc. joe. 73c sod Si.
Monday, Tuesday nd Wednesday, Sep
tember 14, 19 tid 18.
New Big Show. A Positive Attraction.
Every ill Ing New and up to the Times.
Lovely Forms wlto Pretty Faces.
.Bright and Pleasing Music.
Handsome Wardrob?.
An Extremely Funny Burleeque,
The Isle of Sham-Paiu
Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents.
Two performances dully. Doors open at
1.3(1 and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and 8.14,
At Rock-Bottom Prices.
Buffalo Prince '96, $36
Imperial '96, 55
Erie '96, 45
Prince '96, 36
Stems '94, 35
Columbia '93, 25
Cleveland '94, 25
Coventry '93, 15
These are all fitted with puetimatla
tires and are In good running order.
gistt Linden Street. Opp. Court House.
Re A.
Took even-thing in night, except
the grand tit and, and he would
have taken that. too. but It was
filled with pretty girls, and being
bashful he did not want to ask
them to move. Get a Spalding
and be with the push at
Intellectual and practical training for
teachers Three courses of study besidea
preparatory. Special attention glvea t
preparation tor college. Students ad
mit ted to best colleges on certificate.
Thirty graduates pursuing further studies
lent year. Great advantages tor special
studies in art and mimic Model school of
three hundred puplU Corps of slxteea
teachers. Heautirul tcrounds. Magnificent
tm'ldtne-s. Large grounds ror athletics.
Klevator and Infirmary with attendant
nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything
furnlfhed at an average cost to najrmal
students of $143 a year. Fall term, Aug.
. Winter term. Dee. t. Spring term.
March 16. Students admitted to classes at
any time. For catalogue, containing fur
Information, apply to
S. II. ALBRO. Principal,
Uausfield Pa.,