The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
fRender m pMN not ttiat
ments, orders for Job work, anil Itcma roj
publication left at the eabllrtimnt pi
Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Main
ureet. will receive prompt attention; o"
bee open from t a. ra. to 10 p. m.J
Ulap Disrevrred by Patrolman Mo
Autlreu-lui'U Duiuhkc Done.
A Hie which, but for Hh timely dis
covery, might hnve resulted in the loss
of life, occurred early ygsterday morn
liifi. The fire was In a coal house Just
liaok of Hotel American, and to Patrol
man Mc-Andrrw Is due the credit of its
discovery. McAmlrew has Just been
appointed on the force and that the
choice wns a good one is seen by his
vigilance. He wns walking along
Salem avenue, at about three o'clock,
when he saw large volumes of smoke
rising from th alley buck o the hotel.
He at once rushed In nnd discovered
that the coal house was a mass of
flumes. It took but a few minutes for
bim to notify the fire companies, who
were soon on the spot, and after hard
work succeeded in getting the flames
under control.
Th" fire Is thought to be of incendiary
origin, ns there is no oilier manner In
which tho place could have taken tire.
Lew in Thomas Injured.
An Injury which nearly resulted in the
death of Lewis Thomas, of Simpson, oc
curred at the Northwest mines. Thomas,
w lio Is employed us a rope runner, went
down the plune In a car and while get
ting out the rope was suddenly tight
ened, throwing the unfortunate man
with great force against a pillar. He
struck on his head and was rendered
Unconscious. There are many cuts on
the body and a large one on the head,
but it is thought he will recover.
Silk Mill Opened.
The silk mill, which has been shut
down on account of the great depres
sion in trade, has reopened. This is a
sign of better times, as the silk trade
is one which Is easily affected. The
outlook at present, however, is very
bright, new hands ure now being
taught. There are now about 1110 hands
at work and about 70 more will be
added as soon us they become skillful
Hospital Unit-lit Abandoned.
If a klrmess Is given In this city dur
ing the fall it will not. be for the benefit
of the hospital. The directors do not
think the returns will be large enough
to pay for the trouble, although the
hospital Is sadly In need of funds. In
all probabilty, however, the klrmess will
be held, ns the Idea has taken such a
hold that it will not be abandoned.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan, of Huston,
who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Pinun, of Fnllbrook street, hnve re
turned home.
Mrs. James Crepo and children, of
Chicago, who huve been visiting In this
city, returned to their home Thursday.
Miss Anna. O'Hourke, of Niagara
Falls, has returned to her home after a
visit of several weeks with friends In
Mrs. W. H. Kdgett and Miss Killth
Taker are enjoying the hospitality of
friends in Catasaucjuu.
Miss Clara Doyle, of the New York
store, who has been spending her voca
tion In Atlantic City and New York,
hus returned home.
Michael Kruntz, of Forest City, and
P. Ackerinan, of Chicago, called on
friend In town Thursday.
Mivs Klin Spencer, who has been the
guest of her brother, C. K. Spencer, for
the past two months, has returned to
her home in Ypsilauti. Michigan.
Alderman and Mrs. W. ft. Baker. Mrs.
Lucy Kdgett and W. II. Kdgett return
ed Thursday from Asbury I'urk. where
they have been sojourning for the past
Miss Mary Cannon, of Seranton, is
the guest of Mrs. I. Atkinson, on Cot
tage street.
Misses Jessie and Oraco IJose, who
have been visting relatives In town,
have returned home.
Mrs. Henry Wedemnn nnd children
are visiting Mrs. Wedemun's mother,
Mrs. E. Deney, nt Lord's Lake, I'nlon,
Wayne county, l'a.
Janitor Ferrell, of the High school,
find his hand badly crushed In one of
the furnaces. Thursday.
Max White, of the Boston variety
store. Is in New York, purchasing goods
for the full nnd winter trade.
Miss Gertrude IJellly, of Susiiuehan
nn, Is -islting her sister, Mrs. T. V.
Walkr, on South Main street.
Mrs. Hannah Leonard hus returned
from Clifford, where she has ben vis
iting for several wceka.
Mips Elizabeth, of the city hospital,
Will:es-Bnire, Is spending her vacation
with her parents. Hex. and Mrs. B. 11.
. Rev. J. J. Canan, of Wilkes-IJarre,
vat. In town yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Weber, of Hacketts
town. N. J.. Is the guest of Sirs. Horace
Haley, )t Salem ! venue.
P.ev. .1. W. Malone, of Seranton,
called on frlndw in town yesterday.
Miss .Mary H. Cardeti, who has been
.lust rta-i rat price and con par them with
any and all f tile other attempts:
2k. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35c, !nraia Carpsis, Now 25c
50c. Ingrain Csrpats, Now ,35s
G5c. Brussels Carprfs, Now 39c
75c Brussels Carpats, Now 57c
5c. Brusse's Carpets, Now 75c
Alcoa quantity of llody llrussels length!
from a to an yard In each piece at about one
l.aif price ta close.
Isrpeii &cd ttiii Pap.? Dealer.
1KB. MS -Cat M tlM Above Goods.
visiting friends In Plttston and Wllkes
Barre the past three weeks, hus re
turned home.
William D. English, of Del Rio, Texas,
who has been absent from home eight
years. Is visiting his parents In this
city. He is conductor on a Texas rail
William Glslon, who has been spend
ing his vacation with his parents on
Wayne street, leaves today for St.
Mary's college, Baltimore, Marylab
Mrs. T. L. Raudenbush, of Seranton,
Is the guest of Mrs. Josiah Yunder
niurk, on Washington street.
James Cunigan, of Pike street, who
has been quite ill the ast three weeks
with typhoid fever. Is cunvalesicent.
Miss Loretta Wynn, of Hundaff
street, called on friends in Wilkes
Barre this week.
Mrs. William McLaughlin, of Kail
brook street, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, at
Waymart, has returned homo.
Miss . Llssrie Hitchcock, of Green
Hldge, is tho guest of Miss France
Abbott, of Garfield avenue.
John It. Wilier, of Newmanstown,
Lebanon county,Pa.,ealled on his friend
A. A. Brown, Wednesday.
Keystone band furnished excellent
music for our MeKlnley club Tuesday
evening. After speech they did a
little serenading.
Colonel N. A. McKown and P. XI. Hor
don, of Tunkhanuock. drove up to hear
Hr. John H. Harris speak on the money
question Tuesday evening.
Our neighbor and friend. Hon. Wesley
Stephens, of Nicholson. Democratic
candidate for repiosentulive, is already
on the field gunning for votes. He vis
ited our town lust Wednesday, but we
are afraid he found poor gunning here,
as this Is u little off season for Demo
cratic gume. j
The register at Hotel De Howell tells
us that J. D. Love, Mount Vernon, N.
Y.; J. M. Ha rrlson.I'hlladelphla; Charles
F. Wotinser, Charles K. Seeley and J.
K. Hopkins, of Seranton. 1'a.. were vis
itors to our town this week.
Next Tuesday evening, the Kith Inst.,
our Mclvlnley club will have u ratifica
tion meeting, preceded by a torch light
parade, headed by Keystone band. The
programme Is not yet officially an
nounced, but there will be uble speakers
there for the occasion. Let every
voter within leach come out to these
meetings nn learn something of Inter
est to his future happiness and prosper
ity. Krank Squires has moved Into J. Wes
ley Reynold' new cottage on Cemetery
Thursday wns a warm day for Sep
tember, the thermometer registering DO
degrees in the shade.
We have heard some good Hah stories,
and of several good cutches this season,
but for right, out and out llshiness, we
dieerfully turn over the belt to our
Nicholson correspondent for The Tri
bune. Hen Thomas, of Scott, is n visitor in
Miss Alia Finn, tif Nicholson, spent
Wednesday 111 town.
Stanley Simrell is attending Seranton
Business college this year.
Miss Agnes Serine, of Scrnnton, is
the guest of Miss Carrfo Watklns.
It. D. Kemmerer hus bnd a relapse
and is again confined l his home.
livery member of tho Ladies' Circle
is requested to be present at the meet
ing In C. A. R. this evening.
Prof. Hnlly gave an address at the
West Abinglon ussociatlou at Forest
City Thursday evening.
Kichurd Wlllluios, n former Keystone
student. Is In town.
.!lss lieemtr, of Mill City, Is the guest
of Miss Jennie Gardner.
Ilev. M. J. WatUius has returned
home from Forest City, where hi has
been attending the Went Abington as
sociation this week.
- - .
Harry Orce has bought the David
Wnduinan'H furniture store and will
soon ooen a dry goods department in
his furniture rooms.
Miss Blanche Carpenter, profession
al muse from New York. Is carimv for
Mrs. Phillip BnMick. who is serious
ly ill.
Miss Annie BtiTit. professional nurs
from Washington, D. ('.. surprised h( r
many friends hero by appearing sud
d' nly among them last week. She will
return to her duties the lirst of next
Willinni Norton lias exchanged his
form on Iiyon street ft r a nous and
horn of Elijah Carpenter's on Main
street and Is moving hl:i effects to the
The rooms untler Frank Davis's
store are being fltte-1 tin for Mr. Cable.
Edison Ca'per.ter 1 1 laying the foun
dation of a new house for J. E.
.Mrs. Travis has moved her millin
er. v rooms to Kilns Westgnte's house.
Airs. Pliilo Hun Itt entertained a
number of lady friend from Cnrbon
d.ile Thmvuiay.
The public school v,"''l open next
Monday. Mr Ruvurd, f.i nt Jermyn, Is
to assume the prlnclpalshlp.
The Methodist chinch Is lo-lng paint
ed and papered by Robert Tennant.
our enterprising people ate agitat
ing the matter of furnishing a reading
room for the young n.tti and boys of
the town.
Squire Carpcnb r Is divblltjg his lurga
house with the view of turning it luto
two dwelling houses.
The Young People's Christian union
of this town and vicinity th-ir
regular monthly meeting last evening
at the Welsh Congregational church.
The men ii, g was largely attended.
The tramps who have been pestering
the residents of this place are still at
their old tricks. A few evenings ago
some of those smart Alecks attempted
to break Into tho residence of Thomas
Bayliss ot North Taylor. There have
been several uttempts at house break
ing In the borough In the past few
weeks and some effort should be made
by the police to capture the thieves.
The social at the Welsh Baptist
church lust evening was a success both
socially and financially.
The Anthracite Glee club will meet
tomoirow afternoon at Llewellyn's
hall. All members are requested to
be present. . . -
. The operetta entitled "old Woman
that Lived In a Shoe," will be perform
ed by the Calvary Baptist union of the
Calvary Baptist church at Weber's
rink on Thursday and Friday evenings
of next week. A crowded house is
Misses Annie and Llllle Falrclough.
who have been visiting' relatives at
Prleeburg for the past few days, have
returned home.
The Reds of this plaee and the Key
stones, of Plitston, will cross bats on
the school house grounds this after
noon. The services at the Calvary Baptist
church for September 14: , Subject
morning. 10:30, "The Stilling: of the
Tempest." Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
Evening sermon at 7:30. Subject, "The
Walking on the Sea." The Lord's sup
per will be administered after the
evening sermon. Everybody is cor
dially Invited. Dr. H. H. Harris, pas
tor. A party was tendered Miss Dora El
derbrand at her home in the Pyne on
Thursday evening, the occasion being
her twenty-first birthday. Dancing
and other amusements were the order
of the evening until a late hour when
the party retired, wishing her many
happy returns. Those present were:
Misses Dora Elderbrand. Llddle and
Carrie Fauner, Carrie and Maggie Wel
bel, Annie Stump. Kate Wetbel, Miss
Miller, Kate and ldn Fanner. Annie
Ott. Antde Shieliis, Liddie. Dora and
Amelia Shullise, and Miss Peters, and
Messrs. Frank Elderbrand. William
Davis, Richard Williams. Peter Shields,
William Oyster, Art Sweet, Ben and
John Neagley, Henry and Michael
Strlne, Andrew Neagley, Henry and
Casper Weibel and Anthony Shultlse.
Rev. M. F. Crane was a caller at Jer
myn yesterday.
Messrs. Andrew Druffer and ThomaB
Ddde are students br the Seranton
Business college.
Patrick .the 18 months old son of Mr.
and vMrs. John MeCrone, died on
Thursday afternoon of cholera Infan
tum. Funeral will take place this af
ternoon. Interment In St. Mary's cin
etery. S. J. Newton nnd Churles Harden
btirg have returned with a large quan
tity of lish from Wlmmers.
K. D. London has returned home
from New York City.
V. J. Dixon left yesterday to enter
ns a student In St. Vincent's college,
Westmoreland county.
Mrs. William O'Malley and family,
and Mrs. U. O'Malley. of New York
city, returned to their homes after r.
few months visit at the residence of
Alts. P. Kelly, of Lincoln Hill.
The many friends of Mr.' and Mrs.
J. 1. Blease will be grieved to learn
that both are seriously 111 at their
home In the North End. Mr. Hlejise
has undergone several operations re
cently and owing to constant care on
the part of Mrs. Blease, she, loo has
been prostrated and her condition is
pronounced critical.
Miss Kate McAllister, of West Pitts
ton, spent yesterday with friends In
The school board met on Thursday
evening and determined the school
district limits of the North End. All
pupils residing north of the hose build
ing will attend No. S school and all
south will attend No. 1. The Ameri
can Book company were granted the
privilege to furnish exchanged books
for a term of three years.
Miss Kale McGrourty. of Wilkes
Bane, is the gm si of Mrs. J. J. Mc
Mis. Mary Vaiigorder, aged 7.' years,
ilinl nl her homo in this pluce on
Tuefday, Sept silk She Is smvlved bj
one child, A. L. Vungorder of this j
place, h'uiierul took place at her late .
resilience yesterday ut one o'clock, j
The remuliiK were taken to Worth i
ceim tery icr interment. i . fl.lml i Biiiglinmton. ,
The funeral of Mrs. A. C. Bond wiuVj w. , ,Ulmy vvili address a Mc
he held ut H o'clock today in the-fc,.nltv . n.,1,,,... n.,.eir .n Mr-rim?.
Methodist Episcopal church. Interment
In Nicholson cemetery. .
liy nmtUiil consent, T'cdrick iirog.,
butchers, huve dissolved partnership.
James I'eotjck continuing the business
Another rami1 oT hull with the
Sciantoii Beset ves Is announced to
take place on our (.rouiul.i next Mon
day afternoon. The Reserves probably
ha.'e u desire to redeem themselves.
The attendance' at our graded school
Is Increasing to Mich an extent that
tin; school board have found it neces
sary to oeder and place more seals
in some of the departments. Many
students ure in from the surrounding
Mrs. Edgar Hell, of Seranton, has
been spending tt few days at P. Tri.
-Mrs. Parish, who has been spending
n few "vreks with her daughter, Mrs.
F. I-:. Til'i'any, returned to her home
In Wilkes-linrre last evening.
l-iuiry Williams returned to Wyom
ing seminary the first of the week.
Matter Grant Decker, who hr.s been
seriously III, Is recovering.
Sheriff E. A. Leonard was In town I
on Thursday. j
W. D. Lusk is having a house erected
for Peter Ledger on Dayton avenue.
Carl Decker hud the misfortune to
hnve his right arm quite badly Injured
while coupling curs Tuesday evening.
The Postal Telegraph company are
mnUng arrangements to open un office
in this iluce. ' ,
It is expected that a new steam plant
for heating the round house and ad
joining buildings will be put in this
month. The Improvement will till a
long fdt wunt.
Frd W. Church was in the Parlor
City the first of the week.
Saturday the Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western pay car will make Its
monthly t lt-it to this place.
William Trowbridge Is visiting his
brother nt Wlllard, N. Y.
The Gospel meet nut tn the Railroad
Young Men's Christian usyot latlon hall
nf xt Sunday afternoon will tie for men
only, -and will be addressed by S. M.
Itiii'd. state secretary of Pennsylvania.
Miss Bessie Rathburn has returned
to her home in Brooklyn. N. Y., after
a pleasant visit with friends In this
George W. Lamb, of Blnghamton,
wac In town on business on Tuesday.
Chicken thieves entered the hennery
of Churles Bokar last Thursday night
and relieved him of twenty-one of his
fancy chickens. Mr. Boker ays he will
keep one eye open hereafter and will
give the next vipitor a warm reception
with powder shot.
Mrs. M. S. Shaffer, of WIlkes-Barre,
is visiting her many relatives In town.
Thomas Warne will visit with
friends at Dallas today.
The funeral of the late Amos Sny
der, who died at his home on Scott
road last Thursday morning, will be
held at the Methodist Episcopal
church tomorrow afternoon, and will
be conducted by the Rev. J. B. Sweet of
Hyde Park, a former pastor of this
place. Interment will be made in
Union cemetery. 1 '
Rev. and Mrs. H. T. AUen. Miss Mil
ton Taylor, Mrs, Henry Oberts and
Francis Hnm attended the meeting of
the Baptist association at Forest
The people of Peckvllle will ; have
the pleasure . of listening to an-open
air concert by the Jermyn band on
Tuesday evening, September lli, under
the auspices of the Central Wheelmen.
They have sent out a large number of
invitations for a social to be given in
their rooms in the Grand Army of
the Republic building tha same even
ing. The programme 'is as follows':
March, "Ko-komo;" overture, "Cu
baoneon;" vocal waltzes, "Twilight
Bells;" trombone solo, "The Signal,"
by Thomas Douthmlte; descriptive
gallop "Night hootll;" song and
dance, "Easter Bells;" selection,
"Eorgnate Tasse;" cornet solo, select
ed by Prof. E. Stephens; descriptive
overture, "Promises Picnic March;"
"Labbeonlan." During the concert
the popular march "t'p a Tree," com
posed by Trofessor Alexander of Wll-kes-Barre.
will be played by request.
The following young people who
have been picking hops In Otsego
county, N. Y.. have returned: Misses
Blanche Dolph, . Mattle Pickering.
Maggie Williams, Rena Day, Vlca
Handricks, and Messrs. Joe Reese,
James Lews and F. J. Swingle.
Preaching tomorrow morning 10.30
In the Methodist Episcopal chuhch by
Rev. Antrulng Aghderian, an Armen
ian. This Is a question that Is of great
Interest to all. A cordial invitation in
extended to all who will avail them
selves of the opportunity to hear of
this great question from a talented
young man. Preaching in the evening
by the pastor. Evangelistic services
to follow the sermon.
The social held under the auspices
of the Epworth League was a decided
success, both socially and financially.
The programme was well rendered.
Preaching In the Presbyterian
church by the pastor. "Conformity to
the World." Rom. 12:2. Evening "A
Sermon of Jesus." Luke 4:21.
I .
(leorgo Smith, of Kldgeway. Pa., Is
the guest of his uncle, Kdwurd
j I
m j
Monger, of Lake avenue.
L. (I. McCullum. of New Millord. Is
visiting Montrose friends today.
W. D. Lusk was present at the Dem
ocratic convention ut Harrlsburg.
Judge Lansing, of Minnesota, one of
the most prominent speakers of thut
state and also enjoying a national rep
utation, will address a Republican
mass meeting at the armory Thutsduy
evening next.
The remains of the late Dr. 8. H.
Mulford will arrive from New York
city Saturday afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
They will be taken directly to the cem
etery. Rev. K. A. Warmer will offi
ciate, reading the burial service of the
Episcopal church.
Mrs. Walter E. Talbot and son Sid
ney and Miss Helen, who hnve ben
Visiting Mrs. Talbot's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis E. Babcock, have re
turned to SchenectaCy.
Harry Smith, of New Hnven, Conn.,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. W. Smith. Mr. Smith is with the
Empire Typesetting Machine company.
On Tuesday next the annual parade
of the Montrose Fire Department will
be held. After the parade the different
companies will hold open bouse to
their friends to whom they have Is
sued a hearty Invllatlon to be pres
ent. .
P. Burns, who hus been for some
lime in the employ of C. W. Mroad
heud hus accepted a pusitlou ai
Ou-eg.i, N, Y.
The annual fair of the I'm-ford Ag
ricultural society will be held on Sep
tember 23 and 24. Harford fairs of
the past have always been success
ful uudffhls year many new features
will beldded.
Mis Minnie liaclitis Is vlslil.:g
vllle on Wednesday evening next.
Miss Delia Coon is the guest of
friends at Jersey City.
Among those registered ut the Tnr
bell House ure O. G. Wurman. Phila
delphia: D. E. Abbot. Elmlra; W. R
This is the complaint ot
thousands at this season.
They have no appetite; food
does not relish. They need thetonlng upot
the stcmach and digestive organs, which
a course ot Hood's Sarsttpnrllla will give
them. It also purifies nnd enriches the
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
the whole physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that it
seems to have almost "a magic touch."
Is the best In fact llio fine Trite Blond Purlller.
. . .. n.ii are tl best nfter-dlnner
nOOd S PlllS pills, aid uisosuoii.
307 Lackawanna Ave.
We guarantee to save 3'on from one to two dollars on
every pair of shoes you buy from us. We have only one price
to all, and every pair of shoes we sell we guarantee to give
you satisfaction or money refunded. Our line of $2 and $3
Shoes for Men and Women are of the best make and every
pair is worth double the price. ,
Our stock of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Men's Shoes and
Grey Bros.' Fine Shoes are worth seeing. Call and exam
ine our goods. Remember, there is no trouble to show
goods and you will surely save money by it.
Leym, Blnghamton: R. B. Gotdsberry,
Philadelphia; W. H. Mcintosh, V. 8.,
Morrlctown, N. J.
. Mrs. Charley Springer and- family,
and Miss May Bentley, who have been
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Steeg,
have returned tOvtheir home at Engle
Wood. New Jersey.
Mrs. Andrew Bedford entertained the
following ladies at tea last Wednesday
evening: Mrs. 8. S. Kennedy. Mrs. W.
R. Finch. Mrs. Bachelor, Mrs. Clara
Dean. Mrs. Thomas Waite, Mrs. Jessie
Case, Mrs. Sterling Bedford and Mrs.
A large attendance of new and old
scholars attended the opening of the
Waverly high school last Monday and
as the facilities for a good education
have been increased by the addition of
a new teacher It is expected that be
fore the opening of the new school
building, which will occur on or about
the first of November, the membership
will be the largest in the history of the
Rev. J. C. Truant, of Wilkes-Parre,
will preach on Sunday In the Moosle
Methodist Episcopal church. He will
also address the Epworth League this
evening. Saturday. Rev. Tenant is
very well known In this vicinity, having
been on the Lackawanna charge last
year. His numerous friends will be
glad to see him.
The breakers of the Pennsylvania
Coal company In this vicinity paid yes
terday. -
Mrs. George Drake, Jr., and children
returned home this week from a visit
In Nichols, N. Y.
Rev. Harvey Koehler, of Kingston,
was calling on friends on Tliursd-iy.
The live months old son of Mr. tind
i Mrs. Evans died on Wednesday of
, bronchitis. Interment was made in
aiurcy cemetery on iTiiiay.
MM. 't)bn Kuapii, of Green Hldse,
was calllni; on friends on Wednesday.
Is gratified to announce that he has
been obliged to dotiMc hi tailoring
facilities as a result of the people's
appreciation of his r.tcth id:).
We will men. ion thec methods
once more:
None bnt nil Wool Goads in Stork
No C!:e:i) tailors employe!!.
One Price ia a'.i
Ever' Raiment cut, tried on and
made in the building by the best me
chanics. Every customer must be
satisfied before we ask him to take a
This is a complete tailoring estab
lishment; suits made from fis.m to
5o.on and all chenp.
TIMES All wool suits, newest pat
terns, well nude and trimmed to
order, .tb-.oo
Wl DAV!; sis Wyomlne Ave.
. U. L-M V 13 Amide BulMian.
Will ul'soliitcly do away with
the Dust Ntiisuncc f Stores,
Mjliool Houses, Halls ittiJ till I'uh
lio l'luces.
No more Sprinkling, no more
We cun show merits of the goods
on our own floor, it will pay
von to investigate.
F09TE Hilt CO.,
Hotel Walton
broad and Locust Streets. Philadelphia.
One of tho tnroit ni?n:fl"iit lnto: in tho
wuvlU. Palatial m every detail.
Absolutely Fireproof.
European Plan 'Si. 50 Upwards,
American Plan $4 Upwards.
Fltuatwl near all tliu lrn.ltiije theatre ntul
rullrj.iil atatious.
1. D. CRAWFORD, Manager.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
-mt c o rvn--N iv i
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000.
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers. Rhr
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools ana Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
For cala by JOHN H.PHELPS,
Spruce Streot, Seranton, Pa.
I Slowness
Is Expensive.
Some people always delay selecting their Fall Suits
j until the large assortment which we prepare has been de
v nlctori of its choicest lots and Ih? season is so far advanced V
I'.lctcil of its choicest lots and
that tbcv don't get lull tienetit
Don't allow yourself to he among the procrastinators tbit
sejson. Coine earl) n only
earlv as well as not
Makes It aiy for
times when you are
r phuncPH are irood for
3 111 a reueonuble length of time. Credit
costs you nothing-, we grant credit as an
S uiTommodatlon: Uon't charge you any
A more than if you had
uh about It.
218, 225-227
bUII &
10 Pair $1.50, fro $125
10 Pair ZOO, from 3.03
8 Pair 150, froa 3.50
7 Pair 3.00, from 4.00
10 Pair 5.00. from &00
These Are ill kiw Goeds.
f T T
The Best Value Ever Offered
in Seranton
Whan in doubt what to use for
Nervoua Debility. Lena of Power,
Impotcncy, Atrophy, Varicocele ana
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Sexina fiilm. Drain, checked
and full viiror quickly restored.
irnetltol.. . UMtlMmill r.tnr.
Mailed for 1.00;6boxe.J.OO. With
$5.00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
Pharmacist, car. Wyoming Avonu and
Ih? season is so far advanced
of them. A great mistake.
to loot ana you can uuv
yon to ilreas well at
not "flush." If your QOOVV
bplnir ahl to Dav UD T
Talk with A
Wyoming Ave.