THE 6CBANTON TBIBUNE FRIDAY. MOBNINtf. SEPTEMBER 11. 1896. i -J. NeuJs WST SIDE EVENTS. Jonatbaa Thomas and His Laborer Seriously Injured in the Bellevue MineOther Accidents. Accidents on this side yesterday were as numerous us those of the day he fore, when three were reported. Jona than Thomas, a miner, and his lalmrer, were quite seriously Injured yesterday morning by a fall of top coal in the ltellevue mine. Mr. Thomas' injuries consist of a fractured hip bone and a bad eash on the head, lie was taken to his home, 1145 Kynon street. Dr. George Ueaeh is in attendance. The laborer Is a Pole. He sustained only a few cuts and bruises. Renjamln Morgan, of Chestnut street, a driver at the Mount rieasant mine, wns kicked In the head yesterday by a mule. Pr. Reynolds was called. Mor Kan may not recover from the injury. l.lltle Annie Olnader, whose parents live on Merrifield street, fell from a pwluc at Nay Aug park yesterday mominc; and wus painfully injured. The hurts are not very serious. EUC1IKE FAKTY. Miss Jennie Howell, of Scranton treet, Rave a progressive euchre party last evening to her friends. Among those who enjoyed the function were: Hisses August Illalr. Lizzie Heermans, Kmma Lewis, Delia Pcnwarden, Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. Charles Hutr, Mrs. Thomas Richards, Mrs. F. K. Struppler, Mis. John Ilrown, Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. William Price, jr. EDWARD W ATKINS P.CRIED. The funeral of the late Edward Wat kins took place yesterday from the Iviiim? of his parents on the corner of Crant avenue und Price street. Rev. Kdward Howell officiated. The pall bearers were: James Crozier, 1. A. Morgan, Thomas Hoffman, George Jennings, T. II. Williams, Evan Morris. Interimtit was made in Washburn street cemetery. LOST FOR TWO HOURS. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. Wood ruff Hill, of North Hyde Park avenue, strayed from home yeste rday morning and for two hours the parents were worried over the little one's ubsciuc. A. W, Peers found the child on North Main avenue and escorted the wander er buck home. STORE RORRED. ,The store of Samuel Wheeler, on the Scranton side of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad on Scran ton street, was entered at nn early hour Tuesday morning. Clgareib's, etc., were missing when the proprietor opened his place in the morning. No Hue has been obtained for the dectlon of the burglars. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. The Bellevue McKlnley club will hold a smoker nexf Saturday evening at their home on South Main avenue. Presi dent Albert Noble invites all friends of the club to nttend. Captain Fryer, of Philadelphia, the divisional agent of the Salvation Army Mercy Rox League, will be at the Price ptreet barracks this evening and will conduct a Mercy Rox meeting. Mrs. Harry S. Ruth, of this side, has been elected one of the trustees of the Daughters of Ruth of the Knights of Mysitlc Chain. Mrs. A. 11. Eynon and family are home from Lake Winoln. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of Hampton street, returned yesterday from a busi ness trip to Wales. Mrs. Reynolds also enjoyed a pleasure sojourn through England. The families of Messrs. A. E. Mi u se and Eugene Mors , and Dr. W. A. Paine have returned frc n their summer Btuy at Wlnola. ' ! The Patriotic On r. Sons of America, of Northeastern Pe Insylvanla will hold their annual convention tomorrow af ternoon In Red Me y Hall. Miss Mary Davi . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Davis, of South ' Main avenue, returned yesterday from a recreation trip through Europe. The Sunday School of the Jackson Street Baptist church will picnic at Nay Aug Park today. Evangelist Moore and wife, who were to have been here with their tent to night, have postponed their coining to Ml , a MILLION patriotic voters have rec I ognized the confusion of our pub- ' lie politics, and arc determined toinform themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines v of his own party, but the views of all other parties and the reason for the differences Gold, Silver; Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, Trescott, WHICH WE W ILL PKESENT TO THE i'UKCUASEli OF ANY MEN'S SUIT. Ttl SAMTERS Mian Dealing Clothiers, of lb? Sdbtirbs. Scranton for a few days, on account of the great Interest in their meetings at Forest City. They will be here In a few days, when due notice will be given. Miss Lavlna R. Towdinson, of 1121 Jackson street, Is acting as pipe organ ist of Holy Trinity Lutheran church, in the absence of Organist Protheroe. Miss Cora Davis, of Plymouth, has re turned home after a visit here. The picnic which was to have taken place last Saturday under the auspices of the McCiellan Drum and Fife corps, has been postponed until next Satur day, Sept. 12, at Weber's Grove, Luzerne street. Dr. CM'. Colboru, Dentist. Rooms 141 North Main avenue. West Side llusiuess Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 104 South Slain avenue; two doors from Jackson street. rilOTOGRAPIIER. Cabinet photos, J1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, 101 and lol South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 7ul to 70S West Lack awanna avenue. lKOVll)ENCi:. Isanc Trice and family, of Edna ave nue, are enjoying a trip to Canada and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Elizabeth Owens, of Durkln street, who has been seriously 111 for the past month, is slowly recovering. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, of Putnam street, a son. John Edwards nnd Edward Loftus. i.f Osterhout's store, were spending their vacation nt Toronto, Canada. Thomas Lewis, of Margaret avenue, is at Plymouth. Meredith Morgan, of Spring court, who was injured sometime ago in the Cayuga shaft. Is once more able to be urouiid. The Misses Hope, of Plains, are the guests of Mrs. Cousin, of School street. C.t nrge Itenedii t. who hns been sum mering ut Lake Wlnola, has returned to his home on North Main avenue. The assault and buttery case of I. W. Wcscott vs. Jacob Bohr wus last night settled by Bohr paying half the costs. The Christian Endeavor choir, of this place, met last evening in this Presby terian church for rehearsal. The regular Thursday nli-'lit dancing social was hold last night in Company H armory. The V. O. W. social club will tender a smoker to their many friends on Fri day evening, September II. Mrs. Fanvy, of Hazletun, Is visiting Mrs. E. D. Rirtlcy, of North Main ave nue. Misses Nellie and Mary O'Hara. of West Market street, are In New York city. Miss Minnie Jordan, of West Market street, left yesterday fur Bliwimsburg. Mrs. Thomas F. Kennedy, who has been visiting friends In Syracuse, has returned. Mrs. Ella Fox , of this place, Is slight ly Indisposed. The members of the .Excelsior Hose company will meet Thursday evening, September 10, for drill. M1NOOKA. Miss R. Tlghe.of Archbnld, Is the guest of Miss Jennie Loughney on Main streft. The debate by the Literary Circle of the Young Men's Institute which was to take place last night was postponed until next meeting. Miss M. Cahill, of Plttston, was a visitor in town yesterday. The citizens will meet this evening as Fnsshold's hnll. Every taxpayer Is expected to be present. The employes of the I'yne, Taylor nnd Holden mines, were paid yesterday. Rheumatism Relieved in 3 Hours, "MYSTIC CURE" for RHEUMA TISM nnd NEURALGIA relieves In three hours. Its action upon the sys tem Is marvelous and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease quickly disappears. The first dose great benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorcnz, druggist, 41S Lackawanna ave nue, Scranton. Read Williams' Business College ad. Hatters and Furnishan SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Bicycle Brake Invented by William H. Sunday, of Alder Street Cherry Street Case Revived. William II. Sunday, of Alder street, left yesterday for Washington, D. C, to get a, patent on a bicycle brake he has Invented. The brake is made of hard and soft rubber and fits ugainst the tire in nearly a similar position to the way the present style of brakes ere worked. It Is very simple and is controlled from the handle bars. It is an Improvement on the present style. Mr. Sunday is a genius. He iy a machinist, and has patented a num ber of inventions. He claims that bicycle brake Is his masterplce. Not long he Invented a machine for clean ing out beer pipes, and made it a suc cess. He sold it and will devote his attention to the brake. T.HAT CHERRY STREET CASE. For a long time the people of the Twentieth wurd have been wondering whether the councils will ever have the platform nt the steel .works station of the Delaware and Hudson railroad re moved so that Cherry street can be used. The company Is willing to re move It if Fig street crossing woulil be abandoned. There is no surer way of abandoning the Fig street crossing than by opening Cherry street. Coun cilman Coyne Introduced a resolution at last night's meeting of select coun cil to have it removed by ,th street I commissioner within ten days If the ! .Ion. ,1,, It FORTY HOURS DEVOTION. Forty Hours' devotion will begin next Sunday at St. John's church. Rev. Thomas F. Kernan, of Parsons, will preach the sermon Sunday evening, and on Monday evening Rev. F. 1'. lie Nally, of the West Side, will preach. There will be no sermon on Tuesday night, to enable the confessions of all to. be heard. Devotions will conelude with high mass Wednesday morning. SORTER PARAGRAPHS OP NEWS. Owen J. McDonnell und M. J. Meseett have been chosen captain and secre tary respectively of the Twelfth Waul liieyele club. The members will innke their lirst run Sunday morning to Mos cow. Miss Sarah Vaughan, of Pittston ave nue, is the uiiest of her brother, D. J. Vatighan, of Miughamtoii. A new sidewalk is being laid on .Mat tes street by the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company. The South Side board of trade will meet this evening in Storr's hall, Alder Street. William Moore, of Indiana, formerly uf this side, Is back on a vlull. nu.NMotti:. The Ice cream festival passed o,"f very pleasantly at Hoyer'u hull last night, It being held under the unspiie of the Loyal Temperance Legion. So well anil with such dlglnty did lie contestants in the cuke walk execute all the movements required, that It was Impossible for the Judges t, decld who was the winner, so the prize went toward paying the expenses of the evening. E. J. Hughes, of Rlakely street, hai returned from a visit to New Yoiit city. Joseph Jeffrey, of Rlakely street, nnd Matthew Jeffrey, of Clay uvenue. have returned from a fishing trip nt Maple wood, bringing back with them a splendid mess of lisli. Miss Jennie (iuinney, of Rutlef street, Is recovering fi'om a severe ill ness. We are glad to learn that John M. Tmf, of Ttvo.ib ulrni.t !,, r.w. ...ttl. ' : " '' ' an acciiieiu at .tt. i colliery a ruw days ago, has recovered the use of his eyesight. The beneficial fund of the employes of the Scranton Stove Works, has been duly organized, with a membership of over L'w. The following ollicers have been elected: President, Robert P. Jones; vice-president, Oeorge Frank; treasurer, llenjamln E. Watson; secre tary, James Rettle. The date of the drama which is to be given In Manley's hall, under the auspices of the St. Agnes Guild, has been finally derided on, Tuesday, Sep. tember 2!tth, being set. The characters are composed of the finest of local tal ent, and it will be the best that has ever been given In Dunmore, by any amateur society. Admission will be 25 cents. Emmet Collins, of Providence, spent yesterday with friends In town. James Wnlsh and Mnrtln Donnhue. of New York, who have been visiting relatives In town for the past few days, have returned home. Fred Kahn has purchased the lot adjoining Mrs. H. O. Mace, and ha3 broken ground for the erection of a handsome house. The choir of St. Mary's Catholic church will meet for regular rehearsal on Saturday evening, at 7.30. All mem bers are requested to be present. GKEF.X KlUGE. Street Commissioner Charles R. Kinsley, wife and son. Charlie, of Penn avenue, are visiting Mr. Kinsley's pa rents. In Boston. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Vonght were elected delegates from the W. C. T. U. to the county convention, which meets at Monslc, today. Frank Alt and family, of Salem, are the guests of F. C. Brooks, of Capouse avenue. Stuart Ferris and Allison Kinsley Fpent Wednesday at Lily Lake. Miss Greeley, of Capouse avenue, left yesterday to attend Vassar colfege. Mr. Brooks and wife returned home yesterday from Honesdale, where they have been spending a few days. Benjamin Carr and wife, of Forest City, made a trip to this place, on their wheels, this week. Misses Bessie Croft and Rertha Con over have returned from Oouldsboro. Miss Florence Snowden and brother Ralph, of Sunset avenue, are spending a few days in Scottsvllle. Lorella Kennedy, of Peckville. Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. M. Hay, of East Market street. Mrs. Tallle Morgan and family, of Ocean Grove, are visiting Green Ridge friends. Miss May Rarney hns returned to her home on Deacon street, after spetftilng her vacation at Carbondale. Stuart Ferris has been spending a short time with friends at Paupack. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Harvey have Just returned from Pike county after a two weeks' visit with relatives. Read Williams' Business College ad, j AN AMERICAN BEAUTY. A Friend of Manager Lederer Ex . presses Opinions or the Opera "You may depend upon It," said a friend of Manager George W.. Lederer, of the firm of Canary & Leder'er, "that the new opera which will be presented for the first time In Scranton next Mon day night at the Frothingham, will be a success. I say this not because I know anything about the opera, but simply because Mr. Lederer has taken Miss Russell in hand and knows ex actly what Is required to meet her fine abilities." "You think, then, that 'An American Henuty' will be worth seeing?" observed a Tribune man. "I don't think anything about it. I know it. Lederer hasn't touched any thing for years that wasn't a success. When he isn't handicapped by outside Interference he rarely falls to please the public taste. He seems to know ex nctly what people like, both in the way of plays and players. His Casino suc cesses notably prove this. He is one of the hardest working managers in the business. He is a fine musician and readily detects anything deficient In the scores submitted to his Judgment. I understand that the writers of 'An American Beauty got their points from Lederer." "Will he be here with the company?" inquired the scribe. "The best answer to that Is found In a letter I received from him the other day, dete l New York. Let me read you an extrnct. Here It Is: 'I will be in Scranton with the Lillian Russell com pany, as I am personally staging the opera and will have to be there on that account. I expect to leave here on Sat urday, Sept. 12, so will bo in Scranton all day Sunday. Sept. 13. You know we open there Sept. 14. The production will be a 'corker' and the company simply magnificent. I shall take with me our entire New York Casino or chestro.' " "Why. that looks as If Scranton Is to have something pretty line?" remarked the Tribune man. "You can wager that those who miss seeing the lirst presentation of the opera next Monday night, will regret it," said Mr. Lederer's friend. IT'S A GREAT SHOW. What JolinD. .Mislilt-r Says About A Itny Wanted. John 1). Mlshler, of Reading, writes to Manager Long, or the Acudemy jf Music as follows concerning "A Hoy : Wanted" which will be seen ut the Academy Saturday night. j "'t was a corker;" "It was a Jim iilimly;" "out of sight;" "Great Scott," ' were among some of the exclamations I overheard as the audience were leaving ' lie- Academy al'ler seeing the great spec i 1-ilty entertainment tiiuiics lilaney's "A Hoy Wanted." Farce comedy, huffoon i cry, extravaganza, variety, burlesque I wer happily elntermlngled. Ohnrl-'s I Dlaney roneo".ted the hodge-podge of j language and situations for the benefit of his brother, the versatile Harry Clay l'.laney, who easily brings all out with ex citing mil laughable effect, holding his own prominently among a large number of very lieer lulllic,llui a, ti.uiy in 11 n lit. o big 1. Misses O'Nell nnd Sutherland In their acrobatic act were mnrveloiis; Raymond Flnlny is a very clever, nutiirally funny man; Knox (I. Wilson played sweetly on the saxophone; Frank loung was very j amusing In tin eccentric dance; Laura neiinett is a pleasing contralto; uoorgie l.ingard and l.illie Allyn ill songs and skipping rope dunce were artistic; Churl 'S lii. .nit und Uus Saville's instrumental musical uet was funny and enjoyuble. aillKCit WILL BE SOLD. St, Joseph's I.illinaninn Church the Sheriffs Hands. Among the properties which Sheriff demons wll offer for sale to the high est bidder on Saturday, September 20, will be St. Joseph's Lithuanian church property on North Muin avenue. Spruks Rron., contractors and lumber dealers i.f the South Side, are tho plaintiffs, nnd the amount of the judgment they bold is f.f,:,i. This Is tho church of which Rev. I .. . ... ! l.iioiiaei Pesa Is pastor, and against whom there was a short whllo ago as fierce opposition as Is now troubling the Polish church on the South Side. A bnsement roofed over is what the church consists of, but the three lots nre valuable. On nccount of tho dissensions in the congregation the pastor hns been unable to raise suffic ient money to proceed further wfth tho erection of tho edifice than the condi tion In which it now stnnd3. A Wise Son. ' It is related of a well-known merchant of a neighboring 'city that, after making his will and leaving a largo property to a trustee for his son, he called tho young man In nnd, after reading the will to him, nsked If there was any Improvement or alteration he could suggest. "Well, father," said the young gentle man, lighting a cigarette. "I think, ns things go nowadays. It would be butter for mo If you left the property to the other fellow and mado me trustee." The old gentleman made up his mind then and there that the young man was quite competent to take charge of his own Inheritance and scratched the trustee clause out. Texas Siftings. F1KST I.KGLINI.ATIVi: DISTRICT Scranton, Pa., Aug. 31. ISM. The Republicans of the First legislative district of Lackawanna county will assem ble In convention at St. David's hall. North Main avenue, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15, 1bfi, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a candld.uu to represent the said district In the legis lature. The election of delegates to sal.l convention will take place at the regular polling places of the district on Saturday nfternoon, Sept. 12. 1S96, between tha hours of 4 and 1 p. m. Election districts are cn ti:led to representation as follows: First ward. First district 2 First ward. Second district 1 First ward, Third district 2 Second ward, First district 1 Second ward Second district 2 Second ward. Third district 1 Second ward, Fourth district 1 Second ward, Fifth district 1 Fourth ward, First district l Fourth ward. Second district 2 Fourht wurd. Third district 2 Fourth ward, Fourth district 2 Fifth ward, First district 2 Fifth ward. Second district 2 Fifth ward, Third district 2 Fifth ward. Fourth district 2 Sixth ward, First district 1 Fourteenth ward. First district 1 Fourteenth ward. Second district 1 Fifteenth ward, First district 2 Fifteenth word. Second district 2 Eighteenth wurd, First district 1 Twenty-lirst ward, First district 1 Twenty-first ward, Serond district 1 Vlcllance committees will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. A. PAINE. Chairman. JOHN II. REYNOLDS. Secretary. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Hail. n ITT dgu'.ura, M "III. MARKETS AND STOCKS M all Street Review. New York, Sept. 10. Speculation at the Stock Exchange today was irregu lar and rather feverish. Bank troubles at New Orleans and the report of the agricultural department for September on cotton were the unfavorable devel opments. Operators were bearlshly In clined and prices gradually yielded un der moderate pressure. At Intervals the downward tendency was checked, but in the final trading the market was weak In tone. The loss In prices ranged from ',4 to 2'4 per cent. Tobacco, su gar. Rock Island, Pacific Mail, Man hattan, Louisville and Nashville, Ten nessee Coal and Reading were prom inent In the reaction. Speculation left oft weak In tone. Net changes show declines of 2 per cent. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms 7K-7u6. Open- High- Low- Clos. Ing. st. est In. Am, Tobacco Co .... GTi W G3Vj K4 Am. Bug, Ko k Co ..Hi Atch., To. & S. Fo .. 12 Cun. South 45 Ches. & Ohio Chicago Oas ;9'4 Chic. & N. W Chic., H. & Q 6i 4 12' 4 45 13T4 60 9S'4 b7 't IW-Si 151 Mi 84 27-s 4i' 214 85 1914 S 21 102 91 '4 12-4 22'4 12' IS m 15-S, 2-1-4 21; 6 5'4 14'd Sl'i li & ; 17 R34 114 45 134 69-'; Vii T4 W 5St 151V 5'4 27 89' 4 214 824 1814 3 21 101 9I4 12", R"4 13 IS 14-4 20'4 21H4 r.T4 r.'4 13-i i'4 1) 4ST4 17 113-4 in 45 HT4 ttt"; i 654 69 " IMVj C'4 2714 am, 214 83 1S-4 3 21 101 91 4 12-4 13 is; 15 20'i 201 4 574 f.'i Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 704 Chic. R. I. & P DOH D L. & W ItlVi Plst. ft O. F Mi Oen. Electric. 27-i Louis. & Nash 4D'i M. K. & Texas, Pr.. 21?4 Manhattan Fie MV, Mo. Pacific 19ii Nat. Cordage il Nat. Lead 21 N. J. Central 1U2 N. Y. Central 111'.'. N. Y., L. K. & W .... lL'-4 N. Y.. S. & W .. P r.. 2L"i Nor. Pacific lint. & West 13 Pacific Mall is; Phil. & Head V. Southern R. R Pr.. 2n-"i Tenn., C. & Iron .... 2t'i 1'nlon raei.'le fen Wnhnsh fi'j Wnbnsh, Pr H, Western Union 8o7h W. L , liU V. S. Leather, Pr .... 5D P. 8. Rubber 17 Hi 49 17 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICKS. WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Clos. Ing. est. os. !n?. December fS4 55'i fS"( May 24 2'i 2'i 0, OATS. 'December 1'1'm 1'"h 1,;,' IiVk May IS, 1S lS'i IMj CORN. ! December 21 21"i 20"; 21'4 Mny 23T4 21"; 23". 21 LARD. December 3M S.42 3.IU 3.42 January 3.05 3.05 3.U2 3.)5 PORK. January C.f!5 6.07 0.62 6.G5 Krrnnton Hoard of Trade Exchange ((notation--All Quotnliou Hused on Par of 100. Name. Rid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft Pis. Bank Scranton Lace Curtnln Co. .. National Uoring & Drill'g Co First National Hank Scranton Jar & Stopper Co... Klinhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Honta Piute Class Co Scranton Packing Co Weston Mill Co LacKawanna Iron Si Steel Co. Third Nutlounl llank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. .. Scranton Traction Co 140 aO 80 100 io 93 250 150 90 21 80 153 50 124 650 200 350 1G Scranton Axle Works I.ack'n Trust & Safe Dep. Co. ... Kconomy Steam Heat & Power Co ROND3. Scranton Class Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 191S 110 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage duo 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. . Lacks. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp 6 Borough of Wlnton 6 Mt. ,Vornon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works Scranton Traction Co 110 100 102 102 100 85 100 93 Philadelphia Provision .Market. Philadelphia, Kept. 10. Provisions were In moderate Jobbing demand anil steady. We quote: City Emoked beef, llal2c; beef hums, ?15.-naPJ..-.0 for old ami new, as to average; pork, family, $9.75al0; hams, S. P. cured, in tierces, 9'ialulie.; do. smoked, Ie1jal2c., as to average; sides, ribbed, In salt, 4a4'ie.: do. do. smoked, lJn5e.; shoul (lers, plckle-cured, r'4a,VV; do. do. smoked, li't.aii).; picnic hams. S. P. cured, frfjatityc. ; do. do. smoked, ti";a"Uc ; bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, fi'ia ; breakfast bacon, 7a7,.-:c., list o brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, In tierces, PJc. : do. do. do. In tubs, 4'.n4;,;c. ; do. butchers', loose, 3ic; city tallow, in hogsheads, ,1c.; country do., 214a2:;;c. as to quulity, and cakes, 3'ic New York Produce .Market. New York. Sept. 10. Flour I'nchanged. Wheat Dull, easier; No. 2 red f. o. b., C7c; ungraded red, D7ui:Se.; No. 1 northern, B5c; options, Mny, CSic; September, 03-V,; October, 03;c.; December. ili;c. Corn- Dull, steady: No. 2. 2'iu2.i'ie. elevator; K,ia2fi,,lic. afloat: options were dull and steady; September, 25c: October, 257;.-.; December, 27'lc; May, 2I;c. Oats Quiet, steady; options dull, firmer; September, 19l,e.; October. 19ic: December. 20Y,c; cpot prices. No. 2, 2itc.; No. 2 white, 2J:i 23',4e.; No. 2 Chicago, 21c; No. 3, V'.jc; No. 3 white, 202l'ie.; mixed western, 19u20c; white do., 19 29c.; white state, 19a29c. Rufftilo Live Stock. Buffalo, Sept. 10. Cattle Market dull nnd weuk: stock bulls, I2a2.25; Blockers, $2.75a3; veals, tl.25aii.30. Hogs Market dull, lower: Yorkers, good to choice, t3.55.i 3.0; pigs. t3.IOa3.55; mixed packers, $:i.40a 3.50; roughs, f2.75a3; stags. t.'a2.50. Sheep nnd Lambs Market dull, demoralized; few fancy lambs, tl.fi0al.7".; fair to good, f 1.10 a4.50; mixed sheep, pood to choice, t3.3oa 3.W, common to fair, 2.25a2.35; export ewes, $3.00a3.73. Oil .Market. Oil City, Sept. 10. Oil market, credit balances, IP); options closed at 1I214, the only quotation. National transit runs, 32,023 barrels: shipments, 2.899 barrels; Iluckey runs, 71,730 barrels; shipments, C0.C31 barrels. If the llnby Is flitting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world, lie sure nnd call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Mdeiw. 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BU1L0INO, CORNER WYOMING AVL AND CENTER SI OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. Bi. (l hour Intermission for dinner and Ufpr.) Particular Attention Glvtn to Collection.. Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your Biiit MMUKMfXCtiullSaiiciua. TtUpkoati SCHOOL J. ALFRED PENNINQTON, Director. (OrganUt of Elm Park Church.) UPIL of some of the most celebrated masters in Boston, Paris and Berlin. Boston - - 1SSMSS9. Paris and Berlin, 1889-1892. Paris. .... 1S9MS95. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Katherine Timberman CONCERT CONTRALTO, Pupil of MME. MARCHESI, Paris, and HERR GE0RG HEXSCHEL, London, as TEACHER OF SINGING. Miss Timberman won high praise as a singer from soma of tha most noted celebrities in the world during her recent concert tour in Europe. GOHSERVBTORY MS-iMS. P IMS. FALL TERM OPENS Thursday, September 10, i896 TI T nifm 1 301 Mm At8" Cor. Linden SL 1 U Ul Eim park Church. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS' JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved te Hit New Quarter. 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aldo next to Flret National Dank. Ho baa now In a fill Comprising nTorjrthinf for da Merchant Tailoring. And th. aamo can be ahovrn to advantage in bla aplan dialy fitted up rvoma A SPECIAL INVITATION la Extended to All Reader of The Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI New Builneas Home THE IWIC POWDER CO., ROOnS I AND 2. COM'LTH i'L'ffi, SCRANTON, PA. INNING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUB DALE WORKS. LAPLIN A RAND POWDER CO' 9 ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Battorlen, Electrlo F.xploJor. for ex lilodlng blasts, Safety Fuue, and Repauno Chemical Co. 's EXPLOSIVES. CALL UP 3682! wu CO. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 1(1 MERIDIAN STREET. II. W. COLLINS, Manager. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horse-Radish Root, v:r Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Dill. I H FIERCE. PI It IH1 RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man let Day. c. 18th Day. of Me. THE CPKAT 30th lay. profiler tlimhovemnlla In SOdam. lta.t pmterfully .nil quickly. Cum whrn all othrn fail VotiriKtmfUwillrf' thrir Innt manhood. and old limn ntll rorover tlifir youthful vigor br uihf KKVIYO. It qnlrklyand.uilyritorFiiK-rTPij nrH. Let Vitality, Iioixitency. Kiehtly Kmlmioa., Lext Tower, J-'ailitut Memory, Wanting Dim.-., and .11 ffTcrta of .flf-.boM or view and indiMrt'tion. niilch iinfltKonefora'iirly.biiKinfMormarriaee. It not only cure, by .'lartlng at tb. imt of d .'. b it in a great m-rte tmilr and blond builder, briar lug buk tlio pink glow to rain rherkaandr. itorin. the fire of yonth. It ward' off fnaanity Mia Consumption, lo.l.t on bavins Umt. It can be carried in mt potket. BT 1.00 pr packacr, or mi for 95.00, with a poe c written ejaaraato to rare or rcfaiu monr j. Circular free. Addreee ; M-xir:v-- - rt;pfKO Ur alc by J!" All HEWS BROS., Dragila Senate Pa, 111 PIANO ORGAN VOICE F?S THE Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO. U. E. CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE la atrlctly temperance, ia new and well furnished and ol'ENED TO THE PUBLIC THE YEAIt ROUND, la located midway between Ulnshamton and Bcranton, on the Montroee and Lacka wanna Railroad, fix miles from D., L. A) VV. R. R. at Alford Station, and Ave mllee from Montroee; capacity eighty-five, three mlnutm' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extend the entire tenets of the house, which la 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc Free to Uuests. Altitude about 2,000 feat, equalling- In this respect the Adirondack and Catiklll Mountain.. Fine groves, plenty of ahnde and beautl. ful scenery, maklne; a Summer Resort tin. expelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. swings, croqut rroiinda. etc. COT.D PPRINO WATER AND TLENTY OP MILK. Rates $7 to lio Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on D.. L. A W. lines. Porter meets all trains. DUPONTS HIKING, BUSTING MO SPORTING POWDER Janufnctured at the Wapwallopen Mills. Luierne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District ! WYOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, Ps, Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD, Pittston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A BON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wlikes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Kepauno ChemlcnJ Com fany's High Explosives. THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE I & CONNELL CO., 434UCK1WANN IVENU1 E. ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tb Celebrated Mi to CAPACITY 1 100,000 Barrels per Annum BALDWIN'S 1 M HIM - A
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