The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 11, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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l tnl und Secoad Divisions Divide the
Honors of the Day.
W ins I lie Second Mrniirtil lioin lri-dtucf-W
ilkcs-Harre Agtliu l.ot l
tin- I'unifo, Who Are Almost Tit
Mil li SracUM'--ltochrtcr and Hill
inlo Siriiiiii' lor Second I'liirr.
Yilrrd:iv Result.
Seranton 15 Providence 4
Sprinmirld 13 Wllkes-Harre 7
kochester 3 Syracuse a
rtuffulo 5 Toronto 3
tVirrlilusr Iteeortl.
p. l. r.c.
I 'rnvidi Ill '21 I.'.
HiliTaltt II" "-
Korhester Il'l M ..".I.'j
Toronl lit .
Svraellse Ihi .! i' .'vi
siilinulleld I!'J -I "S .IK.'
Uilkes-l'.urre Ill Hi .414
Mi.-runtnii M" tl 'Hi
I'n-diis Ktt-tcrn Lcnt'ite Limit"..
l'rnvldenoe at Seranton.
Sprinciield at Wilkes-ltarre.
tfyraense at Itmbesler.
Toronto lit ItiitTulo.
His Curves Mystified the Grays and He
Was Supported in Error
less Style.
Tin- detailed score In a very correct
siiny nf yesterday's name. The drays
tumle costly errors, anil Ho.lson's: buses
li balls were rosily also, liut, leaving
thns- feature tut of tin- iilestlili,
Nrrniiimi wits 1111 easy- winner. Hrown
wave four buses n balls ami hit 11 luits
111:1 n In the lirst two innliiRS Willi the
resulfihat the (irays i.htultied two un
earned rims, hut durimr the remainder
( the name Hie erratic man Willi Inish
els of speed and the south side curves
had the (Iruys miessiiiK. After the
seennd limine the average number of
men to luce him In an Inning was four,
l-'l'tilll tile beulllllilltf tile sllpool't ulvi'll
him was of the star order and when II
was nil oer fVrnntoii had played an
errorless name. Duly a few hundred
persons saw the contest.
Menney, O'lirlen, llassey and Moss
fur Seranton. ami t'nn.ivnn for the
1 Irays surpassed In field work, while
nearly every Serantonlan by his hilling
einurlliiiteil toward tho run-urltiii!;.
iliifiin had a limner, a double and two
singles and Moss two three-hasers.
Kuntui was not well eiumali to play uml
his posiilon was occupied by Hiekey,
wlei did not have even a little chaliee to
di.-l ItiKiiish hiinseir.
Si rani. 01 was lirsl at Imt the
Crays divw hist Id I hi the last of the
liis' limine; mi two walks, an mitllcM
lly. niealieiwalk and a fnrce hit. Srritii
1011 tied II In the serond on Klllclll'S
I'iiiiiIiI.' of Massey's single ami .Mur
ray's PiulT. ill th" last half the flrnys
made anolher 11ml uuain took Hie lead
li a slniiie, a walk, a hit by pllrlior, a
P'li e hil. Willi li shipped a runner at the
Plate, and a fly In Muss al short reiihi
ir.'in where he was iinalile to recover In
lime In net the hull to the pan. Score,
Two basi s on balls and Moss' triple
I" I' lt-cenier netted two la the fourth.
-' " ' I 1 u more came In the tifih on Urlf
. !;n s hi.iner to liff, t'anavnn's finable
l Miami's hoi j;iMuin." Meaney's base iiiid t'uonan's wild throw
Ins' to catch lliik.'V who had
leached lie ! 011 a base uti balls. Score,
Lot the tv il 1 hine; was In the sixth
V hen M.ikuIi" walked. Kliel fumbled
mi '. Keier walked, Hrown singled,
Siillin hit for two bases, Menney and
Hi. Key went cut. li'Hilen siimle'.l and
Mass. j tnad,. a double before Mutfiiire
struck hut. Yv'heti it was rill (...r six
1 mis wer,. in. Score, l.o.
L.W'I'Kli OX 111 i V.
I'oiir earned ones were obtained lit
I in- seventh cn Muss' triple and J!er
Ker's single. bcfDii! lirown tlcw ml,
Irillin's sitiKle ami twn-basers by
M-anej a,l( Jll.key. J'rovldeiii-o gJt
one in tin last hall' on a base 011 balls
uml lb.ilsi.n s dmilile p. ribt center.
Sere I".-:!.
1 oily three batsmen faced llo.ldy In
cu b i.f the two final luniiiss, but the
(.rays nut an iinearacd on,.. just before
the name ended, timl with i,n.. mil. on
II brace of sltm-les, a wild pilch ami a
life when the bases Were full. The
rn-xt two uji were easy outs at first
A.B. V.. IT. T'.o. A. K.
(iriftin, cr Il 3 4 4
.naiiey, tf 2 1 .". a 11
I!" ii'-y. If 4 0 1 11 11 0
I Bt leu, 2I 4 I ;J, I a
Miissey, lb .1 1 2 7 2 0
Mamii.c, b 2 2 11 1 I 11
.inss, ss .1 2 2 3 2 0
B'-rw r, : t 1; n ,1
Hi'onn, p D 1 1 0 1
Totals 41 1.1 1:1 27 in 0
A.U. R. It. P.O. A. K.
''ili.', 2'o .1111 .1 1
Basst It, 31 4 11 1 1 I 0
Knit,ht, ir .1 0 0 1 (1 1
I 'iaiiby. lb :! 0 1) II 1 0
I'liel. s 4 11 H I I 1
Lyons, cf 4 1 2 0 0
Murray, rf 1 'i 1) (1 11 1
Coogan, c 3 1 1 4 0 1
lionson, 1 4 0 2 V 1 0
Totals 3! 4 fi 27 12 f.
S ran ton 0 1 n 2 ! 0 4 0 rt 15
Hiovlibaice, 1 1 0 V 0 V 1 0 1 1
Tarned runs Seranton fi. Two base hits
- Hrifllii, Masey, Menney. Hirkey, lioil
son. Three-bast hits .Moss 2. Home run
ilrittln. Stolen baseu Meaney, d'Hrlen.
Left on busea Seranton .1. J'rovlilencp K.
Struck out .MnKtiire, Knlnht, Friel 2. Hod
eon. Cooean, l.iouble plays O'Brien to
Wassey, Canavun to Drauby, I Iran by to
('iiiutvan. First on errors Seranton ".
First on balls off lirown 7, off lloilson ti.
Hit hy pitc-licr-4'not;nn. Wild pitch
Brown, l'mpire t'tirry. Time 1.41.
Hunched Mils by Sprinuiield Kuable
'1'hcm to Win nl Wilk-HHurre.
VYilkes-Hnrre, Sept. 10. SprlnRnelJ
tiiok onother frame from WIlkeB-Harre
today. AccordlliK to the detailed spore
the home team had more hits than the
visitors but they were scattered. Tho
l'onies were very fortunate In their hit
tiiiK and Ty bOnchinff their hits In the
lirst, second and fifth Innings were able
t ) buncti their runs. The errors made
l.y the Kprlnglli'lds were not very cost
ly, while those made, by the Coal Har
. ons meant runs every time. The fea
ture of the game wan llarley's brilliant
tiddiuL'. lie bad ten cuancea and no
cfpted ivery one of them. Leaotto, the
riuht fielder ot the Wllkes-Hurro club,
was released today to I'ittsbiiiK's Na
tional liaKue team. lie b uds the Kast
el ll leiiu- in but lint; Jind has a Held
percentage ot The price paid for
him was HH. Scoiv:
A.B. H. II. V.O. A. 11
I At lie. If 4 1J 1 I 0 II
Ui.niiei'. sr. r, 0 1 4 0
lA-xiitte. rf i I a It 0
Hetis, cr 4 ; 1
Smith. N .' ti :t 2 1
Ctleckfl, 11 f. (I 3 10 l
Ali .Muhoii, ss 4 I 11 1 j 1
littins, e 1 a 4 1 11
Ian key. 1 4 1 1 0 - 0
41 7 11 1'4
A.B. It. H. T'.O. A. K.
Knllar, ss .1 2 2 -1 2
Sinn ker, 2I I '-' 1 1 1 2
Srh'ltlf r. If .1 1 ' 2 2 1
Imuran, lb .1 I 2 2 1
llarley. ir :i 2 1 I" 1
tiillierl. lib I I " I '
LeiKlityii. rf I I I I 11
Lruhy, , I 'I 2 n li
K a. . 3 2 ! II ' ft
Totals :i IS 1;! 27 .1 "
Wilki'S-ltariH 1 I 1 l tl 1-7
SprhiKih'ld 1 :l 1 t U U o x I t
Karae.l rims-Wilkes-Harre .1, Slirlnulield
7. rirsl base by errors W'ilkes-Harre 2.
Sprliivtleld X Left on bases Wllkes
Hane HI, SprliiKtield :l. T'lrst base 011 balls
-HIT Lackey 4, off Klleea :t. Slrurk out
Hy l.uckev, Kilei'tt. Home rim-Klleen.
Two-base lilts Lytlle, Strieker. Smith.
Imuran, liens. S10I111 bases llarley 2.
Me.Miihoti, Hells, tlllbert. fioabln plays
Mi Malion to Homier to Goerkel, Honner
to MeMahnii to Coeekel, Honner to Mo
.Malum In (l')eekel. I'mplre Kfeft Time
Uochtster. Sept. Today's same was
a niuKtiflicent iilchers' battle and Koches
ter won 011 Ityun's niutrs. ityan was lined
by (.SatTney and put out or the (saine
tor stamplnic Hie ball twice wilh his spikes.
Score: K.H.K.
lini hester 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 II ti 2
Syracuse 0 K 0 I) 2 0 0 tl 2 7 0
Hiuterles Herndon and Hoyd; Mason,
Ryan and Xahner. I'mpiie (lalVncy.
r.uffalo, Sept. in. HulTalo has made Us
hold on second place more secure by unain
wltinliiu' from the Tornntos today by a
s.ore of .1 to 2. Wadsworth pitclii-d In
superb form, itllowiiot but two hits to his
opponents, llorion for Toronto was found
ipiiie frerlv bv Hie Bisons. Score:
ru !.':.
rtnhalo il 2 (1 11 J (1 1 ( - .1 s 4
Toronto 0 0 il 0 ft 0 2 2 2 2
Balteries Wailsworlh and I'riiuhurt;
Ibiitou and Boyle. I'liipii c Swarl wvod.
I'crrrntuiii' Kccoitl.
P. W. Ti.
Tialliiuore IIS si ::i
Clevelan I IIS 7:t l'i
fiiiclnnaa 117 72 ir.
CliiiUKo 121 'is :.:!
Besiiin LI 117
I'lllsbiiri; 117 Ii2 ."..1
X. IV Yoik ....'. 121 K2
I'hilndelphU Hi' .'.7 'i2
Brooklyn IIS .M lil
Washiiuitim I IS .11 ii7
Si. Louis 1:1 ::ii S.I
l.'llllslille 117 "a 7
. 1'in
llallimorc-llrooKh 11,
I liillin e, Sept. Hi.--The champions
puiiiuleil I'ayne mil of Hie box In the sixth
limine. Siein ci.iibl nut stoi the caiiaou
a.lini; an. I be was very liiililfcrc ally sup
purted. Iioiuii lly s all mound wink and
Urillilli's iwc. catche-. Were itlit-edued.
Aileiulatice I.M2. S-orc: K.II.i:.
Balliimire n 11 2 II 1 .1 3 3 14 IS 2
Brooklyn 1 2 0 0 11 il 2 11 (I- .1 12 ti
Ban. -riii Blind and Robinson; I'ayne,
Shin and lirlni. I'mplre-lliosl.
( Icvi laud-Si. I.uuis,
i'Ii v. land. Sept. b'. ltinbiliiy to biincli
hits 011 Wallace lost Sr. Louis today's
ftnuie wll h I'levelaiul. The xanie was slow
and tedious, beliiK devoid of features out
side of Barrett's loni; drive for throe base
and sensational catches by MeAleer and
llinket:. .ib ii'laiice l.'.'im. Score:
t'li vi lan l 2 0 3 II IHl 0 .1 S I
Si. Louis 11 11 II 11 11 it 2 11-2 II 2
Battel Icp-Wallace and Zlttimef: Itreut-
elllein ini-.l Murphv. I'lllpire- l'!tlliie.
New ork-lfoston.
New Vink. Sept. 10 Tne New Yoiks
easily dis.osi''l of Ibe Bostons HKitin today.
Tliey hit Xicliols almost ut will and scored
tiniil Him h.'iiiic W iis u Ian e. .M' ekln was
iiivliii lble with men on bases and received
iiiut;ui!li-i-hl suppo'i. Hie 'locals pluyini;
without u il eiror. We-i'lter tdear and
warm. Score: K. II. 1-2.
New York '1 11 I I I 0 1 '-12 17 n
Bostor I i) no 0 i) 1 0 1 3 10 3
Bulterles -AP-ekin and Wilson; NIclioU
and Hewn. rinpit'S-Ib'itilersaii and
1 'aniphell:
rillsbnrt;-4 hirajo.
I'itlsbniu, Ba., Hcplt. M - Bit isbma sur
f. r.'d a shut-out at the hands of Chicago
today, the local players helm; unable 10
lilt Friend's delivery The work ot Kvel'ett
in left and LaiiLp- in center was a feature
if t lit- ai:ie, the former also doinc some
inatJnilieeiil base rnniiins. Some fault Wits
f. .mid wllh Sheridan's nmpirif, bin I'lfs-I.ih-c
was clearly ouip!:i.ed at all points.
Allen. lance Score: B ILK.
PltlshiitK 11 1) il ft 0 0 ft ft ft- n 3 3
t'hii uuo I ft 0 0 II 0 U I 11- 2 X 4
Hatleries llawley uml .Merrill; Friend
and li.iiiidiae. I'mpire-Sheridan.
usi ill"! on-I'll ilndclph in.
Wiishlimdofi. Sept. lit-Lush's lieldini;
was fhe feiilurtt of today's name. He
l aiiuht Cross at the plate on a marvelous
thiow after capluritiK t'ooley's fly on a
1'i.n. He also made a ureal catch of La
.loies' foul In the seeniul. 1 it-l'diatlty w-is
pill out of the fcuine In I he last half of
the Washington's sevnth. He quesiioned
Lyii'di's ileiisioiis In his eh:irueieristic
manner, tleler took Ills pliice. Attend
ance 2,:i-ift. Score: K.II.R
Louisville 00000200 1:: !l 4
Cincinnati I 1 0 no 0 0 ft 0 2 X 4
Batteries Herman and Dexter: Dnyer
and VaiiRhn. I'mpires Kliret und Miller.
At WashltiRton- Ti.lT.K.
Washington 1 ft ft I a 11 I 0 ij 1 1 1
l'liiladelphia U II it 2 I 0 I 11 il I 7 0
liuteries .Mejiunes, (lerniau and .Mc
flulre; Taylor and (Irtidy. I'mplre Lynch.
I'lovldcnce auiiln today.
Sprinislitdd tomorrow, .Monday and Tues
day. Hasan will probably be In the game to
day. Curry itave the (Trays the benefit of all
doubtful base decisions.
(illlnn and (lunsun will be in the points
today. Hiiderhum will twirl for the llrays.
Seranton has now won eight and Provi
dence six of the fourteen itames belween
.Massey was a little livelier and eonse
tiuently u little better In his Held work yes
ten lay.
If the Grays lose today It will be three
straight. What will they do to Wllkes
Harre In such an event? There will be
unashlnK of teeth In tho Wllkes-Harre
direetnrs' box, we KUess.
(irillin's home run was a rpiestionnhlc
one. It was a hard line drive to left tin I
KnlRlit appeared to miss the bound while
on the run and stoopltur for It. The rule
"In case of doubt" was applied in this case.
Ilickty has played two consecutive
Rames In left Held without u chance. That
comes pretty lieur belnx a record breaker
for this season in thut position In tho
Kastern leiiKue, thoiiKh two consecutive
Karnes without a chance occasionally hap
pens to center and rlirht (satdeners.
Brown wus "kidding" .Murray from the
bench on Wednesday. Murray hadn't
made a till and said, with a tlnne of sore
ness, "Wait until we go up against that
south wins of yours tomorrow; wo won't
do a ll-.litK to it." Murray spoke the truth.
The 1 iruys aiade hai six hits otr Brown and
Mm ray failed to get a slice of It.
Uayusfurd sizes up Jack (.'hapmuu prjt
ty well and no mistake when lu express,
liiiascli' in the Scruiiioii Tribune: " 'Jack'
I'liaimiuli is quoted in the New York Sun
as savin lliut L.roue and HettH are fast
enough for the blK league. They are it
Mark' can get u finder In a deal to draft or
buy them, and If he dursn't lose anything
by it. r'oxey old '.lack.' " Wllkes-Ttarrr
The license allowed the (oiikIi element at
i the VVilki-K-Harre ball games is of the kind
tli. 1 1 Is caleatali'il to lirinn ttuse nail to ine
li-vrt of a lenili-raie shiKfiiiiK match thai
Is witnessed by "Rents" In a barn or stump
lot hi some secluded spot far from the
haunts of civilized humanity. Srranton
Tribune. Where did The Tribune man net
Ills intimate knowledK" of tho "Bents"
who witness tenth-rale sIiikkIub matches
fur from the haunts of huniHiilty Wilkes
Harre KvrniiiK lender. Why, we have
been actually forced by our superiors to
witness those shocking scraps ill order
that Hie dear public may know just how
horrid lite world Is. And it occurs to us
that at one of those utTairs altoilt two
years im'o a younit man Identified with the
Leader held the blood bucket lor one of
the "Heals.''
The Nonpareils, or I'rlcebui'K. rhiilleiilie
the lireen Kidue Stars to a itanie of bull oil
Sunday. September IX Answer in Sat
urday's Tribune. .1. It. Weiland. manaKer
The South Side Browns rhullenne th
Harmonies, Mnrnlmf (iloiies or Taylor
Heils to a nnie 011 Council park KTOiinds
September l:;. Answer (pilokly. J. J.
Mrtidley. mnnnirer.
The South Side Browns rhallcnse the
R.mth Side club to a (tame on Hie Hrlck
yard Krounds Septeniber 13. .1, .1. Mund
ley, mauaRor.
Killed Twenty Straight at the Pigeon
Shooting Match Other Good Scores
Made by Local Marksmen.
Four Folendid scores were made at
yesterday's rlReon nhootintf match at
the Prlvliiff J'ark. F. V. Cooper, of
Treverton. X. J., killed twenty straight;
nineteen birds each was the score tit
Hurry 1. SwarU uml A. W. Jurlsch, of
this city, uml James Twiss nf Prlce
burjr. t'oopers prize was $.10 In rash and
a silver troidiy. The second prize, $l'"i
was divided.
AVillliim Aiincnuin, of Tmnnior.'. was
referee and V. W. Mason, of Seranton,
scorer. The shooting began about 10.30
o'clock anil continued until nearly 7
o'clock hist evening. There were thirty
two entries. The conditions were four
rounds of live birds each, 21 yards rise.
mi yards boundary, our and one-fourth
ounce shot.
Swurtis missed his nineteenth bird.
Jurlsch liis sixteenth and Twiss bis
eleventh. All the ties were divided ex
cepting the fourth won by Machimer;
the firth, won by Matter; the sixth, won
by T. P. Nesbitt.
Following ure in ilrLtll all scores
over 11.
I I I 1 1 1 I, 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1-20
If. H. Swarlz
1111111111111111111 0-l
A. W. Jnrisch
II 11 111111111110111 1-1
.I. Twiss
111111111101 111111 1-1:1
li. II. Maddux
1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 .1 I 1 It I 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1-M
. tl. Si a IT
I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 II I 1 I 1 1 1 IS
Dr. Alexauiler-
I 1 I I I ft! 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 I 0 I 1 1 I IS
W. II. Davenport
1 1 I 1 1 1 1 U 1 11 0 1111111 1-18
W. Wiilrnbush
I U 1 I I 11 VI 1 t 1 I 10 1 I I 0 1- IS
.1. Jones
I I I I J I 1 11 I I l 1 I I 0 I I 1 I 1-18
A. Ala. k -
I I 11 111111110 11 I 0 1 il 0-17
IS. A. Moss-
I I I J 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 I .1 1 1) 1 1 0 0-17
T. I.'-Wi:'
1 1 1 1 n 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 0 1 1 0-17
S. Davis-
I 1 I I 1 I 11 l 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 1 I 1 1-17
C II. (iravis
I ft II n 1 1 11 I u I 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 Hi
B. Hachliner-
I I I ft 11 1 0 I H I I 11 I I 1 1 1 1 l-'lii
F. TroM'll
1 I t ft I I I 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 I 1 0 I 0 1 IS
J. Duut'ord
1 I I I 1 I ft I 0 1 1 1 1 I 11 1) 1 1 t I Hi
W. F.v.i ns
1 1 I 1 I 1 ft 11 I I I it I I 1 I 1 I 11 1-lfl
1 Hber scutes weie: W. fiiyiie, 1.1; R.
Matter, 11; T. Curler, 1.1; .1. II. 'pier, 15;
W. Marsh, 1,1: l:. Walluie. 11; .1.
Hughes. 14: P. Marsh, 11; tj. Xesiiit. 13;
H. K. Fern. 12: V. K. Hltt. iibemlei, II;
T. H. Nesldil. II; .1. L. S wit rig. 7.
The prizes wt-re: I'Mrst prize, $.111 in
cash an. I ti beautiful silver troiihy,
valued ill $.10, presented by J.J. Hiddn
snii's Suns: secitml prize. KM; third
prize, SI.".; fourth prize, Spi; H1TI1 prize,
flO XUII Clise, lilesellteil by (ii.'orKe W.
Schlagi-r; sXih prize, .Inn smokeless
shells, pivseineil by K. li. Barker: sev
enth I'li.c, si. Ill bamboii rod, presenled
by A. W. Jtiriseh; eiiililh prize, com
bination citne iimbivllu, presenled by
Hose, the haller; ninth prize, sel box
ing gloves, presented by ( M. Klorev;
tent li prize, pair rubber boots, present
ed by Sclinnk a Spencer.
Connor now is 111 2.IB.J and hns proved
one of the best of the convert
ed variety.
Bessie Wilton, luli'i, has a bowed ten
don ami It is doubtful as to her racing
attain lids season.
Charlie Thompson Rave his first horse a
2.I11 mark when he won wllh Thomas Mi
son at lledrli k In 2.nv4.
Andy Welch's fast trotter Uiile, 2.IP4,
had a tpiartei-crack which Incapacitates
him from further racing for awhile.
Hoover, 2.27!-, u new one by Allerton, Is
from the dam of Klloree, 2.11'.... He Is said
to be a good prospect for a 2.20 mark.
Hello Wells, 2.17', Is a great card lor her
sire, I'aclolus. She took her record in a
Ihree-ininule class at Hedriek last wck.
Fantasy. 2.i, seems to be queen of the
frie-for-alls, but it looks as If Onoqua and
Heuzetta were gelling an equal division of
the purses, Hie way the summaries read
each week. v
W. W. 1'. lowered the wagon record to
i.f al the Minnesota slate fair and Marlon
Mills, the "guileless wonder," paced ill
'.MO-'i, going the lirst half mile In 1.03 and
home in I.1W1.
I'reston, which was second to Mary
Beaufort, ill ihe Horse Hevicw stake,
showed Minx. 'It' to be a iroiier yesterday
at Fleetwood, taking a good Held Into camp
In 2.33';., 2.211,. '
Alpha, pacing record. 2.1Sl4, by Allle
Wilkes, was sold in Ihe ISHJ sale al Cleve
land for $.m. She wus so poorly galled
(icorge Kctchatn, whrt bred her, consid
ered she was well sold.
Hd (leers was called Into the stand after
Itobert J.'s great race at Boston, und In
troduced to the Hoslonese. He escaped In
a few moments, leaving his employer to
acknowledge the compliment paid the
champion purer and his wonderfully suc
cessful trainer. F.d never cared much for
such publicity.
Matile If won Ihe trotting
championship ut Vienna recently, tie
fenting HnyM, Autrnin, .Mangle
Sherman und Honcywood. The time was
2.IS, 2.1" 4-.1, 21,1 7-10, 2.17 H-10. Maggie
Sherman won the third heat which was
Die fastest ever trotted in u championship
race In F.urotM.
There is u new hopple oil hand styled
the "nntl-hllchlng hopple," which does
not pinion the front legs, thus differing
materially from tho other varieties. It
should prove an Improvement, inasmuch
as there Is lean llublllty to trip, A smart
horse can foul them all unless they make
him stand on his head. Tho public la tired
of hoppled horso radix''
The crowd was so dense that our doors were only opened
five times throughout the whole day, and there were thousands
and thousands of customers in the store being waited on and
thousands of customers who could not get inside the store. We
had engaged fifty extra salespeople, thinking that would be suf
ficient, but during the day we engaged fifty more, so we are in
hopes that the crowds who will surely attend this Fire Sale
will receive more prompt attention.
Valuable Real Estate
r.v virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Kx
ponas, Issued out of the court or com
mon pleas of Lackawanna, county, to mc
directed, 1 will expose to public snle by
vendue or outcry, to the highest, and best
bidders, for cash, at the court house, In
the city of Seranton, Lackawanna coun
DAY OF SF.t'TFMHKit, A. I'.. ISflii. at In
o'clock In tho forenoon or nail day, all
the right, title and interest of Hih de
fendant in and 10 the following de
scribed lots, pieces or parrels of land,
No. 1. All the riiiht, title und interest
of the defendant, II. (Joodman, in and to
the following deseiibed piece or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the
city of Seranton, County of Lackawanna
and state ot Pennsylvania, 10 wil: Being
the Northwesterly one halt of lot Number
ten (HO In suqure or block number ihirty
11I110 la'Jt and siiunte upon street culled
and known eu I'enn uvetiue, upon Ibe
town idol of Seranton; said half of lot
of Iniid being twenty t2o) feet wide In front
on I'enn avenue, same width in rear and
one hundred and sixty -seven (Pi7l feet
in depth, lo all alley sixteen Hti) feel wide
for public use. Willi the prlvlege of using
ten (hi) feet 111 front of the front Hue of
Eaid half of lot uf land for yard, vault,
porch, piazza, cellarwny and bay window
ami for no other purpose. The coal und
miiu'tals benatlt the surface of said hind,
together with the lit; lit to mine and re
move the same were excepted and reserved
In u deed fur said half lol of land rrom
lletniiui Weiss and wife lo Henry Head
man, dated December lit, l.Std, and recorded
In the office for recording deeds, etc., In
Lackuwanna county, in deed book. .No. M,
pugo 2S3, etc.
Improved with one two-slory brick
building in front, used for stole and
dwelling, and one small two story bri :k
dwelling house in Ihe rear. Seized and
taken in execution al the suit of Herman
W'eiss vs. H. Uuodinaii. Debt, flMi.Xt.
Judgment No. MM, January Term, lmii. Fi
fa. 10 Term, lMHl.
No. 2 All He- right, title in,. iuler-it of
the defendant, llil;,'h lturke, in and to the
following described lots of land situate
in'.', La.'kuw.tutiu county. I'enn
sylvauia. ib'S'-rihi-d on n certain map 01'
lands or I'hilopt na F.ngl Fsiale. recorded
in Lackawanna eoiiniy, lu Deed Book
No. 32, page. 143. etc, as lots Nos, Thir
teen (131, Fifteen 11.1), Sevcnieeii U7l, Nine
teen il!t,Twenty-uiie (21) and Tweitly-ll.ree
(231, and located on the soitiliwesieiTv :,liu
i!... . .... 1..1.1 .1
. ... n r-.i.-.-t, iu.'i nunii 1,11 siini limp.
Said lots are each forty 40I feet in front on
Biggs' street and Irregular In depth as by
I rtifetenee lo said map will nunc fully ap
. pear. Coal and minerals reserved.
1 All Improved Willi a two-storv frame
dwelling house und out buildings thereon,
also planing mill and oil!, e.
Seized and taken on rxeeiition ut the
soil of I'. I). Mauley vs. Hugh Burke.
Debt, J.1,500.00. Judgment No. ll.VI, Septem
ber Term, l.vjti. Fi. fa. to September Term,
IStW. Dl'liUAX, Ally.
I No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of
I (he defendants, St. Joseph's Lithuanian
I Church Congregation, iiev. .Michael Beza,
Andrew Uowlis or Powell. Joseph B.o-
liaku, Frank Malaya, John Hullreiuuntz
mill duini v.imie, ill unu to all I llf lOIIOW IIlg
described lot of laud wllh the improve
ments thereon, situate lu the Serond ward
of the city of Scrutilon, county of Luck
awnnnu, and state of IVnnsylvanla, uttd
bounded and described as follows to wit:
Beginning on the northwest coiner of
North .Main avenue und Theodore street.;
thence westerly along north side of Theo
dore street 1,12 Sti-lmi feet; thence ut right
angles northerly J37 43-loti feet to North
Main avenue, and thence along same
southt rly i:ix 15-nm feet to ihe place of be
ginning und known und designated us lots
Nos. eleven til, twelve (12) und thirteen
(131 on a certain property entitled F.leotrlo
City Park. All Improved with a one story
building constructed of stone and bricit
and Uniuhed Inside with wood and used
for church purposes.-
Scized and taken 111 execution at the suit
of Spruks Brothers vs. St. Joseph's Lith
uanian Church Congregation el al. Debt,
$3.o54.0ii. Judgment No. 03, January Term,
loltti. Lev. fa. to September Term, IS'Jii.
No. 4. All tile right title and interest of
the defendant, Charles Kalzinger, in and
to all thut certain lot or piece of lutul,
situate In that purl of the city of Seran
ton, county of Lackawanna, und state of
Pennsylvania, known as A. It. Silkmtiti's
addition, being In block three und bounded
as follows: Beginning ut a corner and
stake In line of the Pennsylvania Coal
company's land at a point two hundred
and nineteen and eight-tenths feet, north
forty-nine degrees and llf ty minutes, weal
from Third stret;- thence north forty
nine degrees und fifty minutes west along
said company's line, about ono hundred
mid seventy feet, more or less, to within
twenty-five feet of the Pennsylvania Coal
company's railroad; thenco along the same
about eighty feet lo a stake and corner of
James H. Masters near a chestnut tree
and recently purchased by Mrs. Li
Franlz; thence south forty-nine degrees
and llf cy minutes east, about ono hundred
and tlfty feet, more or less, to a stake
corner, thut Is right angles to the lirst
named point; theuce north forty degrees
and ten minutes east about eighty-six feet,
mors or less to in placa of beglnnlaa.
Improved wllh two frame dwelling houses
and outbuildings.
Seized ami taken In execution at. the
suit of the Fasteru Lnlou Building and
Loan Association vs. Charles Katzinger.
Debt. Judgment No. HI-'. Septem
ber Term, lsaii. Ft. fa. lo .S.jttember Term,
IStn;. CTvF.LL, Any.
No. u. All Ihe right, title and interest of
tho defendant, Walluee M .'Mullen, lu and
to nil that certain lot or parcel of land,
situate In the city of Carbondale, county
of Lackawanna and state of Pennsyl
vania, being 111 width sltxly feet from and
rear und about1 one hundred und lll'ty feet
deep, bounded northerly by lands now or
formerly of II. Van Votst, westerly by
land formerly of the School District of
Carbondale township, southerly by laud of
(1. P. Rogers, and easterly by Archbald
street. Improved with a two-slory frame
dwelling, outbuildings, fruit trees, etc.
Seized and taken in execution ut Ihe suit
of Louis II. Snyder vs. Wallace .Mc.Mullen.
Debt, $430.44. Judgment No. 1137 Septem
ber Term, lMni. Fi. fa to September Term.
No. ti. All Ihu right, title and Interest of
the defendants, Laura Frolhlngham and
Arthur Frothlnghum, In and to all the fol
lowing described piece or parcel of laud:
First All the following described pieco
or parcel of land situate in the F.ightll
ward of the i lly 01 Scranioti. eoumy of
Lackawanna, and statu of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described us follows: Be
ginning at u point on the easterly side ot
Peiin avenue, corner of land of Dr. I). B.
Hand; thence uiong said boundary line
one hundred and sixly-scveii and one. half
(Hi7',i) feet to Oakford alley; thence along
Oakford alley In a northerly direction, one
hundred and ton (1101 feet to a point, cor
ner of land of Clark Snover; thence In u
westerly direction along line of Clark &
Snover tit a point eight (tin feel easterly
to Penn avenue; thence southerly in a line
parallel to and eighty feet distant from
Penn avenue, sixty-six Piill feet to a cor
ner; thence westerly eighty (Mi) feet to a
point on penn avenue, and thence souther
ly along Penn avenue forty-lour (II) feet
lo lie- place of begiliullitr. Beicir pari of
lots three (3) and four (4) in block number
thirty-six (Mil upon the town plot of
F.X'-eptlng and reserving Hie coal und
minerals beneath the surface of said lots
Improved with a brick theater building,
known ;is "Tin- Frothlnghuin."
Second All I In- following described lot,
piece or pan el of laud, situate, lying and
being In the city ut Scraiitoii, in the coun
ty of Lack.iwtina, uml state of Penn
sylvania, bounded and deseribe.l as fol
lows: Beginning ut u. corner on Penn ave
nue, tho westerly corner of lot of Clark &
Snover; thence southeast! rly tiloug said
Clark X Snover's line eighty feet
to a. corner still in t-ui.1 line,
corner or land of Laura Frolliing
haiu: thence al rigid angles lo said last
mentioned line in a southwesterly direc
tion, sixty-six f'iiii b ei to ;t corner lu line
in lands of Laura Pt'olinugham: Iliemv at
light angles to said last line in a 1101 tu
wisteiiy dirertlnn, eighty (vu feet lo a
corner on I'etin avenue; thence al right
aiiub'S to said last line and in a north
easterly direi tion along I'enn avenue six-ly-six
mil) feet lo the place of beginning.
With the prlvlege of using Ion feet in front
of the front line of said lot on i'enn ave
nue for yard, vault, piazza, 1 'Mar-way,
and bay-window, but for no other purpose,
F.xcrpling and reserving the coal and
minerals beneath said bu.
Improved with foundation wall and a
brick wall SO feci long along the line of the
Clark A: Snover lot, and a small one-story
frame dwelling thereon.
Third All lhal. leasehold estale and
term of years yet to come, created by
lease from I.:, (i. S hoomnaker to Arthur
Frotliingiiatu and Laura Frothlnghntn,
dated the 1st day of June, .1 S.SS, and record
ed lu the recorder's olllce of Lackawanna
county, in mortgage book. No. ;:, page :):,
etc.; which said leasehold estate was, af
terwards conveyed by John .1. Fahey, high
sheriff of Lackawanna county to Charles
H. Welles, by deed dated Juno 13th, ISM,
recorded In sheriff's deed book No. 2, page
I. 'W, and in Ihe recorder's olllce aforesaid
lu deed book No. tin, page llii, as by rel'e.'
ence to said conveyances will more fully
and ul largo apear. Said leasehold estate
being upon lot number eight (Hj in
block nnuiuer lliiny-six (30) on the plot
of lots ua laid out by the Lackawanna
Iron and Coal company. Said lot being
forty (40) feet in front on Wyoming ave
nue and one hundred and sixty-seven (p;7)
feel deep extending bacK 10 1111 alley. Be
ing also known us lot No. 21 in square or
block No. 13 011 the alias of the city of
Seranton. published by J. L. &
Co. in P-S3, and lately known us the "Ar
cade." Tho ubove described lease hav
ing been transferred and eonvved 10 Lau
ra FrothinKham by Charles II. Welles and
wife, by indenture dated December 24th,
Ib'Jj, and recorded in deed book No. 131,
pugo 210, etc.
Improved with a part one and port two.
story building, and known ns the Arcade.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of John A. Aleurs vs. Lntira Kroihinghain
and Arthur Frothingham. Debt, $l,i)0O.M).
Judgment No. 4n2, .March Term, KM. Fi,
la. to September Term, ISlHi. Also at the
suit of Charles 11. Welles vs. Laura Froth
ingham and Arthur Prothinghutn. Debt,
$:iii,37.1.0O. Judgment No. 1:150 September
Term, 18.15. Lev. fa. to September Term,
PWtS. Also at the stilt of Charles H. Welles
vs. Laura Frolhlngham and Arthur Froth
ingham. Debt, r.. i;,:.iy. Judgment No.
1103, September Term, It'M. FI. fa. to Sep
tember Term, lSl'ii.
T. F. V JILLS, Attys.
No. 7. All Ihe right. Bile and Interest of
the deTendnnt, James P. Casey, In and to
all that eartaln lot, piece or parcel of lend
situate in the city of Seranton, in the
county of Lackawnnna, nnd Btnt of
Pennsylvania, being lot number eleven (11)
or William Merrllleld's plot of Hyde Park
lotB, bounded, commencing at a corner In
lino of lot No. i on Washington street In
said line of plot, running 1 hence soath 4U':
degrees west one hundred and Hay tent
to a corner; thence south 62'4 degrees
cait forty-si feet to a corner in Hue of
lot twelve; thence north 4t!Va degrees east
ono hundred and fifty feet to suld Wash
ington sireetiuow LiifayeiteMtreeii: thence
along said street north 52V4 degrees west
forty-six feet to tho place of beginning,
being the lot conveyed by Catherine Kodg
ers and husband to Michael Casey by dee
datd 4th November iMJl. Hi-corded al
Wllkes-Barre in deed book No, 90, page 7U0,
etc., devised by him to his children; will
probated at Yilkes-Barre. See book "D,"
page 2tf, etc., and conveyed by the heirs
to James P. Casey. All improved wilh u
two-story frame double tenement house
and other outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of Home Building und Loan ussoclution
of Seranton, Pa., vs. James P. Casey.
Debt, $3,4'j0.n0. Judgment No. 1HM, Sep
tember Term, lMi. Fi. fa. lo September
Term, ISM.
STiUvKS, Ally.
No. 8. All tho right, lltle and interest ot
the defendant, John A. Walker, lu and to
all the following piece of land situate in
the Ninth ward, city of Seranton, county
of Lackawanna, stato of Pennsylvotia
bounded and described ns follows: licing
the southwesterly portou of lot 1.1 n block
1", as desgnaled upon Lackawanna lrot
and Coal rouipntiy's plot of Ser.iuloii in
tended to be duly recorded, couiinoucng
ot a point on tho westerly sldo of a public
alley cnllcd Lee alley, forty-eight and one
hiilf (4!i) feet from tho suiitlieasterl)
corner of said lot; thence running In 0
southwesterly direction along line of sale
alley forty-eight and one-half (4!Vj fee:
10 a corner; thence ill a northwesterly dl
reel Ion along line of a public alley twenty
live U5) feel wide, thirty-four (34) feet to
a corner of lot 13, In said block ti7; thence
along line of said lot 13 in a northeasterly
dlreeHoii forly-eight ind one-hall' ttM-i fen
to a corner; thence thirty-four (."I) feet tc
tho place of beginning. Itclng a part nl
the bind conveyed to John A. Walker,
the defendant hcrvln, from the Lacka
wnnna Iron and Coal company by dee.,
dated 24tli March, 1SG, nnd duly recorded
In deed book 32, at page 5ii7, etc. Coal nn."l
minerals reserved to legalt owners there
of by sufficient terms In tho law. All Im
proved with u two-story frame dwelling
bouse nnd blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the sub
of the Dime Deposit and Discount Baiih
vs. John A. Walker, Debt, $l,018.r,o. Judg
ment No. 557. January Term, ISM. Aliut
FI. fa. lo Septeniber Term, Irt'il.
No: !. All Ihe right, lille nnd lulerst of
the defendant, Julia Koxy novvsk;, admin.
Islr.ttrix of Jacob Kozytiowski, de
ceased, in and to all that rertuin lot,,
piece or parcel of land sltuuto In tho Nine
teenth ward of the city of Scrnnton, coun
ty ot Lackawanna, Pu described us fol
lows viz.: lieing iol number twonty
eight (2S) la snqiire or block number 75
ami situate on Meadow avenue, said lot be
ing forty (40) feet III front, forty (10) fust
in r.-ar. ami one hundred and forty iltoi
feet in depth, and Is the JoL conveyed by
Fred Simon and wile In Jacob KoZVll
owski by deed dated 31st .March, IsUl.
Recorded In deed book 7H. page i13l, etc.
All improved with a two-story frame
tiwelllg house and other outbuildings
I hereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of Harmony Building and Loan associa
tion No. 2, of Seranton, Pa., vs. Julia Kozy
nowskl, administratrix of Jacob Kozynow
ski, deceased., Itebt, $2im.oo. Judgment No.
11S0, September Term, IS1W. p'l. fa. lo Sep.
tember Term, IMW.
A I -SO,
No. 10. All the rigid, title and inlerest of
the defendant K. K. .Miller, lu und lo nil tho
following pieces or parcels of land situ
ate, lying und being in the Serond (3)
ward of the city of Seranton, county of
Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded nnd described as follows, to wit:
The first being Lot No. four (4) in Block
four (I) us shown on the plot of Winton it
Llveyis addition to the city of Seran
ton, recorded in Lackawanna county In
Deed Hook 44, page HI), and situate upon
street culled Area street and being lifty
(.10) feet in front nnd rear and one hun
dred and thlrly-one (1311 feet in dep'h lo
line of Ira Tripp and being rectangular In
shape. Being the same land conveyed lo
K. K. Miller from W. W. Winton, et. al.
by deed dated tho 3otn of August, lids,
and recorded In Deed Hook No. f.0, at
page D-.3, etc. All Improved wllh a two
story single house and barn.
The second being lots Nos. twenty-one
(21) and twenty-two (22), and sixteen (10)
feet In front and rear oil' from the south
westerly side of lot twenty-three (23) In
Block three (3) ns shown by the mup of
Wynan's addition to tho city of Seranton.
Suld lots and pari of lot are one hundred
and eight (10) feet in front on Diamond
avenue, the same in rear along a public
alley and one hundred and forty (140) feet
In depth to said alley. Heing the same
land conveyed to K. K. Miller from
Charles T. .Miller nnd wife by deed dated
the 4th of May, 1S;i3, and duly recorded.
All Improved with a three (3) story nnd
basement brick dwelling house, also frame
wood shop and barn.
The third being lot No. six (''.) In Block
No. one (1) nnd situate upon the Provi
dence Road upm Wynan's addition to the
city of Seranton. Said lot being Forty
six (It!) feet in front and renr nnd ono
hundred and lll'ty (WO rect in depih, ex
cepting and reserving the right of wav
to the "People's Street Railway, of Lit
zi?rt; county." Pelng tho pu t of the same
land conveyed to K. K. Miller from Charles
T. Mdlcr. et. al., by deed b.-aring date
the 0:h ot May, 1S:i3. and duly recorded.
All Improved with a double two-story
frnmo dwelling house.
Tho fourth being lot No. fourteen (II)
nnd twelve (12) feet from tho northeasterly
Bide of lot No. thirteen (13). both In blocit
three (3) and situate upon n. street known
ns Short avenue und being fifty-eight (IS)
feet In front nnd rear nnd one hundred and
forty-six (140) feet In depth and rectangu
lar In shapo. The Nos. of lots and blocks
nre the same as designated upon m:i; of
Wynun's property In the city ot Seranton
nnd intended to be recorded. All Im
proved with a two-story frame dwelling
house. The Inst piece of land being same
aa conveyed by James Blair, et, nl., to
Hana K. Miller, deceased, by deed dated
Jau. 24lh. l7. and duly recorded.
Coal and minerals In each case reserved
to the legal owners thereof by eufneieut
terms in law.
Seized and tuken In execution at the suit
of P. P. Carter vs. K K. Miller. Debt.
i,000.0u. J augment No. 1119, September
Terra, Fi. fa, to September Term.
1 WOODKl'l-V, Atty.
All of which will ba sold for oash only.
Sheriff's otllce, S. ranton, la., Sepl L
, Wagner Kelt, lessees and Managers.
Monday' moh t, skpt.'i
Adrent of the
Presenting for the first time the new
est lyrical production. '
Hn American Beatify
Book by Hugh Morton. Music by
(lustave kerkes.
Prodiu-ed here under the rereonal dlrertl.iu
t ;....rir W. 1,-de-er. LILLIAN RtSSKI.L
IN A M:W KOI.L New Tor Cknino Orches
tra. Hs-'dsouie Souveuira to I.Kdiee.
PKICES -$ $1.00, 7sc. and 50c Haiti
or seats opens Tliiirsdsy at 0 a in.
First A mnrlrsn tour and first appearance lu
tins city ot the young eiuotloual actress,
Supported bv a powerful company. Including
Hudson l.istun, William Herbert, tieorge
Paunvrport, C- L. (iraves. Frank Arnold, (len.
evievc, Marion Ballou.Mllllr Litton
Myrv Sheridan, Little Oracle Sheridan and
Hrnry Jewett, in tho interesting emotional
PRICFS Gallery, l"-c; balcony, two rows.
Ti.-.; balance balcony, 25o. ; orchestra eirclo,
10c. ; parlor rhaira, 75c., and orcneatra 75c.
Charles E. Blanoy's Latest Bncems,
Array ef Original Talent.
Raymond Finlay, Knox Q. Wilson, Charles
"rynut, (ins Saville, Thomas Peasley. Frank
Young, No lie O'Neill, Ltllie Southern, Ltlha
M yu. Oeorgle Lingitrd, Laura Bennett, llorit
Kvtttis, the Weslevan College Quart Att-t, Flor
o'.ee Neils.iu, Belle Tufts, Agnes Tunuer and
Lditli Marsh.
I'KICFS-tiallery. 15c; Balcony, ac, 35c!
Orchestra Circle, First Fluor, 50c; Orchestra
und Parlor Chairs, First Flour, 75.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep
tember 10, 11 and 12.
Rice and Barton's
Spectacular Extravaganza.
'tusly New Departure. Acknowledged Artiels,
. lvacioiis V eulmts, llelightful Dancnra,
Clever tjotaedliins, in a novel Vchic'e nf Vor-
utility, introducing Merry iel. diet, Sweet
s.uiits, Terpsiclinrean Triumphs. Itrnceful
troopings. Picturesiitie Poses, with H.iii--ioiuil
.Seen", Stirtirisnig Hituat uns, Costly
Costumes, Siits-rb Scenery, including
ueruiuiu Mitireon the Linpire hlysiura.
Admission 10, I'D or 30 Cents.
Two performances dally. Poors open at
l.::u and 7. Curtulu rises ut -.W and 14.
At Rock-Bottom Prices.
i.isr no. i.
Buffalo Prince ..'93, $36
Imperial '96, 55
Erie '96, 45
Prince '95, 36
Sterns '94, 35
Columbia '93, 25
Cleveland '94, 25
Coventry '93, 15
These: are nil lilted with oiieuuiatio
tires nuil are iu ood ruuuing trder.
515V Linden Street. tlpp. Court Houm
Took everything in sii;ht, except
the grand stand, und lie would
have tuken that. too. hut it was
filled with pretty Kirls, and' being
bashful lie did nut want to usk
them to move. (let u Spaldiuy
and be with the posh at
will otter nil of the following wheels wa
mny have in stock at .lobl er's Prices : Wolf
Aiiiei-icun, fierce, iver-.lohuson. Waverly and
Kiatlit i'sleiie l.iii't. Tnis is an opitortuultr
to net a tend wheel cheap. We still have the
famous "Crawford." a wheel that runs us
liirht and eitfV and wears eipial tit any $'il
machine on Hit trurket. Come and see what
we cau tl fcr you iu our Tine.
e. i mi n mm si