IIE SCR ANTON TIUBUNE-TIIUItSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1890. 3 DEEP CUT IN PRICES Or CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, VELOCIPEDES, BICYCLES, EXPRESS WAGON'S. BAKKOKS, CAKTS, ETC. Wc have tin best 15at.y Carriuoj for the least e.?sh to lie found in this val ley. 'c want to reduce our stc!j of these article this month and think our Haw prices will iulerest persons in want of stidt. Come and see them AT NORTON'S, 512 Lackawauua Ave. OUR OATS Always in the jiast tho Best in Scran ton Will l;c in the" future as rood as nals that can he made by the BEST CLEANING MACHINERY Which removes the fou! seeds and dust. Try our SCRMT31, OLYPHANT. CSR33NDRLE. Tr-i E GENUINE POPULARPUMCH CICASS Uae tbo initial! Q B. tt CO. imprint ed io eucU e.gar. GARNEY, BROWN & CO., WiMFACTiJOS. COURT HOUSE SO- DR. C. D. SHUMVVAY. Diseases of tho Lower Kowcl a specially. SOS Washington Ave., Opp. Tribune Ijiiiidiui. OFFICE HO'jaS 3 T0!2, 2 TO 5. im:usonai Misxes Florence and Tlllio Drinker tiro Inline from u visit to .Muplewny fiinn. I'leetville. I'.ntl H. Hi lin, is now In charge of U '. .lloldcn's brunch ollicc 111 the t'onmioti wealth biiildilo,'. Mif.s Kate Niluml. of the Telephone ex chaiiKP. entered tini her unimal ten days' vacation yenterduy. (iconre Nl.xKHiison Is lure from New York to take elm rite of the electrical department ut K. Hcott's warehouse. Mis Charles Miles ami dmifrlucr, Kdllh. Of Yonkers. N. V.. visited .Mrs. I), li. W'rlitht, of MudlKiiti iivonue. iimi. John T. I.rnalian. of Wilkes. U.i L-ullcii on Hon. John 1'. Kelley. of this city, yesterday afternoon. Miss Itcnu Memirttel ami Miss Tlllie Westpfahl tire home after two weeks spent tit Itlonnislniiit anil HarrlHbnrK. Misses Manie McC.ronrty, of this city, ami Pelia Nealon, of Avoea, havo rcliltT.nl from a week's may ut bake Ariel. Mr. anil Mrs. Simon Schencr ami daugh ter, Lizzie, of I'ittslon avenue, are home I rum a week's visit to New York. Mrs. Alice Pretx anil son, Sylvester, of Match Chunk, are vtsitlni? at the Home of A. P. Williams, of Taylor avenue. tlenrtte Williams, of Montrose, nml Min nie Hines, of Sprlngvllle, Susquehanna .n.iiitv, were niarrifd on September fi hy AI h riniin O. It. Wright. '. Mrs. Cieorrce U. Silsbee. of itn Antonli. 'I xas, a fornier resilient of Scrnnton, 18 a uuest at the residence of M .'. and Air '8. W. lvellum. HO Linden street. Miss Anna liurke has returned to Kdcn II. ill, Torrrsilale. anil resumed her similes 'after spenillnK the summer months with In r parents. -Mr. anil Mrs. Timothy Hurke. Miss Rose Vatnier, of tlrcen Tti'lso. de parted from this elty yesterday afternoon ..-. a missionary to China. She was accom panied to the Helaware. Lackawanna ami Western station hy a party of frlemls.who cncouraKod her with hymn slngini;. ' Mrs. Florence Collins and family, Mrs. J. 10. Price. Air. and Airs. Henshaw, 1'". L. I'jane ami George liimoek. of this cltv; Sirs. Andreson nnd Airs. Wilson, of Ba .vannnh. and Mrs. AI. I B-irry, of Wil mington, lel will spend September at niton as guests at the Walden cottage. A trolley party composed of the fol lowing traversed the different lines In the rlty Tuesday evening: Allsses Agnes. Llba anil Kmma Knrkhouse, Katie and Sadie lib-Nichols, Catherine Sennlon, Frances Blewitt, Anna Cooney and Miss Haggcrty, of Olyphunt; Alisses Alary llaggorty nnd Catherine Devlue. of New Yolk city: Hr. Stevens. Air. Liindy, Thomas White, ficorge Kerl. Aliehai-1 Flaherty, John -Nealon. William Jlattle and Harry Walsn. NEW SCHOOL BOUNDARIES. tup wmnvinri m IUU MURIUM IU1UU Ul District Oiviiled on Account ui .eW ' linildiiigo. The lioundnrles of the new No. 19 school territory will be as follows: From Washburn, north on Rebacca to Jackson : east on Jackson to Main: north on Main, to Ijifuyette; west on Lafayette to Kverett; south on Kverett :tt Washburn; west on Washburn to llebecva. The prrnde of the newr school will be primary C to Intermediate A. New Nn. 13 building; on Belleviie .Heights will be attended by pupils re slilltm In the Fifteenth ward, east of .N'inth street, and also those from lVllevue- Heights. No. S school will 'recdve fhildren residing in the Fif . teetith witrtl west of Ninth street. " - DIF.I). , WAHNKIt. Tn Seranton, Pa., Sept. S. ; at the home of his parents. Air. and Mrs. Oeorge Warner, S17 Mulberry street, iren Warnr, aee 23 years. Fit- neral Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment In Dunmor cemetery. v ' ' '' MERRIFIELD IS STILL UNDECIDED lias Not Been Officially Notified of His Nomination. I WILL HE PROBABLY DECLINE I'.cu-ons 1'htit Are Advanced by the Dcnioi-nttv to Convince Mr. .Herri' licld Tlint lie Ought to Accept the Mominntioii Tendered to Ilitn by'lhe Contention licit! in .liusic Hull. The chances uri.- that tliP Democratic county comniitteo will, within a few il.tys, lie culled upon to name a candi date for congress, as it is the Very generally c-xmesseil opinion that Kd warrt Alerrilield. who was noniinaled at Tuesday's convention, will decline to make a muityr of hiniself even to )il".ise the Iiead of the Huland party In l.ael'.awanna iiiniay. .Mr. Alei'i illeld wii.i seen at his Imnie hy a Tribune -reporter last nKlit nnd when i:ue:-t inm d as to whether li"' i-.niir.ltti.-H appointed t'i Infiirm him of his nomlnti Hon had v.aitnl upon liiio. he said tlmt he lutd not been ollli ially I n fori ned i if none of tile him. "Will yi.tt his noniin.ition. nnd that cciniiiittee hail called on accept the nomination'.'" asked tin- reporter. "I am not in a position to answer that at present I ,'ni: undetermined .what to do In the matter. Many of my friends have niited nio lo run. but 1 have not made it'i my mind what 1 shnll do." It Is not believed that .Mr. Aleiritleld will like the nomination. The men who were responsible for his nomina tion have been endeavoring to show him how ho can be elected. They make the unsupported assertion that the Re publican party Is not in good slripe for a battle and that the entire farmer vote of the county will be cast for the free silver candidate. They also nrgue that the boom caused by the coming of Candidate ilrynn to : Seranton during the first week in Pcto- j her will bo siilhelent to elect the Demo cratic ticket. It is proposed to hold an ; Immense meeting nt the Driving Park, which it is thought will attract an j audience of L'.'i.fleil people. I These are a few of (lie reasons that a ew or t ,e reasons .tin are nih'.inct take up tho Democralli standard. The chances are big, however, that he will not take the nomination. AMUSEMENTS. Miss Margaret Fuller will appear for the lirst time In this city in "The Daughter of Paul Komaine." She is an actress of wide experience and of reputed marked ability, who has for several years enjoyed the applause of the British public. She will appear nt the Academy of Music on Friday, Sept. It. The nlay is a new one written us peelally for her. Little has been said in advance of Allss Fuller's varied abil ities, but the prediction hns been made that she will please the theatre-goers of Seianton. A few days since, Harry Clay Hlaney received from a 1'ufl'alo surgleai linn, n patent appliance known as a "leg stralghlener" nnd a, letter stating: "It Is a well-known fact that you have the worst twisted legs In the theatrical profession. If you will use his apnll- ancc, and give us a testimonial, you i can name your fee." .Mr. I'.laiiey re Plied: "I nin very sorry I am not able to comply with your request, for il my legs became strabrht. It would lie im possible for me to play my part In 'A Hoy Wanted,' as it requires a 'Crooked Hoy.'" A!r. lilaney Is not very sensi tive on this matter, ns his crooked legs has given him a world-wide reputa tion, ifo will he seen nt the Academy of Aluslc mi Saturday evening In "A Hoy Wanted." comic opera without a topical soaf: end t ntitely destitute of buffoonery, is a novelty indeed. And that Is whnt AI.nsis. Canary nml Ledorer. the man- ngivs of Lillian RusfpII, proclaim their latcsM venture, 'An American lieauty," lo be. The comicalltiss of the opera lire, it i.-- announced, legitimate eptnt culit;i s. of the kind, in n word, that nn intelligent auditor can appreciate, can mar nnd see without lutving his Ideas ol common sense insulted. Hugh Morton ami Gustavo Merger, the au thors of "An American ISiiiuty," hav departed altogether, It is said, from the corvenl lnnnl in their latest work. They nave written it to imit the filcnls of the fair Miss Hu.'i ll. Slv will have litany chances In display her abilities lis a cumc'lb nne, nnd she is a enme ditnre of no mean type. The l.illi.in lluswi: Opera company will he at the Frothliighain next Mnudny night. Surrounded by versatile nrtists, IJiee and I'.arton bid fnir, in their new ex travaganza nt Davis' theatre, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, b repeat their tornier success in Scranlon. Frank Ilnlnes. Washburn i'isters. Irvlii T. Hush nnd Crawford nnd Manning support the well-known comedians, and are well adapted to th" requirements of the new production, which is a satire on New York's famous resort. Coney Island. The opportunities this affords j up-to-date comedians may be Imagined rather than described, while the pretty girls in the company find lifting roles in the dnzzling characters whose chr.rms nre nlmust as great ns Coney Island's tamo. Our theatre-goers are eagerly wait ing the appearance of "Miss Philadel phia." Thomas D. Van Osten's big spec tacular extravaganza, which hnd the phenomenal run of one hundred nights in Philadelphia last spring. Manager fiurgunder was fortunate enough to ar range a date fur "Alss Philadelphia" and looks forward to this attraction as being the event of the season, com prising as it does one hundred people headed by the prince of comedians. Willie Collier, and Inez Alectisker, prima donna, and embraces such novel features as a ladies' military band on the stage In a grand military march, and the ladles' symphony orchestra f sixteen musicians from Huston. .Mass., this being the first theatrical engage ment they ever played, and the llrst operatic theatrical organization to carry a ladies' orchestra. Among the other novelties will be an exact reproduction of the famous Philadelphia-New Year Shooters' parade, which is .1 grand Madrl Oras scene, with bolls ringing, whistles blowing, and the annual parade of the shooters in their gorgeous cos tumes: and In this scene Manager Van Pston presents Robert Newton, the 189.1 New Year Shooter prize winner, with his $3,000 Ftar and crescent costume. whle.h requires fifty pages M carry the cape, and the costume, when spread, actually coven the entire stage. TODAY'S SHOOT. I Mill lleaiii nt 1 O'clock ut the Driviut; lurk. Vnr.y r-iMirtsmcn are Interested In to day's pigeon shoot at theDrivlng l'ark. It will m ijln this morning at 10 o'elo. k. Among the etiirU-i are: W. T. Pavn'i Kingston:1 K. Matters, Kingston; O H Graves. Delnware Writer Gap; Rob AValluce. LuBerne, Rob Clayton, Lu zerne: T. J. lleuley, Dorrancttown; F. K. t'-'fbb. Avoca; tleorge Nesblt. Wilkes-Warre; Charles Gurdner. Wilkes llarre; Rer. Machmcr, Trev. r ton: W. Cooper. Treverlon: H. t. Sweitz. Scitinton: James Twlss, Oly Phaef. CliarKs A.'a. k. Kcranton; F. M. t-'p.-tieer. kcranton: L. Young, Thio p. Air liurpcta. Oi phant; Dr. Alexander, Seranton; V. G. Fassold. Kcrantun: W. fi. Frey, Taylor; John Van Rergen, Seranton: W. II. Davemiort, Taylr; Sim Pa vis, Seranton: Clem .Ma-ah, Jr.. Sunntoa; John Hughs. Seranton; V. A-. Weldehueh, Seranton: N"H1 Anna man, ininmore; Thomas Lewis. Scrun ton: Thomas t.'nrtcr. Pl mouth; J. U Swaitz. Pnlton: G. A. Mess, l'lymouthi V.'ill Kvims, i;dvardsvllle; Air. Nesblt, Seriiiton. There will bo about ten nior.t who will enter on the ground. SOCIAL WORLD. The secret of how to have a good time if there Is a secret involved was made known last night out on the FJiuhurst boulevard by a congenial party of well-known Seranton men nnd women nt "Venga 0'trave.."The ipio loitim murks enclose a phrase that i might mean almost anything lo anyone but a linguist; In Spanish it means, ; --nine nr-:iln." and Ycnga Otrave In this case Is the name of the woodland hut owned by Dr. G. K. HHl on the boulevard. The hut last nighl was the scene of a royal good time. In nnd about it were gathered over a score of Dr. ami Mrs. Hill's most intimate friends nnd they made the welken ring until n wee sniti' hour this morning. You might call It a (lam-bake, a country dame, a harvest festival, nl niost anything, ns Ion ns "come airtiin" nnd a good time were not over looked. The guests were Mr. and Air. Lemuel Amerinaii, ex-Senator and Mrs. AI. K. .McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Kemnierer. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mears. Dr. and Airs. 1. F. Kverhardt, Mr. and Airs. John Fritz, Mr. itnd Mrs. i.'.iiwnid U.-vea. .Mr. and Alts. F. R. Katharine Wilcox. Mrs, illis ! Kemnierer and John T. Hlelinrus. i "Venga Otravez' It is pronounced i vlngo travecscs-Ms only a cheaply built !and insignificant looking, two-roomed. ! one-story structure on the boulevard ' about oiie mile from Nay Aug Falls. Last night It was a center of n mass of light made by scores of Chinese lan terns and live liugv bon fires. Near the hut nnd out-of-doors was spread a table containing all sorts of good things I to eat nnd iliink. 'I lie leasiiug was most In evidence early in the evening and early this morning. In the interim dancing nnd informal Joviality was the order-and In speaking of dancing it Is not. Implied Hint the men wore dress suits or the women dinner gowns. Bi cycle or lounging dress was good enough for the former, while "just as good ns you are" was good enough for the ladies. The music wns furnished by Knutnitel Martlnelll. Who he Is or where he hails from is not known. A trio of more effete musicians hnd been en gaged but did not materialize, nml Fmanuel. who appeared on the outside of the circle of light nnd stood woii- i del ing nt the slsnt. was coka.'. - cause, he bad with him a guitar. The 1 guitar was of his own manufacture and i he had no recommendations as to chur ' iicter. but he could twang any instru ment and Hint was all that wns nec essary. F.munuel'H tntif-le whs thor oughly In keeping with the fun of the thing. It was at 1 oelock this morning when ended one of Hie most novel but en joyable "evenings" of the summer so cial season. ' The wedding of Aliss Agnes Masterly to. William L. i'ryor occurred yester day nt noon at the residence of the bride's brother, George Kasterly. of North Sumner avenue. Only the im mediate relatives were present at the ceremony. Rev. Rogers Israel, of SI. Luke's Kplscopnl church, o!!lotatcd nt the nuptials. Miss Carrie Karr played th" wedding march. The bride's cos tume vas a bright grey traveling suit. After a wedding dinner had been served Air. and Airs. I'ryor left for a wedding trip. Their future home will b" on Ninth Sumner avenue. .Mr. I'ryor Is the Lehigli Valley passenger tigeiit in this city. Announcement cards are being cir culated for the wedding of .Mis'-: Canle Aiarilln Fellows to Harry K'rlpiiatir.i Acker to be performed'on the cvcnles of September XI nt the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Airs, ll iratio T. Fellows, of Tenth street. Cards were suit out yrat-rdny an nouncing tho W'dding of A'b-s Anna Minion, of South SuniliT avenue, to William W. Luce, of the firm of Lure l'.ros. The e i nt will lake place on Tuesday. September and the crre mony will be performed at the home of Aliss Hutton's parents. At in o'clock this niornlug In Simp son .Methodist Fplseoi al church, Allss Helen Alott. of North Hyde Prrk n ve nue, will be married to Attorney George Peck. The brldi smald will b" Aliss Florence- Gibbs and A I. Turner will attend Air. Peck. i M il's l.ydia .Moore was man led to Thomas Alyers lit the Church of the Good Shepherd at Green Hldir; yester day morning by the rector, P.tv. F. S. Ralleiitine. Roth of the contracting parties reside at Green Ridge. On September "ll Miss Libble Saund ers, of Hampton street, and George Keene will be united in marriage. . .i. v HAVE GONE TO KARRISBURG. Democrat There to Attend the lie nsenibleJ State Convention. . Th- following from this county went to iiittrishurg yesterday to attend the Iji tnocratlc state convention which :e assrmbles In that city to fill vacancies in the Democratic presidential elec tors: Joseph O'Hrien, John K. GafT iicy. .mines J. O'Neill, Chnrles Seradt, R F. Klewitt. substituted tor W. V. Baylor; F. AI. Vandllng, John J. U'P.ole, K J. Lynett. City Treasurer C . G. Rolmd, e Kenator M. K. McDonald and James R. I'urnett leave for liuijiaburg this morning. School of the f.nrknwnnnn. Rooks and supplies. Wholesale and Introductory prices. Heluleman, the bookman, 437 Spruce street, DISTRIBUTION OF THE RELIEF FUND Plan Devised by Twin Sbaft Executive Committee. HOW 1HE DIVISION t3 MADE The I.Ut of Benelicinries Numbers Oue Iluudrcd and Twenty-four. Total Amount of Hie Fund I !, "UU.'J I. -Resolution Passed on the Death of Charles l Warbiirton, of Pliilitdclpiiiu. At a meeting in Plttson Tuesday ot K. J. Ross, C. C. Rowmnn, John H. Foy, Charles F. Rohan. Andrew Itryden, S. R. Dennett and Joseph Lnngford, tho executive committee In charge ot the Twin shaft fund, the treasurer made the following report: ItUC I'll VF. D. First National bank, deposit S' Miners' Savings bank, de posit S3 Less vouchers drawn I..;tj0 no ln.iMS t-fl People's Savings bank, deposit.... l.nfti) W) J14.27fi .14 In hands or treasurer l.k no Investments ll!,3iw no fH,S!6 St ..$ 1.IS4 00 .. l.nno no 7 IM , . ".7."iTi ) ,. :i.mo (Hi , . l.tKHI 00 rXt'OLLKCTKD. Pittston (sundry persons) Plttstoii (hoard of trade) Philadelphia , Wilkes-Uarre (In bank) Wilkes-ISarro (uncollected) w, Wlikes-liiirre (est. additional) Total fund ii,7i HI The report of the executive commit tee is as follows: TII10 PLAN St'GC.IWTEP. Your executive committee has given careful thought and study to the matter of a judicious distribution of the fund en trusted fo your cure for the aid and re lief of the widows and orphans. and de pendent relulives of the men who lout their lives In the Twin shaft disaster, anl respectfully submit for your consideration the following plan of distribution, pay. ments to be made monthly, commencing September, 1K!: The sum of JUil per year to each male child until he arrives at the age of twelve years. Sixty dollars per year to eueh female child until she arrives ut the age or thir teen years. Set aside $2,300 for a contingent fund and $1.2."iO for expenses and the balance of the fund to go to the widows and the dependent relatives as follows: The sum of $IL'u per year to each widow The sum of per year to each en tirely dependent relative living singly. Where two or more live in the same fam ily ll'0 per year to the "head" and JiiO per year to each additlorul In case of d.-ath of any of the children the balance that would have conilnucd lo them to go lo the fund for the widows and dependent relatives. RP.MK pnovisin.xs. Tn ease of itculli of any widow or de pendent relative the balance that would have continued to them to go to the fund for the widows and .dependent relatives to prolong payment to those remaining. In ease of marriage of any widow or dependent sister, payment to cease and the balance that would have continued fo them to go to the fund for widows and de pendent relatives to prolong payments to those remaining. The allotments to the children mav he paid to their respective mothers. The trustees, nevertheless, reserve the right and power to take from either or both of said funds what mav be necess ivV to provide for cases of aid and relief which may not here he anticipated or provided for, or may change the above ratio as In their Judgment may seem proper. We herewith submit a schedule of ben eficiaries aggregating M. On a basis of the foregoing plans we estimate that the payments to the widows and 'dependents will continue fur ten years. Th" following resolution was adopt ed by the committee with reference t.i the death of Charles F. Warhurtnn, editor of the Philadelphia Kvcning Telegraph: RKSOI.VTIOXS ADOPTED. Whereas, The trustees of the Twin fihart Iti i f association of Pittston have heard wiin profound regret of the death of Charles F. vVarburtou. the publisher of the Philadelphia Kvening Telegraph, who personally and through his etneient news paper, rendered valuable asylstanee to the enlargement or our fund, therefore be It Resolved, Hy Hie trustees aforesaid thit 111 the death of Air. Warhurton the world loses a philanthropic citizen, the unfor tunate a sympathizing donor and asso ciation a warm friend, whose character nierlii.il thr approbation of all Hue men. Itesolved. That we tender our sincere sympathy to his bereaved (family. la their irretrievable loss. Itt solved. That a copy of these resolu tions be published in I he 'papers of our city and thai a properly eiigrit'sed copy lv. rorwarded to the family of our deceased friend. THE STRE13T CAR MAN IS GUT. Jlusic Denier Guernsey Itccniuc Motonnnu Pownes' Itoniismaii. Kdvvurd L.Downes.thestreet car man with whom Airs. Henry Miller, of ;ing hanifon. eloped from her husband and two children, wns released from th" county lail yesterday on bail taken before Judge Archbald. J. W. (luern pey quulilled as bonflsinaii In the stun of $:?)(). Airs. Miller and Dovvnes were living in this city and when her husband learned the fact he came here and had THE PAIR. In all the best styles for fall wear. fi 410 Spruce St. , fflil'S SHAPELY warrants sworn out before Alderman Howe. Dovvnes vvua In jail until yes terduy since then in default of ball. COLONEL W ATKINS MARRIED. She Heroines the Bride of Staff Cap tniu I'. Lindsay. Colonel Pattle Watkins and Staff Captain F. Lindsay, of the American Volunteers, were married in Carnegie Aluslc Hall. In New York. Tuesday night. 'Miss Watkins Is the earnest young woman who was heard In this city a few weeks ago in the volunteer tents. The New York Herald of yes terday had an extended report of the somewhut novel ceremony, from which the following Is taken: There Is a large splco of romance in the wedding. Four years ago. Mr. Llndsey, a business mnn, dropped Into the Kowcry barracks, where Pnttie was preaching. He fell In love with her "llrst and was converted afterward. .Several stanzas of a hymn were sung to the tune ot "Marching Through Georgln." "That Is excellent," said Commander Booth. "Let us pray." He knelt and softly Intoned "Rock ot Ages." Gradually It swelled to n mighty chorus. At Its close he called upon Mrs. Captain Hyslop for a prayer. She responded in voice more pleasant than her singing voice. Alajor Trumbull was next called up on. He arose and with his cornet under his arm (he Is a member of the band) prayed for a minute or two. Commander Booth then called for n solo front the bride. She quietly arose nnd in a most musical voice sang with taste part of a hymn to the air of "Belle Mnhone." The marriage ceremony wns simple. The bridegroom stood on the right of the commander and th" bride on the left of Mrs. Booth, who stood next to her husband. The words were much the snme uh in the ordinary lilual of the church, but the word "obey" was omitted. Finally the Rev. Boss Tay lor went through the religious form and thp "knot" was tied. There was more jubilant singing, a collection and the meeting ended. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. tTJnder (his heading short letters ot In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed. J Hns Received No Assislnnce, Kditor of The Tribune. Hiq: In the Dunmore correspondence of Tuesday's Tribune there Is a para igniph mating that James Plnder, of llloom street has made application to the poor board for a passage to return to Kngland. This Is not true. No such ap plication has been made by James Pui der. Aly father's name Is John Pinder and he will leave for Kngland next Wed ncsday. but he has not received any assist ance from the poor board now or at any other time. James Pinder, i::iTi Wyoming avenue, Seranton. Merit wins and that is why Hood's Sarsapnrllla holds the abiding confi dence of the public. Hood's Sarsnparilla Is known by the cures It has made. It is the one True Hlood Puriller. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipa tion, Jaundice, sick headache, bilious ness. 25c. Rexford's. Pressed Ghss There's a good many kiuds of pressed glass. There' the pre -sod glass that tells you as rliitily as can hs that it's pressed i.lass. Then here's another kind, a cut glass look In? kind, that can only be tola from the real cut hy a very close cxamina lion.'" That's the kind i handle. The class is exactly the same as Is used for cut glass, perfe: tly clear and free from (lows Pattern is an exact copy of a cut glass pattern and one o the prettiest at that Glasses Dainty patterns and dainty shapes. Cordial glasses, ile. each. Wine glasses, lie. each. Sherry glasses. Tie. each. Cocktail glasses, ,"c. each. Claret glasses, Tie. pitch. champagne glasses, ue. eacli. Vases Preilv little v.-mos that arc iust til f1tt.ui ftvr i.i.t- then nru ' Small size, Me. Large size, 2,'n'. Berry Sets I Six small sauce dishes and largo dish. seven pieces ill the set, round or trl alitnlar In shape. We sell the seven pieces lor IV-, ' Olive Dishes Two styles, with or without handl., ffc. for either style. Tumblers and Goblets Today's the day to slock up on th"sc while you can do it at "e. each. I'ressed class. Then we've another rtyle In blown glass decorated by hand: these are fie., too, but that's for today only, as they're a lOe. glass. Orange Bowls Two sizes, both large howls at a sni ill price, rate, for one. Wic. for the othor, and the price much too small for cither. Water or Lemonade Sets I'ltcher and six tumblers. Two styles, one title,, one 7!'e. Moth cheap. Water Bottles A row pattern at a new fTrico, SPc. A ,'He. bottle. 4 -Piece Tea Sets Crerin pitcher, sugar bowl, spoon holder and butter dish. All for 4Se. Finder Bowl and Tray Two pieces at the price of oue; ioo. for a nice finger bowl and tray. Vinegar Cruets A nice vinegar cruet with ground stopper for 2-V. Rexford's. 303 Lack's, Ave. Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Street, Philadelphia. One of the most nmin;fteent hotels in the world. Palatial in every detaiL Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Fltuntrd near all the leading theatres and railroad statiuus. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH i. D. CRAWFORD, Manager. (7 li Never before were you able to buy such dainty gifts for so little mouey. Our store is teeming with new goods of our own importation. Flow3r Vesss, hrJito U.nbrel'a Stands. Lamps, What Beautiful l-Uect You Can diet in Lamps. Onyx Tcp Tablss, Sitorware, Cut Glass. Wc are aRents for LIBBEY'S, wliiclf speaks volumes, ROCK WOOD and other Famous Goods. Don't lose sinht ot our open stock DlNNF.lt PATTERNS. Wc ot two new ones in lust week. CHINA HALL, ' MILL Alt & PECK, 134 Wyoming Ave. "Walk in and look arouiid." We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY , . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. AUo the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Etc Silver Noveltle In Infinite Variety. Lett-it Importation. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, ieweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackuanni In THE IMPHOVEO Yf i Welsbach t S3 LIGHT Vs5 makes nn Incandescent electric mik IIKUl cast, a siiiifiow. vvin reuuy KJ give more Unlit than ttireenfV them together, uiitl do it with A St bulf the ga you now consume. S THH GftS APPLIANCE CO.. j5 C 120 N. Washington Ave 9 AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The l iiifsl in tho City- The l.-irnct- iinnrnvcil ffirntuii. in i;s and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and egg. 223 Wyoming Avenue. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best quality for domestlo use and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat and Uirdscyu, delivered lu any part, ut lite city at tho lowest price. Orders received at the Office', first floor. Commonwealth builUlns, room No. S; telephono No. 2fi24 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. Till- IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STLAMSNIP COMPANY. The Snperliiy Appointed and Uummuuious "te 1 tteamsliips. NORTHWEST AND NOKTrlLANO, American through lu.ii ihr. igh. leave Bulbdo i in-wlf.v nnd Fridays q. 30 p.m. for Cleveland, lLtrbit, Mackinac. The Sue. Uufulh, ftnii Western Points, passing all pluciM of interest by uuyligbt. In conne.-tion Wi"rtE (iHEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms tlie must fl.riiet ro .te. and tnnii ev ery pi int of cempariffon, the most flcliglitliil nnd ci mfortai ie on p. Minueapoliw, K. Peal, Ureut Kails Helena, I utte. SpoKniie and Pa title ccast. The onlv traupeontinental lino running the famons buffet, library, observa tion car. 'ew H7 hear tra'n for Portland via Spoknne. HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake AUnnetonka. ttf miles from .i nneapolif, largest midmost bcHiitinl resort in th west. 'licketsaiid liny information of any agent or A. A. JIK.iUL), General i'asaeiiber agent, Uulfalo, K. Y. St.Thomas Col lege SCRANTOiN. CUSSICSL MID fO'llOC.iX SCHOOLS THE CLASSICAL SCHOOL affords a lull f-lassical com for pupi.s destined for th professions, and includes Latin, (Ireck, Vnulitb. Mathematics, ttciencea, Uentul I'hdimepliv and Kthics. THE COMJTERCIAL SCHOOL affords a fnll busiue course tor boys preparing for commercial liie. Tim briinnhea tangnt in elude English. Modern I.nnputtR-es, Aritb tretie, BooKkeeping, Shorthand, Tyjie writing. Drawing, Krlence, &c. For Particulars Apply to REY. D. J. MacGOLDbUCK, Pres. or Brother Angcius, Director of Studies. THE KEELEY CURE Why let roar home and bnalnesn ns destroy ed throngh strong drink or mor pnta. when roa can be eared in four week at tho Kasley tnat'tnte, 728 Madiertn ar-nue Hcraatea, Fa. the Cure Will Bear laveatlgatloaw 1) FOR BOYS. All Sizes, All Styles, All Prices Bring; us your boy aud let us fit him out iu one of our nice, strong, durable aud stylish suits. Clothiers. IJdterJymishera A WOMAN'S JUDGMENT In matters of dress is always better than that of any one else. That Is the reason why like to have our Cloth ing held up to the inspection of the ladies. You caa't lease us better than by pleasing your wife. We will risk our Clothing pleasing her. Ev erybody buys at the same price. I1 fill" l u hiuuhl 416 LACKAWANNA IVENUE. MIDSUMMER CLOSIMLSALE Sterling Silver Shirt WuM Sets. -worth i3c to $1; choice for SOc. Worth $1.25 to $1.75; choice for SI. 00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth it.SO, nt $2.50. Worth $2.50. ut SI. 75. Closing Out all our line China ut about Half Price. (iciminc Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives nt reduced prices. 1-n-g raved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers. Cuke Ilai-kcts. etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store,, 130 WYOMING AVENUE, nr lUIUIil EVA M. HETSEL'S Sliperior Face Bleach Positively Removes Ail Facial Blcmlsbes. No more Freckles. Tan, Sunburn, Black (load, Liver t- pots i Iniplea and Sallow Com plexion if'liidio will une my snperbir Face Bleach. Not a eof luetic, but a medicine wliicD act directly on the skin, remoriiiK nil diecol orations, anil one of the greatest piirifyliiaT lirei.ts for the complexion in exi italic. A Rorfeetly clear and apotleea complexion can obtained In every in.-lamie by it nso. Price SI per liottle. For eale at K. il. Hetnel'j Hair DresainK and Mai i'-iire Parlors. 3 0 Lacka wanna ave. Mail orders filled promptly. SCRANTON, PA., Oponsita ZHd year. Roptember ltth, under eight experienced teachar. Fit for any Colleg-e or Technical School. Euiliita, Buai. nesa and Classical Departments. . Send (of Catalogue to REV. TH0S, M. CANN, LU D Or WALTER NY BUELL, A. ft MERCEREAU CONNELl