i&R SCRAHTON. TllIBtIOT-ATUBDAT MOKNING SEPTEMBETl 5, 189C. rem cr a 1 ci cuija nun u u iv-i.v-i Par Bilious and Nervous disorders such as Wind and rn inthe stofKhV !aiw?M GlddinesmFullness and Swolling after meal., Dicxifaom and DrowsintCold CM IK ""JJ of Heat. Low of Appstit. Shortness of Breathy Costiveuess, Blotches on tbefek I""? Sleep. Frightful Dreams and .11 Nervous and Trm Win "2 JS S,B5a vLL OIV E RE tnrrs are esnsed bv constipation, as most of tliem are. THB FIRST DO SB "ILL ' , , LIEP IN TWENTY MINUTES. Thin ia no fl-tion. Every inflow ia earnestly luvitoil to try ouo box of these Pills, and they will ba acknowledged to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE- BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will qnftkly reitoro females to coinp.eta nealtn Thev prowl tly remove obstructions or irregularities of the system. For a . WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER they act like magio-a few doses will work wonders upon the Vltol organs; strengthening the X oscular Systoiu, restoring the lorit Ut o mpli xirn, krinsritir back the keen edge of aptietite and arousing with the Rosebud of Health the whole physical energy of the human frame. 1 hese are facts admitted hv t housands. In all classes of society, and ime t the beat guaran tees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that Beecneia's Pill have the Largest bale ol any Patent Medicine In the World. WITHOUT A "RIVAL. Annual Sales or 6,000,000 Eoxcs. 25c. at Drug Btores. or will to sent by V. S. Agent, It. P. ALLF.N CO., SCO Canal Bt, Now York, post paiu, upon receipt of price. Book-free upon application. -f IS HYDROPHOBIA A MYTH? Doctors Who Say That the Bite of a Dog Is HarmlessAncient Ideas Are- Questioned. From the Baltimore Sun. With the approach of midsummer comes the usual hydrophobia scare, and nervous people are almost frightened out of their wits at the mere thought of being attacked by a dog afflicted with rabies. It Is, of course, the part of wis dom to give a vicious dog, mad or not mad, a wide berth, both In the summer months and when the mercury Is hov ering around the zero point. At the same time It Is eneVuiraglng to be In formed by distinguished professors of medicine and surgery that hydropho bia is at best a theory and has no actual existence. It belongs, according to a pamphlet recently published In Phila delphia, to the class of simulated dis eases. "I am of the opinion," says Dr. Joseph W. Hearn, professor of clinical surgery In Jefferson Medical college, "that the bite of a dog is no more dan gerous than the scratch of a pin or the puncture of an infectious nail. Because of exaggerated printed and oral ac counts the picture of hydrophobia Is so stamped upon the public mind that the thought of "It, after being bitten by a dog, hrows imaginative people Into pan ics of nervous excitement, in which they unconsciously reproduce Its supposed symptoms." Dr. Charles W. Dalles, lec turer on the history of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, has made the most exhaustive Investigation, both In the United States and In Europe, and he Inclines to the view that there Is no such specific malady as hydrophobia, and that there Is not a case on record which can be conclusively proved to have resulted from the bite of a dog or any other cause. The records of the London hospital showed recently 2.668 persons bitten by angry dogs, but none of them developed hydrophobia. -St. George's hospital, London, treated 4, 000 patients bitten by dogs supposed to be mad, but not a case of hydrophobia. At the Pennsylvania hospital, Philadel phia, only two cases which were sup posed to be hydrophobia have occur red in 140 years. One of these was sub mitted to bacteriological tests, but the diagnosis of hydrophobia was not con firmed and the municipal authorities re fused to accept the death as one from that disease. At the Philadelphia dog pound 150,000 dogs have been handled In the past twenty-five years and many of the keepers and employes have been bitten, yet there has never been a case of hydropho'btn. Dr. Edward C. Spltzka, the distinguished New York specialist, says: "Much of the observation of sus picious dogs Is made through optics dis turbed by fear and by persons Incom petent to Interpret what they see." Not withstanding every effort which Dr. Splttka has made to secure the obser vation of rabies in man or dog, not a single opportunity has been afforded him. The testimony of medical men of wide experience Is Invariable to the ef fect that if hydrophobia develops In hu man beings at all It is only on very rare occasions, and that the condition of hysterical excitement usually described as hydrophobia Is merely a series of symptoms due to dread of the disease. B EANS FOR EVEKY MEAL. Remarkable Diet of a Man M ho Was From Boston. From New York Journal. Sixty-two days. Three meals a day. Beans for every meal. That was the record of Pierre Richelieu's Imprison ment by the Spanish authorities at San tiago de Cuba. If Pierre were a native Bostonese he would probably have liked nothing better, but he was born In France and Is a man of the sea with al, and that protracted period of sub sistence upon beans has left rancor in his heart and utter demoralization in his Interior economy. Pierre had taken nut naturalization papers In Boston previous to risking his life, liberty and digestive mechan ism In Spanish territory. He hoped, fondly but vainly, that this ceremony would render him bean proof. In his travels about the world ho had heard of the vast use the Spaniards make of beans. He Is now "standing off and on" about the corridors of the United States dis trict court In Boston, waiting for the authorities to look up his "citizen pa pers," and with them as a basis to Hie $20,000 claim against the government of the dons for the destruction of his intestinal equipment Pierre's complete name Is Pierre Gus tavc Laymet Richelieu. In February of 1895 he found himself at Port au Prince, Hayti. One day he started out in a little boat called the Yankee Doodle and with a companion named August Bolton went sailing along the coast for turtles. A storm drove them out of their reckoning and on a dark night they went ashore on the coast of Cuba. No sooner had they set foot on the soil than a lot of vigilant senors thrust them In to prison as Insurgent sympathizers. There they remained for sixty-two days. Now Spain feeds her army and navy principally upon beans, and the Spanish captors reasoned that what was good enough for the warriors of the castle was certainly good enough for rebel suspects. So beans they got, and noth ing more.The weary weeks ot confine ment and bean diet were punctuated with cheerful announcements from time to time that they might expect to be shot within a day or two. "Well," says Richelieu, "they didn't do that, but It's about the only thing they didn't do. We had nothing to eat but beans." Whether it was really the leans or the fear of death that did it. within a few days both men were so ill they could scarcely stand. They managed at last to gain the notice of the Ameri can consul and were released. There was no evidence against them. They came back to New York, victims of beans and Andalusian perversity, and demanded that the government obtain redress for them. HANGED AND LIVES TO TELL IT Remarkable Escape from Death Ex perieaced fcjr a Condense Haa. From the Philadelphia Press. Unique In the criminal history of the country seems to have been the exper ience of William Purvis of Columbia, Miss. Aa a con denied murderer he act uaUy (ell through the door of the scaf I0KIAKF n a fold erected for his execution, and lives to tell about' It. Whitecaps ruled Marion and Perry counties In Mississippi for some years, and In 1S93 a man named Buckley fell under the ban and was ordered killed. Lots were drawn and William Purvi3 selected to carry out the decree which he was supposed to have done. Purvis was arrested, tried and convicted and sentenced to hang. He stood on the scaffold In the presence of an Immense throng, the noose was adjusted and the trap dropped. . The condemned man fell through, was momentarily sus pended in mid air and then the noose slipped and he dropped to tho ground unharmed. Horror stricken, the crowd watched the officers carry the unfortu nate man up on the platform again and prepare for another trial. Suddenly a well known minister, who while somewhat fanltlcal, had a strong influence In the community, stepped forward and protested against further action at that time, claiming that Providence had plainly interfered. Ha appealed to the crowd to prevent a renewed attempt at the execution, a dozen weapons were presented. the sheriff awed, and Purvis returned to prison to await a more auspicious day for the execution. The court, when appealed to, fixed another day for the carrying out of Its sentence, but on November 10, of last year, before the fatal day had arrived, a small band of masked men rescued the prisoner from the Jail. Since then, despite the offer of large rewards by both the governor and the sheriff. Pur vis was not seen or heard of until last Friday. On that day a friend ar ranged with the governor that Pur vis should give himself up and secure thereby a commutation of his sen tence to life imprisonment. Tired of the constant fears of the fugitive from Justice, he appeared at the Jail on Sat urday and began to serve his term which will only end in death. DOCTOR'S HORRIBLE ADVICE Insists That Everybody Should Sing Twenty Minutes a Day. from the London Mall. "It is quite true," said a throat spec ialist to the present writer, "singing Is very good for the lungs, and it has, indeed, a beneficial effect on the whole system. "For one thing It expands the lungs as no other form of exercise does. I say 'exercise advisedly, for singing brings into play a great number of muscles. You will often hear rowing recommended as a splendid means or expanding the chest. Vocal exercises, when carried on in pure air, effect this purpose far more satisfactorily. Be sides, the mere taking In of so much fresh air must tend to enrich the blood and so strengthen the whole body. "Therefore, I say, no matter how poor or small the voice. Indulge In at least ten or twenty minutes' vocal gymnastics every day. Your neigh bors won't like It, I dare say, but we can't please everybody in this iworld." Candy Coated Bnrsnparilla. DR. DETCHON'S "VITALIZING SARSAPARILLA PILLS" are candy coated and delightful to take.' Com bined with tho Sarsaparllla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve remedies which render these Pills the greatest blood purifier and blood maker as well as the most powerful nerve builder known. They are a wonderous coure for Anaemia and all Blood Dis eases, Nervous Diseases, Paralysis, In digestion, Loss of Appetite, all Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Physical and Mental Weakness, Early Decay, Failing Health, etc., etc. Price "50 cents and fl.00. Sold by Carl Lororz, druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scran ton. ESTRAYED. VTHAYEIJ FROM MY PREMISED -A dark brown Jersey cow, wiili fawn strip over ridge of back, white tip on rldfaof tail, sbort horns with bras tips, bitwuen 6 and a years old. A reward will ho jjlven if cow ia returned. B. F. LEWIS, cornor Adams ave. and Mnrinn street. MEETING OF FX Ai MINERS. 'PUB UNDERSIGNED BOARD OF EX X nininers appolnted'by th'i court of con mon pleas of Lackawanna county in accord ance with toe Act of As,cmlilr of 2nd Juno, 1U1, will mat at fl'f Municipal Building in 8cr,nton, Pa., nn WrOmadHV, the lUth fay of 8"ptetniier. ImIi). a - p. m. t examine ap plicants fcr nipoir.tm-nt to tlu nfticn of in spector cf mines for the First and Snoond distrii.-t "ETKR FLAN N LLLY. VALUTAS RICHARDS, M UtTlX ,MI l.ER, JOHN V. SNYDFR, A.MJREW AIJ.KN, Foard of F.xamiccrs. CITY SCAVENGER. AH. BMGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . and cess pool: eo odor: improved pumps used. A, BRIGPS, Propriotor. Leave orders 1100 North Mnin avenue, or Erckes' drug store, rorner Aiinms and Mul berry. Telephone 4535. COUNTY BONDS. CEALED PROPOSALS ' WILL BE RF. O ceired by the County rnnitniwtinnors of Lackawanna County, Pftnnsylranlm at their office in Bcranton nnril 12 o'clock nt noon of Tuesday. Sept. liith 1KU f.ir sixfv-tlvo thous and dollars of county bonds of the 'runty nf Lackawanna, to-be Issmd to pinrtde funds for the extension and alteration of the Lacka wanna County Court Hoitie. haid bonds to be of the denomination of ons thousand dollars each, dated Oct. lat, !W, with interest payable from Oct. 1st, lRUu, par able semi-annually at the rate of four per cent, per annum, free from all tales, the County of Lickawanna assuming tho name. Hoid bond having interest coupons at tached, principal and interest parabl j at the office of the CountT Treasurer of Lackawanna County In the City of Heranton. Pennsylvania. Ksid bonds being numbered from ons to sixty-five, inclusive, of which those numbered from one to twenty. Inclusive, mature on October 1st lWti; those numbered from twenty one to fortv, inclusive, wiatureOot. 1st. I8U7: those number d from forty-one to sixty, Inclusive, mature October 1st, 1U03, and those numbered from slxtv-one to sixty-Are, Ine usive. mature October 1st, lVOt. Toe County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all hlda. JOHN DEMUTH, 8. W. rtOBERTH, GILES R 'BERTH, County Commissioners. Bcranton, Pi.. Aug. 28th, 1MM. WANTED. WAUTClVA SMART REPUBLICAN IN IIHlllLU every county who will work for lS a aerie for two months and will earn it, Address, Box lUt, fails, P. tt gHEBIIT'8 BALE. -OF- Valuable Real Estate ON SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1S9S. By virtue of sundry wits of Fljrl Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas, issued out of the court of com mon pleas of Lackawanna county, to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest aud best bidders, tir cash, at the court house. In the city of Scranton, Lackawanna coun ty, on SATURDAY, the NINETEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. D., 1S96, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and interest of the de fendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vis.: NO. 1. AU the right, title and Interest of Sarah Robinson, and R. E. Bennett, administrator of the estate of William C. Robinson, deceased, in and to the fol. lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Bor ough of Blakcly, in the county of Lacka wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, to wit: Bounded on the northerly side by North Main street; cn the easterly side by land in the possession of Sarah Smalley: on the southerly side by land of W. A. Brun dage; on the westerly side by Innd In the possession of Mr. McCalvcy. Said lot Is twenty (20) feet in front on said North Main street and the same In the rear, and one hundred nnd fifty (150) feet in depth. U Is improved with small barn. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Will iam Bell & 8on vs. Bennett, admin istrator of the estate of William C. Rob inson, deceased, and Sarah C. Robinson. Debt, ?i'S.26. Judgment No. 313, .May T 1S94, fl. fa. to September term, 1S9S. HULSLAXDER & VOSBURG, Attys. ALSO NO. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Elizabeth Kelly, in and to all the following described lots, piece or parcel of land, situate, being and lying in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania. The first thereof described as follows, to wit: Being lot No. five (5 )ln square or block number eighty-two (S2) and sltunte upon the north easterly side of street called and known as Plttston avenue In said city; said lot be ing rectangular In shape and Is forty (40) in width in front, the same in rear and one hundred and forty (140) feet In depth. Improved with one two-story frame dwelling house, one frame engine house, and outbuildings. The second thereof described as follows, being the rear one hundred feet of lots numbered twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) In square or block numbered thirty, six, and situate on the south side of Maple street In said city. Said parts of lots are contiguous and form a rectangular piece of land ono hundred (100) feet in width on said Maple street, the same In rear, and eighty (SO) feet In depth, and aro unim proved. The abova described land being the same premises described In a certain mortgage given by said Elizabeth Kelly to said Industrial Building and Loan As sociation, dated and recorded In the Re corders' office of Lackawanna county In Mortgage Book No. 4S, page 201, etc. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Industrial Building and Loan A3socia Hon vs. Elizabeth Kelly. Debt, $1,199. Judg ment No. 3005. Sept. Term, lS&ti, fl. fa. to Sept. T.. 1SW. WATSON & ZIMMERMAN, Attys. ALSO NO. J.-A11 the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Anton Hartman, In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, being and lying on Stona street In the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna arid state of Pennsylvania. Bounded and described as follows, viz.: Being lot number twenty-three (23) in square or block numbor thirty-two (32) upon the plot of the said city or Scranton intended to bo duly registered and record ed; said lot being rectangular In shape, forty (40) feet In width In front on snld Stono street same in rear and one hun dred and forty (140) feet in depth. Said lot is moro particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest erly corner of said Stone street at the junction of Beech street, thence running northwesterly by said Beech street one hundred and forty (140) feet to an alley, thence westerly by said alley forty (40) feet to lot number twenty-four (24) In snld block; thence southeasterly by said lot twenty-four (24); one hundred and forty (140) feet to said Stone street; thence easterly on said Stone street forty (40) feet to the place of beginning. All improved with a two-story frame dwelling, bnrn and outbuildings. Being the same premises which Mary Lucy granted and conveyed to Anthony Hartman and Louisa Hartman, his wife, by deed dated the 7th day of April, 18SS, and recorded in Recorders" ofilce of Lack awanna county in deed book No. E3, page 27 etc. Seized snd taken In execution nt the suit of Huldrick Dietrich vs. Anton Hai't mnn. Debt, $jO0. Judgment No. 477, Nov. T., Ib90, fl. fa. to Sept. T., 1S00. WATSON & ZIMMERMAN, Attys. ALSO NO. 4. .Ml the right, title and Interest of the deferdnnts, Alary CavannuKh ami Thomas Cavnnaugh, in and to all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land siiuata in the city of Curbondale, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania. Being part of out lot number 023 in Jir.p cf Lots of the Delaware and Hudt-on Can.-.l company, bounded nnd described as fol lows: Beginning fit a point on tho north erly line of Brooklyn strict nt the south west corner of lot of Martin Mooney, thence in a westerly direction along line of Brooklyn street nfortaa.il blxty-four (CI) feet to a corner of land of Mary Cava-naufch- thence in a northerly direction along last mentioned land ono hundred (IIW) feet to land of Mnry Larkin; thence in 'an oastf.iv direction aloig hist men tioned land eleven (11) feet lo land of Alar tin Mooney aforesaid; thence In a south erly direction nlong bind of Martin Mco ney one hundred and twenty (' JO) feet in place of beginning. Sulzr-d a:id tnken in exicution at the suit of R. W. Budd vs Alury Cavaiiauch ar.d Thomas Cnvnnaugh. Debt i'J'J. Judgment No. 8, .March terra, KM. ft. fa. to Sept. '., IS'fi. STUART, Atty. ALSO NO. 5. All tho rlslit, title nnd Interest of the defendaut. Jinks Beadle, In nnd to all thoso two adjneent lots or pieces of land situate in tho township of South Ab inston, county of Lackawanna and slate of Pennsylvania, being lots Nos. 1 and i43 upon the easterly sid of Clark avenue in Highland 1'ati:, having a combined width of 1C0 feet nnd a depth or ISO feet. All im proved with a two and one-half story fnir.e dwelling house, ono frame barn, chltkery, well, fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. E. Bedel vs. Jinks Beagle. Debt, $70. Judg ment No. CM, Sept. I'., KW, fl. fa. to Sept. T.. 183G. PATRICK, Atty. ALSO, NO. 6. All the right, title' and Interest of Cassio Hollcnback and John Hollcn bnck In and to all the surface or right of soil of all that certain lot of land situate, lying and being In the township of Lacka wanna (now city of Scranton), county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Being lot number one hundred and eighteen (US) of plot of lands at Belvlew, said lot la rectangular In shape, measuring forty (10) feet In front on Back (formerly called Hickory) street, the same width on tho rear, and one hundred and forty (140) fet In depth, as designated on said plot, which plot Is Intended for record by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Vestern Railroad Company. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and other outbuild ings thereon. Seized nnd taken In execu tion at the suit of Commonwealth Build ing and Loan Association vs. Cnssle Hol lcnback and John Hnllenback. Debt, ?2Q0 Judgment No. 761, Sept. term, lm. fl. fa' to Sept. T., 1S9S. ,. PARTRIDGE, Atty. ALSO. NO. 7. AH the right, title ttnd Interest of the defendant, Martin lUgan, in and to all the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the city of Scran, ton, in the county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, described as fol lows, via: ' Lot No. 1 in square or block No. 87, and situate upon street called and known as River street upon the plot of the city of Scranton, Intended to be duly registered and recorded, said lot be ing forty feet In front and one hundred and fifty-two feet in depth, rectangular, with an alley la the rear sixteen feet wide for public use, with the privilege of using ten feet In front ot the front line of said lot for yard vault, porch, plana, cellar way and bay-windows, but for no other purpose, the top ot the outside of said vaults In no case to be higher than the sidewalk in front of the same. Coal and minerals reserved. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of assigned to Moses Taylor Hospital vs. Martin Regan. Debt, $615. Judgment No. 310, September term, 1WS. tt. fa. to Sept. T., ISSti. WARREN & KNAPP, Attys. ALSO. NO. 1 All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Frank R. Blair, In and to all the surface of all that certain lot ot land situate in the First ward of the city of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beiur the southerly part of lot No. 37 on plot of lots in name of Alfred Darto, Jr., on cor ner of Highland avenue (now Laurel street) and Bucket Brook, or Cliff street, bounded northerly by land of George D. Falman, southerly by lot No. on said plot, easterly by Laurel street (late High land avenue) and westerly by lot No. 3S on said plot, owned by W. W. Watt, be ing 42 feet In front on Laurel street, El feet in the rear. 68 feet on said George D. Flllman, and 66 feet on lot No. 36: excepting and reserving out of the same unto Alfred Darte, Jr., and Caroline, his wife, their heirs and assigns, all the coal and other minerals In and under said lot the same as they are reserved In deed from them to C. N. Bronson; Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Michael Moran vs. Frank R. Blair. Debt. SS40. Judgment No. 614, March T., 1895, lev. fa. to Sept. term, 1S06. BUTLER, Atty. ALSO NO. 9. All the right, tltlo and interest of the defendant In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the city of Carbondule, county of Lackawan na and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: On the north by land of M. Boland 186 feet, on the east by lands of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company 87 feet, on the south by an alley 18-; feet, on the west by Railroad street 157 feet, and situate on the east side ot Rail road street. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of tho City of Carbondale vs. Ann Gllgallon. Estate debt. 112. Judgment No. 86, Nov. T lSi)5, alius lev. fa. to Sept. T 1896. STUART, Atty. ALSO NO. 10. All tho right, title and Interest of tho defendants, Joan Dupont Dlmmlck, Lavlna E. Dlmmick, executrixes of Ed ward C. Dlmmlck, deceased, and Curtis A. Burmim, terre tenant, in and to all that certain lot or parcel of land situate in Abington township, Lackawanna county, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner of a tract, also a corner of a tract of Westlske farm, thence south 4'.' degrees west 160 6-10 rods along said Westlake form to a corner near Brook In lino of land of James Tlnkham and north of road leading from Job Northup's farm to Benjamin Knight's; thence south 46 de grees east 31 6-10 rods along said road to a corner; thence south 41 degree east 93 4-10 rods along sumo road to corner to a corner in line of lands of Job Northup's estate; thence north 4t) degrees east 164 4-10 rods along lands of said Northup's estate to a corner in swamp; thence north 4b degrees west 127 5-10 rods along lands ol Job Gorton and Carpenter estate to place of beginning; the above description In cludes 4 3-10 acres In roadways, both of which i acres sold to A. D. Fuller, are hereby excepted and reserved unto Will iam M. Sllkman, leaving a balance in said tract of one hundred and nineteen and 33-100 acres of land, more or less, im proved with one two-story frame dwelling house, creamery, two (2) barns, apple orchard, other fruit trees tRereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Rus sell Dlmmlck vs. Joan Dupont Dlmmick and Lavina E. Dlmmlck, executrixes of Edward C. Dlmmlck, deceased, and Cur tis A, Barnum, terre tenant. Debt, $5,103.65. Judgment No. 683, Sopt, term, 1896, lev. fa. to Sept. T., 1896. D1MMICK, Atty. ALSO NO. 11. All the right, title and Interest of the defendnnt, Annlo Casey, adminis tratrix of Stophcn Casey, in and to all the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the city of Scranton, county ot Lackawanna an.' state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Being lot No. 7 in square or block No. 26 and situate Upon street called and known aa Prospect ave nue upon the town plot of the city of Scranton Intended to be duly registered and recorded, said lot being 40 feet in front and 40 feet in rear, and 140 feet in depth, reserving and excepting coal an I minerula. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Dupont Breck, trustee, vs. Annie Cnsey, administratrix of Stephen Caey, deceased. Debt, ififtgv. Judgment No. 797, Sept. T., 1890, fl. fa. to September, 1896. COMEGYS. Atty. ALSO NO. 12. All the right, title nnd interest of the defendant, George K.iluta, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Throop. in tho county of Lscknwnrina and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ai follows, to wit: Known as lot number sixteen (1(1) in block number two (2) and fronting on Boulevard ron.l, being fiftv (50) feet in front, same width in roar by one hundred and sixty-live (105) feet in depth, according to a plan or map en titled Price and Pancoast's map of Throap, being the lund conveyed by Joseph h. Townsend and others to Patrick Calla han by deed dated July 1st, is.".!, nnd by Callahan nnd wife to George Kulata by deed dated 21st of May, A. D., 18JJ, record, ed in Lackawannr. comity in D. B. 127, pase 10C, etc. All improved with a two-story brick ho tel building and other outbuildings there on.1' Seized and tuken In execution at the suit of New Schiller Building and Loan yvssocia'.lon vs. Gecrgo Kaluta. Debt. $2. 600. JuJsment No. 5.1, Sept. term, jVtir,, ii. fa. to Sept. term, 1836. STOKES, Atty. ALSO NO. 13. All the right, title and Interest of the df fendant.Thoinas P. Harris, in and to all those certain lots of land situate In the township of Old Forge, now Taylor borough, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, described as fol lows: Being lots numbered one hundred and iifty-Eeven and one hundred and fiRy eii;ht, situate on the northerly side of I'ond street, measuring together one hun dred and ono feet and two Inches In front on said Pond street and one hundred and thirteen feet and seven inches in depth on the westerly side,, one hundred feet In width In the rear and ono hundred aud thirty feet In depth on the easterly side, all ot which will appear by reference to plot number one of lands at Taylor, as made by the D., L. & W. Railroad Cssr pany, and being the land conveyed bv said company to tho defendant by deel dated 2Sth October, 1SS4, recorded in Lackawanna county In D. B. 32, page 307, etc. i All Improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses end other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Lackawanna Building and Loan association of Scranton, Pennsylva nia, vs. Thomas P. Harris. Debt, $1,400. Judgment No. 1052. September term, U, fl. fa. to September term, 1896. STORES, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Sheriff's ofilce, Scranton, Pa., Aug. 23, 1896. SPECIAL NOTICES. pHr. fOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank I eslie's fsmnus old war j ietnre.. show ing the force in actual hnttln.uketetied on the sjt. Two volumes, 8.(XI pictures. Sold on easy nmctlily psyments I'elivered by ex i ress o mt letc, nil charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, C22 Adams Ave.. Heranton, Pa. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. ingrowing nails scientifically treated at K. U. rtt.TSEL'B ehiropedy, hairdres.ilng and maulcurn parlors, 8J0 Lackawanna avaaae. Consultation free. c onnolly Four Specials in Cotton Goods at the Domestic Department 50 inch Atlantic Bleached Pillow Cases; ready for use - - , , 54 inch Atlantic Bleached Pillow Cases; ready for use - - - - 10-4 Atlantic Bleached Sheets; hemmed use - - - - . The Atlantic Cottons are well-known for the good wearing and easy washing qualities. The Fourth is a Blanket Bargain m Usually so!d for 75s. Our Price, 50c. a pair. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 209uc A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO 8MALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE, HELP WANTED MALES. I1TANTED-A GOOD BTOVB MAN, ONE who thoroughly understands stove re pairing. J. C. KiKO, 701 West Lackawanna nve. ANTED -TWENTY GOOD STONE maums by Burke Bros. Apply at office, Burr building. WANTED-A8 AGENT IN EVERY PEC tion to rnnvass: $4.0X1 tn filOD a day made ; sails at sight; also a man to sell Staplo Oooda to dealers; best aide line $75 a month: salary or large commission marto; experience unneoetsary. Clifton boap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. w ANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN everr town to solicit stock sulwriD- tlor s; a monopoly ; big money for agents; no capital requiroo. r.KWAHU u, HH Situ., Porden Block, rhicaeo, Til. HELP WANTED FEMALES. WANTED -GIRL FOR GENERAL ' f housework. Apply at 1303 Hoosoy ave. Green Ridge, T ADIEH-1 MAKE BIG WAGES DOING I J pleasant home woi k, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 ont stamp. .18S M. A. 81 EBBINB, Lawrence, llleb. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce Etnyder's cake king; experienced canvasser preferred ; work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars nt rnee and ret bcmflt of holiday trade, T. R SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, a WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENEB eetlo saluewomen to represent us Guaranteed u a day without interferring with other duties. Bealthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp. Mango f hemlcal Company, No. 73 John Btteet, New York. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS. CAMPAIGN BADGES. BUT tons, Gold and Silver Bugs. L'nmia But tons; largo variety: lowest priees; quick sell ers; assorted line of samples, 10c. PENN NOVELTY CO., York, Pa. WK DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, bntmen of ability! ;ttvto$50(l a month tn hustlers: state and ireneral aceuts; salnrv mid commission. RACINE f IKK ENGINE CO., Racine. Wis. AGENTS-WI1AT ARE YOU GOING TO do about 8af Citizenship price 81. Go in,' by thousand Address, NICHOLf, Mapervilla, 111, WANTED AN AC'TIVB YOUNG MAN to represent old established company on salary S'l a month aud expsnsos; sperid In dneemontsto party ownlnv team, Addres ilnhluird Company 1023 Filbert street, Phils' iteinnn. r n. GENTS TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL A. ivu, nittri, mm .- an i"lJi c.nw plasters: prices from J3 upward: salary and 'Xper.si paid: or.tfit free. Address, with t-tump, MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. A GENTS TO REI.LG1GAK8TO DEALERS; .'V $35 weelttv and exiieno: evperioneo un r.oressary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 4i fan Buren st , Chicago, CALUSUAN O CARRY MLE LINE: K per cent, crn'minsicn: sample book mailed "roe, AUorcs u. u. iu Matton L,, iow Y"r. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHNCUJIMtNHS, LATE OF I Covington towimhip, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the ubove named estntn havini been grunted to the nailer signed, all norsnns having clsiinn or demands ng.iinst tho suid estnte will t resont thcni for piiymei.t. md th'se indiht' d thereto will please make imme-liate pnywent to WILLIAM CMVlXaS, SAKAHT. CU.MMINGH. Executors. WAnBRW KrAit. Attorney. FOR RENT. I.-OR RENT A PLEASANT FRONT I room, seennl door, for one or twu ?!ntlemLn with use of bath. Coll at 831 Qiincy Ave. j.iOli KENT A PLKASA N'T FHONT I room: beautiful outlook; call at till Washington ave. v T.VjR RENT-THREE ROOMS: FRONT ON J the second floor: over 2. A. Hnlbert'a music store, 117 NVyomiag avenue. Inquire i'i the. store. QUITE TO LFT-PARLORS. PED ROOMS. O bnth rooms; stsitn heat; gas. 519 Adams. rVjR REST HOUSE WITH MODERN M JL provenients: good location: rent reason able; North Blrkoly strost, Inq ire 84' I But rr street, Diinmore. L'OR RENT-HALF CF DOUBLE HOUSE; J modern improven'entii: rent rea-nnnbls; eorner of Pine lit d Biakrly streets, Duutnore. 1-OR SALE. F'OB HALE A GOOD 8RIWD HAND Remington Typewriter cheap. Inqulro at St. Charles Hotol. I.iOR BALE. TWO NEW SINGLE HOUSES 1 corner Quincy Avenue and Myrtle Street; Twelve rooms each. Apply to T.J. Dna-gan, Attorney, Hooms ii ana 111 Libra! y Buildiug, Wyoming Avenue, IVOR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN I1 double bell euphonium, l.leely engraved with trombone bell, gold bred: nearlv new snd cost f-Mi: will sell at a bargain. Address this weak to E. VI. GAYLOK, LaRaysvllle, Pa 1 ."'OR SALE OR RENT SIX-ROOMED COT tsae. Wyoming Camp Ground: partly furnished. v, ii. nAw.ui r, r-cranton. I.'OK BALF. HORSE, AGED BIX YEARS. I weight LO0U rcards! can be seen at lttll Price street. Ij'OR HALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM burst and the four lots on which it Hands; also the four lots adjoining; most de sirable location In Elmhtirst: prices reasona ble; terms easy: possession given at once. K. P. KINGSBURY, CemmoBWoalUi Baildlna, BatantOB, ra. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTttD-BY A WIDOW k Woman to clean houses by the day or offices by the month. Address A. 1., V47 Prescott avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST class bookkeeper on very reasonable terms. Sinele or diubl entry, open to rcent an ngngement In a fortnight, Address BOOKKEEPKR. Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE aged woman with oae child 9 years of age as housekeeper. Can give good refer ences. Address -' Willow St.. City. W ANTED BY A YOUNO LADY A position as stsnoirapber, immediately, quirk and sccurats. For further particulars address Miss M. E., N. Brealty avsa ue. 'Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTFD-BY BUTCHER who thoroughly understands the business. Addrses J. a, Tribune ofBee. C1 1 CATION WANTED BY A FIRS f class butcher with a No, 1 recommends tion. Have bad 11 years experlenoeln the business. Address II, K. D., Tribune Office. W ANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENC- ed donble entry bookkeeper. Add res R, S20 Laokawanua avenue. MONEY TO LOAN. '500 TO LOAN AT ONOR-D B. REPLOGLE, Mean Building. NOTICE. A. DUCKWORTH HAS OPENED AN office at 121 Wyoming avsnue, 4th floor. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. UNFURNISHED ROOM8, WITH CSS OF fas, hot and cold bath, sitting and read ng rooms. U15 Lackawanna avenue. HOTEL FOR SALE, WELL FURNISHED AND CENTRALLY located; first-class business I reasons for selling, want to retire from business. Ad dress C. A. M Lock Box i, Nauticoka Pa. LOST. LTh Docket book containing V12.0D, between Monroe avonuo and Globe Warehouse. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Tribune Office. IOST-LADIES' OPEN FACE BILVER J watch, between Hickory street. Peck ville, and Main street, Olvphant. Liberal reward. Return to A. O. Gllmore, 83 Lack, avenue, Serauton, Pa, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. A LL PARTIES WHO ARE INDEBTED TO "i" olePU9o uutneins and Barbara (.utlielnr. estate are hereby notified to make payments in part or whole within 30 days or accounts will le collected serording to law; payments can be mude at reisdence, bit Alder street, frera 7 to 8 p. m.; at furniture store, tils Cedar avenue, any time during day. C. til OUR. Alderman. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 1. 1E96. Trnlnn leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and ull points East. 1.40, 2.50. G.15, s.OU and 0.55 a. in.; M and 3.:8 p. m. Express for Esston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, G.15, .0U and i.ii a m.; 1.10 and 3.3k p. in. Washington and way stations, 4.00 p. m. Tobyhnnna accommodation, 8.10 p. m Express for Binghnmton, Oswego El mira, Corning, Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.20, 2.35 a, m., and 1.49. p. rn., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in tho West, North west and Southwest. Bnth accommodation, 9.15 a. tn, Binghaniton and way stations. 1.00 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra express 8.S5 p.m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Klchilcld Springs, 2.35 a. m., and 1.49 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9.15 a m. and 1.49 p. tn. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Burre, Plymouth, Bloumsbttrg a.nd Dan ville, making close connections nt North umberland for WllPnmsport, H.irrlsburg, Bnltlmore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intertm-dlnto sta tions, e.Oii. 0.65 n. m. nnd 1.55 nnd 6.00 p. m. Nnntlcoke and Intermediate stations, SCI nnd U.; n. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket tlr.ie tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, S'.?3 Lackawanna, avenue, or depot ticket office. DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday, May M, train will leave Scran ton ns follows: For Carbondale 5.4 7.55, 8.55, 10.15 8, m.; ' 12.U0 noon; 1.21, 2.2'J, 3.52. 6.25, 6.25, 7.57, 9.1V, 10 30, 11For' Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos. toh, New England points, etc.-4i.45 a. m. 2' FoPr Honesdale-8.45, 8.5S. 10.15 a m.. 12.09 nnnn "ft. 5.25 U. m. For Wilkes-Barre-6.43, 7.45. 8.45. 9.3S. 10 4$ a m i 12.05, 1.20. 3.30. 8.33, 4.41. 9.00, 7.50. 9.50. "For" New York. Philadelphia, etc., via T.ehlcb Valley railroad 9.45. 7.45 a. m.; 12 05, 2 30, 4.41 (with Black Diamond Ex- '"ko"' Pennsylvania railroad points 9.45, 9 38 a m ; 2-30, 4.41 p. m. For western points, via Lehigh Valley rtllroad 7.45 a. m.; 12.05. S.33 (with Black Diamond Express), 9.50, 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton as follows: From Carbondale and th north s.40, 7 40, 8.40, 9.34, 10.40 s. m.t 12.00 noon; 1.03, 2 27, 8.25. 4.37. 5.45. 7.45. 9.48. 11.lt p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and the south 6.40. 7 50, 8.H 10.10. 11.53 a. m.; 1.16. t.14, 1.48, 6.22, 21. T.P3. 9 03. 9 45. 11.62 p. m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective June 22. Trains leave Scranton for New Taric. Newbursh and Intermediate points on Erie, also for Hawley and local points at 7.06 and 8.45 a. m. and 1.28 p. m., and ar. rive from above points at U.1S a. m. and 8.18 ahd P. .18 p. m. An additional train leaves Heranton for Lake Ariel at 6.15 p. m.. returning arrives at Scranton at 7.42 p. m. and 111 a m. Wallace hemmed and 11a - . - S," hemmed and - . ... 15c and ready for . ONLY see PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule la Effect Jane 14, iSot. Trains Leava Wilkes-Barra at Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbufy, Harritburg, Philadelphia, BaltL more, Washington, and for Pittt burs; and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun burr, Harrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and tho West, 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3,17 p. m., Sundays only, for- Sun bury, Harritburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottiville. J. R. WOOD, Oca'l Pass. Agent S. M. PREVOST, General Manager. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD SYS TEM. Anthracite Coal Uae Exclusively ' Insur. ing Cleanliness and Comort. IN EFFECT JUNE 28, 18M. TRAINS LEAVE SRANTCON. For Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. R. H. at 6.45. 7.45 a. m., 12.0., 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.33 p. m. For Plttston and Wllkes-Barre via D. L. ft W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08, 1L20 a m., 12.20k 1.65, 140, 6.00 and 8.47 p. in. For White Haven, Hasleton, Pottsvllls and principal points In the coal regions via D. & H. R. R 6.46, 7.45 a m., 12.06 and 2.80 and 4.41 p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions via D. i H. R. R , 6.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20 (Lehigh Valley points, only), 2.80, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.31 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Rlmtra, IthaVa, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D. ft H. R. R 1.45, 1.45 a m., 1.20, I. S3 an 11.38 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a. m 12.05, 8.33 (Black Diamond Express), 9.50 and 11.38 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Val ey chair cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. TOoROIiyjJ WILBUR. Oen. Bupt. aHw8V?aHi? r"'n- Pa""- Af- Phlla. Pa. A-W NONNEMACHER, Ast. Gen. Piss. Agt. South Bethlehem,' Pa. Boranton Offlee, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Central . Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and 8usquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7 18K Trains leave Scranton for Plttston Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a. m ' 12.45, 2.00. 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9 00. a. m.. J.0O. 2.15, 7.10 p. m . " -w 9.0o. 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a tn., 1.04 2.15 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York. Newark and Elisabeth 8.20 (express) a. m.. 12.45 (express with Ruf . fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m Sun. day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 n m arrives at Philadelphia, Readlnir Term, inal, 6.22 p. m. and Now York 6.00 p m For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethto. hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8 20 a m 12.45, 8.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. ni Sunday. 2.15 p. m. ". For Long Branch, Ocean Orove, etc. at 1.20 a. m. (through oar), 12.45 p. m. For Heading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m., 5.09 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m. Returning, lenve New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10. 1.30, 4. 15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 1.23 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be bad on application Jn ad vance to the ticket ntevnt at the stmlon. H. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Agt J. H. OLHAUSEN, Oen. Supt SCKANTO DIVHIO. In Effect June a let, 1H00. Monk Monad. oath aasli izba to Stations 'iTratns nallr cepti suuuajr. 1 hip 11 Arrive Lae ia ,ikh v Krsnmin n... 901 T 0Wesc. 4Snd streeu ,10 16 7 001 nniuK lr air alAmte Mare! llSAftACk 6 10 IB 8P4ll9J 4S19 4 413191 4 41 19 14 4 3:'SU SUir light Preston Park cono pqyntellD Belmont pleasant Mt. Unlnndsle Forest City Car bgi da's Wb'te nrldse Mayflela . Jermyn Archibald Wlnton . PeckTtlls Olvphant rrtc-ourg Throop Providence - park Place mitiwH aos; 4 sail 4R 4 011811 ItOi 819) .... 73l I3 If4 0f;(1PO f7l6f8 8H ... i; 41 ll itt .... ra sfmx 1 IHI1I 8 51111 IS 84'UM 84811 ft 8U!'1107 8 85 1101 9 Still 01 8SI);I1 0" 7 46 3 46 .... 7 6013 51 .... 7 61' 154 .... M,I .... 8 0 4 0 .... 8 08; 4 01 .... I (A 410 .... ft OB 4 14. 18 V6 if 10571 f8 II f4 17 .... 1 2i 110 63 horaatoo 1 181 4 M .... t ar kI lr mU srLWc Arrlvei AaHIHI.IH".MJf - t Mf allies that trains stop & sbuol for pa ?w'ure rates vta Ontario a Western before purchasing tlrkets and save money. Bay and Night Kipreas to the West. . J. 0. Andersen, Oen. nsj Agt T, rutsaft) Dir. fast, Agt, Seraataa, fa. . ,, ... a. if 1, 11 nriurt 1 Ml, V 03 801 1 fea A "I 78 .... 7 65 .... 8 10 .... A ! Ml noi 1 1 116 in .... 10 itt .... 18.1 (31 .... 641 8 41 .... 6io 860 .... 6 H 1 68 .... 7 01 leal .... 1 1'8