The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 04, 1896, Page 8, Image 8
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FBI DAY.1 MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1896. 8 BACKACHE. A Vary bltnlBcnt luiMtatloa of Orgaula Itoraacemrnt. The back, "tha mainspring1 of wo Diau's orguuiaxn," quickly calls atten tion to trouble by acliingr. It telto with other symptoms, suck M nertoua- ui-, lira d -ache, puina in loins, aud weight in low er purt of body, blues and "all pone" feel-. iog, thut IiHture requires BSsist liUCf, mid at once. Lydia F. rink hurn'D Vecro- table Compound for twenty years has Utn the one and only effective remedy in such cased. It bpeedily removes the cuuse aud effectually reBtorea tha orpaus to a healthy and normal condi tion Mrs. I'inkham cheerfully answers all letters from ailing1 women who requ ire advice, wit hout charge. Thou Siiiul.sof cases like thisare recorded. " I have taken one-half dozen bottles of Lydin E. Fiukham's Vegetable Com pound, aud it has relieved me from all jaiu. 1 cannot tell you the agxmy I sudurod for years; pulus in my back (Oh, the backache was dreadful !) and beariug-dovvn pains iu the abdomen extending dowu into my limbs ; liead 'he aud uuu.-ea, and very painful menstruations. 1 had grown very thin, a mere shadow of my former self. '6v 1 am without a single pain aud am gaiuiug in flesh rapidly." Matiuc LiLtNN, l.'.Gl Dudley St., Cincinnati, CARBONDALE. fReaaers will please note that Bclvrtl itifnt", orders for Job work, and ttoma tor Jjubllrntlon left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers, North Mala 'reel, will receive prompt attention: of fice ojien from I a. m. to 10 d. m.J TOMORROW'S EVENTS. The ScraiHon V. l. C. A. Will llriug it Siruug Teiim. Tile first uiiM-ting of the Ctirbi tiidale athletes and those representing the V. M. .'. A. of Siranton, will take place tomorrow ufternoon at Alumni I'ark. For several weeks the. young men of this city have I u training faithfully for tomorrow's meeting and exiwet to make a fair showinsr against the Y, M. ". A. Mtliletio team. Of course they liavi- nut hud the experience that their opponents have hud but hope neverthe less to make a good score. Field day should lie a boom, to Car lionilnb' athletics which huvebeeii sadly neglected iu the past to the detriment of full physical development in the young man. Now that athletics arj brought umte into prominence it is hoped that many will take advantage of the opportunity which is offered by the directors of Alumni Park and Im prove themselves by manly sports. If this meeting should lie a. HUucess and meets with the appreciation of the people, the event will he mi annual one, two held days being held each yeur, one at Seianlon and one lit this place. The prizes will arrive today and are handsome ones, well worth a good hard light. For the relay. race there will be u silk banner to be contested for an nually. The L. A. V. have sanctioned the bicycle races so that lio wheelmen may fear from that quarter. Following nre the entries willed Phy sical Director lloff of Scrautun, lias lib d: Kill-yard dash, Messrs. Keese and CJiiiiinun. JHO-yard dusli, ltecso and Quiiinari. Hu-ynrd dash, Qiiinnuii. Hiblis. Troop and Diiumlc'k. lielliy race. Qliillllan, Iteeso, Troop and iibbs. .Mile run, Qiiiiiiuiu, Cibbs, Troop aud Diuiiiiick. Throwing hammer, Messrs. Willard and Frank. Putting the shot, Mcfcsrs. W'lllut d and Qulnimti. Uunnig hitrli jump. Gibbs, Willard. Quitman and Dinimick. Half niilu bicycle race, Messrs. Btronnr, litis and Williams. .Mile bicycle race, Messrs. Williams, F.vans, Megargle, Strong and Kuss. F.xhihltlon of pole vaulting, Mr. Ulbbu. The Carbondale entries, Ure. one mile bicycle nice. Messrs. Lee, Wlckwiie, Fareell, Aitken, of this city, and Merrilt. of Jermyn. Half mile bicycle race, Joseph Carroll and Albert Rutherford. mo-yard dash, Messrs. Mooney, of tills city, end Kon, of Jermyn. 2W-yurd dash. It. llendall, Jermyn. .4IU-Jard dash, Messrs. Hockeii berry, Kirk wood and Hnrrett. Throwing the hummer, Juiik "Vulsli and Joe Pidgoon. Kelay race, Messrs. Kirk wood, Moon ey. Barrett anil K. Hockenberry. twinning nign jump, Messrs. Mooney ana Uetidull, or Jermyn. Mile run, Mooney and Hockenberry WEIGHING MACHINE ROBBED. The Deed Supposed to Have Uecn Done Early Yesterday Morninu. Soon after Station Agent Claude P. Pmith arrived at the city station yes terday morning ho discovered tha t tlu slot weighing machine In the main weighing room hud been broken Into and its contents taken. 1'pon farther examination It wns found that a slmi- ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS Just read our prices and compare them with any and all of the other attempts: 25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50a Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpats, Now 39c 75a Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95a Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Ala a quantity of Body Bruuels lengths from a to to yards in each piece at about ear- Ran price 10 close. J.SGOTT INCLIS. 419 Lack. Ave Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer. TERMs-Catk the Afeava floods. vM I' I I lar machine on the went plutform had been treated In the ume niunner: Mr. Smith at once telegraphed to Detec tive- Mart Crlpiien, win noon arrived and Is now trying to tlnd Home trace ot the thieves. The robbery is certainly a very hoi. I one consUlerlnjr the met that a viri- lant watchman Ib on duty all night Master, the .watchman, says that h heard nn unusual nolne during the night and no one was seen near the depot upon whom suspicion could ifi thrown. It is not known how much the ma chines held, but the one inside the de pot must have had quite a sum, the other being emptied a few days apo. The thieves had knocked the strong kirks of the machine inside and It was then easy to jret the money. How the locks were broken without making any noise will remain a mystery however. Columbian' Jumper Found. The mysterious disappearance of Co lumbia No. C's jumier has been ex plained at last and there need be no further alarm as It is 'n good liands. Some time nso the tire company at Vandllng borrowed the Jumper and af terwards returned it. Again finding It was needed, they came fur It again and ns it was outside, took It, not thinking It nect-ssary to inform any one. Deepening the River Channel. Workmen are engaged In deepening tho river channel In the vicinity f Sixth avenue. Tills should have been done long ago as there Is nn Immense quantity of refuse and culm In the channel and the health of those living along the banks Is much endangered by tin? decayed matter which has col lected In various places. There will be much commendation of the work now being done. t'roxs Country Club to Kiilei'tiiin. The Crows Country club will hold im ollier of thoir delightful dunces thi.i evening tit Burke's tin II. The club has tin enviable reputation as entertainers ami lias ilmi intii h to make an other wise dull social season a very enjoy uble one. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. .Miss Jennie. Tieiinell, o ' Scranloii Trennell. visiting her mother, Mrs Sand street. Misses Hello Misted mid Jessli Boyd were Scmntuii visitors yesterday. Mrs. V. II. aiiipb.'ll and children, of iweii Sound, t'anuila, are the guests of air. ami .Mrs. William Hlimhnm. Miss .Maggie Kelly, of South Church street, has gone to New i'ork city. where she will make mi extended visit. Mrs. l.. K. Kichunls and two daugh ters, of Slatliigton. who have been the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. liavis, of South Terrai'e street. for the past month, returned to their home yesterday. 11. C. lUiller, csi)., has returned from a week's stay at the metropolis. J. .1. Wutrous, of Montrose, Is the guest of his brother, 11. O. Watrous, of Washington street. Mrs. Fred. Keen, of Honesdule, Is the guest of friends in town. M. I' Kattlo, formerly iu the employ of P. J. Collins, left yesterday for Co lumbus, Ohio, where he will talte up his slilence. Miss Jane r; raves left yesterday for ( 'lib UK" and Bulfalo. where she will make an extended visit. P. A. Duffy, who has been spending his vacation In New York ami Atlantic City, has returned home. Miss Mabel Howe, who has been the guest of Mrs. K. 1). Purdy. returned to her home in Kingston yesterday. .Miss Mary Yarrlngtun Is visiting. friends in Port Jervis. Miss Anna Wells, of Scranton. Is the guest of Miss Marlon Crane, of Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Kli.abeth Thomos, mother of Clerk of the Courts J. M. Thomas, is' seriously ill and there are no hopes of her recovery. Miss Flora. Murray, who has been visiting friends in Hrooklyn, N. Y for tlie last six mom lis. has returned home. Miss Nora Purdy lias returned to this city after an extended visit at Atlantic il.v. Miss Francos Si liatiVr. of New i'ork, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. tii'orge Schafl'er, of .Main street. ileorge Schroeder is confined to his home on Canaan street by illness. j William Cliitoril. of Middletown, N. ! V. is the guest of his mother. Mrs. An thony Clifford, on Collate sti t. .Miss Lizzie Heuley. in' Inindaff street. Is visiting her cousin. Miss .Maine Mor rison, of Oueuntu. John Kase, of Scranton, was calling on friends iu this city yesterday. Miss Teresa Kelly, of Scranton. is vis iting her cousin. Miss; .Mi Hale, of Kallbrook street. FOREST CITY. The convention of the Jefferson j Branch I nloli. i. P. S. C. E. society, held in this place. Wednesday, was largely attended. The meetings were instructive and will greatly uid the members of the society in the advance ment of thoir work. With n few changes the programme as appeared in The Tribune was rendered. The follow ing are the ollii crs of the union: Presi dent, George V. Tlsilell. Susiiuehaiinu: Viee-preslilenls. J. U. Lindsay. HhII- teail: Alfred Howell, derrick Centre; C. M. Kessler. Susoiichanna: corre sponding secretary. Miss Laura Sum ner, Thomson: recording Secretary. W. A. Cmssley, tftarrueca; treasurer, J. S. Vaiick, SusiUehuinia. George Alaxey, of this place, while paying a visit to his former school friend, Burr Hollands, of Hornellsville, N. Y heard William J. Bryan deliver his demagogic speech at the hitter place, last Saturday. At an Invitation by the Young Men's McKinley ami Hoburt club, Mr. Mnxey delivered an oration Inst Monday evening at their hend'iuar tets. The Hornellsville Daily Times of Tuesday devoted more thun n column to the address delivered. In part It said: "From the moment that Mr. Maxey be gun his address, the largo audience, which included ninny of th apostles of free silver, free trade and the fallacies of the Chicago platform, were entranced by the young man's earnestness and by the. forceful arguments which he pre sented. At many times the applause was so great and prolonged that the speaker was forced to wait for It to cease before he could proceed. The masterly manner In which he presented the Issues of the present campaign, would do credit to a man many years his superior in age. His address was replete with pith und he refuted the few arguments of Mr. Bryan made in his prutechnlcnl oration nn Saturday In a manner which would reflect great honor to a man many years his senior In years and experience. After the address Mi Maxey wns tendered a reception and supper." Th W. C. T. IT. will meet this after noon at the home or Mrs. W. H. Hlakes lee. A full attendance of members Is reuuested. Tim Forest City opera house will open for the season Tuesday evening, at which time that natural Irish comedian and vocalist, Tony Farrell, will be seen in a scenic production of the Irish comedy-drama, "Garry Owen." Air. Far roll has played here and has many fii..n.i it'll,, w in 1 nieH.d to welcome his return. . A number of the curbstone politicians of this place may be seen every day ar guing the tinanelul problems of the day. OIVPIIANT. II. K. Matthew-son returned home from Norwich, N. V., yesterday. An entertainment and social will be given by the members of the Band of Hope of the Congregational church next Tuesday evening An excellent pro gramme Is being prepared. The com mittee In charge of the entertainment Is as follows Prof. John Aston, John Krooks, Maggie A. Williams, music; D. X. Davis. Hannah Phillips, recitations; Robert Edwards, David Coleman, iAt- I tie Powell, social. Admission, 10 and 15 I cents. Miss Mary Carabine Is visiting friends In VVllkcs-Barre. M. U. Melvln. of Archbald, was a caller In town yesterday. Loyal Knights of America and the Standard band, of this place, will run an excursion to Mountain Park next Wednesday. J. F. Ciiinmlngs has assumed the man agement of the Father Mathew opera house. Mr. Cununings is experienced In the business and a successful season Is predicted. The opera houst will be opened next Wednesday evening, when "Garry Owen," which will be played at the Frothlngham theatre, Scranton, Monday evening, will be the attraction. Misses Mamie Ruddy, of Miner's Mills, and Hannah Gibbous, of Dunmore, vis ited friends here Wednesday. Miss Jennie Davis has returned home after a pleasant visit at Gibson. Frnnk Parry is spending his vacation at Pottsvllle, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Watts have re turned home after un .extended visit with relatives at Sidney, N. Y. Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Hlakely street, entertained tile Misses Madge McKinley and Lillian Jackson, of Hrooklyn, N. V.. this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Strange, of Mont n ise and ttho have beeu the guests.of Jlr.'" r.e.m.ui .... s ..Uo Mrs. John Thomas. , of . the West ter bagged eight in a single day. Side, returned home yesterday. Michael Cannon and J. J. McCortniok announce themselves as candidates for delegutes to the Democratic county convention from the First ward of Oly phant. WAVEKLY. K. P. Leighloii. who has been the lruest of -Mrs. Andrew lied ford, has ru- ! turned to his home at Uinghiimtoii. Airs. Charles E. Lee. of the Waverty House, und son, pai-ert, are visiting her daughter. Mrs. Louie Thompson, who Is seriously ill at her home at Les tervillc, N. V. Hubert M. Heanney, of the Scranton Truth, was a cnllur here the oilier day. Tom IS. Smith, son of A. J. Smith, our tow unman, who has been for several weeks ill with typhoid fever, at Santa Ana, California, Is improving. Prof. W. L. Kaufl'ner. of liariisburg, who has been the guest of ex-County Commissioner W. W. Williams and family, has gone to Yonkers, N. T to take charge of a school as principal, Thomas Williams, of Hyde Park, la the guest or Mr. und Mrs. William G. Challis. Prof. F. L. llanyeii. assisted by Miss Flora Tliikliain. Miss P. D. Kelph, Miss May ihowe" will reopen the Wnvetiy high school next Monday morning. A laige ntti-ndani e or scholars is expect ed for the fall term. The Glenburn Fish and Game asso ciation have secured a charter from the state and elected the following of ficers: George Smith, president; W. L. Atherton, secretary; K. C. Northup, treasurer. The object of the associa tion Is the protection of tlsh and game, I and all violators will be prosecuted. A happy family reunion took place last Wednesday afternoon at the cozy home of James Pass. Those present were: John Pass, of Hrooklyn. N. Y.; Mr. and .Mrs. Henze Chase, of Factory -villo; Mr. and Mrs. William Pass, of Hyde I'ark: Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Sny der. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sherman and Mrs. William Price, of Hyde Park. A puiiy was tendered Miss Hertha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hold, last Wednesday r.ipbt. the occasion be ing the celebration ot her nineteenth birthday. Also In honor of the .Misses Clara and Gertie Kress, of Hrooklyn, N. Y.. nieces of Mr. Bold, who . have been visiting here for the past week. The evening was spent in social enjoy ment it in) after it sumptuous supper tea,-' party went home, wishing .Miss Hertha many returns of the day. The follow ing were present: Misses .Maud Miller, Mabel Sherman, Leuphia Mershon, lilanche Kennedy, Christine Bald, Ber tha Huld and the Misses Clara and Ger tie Kress, of Brooklyn. N. Y.: Messrs. William Hall. John perry, Sam Hall, John Pelliuin, Itobert Hold. John Weir Harry Miller, and Mr. und Mrs. Martin Hold. AVOCA. The funeral of John J. Doherty took Place yesteniiiy afternoon and was largely alien, leil, iiihiiv people from mil of towu being present. The remains cneaSKd In a handsome casket, were i viewed hy hundreds of sorrowiniF i tfieinls who had come to pay their final respects lo a departed friend. The St. ! Aloysius society, of which deceased j had been a member, uitetided in a body. The Moral ofieiliius were many and I beautiful. They were curried by twen- ! ty-four young men selected from the society anil from the coirinunb.ns of me iiei-e.iHeo. 1 ne sermon at St. Murv a ciitircn. where services Here conduct ed, was preached by Itev. J. J. Mo Cube. The pull bearers were John and Thomas Shechan, John McClave, I J. lieumish. Thomas liuskiti'i and Michn) JIHlownii. Interment was iu St. Mary's cemetery. A meeting of the tnutrons of the I booths of the hose enmpuny fuir will be held in the hose parlors 011 Monday evening. September 7. A full attend ance is expected. MKS. D. SANDKKS. . President. Mr. nnd Airs. Thomas McCreil are rejoicing over the arrival of a son.. A lteouldican club, known as the MoKinley-Hohnrt association, was or ganized In parlors of the Anthracite hotel on Wednesday evening. The fol lowing olllccrs were chosen: I). I.). Davis, pres blent; K. K. Reynolds, sec retary, T. J. Newton, tieafluivr,- Mrs. Jenkins returned to Hrooklyn yesterday after a two mouths' visit at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Katty. nf South Main street. .Mrs. ileorge Shalfs. Mrs. Sarah It'olls and daughter, Kdith. spent Wednesday with friends in Wllkes-llarre. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McQueen and family, of Susquehanna, attended the funeral of Mr.McOueen's nephew. John Doherty, yesterday. Despite the fuel that the Moosic Pop ulars were defeated by the Sugar Notch grounds on Wednesday afternoon, the lovers of the ravorlte game are jubilant over the excellent playing of all the members. The bovs are quite confident thut In a second encounter with the same team they tvlll come on victor ious as they undoubtedly would have done on Wednesday If the managers would have allowed their better Judg" mont to prevail In chaniinr th pitch- .ers toward the end f the game. Mrs. J. Day. of New York city. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Mltcneti. sr. Messrs. Flick and CurtU. represent ing the Atnericau Book company, were callers In town yesterday. Miss Jennie Kearney, of .Inkerman, Is visiting at the Laird residence. Mrs. P. J. Gibbons, of Syracuse, and Mrs. O.K. Hendricks, of Hajoiine, spent yesterday at the Curren residence. Lawrence Morahan left yesterday for New York and Philadelphia to partici pate in athletic sports. NEW Ml LI OKU. A grand fair and festival will be held at Gibson, Pa., on Thursday ard ri dav. speeches, refreshments and mu gic wm De the order of the occasion Among the other good things In stock for visitors at the Harford fair will be the speech by Professor Horton, of this place. When the professor talks he says something. The ordination and Installation of J. P. Manwell In the Congressional church at Harford will occur Wednesday, Sep tember 7. Mr. A. King, of Kinghamton, Is a guest at the Jay house. Frank Patterson, of Scranton, Is vis iting In town. Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Fnncher are visiting at Karlevllle, N. Y. Communion services will be conduct ed at St. Mark's church Sunday next. The members of the P. O. S. of A. camp, of this place, will picnic and dance at Heart Lake Thursday, Sep tember 10. Dr. W. C. Doane, of t'nlon, N. Y will address the McKinley and Hobart club at he Opera House Tuesday even ing. September 8. Mrs. K. C. Gamut gave a tea to a parly of rietuls at her home Wednesday ufternoon, which wns well uttendej and very pleasant.- Leon Shelf is home from school on a vacation. Gray squirrels are reported as un- lilt sione quarries in iin oei-iiuu tun Idle for a few days. The county P. O. S. of A. convention will convene at Lakeside Saturday. All members of the order are Invited. Good speakers will be In attendance. Mrs. J. J. Todd, or Kliighamtou. U visiting friends Iu town. Ol vu L. olin, ot Carboudale, aud Misa Nettie Kstabmok, of Gibson.' were Wed ded at the home of the bride September llnd. FACTORY VI U.r'. Miss Grace Barber, of Scranton, Is ' the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. 1,. Hard i ing, of this place. j Miss Carrie Sinirell has returned to Wllkes-Hane, where she will resume her duties as teacher in the high school, j A large number of" the Keystone stu ' dents are hording In town this uuarter. Walter Kemmerer, who has been spending the past week with the class of '5 at Lake Wlnola. returned to his work in York state, Tuesday. Mr. Button and family have removed Into the house on Maple street, owned by Mr. Jack Gardner. Misses Blanche and Clara Stark and Hattle and Llllle Carpenter started for the State Normal school ut Stroudsburg Wednesduy. Newton Croft Went hunting Wednes day mornig and brought back some line gray squirrels. Our merchant. Fred Foster, and bride have gone to housekeeping on Main street. The boring for oil still continues. All that is needed now is money to cuiiinlete I the work commenced and soon the stock holders will be millionaires. (?) Joseph Luppens Is visiting friends In town. Kalph Bingham, the great humorist and elocutionist, gave a very pleasing entertainment at the brick church, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Bennette, of South Gibson. Is the guest of her daughters, Leoua and Premella. . MANSFIELD. Mansfield State Normal school opened this year under very favorable circum stances. The number of students regis tered exceeds thut of uny other year by about fifty. It is expected that the School will be supplied with electric lights In the near future. Prof, and Mrs. O. Clayton Hobertson occupy very pleasant rooms in North Hull. Miss Clara Merrick, a member of the faculty of music, lias not yet returned from her summer studies. Professor liamlin K. Cogswell left yesterday for a brief visit to Philadel phia. Dr. Albro onnounces that he will vote for the sound money Democrat nomi nated by the Indianapolis convention. This year the seniors are required to teach In the model school during the whole forty-two weens of the school term and not only twenty-one weeks, as heretofore. TAYLOR. 1 I Miss Kthel Jones, ot this place, visit I ed ivlulives in Hde park yesterday. David M. Davis, of Sciuiitun, was u 1 culler in town yesterday. . The Taylor fteds aud the Mlnooka base ball team will cross-bats oil the j hitter's grounds tomorrow afternoon, 1 The borough council will hold a meeting this evening. Miss Kmma Fletcher, of Winton, is visiting Miss l.lzzie Winters, of North Main street. Much interest Is centered In the coin ing foot race between David Harris, of this town, and James Mulligan, of the Sibley, which tukes place on Septem ber L'l. The numerous friends of Har ris fell confident that he will out-sprint his opponent. tin Tuesday evening. September 1". a grand cantata will be held under the auspices of the Young Children's P.ap tist union of the Culvary Baptist church, entitled "Old Women iu the Shoe." Tickets, adults, 1,1 cents; chil dren. 10 cents. A big lawsuit is in progress between the property owners und the borough for dumages alleged to have been done to their properties on Main street for the grading of the road to run the street car to Kcndham. The suits In volve some $20,000 damages. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains'the digested food too lung iu the bowels atirl produces bilinusiiess, torpid liver, null- Klootfi gestiou, bad tuslc, coated nE touipie, sick headache, hi- I Q II f omnia, etc Hood's Pill HIS eoreennstlpstinn and all Its W results, easily aud thoroughly, ssc. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Muss. Tat oaly PUli to talu with Hood's SanaptlUa, THE LEADER 124-126 Wping Ava, Announce to the public that they have adjusted the loss on their stock with the lire insur ance companies and will be open for bus iness in a few days. A n n o u n c e in e n t thereof will be made in the newspapers. Bear in mind that our stock has only been slightly dam aged by water. We will sacrifice this stock as we wish to dispose of it as quickly as possible. W. J. DAVIS, PIONEtW IN POPULAR PRICED TAILORING Is grutiucil to announce that be lias been obliged to double his tailoring facilities us a result f the people's ! appreciation of his methods! e will mention lliese methods once more: None but all Wool (ioocls in Sloik No Cheap tailors employed. ! One Price to all. I'.U'ty garment cut, tried nn and made in the building by the biist me chanics. Every customer must be satisfied before we ask him to take a garment. This is a complete tailoring estab lishment; suits made from i2.oo to Jo.oo and all cheap. OIK GREAT AXTIUO'fE FOK HAUl) TIMES All wool suits, newest pat terns, well made anil trimmed to order, $15.00' Wf riAVK lij Wyoming Av. J. UAVIO, ArcsiU Building. 8 r 00- ai. ' -f--ty - Wfnt .enri rem a r- Notice to- Publishers THE TRIBUNE is now prepared to fill orders for composition 011 newspapers, books, f)amphlets or other pub ications at moderate rates. iaaaaaassiai Address, j Busines Manager. I ee.w, S. G. KERR, NOVKLT1KS in every description of FLOOR COVERING, ,NCLtWNQ CH0,ceSELEct,ons wiltons, axminsters,, moquettes, velvets, english and domestic brussels New and Handsome Effects in MATTELINE, JAPANESE and CHINESE MATTINGS. Our complete line in evary grade for the Fall Trade hat bean received. An inspection will be instructive and to your advantage. CLEARING SALE Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVET MOQUETTES, AXMINSTER CARPETS, suitable for Rugs, In lengths of II, li and yards. Prices, 35cls., 50cts , 75cts,. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. S. 0. ICE Opposite Main Entrance to the W vomlng rtouc. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilors, HOISTING AND PIMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCJUHTON.PA. STEINWAY SON'S . . Ackaowlcdged tn Leading PIANOS Of tlx Werl DECKER BROS.. . kRANICHE BACHB and othirs, ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchim will always find a eomptat lock and at price a. low as the quit. tty ol the (pstrumeot will permit al 1 1 nun nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. Scranton THE lt)i: A I. AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STbAMSHIP COMPANY. The Superbly Appointed end I'oramedioue Ftefl StPHiunhip, NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Aint'ricHii through and through, leave Hulfnli I in mlnv. slid Fridays u.30 p m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Sou, Duluth, anil Western Points, paMinfi all l.lui o. of interest by dyli(fht. In conueo tiou with THE tiRh'AT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it fnrnm tho niufit direct route, and from ev ery point of rompnrisoii, the most delightful and coinfnrtiiM'.' one f Miunrapolie, St. faul, trout Kalis, Helena, Hntt. Spokane anil Pa cific roaM. The onlv transcontinental line runniiiK the famous buflet, library, observa tion car. New (17 hour train for Portland viaSpoknnft HOTEL LAPAVi I II:, Lake Mlnnetonka, IU miles from Mimifupolif, lulgcst uud memt beautiul resort in tlie west. 'tickets ami any informiition of nny ngentor A. A. HKAKU. Uenerul faaseuner aueut, bufTulo, N. y. ooooo A word to J I MONEY-SAVING MEN. The object of these little talks is to get j-ou in terested in and acquainted with this best clothes store. When yon come to find out what good, de pendable thoronghly-madc clothing we sell at much less than usual prices for inferior grades, aud when you wish it give you liberal credit, you'll be sorry you didn't know us long ago. T 1T o II U IV Ti Been 4 nKiammmmmmmmm T Since we started the Clothing Department Sept. 9th, 1S95, it has had a wonderful growth aud there's only one way to account for it. We give the best values. Nothing else would lead men to buy here. There's no scarcity of stores. It's not a case of "Hobsou's choice." People can buy else where if they want to but they don't want to when they become acquainted with hm0 0 SON & CO. RR, SON & CO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth 65c to $1; choice for 50c Worth $1.25 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, wort h 3. SO, at $2. 50. Worth $2.50, ut $1.75. Closing Out all nttr Fine C.hinu at about Half Price. (ienuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives ut reduced prices. La graved free. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cuke liuskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, . 130 WYOMING AVENUE 1 MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coat of the but quality for domestic usa and of nil sizes, including ltuckwheat anj Birdseye, delivered iu uny purt ut th ultyj ut the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 3 telephone No. 2624, or ut the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. AA ' A 218, 225 and 227 Wyoming Avenue. CL0 SMI 1 ...j,. tmil mm & :, ii m'imiifrm ruu u 1 Out,