THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNItfG. SEPTEMBER 2,, 1896. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street lleview New York, Sept. 1. The stock market after scoring fractional declines at the opening Im conseuuenca of the receipt ft lower quotations from London soon de veloped strenKth on tho news that cer tain firms here had ordered over 82,O00.vJO additional gold from ubroud making the total engagements up to date over twenty million dollars. The shorts lust no time In reducing their contracts and an ad vance of U to 1 per cent, ensued, while ("peculation showed a good deal of strength but lacked the rellcinvency which char acterised the dealings for several days past. In other words the buying power lucked force and the charged conditions were reflected In a sharp decline later on. Louisville and Nashville yielded W Susar and Tobacco l'i. Burlington and Qulncy Hi-. Manhattan W and other stocks U to 1 per cent. Louisville and Nashville was unfavor ably affected by the heavy falling off In the net earnings of the company for the month of July. Speculation continued feverish until the close when It again de veloped firmness on the decline In tho call money rates from 8 to 3 per cent, and more particularly on the rumors prevalent In tne exchange that the Vermont election would give a heavy Republican majority. The volume of transactions was much smaller than on yesterday, amounting to only 127,0:5. Net changes show gains of 'alH per cent. Louisville and Nashville lost and liultinioro and Ohot 2'i. The range of today's prices for the ac tlve stocks of the New York Stock m ir kets are given below. The quotations are fnrnlshed by WILLIAM LINN, ALLEN & CO., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street: Open's. Clos g, American Tobacco Co Mt'i GO American Sugar Ke'g Co ....luVj 10S7' Atchison, Tojeka & S. Fe.... 11 It'" Canada Southern 4!'i 44t3 Chesapeake & Ohio K'i 'j Chicago (las 534 Mr-, Chicago and Northwestern .. 9"' f'l-'i Chicago. H- & Q ''' K' C. C. t & St. 1 23 Chicago, .Mil. & St. Paul OS Chicago. It. I. V I i n.. L. W 1M 1.W4 rlst. Cattle Feeding Co 5 ' 5 General Klcctrlc 2i',b 23i Lake Shore 141 HI Louisville ei Nashville 4'l 3'. M. K. & Texas. Pr 21"i 21 Manhntnn Klevatei 8" ' "a Missouri Pacific lT-.'a 17'i National Lead If 1!"4 Jerwv Central !'" New York Central sl'i Nor. Paclllc 9 V W, Nor. Iu III", Pr 17 17'-j Ontario Western V:'i I2'i Facltlo Mall IS IS Philadelphia & Itetidiiig 8 "a Southern It. It., Pr 2 - Tenn., C. & Iron 17'i 17'-i Texas Pacillc fi'i ."a Villon Paclllc 5 5 Wabash, Pr i:ii l-'H Western Union 77' 7S W. L 1. S. Leathw, Fr 4H'i 4i;'i, CHICAGO EiOARD OF TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. Open.- Hl?h- Low Clos. Ins. est. et. '.re. December r,!i"i Mi fi.i rSH Mav W fit's M'h OATS. December 17 17 1HH V .May YJi J! 1S"4 lJi CORN. December 22U I."', Sl'i 215 May 25U 23' -' LARD. December 3.". 3.sri 3.52 3. "2 January 3.73 3.7.1 3.72 3.73 FORK. January fl.87 6.87 6.82 6.82 Scranton Itonrd of Trndo Exchange Quotutions--AU Quotation liusud on Par of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 141) Scranton Lace Curtain Co. .. National Boring & Drill's Co First National ilai k Scranton Jar & Stopper Co... Elmhurst lioulevard Co Ecranton Savings Brink Bonta Flute Glass Co Scranton Parking Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co, Third National Bnk Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. .. Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Lack'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. BONDS. Scranton Glass Co. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. . I.acka. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp 6 RorouRh of Wlnton 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co DO SO ' 1IM ii 115 250 150 90 21 k 155 100 659 200 850 'is 110 110 110 10) I'M 102 100 83 1.10 85 Xcw Vork Produce; Mnrlict. New York, Sept. 1 Flour (itilot and steady, unchanged. Wheat Dull, weak er; f. o. b 6U',o. ; ungraded red. SGai7r.; No. 1 northern, C3r.; options closed weak Ht lal'&c. decline; May, 691V.; September, I12c; October, CS'Hc.; December tC',.j Corn Weaker; No. 2, 23"',& elevator; 8!9e. afloat; options closed weak: Sep. tember, 23ic; October, 2tP4: December, 27"c; May, Soliu. OaU Dull, steady; options weaker; September, llic-i Octo ber, 20'ic; December, 21'hc; spot prices. No. 2, 20c; No. 2 white, 23'ic; No. 2 Chi cago, 21c; No. 3, 1Sc; No. 2 white, 201 ic; mixed western, 19a21c; whote do. and while state. 20a2S Provisions Dull, weak, unchanged. Lard Quiet, easier; western steam, 83.72; city. $3.45a:!.3i; Sep. tember, tl.62, nominal; refined, dull; con tinent, 84.15; South America, $4.03; com pound, 378al14c Butter Steady, unchang ed. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Kggs Fairly active, steady; state and l'cnn pylvanla, 14al3c; fresh western, llal.'.c; do. per case, $la3. Chicago Live Stock. Vnlon Stock Y'ards, Sept. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market steady and un changed. Hogs Ilecclpta. 1C,000 head; market steady; heavy packing and ship ping lots, ;2.75a2.25; common to choice mixed, J2.8.'.n.1.33; choice assorted, J::.23a 3.40; light, $3.13a3.40; pigs, 2.30a3.;S. Sheep Receipts, 1,300 head; market steady; in ferior to choice, 2aXS0; lambs, JJ.30a3.50. only awaits your invitation to bring into your home healthful, palatable and economical food. Mthst Jim art tb ranin-liM trmda-nsrks Collo7," ud ltr' lu4 Htatum-ftmnt wnatk THE M. K. FAINBINR COMPANY, .CklMfti ! Trk PhlUdelf kU, FiUrtvif. HILL HAS NO FAITH IN BILLY BRYAN Senator Gorman. Is Also Afraid to Take a Hand in the FIghL THE BOY ORATOR'S ABSURD CLAIMS Prtlfcsscs to Believe Thnt There Are 0jubts About the Siicccm of the licpublican Ticket in New York, (rent Demand for Coiiipnigti Liter nture&ilver Oickcy Ulnud Iluilds Air Castles. . Bureau of The Tribune. 001 14th St.. N. W., Washington. Sept. 1. Senator Gorman Is still afraid to come Into the open and fight for Uryan. So also Is Hill. Both these gentlemen are old political weather cocks, anil the Uryan breeze has not taken them from thlr set position. The present attitude of Gorman and Hill are only significant from the fact that the natures of the two men Incline them to follow the vic tor. If Hill could be persuaded that there was even a chance of Tiryan carry ing the state of New York lie would en ter the campaign. What Hill would do In New York Gorman would do fur the rest of the country. Hill is not con vinced that New York can be carried for Uryan In spite of the larse crowds he attracted in that state. In fact, Sena tor Hill lias told Uryan's malingers and probably told Bryan himself, that New York will go by an immense majority for McKinley. Bryan has not taken Hill's opinion of the matter. He has Judged curiosity to be enthusiasm, and lias convinced himself that New York Is yet doubtful. He has told this to his friend and hits toid the national com mittee that he Intends to make desper ate efforts to carry that state. That Is the reason that Senator Jones la coining east and Is begging Gorman to help him out. It remains to be seen whether Jones can seduce Gorman to put aside his foxy ways long enough to enter sin cerely in the fight In behalf of Bryan. Jones has written to Ulcliardson and Ids fellow managers here that Illinois und Indiunh are no mure Important nor more debatable ground than Now York, and thnt the greatest tight in the campaign must be va?ed in the Empire State. To this end a glamour is being thrown nrounJ Gorman. From all sides come hints from Bryan's managers Gor man Is deep In the silver councils. They are trying to blindfold Gorman and lead him to the sweet waters of Popoeracy. An attempt will be made this week to befuddle Gorman Into the manaement of the eastern end of the campaign. They have failed In Hill und they want Gor man now, especially for New York, for he knows that state almost as well as 11111 does. Gorman already shows signs of bnlk- Ing. In the first place Gorman knows full well that Hill would stand no Gor man Intermeddling in New York. These two gentlemen, though of tho same genus political and having the saint stripes down the back, hate each other like the garter and the black snake are wont to do. They are Jealous of each other in the senate, and they know each other's curves. Gorman Is not even doing anything1 In Maryland, and that state Is pretty sure to roll up a majority for McKinley. Hill and Gorman will continue to peep at each other over Jones' shoulders, but make faces behind his back. Thus the old weather cocks are In mid-air and be It certain they know which way the wind is veering. INDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION. With tho convention at Indianapolis and the election in Vermont tho cam paign can be said to have begun its period of white heat. From now on un til election day there will be no let up. There are Just two months remaining In which the people will do a deal of thinking. When one contemplates this campaign it becomes astounding. It would seem Incredible to a foreigner to be told that upwards of CO.000,000 people are studying an economic question with a view of settling It for themselves. Never was such a campaign ever seen before. It has gone beyond the control of managers. All that the former po tentates of other campaigns can do now Is to furnish literature that the people may read and sehd them orators that they might hear. They are doing their own thinking this year and doing a heap of It. Men who have not picked up a newspaper for years read then now with greediness. Women, while suckling their young, study essays on the subject of finance and discuss It with their hus bands when they return home from the mines nnd workshops. Whatever is the outcome the people will have decided. Be they right or wrong it cannot be said they didn't think. Up to the present time the free silver advocates seem to have made little headway with the laboring classes. If Bryan has made any headway It has been with the farm ers. A member of the Democratic com mittee here said that the laborers would decide the contest. In which case it looked bad for Bryan he thought. "It is easier to convince the farmer that free silver may be to his Interest than It Is tht! workingman, but we hope to reach the latter In time." This Is a great concession, but It Is palpably true. One order tomes from labor organizations for fr:e silver liter ature where forty demands come for the gold side nf the question. The RepuD lican managers do not like to ncknowl- edge so much, but It Is nevertheless true ' lx,WUt, Theodore F. Archer. F. P. Ting that there is little demand for tariff lit- ley R L AMr,chf Jonn K. 0'F.rin. erature. The whole light Is around the financial Issue. The Republican Con gressional committee has already dis tributed over 14.1)00.000 pieces of finan cial literature. This much has been sent out from this city alone. More than double that amount is estimated to have gone out from New York and Chi cago. DANGEROUS THIRD TICKET. The third ticket Idea presents more formidable obstacles to Bryan's man agers every day. Three weeks ago they Intimated that a third ticket would get about 50,000 votes. Today some of them admit they are afraid it might poll 400, 000 or 500,000 votes. Several prominent politicians of the free silver type who are aspiring to the speakership are saying softly to them selves these days: "Green suits my complexion and green It shall be," forgetting that the girl who first said these ominous words let her eggs fall, or was It-the milk can, and got no green dress at all. The latest open aspirant for the speakership, who is counting noses before the heads are out of water. Is Bland. While here last week he dropped some very decided hints as to what he hoped for in the next congress. Mr. Eland declined the nomination for governor with no other Idea In view than that he should pre side over the next House and appoint the committees that would enact a free silver law. His friends at home sympa thized with his ambition and nominated him for congress by acclamation. Kland's friends say that he and Hryati are in perfect sympathy and accord, and are In full agreement on all public ques tions. " At any rate, since Bland's visit here last week, one hears a good deal about his aspirations for the speakership. In case the House should, by hook or crook, be free silver, there will be four candi dates in the field, to wit: Richardson and McMillln. of Tennessee; Bailey, of Texas, and Bland, of Missouri. Bailey would have enough Influence possibly M land him on whatever committee he might choose. But his recent refusal to stand for congress because he could not agree with Mr. Bryan on other public questions than silver would vrcvent his election as speaker. McMillin Is won derfully popular and has a host of friends, but he would have to go UP against Richardson's reputation as a presiding oflicer. Bland would prob ably hold the halunce of power and while he would have a formidable fol lowing still the old members of the House would stand in the way of his llnal election, fur he was neither popu lar in former congresses nor regarded as a good presiding office". The present outlook is. however, that each of these gentlemen will drop his eggs and none of their complexion will be offset by the green-tinted fresco be hind the speaker's chair. V. R. B. CRUSER FOR CONGRESS. Ticket Nominated by the Populist io Democratic Party of Susque hanna Counly. Special to The Tribune. Montrose, Sept. 1. Tho Democratic party in county convention today, sold their birthright for a mess of pottage, threw aside the veil of their hitherto apparent afar off amliation for the Populists and openly, In convention as sembled, sent a committee of five to confer with tho ropulists who, strange to say, were In the convention hall renily nnd willing to embrace their fellow-laborers for free sliver. Miller 3. Allen, county chairman, called the convention to order nt eleven o'clock nnd Secretary John M. Kelly. esn called the roll. Edson W. Safford wan chosen temporary chairman. Af ter a speech by Mr. Safford the follow ing ofllcers were elected: Fermnnent chalrmnn, John D. Miller, Susuuehan nn; secretary, Charles Sht lp. New Mil ford; leading clerk, V. A. Osborne. Harford: tellers, It. B. Swisher, West Auburn, ami M. J. Lannon. Susquehan na; vice presidents, J. S. Whenton. Franklin; George Graves. Little Mea dows; C. E. McCoy, Lanesboro; Chris topher McCormnck, IlallHtead; H. H. Lewie, 1'niondale. Committee on reso lutionsFerry Harding, New Mllford, chairman; James Hoak, Dlmock; Thomas Guiton, Mlddletown. The afternoon session was called promptly to order by Chairman Miller, who made an excellent olllclal. Then the resolutions were read and when the Chicago platform waa heartily en dorsed many sound money Democrats in the hall crew black and blue In the face. A bright, black-eyed young man from Suquehanna nameiV McMahon arose and moved that a committee be appointed to confer with the Populists for an amalgamation of their Interests. After considerable pow-wow this was carried, but not before W. D. Lusk said: "Mr. Chalrmnn nnd Delegates, This Is a Democratic convention. Like Hill I say, 'I nm a Democrat.' I be lieve the people! In Susquehanna coun ty know where I have always stood. But as I look at this matter, the only Issue Is thnt of finance; the people are carried down by our present methods." Mr. Lusk ended by saying: "I am here to support Bryan and Scwall arfd ns far ns the county otllces nre concerned, I care not who may be nominated." Tho motion was carried and the chairman before adjourning the con vention for a hnlf-honr appointed the following committee to confer with the Populists: C. M. Shelp. K. W. Saffofd, Ii. B. Swisher, C. McCoy and C. A. De Loncey. The Populist conclave was headed by Stephen Joseph Northup, who led forward 8. F. Lane and lastly O. D.-Nash, of Brooklyn, of oil fame. The committee reported as follows: "Resolved That your committee, and also committee of the Populist party are In favor of a consolidation of the ticket, but deem It best to refer this matter to the two county committees nnd candidates named by the respec tive parties." It was accepted and carried. Then thty got together for nomina tion. W. C. Cruser, editor of the Demoemt, was the unanimous choice for congress man with power to appoint his own conferees. Two representative were also chosen by acclamation. Dr. John V. Wilson, of Montrose, an James A. MeKinney, of Susquehanna. The ballot for sheriff resulted as fol lows : Herbert Fish, Lynn 51 Jasper T. Jennings. New MUford.,49 Mr. Fish was declared nominated. W. J. Hcavey. of Silver Lake, was unanimously nominated for county treasurer. For register and recorder two names were presented and but me ballot taken: Luther S. Ely 67 1!. R liufTum 43 Ely was declared elected. Then rame ithe rush for commissioner and Rfter 9 ballots were taken Isloh Halre, of Rush, was chosen. The names placed before the convention were: Islnh Hnlre, George E. Pooler. L. J. Dennis Cat-ey was nominated unan- Imously for auditor and iafter a speech by AV. C. Cruser he convention adjourned. . N OYSTER CROP NOT PROMISING. Kipcrts Say tho Bivalves Arc I'niisu nlly Thin This Ncnsbn. Washington, Sept. 1. The oyster sea son opened today. By common consent and by the laws of Virginia and Mary land, oysteis cannot be taken from the Potomac river or Chesapeake Bay until that date. A tied of fifty boats or more has assembled at Washington ready to go to the oyster beds the moment the open season begins. The ofllcers of the "oyster navy" say the oysters nre un usually "thin" at the opening of the sea son this year. The vessels comprising the navy have within the last week test ed the principal bods In the lower Poto mac and Chesapeake with disappointing result?. It is said that the oysters t iken at the beginning of the season will not yield more than one-half of the hulk that is expected later, as the oysters grow fat. They are watery and soft and scarcely fit to cat, and will not be eatable until late In September, when the waters get colder. Though Warh ington Is not as Important nn oyster supply station as Baltimore, thousands of ship loads nre annuallv brought to i this city, nnd a fleet of fifty oyster ves- ft-ls of all sixea and shapes make their headquarters here: The rmall "buR-cyes"biliiB only about 160 bushels of oysters at a load, but the larger schooners carry as many as J,000 THE TUfii OF Lim THE MOST CRITICAL PERIOD IN THE LIFE OF A WOMAN. Experience or Mrs. Kelly, f ralchogno, Long Island. There is no period In woman's earthly career which she approaches with so much anxiety as the "change of liia,? x et during- the past twenty years woman . have learned much from a woman. It is sufe to say that women who prepare themselves (or the eventful period, pass through much easier I than in the past. There is but ono course to pursue to subdue the nervous com' plications, and prepare the system for the change. Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound should be used. It is well for those approaching this time, to writo Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She has the experience of years to aid her in advising. She will ckarga you nothing. She helped this woman, who says: "I have used Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound in my family ten years, with the best results. Some time ago my daughter hnd catarrh of the womb, and it entirely cured her. I was approaching the "change of life," and was in a deplorable condi tion. 'My womb hud fallen, and the bearing-down pains and backache were terrible, and kidneys affected " I bcgaD taking tho Compound, and my pains ceased. I consider it tho strong bridge between sickness and health, and recommend it to everybody I meet who needs it." Mes. L. Kktxr, Patchogue, L. I. bushels at once. It Is said that 50.000 bushels of oysters per month are sold In Washington during the season, which lasts niirt months. The oyster boats are required to pay an annual license or j.i to the state of Virginia for the privilege of taking oysteis from the Potomac. TARANTULA TOO COLD TO BITE. Insert t'nnglit Among Chicken Feed in a South Dakota House. Cliamlwrlaln, S. D., Sept. 1. Receiv er Grayblll of the United Stntes land office ordered some chicken feed at a lo cal store yesterday. A clerk In getlngto the feed, removed some rubbish which had accumulated from the unpacking of bananas. When the hired girl went to the chicken feed to pet some she dis covered what she believed to be an enormous ppldcr. Taking a tin pan, sho poked the sup posed spider Into it, covered it with her apron and carried it to her mistress, who, upon the pan being uncovered, discovered that the spider wasa taran tula. After some delay the insect was imprisoned In a glnss. That no one was bitten ran be explained only by the supposition that the tarantula was be numbed by he cold weather which pre vailed at the time. Ilnllalo Live Stock. Buffalo, Sept. l.-Cattle Market steady, nn v r v irnnrl hprp cnmmnn fnws. S2.?0a 2.25; light steers, one-half fat, f:i.00a3.7r,; veals steady, J4.25a'i.r0. Hogs Fairly ac tive and shade higher; Yorkers, good niiirhts. t4.Vid.i eO: lisht do.. t3.6ea3.iS: Digs. J3.riTiR3.Ki; mixed packers. .1.40a3..r)O; me diums, KJ.4tia3.45; neavy grades, si.znaj.4v; roughs, Si.Toai.iW; stags. JlM&a'J.'jii. Sheep and Lambs Market firm for sheep, shad.' stronger for lambs; fair to medium lahbs, 4.:."ia4.50: good, $5; culls to fair, $'J.7.'a4.iri: mixed sheep, good to choice, 3.(Wa3.(5; common to fair, J2..r,0a3.5U; export and heavy ewes, 13.40a3.G5. Oil Mnrkct. Oil flty, Sept. 1. Option oil was un changed today at luS; credit balances, los. Huns und shipments not reported. I n n dy Coated Snrsiipnrillu. DR. DETCHONS "VITALIZI!C, SAUSAPARILLA PILLS" nre candy coated and delightful to take. Com bined with the Sarsparilla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve remedies which render these Pills the greatest blood purifier and blood maker as well as the most powerful nerve builder known. They are a wonderous ccure for Anaemia and all Blood Dis eases, Nervous Diseases, Paralysis, In digestion, Loss of Appetite, all Femalo Weaknesses and Irregularities, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Physical and Mental Weakness, Early Decay, Failing Health, He., etc. Price CO cents nnd $1.00. Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. CIIARTLK APPLICATION. IN THE Cr.fRT OF COMMON PLEAS FDR I the ennnty of LncknwHnnn, No. 1157, Kept. Term IMS). Notice is brecbv given that mi :i'i ic ilion will I s made to the saiii Court on Vooday.Kept. 9 m.. under th .'ct of exi'ini'iy of the Commonwealth of rVmnvWanin, untiil. d. "An uct to pmvids for tLe inorihration and regnln?io;i of certain corporutions," Biip'ovnd April 21), IM7I, and tlie anpplemnnU thereto, for tho charter nf nn intended corpoiation, to bo called "The Hlculmru F'sh and (lam Protective Ansocia liii." the ctiiir ictor and object whcreol id tin prosiTVHiion of Rime and Hub. and to this end to prosecute by its ctmmlttvo violations of tho Oame and Fish I .awn of this Common wealth: tn puichane (Tame "nd fish for prefer vatinn and propagation, and for tills purpose, to have tlio riK'i& to acquire su-h nefq?ary lands, wuoulun Is, lniiluiig hatcheries, on closures, por.ds or lakes, strenum, Ac., by lease or in fee ns may Im dcsiralilo or necev nary, and for theao pni poses to have, pot4sea and enjoy all the rights, benefit and privi leg" ot the mil Act of A!tu.b!y and itx hup-pl-Mnenl. The proposed cenrtor 1 now on file In tho Pi otlu notary's ottice of Larkawanns County, to No. Term. lM'U 11 C. REYNOLDS, Solicitor. IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. l.L TARTIES4 WHO AHE INDEBTED TO 4 1 t'in Stephen OntbAInz and Barbara I utlirinz (stale ire hereby notified tnmako ayn int in part or who o witfan todays or scennnu nil! 1 ro!lfcted nccuidiui; to'lnw: payments can be made at reinderire. n'4 Alder street, frem ; inti p. m.: at furniture store, Hi Cedar nreuu", any time during day. C b'lOKK, Alderman. CIIIKOPOPIST AND MANICURE. CiOKXH, BUNioN. CHTuiTAnSfPAf) ' ingrowing; nails scientifically treated at E. M. lihTHRIKcbinipMly. bairdrealiiK and umnieure parlors, iuU LacicawaLoa avenue. otisuitution free. NOTICE. A. DUCKWORTH HAS OPENED AN office at 121 Wyoming srtuiM. 4th floor. r y - a .'k.v 'J y C18& jr. ) o) c onnplly & Wallace Four Specials in Cotton Goods at the Domestic Department 50 inch Atlantic Bleached Pillow, Cases; hemmed and ready for use - - - - - - 54 inch Atlantic Bleached Pillow Cases; hemmed and ready for use - - - - - - 10-4 Atlantic Bleached Sheets; hemmed and ready for use - - - - - ONLY The Atlantic Cottons are well The Fourth is a Blanket Bargain -fflX10.tthUl,t Usually sold for 75s. Our Price, 50c. a pair. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 20hcSroteenue n ran ARsnn IM A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT SIUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN Al VANCR. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH AKE INSERTED FllEE. IIL'.Ll WAN IT:D-M ALES. WANTED -TWENTY GOOD STONE tnanons by Burke Bros. Apply at office. Burr building. V7 ANTED AS AGF.NT IN EVERY VV tlon to convnss: Jt.CO to 85 00 n day mndo ; sells at fight; also a man to sell Staple. Ooods to dealers; btst aide line J57S a month; salary or large commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WF.LL-KNOWN MAN IN every town t" Bolieit stock subscrip tions: monopoly, hi (j money for g"nt: rapltal required. EDW A RD C. FIbB & CO., Borden Block, Chicago. III. HELP W ANTE I F E M A LES. WANTED A GOOD COOK, MUST HAVE references. German girl preferred. Applv nt ouc.e. T. C. VON S'iOKCH, S04 Wyorainu avenue, City. LAD1ES-1 MAKE BIO WAGES DOING pleacaiit home woik, and will Rladly aend full particulars to nil sending 2 cent stamp. MISS M. A. HI Ef'BlN'6, Lawrence. Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN 8CBAN ton to sell and introduce Pnydor's cake Irinc: experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. rite for particulars at once and pet benefit of bililuy trade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENF.R VV patio saltawnmon to represent us Guaranteed Jii a day wltliont iuterferriiiB with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp, Msngo I hemicsl Company, No. 73 John Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED - Mm AGENTS FO JUTS sell's anthorHei "LIVES Or K KI LEY AND HOBAK'l':" MW pair's, elegantly Illustrated; pricoonly $1.00; the b st and the cheapest, and outsells all ..tilers; 50 per cent, to agents aid the freight paid. tTfrBooks now ready; save time by sending W cents ill stamps for sn outfit nt onco. Address A. u. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL clod, silver, nickel nnn copper electro planters; prices from upward: snlary am! expenses pnid: oniflt free. Address, witn stamp. MICHIGAN MFG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO BEf.LGlGATtSTO DEALERS: fc!5 weekly snd espouses: experience un necessary. COXKOLlbATLD iUU CO.. IS Van Buren st. Chicago, SALESMAN TOCAPRY SIDE LINE: to per cent. roiMmttsii.n: samrle nook msileii freT Addrcta L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BKIGUS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . snd cess r0'': ro cdor; improvtd pumps used. A. BRU1RS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erckes' drug store, corner Adams and Mul berry. Telephone 4-V35. I OR KENT. I'OR KENT- TUKLE ROOMS: FRONT O. J1 the second fl.r: ovnr N. A. Htilbcrfs inuslo store, 117 Wyoming avenue. Inquire, in the store. SUITE TO LET PARLOUS, I-.E1 ROOS!r bath rooms; steim heat; gns. 6ill Adams. OR RKNT-liOI.SE WITH MODERN 1M provements; gond locution; rent reason able: North Bli kely street, Iuq iiro 8'J But ler street, Dunintiro. 170R RENT HALF CF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; rent rcn-nnable; corner of Pine and Eliikoly strict. Dunuiore. WAJNTJKIX YITANTED A FEW RELIABLE MEN OR V women to travel and upcoiut ai-cnts. Salary. bi'Hadnv and oii'ttMi. Address, G. A.. Tribune oflice. SPECIAL NOTICES. "fl'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR " 1 Yon wunt this relic. Contuin nd of Frank Leslie's lanir us old war pictures show ing the forces In actual t'-i'.ed on the Kpot. Two volumes. 2. im pictures. Sold on ..ii uv tnniitltlv iir mi nf h I'er.vered bv pi. press cnroplote, all charge prepaid. Address 1. O, JliJuiJI. Acliinm ve.. crawon. r: UNFURNISHED ROOMS. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, WITH USE OF tas. hot and cold bntli, sittinx nnd ruli ng rncTue. Ula Lackawanna avonuo. HOTEL FOR SALE. YTELL KURKIIIKD AND CENTRALLY fV located; first-ciasn biiniuess! reasons for selling, want to retire from business. Ad dress C. A. 5'.. Lock Box im, Nnnticoke, Pa. FOR SALE. IT-OR SALE. TwO NEW SINGLE HOUSES .1 corner Quincy Avenue nnd Myrtle Street: Twelve rooms each, Anply to T. .1. Duifgan. Attorii-v. Rooms l'i and 10 Libra" y Building. Wyoming Avenue. IOII SALE A SILVER PLATED CONN I double bell eillkuuium. l:l"elv ensrarod with trombone bell, gold lined: nearl new nnd c st iV: will sell at a nnrnaln. Address this week to E. W. GAYLOii, LaHaysville. P. 1. n.n lilt ViHDI7V1 UtT )llri"l fA'n 1 tnge, " . W . J.. 1 1 A . ,-..!.. furnished. "W. H. HAZLETT. rcranton. T.-'OH SALE-HORSE, AGED SIX YEARS. I weight 1,00.' jcunds; can be seen at HU1 Price street. I .'OR SALE-MY COTTAGE AT ELM burst nnd the four lots on which it stands; s!m the four lots adjoining: most Hew airalle location in Elmhurst; prices reasons ble; terms easr: possession given at once. E. P. XINGSBUBY, lomiuonweoltli Building, Sciaatou. Pa. - known, for the good wearing SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED -BY BRIGHT young Isdy as bookkeeper or correnpoud ent: u-iderstands tvne writing: auiek and accurate; wants position Immediately, Ad dress, BOOKKEEPER, 6Si Sumner ave., City. SITUATION WANTED BY BOY AGRD 17, to work in ouiee or store: good education ; reference, if required. Addroii, J, C.. Til- buue. SITUATION WANTED-YOUNG MAN OP good address, in store or in soliciting. A. G. WILLIAM, 132 School stre-t. SITUATION WANTED - BY BRIGHT young man; 21 years old, of good habits, to work in store or olTico; good penman; cau speak and read German and KnJlsh Refer ences. Address, J. A., 1717 Ash St., City. CITUATIO.V WANTED A YOUNG MAN kl desires a situation in any store. Speak. English, Polish nnd Hungarian. Fair rmiman pleach language. WM. S IAN WIS EI, 120 Prospect avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A WELL. educated young mnu as a clerk or for any other kind of light work, Speaks aud write English, French, Italian. Small par required. Good references. Address, J. A Tribune. SITUATION WANTED-POSITION A3 J housekeeper by American widow; no family. Address, J. M., Tribune. SITUATION WANTD -GARDENERAND useful man: English; married, no chil dren. .IOIIN KEY WOOD; t07 Green Ridge street, Seraulon. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE agfod woman nt housekeeping or any light work. M. J. T Tribune ottice, city. rURL 14 YEARS OLD WOULD LIKE PO- vj sitlon as nurse girl or light housework. Inquire at 1414 Eordhaia streut, city. (JITUATIOM WANTED-BY A WOMAN TO ' do wasliineor cleaning houses or offices by we uay. Aaarese a. i;,. uj mum street. SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD RKC " ominended man, willing to do any work. Address EUREKA, Dunmor. poitoflioe. SITUATION WANTED SIGN WRITER wants work. Address SIGN, Duumore postottti e. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 14 ' years oi ago (speaks Gnelish and German) to drive grocery or delivery wagon or to work In store. Address W. P. FOX, Duumore, Pa., postoflli.'o. T RAVELING SALESMAN WANTS A DOSition: wtllllliF tr. u nrlf f m )..auln.. blo salary; cn give good reference as good naru wotk.t, AtiBwer, care American House, J. T. ALBE'rtSoN. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT O washing; waaiiiugs taken Dome also. Call or address L, B., Mi North Sumner avenue, HyuePark. ' SITUATION WANTED AS A MEAT CUT ter or peddle; eight years' experience: or will work nt anything. Good scholar and can furnish reference Address. L. E.,care l' ulllps' Lri Store, or '.0i tynon street. City. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Del., Luck, unJ Western. EiTcct Monday, June 1. 16tW. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and ull points East, 1.40, I.uO. C.Ij, .W and t.w a. in.; 1.10 and 3.38 p. m. Express for Enston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, &.15, 8.00 and 9.bu a. m.; 1.10 ami 3.3H p. m. Washinnton and wny stations, 4.00 p. m. Tobybunnn accommodation,' 8.10 p. m. Express for lUnghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning, Hath, Danpviile, Mount Morris and BufTnlo, 1 C. 20. 2.3.1 a. m., and 1.49 p. m., maklnK close connections at Huftalo to nil points In tho West, North west nnd Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9.1S a. tn. Hlmthamton und way .stations. 1.00 p. m Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and S.10 p. m. Hlnrhnniton and Elmlra express IVES p.m Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and Hlchlk'kl Springs, 2.33 a. rn., and 1.49 p. m. Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.49 p. m. For Northumberland, Pittston, TVIlkcg Barre, Plymouth, Hloomsbtirg sod Dnn villo. mnklni: cicse connections at North iinihcrlnnd for Williamsport. Harrisburg, Daltlnmre, WnshiiiRlon and the South. Northumberland and Iritermedlato sta tions, r. no, 9.C5 a. m. and LBS nr.d 0.00 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. SOS nnd 1 1 .20 a. m. Plymouth and inter medlite Ftailonp. 3.10 and C.47 p. m. l'ullman pr.rlor and sleeping couches on all express trains. For detr.Ilcd Information, rocket time tahlea, ete., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, avenue, or depot ticket oflice. DELAWARPJ AND HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday, SLiy 18, will I ave Scran ton or follows: V'or Carbondale 6.4J, 7.55. S.33, 10.15 a. m. ; 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.20. 3.52. 6.23, 6.23, 7.57, MO. Vt'ii. "For"' Albany, Saratoga. Montreal, Bos tfn. New Kiifc'land points. etc.-6.4 a. m.; 2 For' H.'mesdolc-B.lS, 8.55. 10.15 a. m.. U.00 n1rSvBrSU.4.-, IM. 8.43, J.38, 10 43 a. m.; 12.00, 1.20. ' -41. . 7.W. .60. "'Var'-Se York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehlch Valley railroad 6.43. 7.43 a. m.; 1S! 2 20. 4.41 (with Black Diamond E. VTh'or reraiiylvnnia railroad polnts-.45, o w a m : 2 so 4.41 d. m. For wetcrn poirrs. via Lehlph Valley rallroad-7.45 a. m.; 12.03. 313 (with Black Lnamoiid Express), J.50. 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive Scranton ns follows; From Carbondale and the north S 40, 7 40 8 40, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.: 12 00 noon; 1.03. 2T 8 25 4.7i. B.4r., 7.45. B.43. 11.53 p. m. From Wilkes-Barre and the south 5.40. 7M. Rffl 10.11. 11.55 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14. J.4S. 6.22. C.21. 7.53,' 8.03. 9.43. 11.52 p. m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Effective June 3. Trains leave Scranton for New Tirlr, Newburch and Intermediate points on F.rie, nlso for Hawley and local points at 7.O.. and 8.45 a. m. and 2 H p. m., and ar rive from above points at 11.18 a. m. and 3.1 and 9.3S p. m. An additional train leaves Rcranton for Ijike Ariel at G.13 n. tn.. returning arrives ( Bcranton at 7.41 p. m. and 111 a. m 14C 50c and easy washing qualities. Schedule In Eflect June 14, 1896. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlibur((, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. ' 10.16 a. m., week days, Tor Hazleton, Pottsvilla, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m,, wesk days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD. Oon'l Post. Agent S. M. PREVOST, General Managir. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD SYS TEM. Anthracite Coal Use Exclusively Insur ing Cleanliness and Coinorf. IN EFFECT JUNE 28. 18iW. TRAINS LEAVE SRANTCON. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. H. at 6.45, 7.46 a. m., 12.05, 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.38 p, m. For Pittston and Wllkes-Uarre via D. L. & W. R. R. 8.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 12.20, 1.55, 8.40. 6.00 and 8.47 p. m. For White Haven, Hasleton, Pottsvilla and principal points In the coal regions via D. & H. R. It., 1.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.03 and 2.30 and 4.41 p. m. For Bethlehem. Easton. Reading, Har risburg and principal Intermediate) sta tions via D, & It, It. R., (.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05. 1.20 (Lehigh Valley points, only). 2.30, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.38 l. m. For Tunkhannork, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D. & H. R, R., 6.45, 8.45 a. m., 1.20, 3. 33 an 11.38 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. H. R. R., 8.43 a. m., 12.03, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 9.50 and 11.38 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh ,y .nalr Cflr" on oil trains hetween . Hkes-Barre and New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Slisnenatnn rtrl.lA ,.Ro H- WILBUR. Gen. Supt, CHA.SV,SALFK n- p"""- Altt.. Phila.. P A. VV. NONNEAf ACHER, Asst. Gen. Pai Pa. Pass. Alrt.. Smith ltct d. Scranton Oflice, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively insur ing cleanliness and comfort ' TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 7 ISM Trains leave Scranton for Pittston' Wllkes-Bnrre, etc., nt 8.20, 9.15, 11 30 a! m 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9 oo! a. m., 1.00. 2.15. 7.10 p. m . y" For Mountuln Park, 8.20, 11.30 am "m S.05, 6.O0 p. m. Sundays. 9.00 a. m'.'. "loh" 2.15 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Ellzab-th 8.20 (express) a. m.. 12.43 (express with riuf. fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m alm. day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12 45 B rn arrives at Philndeiphin, Reading Term. lnal, 6.22 p. m. and New York 0.00 n m For Maiich Chunk, Allentown Ri.nii. fcem. F.aston and Piilladelphia, 8 20 a m 12.45, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) b m Sunday. 2 15 p. tn. ' For Lone Branch, Ocean Orove, etc at 8.20 a. m. (through car), 12.43 p. m. ' For Rendlnu, Lebanon and Harrisburg via Allentown. 8.20 a. m., 12.46 p. m.. 6 0S p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m.. 12.45 p. tn Returning, leave New Vork, foot of L'b. erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.20. 4.15 (express with BuITet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4 30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Readlnfr Terminal 9.00 a. m., 2.0) and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.28 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowesi rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gon. Pass. Agt J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. RCKANT03 DIVISION. In F.Mect June J ft, ISBIJ. Menh nnusrt, ouik koaaai 103 toil Stations i S ft C 2 (Trains Pally. Ex. A Ml tnjl?vsN Y Frsntlll HI. 7 4.8 10 so I 7 10, West 42nd street 10167(X) tehawkn t. le vlArrlftt Lear1 7 Ml 810 fTiPi 1 ltnSancocX Jimcfloc rfoTsTiSi lluncock IB 689 4'2 n ih;tk ih StaMfftht l're-itoa park Oomo PoyntellO Beli'int PIeiW!it Mfc UlllOIjdblO Piiresi City CarbOTda'e White lirldge HayflflJ Jermvn Archlhidd Hlni.n PeckviUs . OlTihant fi lc burg Throup prtivuierca rark P ace 8 31 4 ff lit 4 3 41 4 Ml 8M 4 4 47 ' 4 4 33f- UOi SCO 4 Siflllf.'l 4 211 43 4 ( 11 84 7R 8 Ofli .., 18 819, ... 7 341 8841 ... f4 rfffiiuj 17 1018 W ... 18 5 fllil aiiii-ci n 11 u .. T45 843 ... TM 8 51 ... 788' 854 .. 7d; 859- .., 8 00 4 04 ... Wj 407 ... 8 08 410 ... 8 09 4 14 ... c Kiln 11 8 4fll 10 8 4 11 11 8 f 'II 07 8 85 U 0S S A3 11 04 8nu 01 18 -.sii:7 1911.14 17 .. t-crantno 8181 4 80 .., !r hU vUavc ArrlTe nr mi All trains ru dally except Sunday, t M?clD that trains stop ea signal tor pas, tengeis M'Citrs ra'es via Ontario Western before piircbasluit tli kets and save money. Day and Klgat Bipreas tout west. 1. c. Anderson, Oea. Pass, Agb T. fUterott, Dir. last, Aft. BesasMa, la,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers