THE fiCItANTON" TllTBUNETUlSSDAY MOIININO, SEPTEMBER 1,-1890.' 8 DEEP CUT IN PRICES or CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, : VELOCIPEDES. BICYCLES, EXPRESS WAC.OXS. BARKOS, CARTS, ETC. . We have (be bet Baby C .iuge for the least cash to be fount ' i this vat- v ley. 'e want to reduce our stock of these articles this month and tliiuk our new prices will Interest persons in want of such. Come and see them AT NORTON'S, Lackawanna Ave. OUR OATS. in the past the Best in Scran ton Will he in the future as good as oats that can be made by the BEST CLEANING MACHINERY Which removes the foul seeds and dust. Try our "GLEAN OATS." SCRANT0.1, OLYPHAXT, C&RB3NDALE. THE QENUINC Hao tit initials Q., B. CO. Imprint ed in each cigar. GARNEY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTURERS, COURT HOUSE SQ. PR. C. D. SHUMWAY. Diseases of the Lower Bowel a Specialty. IW Washington Ave., Opp. Tribune Uuildinif. v OFFICE HOURS 9 T0I2, 2 TO 5. PERSONAL. lioi se O. Hrooks is home from Europe. 1). J. I'liillliis has returned from a two . weeks' visit in Boston. Alderman V. 8. Millar has returned home from the seashore. Miss Nellie Schoeppy. or Philadelphia, Is the ijiiest of Mrs. Itetlerly, of liroinlcy ' avenue. Misses Anna Xiland nnd Anna Hart, of this city, are visitlnir .Mrs. Thlllp C'un iilnnhain. of Wllkes-liarre. Alexander Major, late of the Ailinmlon lintel, has accepted a position at tin H:is lol House, in the North lOnil. Judge Ward spent yesterday with his -law partner, lieorge S. Horn, at the hit. ter's ciittaKe at Crystal lake. il listher Thomas of Uuvidnw's Hline store, ha returned from a two weeks' va. . cation spent at Lake Wlnolii. Cieneral Manager W. V. Hallstead. of the Lackawanna road, and Mm. Hallstead have returned from HiehtlelU 8prlns. A. D. Preston, D. 1). S., is vistlriK his home at Holyoke, Mass. He will spend two weeks among friends in Unit vicinity. .Mis Carolyn Lewis, of the Lackawun- na Training Hchool for Nurses, Is spend ' Ins her vacation at her home. In rMinxu tawney. Bernard Kuujen. of Carbondale, and MWi Annes Loftus, of Sweeney street, this etty, were married on Saturday ut St. Peter's . cat hedral. !:. K Teal, well known to the city's ki'o. cry trade, has heen onuused as ai?Htit tor It. I'. Williams & Co., wholesale kioccis, of New York clly. .Misses I.I..le and Emma 'aspcr, of I'enn . avenue, who wet visiting friends In Jcr inyu and Archliald the past few weeks, have returned home. The marriage of Miss Katharine Wlutnn and lr. (!. I). Murray will take place To day at the home her uncle, Mr. Harring ton, at Lake Winoln. Mis? Kachcl Jones, of Pearl street, has resumed her work us i l-jrk In Connolly & Wallace's, after a visit wilh friends at Kreelainl. Alts. Thomas. Mis. Dougherty. Miss Jen nie Morgans and Miss Jemima Thomas, of l.i ah .Iohhs Co., at e spending the week "in New Vork city. Miss Lizzie. Kutterman, formerly of Ihe Globe store, anil who had lieen ill Willi , typhoid fever, lias accepted a position at lioldsmllh's Jiazaar. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Saunders, Mrs. c.orge Heidlcman and Mrs. J. C. Johnson .have returned home after spending a few days at New Vork city, Coney Island and Newburgli. Charles Ward, formerly of Christian's Spruce street store, and now of New York city, and Miss Hcheibel, daughter of Jacob Scjtelbel, of Klinhnrst, were married last Saturday in Brooklyn, N. V. Service for Hailrond Men. H. A. Leese, secretary of the Rail road Young Men's Christian associa tion of Elmira, N. Y.. and P. W. Pear Fall, of the association of our city, . will hold a service for railroad men, their families nnd friends In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church ! on Sunday evening next, Sept. 6. These men are noted workers In Gospel evan- ' gellcal lines, and undoubtedly an en thusiastic anil helpful meeting will be ' the result. Itev. J. B. Sweet, pastor of the church, a working vigorously . to ensure success. Ask Your Donlvr ' for McGarrah's Insect Powder, 25 and 10-eent boxes. Never' aold In bulk, '- Take no other. The Httltcrlute Trio. ' Grand concert gluen by the Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers and Singers every night at the Elk's Cafe. Peter Zlegler. CANDIDATE BRYAN IS COMING HERE Officially Announced at the Bryan and Sewill Club Meetiof. DATE NOT DEFINITELY KNOWN lie Intend lu Shake the llauds of Kt-rniitoniaus, Wilkes-linrreuus and I'otlKiilleansFirKl District Re public fall Iiied--ComiuR Con ventions and Other Political News. Ad lu t night's meeting of the Bryan Rewall club was about to adjourn. Chairman C (1. Unlnnd announced that he hopes to be ulde next Monday night to convey information that will be very Interesting. What Mr. Itoland expects to tdl is Ihe date on which William Jennings liryan will come to Scraiiloti. The Hoy (nat or Is coining to Scran tini fur sure, the only thing uncertain about bis coming is the date. That Will be decided to suit the convenience of Mr. Mt-yaii. He will pass this way and will stop off at Scianton, Wilkes-Harre and I'oltsville. John M. tiariiian, of Willies-Hurre, induced Air. Bryan to visit the coal re gions. Mr. Bryan was disposed to come, but was nl'ruid he could not spare the time. The national commit tee has decided it. There Is Joy in Hie breast of Ills supporters in Ibis enmity over his coin ing uud after the time is delinilely set tled, they will prepare u reception for him. ' At the club meeting last night a constitution and by-laws were adopted. It Is provided that a meeting will be held every Monday night, beginning at S p. in., tit Industrial hall. Spruce si feet, until the campaign is over. Speeches were made by C. I!en John son, W. J. Hurke, nnd S. H. Sechler. They advocate the free silver doctrine nnd were applauded with great liber ality. V. V. Carr. or the Nineteenth ward, offered a suggestion that each member of the club take with him one Republican to the next meeting toi the purpose of making perverts. The Fourth district Democratic con vention will be held in Edmunds' hall, Maylleld, ut ;.:10 o'clock this afternoon. The candidates are Frank McCaffrey. Jermyn: M. F. Fadden. Priceburg; P. J. White. Archbald: und Thomas W. Loft us. of Olyphant. with the lirst two lead ing. The delegates who will compose the convention are: Archbald First ward. First district James Flynn: Second district, Reuben Williams. Second ward, Thomas Ci'Hara and Kdward Lane. Third ward, James U'Rourke. Olyphant First ward, Joseph Kcllv; Second ward, John Murray: Third war I, Michael Flynn; Fourth ward, P. A. Me t'ann. Dnnmore First ward First district. Thomas Fadden. Second ward, First dis trict, Thomas Uoiid. Second ward. Second district, .Michael B rod an and Patrick Tier Thomas, Fadden. Second ward, First dis ney: Third ward, Second district, Michael O'Neill: Third ward. Third district. Thom as llegan. Sixth ward, , First district, Thomas l.ouan. Cat liondale First ward, First district, M. IS. Madluan: Third district. P. F. Krtil. Second ward, First district, William Peel: Second district, J. Smith; Third district. Michael Walsh, Third ward. First district, Frank Hoban; Second district, Havld Smith: Third llhtrlct, Jamt's Toolin; Fourth dis trict Jesse Sloane. Fonrt ward. First dis trict. Thomas Flaniiery: Second district, William MeP-onough; Third district, Will llam Malloy. Fifth ward First district, Alexander hirennan. Sixth ward. Sec ond district, Thomas Roland. Carbondale township Northeast district, John Duffy; Southeast district, W. J. (lor don. Dickson Clly Second ward, Thomas Mc Claire. Fell township First district, James Hee- my; Second district, .Michael Heman; j Third dlstHet. John Dunn. Jermyn First ward. Patrick Peenr-y; Second ward. Jotin Roche; Third ward, Matthew Leslie. .Maylleld John Forbes. Wltilon First ward, Anthony Hastings; Second ward. Martin Smith; Third ward, P. Li. illiniiitlu. The Third district convention will oc cur ut the SI. Churles at 2.:W o'clock this afternoon. William Lltts, of Clark's Summit, and M. C. Judge, of Taylor, are ( ft... leu.ltnu' end, liilatr. 1 III' ,,P, The call for the Republican conven tion In the First Legislative district was issued yesterday by Chairman Paine. The primaries will take place on Satur day, Sept. 1U. and the convention on the Tuesday following. The otllclal call Is appended: Seraiilon, Pa., Ann. :'.l, IWhI. The Republicans of the First legislative district of Lackawanna county v. Ill assem- ! hie in convention at St. David's hall. North j .Main avenii", Scraiitnn, Pa., on Tuesday afliinoon, Sept. IMSW. at '2 o'clock, for the i purpose of nominating a candidate to rep. ' resent the said illsirl. t in the legislature. The election of delegates to said conven tion will take place lit the regular polling places of the district on Saturday after noon. Sept. 12. IS!!, between tile hours of 4 and 7 p. m. Election districts are entltM to representation as follows: First want, MMt Hist net J First ward, Second district I First ward. Third district 2 Second ward. First district 1 Second ward, Second district a Second ward, Third district 1 Second ward, Fourth district 1 i Second ward, Fifth district 1 Fourth ward. First district 1 Fourth ward, Second district 2 Fourth ward, Third district 2 Fourth ward. Fourth district 2 Fifth ward, First district 2 Filth ward. Second district 2 Fifth ward Third district 2 Fifth want. Fourth district 2 Sixth ward. First district 1 Fourteenth ward, First district 1 Fourteenth ward. Second district 1 Fifteenth ward. First district 2 Fifteenth ward, Second district 2 Fluhleenth ward, First district I Tweiily-lirst ward. First district I 1 Twenty-tlist ward. Second district 1 Vigilance committees will please lane notice und govern themselves accordingly. W. A. Paine, Chairman, John H. Reynolds, Secretary. The Democrats of the First district have not called their convention yet und there Is no talk of them doing- so. The People's party is going to have a lull local ticket in the Held, declares M. E. Kane, treasurer of the central club. They have opened headquartera at 213 Lackawanna avenue and it Is expected that at the regular meeting tonight a dnte for the convention will be ilxed. Jolin dray Is chairman of the committee: A. C. Houk, Is secre tary, and M. E. Kane, treasurer. The local People's party will be solidly for Rryan. A McKlnley and Hobai't club was or ganized among the Italians of Old Forge and Lackawanna yesterday with a membership of about 400. DID NOT ATTEMPT IT. Turnpike People Sent no Men to Work West iVnrkrt Street. As predicted In yesterday's Tribune, there was no clash on West Market street The city's, force of eight men continued repairing the road and the turnpike people made no attempt to put any men to work, not thnuig'i feur of the city's threat to arrest them, but e CHlise it was satisfied to have the city do the work itself, which to them was bet ter than having- It done at the city's expense and taklnir chances on collect ing afterwards. The Turnpike company will Insist on having the work done In a thorough manner, and If It Is not so done, will do It themselves. o the clouds of war have nut blown away altogether and some fun may yet result. COAL EXCHANGE FIRE. Upper Floors Settled by an Enormous WeightInsurance $25,000 Be low the Damage. Wbut cutised the lire 111 the Coal Exchange building has not been deter mined. Chief Hickey. of the lire de partment, scouts the Idea that, a faulty electric wire had anything to do wilh It. He believes un accumulation of waste and dust near the foot of the ele vator shaft was the source. John Jermyn, owner of tho building, does not agree Willi Chief Hickey. The former Is of opinion that the electric wires at the top of the shaft cuused the first Hume and that the lire at. the bot tom was mailt by embers which drop ped from above. Whatever the lire's source, those whu know tho building tire surprised, now Hint the excitement is over, that the structure was not wholly destroyed. It Is far from being lire-proof and Its three large duuhlc skylights, elevator shaft and open interior areas furnish ed u powerful draught for the Humes. It all shows that heroic work was done by the tirciucn. FLOORS HAVE SETTLED. Tt has been found that the enormous nnd combined weight of water and ninety safes has caused the upper floors to settle to un alarming: extent, thus entailing tin unexpected and Increased cost In rebuilding. The ninety safes in the ollices, assuming that they would uverage 1,:.00 pounds each, weighed infi.Wit pounds, or over 67 tons. In ad dition to the weight of water and iron, muny tons of paper was stored on the third and fourth Hoots, occupied by the Colliery Engineer. The llg loss sustained by the retail firms which occupied stores on the street lloor has suggested anew the necessity for an Insurance patrol. The presence of proper rubber blankets and men trained In the work would have suved the Insurance companies a sum of money sufficient to have maintained an insurance patrol In the city for two years, if not longer. Less lht.ii a year ago the board of trade recommended a patrol but its admonition was never heeded. There is no crfuse for changing the amount of damage as It was ftrst esti mated by The Tribune, $1".0.000. The insurance will fall about $25,0(10 short of that figure. MAJOR MILLAR'S RESIGNATION. Itcci-ivcs Notice Hint (General tinbin Will Accept It. Alderman W. S. Millar received a letter from General CJobin yesterday accepting his resignation as btigado inspector. He Joined the Thirteenth regiment on August 14, 1S77, and was one of the first members of it. Iff served as private, corporal, sergeant and second lieutenant of Company i. and then was appointed adjutant of the regiment by Colonel F. L. Hitch cock. That position he tilled very ac ceptably nine years. Two years ago General Oobin- ap pointed Major Millar brigade Inspec tor, but the press of business hn.s made it necessary for him to resign. The letter uccepting the resignation pays a high compliment to him, ami Is as follows: Hcad(iiarteis Third Brigade. National tSunrd of Pennsylvania, , Lebanon, Aug. 22, lMHi. My Dear Major: Your favor of the lllih has heen received. 1 regret the necessity which seems to demand your retirement from the guard, but realize that you have proven a full merit of service to the state, und are entillcd to have your request grunted. 1 need not assifre you of my regret at losing you from my military fam ily and that the guard is to be deprived of your valuable services and experience. 1 tnclose a blank for your use if ilesinil. With best Wishes. Very truly yours, .1. P. S. tlobin, Brigadier General. To Major W. S. Millar. You can't buy happiness, but if you are suffering- from dyspepsia, scrofula, salt rheum. Impure blood, you may be cured and made happy by taking Hood's Sarsaparillit. Hood's Pills are the brut family ca thartic, nnd liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. To Cine ti fold in One Day. Take laxative Uruinn Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It. fails to cure. 2"i cents. Or want one a little later, if yon do buy when yon can get it P5 to- I i! 1 1 1 ail ts. WROUGHT IRON 19 BRASS UMBRELLA STANDS. CHINA HALL, MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Ave. "Walk in and look around." BUILDING PERMITS MONTH OF AUGUST Do Not Show Much Effect of the Busi ness Depression. OUTLAV OF $167,000 IS INVOLVED Iu the List l a I.arycr Pereeutnue of Dwclliugs Than l ual--Tlie Whole Is Normal lor That Particular , Mouth. The number of building- permits Is sued during August does not Indicate that operations In the building line are affected by business unrest. The total cost Involved is $lfi7.(K. The appended list of permits Includes the whole of the month of Ausust and contains an unusually large percentage of dwell ings: Miss E. I.. Lewis, extension to dwell ing; Putnam street. Second ward. Malhew Speedis. single dwelling, two stories, wood; Ferdinand street. Second ward. Patrick Moore, single dwelling-, two stories, wood; liirney avenue. Twenti eth ward. M. J. Flaherty, store and dwelling, three stories, brick; J'enn avenue. Six teenth ward. T. J. Diiggan. double d Welling, two and otte-balf siories, wood; Qilincy avenue. Ninth ward. Luckuwatina county court house, al terations und repairs. William Council, extension to resi dence, two and one-half stories, wood; Clay avenue. Seventeenth ward. Charles Schlager. three single dwell ings, two and one-half stories, wood; I 'resent t avenue. Tenth ward. Charles Schlager, single dwelling, two and one-half stories, wood; Web ster avenue. Seventeenth ward. P. H. demons, barn, two stories, wood and stone: Webster avenue, Tenth ward. D. and J. Rlacldige. double dwelling-, two Btotirs, wood; Thompson street, First ward. T. J. Diiggan. single dwelling, two stories, wood; Qulncy avenue. Ninth wa'. David Richards, double dwelling, two stories wood.; Harrison avenue, Seventeenth ward. Henry Kreinburg, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Everett avenue. Fourth ward. Airs. Kate Graff, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Prospect avenue, Nine teenth ward. J. Jones, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Morris court. Fifth ward. Charles Wutyeti, single dwellin'r. two stories, wood; Irving avenue. Nine teenth ward. Joseph Kugler, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Alder street. Nineteenth ward. Louis Ilctineforth, extension to dwell ing. Maple street, Nineteenth ward. Pntriek Gannon, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Piltston avenue, Twen tieth ward. George Shoemaker, double dwelling-, two stories, wood; Fifth avenue. Sixth ward. W. H. Williams, jr.. single dwelling, two stories, wood; Harrison avenue, Seventeenth ward. J. H. Lad wig, alterations and repairs, Lackawanna avenue. Eighth ward. T. W. Phillips, double dwelling, two stories, wood; Academy street, Fifth ward. William Trostell, bnrn, wood; Jack son street. Fifth ward. Edward Fuller, single dwelling, two stotles, wood; Spring street, First ward. Jones Brothers, double dwelling, two stories, wood; Luzerne street. Fifth ward. Frank Puller, extension to dwelling; Maple street. Eleventh ward. William Emmet, extension to dwell ing; Fllmore avenue. Fourth ward. Frank T. Okell. Bingle dwelling, two and one-half stories, wood; Colfax ave nue. Seventeenth ward. James J. Gallagher, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Kelser avenue, Third ward. Clark Brothers, store, one story, brick; Main avenue. Fourteenth ward. W. W. Lees, single dwelling, two stories, wood: Wheeler avenue. Sev enteenth ward. Anthony AVoksner, tenement, two stories, wood; Prospect avenue, Nine teenth ward. Chillies Kiugsley.slngle dwelling,! wo stories, wood; Main street, Fifth waul. Edward Frecse, extension to dwell ing: Present I avenue. Tenth ward. Ferilinund Plttaek. extension to dwelling, Irving avenue. Tenth ward. James Davis, double dwelling, two stories, wood; Avetiuo R, Sixth ward. Samuel Kostander, fruit stand, one story, w 1; Adams avenue. Ninth ita rd. .Michael AV'alsli. single dwelling, two stories, wood; Weht .Market street. First ward. William Stelnbergor, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Itelcltter street, Tenth ward. Joseph Oliver, extension to dwelling; Hampton street. Fifteenth wurd. P. II. demons, extension to dwelling; Vine street, Ninth ward. Joseph lielletll, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Philo street. Second ward. A. P. Walsh, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Genet .street. Twentieth ward. Owen O'Mulley, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Fellows Street, Fifteenth ward. W. II. Davis it Co., extension to WSIS nSy Last Friday arid Saturday Will offer every pair of Ladies' and Hen's Shoes at COST PRICE. We need the money and must get rid of them. Come and get a pair at first cost. We have a large number of Ladies' Fine Dongola Button Shoes, all sizes, which we will sell at ALL COODS SOLD DURING TIHIBS SAL ARE STRICTLY CASH. SCHANK green houses; Washburn street. Fifth ward. A. Hock, single dwelling-, two stories, will; Stone avenue. Nine teenth ward. Scranlon Drop Forg-e Company, boil er house, one story, brick; Green Ridge street. Thirteenth ward. August Jobs, single dwelling-, two stories, wood; Elm street. Nineteenth ward. Miss Julia Hayes, single dwelling, two and one-half stories, wood; Cher ry street, Twentieth ward. M'.irtle Kilcullen, extension to dwell ing. Stone u venue. Twentieth ward. T. R. Jones, single dwelling-, two stories, wood: Morse court, Fifth ward. Jacob Roser, extension to dwelling; Brook street. Twentieth ward. Peter Roidenbach. tenement, one, story, wood; Elm street, Nineteenth ward. Ellen Heffron. tenement, two stories, wood; Maple street. Nineteenth ward. John P. K earns, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Pear street, Twentieth ward. TWIN SUA IT I Ml, Yesterday's statement of the Scranlon Hoard of Trade's Twill Shaft fund was announced as follows by Scc"etary Ath erton: . Previously acknowledged Jiri.TW 2 l C. Holdeu 10 U) Total J.".,lii!i 2 MMaSXSISSLEEEEa iit:i. RA.WK'-ln T.ilght Street, folumhii county. Pa., .1. .M. C. Ranck. Aug. :, isai. at 11) o'clock a. m. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a. m. REXFORD'S Watch Week nir picture sale last wef k was a grand success. .Many a home is happier and more cheerful because some thought ful buyer took udvanlage of our offer. There's a few more of the pictures left, just a few, though, and since the silej t Ion Is not large we have made thorn li!c. Instead of Site, for your choice. This week we Intend to sell a lot of watches. In fact this shall be "watch week" with us. If you don't find Just the .watch you want in the list below. WE'RE GOING to mention first of all I the cheapest watch ever sold In Scran lon. It's about the poorest, too, we very much suspect, but what can you expect for the price, JI.eo for a stem, wind watch. NOW WE 1?EGIN to talk about watches that will tun and keep time. The cheapest vmtch we sell and guarantee is our American open-face nlcKel watch, stem-wind and set with Jew eled movement. Price, $2.50, ftnly guaranteed, I,ADIE9' WATCH, nickel case, open face, a neat little chatelaine, stem wind and set. Quite a time-keeper, $2.48. SILVER CHATKLA1NES. The pretti est little silver chatelaines you ever saw. Little open-face beauties, such as your Jeweler has always asked you $5.00 for. We sell them for $2, nil. Two dol lars and ninety cents. HERE'S ONE for the young men: nn open-faced nickel watch. American movement with straight line lever es. capement fully guaranteed. Stem-wind ami set. Always brought live dollars until we began at this place $2.90. GOLD-PLATED hunting-cased watches for men, with American movement, only $2.98. See It In our window. BOYS' WATCHES In solid silver cases, open-face, stem-wind and set. They are about as low as you'll ever Bee them, $2.90, well worth $0 or $7. AN ELGIN WATCH, stem-wind. In a sllverine case, gents' size, all complete for four dollars and ninety cents, S4.90, The best cheap watch ever offered to you for anywhere near the money. Fl'LL JEWELED WATCH. Elgin or Waltham movement. In a good case, for $7.90, Seven dollars and ninety cents. A really line movement that will keep accurate time. GENTS' GOLD-FILLED watches, war ranted to wear live years, with Ameri can movement. Who wouldn't have a gold wnliii when you can get one for $il.90? Hunting case. f F1FTEF.N-YEAR GOLD-FILLED case and American movement. A good, ser viceable watch. Only $7.90. ipen-f ace. WE HAVE TllK.M from that on up to the solid gold watches with the finest of movements at prices that, make our competitors shudder and furnish ihe reason for our selling more than all the other stores in the city com bined. Watch wanters will do well to get our ligures lie fore buying. 303 Lackawanna Av THE KEELEY CURE Why lot your home and baslnrm be destroy, rd throiit'U strong drink or morphine, when von can Ea cured in four weeks at tho Kseloy Institute, 728 Madison imnne Hcraaton, Pa. Tbe Cure Will Bear Investigation. SSOLUTION $1.00 410 SPRUCE STREET. jar isi Ulllll m r DnUii 1 3i We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . Also th Newest. AUo the Cheapest. Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Bto Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety Latest Importations, Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, fl. E. ROGERS, feweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lactanna An S THE IMPROVED Vf. LIGHT g V7 makes an luoandcscent eleetrlc A light cast a shallow. Will really 3S give more light than three oft them together, and do it with A y half the gas you now consume. Gtjg g THE GAS APPLIANCE CO., 9 Q 120 N. Washington Ave g AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tlic Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus fur keeping f meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avenue. SCRANTON, PA., Opens its 211 year, September lttli, under eifbt experienced teaciiors. Kits for any College or Technical School. F.nglisb, Busi ness and Classical Departments, head fur Catalogue to kliV, TIIOS, M. CANN, I.L. P., Or WAI.TKK H. Btll l.U A. M. SALS Will sell every pair of Ladies' Russet, Tan or Black Oxford Ties, formerly sold for $2, shall be sold for - KO ffnnnmmm m illO Ovaraa Stakes tbc Suj Proud. He Can Play in tbe Dirt FOR SALE BY 220 Lactena Ayj IE & WOMAN'S JUDGMENT In matters of dress Is always better than that of any one else. That is tbe reason why we like to have our Cloth ing held up to the inspection of the ladies. You can't (lease us better than by pleasing your wife. We will risk our Clothing pleasing her. llv crybody buys at the same price. 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OUR STOCK OF FUMES Is varied anil extensive. Wo have satisfaction In style, quality and price for erery man uuX boy iu town. Wo try to eive better sorties tbuu anyone elso. We do kits better goods. Drop in and Rot acctuainted needn't buy im le:s you wish. We want you to know uv M. P. M'CANN, Haitsr oS wvoMiNti avi;nlb. Gibers are cutting nn Straw Hnta, Our have been cut all seaaou. KNOX AUHNCtf. All Sizes an1 Width! S1.00 2JJ5 jj jj y,