The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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fTtitfr wttt plee not that aAvrtt
Burt, orders for 1ob work, and Hems tor
fubMratlon lft t the e-itabllshment pf
(Shannon Co.. newsdealers, North Main
ireet. will racelvo prompt attention: of
Uc open train t a. m. to 10 p. m.
1'utrick Cojigiu Falls from a Trestle
nuil Sustains Sfrionn Injury.
l'tili k CoksIiis. of Lower l'owtlprly
rcail. had a narruw osi-api; from death,
lit the l'owtlorly minis und us it i
ho hns sustained serious Injuries. Ook
Kins with several companions was
walk!!: nlniig the trestle near the
n.ine, when one of the boys tuve Cog
elirx a imsli. This push nearly had a
l. l U umiinx fur 4'iBsii he tripped
m:i.1 f.. 11 M.-adlniK over thf trestle. Be
M.rikluir lhe ground, whleli luckily
l"i him. he did i his hands, the boy
liunefl several tlnu-s In the air. His
ln! i illed coniparmns hurried to the
spot txpu'i'tinx to find lilm fatally In
J u feu. and tney found that the arm
had lHn 1'raeinred nml that thuro was
a Inrpt cash on the head. His body was
alA Imdly hriiltied.
I fS' was i allied tn his home and Dr.
Kelly summoned who reduced the frac
11c .Steps from a llnpidly .Moving
Aiinilinr name Is added to the- low;
list of jx'irons who have been Injured
during the lust few days. The unfor
tunate In this rase Ih T. II. McAvoy,
awent at the O. & V.
Sir. SlfAv.iy huvlnsf business at the
yard tepied upon the rear platform of
a pass-ei)fir train exppptltHT It would
ctn nt the yard. Tho train did not
utop this time, however, a faet which
Sir. MoAvoy did not distoover until the
train hail passed, nml an he prepared to
Ket off, wlille dolnir so his fott slipped
and In- watj thrown off into the culm
iiIiiiik the track. The momentum was
so meat that considerable dumage was
dune, both to Mr. JIcAvoy's person and
clothing. Tlieiv Is hardly a sipiare inch
of skin ut present on bis hndy but as
no serious injuries were sustained he
considers himself Very unfortunate In
his es apt;.
An Intcrestinc (innitt Una lleeu Ar
ranged for Wcdiicsdny.
The lout hall season in this city will
open early this year, an interesting
game having been arranged for next
The Rimie will lie between the old high
school team and the team reiiresenting
tlh" tity lust year. Lust year's team
v lll be somewhat heavier but many of
l he old members have had good train
ing' at collide, so that the teams will
be pretty eavenly matched.
The hlRh school team will begin train
ing at once. J. Itussell Jones, who act
ed as manager Inst year in such an
able manner, has again been elected,
and is already securing dates.
The liicciiilinries, How ever, Did .Vot
Do (I (.ood Job.
The uttemiit to fire public school !fo.
4 on the South .Hide bus mude quite a
bit of excitement in that district. The
lire, however, burnt itself out before
dolus much damaifi".
The janitor of the building discov
ered that Incendiaries had been ut
work. In one of the lower rooms lie
found a mass of paper and chips of
wood which had been ignited. How
ever, the autlly persons had been so
frightened at their Oct that he hurried
from the scene and thus the blaze
went out. it was found that the back
loon had hfieii forced open, und a
hammer was discovered nearby, which
is the only elite.
.Mis Kate Kooney. of Hyde I'nrk, Is friends on Itrooklyu street.
.Mrs. J. W. Wheeler, of West Pitts
ton, is the guest of Mr. John Wheeler,
on itlvcr street.
.Mr. and .Mrs. .1. S. Ueiry, of fun nan
street, arc visiting friends in New York
i.. A. liassett and family huve left
for (.tceau tJrove.
.Miss Ida .Murphy, of Heranton. Is the
V.ueM of .Miss Mary O'L'onnell, on
Church street.
.Miss Celia .Moses, of Seruriton, Is
villi lug her aunt. Airs. S. felnger.
.Mrs. n.-ne Duller will spend the
coining week In Atlunlic City.
Jiiss Alary Lockerty, of Pike mreet,
Is visiting friends in .Sera n ton.
.Mrs. George tic.1iu.ff und son, Adam,
me visiting in Hyde Park.
Mr. and Mrs. II. o. Watruus spent
yesterday in sSi rauton.
Miss (.jertnide Alvord Is visiting rela
tives in Wiiite's Valley, Wayne county,
wuere she will remain two weeks.
Mr. mid Sirs. Abbey and children are
spending the week with Sir. Abbey's
parents nt .ShIiii).
Mr. and Mrs. .1. I,. Morgan and son
and daughter, of Binphaniton, are visit
ing ut the home of W. P. Morgan on
Salem avenue.
Matthew Murphy Is visiting at
Bridgeport, Conn., where he will spend
ttvo weeks.
II. J. Brennan has returned from
Charles Horton, principal of the Mil
ford schools, was a visitor in town yes
terduy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blair and Owen
Watklns have returned from Jackson,
w here thoy attended a large family re
union. A. S. Irf-wslt-y returned yesterday
from a visit with Is mother at Nineveh.
If. F. Clarke, prescription clerk at F.
. Iiennis' drug store, left yesterday
Jut read our prices and compart them with
any and all of the other attempts:
25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35c Ingrain Carpats, Now 25c
58c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c
G5c Brussels Carpsts, Now 39c
75c. Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
85c. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c
Also a quantity of Body BruueU lengths
' from a to ao yard la each piece at aboat na
. hall price to cloe.
. " Cjw ud till hpsr Dteier.
1 "'''" V''"' ' '
for Plains, where h will sieiid his vaca
tion w ith his paieuts.
Silss Clara Ihiyle, of the New Tork
store. Is spending hr vacation at At
lantic City.
Michael Urennun, of Pevrrs Plains.
X. Y.. is thi guest of his uncle, David
l.tiiliu, on Hamilton avenue.
SItss Anna Callahan, of A vara. Is tho
guest of Sirs. Frank Collins, oil Eighth
John R Thomas, wife and daughter,
who have been visiting In this city, have
returned to their home in Handley,
West Virginia.
Miss Bertha Hill, of Kingston, who Is
visiting Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Hill, on
Laurel street, fir the pust week, re
turned home yesterday.
' Airs. J. W. Kogers and Sirs. R. A.
Robibus. who have been visiting Han
cock and Cadosia. N. Y., for the past
two weeks, hove returned.
uoacH V f-iB-IC 5B suivSaan npunit
Hal Jadwln. who has been spending
his vacation in Cincinnati, has re
turned. Andrew- o'C'orincll. who has been vis
iting his parents for the past week,
has left for Rochester, X. Y.
SllssiAnule Golden, of Dunmoro, who
has been the sieit of her cousin. Sliss
Jenine Tigiie, on the West Side, for the
past two weeks, has returned home.
James Itutherford has moved into his
new residence on Wayne, street.
Slisses Julia and Slary c.erlrty, of
Dundaff Btreet, spent yesterday In
Wlllar.l E. Henry, of Chicago. Is vis
iting his wife's parents, Mr. and Sirs.
IX V. Taylor.
A special meeting of the t'.pworlh
league of the Slothcdlst church Is call
ed for Saturday evening at 8 o'clock
Sirs. J. Crane and daughter. Kutle,
of East Oranu-e, X. J., Is vlsitng at
the home of Sir
Sirs. Plummer
und Sirs. Herb. SIc-
of the West End. Is
at Lake Wimdn.
Sirs. Hugh Harris, of the West End,
left a few days ago to visit her sister
at Canada.
The Third wnrd Republican club held
another meeting at the.MottHoven hall
last Thursday evening and 'several
mure members were enrolled. What's
the matter with the First ward Repub
lican club?
Sliss Ctw-eit William will leave next
Monday morning to resume her studies
at West Chester Normal school.
A. t. Thorpe is quite sick with ln
termlltent fever.
Sirs. Guard, daughter and grandson
are suffering from typhoid fever.
ICev. Sir. tftubblebine, of the Calvary
Reformed ohureh of Scranton, and the
Kev. V. C. Ryors, of the Presbyterian
Monday Bargains nt-.Mcars & Hngen.
church, will exchange pulpits next Sun
day morning anil evening.
Rev. J i id son 1 in! ley, n representative
of the lilble society, will preach In the
Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow
at 10.3O ii. m. Pastor, Rev. S. C. Simp
kins, will preach, in the evening.
Theme, "True and False Sororw for
A surprise party was held at the home
of Sir. and Mrs. A. SI. Clark at the
Slott Haren hotel last evening In honor
of their guests, Sliss Sarah James, of
Plymouth, and Miss Lizzie J. Jones, of
Kingston, two nieces of Sirs. Chirk.
Slusie, dancing and other enjoyments
were Indulged In. During the evening
refreshments were served. Professor
James' orchestra, of the West End,
furnished the music. Fifty guests
were present, Including many from
Olyphnnt, Scranton und carbondule.
Services at Peokvillo Baptist church,
Aug. 30, subject, morning 10.30. "Over
coming Temptations;" Sunday school
at 2.30 p. m.; evening sermon at 7.30,
subject, "Ho all things without nun
murines and Disputing." Everybody
cordially invlled. Ii. T. Allen, pus
tor. The family of Rev. S. C. Slmpklns
returned from camp meeting yester
day. Aaron CJ. Hilbert, of Pittson, was the
guest of Sir. and Sirs. William Johns
Peckvllte will be well represented at
the two excursions today, the Rail
roaders ut Cooperstown, and the On
tario Accidental fund ut Farvlew.
William Jennings. Jr., Is at present
taking his uniiual vacation. He has
recently mude a tour to New York
city, thence up the Hudson river to
Poughkeepsle, where his brother,
James, Is employed. After remaining
u few days with lis parents in this
city he will return to his work at
Jacob Alexander Is seriously ill at his
residence In this city. His physlclau
hopes for his recovery.
John Sin tey, our reliablo boot and
blioe deuler, wus a recent visitor to
L. P. Wedeman, esq., was In town
Friday renewing acquaintances and
incidentally endeavoring to firomule
the cause of the Popoerals.
Carl Nelson still maintains his su
premacy us champion i'oocrat of
V iindlini;.
Mbliduy Hargalns at Meat's Hngen.
Candidates to represent the Republi
cans of Vutidlliig in the legislative con
vention at Staylield next month ure
yet under cover.
Rev. J. (!. Evans, of Vandling, called
on Forest City friends yesterday.
After addressing the Republicans of
I'niondale last evening, Ueorge Maxey,
jr., of this city, left via coal train for
Susquehanna. There he boarded an
Erie vestibule for Hornellsvllle, N. Y.
Arriving In the latter city Saturday
morning, he will us the guest of Burr
R. Hollands, uttend the state fair and
listen to the rhetorical free silver
sophisms of W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska.
Some time next week he will enter
Mansfield State Normal school as a
post graduate mid take up studies lead
ing to entrance to college.
Miss Hiifde Stephens Is the guest of
relatives at T'.lnRhamton, N. Y.
Italph Northrup, son of S. J. North
rup, enjoyed a vacation this week, his
pluce at the tripod of the Republican
ofilee was filled by John Hunger.
Mrs. D. C, Parrow. of Pcekvllle, is vis
iting relatives in liridgewater.
O. A. Gilbert and Professor Tt. R.
James were in Stevensvllle on Thurs
day, and heard you up Samuel ftundall
Klve Hon. C. IieWltt, of Townnda, a
few salient points on the political Is
Rues of the day.
Mrs. C. II. AmHhry and Miss Florence
Anisbry. from Plains. Pa., and Mrs.
J. K. Follett and .Miss Ella t'ollett. of
ninghamton, are visiting; J. II. Amsbry
and family, on Lake avenue.
Mrs. J. Lyon Woodruff and children,
who have been boarding; during- the
summer with Mrs. Woodruff's uncle, Mr.
George Woodruff, returned to their
home In New Tork city this week.
A programme of rare interest, consist
ing of a series of "Living Pictures,"
beautifully produced and as natural as
life, together with the laughable farce,
entitled. "Per Telephone," will be ren
dered at Village hall nest PrlMy eve
ning. Sept . The participants la the
. programme are some of th.i best of our
successful unukteurs. hu-luding Mlsse
I.usk and Sayre aud Messrs. iloCaus
land and Warner, and another evening
of genuine enjoyment is assured for
all who attend. Proceeds for benefit of
the Village Improvement society.
fKlonel E. TL.Warner has presented to
Captain II. P. fieaidsley Camp, No. 168
Sons of Veterans, a valuable library,
consisting of the otflrial records and re
ports of the late civil war, the battles,
manoeuvers and campaigns of both the
Federal and Confederate forces, com
plied and published according to act
of congress, under ofllclal direction and
supervision of war department, com
prising over one hundred volumes, and
nearly two hundred altar plates.
Sirs. S. A. Woodruff, of New York,
who has been visiting her brother-in-law,
tleorge Woodruff, returns today.
Her husband, who has been in a hos
pital at Elmira for some time past, also
returns to their home with her.
Monday bargains at Slears & Ha fieri.
The excursion of tho Emblem und
Williams divisions. Sons of Temper
ance, to Lakv Ariel yesterday was
largely attended. The outing was Im
mensely enjoyed.
The boroush council has notified the
Traction company that If they do not
nnls'h repairing the road from I'nlon
street to Sibley avenue, they will stop
the running of cars over the road.
The Anthracite Olee club will meet
for rehearsal tomorrow evening. All
members are requested to be present
The coming school term will com
mence here on Monday, Aug. 31. With
but three exceptions the corps of teach
ers will be the same as last term. The
following is a list of the teachers, and
where they will teach: No. 1, graded
school. North Main street, supervising
principal. Professor James P. Foley,
Janet Inglis, Polly Davis, Edith Van
Rusklrk; No. ". drove street, principal,
Sliss Hattle SIcKenide, Edllh Atherton,
Sarah Price. Jennie Nichols. Sirs. Libble
' , ... n .it.. T.....I .. v. n n.t.
loues. x-uil.v oavmi .u. a. reunwuc,
principal. Samuel J. Phillips. Lizzie
Daniels; No. 4, South Taylor, principal,
Sliss Staggle Whlteford; substitutes,
Edith Watklns and Sallie Price.
The borough school opens .Monday.
Every scholar, whether vaccinated be
fore or at the present time, must have
a certificate of vaccination, which may
be had of any of the doctors of this
Slotiday Darguins at Stears & Ha gen.
Joseph lleiikie, of this town, and
Michael Joyce, of Slinooka, will run a
one-hundred yard foot race for $1 a
side on Sept. 22. The race will prob
ably be run on the Scranton Driving
The residents of Taylor are being
pestered by the knights of the road, who
constantly hang around the neighbor
hood and make life miserable for the
people. They aryVery bedd and compel
people to acceed to their demands. The
tramps sleeo in the freight cars on the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
switch. The police would do well to
visit this place some night and put a
stop to the manoeuvers of these tramps.
The Reds, of this place, will Journey
to Pittston this afternoon to do battle
with the Reds, of that place.
The True Ivoriies will hold a plciilo
at the Old Homestead Park on Sept. IS.
The marriage of Sliss Mury Thomas
and A. J. SlcOowan, both prominent
people of this place, was solemnized at
St. Mary's church on Wednesday eve
ning In the presence of a large number
of friends of the contesting parties.
Rev. J. J. McCabe performed the eere
mony. The bride and her attendant.
Miss Slary Jordan, of the South Side,
wore artistically designed gowns and
carried bouquets. The groom was watt
ed upon by James Ward.
After the ceremony a reception was
tendered the immediate friends of the
contracting parties.
The funeral of Robert, the 4-year-old
son of Sir. and Mrs. James Bell took
place yesterduy afternoon. Interment
was made In Lungellffe cemetery.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union of Luikawaiiua county will con
vene in Sloosic on Friday, Sept. 14.
Miss Slauie Cranston is the guest of
Miss Carrie Slmivll, of Factoryvllle.
Monday Bargains at Slears & Hagen.
The death of Caroline Fritterie, of
Sloosic. occurred yesterday afternoon at
her father's resldeuce. Deceased had
been a sufferer for a number of years,
307 Lackawanna
Shoes at Less than Actual Cost of Making
Fortunate circumstances have enabled us to buy of a large
manufacturer 3,785 pair Ladies' Shoes, sizes 3 to 8, for about
one-third their value. We offer them to you for 5oC. pair.
They are worth $1.25 pair.
72 pair Ladies' Patent
24 pair Men's Russet
so Cases Men's Dress
I for them. Our price, 99c.
t Men's Hand Sewed bhoes, worth $3.00. We are selling them at 5p1.69.
" Boys' Solid Leather Shoes, worth $1.50, at $1.00.
We call your particular attention to our High Grade Shoes that you can buy from
us for $2.00. Vicy stock, some turned and hand sewed. You will pay $3.00 for the.n
For $2.50 yu cau k"y a Shoe that is worth $4.00 and $5.00.
We have a large stock
$1.00 taat Pen yur
show goods. You will surely
Ons Price to All.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
but bore her affliction with patience
and resignation until death ndleved hr.
She Is survived by her father and the
following brothers and Bisters: Sirs. M.
P. StcAndrew, Mrs. John Kelly. Alvln
and William. The funeral will take
place on Sunday afternoon. Interment
will be made tn St. Mary's cemetery.
Sliss Slary Kearney has returned
from Atlantic City.
MUse Agnes Slorahan und Slame
Piltslmniotis have returned home after
a brief sojourn ut Luke Ariel.
Henry Flock und nieces. Kinh and
Ma-y Lewis, are visiting friends In
Brooklyn. N Y.
Sir. and Airs. Edward Sleilulness, of
Logan.ipurt, lnd., ure quests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cianston.
James Dobble, of the North End, has
removed his family to rittston.
Miss Florence May, of Wllkes-Barre,
Is the guest of Mrs. Hosklns.
The school board will meet In regular
session on Monday evening.
The public schools will reopen on Mon
day. Miss Maggie Davis, of Jermyn. will
return home today after a few weeks'
visit with friends in this vicinity.
A. F. O'Boyle, of Scranton. was a
culler in town yesterday.
Sir. and Sirs. William Shields, of
Spiingville. were calling jun friends
Sir. and Sirs. Philander Bell have re
turned from Cassidaga Lake, where
they have been staying for the past
six weeks.
.Mi's. Sanford Benjamin, of Scranton,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles.
Will Decker and Clurence SlcConnell
are taking their annual vacation among
the lakes of New Milford township.
Slonday Bargains at Slears & Hagen.
William Smith, who for the past two
years has been working for Charles H.
Thomas In the tonsorlul art, has gone
In business for himself. He is located
in the Hlnklle building, near the depot.
William E. Titus, the Wllkes-Barre
optician, will be here on Monday.
There was a game of ball on our dia
mond yesterday afternoon. The Mes
hoppen boys exercised our team by a
score of 7 to !12 In favor of Nicholson
The Baptist and Presbyterian Sun
day schools picnicked at Heart lake
The members of the Patriotic Order
Sons of America camp of this place, are
Mads and Merit Maintains the confidence
of tbs people in Hood's Sarsapariila. Its
medicine cures you when sick j if it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
all question that mediciuepossesses merit.
That it just the tenth about Hood's Sar
sapariila. We know it possesses merit
because it cures, cot once or twice or a
hundred times, but In thousands and
thousands of cases. We know it cures,
absolutely, permanently, when all others
fail to do any good whatever. We repeat
1st lie best in fact the One True Blood Fimfler.
j ... ft... cure nausea, IndlEeiitioB,
nOOU S FlllS billouiuess. S3 cents. .
Leather Strap Sandals, worth
Shoes at 50ci
Shoes, all toes, Congress and
- ;
of Misses' Shoes at prices 50c. 69c, 75c, an
eyes Call and examine our goods. There is no trouble to
save money by it
making preparations for a picnic at
Heart Lake In the near future.
Thomas Carr Is having new curbing,
etc., placed tn front of his residence on
Main street.
The fall term of the Brooklyn graded
school opens Monday next with Profes
sor E. A. Benson as principal.
The quarterly district convention of
the Patriotic Order Sons of America,
of Susquehanna county, will convene
ut Lakeside. Saturday, Sept. S.
The next meeting of the SIcKlnley
and HoLart club will be held at the
Opeiu house, Sept. . The members of
the club are angling for a real speaker
to address the meeting.
Susquehanna county Prohibitionists
will meet in convention at the Court
house, Montrose, Sepi. 1.
.Monday Bargains at Slears & Hugen.
The village of Alford Is to have a
new church of the Methodist variety.
Brushvllle has a Bryan and Sewall
club of thirty-eight members, most of
whom are fluent speakers.
A tramp called on a red-headed wo
man In town yesterday for a "bite of
cold vitals" and being refused, politely
asked her for a lock of her hair to light
his pipe with.
From the Chicugo News.
The cigars smoked by tho lOO.tkW who
went to Si. Louis, allowing live cigars a
day apiece, would be 3.0HO.OOO and would
make a pile or 70,000 boxes of 50 each and
this pile would be two and a half miles
high. Placed end to end the 3,5110,000 cigars
would reach 248 miles. At a three-for-a-quarter
price they would cost 1291,'Kti.
7E rely for our success
not on large profits
but on our large sales.
Our All-Wool $
Suits Made to
Order for
Are the talk of tlie town.
We do not ask you to take
anything that is not a perfect
fit, or that does not , please
you in every way.
. J.
Wyoming Av.
Th Superuly Appointed and C'ommodiotu
steel Steamship,
American through aud through,
leave Buffalo Tu"Jiit and Fridays o 30 p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac, Tho Soo,
Duluth, and Western Points, paaamg all
place of interett by daylight In connee tioa
it forms the most direct route, aud from ev
ery 1 hit of comparison, the moat delightful
nnd ooiofortaliln one tn Minneapolis, tit. Paul,
Ureat Falls, Helena, llutte. HpoKane and Pa
cific coast. The onlv tranncontiiiental line
running the farouna buffet, library, observa
tion car.
New UT hour train for Portland via Spokane
HOTEL LAPAVETTB, Lake Mlnnetonka,
It miles from Jl in nuapolif, largest and most
beauttul resort is the west.
'I icketa and any information of any agent or
A. A. HEARD, (ieneral Passenger agont,
Buffalo, N. Y.
$1.25, for $69c. '
Lace. You pay all over $1.25
3o7 Lackawanna Avenue.
S. G. K E R R, SO N & CO.
New and Handiome Effect in MATTELINE, JAPANESE and
Our complete line in every Krade for the Fall Trade hat been receivaeV
An inspection will be Instructive and to your advantage.
Consisting of short lengths In TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVETS.
. lengths of 1 1.4, I 1-2 and I 3-4 yards. Prices, SScts., SOcts ,
76cts,. SI.OO, CI.25 and SI.60 each.
Opposite Main Entrance
to the Wyoming House.
tUUAKt tuutu I
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Coilors,
Aekaewlcdged the Leadlag
, 01 the W
kRANICHB BACHB aad ether
Musical Instruments,
riusical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books. ,
urchaura will alwsys Had e couplet,
stock end at prices a low as the auaU
My of the fnatruaicnt will pernlt at
N. A.
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton
4 inilb
O and ci lticnllv Examine
our new Fall Suits in Blue
our Worsted Suits. If
Suits, you'll find every
wool, not Alabama wool.
t cut in tne proper style, every seam seweu as n
Y should be, every little detail as perfect as skill
O and patience can make it.
You'll find this whole stock pretty much in sd
y"vance of the ordinary stocks, and prices pleasingly
A small.
VrilllllMl!hll,!i:ill!!ll!!ij!i;!jl!ililli)liMiii!iil!;li!liinllllllllJ W
Enables Every Clothes
titled to Credit to buy
get the lull nenettt ol It-
is earning the money with
Talk with us, about it.
408 Lackawanna Avenue
Sterling Silver Shirt Waist
Sets, worth 6Sc to $1; choice
for 50c Worth $1.25 to $1.75;
choice for $1.00.
Sterling Silver Belt Buckles,
worth 3.SO, at $2.50. Worth
$2.50, at $1.75.
Closing Out all our Fine)
China at about Half Price.
Genuine Rogers' Triple
Plate Spoons, Forks and
Knives at reduced prices. En
graved free.
Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake
Baskets, etc., finest plate, new
styles, very low prices. At
our New Store,
n I
their quality. We
and Black Wool,
we suy they're Wool
thread wool-sheep's
You'll find every suit
Wearing Man who Is en
his Fall Suits now and
.ul tho im i it while na
T- - - - i
which to payiorit. o
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