TIIE SCItANTOX TKIBUXE FRIDAX MOBNING, AUGUST 28, 1896. 8 CARBONDALEr rr.f9or will pe note that advertls. menta. orders for Job work, ami items for publication loft at tha establishment of Shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main atreet. will recelvo prompt attention; of lice open from t a. m. to 10 p. m. GLAZIER IN TROUBLE. 1 Prl'i'mlitiit iu Two Cue" Assault ami Itiitlfty unil Trcsnnsti. ' AJam (Hazier, of Cottage street. Is In trouble. In fart he lias more trouble than hi ran possibly rare fur as he. Is ilcfcmliint In two oases. The prim-ipa! rim.ii' if the trouble is a horse whlrh is owned by (.'lazier and which is In clineil to be rather frisky. On Inst Siiliuiluy the horse ran through Jlaik Hart's fence on Cottage street unil (liil (oiisiileinble damage. .Mr. Hart pi-Mniptly pjecioil the animal from his grounds and II set off at a Bond puc e. Just ufte- turnine down l'ike sttvet, Uonniiil Killin and James Hinke np piured on Hie scene, mounted on their bicycles. A moment later (ilazler nlsu aipeuivl in pursuit of his h.irse which was K'liiiK down the road in front of the bicycle riders. (Hazier seeing the wheels concluded that they were the cause i f i lu animaTs fright nnd so overtaking Kllleeu he knocked him off his bicycle and did some damage to it. Tims it is that (iluzier linds himself In trouble. .Mr. Hart has had a warrant Issued for damage and trespass nnd Killeen has alo a warrant Issued nuainst Ola xlrr fur assault unV battery and ma licious mischief. CHARGED WITH ASSUALT. liili;ul ;iailv Hakes a lliirili ions Attack I poii Th max .Mct'ithr. A man whose face was a mass of cuts and bruises entere d Justice Clynn's oiilco. mil swme out a warrant for tin arrest of Jllch.iel lirady, ihiii'tfPel with ns-uult and biiltery with intent to kill. The man Rave his name ns Thomas MH al.c, and Is a resident of Simpson. e last .Monday cveninff .Mct'ube was i'H-'stni; tlie north west store on his way b"UK' when Crndy stepped up to loin and struck him. He then walked hi: smiie distance with Met 'a bo when h" aii iin struck biiii, ibis time knock In.ir liim down, lie tlidi proceeded to l.iil. and ubuse Die piosiraie man in u L'.oviible manai'i anil did not have him until he was unconscious. i pou ivrovcriufr the niifui luniito mail tt.wi hardly able to reac h his home. As S"i n as aid he had the warrant Issued but the jiiiil'.y man lias not yet been ruU'lil. PREPARING TOR THE CAMPAIGN. 'I lie Kcpitblic ails (iiicl.ii'riicliisi Ives tor (lie online Haltlc. Tile 11 .embers of tlie llepublii an c lub loci Wednesday iiIkIii at Assembly hall and made preparations fc r the coini'm; caiupahvu. Hill lillli business was done, the principal cause for calling I lie members of tlie dub together be lli;; lo lvi.rnauixe. II was decided In pun base a Me Kinley and llohurl banner lo suspend across .Main HI reel, cleorge Patterson belli U' Inslrticleil ii. ptircliHse ilie same. Alter elM-litllt llelegales lo llio e inibiicau league conveiitioii at Kile on i lie ninth of September, the c lub ad journed until the sixteenth of next lii'Uii ii. I'VIK.u lug are the gentlemen elected: J. F. Ueyuiilils, esq., John (.'opclnnd, and Kumliel .Moon; alternates. Charles Avery, .1. V. Jiimoc k, and John Slew art. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. A Little Ho) Itieaki ISolii ol His I'orca ins. A most painful accident occurred to John, the little son of 'A. c. Ue-ll. or the Kalis." The little fellow was playing near the house and at tlie lime was cihnblng a tree. When near the top lie suddenly slipped and I' ll headlong to the eicilh. In his fall he put Ilia arms mi before him s" that be si ruck upon Ins nut-stretched haii'K When he was picked up It was seen that In- had stisluit.eil fractured hones as ihey protruded nearly throtiiih the Ibsli. I'ir. Nilcs wits summoned and no found that four bones v. "if broken. Thc.v were reduced and the little fel low is now somewhat easier. Opera Season Opens, A firm c lass production will ho seen tonight at Die opening of the (rami uperu house. .Manager liyme has se cured for the opening nttracilon, ('has. I:. I'.lany's farce comedy, "A Ilaggage chec k." The play Is not new In this city but there is no d uibt. that a large audience will be present as the pieeo lias always been well received. The c ast Is headed by Crcpenln and lOvans, who are arllsts in their line. I.oftus Itelenscd, Alderman Atkinson has discharged Thomas Loftus, who was arrested charged with stealing- urty dollars from a boarding house on (lordnn avenue. The prosecution had no witnesses at the hearing and ns he; could not fur nish any evidence convicting Uiftus tiie case was dismissed. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Miss Minnie Cowles. of Lincoln nve mie. leaves today for a week's visit with friends in Forest City. His. II. C. Whe-ler and J. S. Niles were on professional business In Scran ton yesterday. George Joslin nnd son, Stanley, of Wilkes-narre, were the puc-st of .the former's father, P. S. Joslin, ot Wyo ming street, yesterday. John Scott, of Oiieontn. X. Y., is the guest of his parents in tills rity. Miss Klllsnn. who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. osugelulh, dur- mum cut jtiJT- REMNANTSALEQF CARPETS Junt read our prices and compare them with any and all of the other attempt.: 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65c Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c S5c. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Aluoa quantity u( I'.oely DruMelx lengths from a to jo yards la each piece at about one halt price to close. j.suonTiTs,u:t,9A,, Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer. TERMS-Casn on the Above UoodaV lap the summer, has returned to her home in Corning. N. Y. .Miss Bessie Hards, of Kust Orange, X. J., is the ifiiest of her brother, !5. f. Hards, on- Lincoln avenue. 'air. K. K. Howe, of West Pittston, 3 the guest of hr sister, ill's. 1 Viiiilinan. at Hotel American. Miss May Kmory. of West Pittston. Is the guest of Mrs. Jt. i. Stuart, cm I'aliann st.vet. Miss Maine Maxwell, of Salem nve iiup, has returned ufter u six weeks' visit at Liberty. X. Y. Kdward Knupp and Wallace Hassett, who have been camping at (Jluulon's Pond, have returned home. P. O. Connor, of liinghamton, was a visitor In this city yesterday. Jliehard Davis hate resigned his posi tion with Perelval Miller, of South Main street, to accept a similar one In Swingle's store on Parke street. Miss Mrytle (liles. of Terrace street, is visiting at the home of her grand mother, Mis. draco (liles, of Aldenvllle, Pa. Charles Wilmurth. of Aldenvllle. In ill at the home of George Hughes, t city. The Misses Grace nnd Jessie Hose, of Vtica. N. V., are the guests of Miss Jessie Watt, on North Church street. The? Misses Kiiuna and Annie Coognn and Julia. Collins are the guests of Miss Alice Cm-ran. at Cherry Mdge. Miss Catherine Jay. of Washington street, has returned from a two months' visit at Fort Wayne. Indiana. Jerome Wetherhy has returned from a visit at Waymart. Miss Annie MeXulty, of' Hyde Park, is the guest of Miss Annie C.illen, on Fnllhrook street. Mrs. James Farrell and daughters, Mamie and Madeline, and son, Joseph, and Airs. George Keene left yesterday for Hrooklyn, X. Y where they will visit friends. .Mrs. James Sheridan, of Meshoppen. Pa., has returned home after a visit with Miss Anna Horry, of ihls city. .Miss Lizzie Henley, of Scranton, Is visiting her mother, on Dundatf street. Mrs. John Iilmock und children, of Salem avenue, are spending some time in Wnyinai-i. Mr. and Mrs. firlliilh I.ewls.of Zunes ville. Ohio, are visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, on Parke si reel. Mrs. Kvan Tucker has returned to her home in Ibis city after spending a few clays with her mother. Mis. Com-lright. cf Smith Canaan. Mrs. William Sniurl nnd daughters leave (odny fur llurvey's lake, where they Will soeiid I wo weeks, the guests of Miji. Sniuil's sister, .Mrs. Myron Williams. .Mrs. Juliet A. M. Ib-ynolds nnd daughter. .Mrs. Charles Gratner, and .Miss I-'lir.i Iteynohls are visiting at Klkdal". - . . I). ALTON. A very pn tiy family re-union was held at. the resilience of .Mr. and Mrs. X. K. I'uidy's on Waverly sti t. last Wednesday. It lms been the cti.-iom of the Purely family, and their friends, to Meet at some place inici' in a year. Last year the family nu t at Karvlew. A sumptions dinner was served and a large number present. Those present were: law Anderson lleynolds and wife. Mr. and .Mrs. Willis Stone. Waver ly: Mr. and Mrs. Dell Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. I'd ward Ai instrong, Charles Armstrong, Misses lilunche and Ruth Armstrong. Mr. J. L. Stone. Misses Helen. I 'i II. i. Stone and Mr. Lorn Stone. Mr. and .Mrs. liarlus Purely. Miss Klla Punly. Mrs. Harvey Smith, Carbon elale; Mr. and Mrs. ('lirtou Colvlu. Siianlon; .Mrs. Kanny Stearns, Miss Piste Stearns. Pecklvllle; Mr. and Mrs. John Lee, Miss Palsy Lee, Wuyniart: .Mr. unil Mrs. He-ll Knight. Miss Cora ami .Marion Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry V. iiecker, .Miss He'iirii-ttii lieeker. and Coy A. lieeker. .Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Piilelu, .Me'inui Purely, Miss Grace Puid.v, .Marlon ,G. Purely. Miss ICsther Purely. Mrs. Gi-orge purely and Miss Maleel Purely. .Mrs. Wrignl, of Scranton, spent the day Willi Mrs W. A. Dean at this plueo Wedlll-sd e -. Sclioo'. wll begin beT next Monday. .Missess Mary and Pi-ail Wells are haling at Se iaiiloei. (Vtiiti' n niiinlier from Ibis place; ul telnled Hi" pii lne at Lilly Lake last Vei!ncila v. W. C. Siuilli has i losed up bis meat market in the Austin building. It Is reported that In intends going to Scranlon. George W. Parkton has opened a paint shop in tin. building feermeiiy oc cupied by the W. C. T. V. Mr. unci Mrs. llebner, of Port Carbon, Pa., are visiting their daugliti'i-, Mrs. A. (J. Ives at Ills place. It. H. Phillips was nl Seranton Wednesday. Mrs. J. II. Swarts hns returned to her llolue at his place ufter spending a few with f i lends at Hiirrisburg. Misse Knapp and Hlae k. of Se ianton. spent Sunday with Miss Dora Smith. Mr. J. W. Dershimer lias moved into tin; heeiise; which he bought from H. F. Von Slori h. ' TAYLOR. The Taylor lleds defented the South Side Iteserves ill a well lilayed kiiiik; yesterday afternoem on the school house grounds. The pitchers of both teams wit In excellent form, but Mor ris, wlio iiltched for the Heels, had far the best of It. His magnificent pitch ing held his nponets down to 4 lilts and he also struck out 13 men. There? were many features of the name, one being the lone; driver of Lydon In the second lnnlg, being n three-base hit. The score by Innings Is as follows: R.II.H. Tylor Heels 1 4 1 0 0 2 210 15 3 South Side 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 u 4 5 Hateries: Hods, Moris and Davis; South Side Iteserves, McOinnes unci Peeiiey. Umpire .tones. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel .1. Philips spent Wednesday In Forest City. Gonier Williams, a popular young man of this town, nnd Miss I.illle Oys ter, an esteenilble -young lady, also of this place, were unileel in niurriage last evenlntf at tlie home of the bride's pa rents, on Washington street. John rilaekhain, erf Taylor strpet, moved to Kingston on Wednesday. Insurance George M. Fields, of Fae toryvllle, was here on business Mon day. The Kmblem division and their many frli'iuls are enjoying the day at Lake Ariel. John Okley, of Pittston, spent Mon day with friends In this town. I-ACTOKYVILLF.. W. D. Kemmerer, wife and daughter, Lizzie, of Scranton, were visitors In town this week. A purty of young people from this pliie-( enjoyed n straw ride to lieiiton Wednesday evening. Keystone Academy will re-open Tuesday, September 1st. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lee, daughter daisy, of South Canaan, spent a few days this week with relatives In town. Jessie Krmmerer has returned from a visit With friends In Scranton. Quite a number from this place ot- tende'd the G. A. TJ.- and Ladles' circle Ijlenle ut Ijike Wlneila Thursday. Mrs. Kuker, xihu sustained, injuries front fulliuif down the cellar slalrs a few days ago. Is slowly recovering. . AKCUUALD. The i-riiiiuries fiir the Iie-meicra t ie Fourth legislative district convention will be held tomorrow afternoon ee tweeii the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock. It Is likely that Professor P. J. White will get all the delegates as there seems to he no opposition to the gentlemen who will stand for him. There is a feel ing here, shared by Democrats and ve publlcans nlike, that Archhald should be allowed more consideration than she has received heretofore, and that It Is high time for this borough to be repre sented In the legislature by one of its own citlze'iis. It Is this feellntj, no doubt, thut lea'es the Held clear for Mr. White's delegates. Councilman K. A. Jones hns been fav orably mentioned In connection with the liepiibliean nomination for the leg islature from this district. While Mr. Jones would uneiiiestloiiably make an able faithful representative It Is not likely that his many interests here will allow him to engage in a contest for the otlic-e. If Mr. Jones should decide t- look for the nomination he would make j ins rivals nusiie. John A. Foote. our well-known young druggist, has received from the State Hoard of Pharmacy n certificate quali fying him as a registered pharmacist. Mr. Foote. though young In years, has a thorough knowledge of pharmacy and this endorsement from the highest au thorities In the state is well deserved. Miss Crossin, of New Prunswick, X. J., who has been visiting Miss Marie Gilroy. of Wayne street, has returned to her home. Miss Nellie Flynn. of Wilkes-Barre, who has been visiting relatives here during the past few weeks, left for home on Wednesday. Miss Nellie Clark, of Ilonesdale, Is vis iting friends here. Miss Jennie Kearney, of Laurel street, is visiting In Plains. The borough council and school board will meet on Monday evening. A large number of people from this place will go to Otosgo Lake tomor row on the excursion of the order of Hallway Conductors. The mine of the Forest Mining com pany, which has be-en Idle during the past two months, is expected to re sume In a week or two. ioki:stc:ity. Lewii Pie'l. for a l.-Mig time a resi dent of this ell y, lmt recently of New York, elie-d Tuesday In a hospital In that i lly. The funeral was held In St. Agnes Catholic church, tills place, Thursday afternoon at 3 oelock. In terment was made in St. Agnes' ceme tery. The election of A. J. Colborn, of Si rir.iton, who recently made an elo iliient pi-i-si-iiiniloii of the princ iples of the He-publican puny in this place, to the pivsieleiie-y of the' slate; patriotic ( Ueler Sons of America, meet with the upprobutinn of the members of our lo cal hi'lui". and Is coniiueniled by all who were' fortunate emeiigh to meet or hear the distinguished orator. T. J. Kelley, of Soranlon, Is re-gls-tered at the Forest house. Harry Yeweiis, civil engineer for the Hillside Coal ami Iron company, is In town in the Inli'i-ests of the above cor poral Ion, Thomas Flynn, of Carboii'lale. made u visit to this city yesterday and mean while luokeel ufter tlie interests of Gal lagher's market. Tlie gospel meetings began last even ing in Midway Ki-ove. Kvnngelist Moore and wife were present. The meetings will continue until further notice. Tlie Hcpublicaus of Untoiulalc. , are preparing to royally enieitaiu their Forest City brethren this evening. Many local excursions have been planned by the citizens of the farm ing coiiiniiiiilty of which L'niondale is the centre and It Is urged thut every in. inl.i l- of the Forest City ltepublie an club inuke special effort lo attend the rally. Assemble at the Kile station ut B.Ue p. in. Mary Ann Hbmr. recently .,f Kng land, ami William Hum. of Hie-limon-dale. were' recently inariie-el at Hie heme of the groom by He v. .1. G. Kvnns, ol Vandling. They will begin housekeeping- Immediately. COXXKLLTOX. One of the preitlest social events of the season was a "Mlkaelo" lawn sendal. given by Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Hrown, of this place, Wednesday evening, In honor of Misses .Maine Hedfngtotl. of New York, and Llxxle Blewiti, of Pittston The lawn was brilliantly illuminated Willi colored lanterns and a large dune--Ing pavillion was erected ill the center were a very enjoyable time was hail for niony hours In dancing to music furn ished by a Pittston uivhcstru. About midnight, the guests repaired to the din ing room, where a luiiclu-on consisting of all the de-lii-acies of the seusun, was partaken of. Those pre'sent were: Mr. and Mis. James Melvin, M. F. Corcoran, Imryeu; Miss Sade Cannon. Messrs. II. F. Murray. James Murray. John Hurm Ingham. Will McDonnell. Wllkes-Harre; Miss Carbine ISroun Ynyle. Messrs. James Jordan, T. I- Jordan, M. W. Cumnihifjs. Jr., Olyphant; Misses Anna Mc-Hale, Agnes Ccott. Theresa Hattle, Kathryne Jluttle, Agnes P.attle, Marie Dctnpsy, Susanna Cannon, Messrs. Frank Mcllale, Arch Hiiyard. P. Gal lagher, T. Cawley, Tim Dink in. Robert Knglish, Willie Fay, T. F. Ford, Joseph Tigue. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tigue. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Scott. Hina and Sarah Fay, of Pittston, and Miss Maine Brown, of Lake Carey. IIALLSTEAD. Mrs. Hathhun, of llrooklyn, N. Y., Is the guest at the residence of C. J. Lung ley. ' T. II. Hayes anil family have re turned from a week's aluy at Asbury Park. James Gannon, of Buffalo. Is visiting his mother. Mrs. Thomas Gannon, on Uu Hois street. Mrs. Dr. Clarke, of New York city. Is being entertained by Mrs. llattle Bache. Kdward O'Brien is making Improve ments about his home on Williams street. F. W. Pearsall, secretary of the Hail road Young Men's Christian assoela- La verdlis Like? biliousness, dyspepsia, headache?, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are) promptly cured by Hood's Pills. Tbcy do their work Inlood'S easily nnd thoroughly. 0 I Best after dinner pills. Dst I I I C cents. All drug-gists. M III J' rrepftred by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only fill to take with Hood's Sanaparllls. TTOjIAN TO WOMAN. Women are beiujf taught by bittot experience that many physicians can not successfully handle their pecu liar ailments knovrn as female diseases. Doctors are willing; and anxious to help them, but they are the wrong-sex to work understaudingly. When the womau of to-Uuy ex fat periences such symp fjj toms as backache, J nervousness, lassi- VtJf . tude. whites, irregU" lat ol pain ful men struation, pains in groins, bearing-down sensation, palpitation, "all nne" fee-Mug- and blues, she at once takes Lydia E. 1'inklinm's Vegetable Compound, feeling sure of obtaining' immediate relief. Should her symptoms be new to her, she writes to a woman, Mrs. 1'inkhara, Lynn, Mass., who promptly explains her case, and tells her free how to get well. Indeed, so ninny womeu are now appealing to Mrs. Piukhiini for advice, that a score of lady secretaries are kept constantly at work answering the great volume of correspondence which comes in every day. Each letter isanswered carefully and accurately, as Mrs. Pink ham fully realizes thut a life may de pend upon her reply, and into many and many a home has site shed the nys of happiness. tion. of Scranton, visited Secretary V. W. Adifcir, of this place, on Thursday. Pr. F. 1). Lamb was iu the Parlor City en Wednesday. OLYPHANT. A lirynn and Sewall club was formed at olyphant last evening at Mahon's hall. Although the meeting was not largely attended about til t y members were enrolled. The organization effect ed was as follows: President, M. W. Cuiumlngs. esq.; viee-presldtent, Kd ward Cayglll, First ward; Thomas Cnr ran, Third ward; James J. O'Malley, esq., Fourth ward J. B. Cunimings, Hlakely; William Marmack and John Costl Cohan; secretary. 'John .1. O'llara; treasurer. John .1. Fadden. The club will meet Weekly on Thursday night. - - iMl.NOOKA. Mr. unci Mr. William Thnmpniui unel cluunhler, Helen, left yexlereluy fer U weck'H sojourn lit C'rystnl lake. Miss Nellie Mullen, cjf Archlmlil, vim has been the KUest of Miss Maggie! Me-Crea the pn.Mt fe-w wee-ks, returned home yesterday. The (J'C'onnell council. Young Men's Institute, held their regular meeting IuhI evening. The MiniHiku ten 111 will pluy the Mno nle. i'lepulars cm Coyne's ground, Aug. 8u. Joseph CaliuRlier Is visiting relatives In New York c ity. The remains of an Infant child of Thomas Casey, of (lilmore avenue', were Interred In Minooka Catholic, cemetery yesterday. DAVIDOW'S ONE PRICE SHOE HOUSE 307 LACKAWANNA AVE BARGAINS TO-DAY Ladies' Shoes 59c Misses's Shoes - - 69c Child's Sinus from - 20c. to $1.00 307 Lackawanna Avenue. ONE PRICE TO ALL. ' I B-llCll I H iBIfll 01 lift' Sloes ID- GREAT MiERDAVlDDW THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Last Ten Days of , Our August Clearance Sale. TM. ? r ii. ine prices 01 uie balance of our Spring and Summer stock have been almost cut to nothing and all that we have left will positively be dis posed of at ridicu lously low prices. No one should fail i to attend the last ten 1 j days of our sale. 1 U BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at ako? otict at Tbe Tribune Office. i yi ae mm iiukirwifca "1E rely for our success not 011 large profits but ou our large sales. Our AIl-VVool $ Suits Made to Order for - - Are the talk of the town. We do not ask you to take anything that is not a perfect fit, or that does not please you in every wa'. W.J. 215 1 Wyoming Av. ORIUINATOR OP MODKRN METHODS IN MERCHANT TAILORINU. THR IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The Superbly ADpeiintvd anil 'CoiiimndioilR vt.i'I Ste1niunliip'4. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND. American through unil ilir';neb. lsve Biilf.ln I ne-wliiTH lend FrlelieyH o. 30 p.m. fur Cleveland. Delreelt, Mackinac. The Sou, lluluth, unci Western Points, lenssiiitf all l"len en of iutariMt by duyllght in connec tion with THE (1REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the most diree-t route', anil from ev ery pi int eif e-oiuparinon. tbo nnt ili'liirlittul and enmfortnMee one ti Minneapoliei, St. Paul, t4reai Kails, Helen. Pntte. MneiKsne anil Pa cini! coast. The onlv traun ontiiiental line rnnniiifi tha faiaou buffot, library, observa tion car. N"w 07 hour train for Portland Tla Spoknn HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka, id miiea from nnneapolif, largeat and moat beaiitlnl reaort ill the west. 'i ickata and any Information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, Utnaral PaaadDger agent, Buffalo, N. t. . EH . ' ' We have several small lots of Lace pattern, which we desire to close out ;oods. This is a rare chance to secure lluslin Curtains Three yards to pairs at to pairs at .Nottingham 20 pairs at io pairs at 20 pairs at Irish Point Ion" full width, ffeltv were 51.50 $1.25, were 1.75 50c, were 75c 75c were 51.00 $1.25, were 150 4 pairs at $1.50, were Jj. 25 4 fairs at 2.00, were 3.00 5 pairs at 3.09, were 4.50 3 pairs at 3.50, were 5.00 m, 4 Irpsslte Meln rTntrancs to the Wyoming linme. ON THE s. e. he SQUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH s RICHARDS LUMBER CO., EC2 COMMONWEALTH BlilLDINQ. 'PHJNE 421 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA, Mamitaeturvra of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. OeBcral OffkcM SCRANTON, PA. BTEINWAV ft SON'S . , Acknowledged tbe Lcadlag PIANOS Of tha WwlA OHCKER BROS., 1RAN1CHB ft BACHB and .th.rj. ORGANS Musical Instruments, flusical Merchandise. Sheet Music and Music Books. urchaera will always And a complete tack and at prices a low as the qual ty of tbe Instrument wilt permit at ii. A. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Aye. - - Scranton iiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriimnHiiHiiiv9 TAKE A I If Zm and critically Examine their quality. e mean our new 1 all Suits in Blue anJ lilack Wool, and our Worsted Suits. If we say they're Wool Suits, vou'll find every thread wool-sheep's wool, not Alabama wool. You'll find every suit cut in the proper stvle, every seam sewed as It should be, every little detail as perfect as skill and patience can make it. You'll find this whole stock pretty much in ad vance of the ordinary stocks, and prices pleasingly small. 5d OUR CREDIT SYSTEM Enables Every Clothes WearinR 3Ian who is cn A y titled to Credit to hity his Fall Suits now and i - net the full benefit of it-et the use of it while he a is carniiiK the money with which to pay for it. Talk with us. about it. A 8J L a B S AND a J7 WYOMINO AVENUE. g Siiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinmuiiia CLEARANCE SALE LACE CURTAINS Curtains, two and three pairs of a We want their room. Yon waat tha choice designs at jour owo price. Special Prices Oo our eotire stock of BRUSSELS, CLl'XY, TAMBOUR, Etc. Summer Curtains Snow flakes, silk stripe and CRE TONNE from 51.50 to 53.75 per pair. Sash Haterials by the yard, tics. l ull line of Novel son & co., - 08 Lackawanna Avenui- SQUARE. UARE n EALING TO UARE UEALERS. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth (i.Sc to $1; choice for SOc. Worth $1.25 to $1.75; choice for Sl.tH). Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth 3.5(), ut $-2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out nil our Flno China ut ubout Half Price. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks ami Knives at reduced prices. Kn graved free. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, etc., linest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE TH ! I MEallD A t 11 X 3 CLOSING SALE PtIERCEREAU 5 CONNELL Er 9 3 a a a s 3 si a a mm a a 3 a a 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers