6 THE SCRANTON I RIBTTNE FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST L8, 1890, HAVE Serge or MAOE TO THE FRANK T. Coal Exchange Building. EASTERN LEAGUE BASE BALL GAMES Providence Defeated Wilkes-Barre Superior Field Work. by SCRANTON CLUB'S POOR BEGINNING I.ukI l lie titiino lo Springliulu in a llciivi-lliltiut; oud I.oosc-ricldins 'amcUtitinlo hccps Rochester UllHD, Yesterday' Kesults. Springfield. 11 Scranton Providence 6 Wllkes-Barre S Hutfalo 4 Rochester 3 l'ercentnge Record. P. W. I. P.C. rrovlJoni'o 61 'j!'' Rochester MO IS! 47 " JlillVilld Mli )' -o" '1'otoiiKi W Til ".." ."II Syracuse 12 f fci ' .4H0 HprlnitllcM 1" 4'i M 4,;0 Wilkes-Hurre 7 57 .413 Scrunlon MHO! .'-iTJ Todnys l'ntorn l.rnnc ('iinies. Si'ramon at Snrlwstiel.l. Vi'llkes-Hm-rc ut Providence. Syracuse ut Toronto. Buffalo ut Kochi-ster. WON IN THE NINTH. The Ponies Defeat Scranton by Run in the Last Inning. Heavy Hilling. One Hpiinuflcl.l. lluss.. Am;. ST. The Ponies hail the Kiimn won today, then allowed Scranton to tie uml then bnrely pulled out ny it Hinitle run in the ninth in-iiiiK. Hoth j'.rown mid M -I'ai tliu were hit free ly. Score: SPKIM'I'Il-'f.n. A.li. It. II. r.o. A. l-'ullei- PS .... Strieker, U .. He-hettler, If . lit outlier. II) Hurley, If .. liilliert, 31 I MIIK-H1I, cf I.euliy, c .... Mol'aiilin, 1j . 1 4 ( 11 I :i l Total . -11 12 ANTON. A ll. It. .. .' 1 1.1 H'-'l II. I 1 l. A. K. n o i ii l :i o'Hrirn. cf Meancy. if Kutsiin. II' .. Jlasy, Mi . Mnu-uire, ;:ii K.;lier, ::li l0sr-, HS ... lleruer. o ... llHIttll, l ... I ii Tot ill Spi-ltiKlle 41 II 12 1 i 27 IT 8 1-I2 I) 5 0-11 SchPttler -Selierller, id .. .1 1 0 tl 0 Sci-uuiun .. . SKlll'tl bllMC- r.. ilroiillitiH. ililbert, Leahy, ....I 0 0 i -Fuller, Strieker, Two-lmse liltrt- Xlcl'artlin, Jloss '.. Three- base liils llroiitliei'H, tiilln rt. Pun. an. Klr.st Liiho on hulls Kuller. Strieker, UruutheiK, Cilllierl, Imneuii, Me-Paitllii. Meiiney. Firm hao nn errors Sprltimi. id, 4: Sriuiitnn. 3. Jefl nn liases Kprlnnllcl. I, Hi; Seianlon, 8. Struck mil llail-y. Hit by jiitelier O' r'.rieii, .Mussey, itlnanlrc, .Moms, Ill-own. lmublp plays lirown, l'.er Ker iiiul .Mussey; Werner nnd Keii-tor; Kul ler uml Snicker; iMincun iiiul l.eahy. I'mpti es-Srt iirl wood anil furry. Time -S.iU K'EENAN POORLY SUPPORTED. Otherwise Wilkes-llurre Would Have Won from the t'rayi. Providence, Anu;. 27. Providence de feated Wilkes -Kane today. Keetiun Inul miserable support In the early part ( the Rume Htid the lumie team liileil up what looked like a bit; lend. In the ninth innitiif with Hie Henre G to 0, WilkeH-Biirre fruve nn exhibition nf lire wurkH 9iiid five jnen senred anil the trying l'tin va cut oil by a linirn breudlh. Score: iJi:f)VIPKNCK. A. ii. 1 II P.O. 1 I .1 s :i r, i 4 0 A. ii i 4 O U Hussett, 31i . ('ana van, 20. Knight, If ... tnuuby, Jl . I'ooney, bm ... l.yoiiH. cf ... J 0 (I 1 0 u Murray, cf .. Coocan, c ... IXilun, p Totals 41 6 10 27 14 WILKRS-HAKRK. A.U. K. 11. P.O. A. ii ii I) 1 1 X :i 3 I.yttle. If Honner, 2li . l.ezotte, rf .. . lletta, ef Smith, b .... Wente, c .... Goeckel. lu ., .Mc.Malion, hs Keinun, y .. Totals ... 3 Providence ..0 5 12 10 0 0 0 0 HI 0 0 11 1 (i 5 "i 2 0 0 0 Wilkes-llarre, 0 lOurued runs Providence, 2: Wilkes liarre, II. Two base hits Cioosckel 2, Hetts. Three base hit Cooffnn. Home run Drauhy. Stolen base Iolan. Double plays iJolan to Cooney to Urauhy, tToonan to Canavun. First liasf on bails Drauby, Lyons, Smith, MeMahon. First base on errors Provi dence 6. Wilkes-Barre 1. Struck out Hetts, Cnnavan. Time, 1.05. Umpires Itudderham and Coakley. Korhester.Bunulo. Rochester, Auk- 27. Rochester was defeated by Buffalo here today in the ninth limine. I'p to that time the Brownies had the better of the argu ment all around. Score: R.JI.K. Woihester.... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1:! S 3 Utlffalo II 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 4 7 :i Butteries McParlnnd and Hnyd, Wadsworth and Smith. I'mpire Keefe. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percentii(,'e Kecord. V. W. Tj. lialtimore 72 'ineintiali !'' (.1) 7 rltveland Iitt W 40 hloao 1W B2 47 Pittsburff 103 W 47 Huston Mfi Ut 4S Itrooklyn Mil M M Mew York "H iil f.7 Philadelphia 1"7 M r.7 VVashiiiKton 101 41 i:'! 4 lmltt 11. 'Ill 7' P.C. .H'i tiTil .nr. .'ii!l .'".2 .547 .4?2 .472 .4X .:iii .2.".i; l.oulsvllla !l2 27 77 New Vork-St. I.oui. New York, Auf. 17. Tim New Yorko won two names from St. IjOiiis today in hiillnw slvle. In thi veconil ffum KIkm- limer received the worst support Kiven to any pitcher here this season. Scores: Klr.'t (tame Jl.TT.K New Y'ork ...0 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 7 2 HI. Louis .. I I t 0 II I O- 3 ) I Hntteries Mttmour and Wllsou; Hill and lur(iuy. Upiplre Emslli YOUR Summer Clothes ORDER BY CARROLL CO., WYOMING AVENUE. Second Rame R.H.K. New York ...1 2 2 1 2 0 0 S -! 10 4 St. Louis ...0 0220000 2687 Butteries Sullivan and Zearfoss; Kiss inger ami IK-Karland. Umpire Kmslie. PhiludelphiaCleveland. Phllad.lphia, Aus. 27. Philadelphia played fast ball today and had no trouble in defeating Cleveland. For the first four Innings the Spiders gave a bad exhibition of lieldltig, but then settled down, and the balance of the game was shandy played. Weuther clear and pleasant. Score: R.H.E. Philadelphia 501200010 9 14 1 Cleveland ...0 1101000 1-4 10 S Batteries Carsey and Boyle; Younff and Zimnier. Umpires Henderson and Camp bell. llooton-4 hicngo. Boston. Aug. 27. Ohicaso could do noth ing with Klobendanx toilay, and made but two hits after the llrst inning. Score: R.U.K. Boston 0 201 2 2794 Chicago 3 000 0 0-324 Butteries Klobendans and Bergen; ltiiggs and Anson. Umpire Lynch. Brooklyn-Louisville. Brooklyn. Aug. 27. Two games were played with Louisville today, the cluba breaking even. Scores: First game It.lT.K. Brooklyn ....0 11000000-272 Louisville ...1 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 0-10 10 2 Batteries Kennedy, Steen and Hurill; Fruitier and Dexter. Umpire Hurst. Second game It.If.E. Brooklyn ....2 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 - 7 10 3 Louisville ...0 004001 0 10 04 Batteries Abbey and Bnrrill: Cunning ham and Hextcr. Umpire Hurst. ' nalliniorc-4'incinnnti. Baltimore, Aug. 27. Both tennis played faultlessly lu (lie Held today ami bit the bill hard. Score: It.ft.K. Ilaltiinore ...0 2 0 0 2 0 4 1 9 1 0 Cincinnati ..0 0 0 0 t 0 1 0 13 11 2 Batteries I loffer and Clarke; Dwyer and Vaughn. I'mpln Sheridan. Wiixlihigtnn-l'iltolHir;;. Washington, Aug. 27. The homo I earn made ii grand rally al the bat in the eighth Inning, earning four runs on two triples, mo doubles and u siimle. Score: It.ll.K. Washington u a a I 2 0 0 4 7 M 1 Pittsburg ...2 2 o a 0 0 O 1-"i1ll 2 Butteries King, Norton and Sledulre; Mawley and Stlgdeii. I'niplre Lully. AMATEUR BASE BALL. Harmonics l) lent the Old Y. M. C.A. Tcnni nt Athletic l ark. The lIurmnnleK won from the old Young .Men's Christian iissociatliui leant ycsleiday sil'lenmun nt Athletic park in a yatne that seo-sii wed from the Mluit up r. (he last inning when Hi.- winning leant had one i tin lo spare. The luiuiig .Men's Christian association pluyers did the hctivlcMl hitting but tin If ernus (osl I hem lite game. Score: v. :i. c. a. At: B. 1 4 I 0 1 II. P.O. Jeremiah, if Jones, if, 21 1 t liillerau. e T. Brooks, If. :ib uwens, lb ....... McPoiiald. "I, p Moran, ss Iteese. cf J. Brooks. 2b ... Posncr, If :t T.Mai Hi 14 is It II J1A B.MON IKS. A.B. H. IT. P. T. I, oil us. ss . Coleman. 2b, p I liaiighaii, ll . Mi l.aiinlillii. rf Shine. ::l I'rossln, cf .... It n o 1 If. I Sweeney, If, 21 Phillips, c P. l.oltiis, p II II Total V. SI. C. A.... Harmonics .... Hal m il rnns- .... 10 ,... 0 1! ! hi II 0 0 5 IS I) 3-19 ....I 0 1 7 Y. M. C A Harmonic 2. Two-base hits ( lillcran. Ow ens, Jones, Shine 2. Ciossin. 1'. Lol'Kis. Three-base lilts I'osner. tiauglian. Home runs Hcese, 2. Stolen bases-, loins. T." Brooks, tiwens 2, .McDonald, J. Brooks, Bonner, Coleman. 'McLaughlin, Shine 3. Struck out By Posner, 4; by .McDonald. 1; by P. Lofltis, 2; by Coleman. .1. Double plays Coleman, unassisted: Sweeney to tians-'h-an. First on balls off I'osner. 7: off Mc Donald, 4: off Loftits. 3; off Coleman, 2. Cmpire .M. Crossln. Time 2.30. correspondingly raised'.' Hardly. The Slats challenge the Violets to a game of ball on the Stillwater grounds grounds Sunday morning, Aug. 3a, at 10 o'clock, .loo Allen, captain; J. Kciden bach, manager. The Stars accept the challenge of (he Crystals to a game on Lynch grounds Sunday nt 2.30 o'clock. Joo Allen, cap tain; ,1. Ttelilenhaeh, manager. - The drove Street Stars challenge the Hearty Boys ton game Saturday on Lau rel Hill Park grounds at 10 a. ni. Answer In tomorrow's Tribune. O. Kellutn, cap tain. The Crave Street Stars defeated the Sailor Boys of the West Side in a game yesterday on 1 ho Laurel Hill Park grounds by a score of 17 to 9. DIAMOND DUST. Wilkes-Barre claims a "remarkable rec. ord" for twenty assists In a nlne-iitnlng game. That has happened here twice, and in one case the Ponies played only eight Innings In the field. It Is simply due to one or two plays In which run ners are caught between bases and run out by half the team. Springfield I'ttion. Scranton made twenty assists In Tuesday's nine-inning gnmo with Syra cuse, only one man was run dovn on the line and but two assists were given in the play. It Is estimated that Doyle slides about sixty feet during the course of one gutne. The question Is. how long would It take Jack lo cross the continent on his wish- bone, provided he was helped along by ll collection of excited liitiehlers. chasing a batted ball'.' Washington l'ost. Sam wise Is due for a Journey down the chute to Hasheenvllle. Leewe has re placed him nt second on the Buffalo team, and Warn is now engaged in Jollying up Ihe perspiration of the bench. In his day Sum would burrow Into the so.l like u ground-hog. and pluck out the grounders that ventured Into his territory, but he often spoiled his plowing specialty by Sowing the wind ten feet over the first baseman's head with the ball. As a ver satile thrower Sam had only one miiihI. whoso name was Jim Davis. Jim could aim nt the first baseman uml hit a fan In the grandstand behind the backstop. Washington Star. A minor league umpire has secured Judgment for back salary. This Is Ihe first Instance on record where the griev ance of an umpire was recognized. "Did you ever hear about that SHke Kelly Incident, which happened soon af ter the rule was adopted, permitting Ihe taking of a player out of the game at any lime and substituting another?" said Karl Wagner net ween innings In the Washing ton pi ess box. "Well. It's n good one. Mike had hurt himself slightly the day before and was not playing u certain game, which lit the opening of the ninth inning was exceedingly close. Mikes tiam was one run In the lead and two men on the other ido had been retired, There was ii runner on third, however ami a heavy hitter ut bul. It Kernel u certainty fiat the score would be lied land evtrybody was highly excited. Tile ! batter sent up a high foul tly tlitil bugueil Hie stand in di-sceuding aid wus cliarly out ut reueli or tne catcher wiio was. oi course, right behind the bul. But .Mike look advantage of the opportunity In un original and rather startling manner. Quick us a Hush he shouted to the catcher, ' You're out of the game. I'm In your place. The ball descended Into Mike's outstretched hands and the play went all right. The third man wus out and the game saved, but It required lengthy ex planation to make the other pluyers and thu spectators understand the occur rence." HOMEOPATHS IN SESSION. Society i( Northern Vennsjivauia ,Het Here I.nt Eveiiing. The Homeopathic Medical society of Northern Pennsylvania met In Dr. F. D. Brewster's olllce. North Washing ton avenue, last night. There were present: Dr. A. A. Llndabury, Dr. J. W. Coolidge, Dr. H. A. Hellner. Dr. Theodore Suretli, Dr. C. W. Roberts, Dr. Lyman Peck. Dr. (5. J. ltetlinghoff. Dr. E. L. Pect. Dr. F. D. Brewster, of this city; Dr. K. H. Hill, Tunkhnn nock: Dr. T. M. Johnson, Plttston; nnu Dr. J. J. Thompson, Carbondnlc. In addition to the routine business there were discussions of vntlous sub jects and a report by Dr. Brewster, of the proceedings of the American In stitute of Homeopathy at Detroit. The ntneers chonen for the ensuing year were: Dr. R..H. Hill, Tunkhannock, president: Dr. Theodore Sureth, Scran Ion, vice president; Dr. Anna C. Clark, Scranton, secretary and treasurer. MINERS' EXAMINING BOARD. Annual Hcport Submitted to Judge Archhiild. William T. Clrimths, Sliles flibbons, and Willinm T. Morris, who constitute the miners' examining- board for the First and Second anthracite districts, Hied their annual report yesterday In court.. Judge Archbald examined It and ordered It filed. The report sum muri.ed is as follows: Sub-board, No. 1. Cnrbondale Citi zens examined, 147 aliens, 9S; registered from other districts, 23; number exam ined, 1M; failed to Pass, 32; fees re ceived, $i47.rn. Sub-hoard! No. 2. providence Citi zens examined, 111'.; aliens, 122: registenl from other district;-. 49; number exam ined. 212; railed, 2x; fees received, $!I4."0. Sub-board No. Si-rar.ton-Citizens, 247: aliens, lull; registered from other districts. :!; number examined, 290; failed. 7: fees received,, $.'.7'i.lo. SMALL ROCK KILLED HIM. YYcsl Side Miner Dies in the .Vline Ambulance. A small piece of rock from I lie roof of the Central mine fell upon the head of James Carpenter yesterday morning nt Id o'clock and frmii I he injury re ceived lite man died while being taken In the mine ambului lo hi home. Ills Hampton street. That death should result from the ap parently trival cut on the head of the dead man is remarkable. The incision coul. I scarcely be noticei. Yet death happened within an hour uftef the ac cident, and tlte injured man never re covered consciousness. He wus em ployed as a. iniiier and was al work ut the time. Policemen Hall Tnci. The liuike-up of the S( Tallinn police men in next Monday's game with the W'llkes-l-arre blueeoals will be us fol lows: Day. catcher: N.-uls ami Deller. piiiheis; .May. shortstop; Hart, sec ond base: Holding-, third base; Dug gatt. right field: Davis, center Held; Buhner, left Held: Peters find Kuilus, baso run s. The pitchers will nller- li.iic in Hie box and on lirsl base. MURPHY'S FINE SHOOTING. New Vur'-'s Aniuteur Winit Shot Ue tents Hurley, the rrolcssioniil. Kdgnr !. Murphy, Ihe crack New York uinaleut- wing' shot, and who is so well knottii in Scranton, made a great record Wednesday when he de feat, 'd Morfey, Ihe professional in a 200-blrd nialeh at Long Brunch, of the shoot, u Long Branch dispatch lo the New York Herald said: The much talked of pigeon shooting match between Edgar fill. lis Murphy, the well known uniulcur. nnd T. W. Slorfey, the professional, came off today on ; lie Hollywood grounds. Aland Ballard w is the referee ami Jacob Pent, the scorer. The conditions were 2mi birds each, thir ty yards rise, and a nominal slake of $2'ie a side was named, but It was well known thai more than ten times that amount de pended upon the result. The weather was pei fect for such sport, nnd the birds were fast and hard. Shooting began about noon nnd finished at 3.30. A number ef crack pigeon shots were on the ground. Murphy held his opponent well from Ihe start, killing the llrst twenty-live straight, and, going on. missed Ills thirtieth, leaving him with twenty-four (lead out of his sec ond twenty-live. Again he killed his third twenty-live straight, missed three on his fourth twenty-live, leaving him with Ihe splendid score of nlneiy-slx killed out of the tirst one hundred. During this time Morfey had lost twelve out of his llrst one hundred, and Ihe match was then gener ally conceded to Murphy, wilh eight birds to the good. In the second hundred both shooters showed some signs of fatigue, but each killed ninety-two, thus leaving Sir. Slnrphy winner by eight birds. His form, time and precision throughout the mulch were perfect, and, considering the quality of the birds, bin score with ninety two on second wus one of the best ever made, particularly as he has not been shooting regularly for Ihe last three years. The full score follows: Murphy- Killed ,. vt.i.i.i H .'.-M VHm o- Mis-sid n 1 n 22222.H2222. 12222.22222 22221 2222 2122 22"22 22'-'2 2'1-1-' 2( I2. i r1 2. 1 H222.22222. 22222 22112.22221,22221.10221.1211112 222 1 2, 1 21 U2.I '2222. 1 2222.2222 1 . 21 23 :-.222,2-:12 22U2.: Totals Morfey- 2ii2I0.21i02,22-.,22.121:!2.2i12I2. 22121, 12122,22222,0111. 22221 . 1 21 122. 2221 2.2 1 220, 1 02 1 2. 22222. 0 1 222. 2 1 221 . 22 1 21 ,2 1 1 1 2, 1 222! . 21 1 1 1.22212. 22220,222 '2.21211 . 22221 .21 222. 22( 122, 22222.2 1 222 . I I222.I.22222. 22222. 2222 1 , 221 22. 02 1 22,221 20, 22222,22 1 22, 1 1 2' (.' . .... IRK 12 Killed. Missed .... 20 3 3 21 24 23 Totals S0 FIVE TIMES DOOMED. V n y in ii it Siitlnn, Often Svat the bul lous, Is Pardoned. Richmond, Vn., Aug. 27. After Imv Insr been five times sentenced to be hanged, and hnvlnir entered the Vir ginia, penitentlury to serve u life sent ence. Way-nan Sutton hits been pur doned by (lovernor O'Ferrull. Sutton was convicted lu March, ls.xR, for the murder of Peter Jlurvel, of Wyeth county. lie was sentenced lo be hanged, hut the date falling: on Sun day he had to be re-sentenced, and technicalities and his escape and recap ture led to the repeated retmposltlon of the death Denaltv until It n-nu j muted to a life tentenciy HHP- Man m A JUMPER-, can now weur a collar as spotless at tbat of the man ii a dress coat. How ever dirty his work, the workman can ' have a clean collar every day with out cost if he wear the Elluloiq MARK. INTERLINED R can be cleaned in a twinkling by the wearer, with a wet cloth or sponge. It combines satisfaction, economy and comfort. No fraved edges to chafe the neck. The ''Celluloid" collars and culls ore the genuine interlined goods with a "Celluloid" surface and bear the above mark. They are water proof. All others are imitations. If j-our furnisher does Pot keep them send lo us direct. Collars, sue. each. CtflTs, 40c. pair postpaid. THE ( ELM'LOIO t O.MPtXY, Arw York. CADAI I in t he W rlean-Mf OHrULIU furth.-wu(HU. HIGH PYTHIAN KNIGHTS. I'lcclions Hade by the Supreme Lodge at llcvclaiiil. Cleveland, Aug-. 27. The Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias, nt Its morn Inn; session, elected the following of ficers: Philip T. Colgrove, of Mlchlgun, su preme chancellor; Thomas II. Sample, of Pennsylvania, vice-supreme chan cellor; Albert Stcliilinrt, t Alabama, supreme prelate; It, L. C. White, of Tennessee, supreme keeper of records nnd seals; Thomas D. Menrs, of North Carolina, supreme master of exchequer; James H. Moulson, of New Brunswick, supreme master nt arms. PREACHER HELD FOR THEFT. ( hnrt,-es of Itiirglnry Entered Against a Colored .Mill ster. Wilmington, Del., Aucr. 27. In addi tion to Hie attempted burglary at the Cables lmicl. which led to Ids being wounded and subsequently uriesled. Rev. Wililatii Fisher, the i oloted preacher, was today accused of a.recent burglary at the residence of Snintiel Forbes, In this city. tin litis charge he was held In $2,000 ball for a hearing lumorrow. He has retained counsel and will resist both charges! against him. Many colored church people are standing by bim.unil believe in his Innocence, Successful Trial of the Brooklyn. Iloslou, Aug. 27. The cruiser Brooklyn, ill her otliclul trial today, mude an u cr ane of 21 KMIHI knots. This gives to the .Messrs. Cramp, of Philadelphia, the. builders of the cruiser, a bonus of J:w, ui) for the excess of lt knots over the 20 knot requirement. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATliK CO. BUILDIN0, CORNEA WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. m. l hour Intermission for dinner and upp.r.) Particular Attention tilvtrt to Collection-.. Prompt Settlement tluarantred. Your Hust ons l Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134. Lager v Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated 0 CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum HOME-GROWN TOMATOES PEAS, GREEN CORN, CELERY, BEETS AND CARROTS, FAN & CY "JENNY LIND" AND GEM ' CANTELOUPES, WATERMEL ONS, CALIFORNIA FRUITS. 1. 1 Pitt FENS IIL ill NTT FAIL TO SEE THI WOI.P AMERICAN, The Finest and Hlfhttt Crade Wheels Made In America. 1806 Wheels, Up-ta-Date la every Particular, Ijlio. Com aade. B. B. PADKfgD. in Snruca ssmt ,f 'If ROBINSON'S 1 in to GREAT FIRE SALE AT DUMMORE. I I UL1L1I ILIV kJ fions, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, etc, Will be sold at flticfion, cornmencing Saturday at 9 o'clock and continue from day today lintil the great stock is sold. This Will be the greatest Fir? Sal? known to Diinmore. Do Not Miss It. V. A. BEEMER, Prop. nlMliiM FOR THE EASIEST RUNNING WHEEL ON EARTH I A. GREGORY ON A SPALDING AT KINGSTON, 0.1 AUGUST 2?, Took everything in Muht, except the gi-tind stand, anil he would have taken that, too, hut it wus filled with pretty nivU, and being bashful he did not wunt to ask them to move, (ict a Spalding and he with the push at FLOREY'S OICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices Euffalo Prince '98, $3? Bison '95, 3C Columbia '93, 21 Remington '91, 2J; Glide '94, 2i Coun'ry '93, 15 Country '93, 10 Een Hur 5 These are all fitted with 'pneumatic; tires aud are in good running order. CHASE & FARRAR HICVCI I; SI Rli:0NS, 5151 Under. Street. Cpp- Court Ho in 2, fl-otifnipb'4 REVIVl RESTORES VITALITY iroia utv 'f 1 tin -' Made a Well Mar. Of M: THE GPt'AT :toth luv. jr-mapjoii ri"E3vti3"D"sr produces the above reoulta in ltd days. It a ti Iioivertullv sud quickly. I Hr. H wb.-n all others t ill Young nicu will rriaiin tbi-ir lost manhood, and oil la.'U will recover their youiiiiiil vigor l.y itt.iu; HKVI O. It iuickly ami surely rentores Ni-rvoiif ncsa, lkt Vitatily, Impnti-nry, NUIitly Kniis.ucn. I.ost Power, failing Memory. Wtitiir Disrasi-s. a.'.' ail cO'.'i-tK nf H.'11-al.use or excess and iudiKrreiion '-. liicli imOts one tnrtctiriy. biisiness or nian-iHii''. 1 lot only cures hy s'.nrtiiat at tho scat ot ib d-a-e. b , isasreat nerte Ionic ami blood builder, br.ur irK Lack the pink glow to pule cberksa-dii 'luring the lire of youth. It wards off bean : mil t'ousiinintion. Insist cn having KKVIVO. n ttier. It can be carried in vfi pockrt. By in..! I.tltl ti'-rpackaw.er rix lor SA.OO, with a pea ve written giiMrantec to euro or refui: 'i; tuoiiey. Circular to p. AtMri 3 " "-"('- - - rHi'eo - fur sale by MATTHEWS BROS., Uruui bcranton, Pa. Adams Aye. and Mulberry St, 6 Nights, Com mencing Jlonday Aug. 31 MATINEES Wi:iN!MAV, THURSDAY ANU f ATUKDAY AT a. Jo P. .M. GENTRY'S FAMOUS l Pony h Unquestionably the World's Best Trained Animal Exhibition. I fin I Superbly Educated lings, I I (( lw I Ponies and .Monkeys. ,uu ADMISSION: Children, ioc. Adults, ioc THEE kioosic pon co., ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH i'L'V6 SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER wade at moos1c and rubii dale: works. I LAHLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Electric Gxploders, for ex- piouing blasts, Hafetjr rasa, aud Bepaano Chemical Ca's mart EXPLObitf SCHOOL F?5 J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. (Organist of Elm Park Church.) DUPIL of some of the most celebrated masters in Boston, Paris and Berlin. Huston . . . vs.sy. Paris and Berlin, 1SS9-1SU. l'arls, .... 1891-1003. fflSMlY CUSS LESSONS. PRIVATE LESSONS, FALL TERM OPENS Thursday, September 10, i896 CTI I nine 1 301 Madison Ave., Cor. Linden St. J1U j Elm Park Chnrch. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS' 2,000,000 BARRELS (Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896. Total Product of I RtiHSJMD The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,009 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn. Crosby's Superlative l sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to St. John', New I otiiidland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized a the beat flour in the world. MEGARGEL CO 1 ELL WHOLESALE AGENTS. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. MOM AMD STEEL Bolt, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, RtV ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. iTTEiBEllB SCRANTON. PA. fag? l(Sfe tttfe For gala by JOHN H. PHPtPS. Pharmacitrt. cor. Wyoming Avenuoand fV,-'e Street. Scranton, Pa, CORNER DRINKER AND CHESTNUT STREETS. f PIANO ORGAN VOICE THE 1 00 When In doubt what to iite ft Nervous Debility, Loss of Irower, Impotencr. Airophv.Varicocele and other weaknesses, from any cause, use Sexme Pills, brains checkca and full ieor quick! restored. Ifne'mnf. trnsbkn mult r.t.Uf . Mailed lor Jl,eo;) boxes fc. 00. Witk $AM orders we if ire a guarantee lo cure or refund the money. Address Riu.iv.n. HVs S-IVTUSUII. M V v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers