8 TIIE PCRANTCVN" TlilBTJNE THURSDAY MOTiNINCr. AUGUST 27, 1890. CARBONBALE. fResiJerii wTl t.leae noto that nflvrtle Bientu, erders for Job work, and Itema for publication left lit the establishment ot Ishsr.non ? Co.. newsdealers. North Main ieet. will receive prompt attention; of tee oyca from K a. ra. to 10 p. m.J KELLY-SMITH NUPTIALS. A Wrtl-hnown Couple I'uitod Ycs tertlay AMeriioun tit St. Itose. Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Miss Mary Smith, of o. 67 Hospital street, niul Michael J. Kelley, of Vandilni,'. wvro united in marriar at St. Itose cliufch. Rev. Father ijriiliii rerform ii:? the ceremony., The bride was u tired in white with hat to match. The Ruwns wee trimmed Willi silk ;uid chiffon. Miss Manic Puf fy, who attended tlie bride, was Mtiiil aily dressed. James Li-.-iiPg ucted as Lest mini. The couple drove to Olypli.mt after tlie ceremony and on their return were ti-mierd a reception at the hunin of tlie i.iide's brother, P. .1. Smith, on Hospital btreet. The newly married pair will at once Sienin housekeeping in a liutul oine h'imt in Vandlintt. LAID AT REST. The Ilcmnin nfti. It. Porter Placed in the Tomb. The fureral of (Jeortre li. Porter, who elk'd at his heme on Hurkett street Jloinluy. cccurred yes'.erday afternoon. The fini.'i-.il services were very linpr. s--ive and were condnoteil by Kt-v. K. J. llitlsh y, of Trinity iluuvli. Tlie fu neral con-was vi ly Lww thus hhowliiR the esteem ill which the de ceased was held. Cambrian loiljre ot" i Kid ell.nv.i. Willinm II. Davis post. No. 1ST, (iriinil Army of the iti piili'ie, the Womfins' 11. lief corps mm the llr Uis sf,uad of the Taliiotic Order Sons of America, were in attendance. MURRAY SENT TO JAIL. ltrofcr Into Hrcniinn V IrNnltis Ueviaiiiaiit. Joseph Min ray. who was arrested fur bi'eakini; into Utenonn A MeN'ult.v's restaurant on South Main street, has In en sent to the county Jail on default of bail, inn-liur the bearing before Al derman Jorn-s, Mutiny umt illiii;'y let out that there Wele others ill (In- aflnir l.esldi s lilin'-elf. lie then undertook to she M th-tii l y m.-ikiiis believe he was stooiil and bad tint Piiderstood the ,iiestiou asked. This did not :x with tlie alder nan, hmv ever, and so Muria was sent down. GAVE HIMSELF I P. .1 oil n l.otti!, ho I, Hi t own Sud denly, I'ndrr Arrest. John I.oftus who left tmvn suddenly some time oto takini-v x'illi hlni ?VI be loiiKiiiK to his land'nid. John Mellon -oiifcb. Iris returned nnd is now under arrest. I.ottus upon bis arrival at once pave himself up to Constable Ni-iiry who bad him locked up. The prisoner Is very penitent and wishes to have the a Hair settled with out his so I list to Jail. Attorney II. C. iiutler has chin (; of bis case. A :ii".'!iu-e 'heel.. The opera season In thin city open; tomorrow evening- when Charles V Tllun.N's popi lar success, "A i:.it-v:atr ' Check," will be presented. Many new nttiaetlens have been milled since se, n in this city la; I season. The company has been cul. .!-.; .1 nwl nmoiii; them will be seen f:;iils K. (li-iipi-miii. Thomas b: v una. of Itlce's "UH." com pany, Lizzie Melrose, Louis Ma-tiiielte, James A. Marcus. Charles A. Mortran, and the celebrated musical nrtist. Hen- l.n.lw in Heck, assisted by Miss Mayhell Kc-kert. the famous controlto itiiiliiit'l. to ileliuiltl. The ruins of the Kinhuck factory are beiiiR cleared away nnd work on a new structure will be commenced at (nee. Most of the timeli liit-l y was re moved yesterday. Some can be usi d n train but lie- won tor part will hal lo be replaced. The new hullilins will be a handsome Mini lure of ihree sioi-hs and will ho belter tilted bli the wants of the (inn than the old on". PERSONAL AND OTUEr? ITEMS. Miss May linnet t, of W'oodlawn n ve nue, w ho has been iiiito III, is aide to be about air.iin. Miss Hern pile Pmsin Is visltinp- her father, who Is 111 at his home on Yar rhiKton Hill. Mis. CeerK" f.ewsley. of Seventh ave nue, who has been visiting her lunirh ter. Mis. I'.errjman, of (ineonla, has returned home. Miss Katie Scott, of Cliff street, who has been visillnir Mend in Philadel phia, has returned heme. I'eter bavin hes reniMiod his position ill the New York store, and on Sept. 1 will enter upon new duties at ISing liamtoii. William Ilisted and faintly have re turned from h sojourn at Keene's Pond. Miss Cora Ksterbrook, who has been visiting friends in the Houtheiii onrt or the state for the past two months, returned home Tuesday evenim;. Mis. James Stephens arid two chit. 'Ireu. of Darte avenue, left yesterday for a visit with friends in Wayne county. Fred Moon, of Mill Creek, who has been eampiiiR at Lake W'inola, js spond lns a few days with friends in this city. Miss Catherine Jay, of Washington street, returned home Tuesday evening, a'ter a ' two months' visit in Fort Wayne, fndiana. Mrs. Ko! pert . Dux berry, of Pinidaff street, is visiting relatives in lialn fcrldKO. N. Y. Mis. S. P. fiaker, Mrs. 'W. II. Etlgett. ii is iuiy x-iiiii'iiK-i. ot i-i ONsaeni'e, and Miss Carrie UeiH-diet. ot this city, spent yesterday at Crystal La Ice. J. O. McKinney. of Log Ani;es, Cab, ANNUAL CUT PRICE REBHAHT SMOF CARPETS Just rcai! our pricrand compare them with any and all of the other attempts: 25c Ingrain Carpels, Now 18o 35c Ingrain Carets, Now 258 tft. I ! ft . B.. rir oum ingrain uorssis, now -vjj i Ggc. Brussels Carp3ts, Now 39s 75c, Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 85c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c AIoa quantity of body lirus.tels length from a to an yards In each piece at about onc hlf price to close. 419 Lack. Ave .Carpets and Wall Pap?r Dealer. 3-Casb on tht Abov OooJs. - a representative of the Ice nnd dial Storage company, of that city, is. tlie puest of X. II. Jiilter. ni laurel street. Miss Anna Jekiries, of Mluooka, is the guest of Mies A sues Hrennan on Kundaff street. James Stott anil family returned laJVt nleht from Ilion Cove. iMass. Hoy lielfriluth lias returned home from a visit with relatives In Corning. Miss Kate Maloney. of Susquehanna, is the guest of Miss Sarah Grady, on Pike Ftreet. I.. A. Uussett and family will leave today for a two days' stay at Ocean Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eitel. of New York, who have been the guests of the former's parents, of South Main street, returned home yesterday. J. B. Lewis and family, of Handler, West Virginia, w ho have been visltinfr friends in this city, returned home yes terday. JKKMYX. The curriculum of study prepared by Professor K. l. Hova.'d, and which has been adopted by the school board for use In the intermediate nnd hish schools places them on a standard in keeping with others in the vicinity. There are now ten grades for a pupil to complete hesides the preparatory and high school before graduation. A fair estimate of the time necessary to complete the course sets it tit twelve years. A pupil entering school at six would thus be eighteen at completion. There ere three courses of study in the high schinl for graduation, the, elementary. Intermed iate and advanced. To graduate in the llrst pupils must be thoroughly convers ant with the branches taurht in the common s -hools as required by law. The elementary course is as follows: Kn;;lish Rmminnr completed, arith metic, inielleotunt and written, com pleted: Vnited States history, complet ed; physiology, completed; nlgebr.t, completed. The intermediate embraces algebra, completed; Latin, bookkeeping, single and double entry; rhetoric, civil government. The advanced course; Physics. Latin, grammar and reader, literature, general history, physical geography, g-ouu try. As the grade of the r.mr ro.nns in tile high school has been advanced one year, but few chaiiy.es in the "railing will be made. -i?t lis in tiv"-!' i-'io::is rvi't be advanced In their slinii. mi sani" as though they had been ; r. ( 1 t aaother room. Contrary P. gem rul evpectation .-onn-cil Toes.lii v ee'llill': d'v'do't to cut off I t l.i- ol ot'-io ii"hts and lenw the bor- o-.i:.;h in .1 ' at ni.-lil for J time Jal 1-Hsi. Yl!:;(. n:i'-V.i-r 1mm! is some j what . sen iPie for it noli. in, however. I There is no uiestimi but what indivld- j u- My I in- ni.i i-eity of i-.iii-.cll'ni n frvor I 1 1 " i", ni i i ina Hi " ol elect ric si root li'.rbt ! nig find inn! the companies t'idiling of j lend lo oonli'iet for one year or two i v-.'-u-s ev -11. Instead of live the li;'llts ..mild mo. r have been ordered out. Nevertheless sieniiig a live years' con tract Tor lb.' lit is a blind step, and coun cil ilieibt!css (lit! Hie wis" thing ill re fusing it. All Hie -ini ni'i liiiiii were pi-'Sent til 'Cues lay evening's meeting except Sobey. Tile cnlllllllltee Oil light gave an eyl.-nded review of their work, and reported having solicited and hav ing received bids for furnishing light from oulslde companies. The Arch bald Light company oll'ei-eil to give light for JMi jut lamp per annum, and the present company presented their oh) figures of JTii per lump.. J'.olh compan ies stipulate their bids for a no less period than live years' contract, and to this council refused to agree. After a spoiled discussion pro nnd con the eommlliee was iiistrui ted to have the lights cut off at once, nnd heticoforl h Jenny n at nieht will be like Kgypt. The order to 1 1 i 1 1 1 i . . u i the lights was deli. r(d to the coinpany by Secretary !r."iit yesterday morning. Miss Cor i l'avis wc.s (eadered a pleas ant farewell party in Knterprise hall Tuesday evening. She will leave ill a few days for Stn.udsburg Xoiinal school. A number nf out of town friends alien. I, d. The Mive.-i Kva, Lucy and Jennie Wheeler, lldiih Vusley mid Lilli" linker enjoed a drive to N"vlou Lake yes terday, where they spent the lUiv. Nul ath (isborne reluriied yesterday to Syracuse universil y. .irs. I' IC. Waters is visiting friends at Norwich, N. Y. The nieu.liiTS of the Methodist ICpis conul choir will picnic today at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. K. Humphrey will leave tor day mi a trip to iitiiv r, C.d. She will tu eouitui :iy Judge Kdwiuds nnd others. An enjoyable "ceb web" party was given by Miss JusiV Uavis at her home at the Powder mill Monday evening. ' nit of town friends who attended were: Mi.-s Holmes, of Albany; Miss tiertle Sanders, of Avoea; Mr. and Airs. A. N. Kerr, of Seranton; Mr. Snanldlng, of iJumnore; A. I :at tenlierg. of Arcbbald. Miss Mary Clarke, of Second street. Is the guest of Miss Margaret Moran, of Seranton. The conductors' excursion to Coopers town on Saturday will be accompanied by a score or so from here. lONI-STUTY. Pete Kirshunk, who himself was hot some time ago. was engaged in an other skirmish Tuesday evening. lie and his two brothers were near the Krie station and by the way tlcy rippllod a sti.:te and club to it fellow countryman's head. They were interrupted nnd tak en before '.Snuiro Jlnxey. K- final dis position lias yet been made of the case. Major Hurn.v-d, of Seranton, was in town Tuesday evening engaged in a survey at No. 2 shaft. Miss Hessle Melvin. our efficient nnd accommodating assistant postmistress, is taking her annual vacation. Sae is at present vblting friends in Seranton. A. M. O'Domi 'll, of Carhor.dale, is at the Forest h'-.use. A big d-'irMiiKtration in behalf of pro tection and sound money Is expected in I'niondale nt"ct Friday evening, the oc CBoinn being; the formation of a Mc Kinley -Mobart club at that place. The Forest City Republican club will be the guests of their fellow partisans of rniundale that evening, and will leave Forest City on the F.i-ie tlyer at 6.H0 p. m. A band and glee club will furnish stir ring Republican music for the occa sion and the Issues of the day will be discussed by F. ,T. Osgood. Editor John il. Brown am! lieorge Mailt y, jr. lKICi:iHKG. The festival nnd social of Ft. Thomas' church held at Fadden's hall Tuesday evening, was largely attended. The contest for the lady's gold watch was won by Miss Sfaggle McCormack. Mr. Viiimiel Maker held the number which drew the twenty dollars in gold. The admirers of McKlnley ami f lo bar! nre talking strongly ot organizing a club here. George Mtimford visited frtetuls in Olyphant lasl evening. OLD l'OKGK. . Mrs. Orothnmmel, of Seranton, was rnllhig on frit uds on Tuesday. The Misses Hrodhead were Visiting friends in Wyoming on Wednesday. AVIIllam Ilaaletlne and William Moore will lun a race at the Moosic riving park on Sept. 21, for 150 a sid. l-'ACTOKY VII.LE. When the poor tliieotnrs searched tho clothes on the tramp that was killed on the railroad just above twn lust Tuesday morning, they found sewed up In a false pocket inside of the vest twenty-seven dollars in bank notes, al though, upon being asked just before ho died if he had any money. Jus em phatically said "Xu." Our town has been well patronized for the past week with the many can didates asking fur the nomination for the county ofllees that will be changed the coming year. Of course they are nil sure of making the nomination, and we hope they all , Republicans) will. Mrs. J. T. l-'inney, of Seranton, is spending a few days r.vith her niece, Mrs. A. B. Brown. Jeweler Kd. Watkins and Fied Cease were calling on friends up at Mehoop nny last Friday. Of course they did not go a fishing. Anion? the Seranton visitors In town Inst Saturday evening;, we noticed: Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred It. Stark, T. l. Purr, Hurt Wllklns, Okas. Zuiilelgh, and Kd. Kva n?. Joe "Wilson took in the Psillroad Men's excursion to J'loasant Hieh last Saturday. In the north end of town C. Winton Wrigley has bee.ii adding much tn the looks and improvements of his proper ty by laying a flag- stone walk along Main pteeet. Jt is one of the finest walks in town. There is now a non tinuous Hag walk from the Acadany to the top of the old depot hill, with the exceptions of In front of the old depot cemetery. A few feet of bad walk at Mr. Hrayton's and the northerly ap proach to the iron bi Ulge. The last two named places are in a had condi tion, ami lire dangerous places for peo ple to travel over alter dark. The council' Immediate1 net Ion on such places would be appreciated by the people that have to travel over such bad places in the side walks, and the taxpayers, as the borough Is liable to have to pay some one a large hill of damages. Never before can vve remember when apples were so plentiful in this sec tion that they could not be sold or given away. Ilundi-. ils of .bushels lire rotting mi the ground ill this town alone. L. 1). Kenmier.'r. who was overcome Willi the heal s.inie two weeks ago, n-e are sorry t.i say, suffered a relapse last Thursday, t larilin r's bus line to Lake Winola Is uixeil to Its full capacity th-se days, cariying some days us high as one hundred passengers each day. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. 11. Gardner spent last week camping ut Windfall lake, liow about the tishv Stanley Sinuoli return- il last Satur day evening from bis Ple.wie lour to Niagara fulls. lie says he enjoyed the trip nil tight, only he left about ten pounds of his good llesh along the road bfl ween here and the falls. He made the tun, miles, iu thirty-six hours, as In -I a. il was. George Trai.s ie ami family returned to their winter hom in Potlsville yen-t-rday, after spending the summer here. What's the nuilb-r with our councils, and the slr.et lamps? It is a shame that our pretty little town has to be wrapped iu total darkness every night, and It certainly Is no advertisement for our town. Let tie. iulVe light. The soldiers' reunion in Wrigley's grove. Lake Carey, i-ijinmeiiced yester day and vill last throe days. Chaibs Itockwcll, Arthur Wads worth. Mr. and Mrs. fb-orge N. Doyle, and Arthur IHirrow s were, visitors to this tow n yesterday. "- C. It. Llis.i and family inn! Charles" Hunt returned Monday evening from Heart lake, Susquehanna enmity, Pu., where t bey have be.-ti spending a ten days' vacation. Charlie says lie had a good time; idee place; ,m u i,e could i ateh was bull heads. Insurance Agent (Jeorge M. Pleltta wus in Moosie nnd Taylor last Mon day. Dr. A. It. Kit eh Is slightly iudl.-qiosej for the past few days. AVOCA. The ln.-irriage of .Miss Mary Quinn and John Sheridan, both prominent people of this town, was 'solemnized at St. Mary's cliun h on .Monday evening, Kev. M. F. flams otllelatlng. The bride and her attendant, Mbs Alary (rordoii, wore neatly tlesigned gowns and curled Uou nuels. The groom was waited upon by Michael Quinn. a brother of the bride. Alter tli" ceremony a reception was tendered the bridal party at the home of the bride's inoiber. Mr., and Mrs. Hherldan will begin housekeeping at once. The death of Robert, the bright and Interesting 4-year-ubl sou of .Mr. and .Mrs. James Hell, of South Main street, occurred yesterday afternoon alter n few days' Illness of diphtheria. Funeral announcement will be made later. Mr. ami Mrs. Anthony Healey are re joicing over the arrival of u daughter. Mrs. Hubert liosley has returned home after a, few months' visit with friends in Wales. A!r. Leslie llollisler left yesterday to resume lit- studies ut Painted Post, Constipation Causes iully half the sicklies hi the wnrld. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels uml produces biliousness, , lorpiii liver, luJi- ........ ..... ......... ........... : - t.initie. sink lieadaclii:. in- vl. II i- . ii.li . f ot'uitiia, jiuuii 9 x ins nurrcuii.stiputldii iniii all ill ri'sulH, easily anil Uinroulily. 25c. AlldniKgistii. I'ri'parcd hy C. I. Hood tt Co.. I.ouvll. Aliiti. Iha only lMls to take witU lluud's Suriiipanlln. Lager Beer Brevery- Manufacturers of the Celebrated la in u CAPACITY) ioo.ooo Barrels per Annum ods v k t:i a s.z ci tjaso Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report KMI'B -c N. Y. He was accompanied by his cous in. Clair, of this place, w ho will spend a few weeks with friends in that vicin ity. The employes of the silk mill were paid yesterda-y. lien McAlplne, of Marathon, N. Y returned home yesterday after a few weeks' visit at the Sanders residence, on Lincoln Hill. Miss Jennie Newlin and Messrs. Oeorge N'ewlin. Herbert Addison and John Frill attended a party ut Plains last evening, given by Miss Ida Mc Caim. in honor of her cousin. Miss Louise Johnson, ot Salt Lake City. Horror Hennessy and .Mrs. William O'Ma'.tey have gone to Concord, Conn., to attend the funeral of the former's sister. The Sanifield Literary club will pic nic at Lackawanna Park on Sept. 1!. "The Poor of New York" was very well presented to a fair sized audience at O'M alley's Opera, bouse on Tuesday evening. The proceeds will be donated to the "Twin Shaft fund." A benefit concert will be given at the Primitive Methodist church tills eve ning. An excellent programme has been arranged for the oeegsion. Mr. James McKane. of the N'orih Kml, has resigned his position as blacksmith for l he Lntigeliflo Coal-company, and will accept a similar one at Pittston. Hugh Metjnei'n, of Susquehanna.. Is visiting at the residence of his brother, on the West Side. Misses lb-lln iConnor. Nettle Hrnf fuer. Katie Druri" iter, nnd P. Heap en joyed a trolley ride to Pittston on Tues day evening. PI ckvili.i:. Mrs. James llikemnn and her young grandson is visiting at Susquehanna. Miss Jennie Mllray has returned home niter un extensive visit at Waverly. Lost, lasl Sunday evnlng between the end of the CarbmuUile electric road and plane K. a lady's bind: shoulder etipe. Tlie Under will please leave It at tin? home of S. M. lingers. Miss Hannah Coales attended the Pei kwortb-il irtle wedding at May lield last evening. The Women's Christian Temperance I'lilon will meet for special business at On Saturday we told of r.ooo pair Ladies' Shoes, worth r,25, at 50c. This morning there is not half that quantity here. Bear iu miud we. know tlie shoes enough to guarantee every pair of them You can buy a year shoe ueeds today at the price that a couple of pairs of shoes would ordinarily cost you, 437 pair Ladies' Shoes,worth $1.25. at 36 pair Men s Rus set Shoes at 6. pair Ladies' Pat ent Leather Strap Sandals at Men's Dress Shoes, sold all over town for $1.25; we sell them at Men's hand-sewed 58c 59g Calf Shoes, regular price the town over "S1.M $3.00; our price 83 c lie is Boys' Shoes only.... Youths' Shoes. Misses' Fine Shoes The above are only a few of our bargains. Remember, we have high grade Shoes at low prices. Call and examine our goods. No trouble to show goods. You will surely save money by it. lUUUllDU VI 307 Lasfcwanna Avaniia. ONE PRICE TO ALL. li B. RUSSET SHOES himil G1-.E.1 Vif.Y -r . s hi What Sarah Bcrahard aay nan II IIS MM mmm the home of Jars. v illlain isudd, on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnot are visit ing with friends at Shlckshiuny. Mr. and Mrs. John Warne attended the Nanticoke Sunday school picnic ut Mountain' Park' yesterday. SEW MIl.l OKi). Graded, school opens Monday next. The school building is receiving Ha an nual renovation for the occasion. Charles, Wood Is having the rre store room adjoining his store lilted up for a stock of dry gomls, etc Charles is chuck full of hustle. Dr. Clarence Tiull was calling on fi ionds in town this week. Henry Lewis, or the township, ule.l at his home Tuesday. He w as about 60 years of age. Kdwnrd Adams Is having his store emporium on Main street repaired. The new engine for the shingle mill has arrived nnd placed In position. Insurance Agent Hrown was In Syra cuse Saturday. Apples are so numerous that some of our farmers are spreading them over the Holds as a fertilizer. The Ice business at Heart Lake closes this week. The condition of the highway In the immediate vicinity of Mott Hill is a disgrace to our township and should be repaired at once. The Sunday school of the Paptlst church will picnic at the Three Lukes on Thursday of this week. The finest base ball game of the sea son was played on the home club's pas ture Tuesday between the Montrose ag gregation and a like number of braves of this place. The honors of the home team were divided between the pitch ing of liutteriit Id and the phenomenal rati bes by Oeiitorliolder Hell. Montrose put tip a good game, excepting a few yellow errors in the first inning. The game closed in favor of the home ele ment by H score of 11 to 6. The attend ance was good and the bleachers happy. 13 rely for our success not on large profits but on our lariie sales. Our AH-Wool $ Suits Made to Order for - - Are the talk of the town. Wc do not ask you to take anything that is not a perfect fit, or that does not please you in every way. If Ji Mlhf WyTniinf Ay. OklUI.NATOR OP AlODHRN METHODS IN AlliKCHAINT TAILORING. WILLIAM S- MILLAR, Alfierman 8th Ward, Seranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATLK CO. BUlLDIrid, C0RSER Vi YOKING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. in. (1 hour intermission fur dinner anil upper.) Particular Attention (liven to Cnllectionm Prompt i-cttlement liuarantecd. Your But ncsc i Respectfully Solicited. 1'elephonc 134. AIT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL, CodI of th best qunlity for doinstlo nsi and of all Bizts, Inciudinc liikkwheat and Hirdsi'ye. delivered iu any purt o tho city ut the lowest price. Orders received at thn OHlo, flrt flaor. Commonwealth liillUlins, room No. ti; telephone Mo. 21124. or tit the mino, tile phone No. 272, will be promptly attendod to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. CN THE LIKE OF 1Y mm mm n are located the finest fishing and hunting KroundH In the world, Dt?scri;jtiv booita on application, lickets lo all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, AiinneHpoli. St. Paul, Canallan and lTiiltd States Northr-eat, Vanvotiver, Seattle. Tacoma. Portland, Ore., an Kranc.??Q. First-Class Siosping and Pininar C:rs attaohei to all throiiRht train. Tourist cars fully fitted with beiluins. rurtains and ppeclally adapted to wants of families tray be had vlth serand-clam tickets. Kate alvays lei9 than via othr Hues. For further Information, time tables, etc.. on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 333 Broadway, New York. TH3 IDEAL AMFPICAN TPIP NOklliPIIN sriiAJViStilf COMPANY. Tho hiiperuly Aupomtd hnd iJoiuiiiudioiis - to 1 St'tnlhi,. NORTHWtST ANU NORTHLAND, AMeriei'.u tliri.iiKii anil ilir.n'i'Ii. leave Butlaln I ti wliiv end l-rid tys o-.to T rv lor Cleveland. Detroit. Aiackiaac. Ihe Sou, Dultith, 1. ud Western Pninu. ii-.tinj ull . laces of interest by daylight In couuec tiou with THE CIRHAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it foruin the uiunt. ilirect ronte, ami iri.ni ev ery p. int ot comparison, the most d-liitlitful and oomfiirlal'1'3 on? to JiluiK opoliB. tt. P.iul, Ixroat Falls, Helena, Putte. KpoKano pud Pa cific roant. 1'he onlv trnnm ontinentnl line runniiiK tlie (aniout bullet, library, observa tiun car. Sew U7 honr train for Portland via Spokane. HOT! L LAPAYETTli, Lake Aiinnetonka, 16 miles from ill inneapolif, largest and must baaatinl resort in the west. licketnaud any information of any agent or A. A. HBAKU, Ueneral PauaeuKur agent, Buffalo, N.Y. Novelties in cverv description of FLOOR COVERING, Including choice selections in Wiltons, Axitilnstcrs, Mavoiuicrlcs, iMoquettes, Velvets, English and Domestic Brussels, New uud huudsome effects u .uuttclitie, Jupuncsc and Chinese .Mattings. Just received a complete line of Dantu Hand-Woven RiiRs, la all the latest and most effective combinations of color and designs, which will be closed out for the remainder of tho week ut the follow ing prices; 4 ft fcy 7 ft, - C ft by 9 ft, - 7 ft. 6 in. by 10 fl. 6 in.. 9 ft by 12 ft, - Our complete line of Roods In been received. An inspection will tage, Opposite Main Entrance tu the Wyoming rtuu.se. ON THE SQUARE EDGED i SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FCOT LATH. RICHARDS 02 COfi'iKONWElLTH BJILDINS. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SGr.ANTON AND WILKES-BARrtE, PA., Manufacturers of Leeomolives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, General Olllce: SCRANTON, PA STEINWAY ft SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Ol tb Wan DECKER BROS.. kkAMCllil & BACtIB and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. 'urchaf er, will alway s find a cntnplet, atock and at prices as low as tlie quaU tty of the Instrument will permit at I. 13. nusic STORE, 117 Wyomlnz Ae. Seranton HULBCRT'S I0LL TSiiESJ In a store are expensive expensive to the store keeper, expensive to his customers. We've skipped that sort of expense if we make it possible to sup ply your wants. We do some of the busy months' work iu the months that used to be counted dull and this is how we do it : 1 A Dlslcrartcnrd C lialr Maker dosed down his factory his wart house full order hook blank. We bousj'.it live luiu.lrcd Rockers but WC crdiHDt (laplhii'.e tl;e lot, :.;.S --sfeviVVi?.- -A ''Mi Quartered oak, eoliblor aenf. carre l back. Iir'sce urneeful arms that ray "Welronie." MahoRanv Hnish on bireii aUo-all CI 91 high grade jioliah, and tor 1 if If CASH OR CREDIT DEALERS. 1 C jjoMI I clothing"! i: f'i jrf lyrh' ForMenandVouthaat W mR fWf&P' 218 wVOMINil AVENUE. 1 U SL I ON CREDIT. TOO. , 1 y jag ANO 7 WYOMINU AVENLH. -,Ty,t,wttT.. i ESTABLISHED 1871 IClEftJ! Oft 5151 $2.50, 4.80, 6.4o, 9.6o, Wort. $3.50 Worth 6.00 Worth J.00 every grade for the Tall Trade hag be instructive and to your advun 408 Lackawanna Avenue SQUARE. Ei. r.n QQL'ARE nEAUNG TO uquare Dealers. LUMBER CO., 'PH3NE 422. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth tine to $1; choice for 5()c. Worth $t-25 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Helt Duckies, worth 3.5(), ut $'2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine. China at about Hull 1'rice. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, lurks and Knives at reduced prices. u graved free. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake I'askets, etc., finest plate, new slyles, very low prices. At our New Store, 150 VOTING AVENUE. liCEil k CQilliL a 1 BANQUET LAMPS. A hundred Banquet Lamps that were $4.50, $5, $6 and $7, without shade or globe, are those same prices today, with shadeor globe. Choice of silk or empire shade or dec orated globe. It means the saving of $2 to $3. One hun dred can share' the bargain, A WORD We've been making im provements, adding more space to our store have not had a rebuilding sale, either, but will tell you of our new department later. C LOSIJG SALE 1 Mlrtei