The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 27, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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1 We have the best liicyclc Carriage
fur the lust cash to be found in tliis
valley. 'e want to reduce our stock
of articles this month and think our
new prices will interest persons in
want of such. Come and sec Utciu
U2 Lackawanna Ave.
Always in the past the
Best in Scran ton
Will be in til.- future as good as
o.i is that can lie made by the
Which removes the foul seeds ami
dust. Try our
"0111 OATS."
liuvo tlie inlt.iaH a., M. CO. imprint
til in eucii rigar.
Dll. C. D. S HUM WAY.
Disrnsui of tho Lower Ilowel a
;iwial'y. .'JOS Washington Ave.,
Opp. Tribune i;;iiili::..
ernes iiou?.s a in jigs.
Henry II. I'm-dliati!, uf Monti-use, is in
the city.
I. A. Mines, or Lake Wlnola, vns here
1 r. (i, lv lieim has returned from the
Attorney W. S. Hiohl lias rcliinieil from
a slay ui lllui'k Island.
County Surveyor Itnrtl Is spending his
Y;:e:tiioii ill 1'"? seashore.
H. J. Mailer Is at Nazat'etn attending
tl.e funeral of 11 coiiiiin.
Professor anil .Mrs. V. P. Schilling urn
home after visiting at Cascade, I'a.
.Attorney S. J'.. Price and lamlly have
returned from a trli through -Nova Scotia
lite I New Kiiglainl.
Mr. Ihilph haner is nl Dr. Thompson's
private hospital, where she will undergo
iiu operation for npticnillcitis.
' Walter II. Knell principal of the School
of the l.aekawanna, has returned from a
vacation spent on the .Maine roast.
' H. .T. Anderson, vlce-preshVnt of the
1 neUmanna Trust and Safe lepo'it
o'vpany. who has been on n vacation at
V. aieh Hill, It. 1., has returned home.
John K. r'uinniings. elerk In the pro
thonotnry's oillee. has been made manager
of the Father Ma.thew nera house nt
(ilyphunt. The work will not eontllet
with his it tit lei: In the prothonntnry'a of-li.-e.
. Mai-lin O'Connor, of Fourth street, and
Jii-s Hi linda Caffrey, of Itivor street,
W"i-e married nt St. Peter's outhedrnl yes
terday morning. Key. .1. W. .Malone of
Related. The rjoumsinnn was .Myles
Chirk, and Miss Annie Cnffrey, a sister
o! the hride, was hridesmaiil ,
, Feed the T wo upon pure, rich blood
snd you not be nervous. 1'ure
J. loud eomi by taking Hood's Sarsu
purllla wh.-h'ls thus the greatest anil
best nerve tonic,
, Hood's rills cure nausea, sick ITend-o-he,
indigestion, biliousness. All
druggists. 2"ic.
Scranton IStisinegx rollcuc,
, The opening day Is not far off.
. This school dues not employ solicitors.
. Prof. Yoder.wlll return from his vaca
tion trip on Friday.
The proprietors are kept busy en
rolling students.
A yountr lady wns sent on Monday to
V.eep the books In a. Lackawanna ave.
wholesale house. A S. H. O. steno
grapher works In the same office.
The college ofllee Is being newly pn
pered and carpeted and otherwise
adorned. ' It will be handsome when
' Slany are the expressions of admira
tion, made by visitors concerning tlie
college riunrters. It Is paid that there
are no liner anywhere.
frof. t). F. Auburn, of Iowa, the new
''member of the faculty, will arrive this
week. Prof. Auburn has had much
business college experience.
St. Paul find Itctiirn.
; flpTlnl train via Nickel 1'lnte road,
aeeount Grand Army of the Republic
encampment, will leave I?uffaIo at 11.55
"p. m. en Saturday, AB. 29, after arrival
of all trains from the oast, but train
r.nd sleepinf? cars will be ready for
pussenEers ut 9 p. m. The lowest rates
will be made via tho Nickel Plate road.
'Heeiire your sleeping car space from
your nearest ticket agent, or write di
rect to F. J. Moore, general agent, T.uf
falo, N. T. State If there are ladles In
your party, as special ears will be re
Krrved for them.
. , Tie sure your tickets read via the New
.York, Chicago and St. Louis railroad,
and take special train, leaving Jluf
alo 11.65 p. m., Saturday Aug. 29.
It Has Raised Nearly $16,000 for Pitts
ton's Sufferers.
I'no ln After Hie ."tie mora bio S nu
ll :m in June (he 1'iind Has Started,
unit, with the f ntholic ConUibu
tions, Scrnntou Has Knisetl $0,
OUO.-.Pmotiinlly all ilic .Uonev
Has Hicu Haiti and Seat to l'ittston.
Attain has the Petanton board it
trade cxemplilied Its energy and pro
JJi'eslvness. by ils commendable and
prompt iictiim in -relieving the suffer
ers id' the Twin shaft disaster, and
nun h of the eiviiil is due the I'oardVr
eivt-iry. lioiph I'.. Ath-rton.
An interest ing stay is Involved In rt
hlstury of ho the fund was obtained:
This ileploieble catastrophe occurred
on Sunday, June i'S. Kaily Monday
morning Secretary Atle'iton uctiiiK on
tlie authority of the oilicers of the
board, tilt -graphed to tho l'ittston
board of trade, extendi:: sympathy
anil financial assistance, on Tuesday,
June ::o, two days after tile disaster, a
nnvtiiiK f the nmniif.'.cttiti'i's' com
niittee of tlie board was cnlled. for the
purpose of inaugurating u fund In aid
of the widows and orphans, left to
piotirn the loss of their only support.
The list was opened on Hint day, and
at Hie dose of business thai evening
U.t'-i liail been subscribed.
SC ' : A NTi 'S ' K-TI Hill)
From that day on tlie fund has con
tinually Kiown until It now amnuiitii
to the niagnilicotit sum of Sir."s.",.(y.
To I Ills may be added the suliscilp
tions of the difi'erent Catholic societies
of I lie die which amount to about
$-1 .."'h. making a ctatid total of over
-Ju.ii'.0 subscribed am! paid by tlie citi
zens of Sera il m. It is estimated by
li?oHe ill au'.hority that not oven $i;o.flOi1
ivii! be leaUKed from the many appeals
i-citt out by tho relief committee.
Should this prove t' be the case it
will lie seen that Sevanton will have
raised nver one-lhh'd of the cntiiv
The until of (lie old nduire "strUie
while Hie iron is hot" has imiiiy t linen
been proven, but never more forcibly
than in this instance. H.-fere the ex
tent of I his terrible catastrophe had
been fully ronlisii d, almost before Hie
smoke bad cleared away, the citizens
of Scranton thrrmpli the city's ctier
Kelie lioar.l of trade, were soliciting;
aid for the sufferers, find the secret
of their mairnilievnt success, was dip
entirely to Hie fact that they (lid not
delay, awaiting full particulars, W. fore
appealiui,' to the charity of citizens.
.Many lives bad been lost, a score of
widov.vx ami over one hundred orphans
had be,. n deprived of their only sup
port and comfort. This was enough
to arouse tie- energy of the board's of
lii i is anil members, pinmpt an 1
eliii lent ac'i mi was the result.
jn'Sir, !-:ss .vkvs aih.
In addition to dir. ct solicitation by
Hie board of trade, appeals were pilnl
ed on the b iter beans of some of the
city's promiiu nt merchants represent
ing different lines or trade, and sent
to linns from which tiny purchased
Hoods. Tlie responses to these nppcals
Were prompt and for Hie most p:.rt
p neious. Following Is a statement
of the amounts received through this
ThroiiHli Simpson Walkins $ 1.0.V.I 00
i nroiiKii t leiand, Simpson T.iv-
h.r ;,,
Through Hunt X- Council
Through Megitrj:le i Connell
Thnuinii Casey Dnii
Tiiroimli T. J. Kelley Co
Through .Matihews llros
'I liroii;li Williams & McAnulty...
Throui;li S ranton .Machine ami
Supply company
Through I'nst National bald;
TIiioiilIi lli'nuood Co
J."'i 10
.ITii on
:iu in
ill) -Nl
i:hi im
n;.'. m
7". no
70 no
1.1 no
Tiirmi" l Hoard of Trade...
, io.r
Total $ir.,7s."i ia
In the amount credited to the board
of trade is Included the subscriptions
received by Tin- Scranton Truth. The
Scranton Tribune and Mayor liailey.
Tlaridsome amounts were subscribed
bj tlie employes of various coal com
panies. Proceeds from picnics, base
ball games and enteitainmeiits given
by little boys nnd girls, lite also In
Of the total amount subscribed, every
dollar has been paid to Secretary Atli
erton, he in turn having handed over
to Theodore Strong, president of the
First National bank of l'ittston. the
sum of Jl.V'.', for which lie holds
Mr. Strong's vouchers. The balance of
J:i!l.oO is . in bank nwalling the final
til using of the fund. The board Is
anxious that the fund shall reach
SlO.non.on and will hold It open for a
few davr, before making final settle,
mi nt, with the hope Hint, tlie desired
amount may be realized, .lames A.
Linen, president of the First. National
bank. Henry J, Anderson, vice-president
of the Lackawanna Trust and Safe
Deposit company, and William II. Peck,
cashier of the Third National bank,
have been appointed to audit the fund,
which will be done as soon as dual set
tlement has been made.
A full report of the fund, along with
the report of the auditing committee
will be made at the next meeting of the
board which will be held September 21.
The usual daily statement of the
fund was m-ide yesterday afternoon
and was as follows:
Previously acknowledge.! $1 7..T73 t;i
Through Scranton Tribune
Sheridan lodge, K. of P., i'eek-
ville. Pa ,-. 00
Through Simpson & Walking
Milton Iron Co., Milton, Pa ii 00
I 02
Ineorrerty Stated Tlmt It Would he
Held in Scrnntoii.
The following elitoriutnippareil in n
reeent Issue of The Christian Alliance,
a religious paper published in New
York ly Hev. A., II. Simpson anil which
we republish hy request:
We imnouneed recently that un nlllnneo
convention would be held nt Sernntnn,
Ph., the last week In Ainmst. We desire
to correct this announcement nnd to any
thnt no such convention will he held in
connection with theullinnre. Our brother,
Hev. James Keovlllp, of Rer.inton, Iws
written to us wiihdrawinK from the alli
ance nnd Mating that tho work In Scran
ton will bo carried on apart from the nl
linnee altogether. -Mr. Scoville's reason
for withdraw Is. that he takes excep
tions to the views which the alliance
should maintain toward the evnnccllcnl
churPhes. We have always advised our
alliance friends against taking mi an
tagonistic attitude toward the churches.
The position of the nlllance is one of
friendliness and ('hrlstlnn fellowship with
every evangelical branch of the church
of ChrUt. This has always been the posi-
Hull of the nlUalice und it has been ex
pressed iiiiuuueiable times, both In our
munuuls and public declurutlous of prin
ciples, cm- lirothei writes to us that he
cannot iwee wi:h coir position us ex
pressed by 1'r. Wilson, Mr, Simpson and
others at the late meeting In Scranton,
and Unit he cannot remain a member of
the alliance until wo come Into the truth
In this matter. Jt is only Just to our many
alliance friends In the Scranton valley
that we should sny with all frankness anil
yet brotherly kindness that one ib-ar
brethren, Messrs. Scovilie and Shellord
do not reures.nt the principles or the
work of tiie Christian alliance and are
not connected with It.
Coard of Revision and Appeals to Pass
Upon the Question of Ordering a
New Assessment.
V'hi-ther or not 'ho board ot appeals
Will l.l'.ier H lleV nss S'iillelU despn
Hie adverse action of seleet council U
:i iitestion of much iinpiii tanc which
will be answered today. The bourd
meets this afternoon at - o'clock; to
pass upon tills matter and Judging
from reports about the city hall yes
terday it would not be surprising if
the board would declare lor the as
sessment. Three of the members of the board
are avowedly for the assessment and
the other two are not altogether op
posed to it. 1C the majority wants m
order the ass-.-sinent it Is thought the
vole .will be made unnrimous as tfe
two members who are not working In
tlie matter one way or the oilier have
intimated they will agree to whatever
tlie other three decide upon.
Hail Mr. Lansing been able to se
cure a seconder Tuesday night, to his
motion to reconsider the resolution ad
vising tlie board to go ahead with the
assessment, it would have been carrle I.
Thl1;. the adherents of ;he new assess
ment project rirgite, Is evidence that
their nction will lie approved by coun
cil providing they order the assesment
and they feel inclined to do so.
The board nan the piwcr to order
the assessment without consulting any
one mid council must provide lor the
expense. There Is n iiiu-stion however
as to whether or not the law will
permit the board to go so far as t'
hire assistant assessors. .Mr. Chitten
den, wiio lends Hie opposition to the
movement, says no, and further de
clares Ihal in case assistant assessor
arc appointed Hie) niy have to whis
tle for their pay.
The members of the board aiv in n.
ouandry as to what they should do,
and, as strong Inllueuce is beliig
brought to bear upon them fnun both
sMos, It Is not safe to even guess whot.
tlie null (line of toilav':! inci ting r.v i ! 1
fl'mlcr this heading short letters of In
terest will be published when nceomp.i
liiid, for publication, by the writer's
name. Tho Triluino will not be held ro
spouulblo for opinions here, expressed. J
m. .lones llxplnins.
1-Mitor of The Tribune.
Sir: In your Issue dated Friday, Aug.
-1, IVt't. was an article written by a corre
spondent from this place to the Carlion
ilale Herald, which, II' true, brands nie
as unworthy to he mi olllrer In this bor
ough, or. lor that mailer, in any other
bia-oui;li or city in the state or comity;
if not true. It stamps the writer as a
calumniator and a coward, who oii'iht
never lo be aliowed space in any journal
to vetit Ids spleen and venom against law
and order. Now, as to the faeH:
nit Aiir. IS, the day of tiie Lithuanian
w edding In ipicsl inn, the groom, probably
recognizing that some of the guests-were
wont lo be dangerous, requested that an
olllcer should be present to preserve or
der. 1 went. All went well until Anthony
liaiavllz came In. He started to raise a
disturbance, and being the only officer
present among a large crowd, I tried to
pilot him ralher than to aggravate him,
ami dually induced the mat) to sit down
beside me. While I was watching a iiiar
rcl in annlher part of tlie room, which I
feared might develop into a light, (ialavltz
tried to slip my handcuffs and revolver
from my pocket. I felt the movement
and turned around Just In time to see the
man withdraw niy property. 1 asked him
to return it in an entirely proper manner,
nnd he refused. Realizing rtiat It would
neither be good Judgment on my part or In
keeping with common sense lo resort to
physical force where there were present
one hundred on one side to one on the
other, t appeared before II. I!. Iiraman.
esib, and swore out u warrant for the ar
rest of (bdavilz. I was no more Intoxi
cated ihen than I am when I write this
article, and when the case comes to trial
at Montrose, I can prove that the facts
which 1 slate here aie substantially cor
rect. As to the anonymous and Irresponsible
correspondent's reference to the escape of
a prisoner from nn In Scranton about a
year ago, I will only deign to say that it
was one of those unfortunate circum
stances which will happen le any olileer
w ho handles any considerable number of
prisoners in the discharge of his duty.
I will further say that when the prisoner
escaped In Scranton I was with an ollicer
above reproach, who can testify, If neces
sary, that no ordinary watchfulness could
have gunrileil against the occurrence.
1 do not wish to resort to abuse of tho
wrper of the article copied by you from
the Carbnndiile Herald, because it would
he only throwing Hind against a man who
Is so iiennarej with mire now thai liie
effect would be invisible. Sutllce it to say
that he has been repudiated Uvice at Cio
polls by the best element of Ihe citizens
in Forest ('II v. wlvcl: may ner-oun' for his
sympathy with disorder and his frequent
attacks, through the press, upon the
regularly constituted officers of tb law.
John W. Jones.
Fonst City. Aug. 27,, ivx.
Direelors und Ollircrf Kleeted lor the
lln-uini; Yeiir.
The nnmtnl nicetinc of the Sorantnn
rovplnK company was held yesterday
nfternoon and directors and officers
were chosen: W. II. Ptorrs. J. M. Kv-ei-hnrt.
,T. M. Ki-m merer, William ron
nell. C. II. I'ond. William T. Smllli ami
Ifenry Helln. Jr.
Mr. Pond ivi-h re-e1ecteil pres'uient nnd
Renevnl mnnfujer. Mr. Pelin. treasurer,
and 1". r. ChnmlM rlain. serrttury.
Ask Yo'ur Ucnlcr
for McOnrrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-cent boxes. Kever sold In hulk
Take no other.
Opens its Zti year under eijht experienced
tonchors. Fits for any C'ollcpre or Technical
School. English, fl'islncss and Classical De
partments. Bond for Catalogue to
i:v, THOS, M. CANS, LI.. H.,
Celebrated Thomas Pens,
PRATT'S, Wssh!n2t33 Ava.
Carlton Letchworlh Hangs Himself in
His Father's Cam.
Went lo Find Out the I nuse of His
Son's Protracted Absence mill
(omen I'pon His Iiody Suiupns
from u I en r.i--1. fit No Vord Hchiud
to Lxplain Kis Action--Alive When
found but ISicd Later.
Carlton Letch, vorth, the twenty-hvj-year-old
son of I ndertukcr T. I'.
Leteliworth. of Dunnior?. banged him
self yesterday afternoon in his father'.;
barn on Chestnut street, lie was dis
covered by bis father und cut down
soon after be commit led tho rash b ed
but alter lingering until 10 o'clock he
died without recovering consciousness.
About I! o'clock his father sent him
to tlie burn to clean out a couple of
stalls and harness a pair of horses.
Thive-(uariers of an hour later. Ills
father becoming uneasy ut his long
absence, went lo the barn and
horrllb-d to lilseove.' his son banging
from a rafter. He (lit him down und
as he was s'.ill warm, hastily sum
moned the Durniore physicians.
Doctors Hopkins, tlaivey. Murphy
and Winters worked wllh him until
after 9 o'clock when they gave him
up. lie died an hour later.
The suicide evidently committed lb
rash deed on a sudden impulse. He
cleaned out Hie stall;! as directed by hU
father, swept out the barn and when
he went up to tlie cari'ln-re room to
hitch up tbi team he then il trniitied.
It is supposed, upon taking his life.
He sluod i n a w agon, attached a r. p
to one of the beams overhead, tied the
other end around his neck in a
nnd then .lumped off the bos of the
He stood six feet three Inches In Ms
stocking feet and was ludlt in propor
tion. For the last live years he was n
meinbi r of the Thirteenth regiment
and is well known in tills city.
What prompted him lo do away wtih
himself is not dearly known, but It Is
said to be despondency, due to P"lty
troubles, lie left no word of explana
tion behind. He was a rather lively
fellow and got Into various Herupi s,
some r.f wlil"h caused no little scandal.
About n year ago he, together w'th
two other In. vs. ran away f,vim home
and ever idnce their wild lark he has
been more or b'ss remorseful and de
spondent. Coroner Lone.-ttvot was notified nnd
will bold un iiuitiest this morning nt
Hi o'clock.
Tiie Mioses .Mi mil's School.
Tile Misses Merrill's private school
for primary and Intereniediate pupils,
will open Monday, Sept. It, 1 silt!, nil' Jef
ferson " n venue.
Or want one a little
later, if 3on do buy when
yon can get it
! 5Ji
134 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk iii and look around."
Nil IE
We have never had such a sa.e and would not now if we were
compelled to do so to get back just what the goods cost us.
For this week only we will
sell every pair of Ladies' Rus
set, Tan or Black Oxford Ties,
formerly sold for $2, shall be
sold for ' - - -
We have a large number
of Ladies Fine Dongxda Button
Shoes, all sizes, which we will
sell at
DOLLAR A uianu
- facturcr has
SAVING tried to iiu-
SELLING. L,Vf!,i"n,n
lUiUiSSlIttlUllilliUHUi: , l0,
for $13.00
Bought them because vc thought they
were a lift cm dollar set, and would
sell readily at ,"i3.oa. They are here,
and we do not consider them as nice
as the samples. We don't intend to
ask our customers $13 00 for them. Vc
will sell as many as possible of them
today at a special price, good only for
today. All to no at the same price,
Style No. 613
A 112-piece set flood white color
and nice shapes. Xot a Hawed
or imperfect piece in this set.
Xice violet decorations in three
colors: gold tracings on every
piece. The nicest set of the lot,
we think, to go today for Ifl.SfO.
Style No. 65!
112 pieces in this set, too. Plen
ty and to spare for any family.
Decorated in thicc colors and
old. You've never seen such a
set sold for anywhere near to
day's price, $.li0.
Style No. 632
Only 100 pieces in this set. Still,
that's a lot of dishes. Contains
everything but the soup plates.
It's a handsome blue decoration,
wiih the ciitirc pattern retraced
with gold. A few of the plates
are slightly imperfect, or yon
would never get this for less than
,i5.'oo. Today the set is yours
for $.)).
Only three sets of this to go ct
that price.
Style No. 524
This is the set we sold so well
last spring at $13-00. e de
bated quite a while before we put
in at this price. Still, we want
to show you a nice assortment
when you come in and we may
nut have enough ot the others to
go round. There's nothing wrong
with this set, and no earthly rea
son why we should sell it for to
day's price, $7.5)0.
112 pieces of beautiful tablt ware
til for a table anywhere.
Style No. 70!
While and gold. Nothing li-tt
gold for decoration. Handles a.'e
pretty shupe and burnished gold,
too pieces in the set and it is
jours today for $!)).
Style No. 641
You will probably think this the
best set of the lot. It is certain-
the showiest. A Scotch thistle
design in the richest of all com
binations, purple and gold. Cmld
tracings and stippling on ccry
piece, (iold traced handles. A
truly gorgeous set at a ridiculous
ly low price. 100 pieces for .S7.1H)
Only four sets of this.
Style No. 702
This was a 112-piecc set, but five
of the soup plates are broken.
There's 107 pieces left. If you
want a nice set for little money
here it is. Decorated in pink.
Price today, $7.)0.
C -l'. "There's a few more of those Hoc
Pictures left. 'e filled the window
up a good many times, but at last
there's no more to put in. All that's
left are in plain sight and there's yet
some good choosing for those who
come todav.
Lacl:avanna Av
Of all kinds, manufactured at shot
notice at T&c Tribune Gffise.
All Sizes and Widths
Ei i
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
At.oo the Cheapest.
AUu the Largest.
Porceluin, Onyx, Rt2
(Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety.
Latest linportatiuns.
Jewelry, WcCli33, Diamoali
fi. E. ROGERS,
ewrlerand . , . . ,
Watchmaker. 213 iRCSllUM ATI
t.J ran
makes an Incandescent eleelric
ix lii:lit cast a shadow. Will really
v civi) more lluhl. tlian three of
.1 t...,aO...- .1., II ivltlt
I1HM1I lUKOHirii ! in in mi f
jf half ihoyaHyuu now consume.
&m cas APPUASCB COL. gf
hi 120 N. Washington Ave W
Atlw.M .1 tl.l .1.1 It li-tt 1 .PA
Tlie Finest in the illy.
The latest improved furnish'
iugs and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and cgjs.
223 Wyoming Avenua.
Why let your home and hnftinrw bo dettroy
fd through btronn drinic or niurphjae. wha
von can b cured in four wunks at tho Ktoluy
Institute. 72(i Mndison T;niin Sera O ton, P.
r he Cure Will Bear luvestlicatloa.
fii V rjfjW. P-lTC . MT
ptfiy mm
mm mm-
100 pairs of Men's Fine
Buff Shoes, Congress and Bals,
all shape toes and sizes, sold
for $2.00. Our Sale Price,
Our Best Men's Patent
Leather Shoes, every shape toe
there is made, sold for $5.00.
Our price,
Makes the Eoy Proad.
He Can Flay in Its DM
v nifl'j
220 Lackawanna A73
In matters of dress is always better
than that of any one else. That is the
reason why we like to Lave our Cloth
ing held up to the inspection of the
ladies. Yon can't iloasc us better
than by pleasing your wife. V.'c will
risk our Clothing pleasing her. Ev
erybody buys at the same price.
Esm mm
Is varioil anil extensive. Wo liavo .itisfix!tion
in Ntylo. fii;illty and prieo for eviry ma i anj
lioy ill town. VVu try to isivo better Hurvica
tbun aiiyouoelHu. We do give buttor Koml'i
Drop hi anil i:et nrqi ainti-il nciilu't buy im
less you with. Wo want you to know us.
M. P. M'CANN.Halisr
Othom are uttinir on f-tr.'iw Hiit. Oar.
have been cut all fwuson. KNOX Allt .NCr.
$3.76 S