TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE S ATTJ11DAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 189. SCRANTON SOCIAL NEWS AND GOSSIP Brief Mention of What Is Doing In a Pleasure Way. AN ABSENCE OF REAL ACTIVITY I'xual Weekly Summer List of Wed dings and Parties, bat None of tbe Larger and More Formul Events Movements of People of Scranton and Its Vicinity. The following young1 women from fhls city are stopping at the Nessomtic Lodsre, Lake Winola : Misses Eva hoit. Ella Osland, May AVilklns, F-lda Simpson, Hess Connell, Lottie Welsen fluh. Gertie Wclflentluh, Maud Sanders, Annie Jones, May McConnell, Hannnh Skerrltt, Clara DeLotiff, Nell Simpson, Edith Evans, Laura Van Vleit and Anna Van Norf. Miss Sfayme Ward, of Fourth street, entertained a number of her friends at her home Tuesday night. Miss Pnrah Donneson was married to Cornelius Barry, of Genet street, in St. John's church. South Side, Wednes day afternoon. James Collins was the Ki-oomsmnn and Miss Mary K. Barry bridesmaid, Mrs. Thomas Allen, of the West Side, entertained the members of the Ladles' Jielief Corps at a 5 o'clock tea Wednes day afternoon. In St. Mary's German Catholic church Tuesday morning. Miss Mary Hohr wns married to John Lotifr. A nuptial mass followed the ceremony. Both of the young people reside on the South Side. A party thnt spent last week at Crys tal Luke consisted1 of Misses Mary I'iteher, Huth I'eck, Annie Kennedy, Grueo reek. Hattle Coons. Alice Wil liams and Kate Chase. The young ladles reside on the West Side and were chaperoned by Mrs. Kttth Peek, nf l'lice rtfeet. ft Mrs. Fordhain, of Green lildfre, chap eroned the following: party of young pe-ple which camped nt Mooslc Lake Inst week: Misses Mabel nnd Gussie Fordliam, Mrs. Iunn and her son, liev. Mr. Dunn. Miss Williams, Miss May Bilker, Arthur Dunn, Lucius Kenendy. a Miss Kate Thornton, of West Market street, entertained about one hundred c.f her friends with a lawn social ut her home on West Market street Tuesday niRht. The grounds were brilliantly decorated with Chinese lunterns for the occasion, A smoker was conducted Thursday evening In Osterhout's hall. Providence, by the members of Thomas Jefferson lodge of True American Ivorites. G. W. Reynolds, of Green Kldtfe, and Miss Dorothea James, of Carbondale, Were married Tuesday evening. The ceremony was performed in the home of the bride's parents on Church street, Carbondale. Mr. and Mrs, Reynolds vill reside in Green Ridge. ' Miss Lena Thirl, of Jackson street, Was quietly married to David Lawrence, of North Hyde Tark avenue, by Rev. D. Jones, pastor or the First Welsh Con 'icpatlonal ohureh, Tuesday evening. The ceremony was performed at the clergyman's residence on South Lin coln avenue. After the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of Mr. Lawrence's mother. The young couple will reside at 3Jt North Hyde Park avenuu. A nrtmber of the friends of Professor Loren7. Haberstroh tendered him a birthday party at his home. 404 Cedar avenue, Thursday night- It was the professor's twenty-seventh birthday. Michael McNally. of South Washing ton avenue, nnd Miss Emma Holand were united in marriage by Rev. Walter Gorman, of Ashley, cousin of the groom, in St. John's Catholic church. Miss Dora Manley, of Hawlcy, was brides maid, and James Caveny, of Cherry street, attended the groom. The cere mony was witnessed by many mends f the young couple. After the mar riage a wedding repast was served nt the bride's home on Mnple street, and then Mr. nnd Mrs. McNally left for New York city on their honeymoon. Miss Emma Karr, of South Sumner avenue, entertained several of her friends on Tuesday evening. Among those out of town was Miss Rose Ab rams, of Brooklyn. Miss Hattle F. Smith, of Clark's Green, was married to Bartis Edward Parker, of Waverly, at the home of the bride's parents, in Clark's Green, on Wednesday by Rev. A. Bergen Browe, Miss Emma Zeigler entertained the ff Mowing friends at her home, on Ce Oar avenuu, Thursday evening: The Misses Emma Wirth, Emma Zelgler, Katie Ehrhardt, Lucy Wirth, Freda Rose, Anna Grossait, Katie Hafner, Lizzie Horbnch, Minnie Holer, Lottie Vockroth, Messrs. Charles Roth, Mil ton Moore, George Lewert, Charles Schneider, Edward Lewert, Nelson llef feliinger, Walter Lewert, Charles F'.heuch, Charles Lewert, Willie Schep er and Frank Bemuth. PERSONAL MENTION': Edward Vnnston, of South Main avenue. Is home from Atlantic City. Attorney K. 11. House returned Tuesday from a visit to North Carolina. Miss Sallie Itrobst, of Allentown, Is vis iting Mrs. A, L. Burner, of Lincoln ave nue. I'ercy Waters and George Rarrowman, of tho West Bide, are home from Atlantic City. Thomas D. Thompson, of Washburn street. Is spending the summer at Crystal lake. John Davles, of South Everett avenue, is home after a ten days' stay at Lake ldlewlld. , Mrs. Ahram Jones nnd daughter, of Ala bama, are vlsltinff airs. Charles Hudley, of Kynon street. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Reese ntid son, Walter, of the West aide, spent Wednes day at Lily, lake. -Miss Mary Powers, of Luzerne street, and Miss Bessie Hart are spending a month nt Chicago, 111. U. W. Howells and family, of South Garfield avenue, left Thursday for Pitts burgh where they will hereafter reside. Miss Jennie Daniels, of Division street, tnd Miss Lizzie Daniels, of Taylor, vis ited Forest City-friends during the week. Mrs. William Kress, of Allentown, has returned home after visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. A. L.- Ramer, of Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Ernest Scott and daughter, of Swet land street, and mother, Mrs. H. C. Scott, of Green Ridge, and three daughters are visiting at Foster. Ross Keogh. court reporter for the Aa- oeutta Ftem in Ham Xerk it& mcob panied by his wire and boy, spent yester. day wilh friends in this city. F. M. Whitney and family, of North Hyde i'ark avenue, went to Oneonta, N. Y Wednesday, where they will remain on a visit with Mr. Whitney's relatives for a week. Mrs. lien Evans, of Twelfh street, has returned from a visit in Kansas. .Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of .East Market street, are visiting in Centre county. Miss Minnie Peck, of Capouse avenue, Is the guest of relatives ut Honesrlale. Miss Davies, of Danville, Is visiting Miss Jennie James, on North Fllmore avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Ansley, sr., of Me ridian street, are summering at Lake Wi nola. Mrs. Frank Brooks and daushter Lil lian, of Green Ridse, are visiting In Wayne county. , Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jones, of Washburn street, camped at Gravel pond during tho week. Mrs. Jacob Jones. Mrs. Berry Clark nnd Mis. Thomas Jones were at Lake Wi nola this week. Mrs. Edward O'Rrien and children, or North Rebecca avenue, uie visiting friends in Nunticoke. The Misses Rath and Mary Lewis of Bradford county, ure visiting Mrs. John Hall, of Kynon street. Jliss Emma Hrundago, of Dickson ave nue, is home from a visit with friends in Hamllnton, Wayne county. Mrs. E. N. Brown has returned to her home in Westllcld after a visit with Miss Lillian Juiisch of Wyoming avenue. Mrs. J'. .1. McManame. of l.uzerne street, nnd Mrs. Patrick Crune.of Twenty llrst street, spent the week ut Lake Wi nola. Mrs. Seltzer of Turan, Kan., who has been spending the summer! witn her daughtrr, Mrs. Staekhouse, of Green liideo, lias returned home. William Foster and Peter l'ouscr, of New York struet, have returned from a trip through W hite Mavun, Bear Creek, Hnzleton and other places on their bicy cles. D. J. Phillips, of North Bark, is in Bos ton. .Mrs. l; b. Finch and daughter spent tho week at Benton. Major ami Mrs. Everett Warren are at Milwaukee, Wis. Prothonotnry and Mrs. C. K. Pryor were at Aslmry l'ark this week. Itev. E. L. .Miller entertained Attorney Jonas 11. Grater, of Philadelphia, during the week. .Mrs. B. Moses, Miss Esther Mopes and Fred Moses are home from a sojourn ut lAing Branch. John Boll has returned from a trln through tho western stales, and Alaska lasting three and a half months. The Mh-ses Myrtle and Lillian l'erry, of Capouse avenue are in Wllkes-Barre for a three weeks' visit with relatives. John Davis, of School street, and David Gabriel, of Church avenui, have returned from an extended slay la New York. -Mrs. 1). F. .Shook and daughter, Flor ence, of East .Market street, are visiting relatives at Oswego and Binghamton. The Misses Teasle Loftus and Nellie Ma ioney, of Green itldgc, are spending tliutr vacation nt Elk lake, Wayne county. .Miss Lola Berry, ut New York city, spent the eaily part of the week with S. li. l'erry and family, of Capouse avenue. I. Cohen, of New York, and his sisters, Mrs. Galland and Misses l!es:.ie and Uosu Cohen, me visiting friends in the city. Miss Mary FarreU, of Philadelphia, and Miss May Brennan. of Shenandoah, are visiting .Miss Anna -May Melliilre, of Lin coln avenue. Harvey Bong and Charles E. Tropp, ol' the Crystal Hose company, rtarted Tues day for West Boint, I'eekskill, Newburg. l'onghkeepsie and Middletown, N. '., to arrange for the trip of the Crystal coin, pany in October. Miss Mary Pitcher, of Price street. Is at Crystal lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tewkshury. of Swetlnnd street, are' visiting at Bingham ton. .Mrs. E. L. Binder and family, of Dela ware street, visited relatives ut Ararat this week. Mrs. Coleman and son, Clyde, of Dela ware stieet, are the guest of friends nt Ararat. 14. .1. Leonard, of the West Side, was at Richmond and Old Point Comfort during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Babbit, of Buffalo, nre the guests of .Mrs. JO, D. Birtley, of North .Main avenue. Fred Teal, of Binghamton, N. T., visited his faihi r. J. II, Teal, of North Main uve nue, this week. Mrs. William Trice nnd grandson, James Elsliy, of William street, spent the week nl Waverly. The Misses Alice Timlin, Fannie Haw lcy und Kitty Culkln, of tho West Side, are at Lake Winola. Mrs. M. II. olver. of Deacon street, who has been spending a month ut Beech lake, returned home Monday. Miss Rattle .Marsh, of North Rebecca avenue, is home alter a visit to friends at New York and Philadelphia. Harry Reese nnd sister, Miss Lizzie, of Shenandoah, nre tho guests of Harry Phillips, or South Lincoln avenue. Owen Shearnn, who was the guest of Evan Rees. of William street, returned to his home in Gl.'ii Lyon Monday. Miss Florence lietterly, of South Brom ley avenue, Is home from a visit to her aunt. Airs. Shoppy, of Philadelphia. Charlei Bertine, E. G. Peters, James M. Powell Will Bnnn, James Burke nnd Dan Keumor are home from Atlantic City. Miss Mary F. Klesel is at Asbury Park. Pa ik. Franklin Howell, of Scranton street, Is at Bethlehem, N. II. A. F. Duffy and I. F. Garden, of the West Side, are at Asbury Park. Miss .Mary Freeman, of South Main avenue, Is visiting at Rochclle Bark, N. Y. Gordon Noakes, of South Main avenue, has gone to New York to resido with his mother. Mrs. Jacob Jones, Mrs. Perry Clark and Mrs. Thomas Jones, or the West Side, arc at Winola. Rev. Edward O'Reilly, of Freeland. Is visiting his brother, Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, of this city. Charles Sehlnger nnd family have TP turned to their home In this city from their summer cottaee at Elmhurst. Mrs. Samuel Pensyl and daughter, of Portland. Pa., are vistlng nt the home of Lewis Feathernian. of Ninlh street. Miss Florence Allot, of New York city, who has been the guest of her cousins, the Misses Walsh, of Olive street, has re turned home. The Misses Harriet and Ellie Callendar, of Main avenue, and Miss Lizzie Owens, of Parker street, arc visiting In Susque hanna county. Miles J. Gibbons has sailed on the steam ship Majestic for Europe. On Sept. 1:1 he will take part in the bicycle races at Copenhagen. Rev. J. W. Buck, of Bloomshurg. who has been visiting his sister, .Mrs. H. U. Hnnsler, of North Garfield avenue, has returned home. Miss Edna Naitle. of IIoHls, L. I., Miss Fannie Curran and Miss Kate Cronin, of Philadelphia, and the Misses Cosgrove. of Wilkes-ltarre, nre guests of the Misses Beamish, of Tine street. Miss Carrie B. Miller, of Church avenue, Is et Carbondale. Miss Harriet Ward, of South Main ave nue. Is visiting at Clarion, Ohio. Miss Maggie Diskln. of First street, Is at Croton, N. Y., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James MeWilllnms, of Ad ams nvenue, are home from Saratoga. David Jones, of Edna avenue, left yes terday for Olivet, Mich., to attend school. Miss Lizzie Heermans, of Scranton street. Is visiting friends at Ellzabethville. David Llewellyn of Andenrlrd, Is the guest of Thomas M. Jones, of Leggctt's street. W. H. iSnrgeant, of Brook street, Dun more, is the guest of relatives In Hollis terville. Miss Lizzie Kelten, of Shenandoah, is the guset of Miss Ruby Yost, of Blakcly street, Dunmore. Mrs, C. L. Jay, of Webster avenue, non more, s home from a visit to the Data ware Water Gap. Mrs. James Doyle and her nelce. Miss Nettle C. Sullivan, of New York city, a'e the guests of Mrs. John Klrby.-of Broad way. Harry Parfrey, of Brook street, Dun tnore, will sail today from Mew York on the I'ntbria for dCurope, where he will spend severul months. Miss Helen Buddy and Miss Helen Mur ray, of Hawley, ure visiting Miss Sadie Ruddy of Emmet street. Mrs. Abram Jones und daughter, of Alabama, are the guests of Mrs. Charles Hadley, of Eynon street. Miss Mary Lewis, of West Market street, has returned home after a week's stay with friends In Stroudsburg. Mrs. Bentlcy and daughter, Maggie, cf Oak street, have returned from a short vacation spent at the seashore. C. E. Whitney, the well known Journal ist, of Susquehanna, called on friends In the city last evening on his return from Mountain Park, where he had been at tending the Seven Cot(nty reunion cf veterans. "Whit" is one of the best known and most entertnining newspaper men In Northeastern Pennsylvania, and his unique letters nre alwayj enjoyed by readers of The Tribune. Charles Tucker, or Mulllen street. Is at Asbury Park. Miss Edith Porter, of Meridian street, Is nt Lake Winola. 1 Mrs. Lizzie Lewis Is visiting at Ararat Summit. Wayne county. M. J. Jordan, of I'illston avenue, spent the week nt Niagara Falls. B. J. Nevlle and family, of Falrview avenue, are at Asbury I'ark. Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson street, Is home from Harvey's Lake. Rev. J. 1$. Sweet and family returned Thursday from Lake Winola. Miss Belle Yipoml, of Jackson street, is visiting nt Middle Granville, N. Y. II. C. Wallace and family, of tho West Side, have returned from Lake Ariel. Anthony Connolly, of.Minooka, has re turned from a trip through the West. Misses Jennie and Etta. Hiirlow, of North Bromley nvenue, are ut Lake Wi nola. Miss May Mnxey, of Hoseman, in vlrlt lng her aunt Mrs. Moses, of North Main avenue. Miss Jessie Beavers, of North Rebecca avenue, lias returned from an extended visit In Dover, N. J. Mr. ami Mrs. David Morgan, of As well court, ure visiting friends la Aud cineld, Schuylkill county. Miss Florence. Arnot has returned to her home in New York alter visiting the Misses Walsh, of Olive streiC Maurice Biplnskl, of Bryan, Tex., who has been visiting M. It. Kohnstamm, of North Sumner avenue, left Wednesday for Sunbury. Judge H. M. Edwards will leave Tues day for Denver, Col., where he will preside over the big eisteddfod that Is to be held at that pluce. Miss Knte Murtaugh, of Oak street, spent the week ai Lake Winola. Miss Mamie Roland, of Pittston avenue, has returned from a visit to New York. Thomas J. Williams, of Wayne avenue, was in Houesdale during the greater part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm M. Howell, of Garllild avenue, were at Lake Winola dur ing the week. Miss Martha Plttack. or Deacon street, has returned from a visit with friends in Scott township. George W. Chase, of North Main ave nue, entertained Samuel Towers, of Now York, this week. George Sklllhorn, of the West Side, at tended the Knights of Pythian meeting in Pitlsbuig this week. Miss Annette Davis, of William street, has returned from Atlantic City, where Pile spent some time. Mis.s Lizzie Cuthlierson, of Von Storch avenue, was the guest of Carbondale friends during tho week. .Miss L'lllau Pelts has returned to her home in l'hilllpsburg, N. .1.. after a visit with .Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Kelluin, of Grove street, Dunmore. The following Sciantonians are at At lantic City: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snolch cr. Judge F. W. Gunster, .Mrs. John M. liurke nnd son Boyle, of North Washing, ton avenue: MB Fannie Wenz, of Pine street: B. Moses, P. P. Jordan, of Wy oming avenue: 'Mrs. Ilnnnon and son. Jo seph T. Harmon, of the South Side; Miss Josephine Clifford, of Prospect avenue; John IVivIs and John Donahoe, of Eynon street; .Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bradley, of the West Side; Dr. Bert Fern, Albert Car son nnd Thomas Evans, of the West Side; Mrs. C. A. Kehrig und daughter, Mrs. G. 1 1. Brandt, of Green Ridge; Charles French, of the Telephone cxcliange; Miss Alice Comorford, of Penn avenue. Robert C. Adams has gone to Europe to spend a month. Miss Marie Henley, of Pittsburg, Is vis iting Mrs. Holland, of Gibson street. -Mrs. Theodore Niitiiiiann, of North Sumner uvenue. Is nt Clark's Summit. Miss Blanche Potter, of Green Ridge, is spending her vacation nt Shawnnese 1-ako. , J. C. Huntington is spending three months nt Camp Beaver, Old Forgo, N. Y. Mrs. George Scott, jr., and son, Law rence, spent part of the week ut Lake Ariel. .Miss Margaret Mitchell, of Blossburg. is the guest of Mrs. li. C. Hatton, of Providence. .Mrs. James Graham, of Long Island City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Reilly, of Hellevue. Misses Annie Williams, of Ninth street, is visiting .Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Williams, of Willlamsport. Mrs. F. P. Doty nnd children, Edith and Howard, have returned from a visit with friends In Binghamton and Waverly, N. Y. Misses Mary and Margaret Mcllale, of Fasten, were the guests of the Misses Nnl lin, of T'ittston uvenue, during the week. Miss Grace Conley, of Philadelphia, has returned home after n visit with Miss .Margaret McCormack, oC South Main avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Laurie, of Court street, ure entertaining Mrs. Collins, of Brooklyn, N. Y., und Miss Laurie, of jCngliind. Air. and Mrs. George Saxe, Mr. and Mrs, M. Dinimlck, Mrs. G. Moser und Archie and Edna Saxe, of the West Side, are at Ocean Grove. Miss Alargaret Corey, of Jackson street, nnd Mirs Kathryn Gallagher, or Division rtreet, are spending two weeks wilh rela tives in Pike county. Attorney W. S. Diehl Is at Block Tsland. Miss Kate Saltry, of Market street, s home from Atlantic City. .Miss Mary Merrin, ot Kryser nvenue, is visiting friends In New York city. Harry Coursen, of Binghamton, is vis iting his parents on Main nvenue. The Misses Ettie nnd Mamo Thomas, of Spring street, nre at Lake Ariel. Miss Anna M. Stevenson, or Deacon street, lert yesterday for Atlantic City. Jliss Myrtle Fraiinfelter, of Hyde I'ark avenue, is visiting friends at Mt. Poeono. Miss Jameson, or this city, registered nt tho ollice of the New York Herald In Paris. Miss Mary Loftus, of Wilkcs-Barre, Is the guest of Miss Nora Jennings, of Clover sfeet. Miss Nellie Benjamin, of Main avenue. Providence, is the guest of relatives In Honcsdale. Miss Madge Shoemaker, of Berwick, re turned home this week, accompanied by her cousin. Miss Grace Devine. James Nenry and Miss Llbbie Neary, of Market street, have returned home from a visit to relatives In Ishpelinlng. Mich. Mrs. John Hobnn ami Mrs. Michael llo. ban, of Avoea, spent Thursday nt the residence of James I.arkin, of River street. 11. S. Whitman. C. J. Weichel, W. J. Battin and wife, II, H. Roldlcman, S. N. Cnllender. Richard O'Brien nnd D. E. Taylor and wife, of New York, were reg istered at the St. Denis, in New Y'ork, last week. Miss Marlon Mills, who for a number of years has been the efficient bookkeeper for N. A. Hulbert, has resigned her po sition, nnd left this.elty yesterday after noon on an extended visit among friends and relatives In Wllkes-Bnrre, Susque hanna county nnd New York state. She expects to return to this city In October. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Morgan, of Oswald court, n'e nt Audenreid. Mrs. W. H. Gable, of Sotith Bromley avenue, Is visiting at Thornhurst. Mrs. Frederick Peters, of the Sloan, Is home from a visit to Atlantic City. Miss Edna Nagle. of Hollls, L. I., Is vis iting the Misses Beamish, of Pine street. Miss Lizzie Heermans. . of Scranton Ptreet, Is visiting friends! In Newton, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Fronk, of Schenect ady, N. Y are visiting Rev. Richard HI- orns and family. Mrs. Fronk Is a si3ter of Mrs. Hlorns. i.Miss Edna Smith, of Washburn street, has returned from a vacation at Pleasant Mount. Misses Jennie Owens and Ida Chrlstmns, of North Main uvenue, have returned from Portlend. Me.- Miss Katie Kearney, of Archbald, Is vlfiting nt the residence of James T. White, of Williams street. Edward O. Liughlin, of Philadelphia, has returned after visiting William Cus lck. of West Market street. Mrs. James Ord and daughter, Jessie, of Fllmore avenue, are visiting friends at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Miss Hannah V.'atklns, of Carbondale, is the guest of her cousin. Miss E.nma Gammon, of Fllmore avenue. John Kelly, I'. F. Knight and A. T. Ma loney, of the North End, have returned from a week's visit to the seashore. Miss Kittle Alwell and Maggie Burns, of New York, ure visiting their uncle, homas Kenney, of 4 enty-third street. Ml?3 Evelyn Chamberlain, of Blonms bur and Miss Emellno Koerner. ot Will iamSiKot, re the iruests of Miss Rore M u diall, of Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Chrifty nnd O. S. Johnson left this city yesterday afternoon for Buffalo, and last night sailed from that place on the steamer Northwest for Duluth. Miss Reynolds. Miss DcG'aw, Miss Saunders, John Reynolds, Emerson 1). Owen. David Reynolds. Will Reynolds, Mr. Boyle and Air, Holleran were in Win ton Wednesday evening, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rickey, of that place. Leo Csmnbell, of Mears & Hagen, Is nt Honcsdale. Mrs. Frank Bought Is enjoying a stay at Harvey's Boko. Mrs. E. C. Post, of Jackson streot, Is visiting in Binghamton. -v Airs. Rolbcr, of South Bromley avenue, is spending a month In Philadelphia. Air. and Airs. Kohraim Alosor, of Lnns ford, are visiting relatives on the Went Side. Rev. J. M. Alarkwlck nnd family, of DuniUiff, nre visillng at the home of their cousin, Sidney Alarkwlck, of Fourteenth street. Aliss Lulu Knapp, of North Bromley avenue, has returned from a visit ut Daleville. Aliss Nettle Senf enbnuch, ol South Bromley avenue. Is spending her vacation at Alt. l'ocono. Grant Coibtn and family, of North Sum ner avenue, have returned from a sojourn at Mt. Poeono. Aliss Emily Stevens, of Wllkes-Barre, is visiting Aliss Kittio McHoff. of South Sumner r.ver.ue. Will Crlmmins and 'At. J. Lark In will spend their vacation in Y'ork stuto und Su.-quehanna county. Miss Georgie Twining, of Mauch Chunk, is visiting her sister. Airs. Haydn Ashley, of South Alain avenue. The Misses Jennie and Eliznbeth Clarke, of West Lackawanna avenue, havo re turned from Asbury I'ark. Joseph Green's family, of North Sum ner avenue, returned Tuesday from a couple weeks' camping at rtlavi l Pond. Aliss Alinnle Kimble, or Hampton street, left on Wednepduy for a two weeks' va cation nt Hemlock Hollow, Wayne coun ty. A. M. Morse returned yesterday from Lake Winola. Aliss Alary Grossman, of Pleasant street, Is home from Asbury Park. Airs. William Corless und children, of Rock street, aro home from Elmira. John T. Brown has returned from At lantic City, whero ho spent ten days. Frank H. Jones, mail clerk nt the post ollice, Is spending a few days nt Allentown. Aliss Lulu Knapp, of North Bromley avenue, is home from a visit nt Dalevlle. Mail Carrier Eleazer Evans left yester day for his vocation stay at Atlantic City. Aliss Kate Kennedy, of Carbondala, is the guest of Mrs. P. J. Kelly, of Locust street. The Misses Martha Vaughn nnd Katie Lewis left yesterday for a visit with friends ut Clifford. Airs. Cartwrlght, of Germantown, Philadelphia, Is tho guest nt Dr. and Airs. P. F. Struppler, of Sotith Alain ave nue. .Deputy Register of Wills James Hopkins will leave todny for Denver, Col., to visit friends. Ho will remain there for three weeks. Aliss Augusta Tilalr, of South Mnln ave nue, and Airs. Thomas Phillips, of Jack sen street, ore home from a three weks" stay nt Preston Park. Fred W. FlePz and Roswell II. Patter son left last night for Milwaukee to at tend the national convention of Repnbll. can clubs, which meets In that city Tues day. Mr. Fleitz will ooen the Pennsyl vania headquarters at Milwaukee Sun day night. Dr. Reynolds, of Linden street, has re turned Irom a visit in Susurhanna county. Air. and Airs. George W. Davis, of the North End, will return from Lake Winola today. Aliss Rose M. I-oHus. of Pittston, s visiting Aliss Hannah Devine, of Prospect avenue. Herman Shultz and Jacob Pullerbnch, of the South Side, were In Honcsdale Thursday. Aliss Fannlo Horn, of Plymouth, Is spending a few days with Miss Elsie Cr.llary, or Birney avenue. Ben Smith, of "Bitters" fame, relumed yesterday afternoon from nn extended visit to the wilds or Wyoming county. Frank J. McCunn, or Washington nve. nue, roturned last evening from Lake Winola, where he has been for the last two weeks. Alb Elizabeth Parry, who fias been the guest of Airs. Evan Lewis, or Summit avenue, for the past week, returns to her home In Freeland today. John S. Cobb, of Washington. D. C, Is In the city. Air. Cobb formerly resided here, but is now statistical agent of the foiled Sates fish commission. David Llewelyn, of Audenried, who has been spending the past few days at the homo, of Thomas AI. Jones, of Leggett's street, will return to his home today. New Goods. Ladles white kid belts, flno lin,en collars and cuffs fine linen skirts. MEARS & HAGEN1. DRAMATIC NOTES. The Actors' society or America has near ly one thousand members. A rumor has It t!at Calve Is seeking for some one who will turn "Trilby" Into un opera in which she may sing the title rob'. Wandow will be managed the coming season by C. It. Jefferson. Charles W. Stiine ft popular Philadelphia newspaper man will be the press agent. A tour of the world is cunlemtdated. ulgfi Nethersole w ill Hct here next sea son In the new play by Porto-Hichc, with which Sarah Bernhardt will open her next season in Paris, and she will go to see how Bernhatlt aets it. In New York a new department store Is to have a continuous vaudeville show run ning In lis building, and all purchasers or goods amounting to more than three dol lars will be given free admission. la Davis Keogh's production of the "Great Traill Robbery" n train nearly actual size is lit Id up by a band of rob bers and Indians who, unable to senrc the heroic messenger into opening the car, blow It open with dynamite. The safo is cracked and a rich haul Is made. Nat Creed v.in. tin' comedian, has sailed away, as the world knows, to the Anti podes. m the next steamer nrter him went the beautiful Alaxlnn Elliott. Now comes avtory of the power of the stage, and it may be of true. love. Nat Good win wanted Aliss Elliott because he want, ed her. He secured her services because he must have them: because he was will lm to concede anything to have her with him across the watirs. Nut Goodwin went to Air. Frawley ami wantr-d Miss El liott released. Frawley demurred. At that time the manager of the Frawley stock company needed some good new pluys. Air. Goodwin proffered them of fered anything. He would permit Air. Frawley to put on "A Gold Aline," though of course, that would take the edge off the play for himself. He would do more. He would even consent to play In Air. Frawley's company after the' Australian tejur. Ar 1 Uwt eiltllRcdi the compact was madr Aa Franclscd Bulletin, CHURCH DOING ' AND RELIGIOUS TALK CLronkllnjs ol Particular Ini:r:i V Churcb-Qoinj People. THE .VOLUNTEERS' MASS KElTINC Will lie Addressed by Colonel Pattio VI ntUins-.Rcv. W, II. Stubblcbiae's Farewell Ldilorial--Gospel .'ilcct ings on the Vest Sido-ncrglot:8 Notes-Toinorrov's Services. Concerning his resignation rs pastor of Calvary Reformed church. Rev. V. II. Stubblebine writes ns follows for Calvary Tidings: "Wo lr not so. us It has been reported, to take charco vt some larse and established church. Our call comes from tho board of home missions and tso we h ave here to take u.) the same kind of work that we havo been doing hero In Scranton. Our now field of labor Is to be in Salisbury, North Carolina. Salisbury is a town of some fi.OCO or 7,000 inhabitant!!, situated on the main lino of tho Great Southern rail road. This company has located a por tion of their shops In this town and nre attracting many people here for employment, so that the town give? every promise of rapid Krowth. In ad dition to this tho town is right In tho center of the Reformed church, and ia destined to become a center of Influ ence. So the board decided that a mis sion should be established here as soon as possible, A lot of trround has al ready been purchased, But no organisa tion has been efferted. Rev. J. C. Leon ard, frho preached lit oil'.- church soma time ago, has had rhare of tho prelim arles In the work, arid has been the power behind the throne that worked for our commission to this field. The people are ready to co-operate In the new movement, and from what we have learned we believe that success will at tend the establishment of this mission." Rev. J. AV. Williams, D. D., of Swan sea, Wales, has rejected the call ten dered him by the Jackson Street Bap tist church. A meetlnpr of tho church was held Thursday evening at which a letter from Dr. Williams was read. In It the reverend gentleman gives as his reason for declining; that he cthi nut consistently leave the church In Wales of which he is now the pastor owing to tho condition of affairs. Through his and the congregation's efforts tho church debt has recently been rapidly decreased and the membership is ex panding. Realizing that his duty holds him to tho Welsh church ho can not come to the American church, though ho belicyes that the Jackson street field is one of-the grandest In the denomina tion. The declination was accepted. Sunday afternoon and evening there will bo special services held at the Gospel tent on South Main avenue, be tween Eynon and Elm streets. At 2.30 P. m. the subject will be "Bible Bap tism," which will Involve an examina tion of many ideas thnt aro held on this subject. In the evening- the theme will bo "Bible Temperance." The Interest and attendance has increased to such an extent that tho pvnncslists have decided to continue their meetings at the same place. The services will con tinue next week as usual. The tent can bo made comfortable these cool nights. Tomorrow's American Volunteer mass meeting in a tent especially erected for the purpose on Linden street, opposite the court house, will no doubt witness an Increased attendance solely from tho presence of Colonel Pat tie Watkina. Col cni 1 Wntkins was once in charge of the Salvation Army barracks here, but later went to larger and broader fields for work. She took sides with the Bailing-ton-Booths in tho memorable disagree ment with the parent English organiza tion and is now one of th most active and most talked-about of tho American Volunteer leaders. In New York city her wonderful gifts of oratory have at tracted extensive notice by the metro politan press. Rev. Dr. W. P. Kelllns. pastor of the Tcnn Avenue Baptist church from ISiO to 1877, and lately of Omaha, Neb., Is tn become pnstor of the Jamestown (N. Y.) Baptist church. During his pastorate In Scranton 3MS members joined the Penn Avenue church. He went from here to Lockport, N. Y from there to Milwaukee, where he was Instrumental In the erection of a handsome church, and from there to Omaha. A "West Side Volunteer post was opened for the first time last Wednes day night In a tent on the corner of Alain avenue and I'rice street. Captain Lockyer is In charge. A.I"otinsrs were conducted every evening of this week. The Salvation Army barracks is only a short distance from the new taber nacle. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Rev. D. Jones is home from Lako Winola. ' The Plymouth Congregational church choir will give a concert next month. Rev. Thomas Bell, of the Plymouth Congregational church, is at Ocean Grove. Prayer service will bo held tomorrow nt tho Tabernacle Congregational church. Rev. D. P. Jones, of tho Tabornnele Congregational church, has not re turned from his western trip. St. Mark's Lutheran church conduct ed a series of lawn socials last week on the ptrmlscs adjoining tho church on Fourteenth street. The roof and turrets of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church were re paired this week. Rev. D. Jones will preach nt he usual hours, 10 and 6, at tho Welsh Congre gational church tomorrow. 1 he Baptist Young People's I'nlon of the Scranton Street Baptist c hurch held a large social Tuesday night The members ef the Plymouth Con gregational church object to the bill boards which stand just opposite to the church on Jackson streot. The Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Congregational Sunday si holds pic nicked on Wednesday nnd Thursday, respectively, of this week, at Nay Aug I'ark. Christians meet in the Lord's Name alone 111 Oo-nperatlvo Hall. Main ave nue, Hydo Park, at 10.30 a. m. for break ing bread, and 6 p. .m. for preaching the gospel. A welcome to all. Rev. J. G. Eckman and family have returned home from Wyoming camp ground, where they have been living the past month. Mr. Eckman reports that a very successful camp meeting has just doped, which was well attend ed. Several families will remain In the!r cottages until the first of Septem ber. A Keystone League of Christian En deavor rally of tho United Evangelical church of the Green Ridge, this city, Tunkhannock, West Clifford and Ran som societies, will be held in the United EVengolical churchi at Ransom on Thursday next, August 27. Rev. H. W. Buck, P. E., of Lewisburg', will be present. The pulpit of the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church will be occupied tomorrow morning at 10.30 by Edward Howell, and In th evening at 6 by Professor Jamc3 Hughes. Cabbatb school Is held at 11.45 a. ni. The term of Rev. C. A. STaC-ca as pastor of the African M. E. church, ot th'3 city, will expire in October and he will then have to go to another church his time limit hero having expired.. His successor will be appointed by the conference. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Grace Lutheran church, corner Mad ison and Mulberry Rev. Fonter IT. Gift, prstor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.S0 p. m. Evening sermon, Ro mans, xll:S, "Nonconformity to This World." Et. David's church, corner Jackson street and Bromley avenue Rev. M. H. Mill, rector. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Morning prayer and sermcn at 10.30 a. m., evening prayer at 7.30 p. m.', Sunday school at 2.33 p. m. Seats free. Green Ridge Unitod Evangedlcal church G. L. Maice, pastor. Preach ing at 10.30 a. m. and 7.15 p. m. Subject for evening. "What Shall I do With My Bible?" Sunday school, 8.30 a. m.; K. L. C. E. sons and praise service at 6.43 p. m. Strangers welcome. Elm I'ark church Sunday, Aug. 23. rrcnchlng at 10.30 a. m. and 7.S0 p. m. by the Rev. O. L. Severson, D. D.; Sunday school at 2,and Epworth league at 6.30 p. ni. Grace Reformed Episcopal church, Wyoming avenue below Mulberry street Divine worship, 10.30 a. m., 7.30 p. m.; Sabbnth school, 12 m.; Young People's Society Christian Endeavor. 0.30 p. m. Heats are all free. Strang ers welcome. Preaching by the pastor, a. m., "The Narroiv Flnceg of Life," Numbers, xxli:3fl: p. m., "The Glorious Gospel," I Timothy, 1:11. Second Presbyterian church Ser vice, 10.30 a. ni. "Twilight service" under care of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. The Itev. John T. Dunn, Scran ton, Pn will preach. All are cordially Invited to both services. Trinity Lutheran church, Adams avenue, corner Mulberry street Rev. Edwin Lunn Alillor, pastor. Morning service, 10.30. No evening Bervice. Waverly Baptist church Preaching by the pastor, Rev. A. Bergen Rrowe. nt 10.30, "Tbe Plague of Memory;" at S.00 p. m., "Tho Paths of the Destroy er," nn Illustrated temperance sermon. First Church of Christ (Scientist) 519 Adani3 avenue. Sunday service at 10.30 a. in. All welcome; seats free. First Baptist church, Scranton street Rev. S. F. Matthews, pastor. Preach ing Sabbath morning and evening by the pastor; Sunday school, 3 p. in., Dr. Beddoe, superintendent; Young Peo ple's prayer meeting, 6.30 p. m. All are cordially Invited to attend thoso ser vices. Puritan Congregational churchj'rov Iflonct Rev. Newman Matthews, pas tor. Services tomorrow, 10.30 a. m., ser mon by Rev. Thomas Bell; 7 p. m., lec ture by pastor on "The Book of Esth er." Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church F. P. Doty, pastor. lienchlng by the pastor at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Morning theme, "The ITnrevealcd Future of the Sons of God;" evening subject. "Resisting the Devil." All seats free. Strangers welcome. Plymouth Congregational church Services at 10.30 a. m. and at 7 p. m. Rev. A. V. Rower will preach at both services. All aro welcome. Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church J. L. Race, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 10.30 nnd 7.30, by the Rev. H. C. I Unman. Let nil the people make a ppecial effort to hear the gospel preached. Epworth league at 6.30, loader'Miss Lizzie Williams. The regular social services on Monday and Thursday evenings. Picnic on Satur day, the 2!)th, for Sunday school and church and frlotids. Let there be a general rally. Court Street Methodist Episcopal church George T. I'rice, past jr. Preaching at 10.30 and' 7.30. Morning subject, "Helps and Hindrances to the Gospel;" evening subject, "Alan's Re ligion and the Testing Day." o The Washburn Street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services, nt 10.30 a. m.; Bible school, at 12.00 m.y Christian "Endeavor, at 6.15 p. m. Mr. George G. Sanborn, superin tendent of Rescue mission, will preorh in the morning. No preaching in tho evening. , Calvary Reformed church, corner of Monroe avenue and Gibson street Preaching nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. W. H. Stubblebine. Young People's Society Christian En deavor, nt 6.30 p. m. St. Luke's church P.cV. Rogers Is rael, rcctcr. Twelfth Sundny after Trinity. 7.30 a. ni., holy communion; 9.00 a. m., Sundny school;, lu.30 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; ".30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. St. Mark's. Dunmore Rev. Edward J. ITaughton in charge. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. 10.30 n. m., morning prayer und sermon; 3 p. m., Sunday school; 4 l. in., evening prayer and sermon. First Presbyterian church Washing ton avenue. Preaching at 10.30 o'clock a. m. by Rev. Willium II. vSwlft, of Honcsdale. Sundny school at 12.1j p. m ; Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. There will be no evening service. Penn Avenue Baptist church Rev. John Love, of Cormantriwii, Philadel phia, will in-each at 30.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Bible school at 2. Y. P. S. C. K. meeting at 6.30. All welcome. Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, J. B. Sweet, pastor .Morning prayer service at 9.30, preaching by the pastor at 10.30; text: John 6-41. Subject: "The Drawing Power t the Fnther." Sab bath school nt 12 o'clock: Epworth League at 6..10; preaching- by the pastor at 7.30. Text. 1 corlnthiniis 3-9. Sub ject: "Laborers Together Willi God." Scats free and a coidial welcome to all. Howard Place- M. E. c hurch. Rev. C. A. Alagee, pastor li-eaehing 10.30 a, m. by the pastor. Subject: "Traveling Home." 8 p. ni. Profesor X Till, of -Washington, D. C, will preach to young men. Pose Coghlnn will net In AiistrnlK next winter. Huso -has just had "Kedora" ma le inlo on opera by un Balhin composer. EVERYBODY WANTS TO GO With the D.. I & W. Mutual Aid Association and R. R. Y. M. C. A, EXCURSION TO SYRACUSE AM PLESSaiT B'ACH. SATURDAY; AUG. 22. -Trim. lAives D., I . & W. Station at 6 a. m. Street cars will ctnnect nitn train. Tickets for ihs Round Trip, $209 124-126 Wyoming Aval Last Ten Days of Our August'' ' Clearance ' v Sale, The prices of the balance of our Spring and Summer stock have been almost cut to nothing and all that we have left will positively be dis posed of at ridicu lously low prices. No one should fail to attend the last ten days of our sale. i Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSP CO ti. E. CROrUT, PROPRIETOR THIS TTOTTSB Is strictly temperance. Is new and well furnished and OP13NKD TO THE PUBLIC THE YiJAfl no UND, la located midway between llinghamton ani Scranton. on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Kallroad. six mllea Irom D., L. tb V. K. R. at Alford Station, and five mllea from Montrose; capacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station. Houso situated W) feet from the lako, wide veranda extends the ifntlre length of the house, which Is 100 feet Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc Free to tiucsts. Altitude nhout 2,000 feet, equalling In thin respect the Adirondack, and Catskill Mountains. Fine proved, plnty of chnile nnd boautU ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled in beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swlnsfn, proquof crounds. etc. COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. Rates $7 to f io Per Week. $1.50 Per Day, Excursion tickets sold at all stations on D., L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. IIS1II THE EEST IN TEE MARKET GREAT VARIETY CF SIZES. THi UT & HILL GO., m lsckawan;u avenue. THe MOSSiC POWDER CO., ROO.HS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. mum fifiD BLASTING made at moosic and ru8h dale: works. LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Electric Exploders, for X- plodlng blasts, bat'ety iuiw, and EeDanno Ctcmici Co. 3 vnCaV BALDHS 171
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