The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1896, Image 1

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' 51 !-" :
m:rantox, pa., Saturday mohning, august sl i89.
J'.ilsht, now stock Hint toll t:t a
Kliiiite their own story of Indisput
able iiit-iit. Tiny are absolutely
correct in
it. .ii
T:-tr'S-t-tin; Fashion's latest ideas
in coming full st us.
This Is not a closing out sale, lint an
T fl .
Fancy Figured Mohair Skirts, O. K.
at nory point nnd as good value
for SJ.r,0 as any we have hitherto
Special Price, $1.93
Plain, Lustrous Mnhnlr Skirts, ex
tratwide and very fine make, as good
as any sold hitherto at
Special Price, $3.50
Extra Fine Figured Mohair Skirts,
with every thing that quality and
Style cpn lend them, llett-r than
an average $5 quality.
Special Price, $3.75
Figured brllllantlne Skirts of superb
quality, the new anil elegant larre
drooping effects. A better skirt at
IG.W is hardly obtainable.
Special Price, $4.S8
Aa Eloquent and Pathetic Address 0:
liverud on Their Behalf.
Activity lit Itophhlicau National
Ilrad!iuurtprs-Scuntor Quay Hill
Suou Come .North and Take a timid
in Cnnipniitn W orU-j A Clinton 1'ii-ry
Talc lAplodoil.
Canton. O., Ausr. 21. A dispatch Is
being widely circulated In the western,
central and southern states which con
tains nn alleged letter from Canton,
purporting to have b"en written In
nnswer to some one who nsks It' It Is
tin tiiat Canton ,, Democrats have
formed a law Uryan silver club which
contains many Kcjuihllcaii members.
Tiiis letter, which has been Riven wld
currency, has cutised more than -"0
biters to the liepiihlloan committee
here asking If the statements made In
it (ire true. Some of tl jse letters have
come to Ainj ir .McKlnley. Tnn!l:t olio
of the loading kei.ublioans of the coun
ty, ilon. Hiram Dull, made a statement
w hich is otiieliilly approved nnd Indors-
ed by I ho chairman of the county com-
mittee and the editor of the iteptllili- I
can organ nf this city, who Is one of j
Major Mckinley's closest friends, de
nying the truth of the facts Riven ill
the letter
Major VoKinh y has put In a d.iy of
solid work, lie lo.iked over some nf
the revised proof sheets of liis letter
of acceptance and spent several hours
In work upon speeches which he Is to
inul.o Saturday and Monday. The
largest deli sat Inn which has yet visit
ed Clinton, will be lu re In the morning.
Anions Major McKinley's callers to
day was .Major John H. Hayes, of Mead
vilel. cue of the most Interesting vis-ito-a
Majoi McKlnley has had for a
Iouk time wes M. A. F.mlorlf, of New
York ciiy, who culed today mid nuide
an cliiinieiit and pathetle addresH on be
half of the 1'oles of the t'nit. d l:ltes.
He said his fellow countrymen were too
poor to send a delegation to call on
Major McKlnley and had empowered
him to assure the Ueptililioau candidate
that the r.n finalized Pol s in this ouu
try would cast their ballots ,r him.
New Yolk. A uk. L'l. Theie was an
air of nativity uroiind ISipiihllcnii na
tional headiiiari.eis tills moininu:. A
jsreat crowd of people walled in the
corridor of hend'imi iters for an aud
ience with Chairman Mark llaniia. Mr.
liui.c.i came to the headouarters from
the Waldorf hotel at tn.::il o'clock and
iinmediatcly proceeded to his olliee
where he found a Im-rc pile of mail
inattir iMraltiiiK his perusal. Among
ll. os- who saw Mi. ili.ntia were- John K.
i isboi no, the secretary of the execu
tive commlittee, received a telegram to
day from Senator Quay, announcing
that he would slait noitli within a lew
days, lie will funic probably to New
York hciid(iiartei s on his arrival In
this city, which will certainly not be
later llcin Si Member 1st.
An.inii; Hie callers on Chairman
llanna at llepublli v.:i Iv adiiuarleis I
this afternoon was Major J. J. Henry
Could, ol, airman of the Massachusetts
iiVpuhih on ftllle league of the 1'llllcd
to . i,. 1 r...i.i .o.l....i
' ly of Republican success in New I'ng-
laiid. "The prospects," lie said. "In
New lincl.ind at bright, in fact nevi r
wi re belter. We have had Very few de
fections from our ranks, on account of
free silver while accessions hi the way
of gold HemociMts are many. There Is
no fear or Masrachusetts and I think I
can say as much for the other New
Knc'.aiid stales."
It was unnoiineed rt Hie headquar
ters of the lienioc ratio honest money
lea!;ue that the Hon. W. liourko Cock
ran had advised Major John Hyrne,
president of the league, that he wlil
rpeak twice a week 'luring the cam
paign wherever the league makes en
gagements for him. Hiquests for Mr.
Cockran's seivi-cs have already come
from Main-. Virslnia. West. Virginia, 1
Maryland. Illinois and Indiana. Mr. j
Cock ran will not preside at the Indian - !
npohs convention. The bague is pro- '
paling to circulate Mr. C.ieliif.n's
speech ail over ihe country. The Hon.
Perry l -lment has also untitled the
league that he is willing to speak on
behalf of s.mnd money whenever his
servHes tire required. He will be book
ed for Prool.lyn and Indiana. Kx-See-retnry
of the Treasury Fairchild will
speak under the auspices of the l-ngue
at Trenton, N". J., on Wednesday next.
He Calls Attention to tile Inconsistencies
in the Remarks of the Boy Ora
tor, Wii'iiam J. Bryan.
Wntertown, N. Y., Aug. 21. Kx
Oovernnr Flower was elected president
of the Sound Money Democratic? club
at Its meeting tonight. The organiza
tion has over IVI members. In his
speech of acceptance tiovornor Flower
discussed a point in Mr. Bryan's recent
deliverance which has not been touched
upon by others. He said: "I want to
call your attention to a part of Mr.
Ilryan's recent spi-eeh In New York. In
which he unconsciously disclosed bis
character. To ullay the apprehensions
of the debtor, that free silver legisla
tion, might not be enacted before the
creditor could call In Ms loans or fore
close the mortgage. Mr. Uryan said:
'If in .November the people dec-l ire
themselves In favor of-the Immediate
restoration of bimetallism, the system
can be inaugurated within a few
months.' This, he says, can be done by
the virtue of the president's power to
convene congress In extraordinary ses
sion. The debtor has said: 'How shall
I tie able to pay my debts at the rate of
fi.1 cents on the dollar since it will take
three months nt least to enact th
necessary legislation and In thut time
my creditor will have ln-en able to call
In my loan or foreclose his mortgage?'
Mr. Kryan reassures him and appeals
to his dishonesty by saying: "Just as
soon aa I am president 1 shall rush the
system through before the creditor has
n chance to cmH In Ms loan or fore
close his mortgage." Why this hurry?
Mr. Bryaa. Obvloualy you believe in
the debasement of the dollar wljich will
allow the dishonest debtor to repudiate
his debts. A nd how does Ki Kryan
reconcile this with the assertion III a
prior part of liis speech thut f'eo oolti
uge will raise the price of silver bul
lion to $1.3 per ounce, meastjred by
gold? He cannot reconcile the two state
ments, because if Hie former ,1s true
then there would bo no need fon hurry
ing, because the debtor would; not be
benefit! d if silver goes to par with gold.
Hut that Mr. Hr'yan knows tiiat his prior
assertion is false, and that silver will
not advance. Is shown by his liter as
surance, that "the system" will he in
augurated hefoie the creditor has a
chance to collect what Is owing;to him.
1 should think this man would fear to
expose himself to the wrath of a people
whose honor he so grossly insults- by
thus olTeilng thorn a bribe of forty-s-ven
cents on each dollar of their in
The Chinese Viceroy Will De Received
by (he f'reyl&nt a! the Residence
of William C. Whitney.
New York, Alio,, ill. The following
programme respecting the visit of the
Chinese viceroy, 1.1 Hung Chang, was
announced this afternoon by Secretary
of War I.anioiu.
Karl Id Hung: Chang, special ambas
sador from tile euiiieror of China, will
arrive in New Yoik by the Fteamshiu
.St. Louis on Friday. Aug 2.x. Major
Central Thomas H.- linger, Inited
States army, commanding the dopnit
nn lit of the cast, who has been d sig
naled by the prerldent to act as his
representative, will meet him on his ar
rival ami escort him with n detachment
lof the Sixth regiment, I'nit-d States!
calvary, t.. the Waldorf hotel, where he
v. ill remain during his utay In New .
York as the guest of Hv nation. The
staw depaitmeul will he represent! tl
by W. W. liockhill. first assistant sec- I
ii tary of slate, lieneial linger will at- I
teiid the viceroy din ing his sojourn la
this tountry. and be In charge of all I
aiiaii);enn-nls pertaining to his visii. !
The president of the 1'l.lli d St:iti s. who
I is to be In the i'ity as Ihe guest of ex
I Secretary of the Navy William C. Whit
! ney. will receive the sp. rliil ambassador
i ni Mr. Whitney's residence on the day
I following his arrival. Ihe secretary of
I slate, th secretary of the tr-asuiy. the
secretary ol war nnd pnssiwy other
tiienibors of the cabinet being present.
On Sunday a visit will bo made to
Ceneral, Cram's ton.b at Iliveiside.
Monday will be spent In a trip to the
military academy at West I'oint by the
C. S. S. Holpbl'i, and a sail under tlv
HrooUlyn bridge nnd up the Kast river.
on Tuesday the party will I nler-
talncd at lunch by the representative
business men of New Yoik.'nnd later
in the day an opportunity will be given
the Chinese resiik ills of the city to
meet the enrl
the Choice
by arrangements with i cd, his attorney-irei'i-al will do no bet-.!"-nl.
.W. dnes.lay will j ter. '
be occupied by u islt to Hiooklyn on
the Invitation of the .mayor of that eit.
and In the evening the vlce-oy will be
tendered n review by the Seventh
regiment In lis armory, tin Thursday
the parly will go by tin
, i
to I'hilhdelphla where siiital le 1
entertainment will be provided and
' '""' 1,11,1
!:.tuidiiy will be spent III
ami Sunday at Niagara
the viceroy will be met
runs, wnen
! by reiiiesenntlvi s of Ihe Canadian
i ogvei nmeiit who will escort him to
ancoiivei', I, mil winch port lie will
sail for home.
The Old l'i ml lirrn Out Again
New York Convcntinns.
New York, Aug. 21. Conventions
were held ill this city tonight by the
llepiibiicans in the thirty-three assem
bly disirii Is for ihe purpose of electing
delegates and alternates to the state
convention. Tile old f-ud that has
existed between Ihe Mult and nnii
I'hitt forces broke out unew and with
all of its old time bitt-rness. In most
of the districts two sets of delegates
and alternates Were In the field and
w hile in a majority of the districts the
warfare was quite tame, yet ill the
oibi -is the liglitiir; was lii ree and hard.
I if the l:"l delegates the 1 'In 1 1 men
claim 114. c out ding a possible 21 to Ihe
nut is, of these -1. however. 7 at least are
.:iiil to be dolibl ful.
The stale convention will be
upon to. settle ihe dispute in the con
tested districts.
Sl-fiiiiliip Yt -llie Itoscniclil Foun
dered in liic Pacific.
London, Aug. 21. A cablegram re
ceived from Simla Catherina says the
Amerie-ui steamship Willie Hosenfeld,
commanded by Captain Dunphy, which
sall-d from New York April 23rd for
San Francisco, lias foundered 400 miles
off the coast. Part of the crow wore
saved and landed here, but two bouts
containing tout teen persons are miss
ing. The Iiosonfeld Is owned by Aithur
H. Sewall & Co., of Path. Me., She was
built In l.'. in Hath, is KB feet ill
length, 44 feet wide, 27 fet 111 depth.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. Aug. 21. Arrived: Paris
from Southampton. l.uciinla fro'ii
Liverpool and liaeensiowu, Columhia
from Hamburg, Persia from Hamburg,
Sorrento from Hamburg and Havre.
S tiied: Stale of Nebraska from Clasgow.
Arrived out: Campania at tjiieinslown.
S tiled for New York: City of dome from
Cl.isaow Aug. "ft, Normamiiu from South
ampton, Aachen from P.remei haven.
Slishted: Kensington fiom New York for
Antwerp, passed the l.izunl.
Blames the Itnilrnntl Company.
Columbus, O., Aug. 21.- Coroner Hdward
Heriist has rendered his verdict in the
Toledo and Ohio Central collision here tw.i
wer-kd ago by which four men lurt their
lives. He lays the Maine on the railway
company, whose system of signals and
orders he regards us very Imperfect.
Uniting for Hotter Times.
Waltham, Mass.. Aug. 21. Thq D'Harn
Witltfi.ini Uial company has noliiied It j
employes tha after Aug. 29 the dlnl works
will be rloyctV Iin'olinitcly ponding the ad
vent of ht-lter limes.
insane Kan's Crime.
Cincinnati, Anr. 21. Fred Ornpff, n sa
loonkeeper at l.V(2 Centrul avenue. In a
fit of Insanity, shot hi wife and then fired
a built through his own brain. The wo.
tuau la la a critical coudltiuu.
Red Hat Silver Speech to the Farmers
at A'it. Gretna.
l'nys Ilin ltcsit'cts Also to Secretary
OliK v-Kcccivcs Applause lor the
Scutiineiit Repressed Kegnrding
Slavery, but the Vote of Thanks Is
Hot Forthcoming.
Mount Cretna, f'n., Aug. 21. Senator
lieujaiidn Tillman, of South Carolina,
made an address here today for free
liliver to the. fanners gathered to attend
the Mount Crietna agricultural fair.
About 700 people, mostly farmers, made
up Senator Tillman's audience. The
speaker was given respectful attention
and was frequently applauded. Sena
tor Tillman sulci:
"I shall conllne my remarks almost
entiicly, to the money question. We are
face to face with a crisis. We have
passed through two or three other
crises in our government. One in lSitL'.
when. Jackson throttled this same
money devil, lie took It by the throat,
mid stood there a bulwark between the
musses and the classes, tie vetoed tile
Culled States bank act. (Applause),
.nd there was your lleniorint, not like
the 'bug of beet" now ill the white
house, whose only vetoes have been
that of the seignorage bill for the re
lief of the people and some pension
bills to tot a 1 1 iv dollars out of the
treasury. We will spit on him out of
our mouths, and we have repudiated
"The (list thing I want to ask you Is:
Is this republic tor sale'.' I saw in the
I m pern day before yesterday that the
i New York Chamber of Commerce,
through its committee, called upon Mr.
liaiwui and uoiilicd him tiiat the mil
i he represented, Hie great
I bunking and capitalistic corporations,
the millionaire merchants and others
all were ivikK to co-operate without
; itgiird to party. What does that mean?
It men us Unit they are ready to buy
j up cvei1 vote liiey can. There lire so
I many thousands and millions nf Ann ri
j can votois who have not got the In-t-iligi'iie-or
ilie integrity to resist douc
I lug with the current, and if they can
! get a few dollars in their pockets to go
along with them, liny cun go so much
"Today there Is not an article which
i outers into everv day consumption In
any considerable amount, through
which tribute Is not levied on you by
some corporation, or trust, or monopoly,
making the rich man richer and the
poor man poorer. Wo have laws on
our statue hooks prohibiting combina
tions, and monopolies and trusts, lint
Secretary nf the State Olncy, who was
himself a corporation attorney, cannot
llnd one to In lug a law suit under, and
his predecessor under Harrison did not
no any heller, and if McKlnley is elect-
i:i';sri';i"is mmm.KY.
"T have the greatest admiration and
respect for Mr. McKlnley that is, I
have as much admliatlon for him as T
can have for any man who Is so badly
OlV. WltO 14 Mil IVI'lillir B,k lw,Oi,l,...rl
i,,st i ti. wilderness of Ignorance.
" v iiinr i m-f-n in ignorance,
ti. honest man Is not afraid to soeak
at any time, bemuse ho cannot toll n
lie unless u lie is in his heart, and ho is
not a fiuid to speak It to hli brother,
because the truth cannot hurt any man.
Hut McKlnley will not utter an) thing
unless It has I u submitted to llumiu
i r some other boss. That's what they
say about it. but I may be mistaken,
but I say circumstantial evidence would
Indicate that. P.ryan speaks right out.
I believe 'liryan is honest and true, lie
Is not going to say or do anything that
is going to hurt him or bis cause. We
have these two men before us on that
puhllc attitude. One is today before the
noopl,., not ton groat a man to shake
hands even with a coal heiuer. and the
other Is too h Ifh like drover Cleve
land, who has surrounded himself by
detectives to protect himself from us
sr."sination. Senator Tillman then wont into an
elaborate discussion and exposition of
the money question. He then proceed
ed to answer the recent address by
Poitiltc Cockran, which ho pronounced
to be an effort to array the wage work
er against the farmer. The senator de
clared that not only would the fanners'
product bo Increased In value, but that
the wul'o earner would receive double
his present pay. Tiiis, he asserted,
would be a sure result of free coinage.
He was very emphatic that sectional
ism did not enter into the money ques
tion. "Tiiis is a common country," he
said. "'We, in the south, tried to go orf
once. I think it was more a desiie
to maintain the union than It was to
free the slaves that whipped us. I am
satisfied It was 1 know it was, hut slav
ery went down in the struggle, and I
thank Cod for it." This statement wus
"Will you submit to Knglisli domina
tion? We whipped KnglnndTn 177G, we
whipped her in It 12 and we can whip
her today with one hand tied. Think
whether you will again have Piernont
Morgan and his gang of ghouls In Wall
street to govern and have dominion over
our president ami congress, or whether
you will free us and restore our ma
jesty as American freemen. Tell your
party to go to the devil, unless it Is
going to do what Is right."
With this blunt ending the senator
concluded his speech nnd sat down. Im
mediately a man rose in the audience
nnd proposed a vote of thanks to Mr.
Tillman, bijt there were a score of
shouts of "no," The senntor sat en
tirely unmindful of the turmoil that was
created fur the instant, until the chair
man could call the meeting to order and
introduce ox-Congressman C. H. Turn
er, of New York, who also mude u silver
It Is Alleged That the Western I'tiioii
Controls Telephone Companies.
P.ostnn, Aug. 21. The Huston Com
mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow re
garding Western Union and Mull Tele
phone: "We understand upon the best au
thority, that the Western Union Tele
graph company controls at the pres
ent moment the American Hell Tele
phone company. The importance of
such control will at once appear to
every one, who appreciates how the two
have come In competition during recent
years. The Western Union dividends
had become threatened through the
conipctillun of the Hell company, and
of the Postal Telegraph company, but
It has lonR been a fully arranged plan
for the Western Union to secure coa
trol of the Telephone company. The
two together can probably mane it very
warm for the Postal Telegraph com
pany or the final outcome may be a
combination of all three.
Mr. J. Flerpont Morgan has been the
largest purchaser of Hell Telephone
stock at auction here, but the manner
of purchase has been Very cleverly con
cealed. Western Union stock has ruled
weak on the New York exchange during
the past few days, but this weakness
Is thought to be part of tue programme
of those conducting this gigantic ileal.
The combination of these two concerns
will moan an almost Impregnable mon
opoly or both the telegraph and tele
phone business In the same hands. '
Eugene linvrnrtl, Professor of I'ronch,
llehendcd While Riding Tandem.
Wililamstown, Mass., Aug. 21. F.u
gene Kuvurd, professor of French at
Detroit, was killed by u Fitehburg
train here this afternoon. lie had been
spending his vacation nt Hlaekintoti,
t-.nd was riding a tandem wih John
Archer, between Hlaekintoti and this
place, between the railroad tracks,
when struck by the locomotive, thrown
under the driving wheels and beheaded.
Archer escaped with severe bruises.
A Large Sale Made This Week Demand
for Cotton Goods The Slate of
Trade in Other Lines.
New York, Aug. 21. Ii. d. Hun &
Co. will say tomurrow In their weekly
review of trade:
Failures for the week have been 20
In the United States against 222 last
year and 27 in Canada against 4:! last
Political events of the week had no
definite influence upon business pros
pects, for the phenomenal variations In
Sterling exchange and the beginning of
Imports of gold, although following the
great meeting In Madison Square i Jar-
den on Tuesday, may be fairly attribut
ed to the accumulating excess of mer
chandise exports over Imports, to which
attention has been rept atedly calltd ex
ports from New York for the past two
weeks having been 20 per cent, larger,
and Imports here 21 per cent, smaller
than last year. The rapid movement
of grain, and the unusually early mar
keting of cotton, tend strongly to aid
the banking syndicate which has un
dertaken to regulate foreign exchanges.
Withdrawals of money to the interior
are rather largo, and commercial loans
are hard to place, and this difficulty
checks many new enterprises and busi
ness In muny departments. Hank clear
ings lire small, for the 'week, 15 per cent,
less than last year, liailroad earnings
are not as good as might be exoeoted
for the first half of August, exceeding
those of lust year by only J.4 per cent.
Speculation has advanced wheat over
1 per com. miring the week, corn a
small fraction, and cotton live-eights,
the principal motive power being re
ports of injury to growing crops.
The Iron and steel market has only
continued depression to report. There
Is rapid j'liiiailinenl of production, but
in spite of this the supply of finished
products appears to greatly exoeod the
demand for them. The one bright spot
is a sale of !i.oo tons steel rails to Japan,
for repairing railways in that country,
which makes nn aggregate of 4'i.0!X tons
exported during the year. Nothing en
couraging can yet be suld regarding the
woolen manufacture, and the demand
for goods, oven at recent reduction in
prices Is still disappointingly small. A
heavy auction sale of cotton goods
brought prices, which were considered
quite encouraging, and the current de
mand is fairly maintained, although the
mills are not Inclined to make large
contracts for the future In view of the
rise in the raw material. In general the
working force In the textile branches
does not appear to have Increased.
of it Trio of Thieves dipt tired
Fnrly This .Horning.
Three Polnndors broke Into A. Apple
nap's slum shop on North Main avenue,
Providence, at 2 o'clock this morning
and were Just emerging, loaded down
with plunder, when Lieutenant (ip'il
man and Patrolman Uidgeway came
upon, them. One of them was captured,
but the two others had n good start on
the officers and' managed to est ape.
The captured burglar had about him
a huge number of cobbler's tools, a
large piece of leather and a pair of
shoes. He said he lived at ill" Lincoln
avenue. West Side, but this the of
ficers did not bclli've.-lt being, tiny
presumed, u ruse to throw them off the
trail of the other two thieves.
Weather Indications Today ;
Light ShoweM.
1 Activity at Republican National Head
Anot her Democratic National Ticket
Senator Tillman Wnxcth Wroth.
Hun's Weekly Trade Review.
2 Hell's Washington Letter.
Plain Talk to Farmers.
The Celt hi the Revolution.
3 ll.oeab Brewery ltoyeott Is in Force.
Seven County Veteran Reunion.
Poor Hoard Session.
Musical Matters
4 Editorial.
Comments of the Press.
5 (Local) Deserted Her Family for an
Krrand Hoy.
Itolltlcal Chat.
6 Where Your Friends Are.
Religious Note and Comment.
7 Suburban Happenings.
Yr llodilgeldwad Owir Lengarol.
Wall Street Review and Market Re
ports. i
8 T!nse Hn!l.
Hleycle Trnmp Discovers a Scheme.
Pendleton's Nervy Hotting.
9. John R. Richmond's Letter of Travel.
Amusements of a Week at Chautau
qua. 10 (Story) "The Way of the Trans
gressor." U Relation of Prices to Wages.
Sclenco'B Latent Valuable Victory.
It News Up and Down the Valley,
The Cleveland Cabinet Will be Represen
ted at Indianapolis.
JolJ Democratic Movement is Gain
ing Converts Kupidly-OIr. By mini
States that the Couvcntion Will I'u
doulitdely Nominate a Tickclt-Cnn.
didutcs Talked of.
Indianapolis, Intl., Au. 2t. Much sat
isfaction was expressed tit the national
Democratic party headquarters toilay
over the fact that the Cleveland cab
inet will be represented at the Indian
apolls convention. Comptroller Eckels
has secured quarters at the 1 lutes, it
Is thought that Secretary of Agricul
ture Morton will attend the convention.
He Is the only member of the cabinet
who is expected. A letter from Secre
tary of the Navy Herbert plulnly in
dicates that he is with the sound money
movement, but that he will not be able
to attend the convention owing to his
absence In F.urope.
There Is no longer any doubt that
Postmaster General Wilson ia also in
favor of the movement. The position
which ids son has taken Is said to bo
a sure sign of the father's Inclination.
The son Is out and out for a third ticket.
"The coming of Mr. F.okcls ami Secre
tary Morton is thought to be a pro
pitious sign that the president Is allied
silently with the national Democracy.
The same word comes from the state
conventions throughout the country as
came from Kentucky yesterday that
the conventions are well iittenoed ami
enthusiastic to a degree. It Is but four
weeks since the first movement toward
the formation of the national Demo
cratic party organization was started
from this city, ami yet It Is claimed at
hoadquurters that there Is a f:'ir organi
zation in tile thirty-nine states, and
that nil the states considered pivotal
In the campaign ure fully organized.
Uefore leaving for Peoria today Mr.
P.ynuin reiterated bis statement that
the convention would unquestionably
nominate a ticket and would not tllrt
Willi any of the old party organiza
There Is not likely to be much of a
contest over nominations. Inasmuch
as the eastern states are expected to
go for sound money and silver Is very
strong in the extreme western states,
the candidates will probably be select
ed from the states of the middle west
and south. The men most talked of
for the head of the ticket are General
Drags;, W. D. Uynum end Senator Pal
mer, of Illinois. At the time of the
national convention meeting Senator
Palmer dot Piled absolutely that he
could not accept the nomination, but he
Is said to have modllied Ids position to
some extent.
For vice president there Is practically
but one man talked of, that of General
Simon H. P.uckncr, of Kentucky.
Hutkner is the Idol of the Kentucky
Democrats and is an ideal Ketituckian.
It Is believed Hint his name on the
ticket would carry the state for the
national Democratic ticket and would
exert a powerful lnlluence in other
southern states. The louder of the
national Democratic movement now
before the Indianapolis ticket will have
more lnlluence in the south than in any
other section of the country.
Medical Students Must Show I'.llieicn
cy in Common i'.nglish liraiiclics.
At the lust legislature a law was
passed compelling niodicul students to
pass a preliminary examination in the
toininon F.nglish branches before reg
ist-ring. Three examining .stations wen
es'tubllshed in the eastern portion of the
state, one at Philadelphia, one at Wil-
liamsport and the third at Scrantoii.
Superintendent of Schools George
Howell was made examiner for this
district and he Is now preparing to hold
the examination.
Yesterday he held a consultation with
a numlier of applicants for certificates,
concerning the date on which to conduct
the examination. It was left to the
superintendent's direretlon. nnd he wlil
name a dale next week. This will be
the first examination of this kind held
in tills district.
first Kcgulur Cur Will HuuOvcrlt
' This Morning.
Tlio new Cdyphant extension of the
Dunmore People's company line will be
opened today for the first time. The
new line begins at the Dunmore "cor
ners" and continues to olyphant. The
system will be vastly beneficial to the
sottlemonis on the east side of the
river which now lack railroad accom
modation. The first car w ill lie run ct S.SO a.
m. and trips will be continued regularly
every half hour throughout the day.
The northern end of tre line Is at the
Dunmore street crossing In Oiyphunt.
Patrick Dcvine Sustain n Urokcn
Shoulder iu l., I.. Ar W. YarJ.
Tat rick Devine, a section hand em
ployed by the Delaware, Lackawanna
und Western company, sustained u
broken shoulder in the company's yard
in this city yesterday.
The Injury was the result of being
struck by nn engine. Devine Is at the
Moses Taylor hospital.
Suits Against n Trolley Company.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 21. Suits aggregat
ing $:;'.'.ik0 have been brought against the
Columbia unil Donegal Hallway company
by live persons who were injured in the
recent trolley wreck near Columbia.
Tlicre will be iinniernos other suits
brought within the next ten days.
Herald's entlicr Forecast.
New York. Aug. 21 In the Middle
States today partly cloudy, sultry weather
will prevail, preceded by ralo with fros-h
routheiiy winds and slowly rising temperature-
followed by temporary clearing.
On Sunday partly cloudy to cloudy
weather will prevail with slowly rising
temperature and fresh southerly to south
easterly winds followed by local ruluu
and poiMlbly by squalls on the count.
Sale of
o o
To clear ou balance of stock befora
opening Fall goods. Our stock Is known
to be the finest In the market nnd wo
offer rare Inducements to close out then
One Jot Gowns,
tucked yoke, cam
bric ruffle,
One Jot Cambric
Gowns, tucked
yoke and embroid
ered ruffle . .
One lot embroid
ered ruffles . .
Lace and Embroidery
Trimmed Gowns, Fine
Goods at about lialf price.
Long and Short Skirts,
Drawers, Corset Covers,
etc. Our sale of Shirt
Waists still continues.
510 AND 512
Always Biiisy.
Cool Shoes f or Hot Feet.
Our 50c. Outing Shoes sale begins today
and every day in Auguat for
iEWISlHLt Y k MllE
When you pay for Jewelry you might aa
well get the best.
A fine line of Novelties for Ladle anil
W. J. Weichel
40S Spruce St.
Emmc! Faints,
Carriage Mats,
Crocfceff s Preservative,
m 1t A 4-9 4 J tl
The Boys and Girls.
: Leal
. Ziic
fleyie!is9 Fw Colors.
HeyscMs9 Wrt Falsi