The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 20, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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rRidr win nkii not thsf afivertlaav
Ht-iiu, orders for Job work. anil Items for
Publication hft at ths efttabllnhmrnt of
Uhnnnon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
tiret-t. will receive prompt attention; of
kce open from ( a. m. to 10 p. m.
A liijf AtlvniK't'inoul .Made iutlie High
The school boanl 1ms doclJ(d upon a
n'W cour.w nf studies at thf high school
vhii'h will lo a Ms advancement over
the old course and Riadnntps will here
after lie well lilted to take u collepp
ciiti'.-inw fv.-.m i nn t Ion without npendintj
additional year in r"cla ration.
Tl.v new ctuinf h:is lim-n needed for
many yours fur Uie old one thouuh
siMid. la not up to tlin standard which
a city of this sizf iviulres. The com
idte list of studies fo.' three years have
been decided noon tind they differ lit
tl" fruni that us-d nt the HurriHliiU'R
liijjli r hr.ol. '1 In- foiirlh yenr sttldies
will Lv delciinined u,ioii later as the
iicuJi. of the ntudents are fomul.
Tl citiiii ns. of rai hondale, should
now feel ptotid of the educational sys
tem in this. city, it 's unusually (food
and with the corps of stood teachers
titers no eycune for sending: the young
people nut of the city for their educa
llci Diini'.c Occurred Yesterday
The death of Mrs. Theodore IT. Klner
which occurred very suddenly early
yesterday .-.luinin lit a uveut shock to
her many friends wit li whom she was a.
Kieat favorite.
Airs. Miner was born In Archbnlrt
twenty-seven ; rs hi;o, her maiden
nam beiuy; Kli.nbttH Heine, tin her
marriage to Mr. Klner six years ugo she
n oved to this city, which has since
been her home. Iut patvnls are still
alive Iwsldes whom she leaves six sis
ters and one brother. 'Two young cliil
dreu survive the deceased, The fu
neral will tiike jilaci. Friday.
Mrs. V.ol.rtt Junes arid son. Joint) ban,
of Fortsi City, were the guesis of Mts.
J.hiius Kobiiison ysMduv.
The Kross Kountry Klub have issued
Invitation for a reception to be given
in the Liui'ke buihliiitt on Sixth avenue
on Friday evening.
.Mr. and Mrs. .. AV. lteynolds and
duUiititer i t turned troiii U'tuii tllWe.
.Vilss ilarnarel Jtiitler, of Muosio. is a
siu-st of her sister, .Mis. John Sullivan,
on Main street.
Mrs. John Munition nod Miss Jessie
Keattery hti yesterday for a week's
visit in New Vork city.
Mis. ii. W. tisboitie lett yesteiilay for
Salem, where she will Join Huwloy
I'rieuils and cut dm ins the Salem comp
Charles Uunleavy. of Philadelphia, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Kit Itirs, on
Washington street.
Miss Mary Nealon. of Xew York city,
who has been tt visitor at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. II. I;. THirke, on South
.Main street, has returned home.
Mrs. M. Cunimint;s, of Oak avenue,
who has been visitinir her parents at
Center Village, New York for the past
two weeks, has returned.
Miss I.nlti Keilly, of Sustiuehutina, is
t lie ailest of her sister, Mrs. T. V. Walk
er, of South Main street.
Miss Fdith Phillips, of Plymouth, is
the guest of Misses Theresa and Delia
Jones, of South Teraeo street.
lit-v. Joseph McCabe, of Avoi a, was a
visitor at St. ijose teetory yesterday.
Miss Ulaiiehe Arnold is visiting
friends in Khode Island.
The Misses Maty and Cassip Oetzel,
of South Carolina, are visiting their
(otisiti, Mrs. Theodore Kase, on Wuyne
.Mrs. YV. A. Crant, of Wllkes-Batre,
i:i the Kttest of Mrs. J I. II. Daley, of Sa
il tn avenue.
Mis. Louis Thauor and daughter,
Minnie, are visiting friends and rela
tives in Itipon, Vv'is.
.Miss Clara l'ronson is the guest of
Iriends in Massachusetts'.
.Miss Mae Cuminae, of Peckville, is
isitiug frieitils In this city.
Aiiss Mituiie While, of oneonta, is the
ftuest of her cousin, .Miss llrrtrude .Jra
liain, of South Church street.
Constable Daniel Henley, of Somp
(". is visiting in liuii'alo.
.Mrs. Thoinus Doudlcatt and daughter,
.Mary, or Scruntoii, are visiting in town.
.lames Clime, of Dumialf street, who
has been visit ins friends In Iiulstend,
has returned home. ll was titeoni
Iditicd b Ills cousin, K. (liusllii.
.Miss tJeilrllde .Mathers, of South
'tiiuvn street, is visiting relatives In
i.lfl llll .
.Miss May i-Ynturout. of T'cckvillo. is
tin! sliest of her cousin, Minnie Wal
lace, of Ki-llllntit s licit.
Tliouian llidseway, of 'Washington,
I '. C, is a uitest nt the home of Mrs.
.Mary Crane on Lincoln avenue.
Miss Ilattie Kerry is visiting in
Wayne county.
Arthur T.'lmer lias left for a visit with
friends 'n Wa.verly.
Aitises Annie ami Mamie Stephens
Much in Little
1j especially true of Hood's Pills, tor no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power in
to small space. They are a wuole medicine
chest, alrys ready, al
ways efficient, always sat
isfactory; prevent a cold
or fever, cure all liver ills,
tick bradache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only Pills to take w ith Hood's Sarsaparilla.
.lust read nur prices and compare them wltb
any and all of the other attempts:
25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c
35s. Ingrain Carpets, Now ..25c
50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c
65c Brussels Carpets, Now 39c
75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c
85c. Brussels Carpets, Now. ...75c
Akoa quantity of Body Brussels lengths
from a to ao yards in each piece at about one
half price to tluc.
J. SCOTT US Lack. Ave
Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer.
TERMS-Casb M the Above Oases.
have returned front lUadford. l'a.,
w here they have been visiting relatives.
Mrs. Charles Howe, or l.athiope ave
nue, who has been visiting in New Vork
i state, has returned.
T lira Thnmno Orcllfll.l ttt Pollllllllla
Heights, Is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klliot. at Salem,
V'ayne county.
Pcrihier DIx has returned from his
vacation spent in Gomo and vicinity.
Air. and Airs. Wesley Reynolds and
to children, of Scranton, drove to
this place last week and have been
visiting his sister, Airs. I.eKoy Cob-man.
Tilt y were former residents of this
plat e.
Albert CI. Miller was called home from
Towanda, on account of the death of his
Aliss Louise Sumner and two brothers,
of East Smithfleld, have been recent vis
itors In town.
.Miss Martha Claylord, r.J AVyaluslnc.
has been spending u week past nt her
brother's. K. W. Cnylord.
A large nttnilirr from town took in
t'ne Hepublican county convention at
'J'owanda last Thursday.
The tevensville bund will hold their
niinual fair next week Thursday.
A large number is expected at the re
union of the 141st regiment at this place
next Wednesday.
I. L. La Rue has again token tin his
title ah mine host at the Le Kaysville
house. Ike Is a first-class manager, and
his many friends are glad to see him
take business in charge. His tenant,
Leonard Urown, has moved to Green
wood, their former home.
At a meeting of Pike township school
board last Saturday the teachers" wages
were cut down $2 per month. Much dis
satisfaction among the teachers Is the
V. .1. Aliller has the finest crop of to
matoes as well as the thril'test garden
in town. He lias some of the former
fruit that tips the scales nt 1' pounds.
The stone cutters on the Towanda
court house went on a strike last Fri
day. They demand $;: for nine hours'
work Instead of ten.
William Slociiiii has returned )o ;
Washington. !. I'., ttfler spending sey j
eral weeks with his naretits In town.
Kt-nesl Waldo, tiny and Kinina Kits-j
worth, of Wyalusing, were visitors in:
town over Sunday. j
Mrs. Adelaide Kllsworth has been :
sp. ndinir a few days past at Wyalus-j
mi T'riday night. .Aug. I I. ':itf. the an-!
ye l of death called to lis home of rest j
Mrs. Elizabeth . ugin.-r Miller, wife of
the bin- Peter Miller, from the home
of her only child and son, Krederick
.1. -Miller, in Leltavsville borough. The!
subject of this sketch was horn In
ilermuny, Aug. 2. ISIlt. and came to this!
country with her husband and sou in I
ls-l" and settled at Honesdale, which I
city was then a wilderness. She re-j
sided there until a built sl years ago, j
when sin- came to this place and has
since resided. The deceased leaves he
sld's a devoted son ami family. Iwo
sisters Mis. Catherine Slund and Airs.
Dorothy Lttdwlg, both of Honesdule.
The funeral services were held Monday
afternoon at 1' o'clock, ltev. S. 1. Davis
otllclatlug. Interment was made in the
l.cliaysville cemetery.
Our borough schools will reopen on
.Monday, Aug. "1. under the tutorship
of Professor J. V. Keeler and 11. W.
II. U White, Mrs. W. 11. Cage and
Mr. and Airs. If. W. Huge, were visiting;
friends in Campion n last week.
II. W. Shortellis' new dwelling on j
East street, Is Hearing completion.
The Towanda. Weekly Keview, one of i
our newsiest journals, has Just entered i
upon Its eighteenth year of publica- j
llmi. The Dally nlso gives us all the;
latest dispatches and locnl news, and !
thflr pnsch goes with commendation'
and their patronage is well known by
their large circulation.
Installation services will be held in
the First Congregational church of Clif
ford, to install Rev. Noah Hevans as
pastor on Wednesday and Thursday,
Aug. irt and The programme is as
follows: Wednesday evening, sermon
by Rev. W. C. Davis, of Alinersvllle;
Thtiisday morning tit in o'clock, ser-
inonsb y Dr. R. S. Joins and Newman
Matthews; 2 p. ni., Installation sermon j
by Rev. T. C. I'Mwards. D. D.. "Charge !
to Paster." R. S. Jones, D. I). The eve- j
ning service will be conducted ns a '
rpetnoi l;,! service tn the lute Rev. Daniel j
Daniels. A memorial tablet will be'
plnced in the church to his memory, and
the following programme has been pre
pared by F. A. Da vies, esi(., who has
the meeting in charge: Opening song,
choir; scripture reading, K. C. ICdwards,
D. D.: prayer. Uev. Newman Al.-tlthews;
biographical sketch. Rev. C. I!. Lewis:
"Mis .Ministerial Life." Rev. ,1. 1.1.
Kvanfi; "As a Ci.ncregaiionnlist," Dr.
R. Jones; "How He Should Be
Ranked," T. C. Fdwards, D. D.; "Jlome
Life and Jts Inlliienee." Hon. S. rt.
Jones; "Personal Recoiled ions," Rese
Hughes: "What Has the Neighborhood
Jained" S. .1. Owens; "What Made
Him Great ?" John 1.. Richards.
For forty-two years Rev. Daniels la
bored assiduously at Clifford, and it is
the Intent ion ol his friends to gather
to pay Jti'd howv to the memory of
this depai tul saint of Cod.
A grand so.-l.-d nn.l entortjin"d will
be held In the odd Fellows' hall on
.Main street. Saturday evening. Aug. "SI.
under the uuspices of Court Clinton
Lodge, No. 'it. Foresters of America.
Views given by a magic lantern will en
tertain those who a i tend.
Oeorge Alnxey, jr., has been spend
ing the r.cek with Cibson relatives.
Julius Moses, of Carbondale, was in
town yesterday
Miss Sophie Drlesen, of Scranton, is
visiting her sister, .Mrs. ,T. Alexander.
C. li. Bennett, of Blngluimton. N. Y..
was n business visitor in the borougli
Aliss Alice Tnthlll has been indisposed
for the past few days.
The Consumers Towiler company will
pay employes today.
The Wilson Fire company will hold
a clam bake next Monday evening.
Mrs. J. It. Sicklerand daughter, Dora,
left yesterday for to visit at AHU City.
Today will be the Epworth League
day at the Salem camp meeting. A good
programme bus been prepared for the
occasion and will be under the direction
of Rev. S. O. Simpklns.
There will lie no preaching services
In the Methodist Kplscopal church next
Sunday, so the members can all have
nn opportunity tn uttend camp meet
ing. If the lloby If rutting Teeth.
Mra. Wlnslow'r. Foothlng Rvrttp nai
been used for over Fifty Tears by Mil
Hons of Mother) for telr Children
while Teething, witli Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bald
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslowt
Soothing Syrup." and talc no other
kind. Twenty-flrs cent a bottle.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
The home of Air. and Airs. Jame
Aloore. of the North End, was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering of ladies
on Tuesday afternoon and evening. A
pleasing entertainment was rendered
and a sumptuous repast was served In
the evening. Those present were: Airs.
Admit and daughter. Emily, of Brook
lyn, N. Y. ; Mrs. Thomas Thorburn and
daughter, of Sharpshurg. Pa.: Mrs.
Alexander, of Alorrls Hun: Itobert
Thompson, A'.ts. William Kobinson and
daughter, N'ina. Al. Catherine Aloffat
and grand-daughter. Flora. Airs. Jlur
ian Portetis. Airs. Surah Steward, Airs.
Jennie ijelchrist. .Messrs. John. Adam
and Andrew Porteus. of Pittston. Ales
danies John Connor, James and W..lter
Ondircow. b. Johnson, Thomas
Horthw ick. A. Dnn'ts, C.eorge Chester,
R. H. Oliver, I'.vbert Cranston, James
AlcKane. Jdin Hasher, Allsses Sarah
Oliver, Henderson, Carrie Snyder, Car
rie McDonald mid Mama Cranston, of
Airs. At. A. Flock was. snmmoiifd to
Xew Jersey yesterday on account of the
death of her father.
The school board met on Tuesday eve
ning In adjourned session and trans
acted considerable business. The com
mittee appointed to confer with Re
corder Richards in regard to the amount
charged ($'-'4.90) for searching records,
reported that the bill had been reduced
to $IJ..!u. N. E. Hosklns was awarded
the contract of papering and renovating
the high school. Adjourned to meet on
Thursday evening.
.Misses Alary and Nellie McDonald, of
the North End, have returned home
after a two months' visit with friends
In Schuylkill county.
Allsses Alame Fltzslnimons and Agnes
Aloruhan ure sojourning at Lake Ariel.
Editor Willier. of the Item, Wus a
caller in town yesterday.
! Mr. und Airs. Charles Hanlon, of Oly
phant, were visitors in town on Tues
! 'lay.
I .Messrs. Douahoe. battle and brown,
j of the South Side, were callers in town
I on Tuesday evening,
i Aliss Kate Hogan held the winning
I coupon of the $Pt gold piece that was
disposed of at the lawn festival on
Tuesday evening.
I The Langollffe Coul company will pay
) Its employes tomorrow and the Avoca
I Coal company on Saturday,
j Helen, the infant child of Air. and
i Mrs. Henry Savannah, died on Tiles
! day morning of brain fever. Funeral
will lake place this afternoon. Inter
j ineiit in St. .Mary's cemetery.
About ! o'clock yesterday morning,
while some young people of town were
returning home from a party, they came
across l he prostrate form of a man in
front of the hotel of W. J. Evans, on
Lackawanna street. I'pon Investiga
tion it wus learned that he had an ugly
gash over the eye and on the back of
the head. Dr. Kelly was summoned and
had the man removed to his drug store.
Later in the morning the Wounded man
was recognized .is Thomas F. Carrol,
of Carbondale. Vp to this writing he is !
still in an uiiconslotts condition.
A party composed of the following
young ladies and gentlemen returned
home from Lake Winola, where they
were entertained at Cottage "Inclover:"
Alisses Anna Brown, Maine O'AIalley,
Lizzie Farrell, Mary Carbine, Gertrude
Voyle, from town: Miss Anna Dougher,
of Wilkes-Bane; Atlss Alame Latkin, of
Washington, N. J.; F. Ferguson, N. L.
Kennedy, Oeorge. Alasnn, John Davis
and Dave Jones.
Airs. L. Kelly and daughter, Aliss
Aland, returned home yesterday, after
a week's outing at Mount Pocono.
Professor Longstreet, of Mansfield, is
the guest of Dr. L. Kelly and family
for a few days.
Alisses Katie Rogan and Alamie Han
ahoo have returned after a week's stay
at Lake Winola.
The AlcKinley club met last evening
In Owens' hall on the West Side. Fif
teen new members were enrolled.
Stephen Serenko, a Hungarian, and
one of the "section" men, was severely
Injured Tuesday by falling from the
hand car. fracturing his skull and
bruising him quite badly. Dr. Wheeler
is attending til in.
Airs. Pauline Taylor, of Dinyhaiuton.
was lulling on friends In this place
yesterday. She hus been spending some
time with her sister, Mrs. Prevost. near
Tunkhannock, and Is now on her re
turn to her home.
Jerry Oarritson made a trip lo the
electric city yesterday.
Alts. C. R. Williams and Aliss Grace
Warner drove to Lake Winola yester
day und spent the day.
A. P. Henjatnin is now taking his va
cation. Ale. und Mrs. Heiijumln tut
spending a few days at Windfall Pond,
after which, although not "Popo
crats," they will follow Rryan up the
Hudson, tor a rest.
Air. and Airs. K F. Johnson and
daughter. Ruth, and Airs. H. U. Wllk
Ins and daughter. Florence, are to
spend this day at Lake Winola.
A church congregation in Sunders.
Ky. wus dismissed most summarily un
der unpleasant circumstances two Sun
duys since. Klght In the middle of the
preachers' discourse there bolted Into
the church through the half-open door
what appeared to be a bluck and white
cut, closely followed by u yellow dog.
Cat and dog ran swiftly down the hild
ille aisle to the plat form. The preacher,
taken unawares, did the natural thing,
kicked at he cut. hit it, und landed It
squarely in the middle of the congre
gation. Then It turned out that the cat
wus u skunk.
A Lewiston. Ale., family has two verv
pretty and bright 'coon cuts. One of
them was shut out III thes now the other
night and had to stay there, forgotten
by the family. It was the Hrst time she
had been out ull night, and the first
time she ever walked on snow. In the
morning she was found at i o'clock
walking quietly around the house in u
well-worn path thut she had made. The
truck was four Inches wide und trodden
down hard to the ground, as if u senlrv
had patrolled the house all night. She
has not once stepped outside; of it. ,
There is at least one happy cat In the
show at .Mechanics' Building, says the
Koston Traveller. It is a small tiger
kitten who has been suddenly raised
from a tramp life to affluence und dis
tinction. He was wandering through Washing
ton street, hungry and cold, the day the
rats were entered for the shor, and
Elijah B. Hine, the well-known temper
ance orator saw him, picked him Up
and paid fifty cants to secure him com
fort for a week. Ho was assigned to
clean, comfortable cage, with plenty to
eat and drink, ami with true phil
osophy he accepted the change.
The judges came around on prize day
and left him a ribbon which entitles him
to a prize of J. a first prize for the only
cat of that class. He has risen in valuu
since then.
There is a black cat at present in the
sedate seclusion of the Hampton Court
cloisters which has spontaneously
"sworn iff" from all kinds of flesh food.
Its favorite diet is uncooked scarlet
runner beans, which It eats as an Ital
ian eats macaroni. Cucumbers it likes,
and carrots which nre boiled, but fruit
it will not touch. The Hampton Court
cat seems to stand alone in a partiality
for food which none of its race could,
hitherto be induced to look at.
A pet cat belonging to a Rumbord
Falls family some time ago had a tit
and disappeared under the shed. Some
days afterward they thought they
stnelled decomposing feline, and vigor
ously applied chloride of lime. Th
good woman of the house was sure the
odor wus growing stronger, till one day
the cat walked unconcernedly In, and
since then they've been discussing the
smcdllng powerof Imagination. Lewis
town (Ale.) Journal.
A Belfast cat has a delicate way of
calling attention to the fact that there
are some articles of food for which she
hus a preference. Sunday a few oy
sters were given her. hut she left them
untouched. Next morning tit breukfast
lime she took the oysters carefully
from the dish and laid them In a pile
by themselves und then called for her
Paderewski hus an Independent es
tate in Russia.
Vvette Uullbert has valuable posses
sions In France.
Sol Smith Russell has a fortune in
vested in Minnesota.
Ada Itehan has acquired a snug lit
tle fortune, which she has put in Har
lem and Brooklyn real estate.
Rose Coghlau lives extravagantly
in a handsome uptown residence.
Richard Mansfield owns a magnificent
theatre In this city, and lias a large in
come. John Drew owns real estate und has
a laiiie bunk ai count.
Robert Downing is a laud holder In
the District of Columbia, while his wife
Eugenic. Blair, has an anchor to wind'
Agnes Both owns properly nromid
New Vork. and has no dilhculty In liv
ing n il bin her Income.
Roth .Milton and Dollle Nobles own
Brooklyn real estate, und have landed
Interests In the West. The honest dol
lar finds in both a fast friend.
William Crane Is the owner of Alassu
chusetts real estate, and Is on intimate
terms with several bunks.
Stuart Robson also owns hind in the
old Kay State. He is a shrewd financier,
and the methods of speculation outlined
by him In "The Henrietta" are far from
being his own.
Alms. Adelina Pattl is the only mem
ber of the profession who lives in a
castle no stage affair, as any one
knows who has seen Cralg-y-Xos, in
one of the most charming of Wales'
many delightful spots of beauty. Alme.
Patii nlso owns real estate in New
York. France and England.
Sir Henry living is a millionaire, al-
though his American Interests are con
fined to box olllce receipts. His inter
ests lie principally in London, where
his theatrical property proves very re
munerative. Mrs. Langtry Is a firm believer in Chi
cago and New York. She owns valuable
property in both places, and is easily
worth JJOO.OU0.
Lillian Russel is a devout believer in
creature comforts, and has the name of
spending all she earns. This idea is er
roneous, however. She possesses real
estate in both New York and Chicago,
and also owns a collection of diamonds
valued at many thousand dollars. New
York World.
"They promised us a tariff for revenue
and gave us a tariff for deficiency. They
promised to defend the old soldiers and
sailors of the nation and with one order
turned out Ri.w men and deprived them
of a living without a trial by court or
jury. Kvery promise has been broken,
ami now when you lay it to their door the
! Ditnociat enters a plea of confession tucl
admits every mistake and then ho nets
you by the eoPar and pulls out a silver
dollar and says: 'Now, we have broken
every pledge, but take-one more sllver-coat-d
Democratic pill ami it will be till
r'ght in four years more.' (Laughter.)
Think of it Mr. Chairman, a greut party
In control of a great nation, seeking to
hide Its four year.-; of rotten record with a
iu-cetit silver ilollar."--Cousiessinaii W. P..
. . .
llr. Di li lion's "Vitalizing Sursu
parilla Fills."
Contain all the virtues of the liquid
Sur.iapurillas In a concentrated form,
und being candy coated are delightful
to take. Combined with the SarsaparMl.t
ure other extremely valuable blood and
nerve remedies, which render them at
(dice the greatest blood purifier and
blood maker as well us the most power
ful nerve builder known. Their magi,
cal powers to cure ull nervous diseases,
nervous weakness, nervous headache,
hysteria, loss of vital power, failing
health, etc., are pleasing and wonder
ful. Price 00 cents and $l.0. Sold by
Curl Lorenz, 418 Lackawanna avenue,
druggist, Scranton.
Alderman StU Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOt'RS from 7.S0 a. in. to t p.
so. (1 hgur Intermission for dinner and
Paitlcular Attention Olven to Collections.
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your Bull-
Kespccuully Solicited. Telephone 134,
Superbly Appointed
and Commodious
Steel bteauiBtnti.
American through and 1 hrough.
leave uutiniii 1 usaa? mm rrid.ivs 0.30 p.m.
for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Sou.
Duluth, and Western Points, paasiug all
places of intereit by daylight lu counac tion
it form the moat direct rout, and from ev
ery point of iiinipal lnon, the moat delightful
and comfortable on to Miuneaiioliv, ttt. Paul,
Great Falls, Helena. Hutte. Spokane and Pa
cific coait. The onlv trauwuntiuentol line
running tba famous buffet, library, observa
tion car.
New 07 hoar train for l'ortlaud via Spokane.
HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetunka,
18 miles from Minneapolif. largest and must
beautiul resort la th west.
'licketsaud suy information of any agent or
A. A. HEARD, Oeneral rsssssger agent,
alansa, K. 1 .
Prosperity in 3'our case will
triumph when your expenses
are less than your income. We
can lessen your expenses.
A SUIT FOR $20.00
Which would cost you else
where from $25 to $30, If
these prices are above j'our
means, we will make you a
suit for $15 that will sur
prise you.
Wyoming Av.
nufactured at the Wapwallopen Hills,
Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District
lit WYOMING AVENt'B. Strsnton. Pa
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD, Pittston, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkeg-Barre, P.
Agents for the Repauno Chemical Con.
(nay's High Explosives.
are located the finest fishing and hunting
(rounds lit the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points in
Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St, Paul, Canadian and
United Suites Northwest. Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be had with second-class tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time tables, etc,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
3S3 Broadway, New York.
El If 11 II 11 J IC IUMIU
x e, n F5 m
We ofl'er thin w eek a splendid assortment of goods at price which defr
oin petition. Patterns nil choice, but are thoee we will not carry ints ateil
. uiou. .ov is jour opportunity to secure Oood Carpets at Levr Prases.
Tapcstrj Brussels, 5tfc. 55c and 60c a yard.
. . Were 5c, .5e and 85c a yard.
Velvets. 63c and 80c, Formerly 85c and $1.10.
AU Wool Ingrains reduced to 50e from 05c and 70c.
reavy Wool Flpured Cotton Carpets, double cotton
chain warp, 25c and 30r; former price 35c and 40c,
Mnyrnii Rugs, 30x60 Inches, handsome designs and col
orings, at S1..5; former price S3.00.
We have j ut received a complete
ful combination of color, latest styled,
utroouce Iheia will sell duriug the sale
jr f 2 50.
. 0. KERR,
"Pite Main Entrance
i.i t'' Wvomins Hrtf
on the:
Locomotives. Stationary Engines, Boilorsf
Oeenral Offlci SCHANTON, PA.
Ackaewlcdged tks Leadlag
Ol tbs WsrM,
KRANICHB BACHB sad others.
Musical Instruments,
riusical Merchandise.
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
furcssstrs will always Had a csmplste
stock snd at prices as low as the quel
tty si ths Instrument w".M permit at
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Are. - - Scranton
$100 worth of good
Furniture and Carpets
for $75. It's like find
ing $25 every time you
invest $75.
1 H
line of Genuine Gwalior Ruga, bean
rich Oriental effects, and tn order to
at $1.5o. These Run are good value
SON & CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue
Sterling Silver Shirt Waist
Sets, worth 68c to $1; choice
for 50c Worth $1.26 to $1.7S
choice for $1.00.
Sterling Silver Belt BucMcs.
worth 3. SO, at $2. 80. Worth
$2.RO, at $1.78.
Cloning Out all our Fin
China at about Ualf Price.
Genuine Rogers' Triple
Plato Spoons, Forks and
Knives at reduced prices. En
graved free.
Tea Set. Ice Pitchers, Cake
Baskets, etc.. finest plate, new
styles, very low prices. At
our New Store,
At prices old Spring goods are selling
for. This stock was selected in May
and June, before prices were advanced,
and before the demand from dealers
purchasing for autumn sales had
strengthened the market.
I Were made that enables
I us to make prices for this
I special sale that must be
; advanced at least 35 per
cent, for the regular Fall
Half Wool Carpets, 3$c
Ingrain Carpets, 29c
and Other Grades.
Tapestry Brussels, 45c
and Other Grades.