THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1S9. GARBONDALE. flteadr will tlen not that aflvertls tnt9, order for job work, and Horns for .-bbnet!on left at tha establishment of Shannon 4Jo., nwslaler. North Main atrcet. will recalv prompt attention; ( c open from a. m. to 10 p. in.) FIELD DAY DESIGNATED. ouug Atlilcut from Kt-rnulou nnd CurbuudiilK Will I'oiiipt'le. S"it(inl)er Dtli 1ms bi'cn nflwlml as the dny fur tlio meeting between Our )iuluK' umlicmntuH itthlcti-H and nil iiri'aii'jenn'iils for the event Imve lieen Ht;tll-'U exeeiit uh to what persons will r.-i'i-osent (lie rival dlle. This will be lldej by trial later in nnil in tho m.iUiu liile ninny yoimtf tiifii will K im tho training; f-r the day. The prizes wlili-h will le Riven to the victors art; well worth winning and will oiifsist inaiiil v ot liHiiilsoine Kold utid silver uieiluls exiept in the relay rctee wii.-?i a silk bunner will he Klveii ihe wiimiiit; t-ani and il.-f. tele.l ly them year thereafter. Tin- following events will take plaee li; the iMiurse of the day. l ine-halt' mile bicycle race for boya under IS; one mile I, i !. ruee. open to all; one hundred yard dash, yard dash. 4H yard Uusli, one mile relay raee, running brnml .imiip, throwing the hammer, puttins lf shot. Physical T'li-eoior 'II off, of the Hi-ran-foii Y-Jiinsr .Men's I'liiislimt ion, has promised to have un entry for each .-vent. Mr. HutT will also Kive ai ex hibit ion of ole vuultliiK duiiliB the an-i noun. JUMPKD HIS BOARD BILL I I iai l.ollas Hun I.HI lor IMrla I iil.ixiuii--eiiily II00 .MiisiiiK. J.XIlles Mi-Uiliuliull keeps a lioalliillff on t'loulon avenue and has sev eral lioarders.Tliey number one less than they did Monday, for one of them, Thomas l-oi'tns, lias left for parts un known, and now the landlord, as well as most of the other hoarders are mourning his departure pot for himself hut for the hills he foi-Rot to pay, ami the money belonging to his i-onipanions whic-h went with him. The amount of money whlrh Is miss lug will amount to nearly $100. One of the boarders, Adam lillenant. lost $.M, while Mi lonous;h Is out $l-'.fi in easli besides tile hoard hill. Various small Hums of money were taken from sev eral oilier hoarders. Michael Moral) is Iiuw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r K the mull. i:vaut;i'lils lo Keiuaiii l.onuer. The evai:!;i lislH, Mr. und Mis. Moore, who have lieen dohii; sueli gmul work til tile upper part of the city, have de rided lo remain another week. I tm-tiiac their slay here many converts have been made and II is lio'd thai tie number will be liii'Kl.v Increased tills Week. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Miss Klla Mulone. ol this illy, ami Kva Moian. of lirooklyn, N. Y., are VlsltiiiK at lloiiesdale. Mrs. .1. II. Hri.e, id' Wilkes-Harre. Is vlsitliis her I'lollicr, J. M. Kik, on North Main street. Mrs. 10. A. Wilcox, who litis been vis iting in tills city for some time, returns to her home In Nineveh, today. Mis. Valentine Abrams, of l.yuhrok, l.ontr Islaml, and Mrs. Kred Ahranis, of Seiiintoii, are visiting at the home of I'etcr I I' lniuii, on Helmont slri'et. M iss Clant r.roiiHon, of Canan n si i-eet. Is VlsltiiiK relatives and friends at (ileat liaiiing, Mass. Miss .Icitnle Doimlier. of Scrauton, is the guest of Miss Mayirle Kerwin on I'ike street, Mrs. .1. K Nicholson was summoned to Wilkes-1 turn yeslerduy by the lll lieM of lief Sister. M t'S. .1. II. I lit IlllllCrle. Miss Julia tierrity, of UundalT sheet, Is visiting friend sin Susquehanna. Miss ICdilh Phillips, of I'lymoulh, Is the guest of Misses Teivsa and Uellu. Jones, of South Verrace street. Miss I'niniiicjijtui, of Pliilailclplila, Is the guest ol' .ti?.s MaKKie TIioiiius at tie- home of H. A. Ktlley. on llurkett Ml eel. Miss Mollie Jones, who has been a Kllesl at Hie home ut 1 I. M. Jones for I be- past week, has relumed to her holm- in I'illsbiou. .lames McMillan, who lies been In Mamitoii. Colo., for his health, lian re turned home. Miss lioia M.lionounh, of Provi dence, is Mailing friends in this city. Mi. iwt I'nlwell. of Jersey City, is First I-cat aod all the tituu Hood's Sarsaparilia has been advertised as a blood purilior. Its great i-urob have beta acconiplished through puritled blood - turesof scrofula, aalt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired ttel Iuk. It cures wheu utUera (ail, because it AD ways i .Strikes t tbe root ol the disease and eliminates every germ of impurity. Thousands testify to absolute cures of blood diseases by Hood's Harsaparilia, although discouraged by the failure of other medicines. Keinbuiber that rHoodr Sarsaparilla . Is the tiest In tact the Une True Blood Purifier. I n , it:n easy to buy. easy to take, HOOU S PlllS wiy to operau. -Jtc. ANNUAL CUT PRICE ' REMNANT SflLEJF CARPETS Just read our price and compare them with any and all ol the other attempts! 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65c Brussels Carpats, Now 39c 75c Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Also a quantity of Body Bru.el lengths from a to ao yards In each piece at about one ball price tv close. J. SCOTT INCUS, Lack! Ave Carpet, and Will Piper Dealer. TERMk-Caih ea the Above (Joed. - visiting her sister.- Mrs. f'eorge Kelley, of Lincoln nvenue. Mr. A. It. Jone. of Whyte City. Alu.. mid Mrs. Kase, of L'rooklyn, f'-JL., are the guest of Mrs. (!. V. Suiiisotl, on t'unuun street. Mr. and Airs. H. A. Wheeler arc siieudiii!; the week at the like House, t'rystul Iikl-. A. W. Levvsh y leaves today for u ten days vacation in New York Btule. I'nt i irk tVirdeii has returned from Seranlou where he has been visiting relatives. John Mornn, of Kingston, has aeceit ed a iiosiiiou in the iiiunihiuK depart tnelit of Hell i lirotvn. Miss Mary Walker, of riyniouth. Is thi Kuest of Miss Lizzie Im iiI.iii on lirooklyn street. Mrs. K. A. Kohl.iiis and son, Mam ice. are visiting in Hancock and Cudosia, N. J. Fred iruiiensteln left yesterday for Stamford, t'onn., where he will spend Ids vacation. Thomas Kiti-lien, of I'hlladelohla, Is Visitintf Mr. mid Mrs. A. O. l.oun. Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Murray and Mrs. MeaKhor, of Brooklyn, N. V.. vAio have lieen tlie guests of Mr. mid Mrs. O. V. Kecne on l.ini.-iilii avenue, huvo re turned home. Miss ltridHet Killiullen. of Woodlawn avenue, Is vlsitint; Mr. und Mrs. TIioiiiuh Uitrku, of iin onia. N. X, Miss Nelile (Jaiiiuer, of Scrauton. Is tho fruest of Miss Kniina Wills, of for ler avenue. Miss Xelile luiKKun. if I'rovidence. Is visillntr Mtss Klla llarte, of InindalT stleet. ioKFST:n v. fter iii-Kotialiiir for some lime H. ('. .lolius, J. M. I'uiiulutthaiu. lilakesl.-e Smith. .1. It. Kiidd und W. II. Ili- Slns liuve secured from II. v. Hrown his rierht ol' way tliroiiKh the lciot ul ley thoroiiKlifai-i'. At present It Is used hy nearly all pcdestriiins.nlthniiKli the rickety flights of tdalrvvays niuke it dangerous to a slraliK'i- ut niuhl. II Is the shortest route lo the Kile sta tion from Main street und when in:ide a. street will be a benelit to the town traveling public, and VIII greatly in crease the price of properly in that vicinity. A yoiiiit; man from Ulclinnmilale by the name of Wut rous who hus con siderable in i Hi in his ability us u wrestler, met his Waterloo" in this placo Saturday evening. He came here with the intention to prove bis ability, mid u match was arranged Willi u young man by the mime of Kal -Ion. The principals and I heir friends retired to the ball alley in the rear of th Forest House w here the boiil took plate. It was the best two in thre fulls, catch-us-eulch-can. The Hist fall was won by Fa I Ion in one minute. and the s ml fall he won In thirty seconds, thus ending for Ihe time Wat rous' aspliatioiis hi that line. Kalloii surprised his friends and also made his opponent think Unit he had run against a whirlwind. A well ut tended social was given lust evening at the home of Oanlel Killun on lielaware street by the young peo ple of the liaiillst church. Home need ed repairs are being iniule In the lec ture room of the church, und the exter ior of the edifice has also been given a rout of paint. Tile proceeds of the so cial were towards defraying the ex pense. .Miss May Maxey, of I'.ozcman. Mont., after a four weeks' visit with relatives in this place, returned to Scrauton to day, ruiof to leaving for Huston In u few days. (ieolge tifeell, of Washington, .. C, was registered at Hie l-'leining houst yesterday. S. S. Doolitlle, of Deposit, N. Y., was a visitor in town yemerdiiy. Among the Scrautonians in town yes terday were: .1. A. Wat res, T. .1. Kel ley. I . K. Neeld, T. S. Hutting, t'aptaln Slokes and H. L. Hulling-. The local branch of the Women's I'hristiau Tenifierance union will -hold a special meeting on Thursday after noon of tills Week for llle purpose l.f electing otlii ers for the coming year. In the shoe tt visitor In 1' ACTOR V VIM. V.. Miss Vi-fiiiccs Lewis is visiting friends at Seruutoii and Peckvllle. Mrs. liivenbiirg spent Sunday til a ei ly. Ira Hardie r Is lurking or '. It. liliss this Week. Mis. 'harks t'lark is ton n. Mr. Wareii and family are visiting I'lli-iids at riiiiiinlale. Alice Hunt und Nellie Wolf nre spending U few Weeks ill SuSillellUlllia county. Tile many friends of "Ketn" will be glad to learn that utter being conllued lo his bed Willi serious Illness for n wvck, effects from heat prostration, he Is on his feet again and slowly recover ing. 1'ii'fessor Kasset ami family, who have been spending I he summer at .Melioopmiy, have returned home. Charles limit and I', li. Ullss nnd family went to lb-art Luke Monday, to spe. nil a few Weeks. ..'nines Itowd. Sherry Tuylor, Percy Taylor. J.ihu 'iinwel and l!oy Kem nieier aie cinooing at Lake Sheridan. Mrs. LunuslalV is suti'eriug an a. lack of malaria. Tin- lnli.-s" I'inle und !. A. Tl. ex pert to ai tend the seven county re union of veterans ut Mountain Park on Friday. OI.Y1MIANT. I'larencp, the Infant son of Mr. und Mrs. .lames .1. ('unimiiig, of l.a.ka wunna street, died ut S o'clock last evening alter un Illness of short dura tion. Tile funeral will take place ml Thursday afternoon ut " o'clock. In-t.-rtiK nt will be made in the Catholic Cemetery. The tioroii!;li council nltempted to meet last evening but without success. At S o'clock Mr. Schubmehl called tln toll und six members were present nnd six were absent. The Cumin faction were absent. There being no ipioruni present President uvis adjourned the meeting. Miss Alice- I'ntten entertained about fifty of her. friends at her home on Delaware avenue last evening In honor of her guest. H8 Davis, of West Scranton. Michael Tlevers. n Ind nbotit fourteen years of age, was seriously injured by falling off a trestle on a branch mud of the Delaware nnd Hudson railroad near Murshwood. on Monday after noon. He fell a distunre nf twelve feet Into a pile of debris. The boy was ren dered unconscious hy the full for sev eral hours, but at this writing Is greatly Improved. If the Baby Is t utting Teeth. Mrs. WlnBlow Soothing Pvrnn hm bren used for over .fit ty Years by Mil liens or Mothers for tUelr Children while Teething, witii Perfect Success, tt Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Coilo and Is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Bjrrup," and talc no other kind. Twenty-flve canto bottle. MOTHERS MUST GUIDE. Should Watch tba Physical Oa- velopmout of Their Daughter a. Information They atiould 1'uruUh at the Proper Tiuie-Kauwledge by Which Kafleriuf May Be Avoided Kvery mother possesses luformation of vital value to her vounir dauirhter. When the girl's thought become Blug-gisli, with lieadauhe, dizzi iim:. mill A dis l i l ziwi m m r w Vi lIP m M J sleep, paius ia back and lower limbs, eyes dim, desire fur Bulitude. and a dialike to the Booiety of ' 'v . children: wlien she is' a ruysterv to herself und frieuds. then, her mother should uome to her aid. I.vdia H. Pinkliaiu's Vegetable Com pound will, at this time, prepare the system for the coming change. Se that she has it, aud Mrs. Kinkhum. at Lyun, .Mass., will t-heerfully answer any letters where information is de sired. Thousands of womeu owe their health to her aud the Vegetable Com pound, aud mothers are constantly applying to her for advice regarding their daughters. MONTROSE. Kx -Congressman Jordan, of Tank bannock, Wyoming county, was in Montrose yesterday. In speaking of the s-it lialhin ut TunUiunnock and the legion contiguous, he suid: "I know of two Republicans in (lie borough of Tiliikhaniiock who are avowedly for free silver. The funnels, however, are solid for MvKinley, they are not im bued Willi the idea that a free coinage of silver means money in their pockets but are intelligent enough to see the fallacy ol such chimerical argument. They- Meei'u to realize the fuel that free silver meuus ruin and are not back ward n limit saying so on till occasions, They uppreciute the fact that the pres ent liurd limes were caused by the sil ver si-are and the Wilson hill." Among those registered ut the Tar- hell iHiiise are: 1). E. lray, V. W. Vu Witt. II. C. Hrevost, James W. Piatt und C A. Little, Timkhannoek; L. U. Vim Warmer. Dunmore; Mrs. J. 1.. IH.iir ami Miss Lydiu Kolau, West I'lttston: Then. Streeter. Tillikhaunock I(hv. Father H. ,1. Lafferty und relu live of I'liiluilelphiu; und K. VV. Love lace, of lliiighamton. Vestetilay Judge Searle sentenced Amy Carpenter to pay a line of und undergo a sentence of sixty days in III.' c.iiinly jail for an assault and batte-ry noun the person of Lavluu Tm-ker, daughter of Mr. Pussinore of Caihoiolale. Hon. ilalnslia A. fliow Is expected to iiiili -s.s a Republican muss meeting in the near future. ikiny .Moiitroseites liave signified I heir intention of uttending the H.-pub 1'u aii nieellnt; at New Milford on Thurs day night. TAYLOR. IM.-liar.l Ciiuiiiugs, u promlueiit limn if this town, and Miss Mui la Mahady, an esti inutile young lady of At'clibuld, were united in murriuge yesti-rday morning at the latter place. A large number of the groom's friends from here attended the Wedding. The residents of the borough are anx ious to hear the Anthracite illee club, und its the club is comnosed of some Very line voices, they should treat the with an excellent open air con cert. We suggest agulu that the baud stand lie hemoved to u more desirable locality before the concert takes place. Miss Kate Youngblood, of Trucksvlllo. is spe-nUiiig her vucatlon with her ciios iu, Al iss Tlllie Wehcr. un Main street. The- lied Men, headed by the I'nion band. tui'dded the principal streets Monday evening. The braves were dressed In nil kinds of costumes of the oriKltiul wairiuis und created a great deul of amusement lor the children, who followed them. Alunuger Watkins. of the Taylor Fteds. has ordered new uniforms for the team, from A'. (1. Spuuldlng, of New York. They are expected tu arrive tills week. AKCIIRAI.I). Miss Mary Mahady. of Uallroad street, was married at H o'clock os- teribiy miirnitig to Richard Crimmins, of Tuylor. The ceremony was per formed in St.. Thomas' church by the rector, Itev. T. .1. Couierford. The bride was uttemled by her cousin. Miss Katie CruiK. of this place, and the groom by John Moore, of Taylor. Kolli bride und bridesmaid were charmingly dressed in brocaded corded cloth beuulifully trim med. A reception was held ut the home of tin' bride's mother, and after break fust the Wi-ibled couple left for u lour whicli will Include u visit lo I'liiluilel phiu und Atlantic Cily. Mrs. f riiiimliis Is u young lady who has lived here since infancy, und is known and es teemed hy a large circle of friends. Her Iinsliand is ulsosuid to be an estlin ulile Keiitleman. Kilxene DuiTy. of Laurel street, was severely hurt yesterday moiniiig by a piece- if rock which fell on him while lie wutt loading a car in the HelawaVe & Hudson mine. His injuries are not considered dangerous. Miss Nellie Clark, of Ilonesdale, Is visiting: relatives here. James 1'. Kearney, of Railroad street, was in Scrauton yesterday. Candy foaled Naranpnrilln. UH. DKTCIIONS " 1TALI7.INO SAKSAPAU1LLA PILLS" nre candy coated and delightful to take. Com bined with the Sarsaparilla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve remedies which render these Pills the greatest blood puriller and blond maker as well nx the most powerful nerve builder known. They me a wonderous eour'e for Anaemia and all Hloud Dis ease. Nervous Diseases. Paralysis. In digestion. Loss of Appetite, all Female Weaknesses and Irreguluritles, Pale and Halkm- Complexion, Physical and Mental Weakness, Early Decay, Failing Health, etc.. etc. Price 60 cents and $1.00. Sold by Carl Loreuz.. druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Berantom. ADDED TO REPUBLICAN RANKS. v t'raaktort lluilr Capital 4 oailele Hrgearralioa by tiuld. Krunkfort. Ky., Aug. IS. The Dally Capital, for many yeurs the official state organ, and ait adjunct of the Couricr Journal, will today come out as a straight licpublicaii paper. The pu-r has i-e-eiitly repudiated the Chicugo ticket und platform, und advocated a gold standard Democratic convention. A change also occurs in the manage ment of the paper. Assistant. Ailjtitant lenerul 'Walter Forester becoming edi tor In rhler, and Ftvd H. Roberts, pri vate secretary to (Jovernor Kradley, as sociate editor. Colonel Samuel Sayre, the veteran business manager, will be retained in thut capacity. JUMPED FROM A BRIDGE. Mrs. llopkiu (dad That She Did Not Drown Herself. Washington, Aug. IS. Myris V. Hop kins, aged fi.'t years, utempted to commit suicide yeslerduy by Jumping from the railing of the Aqueduct, a distance of fly feet, Into the Potomac River, which at tills place has a depth of thirty feet. Strange tu say lie was not apparently injured in the slightest, and now is pleased at subordinate an escape from death. She was rescued by some persons who were in buthlug. Imaginary trouble Is the cuuse usslgned for the act. The woman has been for a lung time u clerk in tlie treasury itepiirtment, und Is a widow. SHOT HIS WIFE AND CHILD. Jcaloioy Prompts u rtiivugonii to Com in it Hinder. Chicago, Aug. IS. In a lit of jealousy Chui les Nelson shot aiol almost instant ly killed his wife in their home. No. HIS Northwestern avenue. Alter sending two bullets into the woman's left breast the murderer turned upon their three-year-old daughter and tired a shot at her head. The bullet struck the child on the right side of the temple, but glanced olf, inflicting but u slight wound. The little girl was stunned, however, and fell to the tioor, while Nelson sup posing ghe, too, was dead ran from the house. He wus arrested a few min utes later. The Best (boks PrepafootlwitH thebe'1Ehebest A I aa flak amsWsVaf MB ssl afC diiuriciiiiis. TlM Cuttolrae trad marks an "ftufototw" aa4 tutr't htmd roMon-p fioa wtath oo avcrr tta, THI N. K. PAIKBAMK COMPANY, Cklcat o, .! lark, Pkilaatlphla, Plttikir. WILLIAM S- MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATKR CO. BUILUIN0, mm WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. fn. (1 hour Intermission for dmiisr anii sutipsr.) Partlculilr Attnllan Oi.n t.i i:.ill..l,in.. Prompt Sittlement Guaranteed. Vour Bust. nl U Respectfully SllclU4. Teltphsnt 1 34. PROSPERITY Vi ADVERSITY Prosperity in 3'our case will triumph wheu your expenses are less than your income. We can lessen your expenses. WE CAN GIVE YOU A SUIT FOR $20.00 Which would cost you else where from $25 to $30, If these prices are above your means, we will make you a suit for $15 that will sur prise you. . J. 215 Wyoming; Av. F.40THINGH3M BUILDING. DUPONTS MINING. BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER (an tl far tared at the Wap wallop n Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delawars. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qaneral Agent for tha Wyoming District IIS WVOMINQ AVtNliH, Scrantun, Pa. Third National Bank Building. AflENClB.'S: TH03. FORD. Httston, Fa. JOHN B. SMITH SON. fly mouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. likes-Barre. P. Ah'ont for tha Iiiuuno Oiiemicn) t'ooi ay's High Explosives. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y re located tha finest Ashing and hunting groundx in the world. Dem-rlptive books on apiilli:utlon. TU-kots to all points in Maine, Canada and Murltlma Provinces, Minneapolb, St. Paul, Canadian and United Rtates Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Ta. oma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all Mil-ought trains. Tourist cars fully tilted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be hud with second-t-lajis tickets. Rates alwuys less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 333 Broadway, New York. THE IDbAL AMERICAN "B NOKTHF.RN STEAMSHIP C( M AN V. The Superbly Appointed and Comniodions Sfel SteBinsliipi. NORIHWI-ST AND NORTHLAND, American tltrouffh and fhrmwh. leuve Buffalo I udaT suit Friday 0.311 p m. fur Cleveland. Detrult. Mackinaw Tha s.. Duluth, and Wentern Points, passing all fnai-esoi interest uy uuyugui. jncuuaectloa wuu I HE UKbAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the Diost dirent roitta. and from av. ery point of comparison, the uiuet delightful 111111 eonuorint'i) one in .n inncapolla, ut. Paul, Ureat Fulls. Helena. Rutte. and Pa. citio coast. The onlv traovi-untinental line running the fatuous buffet, library, observe mm car. New 07 hour tra'n for Portland via SiuiLiiul HOTEL LAPAVETTB, Lake Allnnetonka. Is miles from Minneapulif, largest and must beantlul renori in the west. '1 ickets aud any information of any agent or a. a. iiLAiio, uunerai 1'asseuger agent. Diiuaio, n. 1 . Good Shoes AT CHEAP PRICES. Men's Haud-SeweJ Calf Shoes, you pay all over town $3 for them; Our Price Only '$1.69. Men's Dress Shoes, congress and lace, all toes and sizes, 8Jc. Meti's Russet Shoes, sizes 6 to 1 1, SMc. Ladies' Fine Shoes, worth .oo to $4.00, Special Price Today, $2.00 Ladies' Dongola Shoes, 75c; sizes 2 to .S. Ladies' Oxfords, worth $1:00, for 50c. A few pair Ladies' Patent Leather, Spring Heel Strap Sandals at 59c. II m Mil Misses' Russet Shoes, 50c. Misses' Fiue Dongola Shoes, 69c. Misses' Fine Shoes reduced to 89c. Youths' Shoes, 69c. Boys' Shoes, 88c. Child's Shoes, wedge heel, sizes 5 to !S, 43c. Ladies' Grain Slippers, 35c. CT5SrThe above are onlv n fipw of mtr Crmt I'.imi!no Call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere, and you will surely save money by it. No trouble to show goods. MVER .'. DAVIDOW 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ONE PRICE TO ALL. CLEARANCE SALE LACE CURTAINS We have several small luU of Lace Curtains, two and three pairs ef ay pattern, which we desire to close out We want their room. Yen want Um 'joods. This is a rare chance to secure choice designs at your ova prke 1 Aluslin Curtains Three yards . io pairs ut 10 pairs at Nottingham 20 pairs at 10 pairs at to pairs at trish Point i pahs at 4 pairs at 5 pairs ut 3 pairs ut Inn;, full width. 9.i(' were $1.50 $1.23, were 1.75 50l', were 75c 75c, were jii.ou $1.25, were 150 $l..)0, were $25 2.00, were 3.00 3.00, were 4.50 3.5t), were 5.00 Special Prices On our entire stock of BRUSSELS, . CLASSY, TAMBOUR, Etc Summer Curtains Snow flakes, silk stripe aal CRS TONNE from 1.50 to ft.aj per pair. Sash flaterials by the yard. Foil Une or Nflral . ties. S. G. KERR, SON & CO., AOB Lackawanna Avenue ON THE SQUARE. SQUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LOMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. SI UARE nEAUNG TO UARE UEALERS. RICHARDS LUMBER CO., 02 C0MM0NWE1LTH BUILDING. 'PHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO 8CRANTON AND WILKE8-BARRC, PA, Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUCIPING MACHINERY. Qeacral Office SCRANTON.PA. btteinwav a son's , . Ackaawledgtil tha Uadlag PIANOS DECKER BROS., KRANICHB BACHB and othwa. Of tk Wari4 ORGANS Musical Instruments, Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchaxrf will alwaya find a ctmpWtt atwk aad at prices aa law a tha quaW My f tb faatrumant will permit at N. fl. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Avt. Scranton MIDSUMMER KING SALE Sterling Silver SlWrt Waist Sets, worth 65c to $1; choice for 50c Worth $1.25 to $1.75; choica for $1.00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth 3.6(), ut $2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En graved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE DotVt Put The Paper Down Until YouVe Read Our Ad. At prices old Spring goods are selling for. This stock was selected in May and June, before prices were advanced, and before the demand from dealers purchasing for autumn sales had strengthened the market. RADfiAIMQ TO EXCHANGE. I Were made that enables , make pnces for this $100 worth of good ; . , , , Furniture and Carpets ; special sale that must be for $75u It's like find- 1 advanced at least 35 per ing $2S eveiy time you ; invest $75. I cent- for the reSUlar Fal1 wt..,fj Trade. CLOTHING 1 IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Half Wool Carpets, 35c Ingrain Carpets, 20c and Other Grades, Tapestry Brussels, 45c and Other Grades. 1 225, 227 AND 218 WYOMING AVENUE.