THE S3HANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY x MORNING, AUGUST 19, LIBERTY Voti are at liberty to come into this store of ours and to ramble around and look as much as you please. We like to have people know what a Guc stock of Rooks and Stationery we have, so tbat when they ueed koiu; they'll know where to get (be largest variety. AT NORTON'S, $i2 Lackawanna Ave. OUR OATS. Always in the past the Best in Scran ton W ill be in the future as good as oats tbat can be made by the BEST CLEANING MACHINERY Which removes the foul seeds and dust. Try our "GLEAN OATS." I SCRANTOM, OLYPHANT, CARB3NDJLE. HUE OF COUNTERFEITS. THE GENUINE Hae the Initial, a.. B. CO. Imprint d In Men cigar. OARNEY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTURERS. COURT HOUSE SQ. I DR. C. D. SHUMWAY. Diseases of the Lower Iiowel a Specialty. .108 Washington Ave., Opp. Tribune Building. OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 12, 2 TO 5. PERSONAL. Air. ami Sirs. Juncph Spelclier are at Atlantic City. .1. A. I'ollliis and V. J. AlcAndrcw are tiuitiH from Luke .Ariel. Mm. John Al. fciitke and sun, lliyli, cf tlieeli KIJko, are ut Atluiitlc City. Mist) Marie I leaky, of ttilNhurir, U vis iting Mm. Holland, of Gibson slrct-t. Aliss Kaniile AVeni! of Vino Ktrcrt lias K"iif to Atlantic I'liy to iend lift- vui'U 1 lull. .Mis. (leotv Scnll, Jr., nnd son, Law rence, are siM-liJIlig a. IV days ut Luke Ariel. Jndtre HunsliT ii ml M. Moses left today fur Athuitiu t'lty, tu be icon abuiit two week. Miss Vtlain-lio Votlcr, of Samlcr Kros.' tore. Is poudiii- her vacation ut fllmwa im leak's MIfh Margaret. Mitchell, of Hliiomuhurtf. is the anient of -Mih. II. . rlutlun, ul I'rovidence. Mrs. James (lialiain, of I.onr Island 1'tty, Is home vlHltlna; htr mother, Airs. Kellly, of lid lev ue. Misses Mary and Margaret Mollule, of Kaston lire. truetn of thtf Allsue Mallln, of HtUton avenue. 'Mr. ana Mrs. Inward Bird ore sntnd 1ns a few days at Crystal Lake as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ueoi'tje Horn. Miss !rnc Conley, of Philadelphia, lias returned home after a visit with .Miss Miiinaiet ileCormaflk, iof Houth Muln avenue, . Mr. ami .Mr. James Laurie of Court street, ure entertaining- Mrs. Collins, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss 1-diurie, or Knglund. Itohert C Adams, secretary of the Scranton and I'lttston Traction company, sailed on Saturday for a month's sojourn In Kurope. J. llnntlnnton Is spending; three months at Camp Heaver, Old l'"ora;t, N. V.. where he hopes to recuperate his fall ing health. Nelson O. Teets returned home yester day after spending a ten days' vacation at fhillipsbnng. N. J., Kaston, J"a., and Trenton, N. J. Miss MutlKe Shoemaker, of Herwlck, has returned hums Willi er cuasln, Miss Craee Devlne. of this city, utter a thred weeks' visit 4iere. Miss Margaret Corey, of Jackson street, and Miss Kathryn Uulluxlier, of Division street, have left for a two weeks' visit with relatives in I'ike county. Heneral Manager W. V. llallstead, of the Delaware, luckawanna und Wewtern, is home from a tour of the west, made In company with l'resldent Mam Hloan. Mujor Everett Warren, president of the rennsylvanla. State LeuKiie of Itepiibllian ' clubs, left yesterday for the National league convention, which will be held In Milwaukee, Wis. He was accompanied by his wife, ami they will Ro lo Milwau kee via Buffalo and Ituliith. The other delegates from this congressional dis trict are Frank Smith. Caruondale; K. K. Robathan. William R. Iwls. F. V. Flelts J. H. Thomas and ex-Mayor W. I,. Connell of this city. They will start for Milwaukee Friday. IT IS A GOOD THING. Bays Mayor Hniley Alter (signing Hie Plumbing t'odr. After a week's careful consideration Mayor Bailey yesterday signed the ' plumbers' code, and now Its provisions are in full operation. It will however take a week or ten days to get the law Into actual working order. Mayor Bailey remarked yesterday when announcing he had signed the measure, that he had consulted a mini tier of plumbers concerning the emit? and without a single exception they pronounced It a most excellent thing; and one which will be of great liene At HE WESTON ILL CO fflUMUW CASES THAT ARE ON TRIAL LIST They W ill Be Heard at Coming Terra of Common Pleas Court. IT WILL LAST FOR THREE WEEKS Tliirtyrive tnscs Are Set Dow a fur Trial for Km u M eel.--l.argo Num ber ol the Knit Are Actions to He cover luuiiiettiiie of the riuiutifl nnd Ike Iteieadauts. The common ideas trial list for the three weeks term f court which be gins September 21, Is as follows: FIRST MONDAY, SBP. 21. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ut the r hit Inn d Thomas Curran against V. .1. Schiilnitehl. yuo warranto. W. J. and Lewis Bugelholl against B. S. Kevnolds. Interpleader. Hurry Smith ugainst M. Harris & Bn d her. 1 nt erpleni ler. U. K. Iilinmiek and others, executors, against James Wilson. . Interpleader. C. .1. Svkes. executor of Samuel Sykes estate, ugainst l. W. Burr. Scire facias. Isaac B. Felts against the Delaware. 1 cii linn it nil Wewlerti Huilroad comiiuny and J. V. Hoysi-xudt. KJect- llleht. B. K. Leonutd against ltttrlck Cor coran. .'eal. Tilliiuiu. Judgment ox-ned. Joseph Cuu.ster, assignee, against . A. .lessup and others. Debt. fatricK t i iii'iir ugaiusi ine imiuhiuii Coal coiuKiuy limited. Diiuiuges. I'lti ..l si, tj.ii turiiwl S4 It Mutt and others, executors. Scire facias. .-iaine against same. I'itv t,r Scriinton nirninst T F Wells. as administrator. Sidre facias. jteiiecca riyiin against lieorge rc. jiin and Charles K. Hill. Damages. Isaac K. I.u Burr & Co. ugainst the Green wood Coal company, iliamuges. TUESDAY, SKI. 21 Michael Heap ugainst the city of SriitntoM und Anthony Knight. Dam ages. John Flack against Bridget and Mary Kelllley. KJecllllellt. Cltv of Sctuntou uualnst John L. Hull. Scire faidas. K. A. Zlinniei inun ugainst Pardon T. Bather. Kjectineut. S. K. Ilazlett against M. !. A. Kvans. A I 1 1 . William Vim Storch acalnst C. S. Von Storch. KJectmetlt. M lvimliiin X, Co 1 llll..e Ueoige Morris und others. Dumages. r.. a. r.urguou ugainst ine Moscow Water company. Damages. Frank Wells ugainst the citv of Car- bunilule. Damages. W. P. Conned und others against Mary Zeldler and others. Scire facias. WKDNK8DA Y, SKP. 23. liobeit. S. lialley, executor, against the Iron City Muiuul Fire Insurance comiiuny. Debt. John Pratt against William tlibbons. Appeal. Klizulielh Beuch ugainst the city of Sciaulou. DatnaKes. M. A. .McCarthy against Margaret Scullion, administratrix. Debt. Kli.alelli Slian'erulld the W. I.u Mont estate against the city of Si lanton. Damages. Kllzubeth Si bnelder ugulnst Pulrl:k Coldcii. Aieal. Fannie Aswell ugainst the city ( Scrantou. Damages. AV. B. ClirlMlmas ugainst Jetiniu Pow ell. Appeal. Owen Connolly ugainst J. S. Jenkins and others. Kjectineut. K. C, Uluile. administrator, ngalnst AV. It. Davenport. Damages. SF.CoND WKKK. alt I N DA V. SKP. 2. : William Atkins uml others, receivers of the rultcville Iron and Steel com pany, ugainst John A, Meurs. Sidre liicius. Thomas Harris against the Iron City Mutual Fire liisinani c company. Debt. Spriiks llrolheis ugainst Fannie D, May. Apiieal. Davis, lieyuoii & Moses llgainsl t lie 101 k Hill Coal und Iron company. Debt. Itobert S. 1 la i Ion against ilie Peuph-'s Street Hull way compuny, Dumuges. Adam Brooks ugainst F, 1.. Saiiseii- baugli. Appeal. Al. ilreen ugainst the Slower rack ing company mid others. Kjectineut. Maggie itoxciic ugainst .1. M. Atlier- toti und others. Damages. Daniel Williams ugainst C. ii. Scott. Debt. Thomas Mi Hale agutnts Bridget Me tonnell, udmiulslrutrlx. Issue. Samuel Booreiu ngalnst Ihe clly of Scranton, Damasks. II. II. Hut si hell against the Si'run- ton Traction company. luinuges. oos & Doyle ugainst Blnui Israel Keligious Ahsih latloli. Debt. H. M. Spencer ugainst Albert Con rad. Iiumages. TI'KSDAY, SKPT. 29. City of Scrnntou ugainst Phoebe dress ami Samuel liress, terre tenuiit. Scire fai las. 1!. N. McCoy Class comiiuny ugainst the Lackawanna Hardware comiiuny. Debt. Fred Mursch against Burke Brothers. Debt. P. Derby Co. against J. O. Sander son and others. Debt. J. S. Carter, administrator, ngalnst Michael Miller and others. Debt. Pictorial Ijeague ngalnst K. Si hlmpff. Appeal. James If. A hite against A. Kln- bnck. Damnges. Henry Wood ogninst K. McBralr Sanderson. Debt. Stephen Jones against K. Scliiinpff. Debt. Samuel Yeblannvitz against AV. II. Dwyer. Damages. AVF.DNKSDAY. SKPT. Ml. ,T. Fulirman Brollier against J. V. Mi Nulty. Appeul. II. C. Comegys and others ngalnst A. B. Uussell nnd others. Kjectineut. A. J. Mctiiigh against Bridget Mc Ililgll, exeticutrlx. Scire facias. Mux Judcovics against K. J. Walsh. Debt. Frank K. Frisk against the Industrial Bemdit Association. Didit. N. Bernstein against Duvidow & Co. Appeal. A. F.schlcman against A. B. War man. Damages. Daniel Tilston against the Scranton Trnntloii company. Damages. Thomas Heese und Thomas Cnrsnn against the Delaware, Lackawanna and AVestern compuny. Damages. Thomas H. Orchard nnd Cora I. Or chard against the Krie nnd Wyoming A'ulley Kuilroad company. Dumuges. THIRD AVKKIv. MONDAY OCT. G. Allan Lawrence against the Scranton Traction company. Dumages. S. P. Coffey against W. A. Malaney. .Appeal. VV. II. Anderson against . it. ooti worth flnd others. Judgment opened. Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany against James Alottitt. Eject ment. Jacob Fletcher against the Scranton Traction company. Damages. Addyman & Collins agulnst Mary Ann Critlin und Charles (irlllln. Judgment opened. Borough of Taylor against the postal Telegraph and Cable company. Apiiel. Mary Troutmun Sc Co. against John Seism. Debt. Mary Trotitman & Co. against Oeorge W. Beule. Debt. William Brock against AS'. Gibson Silas Hartley agaln't ChaTles Mil lard and others. KJectntent. T. 1. Hopkins against W. AV. A'an DvUe and Michael Hand. Debt. AVest Itiancli Table Furniture com puny aeaiust Hill & Cumu li. Appeal. S. S. Kovht ugainst P. J. oDoiinell and II. A. lH-puy. Keplevln. Susie N. Frussvnl against the United Life Insurance Association. Debt. TDESDAY, OCT. C. AV. C. Tnnstall against J. F. Buume ister und others. Appeal. lHirothea I'.rnndlcs against North western Insurance company. Debt.. Dorothea Brandies against Il'iissian National Insurance company. Debt. Margaret Blewitt against the Scran ton Traction company. Damages. K. J. Jindigan against J. AV. AVIlllaniB. Ejectment. John Mornn ngalnst the Scranton Traction company. Damages. ivtitli Walker agaiist Ilia city of Scruntun. Damages. (ieorge II. Malott against the Scran ton Traction company. Damages. A'incenzo Coston against the Iron City Mutual Fire Insurance company. Debt. lilies Stanton against the city of Scranton und the Scranton Traction comiiuny. Damages. AVF.DNKSDAY, OCT. 7. D. W. Kenyon against D. L, Totter. Debt. I'utrlck Kennedy ngalnst the Scran ton Traction company. Damages. 1'atrii k Alalia against the Scranton Traction company. Dumages. A. K. Betterly ugainst Henry Chap pell anil William A'on Gordon. Appeal. Kliza Brown ugainst M. K. Ainey. Ejectment. C. D. Middlcbrook & Co. against Ja cob Jollier. Scire facias. The Aberdeen Lumber Co. against the Swartz Lumber Co. Debt. .1. M. Kobb against P. Hornbaker and W. N. Nesbltt. Appeal. Harriet & AVarring against M. AV. Padden and James Mcllale, Apical. Stone Manufacturing compuny against Thomas J. Conway and others. Appeal. TO HOLD REUNION HERE. Survivors of the 1:12nd Pa. Vol. Come to This City Next Month. A meeting was held last night In Alderman Wright's otllce by the local survivors of the l:i2d regiment, Penn sylvania A'olunteers, for the purpose of making arrangements for the annual reunion which will take place in this cily on the anniversary of the buttle of Alitletem, Sept. 17. The regiment was recruited from this section of Luzerne county, Montour, Columbia, Carbon, Wyoming and Brad ford und representatives from these parts will be in attendance at the re union. There are about thirty, mem bers of the regiment still living In this iiy. WORK AT THE TWIN SHAFT. Company llegiui Mining Coal in the Ill-rated Mine. Mining operations were resumed In the ill-fated Twin shaft mine at Pitts ton on Monday. Neurly fifty cars were hoisted during the day. Concerning the abandonment of the Attempt l reuch the bodies u commit tee of the widows of Ihe victims visited the compuny oltices Monday. Mr. Lnw told the women that the work would be resumed If workmen could be procured who would veleuse the company from liability In case of accident. He said further the company would pay good W ages lo tile rescuers. The Twin Shaft Belief association ex ecutive coinmitice, which has charge of the relief fund Is considering several plans fur investing the fund. DESIGNS ON THE RESERVATION. Michael 1'lnlicrtv Proposes lo I sc It lor lluilding Purposes. Michael Flaherty is rebuilding u double frame building thul he owns on Pen n avenue near Mulberry street, and proposes Ik extend the Hlructure on tin ten-fool reservation. This action does not meet with the approval of Philip A'elter und Jacob Fcrber who own adjoining properties nnd they nsked for uu injunction yes terday lo prevent Mr. Flaherty from carrying his design Into execution. Judge Archbuld granted a rule In show cause why the injunction should not issue nnd made It returnable ul H o'clock Saturday morning in chuinbers. ATTACHMENT AGAINST CLEVELAND. I. A II. Co. Seeks lo l olled freight Charges Amounting to $50l.'i;l. The Delaware und Hudson Cunal com pany yesterday obtained a, writ of at tachment to collect a debt of triVKn owed by A. S. Cleveland fur freight. The attachment was placed ill the hands of Sheriff Cleinuns' deputies who spent yesterduy afternoon looking for something to attach. Cleveland was In the produce busi ness on lower Lackawanna uvenue. and on Saturday, II is alleged, sold Ms busi ness lo his brother, who is a resident of Baltimore. Cleveland left town Sunday tilght, and Is said to be in Klinlra, N. Y. SLOW COLLECTIONS. I,cs 'I'll nil I'iltccn Per Cent, of the Tne in nnd Ihe Time Nearly I'p. The time for the payment of city anil school taxes expires on the last day of this month. Unless a resolu tion Is pussed in councils Thursday night extending the time, there will be large percentage of the taxpayers culled upon to puy penalties, as less thuu IS per cent, of the taxes have been col lected. As a result of these slow collections the school board will again be forced to borrow money to meet its current ex penses, BURT ARRESTED. Will Be Held lor the Murder of His W ile and Children. " Chicago, Aug.' IS. Eugene Burt, a young man of apparently 22 years of age, was arrested in the Rialto build ing at ten o'clock this morning charg ed with thi' murder of his wife und two children in Austin, Tex. Burt, who Is a traveling; salesman, returned home from a trip about six weeks ago. After a serious quarrel with his wife they retired to rest, having seemingly set tled their dltlieiilty. In the morning the lied room of the couple was found in a state of disorder, und blood was scattered all around. The bodies were missing and the place was searched. After a fruitless search for some time the budies of Ihe wife and two children were found in theaclstern. . ' A posse was organized Immediately nnd the surrounding country was searched for Burt, but he had succeed ed in escaping on a freight train. I'n- tll toduy not hliie, has been heard of him. Feed the Nerves upon pure, rich blood and you will not be nervous. Pure blood conies by taking Hood's Sarsa parllla which Is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick Head ache. Indigestion, billouunt,,. All drugglnts. 20c ' ARRANGEMENTS FOR C. E. CONVENTION Report ol the Committee ol '96 Made Last Night. THE HEADQUARTERS AND RALLIES Details of These Mutters as Prepared by Ihe Committer--Colored Chris tian Endeavor Society Joins the Vuiou--Promiiicnt Speaker Se curedThree Separate Meetiugs. At the regular meeting of the execu tive committee of the city Christian Endeavor Union at the Y. M. C. A. parlors last night the committee of ' presented for ratification a number of arrangements for the state convention that have so far been completed. Chief among these wus the matter of denominational rallies and the loca tion of headquarters. The rallies will be held on AA'ednesday, October 7 at 3 o'clock p. m., as follows: At the Frothlngham Theatre rres byterians, United Presbyterian nnd Cumberland Presbyterian; ut the Acad emy Congregational; Kim Park M. K. church Methodists, Methodist Protes tant, Primitive Methodists; First Pres byteriun church United Evangelical; Secoiut IVesbyteriau church General rally; Penn Avenue Ha id 1st church Baptists, Free "Will Baptists, etc.; Cal vary Beformed church Reformed Church in the United States, Reformed Church In America; Howard Place African M. K. African Methodists; V. M. C. A. Lutheran; Grace. Reformed Episcopal Reformed Episcopal and Kplscopnl. The headquarters of the committee of ' will be ut the Y. M. C. A. County headquarters have been arranged us follows: First Presbyterian church Philadel phia, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery. Y. M. C. A. Luzerne, Luckuwauiia, AVyoming. Second Presbyterian Susquehanna, AVayne, Pike, AVurreii, Blair. Benn Avenue Baptist Kile, Lehigh, York, Dauphin, Allegheny. Grace Retornied Episcopal Lebanon, Lancaster, Cumberland, Adams, North ampton. Calvary Reformed Bradford, Sulli van, Tioga, Mckean. Provldenit Presbyterian Armstrong, Somerset, Venango, t 'Union, Monroe. Providence Christian, Fayette', Given, Forest. Lawrence, Clinton. Providence Baptist Hunt ington.Bed- ford. Perry, Franklin, Potter. Plymouth Congregu.tlonul Berks. Schuylkill, Carbon, Washington, West moreland. Washburn Street Presbyterian Ly coming, Union, Snyder, Northumber land. Welsh C. M. Montour, Columbia, Beaver, Center. Green Ridge Presbyterian Jefterson, Cleartleld, Cameron, Mittlin. Burks. Dunmore Presbyterian Klk, Fulton, Cambria, Indiana, Crawford. Buyers ... Always watch for our annual "odd ware" sale. They know what it means that it means useful, desirable Crockery aud glassware of almost every kind at half of regular prices. Ibat a piece of Crockery is "odd" in our stock does nut im ply that it's any less desirable to you, and you cnu buy it lor half price. China Cream Jugs, - 10c Manicure Trays, - 25c Odd Fine Plates - - 50c Covered Mustards, - - 10c Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, Silver-Plated Tops, for - 15c CHINA HALL, MILLAIt & PECK, 134 Wyoming Ave. "Walk in and look around." Economical UYTH o FOB COOL WEATHER. We haA'e a very nice assortment of Ladies' Capes and Jackets AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Figured Mohair, Separate Skirts, lined and full width, ONLY $1.95. MEARS Dunmore Baptist Mercer. Butler, Juniata. On Tuesday, Oct. 6. after the eve ning meetings the societies of each of these churches will give reception to the delegutes they are entertaining. The day meetings will be held in Elm Park church and the Frotliliighnm. In the evening the Academy will also be used and If necessary the Armory. AVil liam Show, of Buston, treasurer of the United Society, has accepted nil invi tation lo be one of the speakers. Two new societies Were last lilgbt re ceived into the union, one from the African Methodist Episcopal church and the other from the Green Ridge Kvungellcu! church. A committee consisting of A. C. Smith, AV. T. Hackett and Rev. G. L Mace was appointed to report, at the next meet ing, a suitable expression of the union's regard for AV. II. Stubblebine. president of the City union, who, early next month, goes to Salisbury, N. C. Death of Mrs. Judson Welle. Mrs. Judson AVelles. formerly cf Ihls city, died In Los Angeles, Cul., last Sat urday. She was a daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Benjamin Townsend, of l:it Ca pouse nveue, aud a sister of Mrs. Frunk AVelles, of Fleetville. The remains are now on their way to this city. IV PW 3 We opened and nuTT ' 5 placed on sale to- UUUU3 I Dresden China, S our own itunorta UIIIIUIIIIIIMIIIIIB tion frcSh from l'athcrlatid aud a credit to Germany and German art They go at August prices, tbat means little prices. Ifaiiillul Cuke .Males, 25c 3-Pleec Oat Meal Sets, 75c Olive Dishes, - 10c Cream Pitchers 15c Bone Dishes, - l c Large Salad Dishes, 50c Moustache Cups, 25c COPYRIGHT A thousand to NOVELS pict fro,u' ,,ooJ type and paper. Good authors, too. Such as these : Hubert Louis Stevenson, Walter Scott, Mrs. ii. 1). E. N. Soutbwortb, Charlotte Braeuie, Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Duchess, Dickeus, llentz, and hundreds of others; 10c, Not 25. 1847 ROGERS' TEASPOONS You w ho were disap pointed last to go today at the time. A new lot price you like, $1.00 for Six. liOur Mr. Kexford leaves for New York this week. Tbat means lots of new goods, carefully selected, to go on sale next week. Watch this space for some surprises la goods and prices. Remember the motto You buy it right if you buy it al REXFORD'S 303 Lackawanna Ave. SCRANTON imoi SCRANTON, PA. Tlie l'ourtli Year ul' the Scranton Truiiiing School for KinUci'Kui'tcn ci s will open in this city SLPTF.M lJi:K 11, KSilO. For further parti cnlars address MISS S. W. IJDERYVOOD, WINCHKSTKK, MASS. I sua Of THE Hill SCRANTON. PA., Opens its Zid year uuder eight experienced teiK'hm. Kits for anv College ur Technical School. English, Buiness ami Cluaaiusl De purtinentu. Solid fur Catalogue to Ki;V, THUS, M. CANN, I.I.. I)., Or WAI.TI:H H. BUM l A. Al. PRICES YOU A Complete Liue of BOYS' WAISTS Of Fine Material and Warranted 415, 417 Lackawanna JL He Can Play in i IwHf t F0B SALE BY WlRp COLLINS I BMffil 220 Lackawanna Ava Kfe SCBiHiTON. We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest Also the Largest CLOCKS 1H 111 FR8H101BLE STYLES Porcelain, Onyx, Btc SUver Novelties In Infinite Varlsty. Latest Importations, Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, few tier and A. . . . w.tdm.ker. 210 Lackawanna kn tf makes an Incandescent electric I ft IIKiil. cam. n susuow. w in reimy tw give more lluht than three f 92 tliein together, and do it with A Sif hair the gas you now consume. Sg THE GAS APPLIANCE CO., W jl 120 N. Washington Ave AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in the ( ilj. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus fur keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avenue. THE KEELEY CURE Why let your borne nd biislnp, 1 destroy ed through strong drink or morphias, whoa foil con be cured In fuur week, st tbo Keeley nut'tute, 72S Mndlson nriMinn Kcraaton, P. the Cur Will Bear Investigation. REDUCED. n Good Workmanship. Not to Fade Avenue, Scranton, rJAerV?NA?VAA 5"S THU IMPROVED Yf iWelsbachg & LIGHT arr m CAN HA.QE BIB Qrarall Frond. the Dirt A WOMAN'S JUDGMENT In matters of dress is always better than that of any one else. That is the reason why we like to have our Cloth ing held up in the inspection of the ladies. You can't jlease us better thau by pleasing your wife. We will risk our llothiujj, pleasing her. Ev erybody buys at the same price. 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OUR STOCK OF FURNISHINGS li varied and extensive. We linve s.ilhfie'tion in at vie. quality and price tor every man no I hoy in town. VVe try to give bettvr nervicn than auyouuclifi. We do give better goodt. Drop ill aud gel luin'.aintfd -ncedn't buy tin lusa you wall. We wind you to know u M. P. M'CANNJattsr 205 WVOMINU AVIiM'l:. Others are rutting on Ptriiw 1I;iK Ours have been cut all aoaisoii. KNOX AllhNtr. iRoiir I ill In addition to our stock of Fiue Hosier' Ave keep a full line of EH! HOSE with double knees, heels and toes, ab solutely fast black and guaranteed to Avear as long as any cotton stocking made. N, Pa,