f THE SCRANTON THIBT7NE MONDAY MOENING, AUGUST 17. 1890. HAVE Serge or made: to THE FRANK T. Coal Exchange Building. EASTERN LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES Scranlon Has No Trouble in Defeating the Canucks. ONE SUNDAY GAME WAS PLAYED The Toronto Could Do Nothing with J.tluiKonN Curve, Nor Could Buf falo Hit Kecnan at Wilkes-Uarre. Koclicstrrand Providence, Repec lively, Take Two Each from the Ponies and the Stars. Saturday's Kesultsa Scranton 6 Toronto 3 Wilkes-Barre 10 Buffalo a Rochester 4 Springfield a Rochester 13 Springfield 8 Providence 3 Syracuse a Providence 7 Syracuse Yesterday's Ke.iilt. Providence ...33 Syracuse.... Only on Sunduy game was played In tlit Kistcrn league, and that was a wulkuver lor Providence, that club ilt-fc-utinir Syrueus for the fifth consoeuiive time. On Saturday UochestiT ami Providence were I lie only leaders to win und they each won twice from the Ponies itml .the riturs respectively. Scranlon und Wilkes-Kurre had no dlfllculty in tripping the Canui ks and the Bisons. I'crt'eiitiiKe Itecord. P. V. I.. Km-hN'er !"7 f7 40 vr. .r.7i .:m Mi t'roviiletice ii1 'I'oioiilo !7 UulYulo !i Hyiauuso .. VI Uprlllartti-M Vl Vllk.D-Buire sx Hcrantuii gl r.l 4!t fii 44 41 ..I ' ToDay's Knsteru League Game. Buffalo at Serantoli. Toronto ul V ilkra-Burre. 45) rcU Ut Slil'HIKIielO. kocliesler at Providence. J0HNS0N-MASSEY. The Pitching of the One aud the lliuin, vf the Other Were to Much for the Canadians. Tummy Johnson' pitching skill nnd some timely stick work III which "Hi Hill" Mnsesy played the leading role won for Serantoii the faille with Toronto Saturday. That sent the Canadians 'uvvuy froin here with only one victory "ill of the three KUlnes. All thut the enemy couhl make oft' Johnson up to the ninth liming was Wright's double and Smith's snatch hit. the bull rolintj Hlowly to a point half-way between the plate anil third. Kur elfiht Inning the only Canucks to plunk their feet on first base were the two players Just mentioned and Casey und I.utetibeij? who, respectively, In the seventh, Were hit by a pitched ball and made a force hit. Scrantou hail meanwhile earned four of Us six runs ami had played a fast and errorless name. Hut the pace wus too hot to be main tained and the Canadians were pre si nli d with three unearned runs In the ninth. Ielehaty hit a fast grounder to .Moss. The ball took a deceptive bound, Moss jiiKSled it und Del reached first. Wiivd hit one clown to Illekey that should have forced Detelianty. but Hit key was over anxious and couldn't lield the ball. Tom O'Brien Blncrled Uel ehanty home. Ward reaching second. Casey forced O'Brien at second and placed ard on third. Lutenberg's single scored Ward and sent Casey to third, ho coming home on Wright's lilt that forced I.utenberg at second Smith was thrown out at first. MADE FOUR RUNS. Scranton made four runs and earned three In the first on Delehanty's bad throw, a single by Jleaney, O'Brien's sacrifice and singles by Kagan, Ma emir? and Massey. The later's hit bring ing In two of the four. Again in the fifth Massey was in evidence, his two baser scoring O'Brien and Kgan who 'had' got on the circuit on a base on bulls and a single. Massey made another double In the seventh when there was no chance for tallying. lllcKey placed second in place of Kelster who had a bndly strained throwing hand. Hickey showed him self to be a fast youngster who covers a great deal of territory and puts a great deal of steam in his work. He has a cleun, easy swing nt bat which indi tes that he knows how to hit. Johnson and JIassey made a pretty play In the first when Ward bunted one toward first, Johnson scooping It up to Massey just before Ward reached the hag. Massey in the sixth made a regular Carey play by stretching him self and making a one-hand catch of Maguire's wide assist. Ward who played his first game for Toronto, was given generous and lusty applause when he first appeared at the plate and the same recognition was ae corded him later. He did not rise to his new surroundings, however, but made two erros, one a muffed thrown ball and the other a wild throw to first. PRKKMAN'S FINE WORK. The splendid running patches of Free- mun in right field when men were on bases robbed Scranton of three runs. Score: SCRANTON. -A.B. R. H. P.O. A. K. Hickey, lib 5 1 1 :l 3 I Mcuney, rf 5 1 2 2 a 0 .1. O'Brien, cf 2 1 0 1 0 0 Kagan, If 4 1 2 2 u 0 Aluguire, 3b 4 t loan Massev. lb 4 u :l ir. 11 n Moss, ss 4 0 0 1 4 1 Johnson, p 4 0 o 11 !i 0 iterger, c 3 0 3 3 0 0 Totals ST. G 12 27 15 2 ; TORONTO. A.B. K. II. P.O. A. E. Delehanty, ss ...... 4 10 0 2: Wan, 2b 4 10 0 0 2 T. O'Brien, If 4 0 1 2 0 0 Casey, c 3 1 0 3 4 0 J.utentierg, lb 4 0 1 G 0 Wright. f 4 0 1 3 0 0 Hiillth. 3b 4 0 10 11 Freeman, rf; .3 0 0 6 II 0 Dunn, p 3 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 33 3 4 24 H 6 Boranton ,. 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 x 6 Toronto 0 000000033 Kamed . runs Scranton 4. Two-base hltsJlassoy ,2. Wright. Sacrifice tilt J. O'Brien, Htolftn bases Kagan, Magulre, Herger. .Left on bases Scranton s, To ronto 4. HtruoJt out Moss, Dunn, T. O'Brien. DouW play Dunn to Case; to YOUR Summer Clothes ord&r by CARROLL CO., WYOMING AVENUE. I.utenlierg. First base on errors Scran ton 3, Toronto 1. First base on balls Off Dunn 1. Hit by pitcher Kerger, c-as.y. Umpire Gaflney. Time 1.35. OTHER SATURDAY GAMES. Vilkcj-Dnrre Outplays the Bisons ia All Departments. Wllkes-Barre, Aug. 15. Wllkes-Barre outplayed Buffalo In the field and at the bat today. Oruber pitched fairly good bull, but became indifferent when he fulled to get good support. Keenan became very effective, and when the Bisons got men on bases they could not be batted In. Hie eighth was a disastrous one for the vis itors, errors by Rltchey and Lewee al lowing Wllkes-Barre to score three runs. .Manager Kowe was much dissatisfied over Kettiick's umpiring. The special feature of the game was Clymer's two magnlllcent running catches. Attendance, 9UU. Score: K.H.K. Wllkes-Barre 0 01 0 2 0 3 4 010 15 0 Buffulo 0 0001 01 0 02 9 4 Batteries Keenan and Wente; Oruber oncl H. Smith. Earned rims Wllkes Barre 4 Buffalo 1. First base by errors Wllkes-Barre 3. Lafet on bases Wllkes Barre 8, BufTulo 4. Struck out By Keen an Stnhl. Three-base hit I.ezotte. Two base hits Bonner, H. Smith, Karl, Kitchey, Lewee. Sacrlllce hits C. Smith, Keenan, McXIahon. Stolen bases Betts, Liiotte, Keenan, Lyttle. Double ploys Mc.Muhon to Karl, Bonner to -McMnhon to Karl, Kitchey to Lewee to Field. Um pire Kettrlck. Time 1.30. Siri iiRlield-Kochealer. First game It.H.K. Rochester 2 1010000 4 2 Springfield 1 100000002 7 0 Batteries Caluhau und Boyd; Mcf'aitlin and Uiinson. Umpire Swurtwood. Second gllllle B.1I.K. Rochester 1 0 7 0 1 0 0 4 13 K 4 Sprlngllelil ..0 2 2 0 1 3 00 0 X 13 3 Halterles Cjillaluui, llerndon and Boyd; liildy und (iiiiisou. Umpire Swurtwood. Providcncc-Sj niruse. First ganit ' Tt.H.K. I'rovldeiico 2 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 1 Syracuse 0001 10000 0 3 9 1 Batteries Hudson and Dixon; I.aniie and Ryan. Umpire lioesclier. Second giiine R.II.K. fiovldence II 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 1 7 12 4 Syracustj 0 0 V V V 0 1 o 1 6 3 Bultcilcs Kndilerliuni und Dixon; Ma. auii and Kyau. Umpire Uuescher. SUNDAY GAME. I'rovideiiceoSyrncnse. Providence, Aug. 10. Providence won Him llfth straight Kaiue from Syracuse 10 day at Kucky Point. Ueluney'a support wus wretched and II was easy for Hrovl deuce lo semi the ball sare in all parts or the lot. The fielding support given Friel was very strong and pulled him out or many a hole. Attendance, y.ouo. Score: . . H.H.H. I'rovldcnco 1R 1 1 4 0 7 O 3-23 25 3 Syracuse 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 It Ikitteries Friel and Dixon; Deluney and Zahner. I'mplre Doescher. NATIONAL LEAGUE p. w. r p.o. l'crri'nt4ige Record. Cincinnati 'J x -I;!,l Halliinoie '.H -' 2! .'l Cleveland t'l ' Ml Chl. ago Ml Hi 42 ,.r.Sl Pittsburg !'." M 41 .WS Boston !'5 52 4:i ,M7 Philadelphia !U 4:! 51 .457 Brouklvu !Ci 43 52 .4.' New York 'X 42 57 .4L'4 WashiiiKton t'4 :m : . .:3 st. ijouis '.15 31 m .as Louisville Wl 21 'J'J .25 SUNDAY GAMES. Chicago Louisville. Louisville, Ky., Aug. Hi. Chiengn de feated Irfjuisvllle In a prettily played game this arternoon by the score of 5 to 2. It was a pitchers' battle. Score: It.lf.W. Louisville 0 II I) 0 (I 2 0 0 0 2 li 1 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 G 8 3 Batteries Brlggs and Donahue; Cun ningham und Jllller. Umpire Kmslie. ( iiiciuunti-St. Louis. Cincinnati, Aug. 10. Timely batting and daring buse running won the game todny for the locals. Score: R.H.K. Cincinnati 10 12 12 3 0 10 13 4 St. Louis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 u 3 Batteries Khret and l'eltz; Kissinger and MeFarland. Umpire Lally. SATURDAY'S RESULTS. At New York 4 First game). New York, G; Washington, 9; (second game). New York, 9; Washington, S. At Boston Boston. 8; Brooklyn, 3. At Philadelphia Baltimore, 4; Philadel phia, 2. 1 At Pittsburg Pittsburg, fi; Cleveland, 0. At St. Louis Cincinnati, 7; St. Louis, 3. At Louisville Chicago, 4; Louisville, 2. KETRICK IS RETIRED. I'ntrue That Incompetency Had Any thing to Do w ith It. A great Injustice has been done Um pire Larry Ketrlck of this city by, the publicity given the following dispatch: Wilkes-Bnrre. Aug. 15. Larry Ket rick, of Scrunton, recently appointed umpire in the Kastern league, was released tonight. Seevral of the clubs had mado charges of incompetency against him. There Is not a grain of truth In the fact that "several" clubs hud made churges of incompetency aguinst him, the one. Now that Ketrlck has been was dismissed on that account. He has been retired against President Powers' personal wishes, and for the sake of another umpire's family. This statement is not bused on rumor or supposition, but Is an actual fact. When Umpire UalTney was re-engaged last Thursday It meant that either Hornung. Doescher or Swurtwood would have to go. Mr. Hornung was which left the Inference thut Ketrlck retired Hornung has been taken on again. There is no need of making the deal any plainer. The falsity of the Incompetency part of the Wllkes-Barre dispatch Is shown in the fact that Tom Burns, the Spring Held manager. Is the only league olllclal who hus made any protest against him. An umpire who will satisfy all but one club in a league is a pretty fair article. DIAMOND DUST. This is change about day. Hornung will umpire at Wllkes-Barre foduy. Ixivett and Bowernian will be the bat tery. Buffalo is here for three days beginning today. OalTiiey has rece lve l Instructions to remain In Scranton. This was not ex pected on account of the bud feeling be tween the King and Jim Fields, the Buf falo captain, whose club begins a series here toduy. If Scissors-Lizzie Fields an ticipates having any further trouble with tialTney we would advise the player to try it on in some other neck o' woods than Scranton. He might get badly hurted. Far Jim's mike, some kind friend should make him be good. v Hiding to Nan Francisco. Two Newark wheelmen who are rid in? to Han Francisco on a wager were In this city Saturday night. They are Edward Day and John Kinsey. They proceeded to Itinghamton yesterday. While here they were the guests of their friend, W. S. Callahan, proprietor of the Manhattan House on Penn avenue. AMATEUR BASE BALL. Railroad V. M. C. A. Team Defeated by the Olvphnat Drowns. The Olyphant Browns had no trouble in defeating the Railroad Young Men's Chris, tian association team in a county league game at Olyphant on Saturday. Kelleher, for the Browns, Just tossed the ball over the plate and the Adders did the rest. Davis, of the visitors, was hit quite free ly. Cavanaugh pitched the last three In nings. The Scranton club received Its only run in the fourth Inning. Stone reached first on called balls and Uaughan sent a long drive to deep center, which advanced Stone to third. He came In on Cavanaugh' fly to left. The score: OLYPHANT. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Patten. 2b S 2 3 1 1 1 Cleary. ss 5 0 0 1 1 0 Wheeler, 3h 4 4 3 0 2 0 Meohan, cf 4 0 12 10 Sheridan, lb 3 1 1 W 0 0 Oarbett. e 3 3 1 11 1 1 Koe. If 4 2 3 1 0 0 MeHale, rf 4 0 110 0 Kelleher, p 3 1 2 0 3 0 Totals 15 12 13 27 8 2 R. R. Y. M. C. A. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Moran, 3b 4 0 2 1 1 0 Stone. 2b 2 10 10 0 (iaughan, ss., lb ... 4 0 2 A 1 1 Cavanaugh, ss.cf.p 4 0 1110 Rvan. If 8 0 0 1 0 0 Kdwnrds, rf., cf .... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Merldcth, rf., lb.... 4 0 1 5 0 0 Hoare, o 4 0 0 0 2 1 Davis, p., rf 3 0 0 0 3 2 Totals 32 1 6 2 8 4 Olyphant I 1 2 4 3 1 0 0 x-12 K. It. Y. M. C. A..0 00100000-1 Struck out By Kelleher 8. by Duvls 4, bv Cnvanaugh 3. Base on bulls Off Kel leher 2. off Davis 4. Hit by pitcher Kyan. Left on buses olyphant 3, R. R. Y. M. C. A. 7. Passed bulls ciarbett 3, Hoare 7. Wild pitch Davis 1. Stolen bases Fatten. Median, Kelleher. Oarbett, Wheeler. Two base hits Wheeler 2, Uaughan. Home run Roe. Double plays Sheridan (unassist ed), c.iiugliaii to Cuviinuugh. Umpires MeHale and Lynch. Time-Two hours. Scorer Voyle. Druggists Mill Play Hall. A return game of base bull will be Played 011 the JumeS Boys' grounds in Pine Brook on Wednesday afternoon be tween the Scranton druggists und their Wilkes-Barre brethren. They Invite their friends to witness their prowress. The game will be called at 3 o'clock. After the game the visiting club will be entertained nt the Wyoming. The committee in charge consists of H. C. Huuk, O. SS. Duvls and (ieorge Rogers. AMATEUR BALL NOTES The Taylor Reds challenge the Minookas 011 the Taylor grounds for Tuesday after noon; tile West Side Brow lis oil the Tay lor grounds tor Thursday ufternoon; the .Muosic Popular on the Taylor grounds Saturday arternoon. Answer In The TrlU. line. Kvun . Wutkius, manuKer. The Reserves will pluy the West Side Browns this aflernooii at 4 o'clock on the Brickyard grounds. The following Re serve players tre requested to be at the corner of .Main avenue and Jackson street ut 2 o'clock: Oillern, c; M. Fosner, p.; Owens. Hi.; Zuiig, 2b.; Jones, ss. ; Kvaus, 3b.; Jeremiah, 11'.; AlcDonuld, cf.; J. 1'os ner, rf. line of the most Interesting und excit ing games 1111 Schruder's bull park wus that or lust Saturday afternoon between the Nonpareils, of Inmmore, and F.dward Kelly's Indians, of the same place. Thorn ton, the Nonpareils' crack Boulh paw, toen the rubber Tor the former team and twirled a phenomenal game, keeping the lndluns at his mercy from start to finish, only six hits being secured off his delivery. Kelly, the hitter's twliier. was hit hard all through the game. The game broke up In a wrangle In the eighth Inning, the score then stood 14 to 9 III luvor of the Nonpa reils. The umpire gave Hie lndluns ten minutes to make up their mind to play hall, but they refused nnd the umpire gave the game to the Nonpareils by the score of 9 to 0. Umpire, M. Coollcan. The Actives, or Dunmore, und the limes Cutters, of Dunmore, will play a game of bull on No. 5 grounds next Saturday. SCRANTON R.DERSrPRIZES. Several Won in tne Bicycle Kaccs nt Berwick. Scrnnton riders won several prizes at the Herwlck races on Saturday. Coleman was first In the mile open, defeating among others Krlck. the Sinking Springs man, who was so suc cessful here at the ruces of the Green Ridge wheelmen a week ago. Coleman In another event was second. In the mile handicap Gregory, of the Green Ridge wheelmen, wus first, and Keller, of the same club, third. Keller and Gregory won the tandem event. WAS A POLISH BARON. Man Who Committed Suicide at Arch bald Is Identified. The Identity of the man who suicided by taking laudanum wus revealed on Saturday, when the publisher of the Garnlk, a Wilkes-Barre Polish paper, waited upon Coroner Longstreet and after examining the effects of the dead man stated that he was, as surmised, his late editor, Baron Hugo Smeritz, recently of Cracow, Poland. Smerltz, he stated, was a highly edu cated man and an excellent linguist. He left Wllkes-Barre lust Monday os tensibly for a pleasure trip, having $50 in his pocket when he took his depar ture. No money was found upon him when his dead body was discovered In the cow field. The writing In the memorandum book was translated by the Wllkes Barre publisher as follows: "Please make tio dissection of my re mains. I have poisoned myself with laudanum. It you find out who t am don't write to my mother In the old country. I took laudanum at 11:30." Four hours later he wrote: "1 feel good yet. only about an hour und a hulf aftertaklng the laudanum I felt bad and could not stand up. I don't care for life. I have passed my life und found it a terrible one. run see noth ing In Hie future, and I don't rare to light with this life, for I huve no one to fight for. I um sorry only for my mother. If uny one finds out who I am please don't write her, for I am an only son." The latter part of the letter was written hi a scrawling bund und the dual few lines were difficult to deciph er, evidently having been written when the drug was beginning to take effect. The remains will be taken to Wllkes Barre fur Interment. "BOOSTER" N0WATTACHED. Pittatoa Cars Will Now Be Able lo Make Their Time. Today It will be posibly to make trip to and from Pltston over the Scran ton Traction company's line In much better time than heretofore. Last night Foreman Andrew Conlon and his gang of linemen began the work of conenctlng the new feed wire, which Is to supply additional force to the cable at the lower end of the line and by 9 o'clock this morning It was expected that the "booster" would be In full operation. J The "booster" which lo an engine of 50 volts capacity is located in the Providence power house. It furnishes an Independent supply which will be first fed to the cable at tlreenwood In the vicinity of the school house. It will also be tapped at other points along the line between Greenwood and Pitts ton. This will give an 800 volt supply to the Pittston line, which will, in the opinion of the Traction company, be amply sufficient to drive a car up the steepest hill on the line at a good rate of speed. . MANDAMUS ASKED FOR. Effort to Comuel Alderman C. c. Donovan tn Grant Appeals. A rule was granted Saturday by Judge Archbald on Alderman C. C. Donovan of the Twelfth to show cause why a mandamus should not issue compelling him to grant appeals in sev eral judgments In favor of the mem bers of the Board of Health of Oly phant against the borough of Oly phant. Judge Archbald made the rule returnable this morning at 9 o'clock. The petition for the rule was filed by Attorney C. P. O'Malley, of the firm Warren & Knanp and is signed by 'K. J. Howard, burgess of Olyphant; A. T. Potter, treasurer; William H. Davis, president of the council; William B. Schubmehl, secretary, and William H. Davis. Thomas Patten, W'llllain Tinsley, Patrick Dempsey, J. J. Flynn and P. W. Padden, councllmon, and Major Everett Warren, attorney for the borough of Olyphant. The petition sets forth that on July 28 last Alderman Donovan rendered four Judgments against the borough of Oly phant as follows: One in favor of J. A. Dolphin fur $108.50, plus $5.15 costs; one In favor of Edward Cayglll for $4G.67, besides $2.55 costs; one In favor of Dr. A. F. Crans for $13.1.34, and $2.55 costs; and one In favor of C. M. Hatha way for $2.50. with $2.55 costs. The judgments were rendered to the plaintiffs for services as members of the Board of Health of Olyphant. The burgess and council hold thut the Board of Health has no legal standing' and tin authority whatever to Incur the obligations for the borough of Oly phant, and that the judgments ore il legal. The twenty days allowed by law for an appeal from the judgments ex pires on August 17, 1890. The council employed Major Warren to represent the borough and In u II litigation with reference to Board of Health matters. On August 13 Major Warren appeared before Alderman Donovan and de manded an appeal, hut the alderman refused to allow it to be taken. LEAVE IT TO THE POLICE. Sample Brick of Systematic Work by Police Department. Mis. W. H. Cole, wife of Conslublo Cole, of 510 West Market street, left home last Monday evening betweeen 7 und 8 o'clock and up till yesterday nothing had been heard of her. Her husband on Saturday notified police heudciuarters of her disappear ance and received the promise that tho department would do all In its power to help locate her. The Tribune railed up the North End police station nt midnight last night to inquire if Mrs. Cole hud yet been found, but remark able to state, neither lleutenutit nor olllcers of that precinct Iniu been In formed of any woman having disap peared. When Mrs. Cede left home she wore a black sailor hat, a light waist, with red flower pattern, a bjack skirt, pair of slippers and had on gold-rlmmed eye-glasses. Her husbanu cannot ac count for her disappearance, BURGLARS AT PARK PLACE. They Entered the Eureka House on Providence Koad. he Eureka hotel, situated on the cor ner of Diamond avenue and Providence road, and conducted by M. J. Burke, wus entered Saturday morning between the hours of 1 and 4 by burglars. The entrance was gained through the cellar. Entering the bar room they procured a number of cigars, three gallons of whiskey, a coat and eight dozen of eggs, They also carried the money register tq the barn In the rear of the house and after rilling it of Its contents, which amounted to $4 left it. The register was seen by a man who was on his way to work and he informed Mr. Burke of Its whereabouts. The thieves left no clue. This is the second time that Burke has suffered loss at the hands of thieves. About five years ago his home was entered and a small safe taken out, but before the intruders had se cured any of its contents they were play havoc with linen collar andctiffa. All soils are casilv removed from "Cel luloid" CollarsandCuffsby simply wip ing them off with a damp sponge or cloth. Then they look as good as new are as good as new. That's why travelers, railroad uieu, machinists, etc., prefer them MTroi mrn collars and enfis are the only worthy water-proof collars and cuffs made. There are imitations. See that yon get the genuine interlined collars and cuffs marked as above aud you will never wear linen goods again. U..IA mm.Ii.m. Italian Sur. eftptl. fuffe 406. pair, portage lm. If the dea Irrdoii not keep them Send to us direi't. State eize am! style. TUB C-auJ.l.t'lAiiL lunranii New York. OArULIU fortheae good P nirkMlrr Emtllafc INeaiu4 ft rani. ENNYROYAL PILLS Ori Inal uid Only CenulM. safe, Rlwart rrllablti. ladieb sik UrnvHat for ttchtitera Snolitk IHa .mond Brand in Itetf od cUd tuvttiilo IboiM. paltd wttb blue rlbbun. Talcs o theft BtfHM liangtruM wb9tUw Ii.ni cetJ Imlfafiimj. Al Driiff lta or atn4 4a. In itatntia for particular. imUawalala au4 "Hailar for Laillra," la IMKr, br rrtana li.lT In.fMM TpitlmMllll. IVdai. Pammr. flrl.Mt.rC.-l.IC M.HI... Haarav 0pMV teaaifiitftiau, VaUa4& ?a St frightened away by some men, who were passing by. SATURDAY'S EXCURSIONS. About 1.200 persons attended Bauer's band excursion to Mountain Park where Bauer's and the Ninth Regiment bands gave a delightful concert in the afternoon. Except during the time when the concert was In progress It was crowded with dancers, the unsurpassed music proving a temptation to dancers that few could resist. At 7 o'clock the excursionists left the park for their homes. Cumberland Hose company of Provi dence conducted a largely attended ex cursion to Lake Ariel. A large number of Loyal Knights of America went to Harvey's Lake where a re-unlon was held. The excursion train left this city at 7 o'clock In the mornig. Twenty-two car loads of people went to Delaware Water Gap on the excur sion of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car shop employes and spent the day at that delightful and pictures que resort. P0LITICALJ0TTINGS. Saturday between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. delegates were elected in the Btcond legislative district to attend the Republican convention to be held to morrow In the arbitration room of the court house at 2 p. m. The convention will be called to order by Alderman W. S. Millar, the chairman of the district standing committee and will nominate a candidate for legislature. John R. Farr, in his paper, the West Bide Courier-Progress, announced Sat' in day that he will be a candidate for legislature In the First district again th la year. M. C. Judge, of Taylor, is being urged forward by his friends us an available candidate for the Democratic nomina tion for legislature In the Third district. The name of Attorney John J. Bonner, of Old Forge, Is also tnentioned In con nection with the nomination. If Is expected that James J. p'Nelll, of Carbondnle, chairman of the Demo cratic county committee, will call that body together within a few days to tlx a date for the county convention. OICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. Buffalo Prince '96, $36 Bison .' 95, 30 Columbia '93, 25 Remington '94, 25 Glide '94, 25 Country '93, 15 Country '93, 10 Ben Hur 5 These are all fitted with pneumatic tires aud are In good ruuuing order. CHASE & FARRAR BICYCLE SURULONS. 515I4 Linden Street. Opp. Court House. EVERYBODY WANTS TO GO With the D.. L. & W. Mutual Aid Association and R. R. Y. M. C. A, EXCURSION TO SYRACUSE AND PLEASANT BEACH. SATURDAY, AUG. 22. Train leaves D., L. & W. Station at 6 a. m. street cars will connect itn train. Tickets for the Round Trip, $2.00 DON'T PAIL TO SEE TW WOLP AMERICAN. The Finest and Hlehaat Orad Wheels Made In America. 1S06 Wheels, Up.to.Date In fcvery Particular, I38.BO. Come usee. c. k r-AKHEK. 331 spruca Btraei. waa save if to J0 oa four biksw BALDWIN'S THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE T I CQNNELL CO, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of the best duality for domestic uia and of all sices. Including Buckwheat and Birdseye, delivered In any part of tho city ai tne lowest price. OrderB received at tha Dfilcp. first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. (; telephone No. 2624. or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended IM IF1IH lo.ueaiera auppuea al too mine. WM. T. SMITH. THE L2a U. ITU 110 lb II U 124-126 Winning An OF OUR GREAT AUGUST SALE SPECIAL-Will place on sale today 600 dozen Ladies' Finest Quality of Jersey Ribbed Vests, in both White and Ecru, Trimmed most elaborately, worth from 25c. to 50c. each, during our August Sale as long as they last, 12Jc. No restric tions as to quan tity and positive ly none sold to dealers. ttSStill greater cuts have been made throughout our whole store, as we have de termined to dispose of all bpnng and bummer (Joods we have left and at prices that will tempt anybody to pur chase whether they need goods or not II II CftEflT SUE or SECOND-HAND BICYCLES AT LOW PRICES. C M. FLOREY 222 Wyoming Avsnui V. M. I BUILDING. JAMES MOIR, II Has Moved te His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to Flret National Bank. He haa now in a Comprising everything requisite for fine Merchant Tailoring. And the Mm. can be shown to .dvuntage in bi. spl.n diuly ntted up room A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Renders ot The Trie, an to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Homa ONE DAY AT LONG BRANCH, ASBURY PARK AND OCEAN GROVE, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, The excursion vis CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JER5F.V, on the above date afford, a rare opportunity to .pand a day at the shore at the height of the WHSon. Special train with BiuTot Lunch Car at tnchrd, will leave Scranton at fi a. m. Return ing leave Ocean drove and Aabury Park at A.ii p. m.; Long Branch, 5.55 p. ui. PADP ffton scranton ys rtK.C FOR THE ROUND TRIP 90.0 Tickets can be made good to return Monday, August (4th. by payment of f 1 to agent at Oceaa drove and Aabury Park. The Two Great Utterances OF Afil Mil DUTY OF EVERY CITIZEN TO READ THEM. On the Currency .On America's) Question. Greet Steamship Line. The Northier Steamship Com pany, Buffalo, X, Y.: "Tho money of the United Btates, and every kind or forn of it, whether of pa per or silver or fold. must be as Kood aa Gentlemen I write the best In the world, SITT.:. J .L , ter n' th Lutruunt:rW d at par in any end'SS, ,r .... ..NortB wt" and never did I tmve a more enjoyable ya catlotw Tho scenery; ia superb and the vesael a veritable floating; palara. Wishing; you ov ery success, 1 mm, , Very truly yours, Wt Si.'KlNL.KY. Major McKlnley wrote these enthu elastic words after he had enjoyed America's Inland Ocean Voyage BETWEEN BUFFALO and DULUTH The most delightful trip, under the most luxurious conditions of any on the American continent The superb steel constructed, twin screw and magnificently appointed steamships NORTH WEST AND NORTH LAND OF THE NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. Make the trip rapidly and regularly, calling at Cleveland, Detroit, Mack Island and the 800. These sblpa are each of 6,000 tonnage, 886 (set In length, accommodate 600 passenger ana carry no freight. They have a tonnace greater thai the Brltajiniu and Germanfc of the WJdte Bur Line. Kithnr la heavier (nan the fleet Arizona which was U urine" ona eesson the speed-queen of the ocean. They are yneifct. er than a half-score of tlu famed steam ships of the Hamburff-AmieTloan Laita and superior In point of comfort anal luxury) to any of the Atlantic liners. Ticket, and reservations 223 Main street. Dock foot of Malu street, Buffalo, S. X. A. A. HEARD, uea. rasa, agent, Dutiaie, n. T. rt fi at l-franls?! HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO. 0. L CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance. Is new and well furnished and OPENED TCI THE PUBLIC THE YEAR ROUND, IS located midway between Blnfhamton and Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Railroad, six miles from D., I U W. K. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity elrhty-nve, three minutes' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extend, the entire length of the house, which Is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc.- Free to Uuests. Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catskllj Mountalaa. Fine groves, plenty of shade and beautl. ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. swings, croquet grounds, ete. COLD SPRINO WATER AND PLENTY OP MILK. Rates $7 to $10 Per Week. Ii.jo Per Day. Excursion tickets sold st all stations on Da L. W. lines. Porter meets all trains. E. ROBIU'S PWt I nrfAf Beer Brewery CAPACITY I foo.ooo Barrels per Annum; rtiaTIT V RESTORES VITALITY. Made a J Well Mi isthiMy.jf 0f Me. TKt QPtAT 30th produces the above resoltsln'SO days. It oowerf uUr aud Quickly. Cure, when aU other, (all.1 Young mcuwlU regain their teat manhood, and .Id I men will recover their youthful vujor by uslaff KftVI VO. it quickly and surely reatores net ne, Loot Vitality, lm potency. Nigotly Kmlm Lost Power, Failing lienor. Waatlna Dieaeae ill effects ot eelf-abuae or eseea. and trjetecmtieol nkirh unflta one for uudy, bnalnen or maniace. i. a treat nerve tonic and blood buUder. bria ma ujneiunpiiou. ixwiei on unnf KKV1VO, lthcr. It can be carried la eet socket. Br sail r 1 .00 pr pacaue. or elx lor SB. OS, wltkaaeanV -iee written guarantee to cat er refund he money. Circular free. Addraee 'vLMrniciHc,ri "- CHIMM. For sals by MATTHEWS BROS., 0 rngU Senate. Ps rstxjwanufacturers of the Celebrated w Hi Beer