The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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You arc a liberty to come in to this
store of ours, and to ramble arouitd
and look as much as you please. We
like to have people know what a Gne
stock of Books and Stationery we have,
so that when they need som: they'll
know where to get the largest variety.
332 Lackawanna Ave.
Always in the past the
Best in Scranton
Will be in the future as good as
oats that can be made by the
Which removes the foul seeds and
dust. ?ry our
Hare the Initial 0., B. CO. Imprint
cd In each cigar.
Diseases of the Lower Bowel a
Specially. 308 Washington Ave.,
Opp. Tribune Building.
Samuel McKeeby hus returneil home
from the seashore.
.Minx Nell Kafter, of Gordon street, ll
at Atlantic City.
Ooi'Ke -Milli'tt anil William K. Decker
spent yesterday at Lake Wlnolu.
.M rM. T. A. l'ntten, is visiting friends in
I'lilLidclphln. und .Mount Holly. -N. J.
David Williams, of i'lilludelphia, is vis
lslni; Knoch Kvuns, of Evans court.
Miss Ma me Holleran, of Market street,
Is visiting her brother In Philadelphia.
Miss Alice Corwin, of Penn avenue; la
visiting relatives in New Mllford, Susque
hanna county.
Lieutenant of Police John Davis Is again
on duty after a ten days' vacation spent
fit Asbnry Park.
Deputy Clerk of the Courts Kmll Honn
goes to Long Virauch today to spend a
two weeks' vacation.
Miss Gallagher and Mjlss Genevieve Gal
lugher, of Plttston, are the guests of Miss
Uranlon, of Lafayette street.
Deputy Sheriff Ryan has resumed his
duties In the sheriff's oflice, having en
tirely recovered from his recent severe Ill
ness. Deputy Clerk of the Courts Thomas
Daniels Is again at his desk, having re
turned from his vacation spent at Atlan
tic City.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Praet and Miss An
.Hie Praet, of New York ctty, were in the
city Saturday, the guests of Mrs. L. B.
Miss Kllzabeth Roche and William
Roche, of Deseronto, Ontario, are being
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Roche, of Capouse aevnue.
Andrew C'onlin, lineman for the Scran
Ion Traction company, has returned from
Vail Klvor, Mass., where he had been
railed by the death of his mother.
Miss May Transue, of Tenth street, and
Miss Stella Tone, of South iiromley ave
nue, are at -Delaware Water Gap, where
they will spend the next two weeks.
Mrs. Kichardson Sent to Jail for Dis
turbing Her Neighbor.
Mrs. Richardson, of Nay Aug ave
nue, who was arrested Friday after
noon on complaint of her neighbors,
was given a hearing before Alderman
' Uowe Saturday ufternoon on thp
charge of being a public nuisance and
general peuS.- disturber, and was fined
$10 and costs, in default of which (the
was committed for thirty days.
There was a large crowd at the hear
ing, comprised chiefly of the complaln-
Ing neighbors, and some lively ex
changes took place between the differ
ent witnesses and Attorney M. J.
Walsh, who defended Mrs. .Richardson.
The burden of the evidence was that
Mrs. Richardson indulges in alcohol
kind opium and when intoxicated
makes life miserable for everybody in
the neighborhood. At the? time of her
last arrest she was examined as to her
sanity, but, contrary to expectations,
she was adjudged of sound mind. She
owns some property in the North Knd,
which, according to her own statement.
Is valued at $6,000. -
Mail Carriers Excursion.
The local branch of mall carriers
wll run a moonlight excursion to Lake
Ariel on August 31. Train leave Erie
and Wyoming depot at 7.15 p. m., re
turn leaving at midnight. Music by
Bauer's band. Tickets 76c.
Wirt Heport Tluraay.
Next Thursday the comtnlsion of mine
Inspectors appointed to Investigate the
accident at the Twin shaft' colliery,
Plttston, will report to Governor Hasting.
Beautiful Thoughts la the Sermon of
Rev. William H. Swift.
Ilonesdale Presbyterian Pastor's
Sermon in the First Presbyterian
huretflle freed a Walking as
Christ Walked and That His Self
Sacrifice Take the Place of Man
kind's Self-Love.
A sermon that was beautiful in
thought and calculated to encourage
an up-bullding and uplifting of Chris
tian character was preached in the
First Presbyterian church yesterday
morning by Rev. Willam H. Swift, pas
tor of the Hunesdale Presbyterian
church. Couched In simple but logical
language and delivered with unusual
earnestness, the discourse could not
have failed to elicit the sympathy of
the congregation and give encourage
ment for better living.
The text was "He that Salth he
nbtdeth In Him, ought himself also so
to walk, even as He walketh," John 11:6.
Mr. Swift said:
The religion of Christ Is something
more than a rule of faith. "Hodge's
Theology," "Calvin's Institutes," Au
gustine s City of God." are not unris
tlanity: nor Indeed are the Scriptures.
The very fact that truth has been re
vealed and can be known comes with
It the obligation to know it. But think
ing correctly, expressing the thought
In the language of the schools, will mn
save the world or the individual soul.
Christianity Is a life a power because
a life. Its beginning. Its continuance,
its end run parallel wltn correct
thought Indeed, but there may bo cor
rect thought without the life It stands
for, as there may he shadow without
While Christ here makes belief on
Him pivotal, "He that belleveth shall
be saved:" while salvation hinges on
faith: whlie It Is the condition of new
birth, the cradle in which Infancy Is
rocked, and. It Is true, both the purent
und the offspring of knowledge grow
ing In strength uioiK.rtionutely with
Christian growth, yet Christ makes
faith's genuineness und truth s power
manifest through Godly living. While
Christian life In Its Inception consists
In being In Us correct manifestation
II consists in doing. The evidence of
correct thinking Is correct doing. "He
that salth he ubideth lit Him ought
himself also so to walk even ns He
walked" for Paul says in Kpheslans:
"lie ye therefore followers of God, us
dear children," where in the orlglnul Is
used our Kngllsh word "mimic," iinl
tute God, study the life, the character,
the example of God munifest In the
Hesh and put your foot in the marks
left on the sands by His impress.
We might spend the time very pro
fitably considering the reasons why we
should Imitate Jesus, because, first. He
is the highest conceivable type of hu
manity und absolutely perfect model
tiller whom to pattern the life, or.
again, becnuse of the power His life
would have over us as we received Ills
impress, and because lllled with His
spirit from studying His exalted char
acter, or, ugiiln, because of the fact
that sin would become mote and more
silbiugiited. us we become more per
fectly rilled with Christ, as we should
from wrapt contemplation of Him us
u perfect pattern, or, one more, be
cause of the Joy resulting from His In
forming us the "hope of glory."
Hut the view we wish to take Is a
more practical one. Let us consider
for a few moments some particulars
wherein we should Imitate Him. Luth
er says It Is "not Christ's walking on
the sea. but His ordlnury walk that
we are called on here to Imitate." We
ought to Imitate Jesus In His complete
surrender of His own will to the will
of God the Father. I shall not attempt
a discussion of the philosophical ques
tion whether Christ possessed two wills
or one will, and whether if there were
two distinct wills there must not have
been two distinct persons, as well as
two natures. 1 take Itwhllesuch discus
sions mav sharpen the intellect, they
can throw no light on the person of
Jesus, as the same clouds and darkness
are over the union of duty and hu
manity, as about the God whom by
searching we cannot find out. I.t us
simply accommodute ourselves to the
plain language of Scripture:
Jesus salth unto them. "My meat Is
to do the will of him that sent me"; "I
seek not mine own will, but the will nf
the Father which hath sent me"; "For
I came down from heaven not to do
mine own will but the will of Him
that sent me"; "O, my Father, If It be
possible, let this cup pass from me,
nevertheless not as I will but as thou
wilt." He went away ngain the second
time, and again the third time, saying
the same words, from which It Is evi
dent, whatever our theology may teach
us, that there was a struggle In the
heart of Christ, a temptation not to
submit to the will of God. a tempta
tion to rebel against the requirement of
God, and that In this particular, ns In
all others. He was tried as we are, and
In bending His will to the will of the
Father, He Is to be our example. We
are In this particular to follow closely
In His footsteps.
Whenever thu question arises, "What
shall 1 do?" and on the one hand are
my preferences, and on the other the
clearly revealed will of God, there Is to
tie no hesitation In reaching a decision,
since, like our Divine Lord, we have
come into this new world to do the
will of Him that sent us. But we are
to Imitate Christ In passively enduring
God's will. "Not as 1 will, but as thou
It Is not natural to love suffering; we
shrink from pain, and Jesus was no ex
ception. He shrank from the trial; He
shrank from the crown of thorns; He
shrank from the cross-bearing, the
crucifixion, the hiding of the Father's
face from drinking of that cup over
flowing with bitterness and yet
through It all breathed the spirit of
submission to Ihe Father's will. If It
Is His will that we go unto our own.
and our own receive us not; if It is His
will that we sow In tears and see here)
no ripening harvest over which lo re
joice; If It Is His will that we spend
much time In Gethsemane; If it is His
will that trials meet us: if, like Paul,
we go "bound in the spirit unto Jeru
salem, not knowing the things that
shall befall us there: if it is His will
that the thorn crowns of defeat In
stead of the gold crowns of victory
shall rest upon our brows: If It is His
will that we shall be buffeted when un
deserving such treatment; If it Is His'
will thnt though faint, and weary, and
heartsick we shall bear our own crosses
till we fall beneath them; if It is His
will that we find our Calvary here, our
defeat In crucifixion, our hones) buried
In the rock-hewn sepulchre, with the
stone rolled against the door; if It ls
His will that through much tribulation
we enter into the kingdom of God; If
it His will that bright prospects
shall find an early eclipse, that pros
perity shall become adversity,' that
riches shall make for themselves wings
and our lot be the lot of the poor man;
If it Is His will that our anticipations
shall never be realized: if it Is His will
that the wlue-press shall be trodden
by us alone; If It Is His will that our
homes shall be desolated, that there
shall be vacant chairs at the hearth
stone and the table: that trouble shall
flutter its wings of night over the cra
dle and follow our loved through life:
IT it be His will that the worse than
death shall be ours, the loss of good
name, the sun setting behind the
clouds, the averted face If It be God's
will that we endure all this and more,
if we say that we abide In Him we
"ought also so to walk even as He
walked" patiently, uncomplainingly,
resignedly. "Thy will, O God, not mine
be done." The disciple is not to be
above his master.
But let us In the second place imi
tate Jesus, walk as He walked, in His
giving Himself for the good of His fellow-men.
Now says the Apostle, "Let
this mind be in you which was also in
Christ Jesus;" Imitate Him, walk in
His footsteps; live not for yourselves;
live for others. He laid down His life
for us and we ought to lay down our
lives for the brethren.
The dark spot on the world's history
Is self-love. The underlying cause of
all that is hideous and forbidding as
we turn over page after page of the
past, back, back, to that gate, guarded
by the messenger of God with the
flaming sword. Is self-love. Those
blight, red snots are blood marks, the
Insignia of self-love. All the plotting
and counter-plottings, - the Intriguing,
the crimes, the wars, the desolations
that have swept across the earth plains
leaving ruin in their path were In
spired by self-love. All the poisonous
plants breathing forth disease and
dea'h found their root in self-love.
All that has been noble, uplifting,
grand, heroic, purifying, saving In the
world's history has been the outcome of
self-sacrifice for the good of the race.
Heaven is heaven because of Christ's
surrender of Himself. Karth will be
come heaven when He is perfectly fol
lowed, and self-offering becomes the
law of life. While this principle finds
Its brightest illustration In the death
of Christ It at the same time finds its
Illustration In His life. Think of the
kinds and forms of sorrow ever ap
pealing to His large heart. It Is no
wonder tradition says He never
laughed. Think how much there was
utterly distasteful to Him, how much
that was shocking, how much that wus
repulsive. Think of what Ho came to
do, and then of His reception of the
manifest tngratltude His rejection,
His persecution.
The Ufa of self-sacrifice Is no attrac
tive life looked at from the low stand
point of natural preference. It means
a constant struggle with nil that Is
dlsheurtenlng. Deepest rooted In every
soul Is self-interest, Is selllsh Interest.
To field Is a battle Held. There the
light is fiercest and all victories are
ufter hand to hand conflicts and only
conquests Inch by Inch. And because
the struggle Is so Intense and the
ground of the heart so hotly contested,
und the march of the right so stoutly
resisted, therefore Is It that every tri
umph is greeted with the huzzas of the
advancing truth. Do we know what It
Is to suffer loss for the good of others?
willingly suffer loss? That character
ized the life of Christ, and our lives
ure tints fur Chrlstlike. Do we know
what It Is to sacrifice for those who
lire umippreciatlve? Christ knew what
that im-unl. Are we culled upon to
labor for the unthankful? Christ did
that. Does duty cull us where we
shrink from going? Christ gave Him
self to such work. 1 said a moment
ngo, looked nt from the lower stand
point, the life of sell'-deiilul was unat
tractive; looked ut from the highest
standpoint it Is the Ideul life, for the
purest joy Is found In self-denlul. The
tinpleusuntest duties of life, where the
motive and ruling passion are others,
good pay the largest dividends of sat
isfaction or that when the end of life
comes, like Matthew Hale, the noble
young American patriot, who died re
gretting that he had but one life to
give to his country, we die regretting
that we have one life only to give our
Lastly and briefly, let us Imitate
Christ In Ills possession, manifest pos
session of unadulterated love. This is
ground reason of the foundation upon
which rests all we discover In the life
and death of Christ, Its Inspiration, Its
source. Its Impelling power. The rea
son why He did the Father's will, the
reason why He gave Himself for the
good of the race was because of His
boundless love "who loved us and
gave Hmlself for us." The reason why
lie uttered those touching sweet words,
"Come unto me all ye that labor and
are heavy laden and I will give you
rest," was because Ills grand heart
was moved us He saw the toiling,
struggling, burdened, hard-bestead
world grasping at every straw of hope,
only to bo disappointed, was because
He wanted to tuke upon Himself the
burdens of life and carry them for
every poor, tired, weary, crushed, de
spairing human soul. Oh, how He
loed this world! How grandly He has
manifested thnt love "giving His life
a ransom for It."
The banner under which He mnrches
Is the banner of love. The spirit that
breathes through His gospel Is the
spirit of love; the potency of the "good
news" has been the power of love; the
hand lie ever holds out Is the hand of
love: the chalice He offers Is the chal
ice of love; the scourge In His hand Is
the scourge of love; His threats nnd
warnings and Invitations and promises
are all knit together with the gold and
silver threads of love. It Is God's love,
God's Infinite, Inexhaustible, boundless
love that shines resplendently through
the I-ord Jesus (Jaiist.
The world listens, but hears not";
"There Is no Jesus," say the sectlcal.
"Ye are my witnesses," says Christ to
His church," "Ye are the light of the
world," and the church witnesses for
Christ. The church lights up the world,
the church attracts to the cross, when
and only when, nnd In that proportion
in which It Is possessed by the spirit
of Christ. The spirit of Christ Is the
spirit of love; we reveal Christ when
we are loving. If a man say "I love
God," and hates his brother, he Is a
liar, for "He that loveth not his brother
whom he hath seen, how can lie love
God whom he' hath not seen."
Are we walking In the footsteps of
Him who "when He was reviled, re
viled not again, who, "when He suf
fered, threatened not"; In the steps of
111 in who suld, "Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do." In
the steps of Him who suld, "Love your
enemies; do good to them that hate
you; pray for them that despitefully
use you."
oh, for more of His spirit! Oh, for
that love that will make all crosses
crowns that will Impel us In the path
of duty, with the one thrilling, ringing,
exultant cry: "The love of Christ, the
love of Christ constrnineth us, because
we thus judge, that if one died for all,
then were all dead, and that He died
for all that they which live should not
henceforth live unto themselves, but
unto Him .who died for them and rose
again." There Is the path In which
Christ walked through Gethsemnne
and by Calvary. Are we walking In
His footsteps?
Fire Department Committees o
Councils to Consider the Matter.
Mayor Bailey has called a joint meet
ing of the fire department committees
of councils for tonight to consider the
Internal troubles that have been agi
tating the Franklin company of the
West Side for some time. It Is alleged
that he Is taking this step In response
to a petiton presented to him by a num
ber of West Side taxpayers whose
names have not been divulged.
The trouble in the Franklin company
Is only one of the matters the lire de
partment committee will have to con
sider In the near future. Several per
manent men are slated for removal and
Chief Hlckey has the charges against
them now on file in his office.
End of the Career of Patrick Fitzpatrick,
a Wanderer.
Has a Wife aud Two Sons Living at
That PlaceAbout 3 O'clock Yes
terday Morning He Was Found
Bleeding from the Mouth Near the
Matthews Oil House The Coroner
Weak and dying of a hemorrhage
of the lungs Patrick. Fitzpatrick, a
wanderer, but who has a family living
In Dunmore, was found by a party of
tramps early yesterday morning near
Matthews' oil warehouse and died
while one of the tramps was looking
for a policeman. Coroner Longstreet
conducted on inquest on the case.
Fitzpatrick was about 63 years old
and a British pensioner. His wife and
two sons live In Dunmore, but he was
a roamer and had several times gained
admission to the Hillside Home. He
left that institution about two months
ago and since then had been accus
tomed to Bleep beneath a lumber pile
and In box cars near Matthew's oil
Saturday night a party of tramps
was sleeping near where Fitzpatrick
lay. Thomas McLeod one of the
tramps and who gave his residence as
Cheyenne, Wyoming, to Coroner Long
street at the inquest, found Fitzpat
rick about 3 o'clock yesterday morning
sitting on a stick of timber and groan
ing and bleeding from the mouth. Mc
Leod awakened thei others and the
sick man was laid on the ground. He
died while one of the tramps was seek
ing a pollcemun.
Coroner longstreet was notified by
the police and ordered the body taken
to Ruub's undertaking rooms on
Spruce street. A post mortem exam
ination made on the body during the
morning showed that a hemorrhage
from the lungs was the cause of denth
and that wus the Jury's verdict after
the Inquest early In the afternoon when
the tramp, McLeod, and others gave
The jurymen were W. A. Rutin, John
Ruub, A. R. Ruuli, George S. Pegg,
John Muthius and Charles Raver.
Do not experiment In so Important a
matter as your health. Puriry, enrich
and vltulise your blood with Hood's
Sursapaiillu, and thus keep yourself
strong and heulthy.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pill; assist digestion, cures headache,
25 cents.
Ask Your Dealer
for McGurrah's Insect Powder, 25 and
10-ceut boxes. Never sold in bulk.
Take no other.
Buyers . . .
Always watch for our annual
"odd ware" sale. They know
what it means that it means
useful, desirable Crockery and
glassware of almost every kind
at half of regular prices.
that a piece of Crockery is
"odd" in our stock does not im
ply that it's any less desirable
to you, and you can buy it for
lialf price.
China Cream Jugs, - 10c
Manicure Trays, - 25c
Odd Fine Plates - - 50c
Covered Mustards, - - 10c
Cut Glass Salts and Peppers,
Silver-Plated Tops, for 15c
134 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk in and look around."
We have never had such a sale and would not now if we were not
compelled to do so to get back just what the goods cost us.
Will sell every pair of La
dies' Russet, Tan or Black Ox
ford Ties, formerly sold for $2,
shall be sold for
All Ladies Tan Shoes, but
ton or lace, good styles and col
ors, must be sold this week
THE HONEY S The mouey
QUESTION a question
BROUQHT TO 5 that lnter'
vfiiip E Bt8 0M
. ,JLV S most is,how
VERY DOOR to get mon-
iimiiiiraiuiiiiitiuiiiS e?;NcIt t0
that comes
how to make it go as far as possible ?
We will help you answer this last, and
in doing so answer the first for our
selves. In peneral our prices convince
the careful buyer that a dollar goes
farther at our store than elsewhere,
but for those who still doubt we pub
lish trom, day to day special prices,
good only for a limited time, that
should convince the most skeptical
that the goods we advertise at least
are cheap.
FRAHED A window full of
PICTURES Framcd Pictures that
should sell for con
siderably more than the price we ask.
Artotypes iu great variety, Flower
Studies and Landscapes In proper col
ors. The frame is a neat oak pattern,
and today we sell picture and )Cfr
frame, all complete, for JhOL
HAIR The 'Keep Clean,"
BRUSHES tbc bcst bair brnSD
made. One piece
back. All real bristles and set in
aluminum. Can't get greasy; can't get
dirty. In order that you may part
with them we part with them ja
for ... .
STEEL Scissors that cut
SCISSORS at Prke9 tbat have
been cut Not trash,
but good razor steel scissors; almost
every style and shape. Lace Scissors,
Embroidery Scissors, Pocket Scissors
and Button Hole Scissors. Serviceable
Scissors tbat will do Scissors' f q,
work, and today they go at C
ALARH The noisy kind; raise
CLOCKS the rouf- awaken
auyone that isn't hyp
notized or dead. Your servant, girl
won't like them, but they'll see your
breakfast is ready, and maybe an
other in your own room will get you
to work on time. It's worth trying
when you can get a first-class Zf.
Alarm Clock today for . OOC
UflBRELLAS ,. We, don''
lieve it pays us
to keep Umbrellas At all events we
ure going to close out the stock. No
use of getting wet or sunburned now.
These are nice enough for sunshades;
iu fact, about all we have left are the
line ones, but if you want a really nice
umbrella you can find It here and get
it at a discount from the p- Qf
regular prices of . fO
0VK P1UCES make necessities out
of former luxuries. The cost today is
better than a profit next month. We
know no dull times nor will we know
them. What you buy you buy right
if you buy it at
303 Lackawanna Ave.
The Fourth Year of the Scranton
Training School for Kindergarten
ers will open in this city SEPTEM
BER 14, 18!)t. For further purti.
cuiurs address
Opens its 28d year under eight experienced
teachors. Fits for any College or Technical
School. English, Business and Classical De
partment. Send fur Catalogue to
All Sizes and Widths
f."ui!yf"""""tj'f"A"iff"f fi
1) 'feVj ' 220 Lackawanna Aw
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyi, Eta
Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety
Latest Importations.
Jewelry, Watches. Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
,,ww..kv 210 Lackawanna iro.
makes an incandescent electric
. iiKUKHKbttinHuuw, will rtiuiy
I give more light than three of tf
them together, and do It with JA
Yf halt the kus you now consume. VJ
i 120 N. Washington Ave
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved lurnish
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat; butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Avenue.
Why let yonr borne and biulnrn be destroy,
ed through strong drink or morphine, when
you oan be eared in four weeks at tbe Kaeley
Institute, 748 Madison arinue ftcraaton. Pa.
The Curs Will Bear Investigation.
1 Welsbach
All Men's Tan and Russet
Shoes, all shape toes and sizes,
and widths to fit,
Our Best Men's Patented
Leather Shoes, every shape toe
there is made, sold for $5.00.
Our price,
Hakes the Boy Frond.
He Can Play in tbc Dirt
HjmmriiinTiuiitiinuuuiiiiiini mini
In matters of dress is always better
than that of any one else. That is the
reason why we like to have our Cloth
ing held up to the inspection of the
ladies. You can't please us better
than by pleasing your wife. We will
risk our Clothing pleasing her. Ev
erybody buys at the same price.
Is varied and extensive. Wo have satisfaction
In style, qanllty and priuo for every inan and
boy Iu town. We try to give better service
than anyono clue. We do give bettor goods.
Drop In and got acquainted needn't buy un
less you winli.. We want yoc to know ns.
M. P. M'CANN, Hatter
Others are cutting on Straw Hot. Ours
have been cut all season. KNOX AUENCV.