The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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' '(Copyright, ISM, by the Bacheller Syndicate.
Mr. J. Woodbury Newcomb, an elderly
student of criminology, returning to New
York from a visit to Sins Sing prison,
nieets on the train Frank U lemon, Hill
Harris und Jack Plnney, eon viola, wno
tiuve Just completed their terms of impris
onment mnd who mistake Newcomb for a
fellow convict. To draw them out h as
sumes the character and proceeds to tell
them the story of his first crime. Frank
Oleanon narrates an attempted crime In
which fortune puts him Into the position
of the rescuer of his Intended victim.
"I hove atwwys been a hard-working
man," said William Harris, the eufo
breuker. "As a rule I've earned what
l'v got; though I haven't always pot
what I've earned. Jinny's the likely
oafe I've cut Into to ilnd nothlnir but
set of books with the balance all the
w ron k way. Vet there ore men In my
line who can't open a tomato can with
out finding it full of green mony.
"This affair that I'm koIiir to to"!
you about is one of the few really eatsy
things that ever came my way. It was
like (lading money. Colonel Bob Tracy,
president of the Fnlrlleld llranite com
imny with olilr-es In the Clyde huikT
ing on rin street, near Broadway
liad drawn $100,000 out of a bank and
ut It into the company's safe for use
early the next morning. All thut my
pal, Danny AValsh, and I had to do was
to walk in nnd get it.
"I'd seen the colonel draw the money
and put it Into a little black bay. 1 hud
trailed lihn to lis office nnd had spph
Mm put the bug with the money into
the safe, Danny, from a window hctoss
the alley, had iwntihed the safe all (lay.
I had seen everybody leave the ofliee,
nnd had followed the cashier, .llm
AV'rlght, to the. Craml Central depot,
where he had taken a north-bound ex
press. 'We had been a little nTi-ald of
Wright, because he sometimes en me
bark to the ofliee in the evening and
played late. With him well out of the
way, there was nobody to trouble us,
for the night watchman of the building
dozed in the lower hall nnd lei things
take care of themselves.
"We got Into the building llitough
the ruof, und came down to the fourth
Moor where the (Iranite company's
rooms were. It (was about ten o'clock
In the evening and there wasn't n
Hound in the big structure except the
watchman's snores. We picked the
look of the outer door of the FulrhVld
company's oflict-s, and got through into
the ca-shler's room all right. There
stood the safe, and a good one It was.
Duiuiy, who was an expert in such
matters, said that we'd have to blow
it. That meant quick work and a
hasty exit after the implosion, so we
started' to look over the ground to see
lioiw we could get away . There was a
second door leading out of the cashier's
ofliee, and I opened it. In a. mortal In
stant I found myself in a lighted room
with. Colonel Hob Tracy, right In the
middle of ft, staring at me n cross a
desk covered with -papers. How b?
got there is a mystery to me, for I hnd
seen him safely Htartod for home. He
must havo come back while I wus
trailing the cashier.
"The colonel started up nt sight of
me, but he wasn't half so much startled
as I was. If it hadn't been for Danny's
nerve, the game would have been up
right there, for I couldn't have done
anything. Hut Danny got by me, and
Just ns the colonel opened his mouth to
yell, my pal stuffed a soft felt hat al
most down his throat. Tracy fell back
into a chair, and he found himself look
ing down the .muzzle of Danny's revol
ver. As that spectacle seemed to be
sufficiently quieted, Danny pulled his
hat out of the colonel's mouth, and be
gan to state the case.
Ladies. Qents,
and Children.
Turkish and Kussian Baths, SI. Roman Baths, $2.00. Electric Baths, $2.00. Massage Treatment, 82.00.
Greatest Offer in the "World to Summer bathers. I have reduced the prico of my plunge bath to 25 cents so that all can enjoy the comforts at this extrorrinary low rate.
, , v uuv4 iAvv uiau ugi; a,vvy vi.jimx uuwtvuj.
Happiness, Health, Luxury, Refinement OPEN DAY and NIGHT. SUNDAYS to 12. TUESDAYS, LADIES'
Tuesdays are for Ladies and Misses. On those days we have a force of expert lady attendants who thoroughly
Mr. M. J. Puree!! wishes to announce
to the publto that h. has opened new
Turkish, Russian and Roman Ba.t)A at
SOS Undm etreet, Scranton, with a view
of meeting the Increasing- demands ot
the pubno modern Improvements. This
establishment is under excellent man
agement, is characterised by cleamn
tiess, attention and moderate charges,
and la under the direct supervision or
the proprietor (late of Hunman Bath,
Xublln) who had sixteen years exper-'-noe
In the business.
The Baths are constructed on a sys
lam whlob combines complete ventila
tion with the hla-hest available tempera
ture, and whether sought as a luxury or
" 'Give us the combination of that
safe,' says Danny. "We know what's
there and we're going to have it.'
" 'My friend,' replied Col. Tracy, 'I
" 'Then you'll have to hold my hat
again,' said Danny, 'and be He'd up neck
and heels while we blow the safe.'
"The t'olouel looked at the hat and
then he looked at my pal. Danny was
grinning, which he never did unless he
was really ugly, and when Danny was
ugly It was positively sinful to fool with
him. Col. Tracy seemed to grasp this
fact In natural history by the right end,
and so he said:
" 'On second thought. I will give you
the combination if I can find It. I can
not remember what if is, but I have it
on a slip of paper somewhere in my
"The way In which he said this con
vinced us both. It is no uncommon
thing for a man In his position to for
get the combination of the safe, and to
depend upon a memorandum. We let
him set down to the desk and hunt for
the slip of paper.
"Now the queer part of the case Ik
just here. The colonel knew the com
bination perfectly well, and he also
knew that he'd have to give it up even
tually. He was only playing for delay.
As a matter of fact of course, entirely
unknown to us he hnd an appoint
ment with half a dozen men who were
to come to his office at midnight and
transuct a matter of business. One of
them, as I afterwards learned, was
coming in on a late train, and going
out on an early one; and that, ac
counted for the unusual hour. The
colonel know that the men would sure
ly come, and that they would be right
on time. If he could hold us so King,
we were trapped,
"So he began to hunt through his
desk very carefully and slowly for
the scrap on which the combination
was written. Every now and then his
face would brighten up, nnd he'd seize
upon a bit of paper. Then he'd say:
'Dear me, dear me; I was sure this was
It. Hut It isn't. Now,-where can it
be?' And he'd adjust his glasseB on the
bridge of his nose, and beam upon us
benevolently before proceeding with
the search. I was completely taken in.
I made up my mind that the colonel
was u queer old crank who hud made
up his mind that his hundred thousand
was us good as gone, nnd was taking
it mighty easy, being satisfied to
save his skin. Hut Danny got in
patient by and by, and he began to help
the colonel hunt, ripping things out of
the desk und throwing them on the
lloor. The colonel remonstrated with
him in the iwlltest possible style, but
Dunny never could stand politeness;
he hadn't been brought up to it. So he
told the colonel to find that memoran
dum In one minute or we'd tie him
neck and heels, stuff a handkerchief
down his throat, and then blow up
the safe. The colonel asked to see the
hundkerchief and Danny got out his
old red baiiduuna, whereupon Tracy
weakened, and produced the memoran
dum. Then we ull went out into the
cashier's room where the safe was.
"We had lost three-quarters of art
hour thaJ way, nnd Danny wasted ten
more minutes ill impressing upon the
colonel's mind the fact that he would
get shot if he attempted to raise a
rumpus. Then Danny walked up lo
the safe with the memorandum In his
bund; but before trying It he gave n
pull on the handle of the safe door,
and by the jumping Jupiter the thing
wasn't locked! The language that
Duuuy threw- off his mind when he
found that out would have bored a hole
In an ordinary old-fashioned safe. The
colonel read him quite a led lire about
It; but Danny wasn't paying much at
tention to reform Just then. He had
opened the safe and was studying the
inner doors which were the hardest nnd
the strongest thut ever I saw In n safe
of that size.
"They opened by means of a key fit
ting Into a slot In the center of n round
knob like the combination knob on the
outside. There's no picking such n
lock as that, utid the colonel said that
he hadn't a key, but he' thought that
there wns one in the cashier's desk.
He'd rather we'd use It, he said, than
break the safe. So we opened the
cashier's desk, and the colonel found
the key for us. Let me tell you the
trick that he played right here. As a
matter of fact, he had n key In his
pocket and, of course, we'd have gone
through him and got It, If lie hadn't
lieen so free iibout.shadowing us where
the other was. Now this key in the
desk was cracked right ncross.although
the break didnt show, nnd the colonel
knowing thut the lock worked rather
hard, was in hopes that the key would
break in It. If It did, we'd hav to bore
through the door, and that would take
Well, It all happened just as he had
TTRX OIME-Turkish,
Can you BWim f It
the alleviation of pain must satisfy the
most santrulne expectations.
To those who are fa the habit of us
ing those bains nothing need be writ
ten, printed or distributed in the way
of circulars or parutibtets to Induce
th.m to continue the use of the baths;
they know tb beneficial effects they
reoerve from them and use their Influ
ence in getting others "to go and do
likewise.' It is those who have never
enjoyed the pleasure and benefit tbat
we must give our attention. We are
often asked by those who have never
enjoyed the luxury of these baths, 'wlU
it hurt us; does it weaken a person;
what do you do?" Such questions to
us seem ridiculous. Tet it should not
be so when we reflect how little Is gen
erally known of the baths in this coun
planned. The key broke and the piece
t-tuek in the lock, so that we couldn't
pull It out. I never saw a man so mad
as Danny was. ltut nothing could stop
him ihen. He got out his drills and
went to work like a steam engine. In
a little less than an hour he had those
doors oM-n, and he didn't use any ex
plosive, either. . I noticed that the colo
nel got a little nervous when he saw
how well Danny was getting along;
and at the last he kept looking at his
watch and smoking very hard.
"It was twenty minutes to twelve
when the doors swung open. There
was the little black bag, and I saw the
colonel look at it as a schoolboy looks
at an apple when a bigger boy has
snatched It away from him. Danny
put his big hand on the bag and pulled
It out of the safe. It waa locked, but
he wrenched it open.
'Empty!' he croaked; and he was
too hard hi to swear.
"Col. Tracy came up out of his chair
as if Danny had exploded his whole
safe-blowing outfit under It. He forgot
entirely that I was covering him with
a gun, and had promised over and over
again to shoot him if he moved. All he
thought about was that bag. He
grabbed It out of Danny's hands, and
pretty nearly turned the thing inside
out. Then he dropped it on the floor
and looked blankly from one to the
other of us.
"Well, It didn't take a very smart
man to see through the hole in that
'VCol. Thacy, said I, 'you've been
robbed. This Is an Inside job. Your
cashier has got away with this money.
If I hadn't been the biggest stiff. in the
United States I'd have known it lon
ago. for I shadowed Wright this even
ing and saw him get out of town.'
" 'Wright?' cried Tracy, dazed. 'It
can't be possible! And Vet it must be.
Nobody elese could have got at this
"Of course It was plain enough to
me, but It took a bit of argument to
convince him. When he was finally
made to see It, I suld:
" 'Colonel, In a certain sense we're
all In the same boat. You've been rob
bed, tnd we've been defrauded by the
same man. Now here's my proposi
tion. You want your money back. I
know where your cashier has gone and
you don't. I and my pal can chase and
overhaul him and give him up. We
can get nt him by tomorrow, whereas
It may take the police a month or a
year How much Is it worth to you to
have us do it?'
" 'Half the money;' exclaimed Tracy,
with Hashing eyes. 'Bring thut rascal
back or knock him on the head If you'd
rather, and I'll give you $50,000, and be
glad to do it. Not a word about this
Jub either. The ungrateful rascal!
Why 1 made him. I picked him up
when he hadn't a cent, (let after him.
Cause his arrest, and recover the
money, and you have my word for
what I'll do.'
"I'd already told Danny that the
cashier had taken a train for Montreal,
und he was wild to get started after
him. Of course whether we returned
any of the money to Tracy would de
pend on whether we had to have
Wright arrested or could work him
alone. I was in favor of working it le
gitimately, for I was willing to trust to
Tracy's word.
"But here was the rub; both Danny
ami I were nearly broke. We hadn't
enough to make the chuse for as a mat
ter of fact we needed a special train to
make a sure thing of overhauling
Wright. I thought the ense over for
half a minute, and then told the colonel
frankly how we were fixed. He went
through his pockets and raised fifty
seven dollars. Danny and I between
us had about as much. It wasn't
"I asked Trucy If there was any place
where he could raise money so late,
and he said he might get it at one of
the clubs. Danny suld he could borrow
fifty, perhaps, of a barkeeper that he
- '"empty:' he croaked."
knew, If the colonel would ngree to
make good, win or lose. The colonel
said he would. Then he suggested
thut there might be a little In the safe.
We'd been so rattled that we hadn't
thought of that. So we ull went
through the safe together, but we did
not raise any except a few dollars In
change. We had about decided that
Danny should go to his friend, the bar
keeper, und the colonel to his club, nnd
that the three of us should meet nt the
Grand Central station, :when our de
liberations were interrupted by a loud
sound of voices at the outer door, which
Danny and I had locked.
" 'It's all right,' said the colonel. M
recognize their voices. They're friends
of mine, and it's a blessing that they've
not come and learn. YOU can
sons or send tham nnH
try and especially by those who have
not had the time and opportunity to
avail themselves of the same.
Description of the Bath.
The baths are comprised of one of the
finest cooling rooms In the; state, every
attention having been paid to proper
ventilation, the lower floor comprising
the Russian, Turkish and Roman baths,
together with the electric and other
scientific treatments so highly recom
mended by physicians. All that can
be done has been done to secure the
perfect comfort of the patron and the
visitor is assured of the utmost privacy.
shown up just at this hour. .We can
borrow the money of them."
"Danny glanced uneasily at the safe.
'Shut the outer door," said the col
onel. 'They'll never suspect anything.
Just sit down and make yourselves at
home. You're- friends of mine, you
know, and you've come to do a little
business. -That'll be all right.'
"He ran to the door, while Danny and
I sat down and tried to look as if noth
ing had happened. I felt comfortable
enough, for it's no hardship for me U
play the gent, but Danny well, he has
not what you'd call a high society
countenance. He looks like a crook,
Danny does, I'm sorry to say. I told
him to straighten up his necktie and
pull down his cuffs, but he didn't have
any cuffs, and his necktie wasn't so
suitable to his complexion as If It had
been made of rope.
"In came the crowd a lot of Jolly
fellows laughing and talking.
" 'Friends of mine,' said the colonel
indicating us; and we got up and
shook hands all around.
" Well, Col. Bob,' said one of the new
comers, when the hand-shaking was
over, 'can we get right down to busi
ness?' " 'Sure,' says the colonel.
" Then the tirst thing is the money,
the hundred thousand plunks, return
ed the other man. "Where are they?"
" 'Right here." remarked the colonel,
and he went Into the inside pocket of
his coat and pulled the money out!
"Mother of Sloses, think of it! He'd
had that money in his pocket all the
time we'd been fussing with that safe,
and -rigging up plans for chasing the
cashier. We'd never thought of going
through him; he'd acted so cool when
we came near him, and so nervous
when we got around to the safe that
he'd fooled us completely.
"When the colonel showed the money
hte friends jumped on us. It was the
signal that they'd agreed upon in the
outer room while Tracy wes bringing
them in. As for me, I never Talsed a
linger. Danny made a little half
hearted fight and then went under ,
"We got five years for the job, and
I'm just out. Danny died of heart dis
ease soon after we reached Sing Sing.
I suppose he must have got It when the
colonel flashed that roll. I did."
And the burglar laid his hand upon
his ample bosom, and sighed.
(To be continued.) ;
All ore agreed that stability Is the
most important quality that can be
Kssessed by a standard of value. Any
sudden change would transfer millions
from the pockets of the mechanics,
farmers and business men to those of
the money changers. For we must
remember that It is not with money
thut goods are really bought, but with
other goods and services. The me
chanic does not buy food, clothing nnd
shelter with money, but with his labor;
the money, as Mill says, is merely a
sort of tickets which transfer a claim
from his employer to his storekeeper;
and it Is of the utmost importance that
these tickets shall always represent
the same amount of exchangable
value. When they are made to repres
ent less than they Bhould do, the in
justice is quite as great as when they
are made, to represent none." John)
Phln in "Common Sense Currency.
"It wns a great crime In the sixth,
fourteenth and sixteenth eenturles for
the rulers of nations to grossly debase
their sliver coins for their own profit,
nnd to defraud their subjets, by in
jecting such coins Into circulation as
standard money. A similar act today
of defrauding the people can not be
sweetened by the denial of any de
preciation of the metal or made In
ocuous by providing that the profit of
coining depreciated sliver shal accrue
to and be pocketed wholly by the own
ers of silver inines." Senator Justin
S. Morrill In the Forum.
'Any of our dollars will In Mexico
buy about twice as much, including la
bor, as one of its own. If our Hat can
raise silver to 10 to 1, then we have
either reduced by half the purchasing
power of our dollar In Mexico, or
doubled the value of the Mexican dol
lar. If the latter, then we have
doubled the abllty of Mexico to pay
her natlonul debt, and it would seem
that we have done the same for China
and other countries." T. S. Van Dyke,
In the Forum.
"A nation may decree free coinage
and unlimited legal tender for two
metals; but if there should be a market
for one of the metals at a higher rat.;
than for the other, the metal bavin
the higher value will not circulate in
that country. The country will then
have two standards, one for HsVorelgn
exchanges and another and a poorer
one for Its own citizens." John Phin,
In "Common Sense Currency."
From the Wilkes-Karre Record.
Rev. Dr. Buckley the editor of the
Christian Advocate, has been answering
some questions asked him at Chautauqua,
with reference to the effect of free sli
ver coinage on the great cause of foreign
Russian, and
receivo mstriirAinn nnd AmVw a hnt.h fnr PiW Tfathpra
wa win iTicftmf fham an A Hir. Iran 4"Vi-n"t Vio7f Viir
An Inspection Of these bath. Is desired
by tb. proprietor tn order to appreciate
the advantage! to ba gained by fre
quenting them.
Perspiration Not Weak
ening. It is comtnon to associate profuse
perspiration with debility, and tp Imag
ine it to b. weakening to the system.
This Is a mistake, perspiration induced
by passive means cannot weaken. Trav
elers resort to th. Baths for refresh
ment and Invlgoratlon. Perspiration
drains away no living tissue, but .merely
minions in which dearly all the Chris
tian denominations of this country are
more or less extensively ensMeed. Dr.
Buckley's answer to this question wilt
greatly Interest not only the members of
the Methodist Episcopal otiureh. whloft
denomination annually contributes a mil
lion dollars or more to the missionary
cause, but the adherents of other de
nominations as well. He says the effect
of free silver coinage would be disastrous
and necessitate the recalling of many of
the missionaries. One peculiarly striking
and Blg-nitlcant feature of Dr. Buckley's
remarks Is that missionary work hi near
ly all in so-called "silver countries." that
Is to say, where silver is the only currency
In vogue. While the doctor does not in
so many words says so, the Inference from
his remarks is that the missionary is most
needed In those countries where silver Is
the only currency in use. The American
missionaries are now provided for on a
gold basis. With this country on a silver
basis the missionary contributions would
go only half as far as they now do. and
the work would have to be reduced one
half. It is apparent that no cause, How
ever sacred and necessary, would escape
the bllishitlng effects of free silver coin
age. The owners of the silver mines alone
would bo benefitted.
For Singers, an FJIective Cure for
Old Aunt Rachael, the well known nurse
of Holland descent, hus gotten up for
some New York physicians, according
to their prescribed formula, a combination
of Horehound, Elecampane. Grape Juice
and Rock Candy, that is doing wonders
In the cure of coughs, colds and sore
throat. It is put up in 25 and Tr cent sizes.
Public speakers should carry a bottle in
their pocket. Sold by druggUts.
We'll begin with box, and the plural is
But tlK plural of ox should be oxen, not
The one fowl is a goose, but two are called
Yet the plural of mouse should never be
You may f nd a lone mouse or a whole net.t
of n ice.
But the plural of house is houses, not hire,
If the plural of man Is always called mewl.
Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called
The cow in the plural may be cows or kino.
But a bow if repeated Is never called bine.
And the plural of vow Is vows, not vine.
If I spcuk of a foot and you show me your
And I give you a boot, would a pair be
called beet?
If one Is a tooth and a whole get are teeth.
Why shouldn't the plural of booth be
called berth?
It the singular's this and the plural is
Should the plural of kiss ever ba nick
named keese?
Then one may be that and three would be
Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
And the plural of cut is cuts, not cose.
We speak of a brother, and also of breth
ren, But though we may say mother, we never
say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his,
But imagine the feminine she, shis, and
Bo the English, I thmk, you'll will agree,
la the greatest lunguoge you ever did see.
Common weafth.
Let Railway's Readv Belief h t.
first Indication ol Pain er Uneasiness. ; If
iniwwnm will. UUflw or HCRHH!!, tOe VUT.
will be made before the family doctor weuld
ordinarily reach the house.
one to twenty minutes. Not one hour after
reading this advertisement need any una
For headache (whether sick or nervous)
toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, hraiba-
D-n m.lnu nttri n-auknuua It, li V. ..I. i
- " ' - -' ... mu Mui-ik, BJiira
or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleuri
sy, swelling of the joints and pains of
nil kinds, the application of Radway's
rieuuy m-nri nm uuuru immediate ease,
and its continued use for u few days ef
fect a permunnnt cure.
a cure; fob all
Summer Complaints,
Dysentery, Diarta,
Cholera Morbus,
A half to a teaspoonfu of Ready Relief
In a half tumbler of water, repeated as
often as the dUchurges continue, and a
flannel saturated with Ready Relief placed
over the stomach and bowels will afford
Immediate relief and soon effect a cure.
Internally A half to a teaspoonful In a
half tumbler of wuter will In a few min
utes euro cramps, spasms, sour stomach,
nausea, vomiting, heartburn, nervousness,
sleeplessness, sick headache, flatulency
and internal pains.
rials rla In its various forms cured and Pre
vented. There Is not a remedial agent In the
world that will cure Fever und Ague and
all other Malarious, Bilious and other fe
vers, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS, so
Travelers should always carry a bottle
of Radway's Ready Relief with them. A
few drop? ;n water will prevent sickness or
pains from change of water. It is better
than French brandy or bitters as a stimu
lant. Miners and lumbermen should always be
provided with it.
Price SO cents a bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. BAT
poisonous matter that Is highly injuri
ous to the system and In the loss of
which th. bather Is the gainer in many
The Baths ares endorsed by the most
eminent clergymen and physicians, the
press ad public to be the gi-aatest re
lief and cat far all bodily ailments.
The frequency with which the Bath,
may be taken, depends on the object In
view. For those in health once a week
may b. sufficient. For invalids th. fre
quency must be regulated by a medical
adviser who understands Its effects and
proper application. This is Important
as It Is a great and powerful remedial
agency requiring car. and judgment in
its use.
Vegetable Preparation for As
similating ftcToodandRegula
rjng the stomachs ancLBowels of
Promotes DigesUonXheetful
ness and Rest. Con tains neither
SHuni.Morphine nor Mineral.
ot Narcotic.
iVmbff. SJtt -
fi'trm Sted -
Apctfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Tac Simile Signature of
,'v"" - "'"-
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Electric Batteries, Bleetrio Exploders, for -plodiiig
blasts, Safety Fuse, sod
Repanno Chemical Co. 's
fjk rVrkrafc-r'a FnsM.a DlaaaeaA BrssA
Orlglnil Md Only wenalne.
Arc, ttwar rclUblo. iadie ui
Dravfltt fftf rWAwrer JTftaUA Da-
.m.,ti itoMrf in UmI bum! llrUd. nets Ilia
bom. Mfttod with blue ribbon. Take
fl other Acum dangtrona tubHitw
'(ton tni imitation. At Drnnlna. or ami 4
In fltampi fr nrtulr, leatlmoDUH tnd
Holler Ur Ladle,- lftr. h retara
Midi. lA.IMIfk IVefirMnUU. timma PaPtr.
ilhiit,kmlwlJauAlailloai PnnilreSi
fletneMBjea nees a reliable,
Ins unrest drip
Dr. Pears
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
enma nnd hriner vour
DAY ONLY. Happiness, Health, Loxary, Recent.
understand the ladies' wants.
Effects of the Bath
- Its first physiological effect is to per
fect the respiratory function of the ektn
to give a living and healthy cuticle.
The skin i. thus fitted for imbibing- the
oxygen of the atmosphere throwing: off
th. carbon from the blood two most
important process mi when we consider
that th. skin Is provided with no leas
than seven million pores, designed to
assist the several secretive organs tn
discharging refuse matter from the
system. Some Idea can be formed of
the Importance of keeping it hi a per-
'fectly healthy state. To s person lia
ble to take colas from exposure to srgbt
drafts, the feeling of defiance to cold
imparted by the Baths is one of th.
Street, Court
op -
OattorU It vA us la one-ilzs lot ties eslr. It
SU lot Mil la balk. Dont allow an Tons to sail
jvb aarumg sus on oo ptea or pronuss vm n
ii "just as good" and "will answer STerpnr.
pose." - Be tbat you get O-A-S-T-O-K-I-A,
f Rtesess sr tms Hi.kmt Meeiaat, AunMumi
iNHALVW Will cur. mil. A
wonderful boon to suireren
'from Colds, raThroat
' laSneara. Bronehltle,
or HAT FETEB. AfnrtU
liimttltattrtltof. Anemelual
romerty, eonrenlent to earr
In nonket. reegr to w on Srjt Indication of col
DnffnarantMaormoBeyrefanded. rr
UKl free kt DrnnrlarA. Bmhuma mall.
K seats. L ). CS8HMil, Mir., Iktw linn, Miti. uTs. i,
inM inn nt untCBi.r. atesmei
MTNTUni ThB sureat and safert fnedr for
RlCn I riUL allklndlnaieaLRriena,Ttli.Sall
Hhenra,nl1 ftnret. Bums, Cute. Wonderful rem
tit? for PILES. Price. Sit eta. at Drug- pii aa
"Msurbj m.ll prorn'-i. ArMreniia.akmrft. Df t "
For sals by MATTHEWS BROS.
JOHN n. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa.
Bomores PraeUe, Pimples,
LKer - Mole. BIsckheadt;
enoars and Tsn, and re
stores the skin to its criti
cal freshness, roduoisf
nlear and noalthv com
nlovWwi Kim,rinp trt all ftir
reparation and perfectly I) armies! At IQ
druggists, er mailed iur SOuU. fond ioi Circular.
VIOLA 8KIM SOAP le tfatfr lai-siriblt at S
Un iirlMal , uequM ft tM MM. u4 wutwrt m
rlvtl tor ta aumty. Abwhitr pur. ud flnMwW BmSV
mm. a ilm.ilm. Prise 3S Cents.
1. C. BITTNr-p . :O.,Toi.iD0. O.
For sale tsr MATTHEWS BROS. uaS
JOHN H. PTIKIiPS. Scranton. Pa.
ajoaftilr.reiralatli'g medicine. On If haralesittl
should, be need. II you want the bett, get
Pennyroyal Pills
Pharmacist cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Ladies, Qents,
most striking results. The habitual
us. of these baths remedy this, giving
at the same time beauty to th. skin aa4
health to th. body.
In connection with the bath will b
found the best attendants as weU as
a skilled chiropodist, also a flrtt-olasa
barber. The Baths confer benefits to
calculable, Intensify health, melancho
lia ta driven away, and removes the
craving for artificial stimulants.
It has become a question with me not
what the Baths will our. but what they
win noi cure,
House Square.
! f