The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Lawn Tarty Held at Residence of Wil
liam Clumc on North Main Avenue
by Sons of Veterans.
On the handsome and se.-iei' o.s l.'iwn.
eurroundiiiK the r.-sid"tic,' of Wlliiam
I'.lume on North Ma'n -av'r.uc- a snciul
was oiuiiliicto.l last i vetiii.v Ly the
camp Riinrds of the Sons of V tenuis
attached to Lieutenant Crlil'.ii rvt.
The linvu was lit will: h addilco
strings of Japanese lantern- while a
host of Missi s ei vo,l tin i e en an; and
take. The ons wore present in uni
form. There was a lai-io i-rn.vil prej
cnt uinl a Kiod sixed sum of nnmey wa.s
Miller" will be Jtiven ly a 1 oral opera ,
Tin- funeral of tin- late Mrs. William
Mavis wil nk.. wo toiiny nt 2.: t.. ro.. P(.a,b c rs Mary Natter of Alder
from lu-i- lute icsid-'iiee on North Kii- . . ..
blrcel I torn tlic f-.i.cctS i
more avenue. Interment wiil b made
in Washburn suet i-cph t -ry.
Tin- l'tn.riil of Tho.nas liavis will li"
panel-row nl'trrnoiei from his l,tt- ivsi
d"in i' on .North llviU- I'.arU cvonuo.
iM) .naisl the V in People's bap
tist of tin' vl!ey w'il h'il'1 an :
i,. ..m.i !.-,.t it,,. 1 1 !
Charles Oiitr-iiin, of !!u V..I sUK j w
.... 1 ..-:ii ........ it... i ,!,!.- iv...,. nays ai.
11 .in I io K. llows, of Tenth street,
loaves tomorrow for n lisliiiu tour.
riayttri;;hl M. .1. fiHIrilo. f Mjium
ilrrnin. .
Miss Cora C. Kcynolds lias returned
from IHndiurst.
Miss Jessie of No: til lt-li'.-.a
avenue, Is visiting at liov.r,
N. .1.
a Stmstrokj.
k..,.i a r..w daa at! MAIIKETS AND STOCKS
leaves tiniay lo t
Like Ariel.
Kraal; Jones, of llrok street, is visit-!
ins fri- nds in Nay An
He ixtho Dosiiernto i'ellow wlni Shot
at IVterlive Koclie.
James l. Fa i roll was dlscharR.-d from
the cast-in I'enitfiitiavy yesterday,
havinic s rv. d iwo terms of imprison
ment to which lie was sent, need on
lie. lM'J. I.y .ludp.c Ar. hi.:, Id.
On Oct. li ,f that year I'.iri . -II en
ter, d I'l" r. sideii. . of N. i!. Cnidinan.
i of Frai'klin aver.ia'. lor the purpose of
. stialipir. !e arrested and token
, 1'i'u .re Ald'-i in 1:1 l.'i l.on. ulm eom
! lr.itted I, Mil to Jail. As the prisoner v:n
I K.'ivin;,' the aid i ina h'h oiIto on l.aeka-
At II n'elnel; M-'f.
.M.'iy Nailer, v. if- of .Miehm ! Nait. V, of
Aid ! tare. t. di. .1 as tlie U'siil: of a sim-
lieh sile tilistailli'd If'
. I1L- JM 1. ... Il .'I ... i ' e .-ivomw 111, 111-' v illi rieteeliv,.
is survived i.y her lmshatfd ami two, r,avl(, ,,()..!l( h(. nw.(V fl.)(nl (hl,
lirothers. i-Milit, a-,d William lia -d.-r. I ollieer. dr.-w a revolver and lire.! nt him
Mr.;. Nalt. r was Lorn in ( lei many. Imt i , ,.a
earn.- to this ..untiy v.hen only six, , , ,,..,. th).
; Lilt sin eei .led in it. lining the street and
only re. a iitiii'eil ;-fter ii ih speiat.'
l.-iso l .1. II 1.11:1 1'.t Mielolel t i 111,, I II
known hot, Ik. -f-iM-rs on the Senlh i-nV. vuuuinv ,,;, , earth in u held m ar tlie
iveiased a woman posseMS.I of j KU.,.
a eheeri'nl. amiald- .lisi..,! iilen and !:. r j . ., , . . , . ,......,. ..,,s
piiden death h;:s !- i a n. veiv shoe!: i a,UU(IlJ.,, piUy f lumselavakin- hh.1
I. is at work on a new on I mine I 1 ' "
nas i,i i n a lesiii.-iii t.i mis p. i i oi in,- j w;i
Illy. Her l.llsliilli.l IS one el tile pert
to lier many friends. f'Iie was a promi
mnt meii'ii.r of t"a Women's soelety
true story einmeit.-d with tin- winiiiiisr piekniuk. ,1 at Mountain Lake i - I , . .... fl, ,'..' ,vlil ' u : '': -d to two years Impri;;
iiinle Ivelintamin. I . ' . . i oinm pi i y j i-iii:.' .x : niai,i. iinn on i n
of the Idi yele halloed off I.y St. I day: Mioses
Miviiden ee.iuieil. V. M. I. V. .lm sday Anna. Lillian, and J-rtrin!- I'.irtl. t. und
IiiKht. Ml.-s .leinii.- Mnrnelt the lueky ;. M. K-ohi,slamm. IMward Kohn
p. rson said nil aloir-r she wi.h Mainm. ami. Morris llaidnski.
i-oliiR to win the w In .1 a. id fi-lt ro i on- Mr. ami Airs. v. I,. ,a imstaff mo at
fulent of success that. In r li eon- ;l, e; Jsland.
timially jeked her al .ail it. n tk"'iy WniPr llv.nns. of Noifi Hyde Park
ol the eXi'iir.'ion slv was out of l.nvil : it v. lilt)-, is home from Atlantic t'itv.
find fur a hoax a eoii'.ile of l.or fl ir mis I M;t. W. I.. Nai h aiol dntiirlit. T,
p.-nt In-r a telegram tellii;,.' h.-r sin' had I Meltlm. of North 11yd. I'ark aveiuie,
won the wheel. Slio wis iiiueh 'ha- ai-' vlsilin at I'oltsvillo
prilled wiien sin- lelnrn il r.mi l,.une,l Mis. linni'.oioh .Toms lift t:-ternay
tie.t ti... .1,.. ,...;,' t.,,i i.,.i. i,,ih,iii I r,.e u. ... ,n n,i!'v v.i l.:ile. I
-.,a. 1,11V I,, ' o i Oil.. Ill .Oil,
l.lKe price I... .. at o ciock. .v , S(.1.11,1 n ,.,. ,.1(.v, ninl,.s.
rciiiiem m.-.i-s will he id inat-d in St., i,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,. ,,. t-ini t l.,-i,i al the
Marys cluiich and int. rmeiil will ' i oxniralion of th- first. A few months
made in t no rwi mi in war.i eenictery.
piirtienlarly mi l.eeauso sin- li.oi iiivll' d
the friends whom she was vi siiini;- to
attend a party which : h" pro is- d iv!v
Ins: in lelehiation of In r k"",I hick.
MiSS "il' .loll" S loft
vis-it I'llemls al Lake Winol.i.
Mi.-s J-.-sKi.. : la if. .( '' law.-in
SlloKTI-it I'A 1!A iKAl'l I S.
m:..i.....i a i ....... 1...,. ..r ..,,1i..l
avenue, who was seriously ai'l'.'iled hy
tin- ln-al Monday, is n-i ovciia;.
Tim remains i-f ilior.c I'assoel'. if
. ! Mini street. who w as killed ?,,,nday nisht
in the I- ilevuo r, line, were huriid yes-
ksi. i-'-nx lory.
V.nil Ntrrel Krvirw
Ni-w Yoik. Atnr. II. A hitter f of lint;
ln-fvailcd In Wall sticot ehvl.'s today
and the standard stocks as a rule si-oreil
material f,aii::.. I'i,,k. i s v.lm i njoy the
eoi'iideret. , f the 1. adiriK hear opera
tors were sP aii.N Piildeis for stocks iil
mosi from the ep, idnj; and their pur
chases had inn. li to do with the higher
I. in. of Uoiaii.i!.s I, corded ilni'ii K the
afii rnoon. 'I n.. I:i:p,-,,vi ment naturally
was in ,st ir.ii:oiince, hi stocks which
have l en h -avil oeis,.Id. In tlu. af
ternoon tin- liiy.uitl for slocks was i.-ss
iii-:,'iit and pr;.. p'ti trV per
rent., oiitsi-ie of nh ntlan. whieli
in.-k'. 2'j p r cent. The reaction van
line tn l, prrls of n reeoivtiship f.if the
Louisville, Nov Alh.i'iy tint! Vhici;n
nnd the failuiv of a Maiden Lane jew
elry lirni w i'h larse lial iliti, s. Spreu
lation t I,, sod irri'i;tilar and In the main
low i r, in t changes, ever. showiiiK
.ain.-- of 'I f.-'i per cent.. Ihmar l-uditiR'.
Total sales wi re 272.:. I -I shales.
l'mnidied hy WILLIAM J.1NM. AL
LLN CO., slock I'l-ckors. 112 Siiraca
I Veil- J lish- Law- ('los
ing, est. p. t. lurr
. -T- - '-d ir t i' it" inif.i,ii."lriiiiM riTT.iiin-inTn, "riii
fmlin :h-l lull I ' "
Alll. 'l.lll.lecil I,) .... . I 'i
Am. Cot. nil
Am. Sim. Ilr' Oi ..l'i' .
Ateh., To. .V S. f . .. P 'h
i -:.-s. - oi,1,, i::
Chioo Cas r.l
Chi.-. - N. W !,iij
i i'i -., ii. iv
;,i i :,
HI i."
ilisWil'o t it I ii i iil hile Crttini: oil ol'
Trolley Car.
.lames T.vneli, of 1 rovid.nre, hesan
r.n ni-tioii against tlio S. ranton Traelieii
conmany . st, rday t-i lecox-er Ik.",. m a
In Woi kim-.iii.m's hall lrst ni.L,'hl I lor In.iiii ies sustaiin d hy his
Charles F. Wilson, of New V. . and
At;niii on Au-'ti-t
which ihlte the 1 til. nils.
illi, Is ciieuliitim;- uiaont; West Side
Max For!:er, of the s
tiaie place, d.-liv-
drawitn; was t osiponed, sh was opt
of town and a train her jocose fr, ads
nneunccil lo ln-r in a umnlo f of Irle-
frraii's that sir- was the in ti.-r of tin
Miss .lennie L. Chroin.-J. of Sernnton
slreel, ,.ft. yesti
lav t. r a visit at i
I ir-rrnw ville. Sullivan eoii'ity. N. Y. I
liannah Sl.eiiil. of Ai-ad '.nv stri-'t.
ired an illustratfl ii'ldr, f-s on "V.'hnt is
the future of tin. Ani.Ti . n orkin-
! man and his c liiidi.-n." Mr. W'iison i".
a memher of t'lf Socialistic Ti lde and
l. il or Alliance of New V.nk.
i'he fun-mi of ;
hi id of .Mr. and .Mrs.
tt il'e on loe. l:l. IS'.H.
On that day Mrs. .Lynch was tv-t-.irnim;'
m h r hunt.' fVoni the e, nival
city and while ;;,-ltiii!,' off the trolley
.ar near I'-arker street the uir was
'tar;. 1 and Mrs. Kneh was thrown
heavily to tip. uvoui-.d, so she nllcpvs.
whfel. The numle.r of Mournm hadll, ft y.-rl.-rd ty io spend a couple w.fks i KKi (.fVl.tsP.u .ivoiuto.V-.iii.h I f!l,Mi,1,u"1 '"j"1'1' ,v,,i''1' n,'r u"v-
n tendency to lead her to Loll, v tip
111 LlO'C o lllol.n. .K.,1 V.-.l.o..,l - ivlll 1... I.II-ie.l loil,i
n nn, nine, ill, .,,1 l,nt Ou, immiI r In rv. til..; M"llie V i 1 1 runs. of A ') dflll V ! , .. .. . ' I t.iro.
- 1 Hl-.oill ateillio cemeiei.N.
t lul no paity Invitatlops this llni-. I slrei-t. left on Thur ilay for Lake t i- j iss Ma v Str.-iis-'i r of New York citv
i I'-atnl iiys are pel iiiauenl in their na-
I'pon retuinina; to this city ft ml 1,.:ip
hiK for a certainty that she was airal'i
lioaxfil she u-ave a piet e i f lier mill. I
tu her Joker lil.iids and told tlfra llial j wild
if she even did win the w heel she iliihi't I !;. L. I lai i imrton. of ('hicasjo, is visit
want thim to send her th" luws. As j in his fatln-r m South Hyde Park ave
fato v otild have it one of Hie Jokers I mi.,,
was pre?enl at the drawing WoiLas.lay Aul ra. M.iyo. of Sw,:t!an.l slfp. t. spent
tiiirht and hein? known to Le a ip-ar j yestetday at Luke Aiiel.
friend of the lucky lady was tiel, il i Mhs Cora llenchler. of North Lin-
tu appraise her of h. r pmul foil. inc. j ( olu f vcuie. is entm tiiinlrm Miss Mai y
lie he'-itated '.,t liir-l aliout : i' i i pt i il r ' C.urrell. of New Mill'ord.
the mission hut dually moc .1 i.n.l hole!
tl.e triad litliiiKs to Miss Luriiott nt lier ; Hot Siile Ililsim-ss D'lfflotV'
nola t spend two w.. !ca. I who has heen vp-atim; lit the home of
Mrs. ,1,-hi! Lends, of Cr.-.niley avenue, j Kl..,,lk iu.:i,iy, ,,f (;,.nct sli-et. l.-ft Wed
l. sii-.iplintr a few weeks at Lake ! v for her Innne.
Miss llertha l.owcnstehi
lie says In his Ion. liliil hy
Atlorncys I In! -lander .; Yivdiurj;. that
p. .i,"inled a laruo ir.n,,!iiil of money
in medical ntt-nllon for his wif " and
of Ceil i r ' '"''" ".I'p'itiy injured hy the loss of
avenue, entertained a numh.-r of her
frieuip- la.--l The RUtheriirT
included :eve:-al West Sid" and Central
eiiy yoiin p .-.ipl-. A Very pl.-iisani
evenlmr was ':oi:t.
hnme. chr nf I'liiuse would r.n
Mis. lieortro A. I lickerson and dair-li-
I .-r of rtiinnm Mn-,-1 are vtsitlntt
ll'iiends at Nlnovoh, X. .Y.
if William st red is
hli-.i ami was roup, what auuvt-cil when i n.ocis an,i ilesians 11 si-.ialt : , la, no i.raei
lie pi Liisted that what he to!. I wie; (he I 1m S li Main avenue; two ilnurs fi-an s-rlmisly ill.
truth, .lu. t as slmhad m. . ,l, d in .l:n-ksii s:reel. j 1 ami Waller IVm-dict. in
tonii.-ln;r her fri-nd lo .i:ir,o(. t lie J I'I I' T a '. I: A I'I I !:!!. -CriMiiet, is, V. I ' , ompany tilli their frii m!, Loheit
suhle.-t a ineml-er of the Mmiilv who I"1' '" 1 '"'' J"1 l"v'' ' '"" I '"" '' i i.m.oi 1 1 n. al c a . i.aia- H i
lu-i' sol vici a. For I hose reasons he asks
dama.uva in the sum of $.',iui(i.
had heard of Ih" resitl, .,1' tlio ilrawin-r!
T I-., . li.l ,,l 1.1.? Solilli M:l PI ' .
f roin ol'the instlun c;i.i:o in audi ,...,,., ' .
K,,l-i,-,l,eil,.,l llw, ih.rv Ml.v, I loin, . I 1 -u ! . .. .- . . I''
parly will come off on scheduled tin. j
f ood. The jokers have hi on ioimvcu
nnd will he nt tl.e party.
Liven mni! " Mm net I, ol' t'rot idr vr
Sites ll'llniin ll, of Mun iioie.
A. T. o'Doiiiiell. of T'rovlilciK e. yes
teid.iy had his liiolh.r. T. .1. (I'I'onneil.
of I'uninoiv. aire: t. il on Ihe rh of
larceny of bailee of a harouelie. The
ease was in li'ive lioi-n heard hefore Al
i!e.iv;i i V'll.ulit, hut invhp to the ah.
io nee of M. A. Mel linley. alloiney for
A. I'. U'lii .in .-II. Ih" hcaiiip, Mas p. sl
poin'd until I ilia lporniin; at la o'elo. k.
polh I ho ii'Di.iiiii lis are liver;, tin n.
The I'lo'. i loiii e u'lionnell all-'res lhal
l o loaitoi! iiis I Miiimuv lif.iiher a
.......... ..n l.n,.,,, II ,', i,i,,i,!ii'i,iii,,,,i.-
'4'ovos V...l" i't.. Call a'.l f,.MI,;:llVl1 !'n'' '"''"'"''' 'i tishiliK , ,..r,..d. ,.,...!, fi,M,.i.-i.t .hnnatids hrv
K,ck'nf .1 c' Kln. 10JI and HLIi Ja-k- ! fxpeilttloll. W h.l.' away Mr. Coiislaa- , ,. p. ;t. The deferMiaat el: inn
sun slrerl.
i, ins, Il I.y callina nt Siar:ir
Miss Ih
frtilic of T.rre lump
is the s'lp'st of her aunl, Mrs.
of I en tip mil avenue.
list :nt ine of
i hi,-., Mil. si. c .. .;:,. ii'.ik i;.n, i;n
ci.i;-.. it. I. ! :,y.y, ;.,vH
l-ilaware .; Had ...p''.'.. I".'.. II';
l.. L. W I in' 11.''. 1H" 11'...
iii -t. c. ," r.', v, r.'-s
Con. n.vlrle -",'.,1 21', 2.:k SI
Like S'enn t.ii.i, 1st- ki'i'i
I. o'il.-'. .'a ii II I:'' . -Hi', IP'i
:,l.:!rtl:i!l i:le V.'i 7:1' i 71
Mo. I' i l!i,- !.,'.. 7'j I'I'a li 'i
X. .1. I'cni-.d " fiV . tn '.'-J:i
X. Y. I eni nil M'-j W ill's ?i
X. Y.. S. .V W .. 7 7 7 7
N. Y.. s. :., I'r .. 17 17', ;;', i7
Nar. lM-i'ie i nT',
i if.t. .V- W-'SI 4 1-'i 1:.". I." :
I'acilic Al ol IV'i IV j 17-, IM
I'h'.l. K .el li", I" !'".i 1"
S-miherii I;. U 7: ( 7.: 7-' 7'i
Seutln rii c. it.. I'r.. IS'.. ti.i, Ma 111
Term.. C. K- linn l"j 17 M'h l'l'i
I Mien r.o-... i; ii'i .',7h ii
Wahash . f
.'::i,.ish. i'i- 1.;' i C'.- !::' l:i'i
W'e.-t, r:i I'nic.n 7..'., 7.'vi
). ii i; ii
F. P. Leallioi-, I'r .. II I'i'- II -r.
cuii'Aini r,ii.i:r ni,- tkai i: pricks.
WllL'AT. Cpen.- Hili- LnvvC'los-
ill,;. . "t. cat. It'!!.
Sioledier T.' , .",''1. r.?-' Wi
I '.ATS.
S.ptemhcr 1"'. 1", 1". I"'.i
M.e. ttiher r.'i hi'i I'.'i lil'i
Ct ikS.
Si ol,. pili, r 'J;", :" 2'!'i
I I, e.'llllil r t'l i. l'i -1
la ::n
SMomliir :'..'7 o-7 17 .:7
,i:,iiu.-nv :;.r,7 :;t", ::.,., :;.i,.-,
p( u;.
Se,iliio;,er (l.l'a 11.15 fi.-O 11.45
I & m it'fe;i
H 1
The Governor of North Carolina said
to the Governor Oi South Carolina
staff la Awx
d "BATTLE AX" is the mcst tobacco,
ot the best quality, lor the least money.
1. 1
Large quantities reduce the cost oi
i; manufacture, the result going to the con- -sumer
in the shaoe of a larger pkee, for Ik
less money; than was ever before possible. M
Iliui. r's hand last evenlni; advert is.-d
their exeturion .u, Satur.lfiy tvi.hj , ,n Frida v evenimr. A UT
nn open -til-concert iven from the lu rch j , , , ... ,,.. ,,,m:J.
line Was l,o ;;-licsi ol .1. W. I o. ... ,1V(, Interest ill the halolp ll,
SPImont. He l-opmts a sucosiTi'l lfi j t h in I he pla inl iff a ml hence retains pos
tal ProutiPi lumie a in, ss ot twenty session of it.
soiivh sine V. W. C. A. NOTES.
(Pass iiii'ii ui-r-liuii iietwcon two ami 1
14. ice rream : lhn-e pounds. j
I Tin- Ninth l-hi.l Christian KniliMvof
of Faiichilil's llotil on Smith Main, '-,s a I'P i noon Ihe Juniors will meet .choir met for rehearsal in the 1'ivshy
nvenue. Th" crowd that Il.-toiied tn the ,ls n., ,., 7 4 1-, 'k. Mis,", Alice Car- j tei inn church. '
liiusic lllk'd the avei.ue nnd siile wail. s. ... . tin h former toai her, will I"' .Mr. and .Mrs. Il.-m of l' xhiiry, N.
Plx jileees were played. Th" r-vcursion
will take many pi;ode from this side
Word has hi 111 received here thai
Mrs. John liale. of North Main nvi -
lilts has ! 11 ta ken seriously ill at
drove, where rh" is spt'tnlintr tl'.e :111m
met-. Mrs. Hale is the wife of the 1 1 1 :--1 . 1
fori man at the Pelloviie mlno.
i Y.
are visitit!!,' fri.-nds in llii
oresei 0.
Tlie Cosiiel moi-linir nn Sunday. Aim. 1 Miss Kll.i Hurl, who has l e 11 visil
1'1. will he led hy Miss Ksllp'i- Kow -lands. I Inn' friends in this section, has return
We li',pe every yotiii'r wnnuin will takojed honie.
advantage of tills opportunity to hear II. A. Ward of Mousey avenue has
more ahonl the Y. W. C. A. conference recovered froai his lal ilhp ss.
.. :.t VorthHeld. M-i'is. This is 11 p. rs.mal .lohp I-. I' ol I'arlp-r street is at
at (leoaii I .. ... . ,. ,..,. ..
I V : n I'I 111; t.noer voiiicii. lie- ..,.
W. C. A. nmirtetto wiil sin-t. lierrmnm'.' .miss it. ol mis pl.n-,. is otijoy- ni-ntiui nv.n 1.
! Imr In r va.-nt
.1. S. sillier lai 111s Ciut In' is Ihe
Owner !' II.
,t. ?. itliller I. cyan proccdiims in
ojoelmcnt y. si. rdny naainst Henry and
Annie Hoar, of lloniln-; I'rook town
ship, to ohtain possession of acres and
in.', tierches of land in the aheve towa-shl;..
; The hind is n.o.v held hy the I loa 1
1 Imt Mr. Mill. r claims that lie' is tip-
at " I'i p. m.
1 at Lake Win da.
We iTope many of tlio inemhei-s an-l I'. F. Kuhrht. J. II. Kelly. A. T. Ma-
fi-ends will come w ith us for an outitnr l.u,ey. .lames .1. P'vnn and Ch.n l s
to Nay A uc Saturday. A na: I". Meet at Stew ard, who von- among those who
Vnssnaei s nil- airain hoi 11 r trans-' rooms. In.' I 1 Vila r a v. nit,-, at 'J p. in., or went to New Y o 1: lo a I tend t h" I Iryan-
ferted on Wrt-I Lnckawii n n;i iveinn.
uwlnn' to the t-. .arina up of tlio t, p-k.
Miss Martha I in vis. of ICtti.iii street,
left yesterday for Lake A 1 i. I.
Miss Martha Iluslns, of S-'o.ith .Main
8enue. Is vlsi'iny; at Cianvlil -. N. Y.
The Sunday s, hool of tin. Sherman
nentie mission held their nitnnil 1 ie
Hie at Koi-or Valh-y move ;.-o. ! ulay.
I'ermnnent man My. -is, i,f tlie Col-
nt the i-lty rooms. H'm ashliiL'toii nve-;s, wall demopst ration, have 1. turned
line. ; lioa.e.
, ,- I Mi-s Nettle 1 M-.-is is at Atlantic C tv.
M-rlt wins and that is why Hood s ' w, ,,. ,.,. ..,, ,,,, , n.,Mlill,,, ,
Sart.iparili , hohis the :.i..d!mr f i,f l- vacation.
,!eee of ihe pul.lle. Iloo.Vs Sarsaparilh. S;,,,ih v ,in( , .!!1,,.v. vu.v
is Known pv me euros 11 nas niaue. 11
is Ihe one True 111, ind I'm ili'-r.
Hood's Pills cure live!- His. eoaitipa-
1:. .. . i..l. 1 .!....!... 1. III.
1 1 c ill. 1,1 iiii'.i. 1.. 1, o. t.uin lie. i'iiiuu?- . ,
i. ... 1. 1 ..,,.,,,. i,.,o ... t 1,1 ,i,i..u: '. . ii'i ue-ie-.i
' ' "" . j, ess. L.10.
; wi re aricsted ;lt th, instance of .Vary
li'Liieli and h, r son William y, -te-!day
"il the iliai!." oT I In e.iieiom; n
! 1'ili. The il. oi--.-i-:p- w.iiv ii n lr-nr, po
ol tt-i a vacation.
M. J. Kvans has t'tiirneil f 1 inn As
rairy Park.
Mnsier liny Woric-n is at Pitlstun on
n i.dt to his 1. 1 ml 11 0 i In r. I Arl. I on August ill. Tr.-iin l aves ihio
Miss T I. Mil I. Cvac.s anil father ft i r I ,i,,l W e. ,1 n i n iloi.,,1 el T I.", i, in i
h,.oie from A-.-l.inv far!.- -lion l.a.iio- at lolilni- 1,1 Music l,v 'lU'kann
A I Music 11,11 lids .v. nine' "Th .f.,11-.. ! Cnliei- a l.nn.1. Thiols 7.7c. ! '
At neon on Wednesday Miss Ilenrit'.t.t
tleihi-r tip, charniin !au::hler of .lr. tin I
.Mrs. A. Y. lierliiir. of yurlli .Main str-.
whs tr.ari-ied t-i .lose.ili Horn, a w II
l.'.P.'W" irel.l lem.l II Of till'' place. Tip. ,-! -
1 ' ''!. V was iierff.rna. .1 in the 1-7 v.i :i Mie-d
l.,::h ran , hiiroh n.v the ,.istei-, ih v. I!r.
t ril;-. in tin; resell, -c of 111. :11V I'violt i-J 1
I ':o yoioi! einmte. .A rccpliuii iolkiv.e.l
al the he. no ot the hrhl.-'s ,ai-. nls. wli, re
ir,-ir,y ia-. ii. d ii.-sis ;. .--s, r.ihl,. I 1 ,i ct,ao a i -el
le 1 1-c oca on : -I -. I ll i lie 1 1 - ::.,i,ia
Ail. ..!. 1 -.. lie, -11 v., til o. : 'V .1, I; ,
...a,. ' t...-r. Th, v.-'II I., -in hi'i';-
,. ' e', pine . : . 1 . t !; ,-! '.: il.
Sevatslor. f"onf.l ot Trailc F.M'li'iiise
?iiotaiio!is--.VU Qiitilatinu Itasta!
en Far ot ID').
N-imc. r.'d. AHkM.
nimt I'op. Si Min. Hank...'.. 11')
Sr-r'n'o'-i I,"-., t'urt.dn Co
Nr.tioaal P -ii:-. .1- Iiril!'.; Co ...
1 ir. L M Mi'ji nl I 'a nl: CM
S,'ia.ii"'i .'a-' il Stooe'-r Co
. Palmist la. "Hi--. -aril t 'r
p-ianlf.n t'aviMivit j la nit 21i)
Honla Plate Co
Seranton Car IPplrir -r Co
S- rant on Pr.rkins Co
Weston Mil! Co
l.nckawanna Iron Steel Co. ...
Third Xalieiuil P.ank 3.7-)
Thro.ip Novell.',- .M't'R. Co
ticranton Traction Co. .... .. 17
pernnton Class Co. .
Pcranton Pars. P.allw..y, first
moi-t'r.iire .hip VMS no
People's S'ri-et Itnilway, first
mortr.-air.' .I'i-1 I'.'IS 110
Serantou ' l itl.toii Traf. Co. ...
People's StrerM ilallway. Soc-
- oral mortptn'ri"! due V'JO 110
Dicksnn M:oui!'jictii"ln Co
Laeka. Towrsliip School
City of Sera nl on St. Imp V'a ...
Poroimh of Wintna f
Mt. V" rip.n Co
S:rnnlim Aln Works
Fhiliitlrliihia rrovisiai. M-'tlifl.
I Phil-el, h hia, Ainv. i::. Provislnus wrro
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run cn Record.
IL UtUJtl u
n 1 1 ,. ; m. ,1 1 "
,.r,..l, Mi..l,,.,.l I. . ...I. iii. ..,...., I I I ! ' I'I'1'-1' aai cs.on.iM.'
, ' "'" j ;. ,, a1;- i ,.,. .,. .o .. 1 1,. y j,, ; i,.i i!! la uai- on
Mail Carriers llxi-ni-ioli. ! , ill ,,i , ten- ,,i
Tim heal I, ranch ..f mall tarriera! Mr. ami. Mrs. .T. J. Solllvm of Wayne i , ; , ,., of i ! late Tiiadd'ais K , n
wil rim a i.ioonl i-hi to Lake ;i,(;,",l!' :- r "' Atlantic Ciiy. ivy i.-.U pin-e .1, W-.': -,lay fm.. his
1 eiearo -lavis. iiiio-iaoie oi tip. s.-o i,;i. i,,,-,o , n,,-eii s i.ei. r e-,
1 nil ward, is si emlim; a few tlays in jv -'e h'. I.I in Si. ehun li m !l
liri.v ,,,'iiir!; o liie -f.i :-, t;.'-. -p. .1. tn.n,-;--
."'..' . If,!, I. h' eelel-.-aled a lijl ill. '-S ol !.'-
The Jolly j P.riucr:. hand. Tick. Is 7. To. . .-t . . ,.....,,. , v. an s is visum;: ,.,.ni:l-,M( !.,) i,,',,,
' . at i::e ,:,,." 01 Mrs. ' mas C. V. il- ; , ,.,.,;,; ,.,., T,. )t:lll.i...;.r,..'
'" 1 li.ims 011 . i 1 1 i : i -1 1 sir. .-t. j ,. , ,,i. .1 i-i-.,.. 1. -r ..,;-"- -
lo-v. Camhep i-I-.aip r. turned y, stm-- 1 -ivi-l'ii n' . P. .'. Lvil,-. P. I-'. 1 -,,:-ci.a -,in.
day lo his hop.10 ia Civan, Iowa, a ,!: i .'' I"i l;iit,-r aiel M. J. .Mel Lite, i.f th..;
si. ntlin:: ','ireo w, .-ks anion-,' I'ricnfis i,! "'''
in t his seel ion. . "
M iss. s atid Kale Thonns. wlio ' ISrw Vork Fro.! ace liai-kel.
h-ive heen S ."i i . ! i the pn-l six week i N'-w Nark, An;:. I 'Imir I'ip.1: 111::. ,1
with their aunt. Mis, Mivid Joms. of j ""I a" a. I..-. Vlu at- Spot iii. r an.! .-. s-
i-r; i,e-..ra,!,.. ro,!. i,.,i.,'.; ,o. I norlnei ii,
;!'..-.; oi.'ior,s w. re la;.-y reli,,- .-orl ici-
s'.'Ui I: Si ;,leinl 1 r ai d Mo al,,. , most
.1, lit, : No. - 1,-1 : Soup in-
mmm nr
aiiii inuu u
Il .. i
e '
MILLION patriotic voters luive rec
ognized tlie confusion of our jmh
11c politics, ami arc determined
toinfoi'i;i themselves, and stand like patriots
in the hour of tlicir peril and vote to the best
of their knowledge, for 1 lie hest interests of
the common people of the whole country. It
means further that every voter wants lo
know, not only the doctrines of his own
party, but tlio views of all other parties and
the reason for the dillercnces Gold. Silver,
Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have
secured a. complete handbook of public po
litical information, edited by Lawrence P,
Wayn avenue, h-ive returned to their
I ollle in Llildv l- y.
mix.v.oK i:.
1 r.
1,1' .
. ; Nov, Mher,
n- S op; itall,
I- valor: lPo. aileal :
qusre Dealing Clothiers, Halters and Furnishers.
I , , Y ,
P.enj.imln .TetVi ey and V, ilium Ilees. of 1 n oak' .-- No "
clay nvinuo, l-.:ie i-etiinied from u options more ncdv.-.; Pn- irinr ral S
week's ideasant oulinK ninoncr frlelnisi :ul.-f most lo iito; Aip.-ip -,, S i-
iu Shfiiandouli. j!. i, lier. ::V,e.: :. ..; I', e,:ii!'.:r.
W.sley Fili.-li. of Cheny street, llus !" !' . ." " . 1 ""'
aMer; ecu, so .e'y; aip-.h-c.
r, n:r,ied from u visit Willi friends In
C.eof.K' -low ll.
William Matthews, of Mrlnk.-r street,
has pn,., p soeid a few days with
fl ii mis al Lake Win. , la.
Mrs. L. llayooek. of William street, v
a'd.' to he our arter a we- k's illness.
Mrm- t. Fined:, of Cherry street, is
nislicatins for a few davs nt Lake
Miss Kmnia Tul.vh,'. of West Mrinker
stre'-t, inis n turned from a visit to
Shawne.-e l.nla-,
.Miss Kva. Montgomery, of Church
stiet, is spoil. Mm; a f-w weeks with
frii lids at I Lit vi-y's Lake.
A lai're of yoiiiv pontile from
Ihmino;.. held n Very etijoya Id,.' picnic
nt I Mi d's-eye yesterday.
Thouais Hii'ili. s and Alex Thompson
intend to li-a- o on Monday for a two
v.oks e.'impjino; nt Halt Lake.
Fdwiird Kelly, of lirinla r street, has
returned from Atlantic City, where he
has heen spetnliu;,' the last few weeks
Mrs. M. Collin, of Smiior rlreet. whit
has h'-en vIsitivT friends in Slriutds
Iiui k. has rot tn tied home.
A party of yonnrr reople from this
l.ornuirh ehatu ttiiied hy Mrs. Cear, of
Plakely street, will leave for a drive to
Saletn on Monday. They Intend to visit
the ramping Rrounils w Idle there.
Wesley Plnnell. of Mrinker Ft rent. Is
snetidimr a few days with friends In
Forty Fort.
Miss Annie Younjr. of Church street,
has returned from a few davs outing
nt Yostvlll-.'.
Miss Minnie Siiflhnntis, nf Urol; street,
lenves tiHlay to rptmd a ,'ew weeks nt
Miss Clara liiUwtll, of itlukcly Bti'tiot,
S pltPlllol, "e.o.; I ), ' 1 , 1 IC I-, 1 ;
Hpel pl-let s. No. ',!i2!e.; Nn. 2 white.
:!!' iiir-.c : No. i' i ' h i . -ji.t-it.. l;'-,c.: No. :t, i'",-.:
No.,.'! wliile i'.lal.'::' p-. ; miM-d wi--''ern, i'l.i
i'e.: While do., L,",.i:;l".; while spile, o.lolc.
P., ,1' i.'i.iet ; i.i-.niiy. .-'a!i; eir:i npss. Jt'.:i7.
lieef llams-Slca-ly; : I.", 'ill.'.. Tier.--1
!', ,-'' I mli ; chy i :::r.i linlia nie-s .silalj.
Cut Mer.ts i yii -t Ho l ly, h.-ill. :.
1' pellllilS. r-'.e.: piello,l s 'utll Idl ii' ;:'
:;:'.o: ph kli d ham-, a'ptl'i.'. I i (.et, I
a-id ll'-ai; wc-'r.-rii steam. io; eiiy. 5 :.:'",:
S; pil lion r. s::..'..i; refiiu-.l, ii.pit. sp.vly;
cm incut, 5-1.1.",; Souili Ainerii t. ?l.7.,;
eianp.uiiKi. ::'. -i!',.-. Pork Kail- .1, -ir, i m !,
so ;,,!; eld less. SaV.L'-,; ip .v up : .:. .i
N.7". Puller Plrnier, fair llelninni; sPt'e
dairy. P'a!l',e.: Pa. i enin-.i-y. lic-il.;.-.:
w, sl.-r'n dairy. "rl-Jo.; en .mi' ry, 11'; '1-:.-.;
d.i. I'aetoiy, 7'-al'.-.; Lh.ins, i:,P:ih;e.
Ctiecv.-- I'-jprly active, linn; stale l.o-e. i
a7;1.,c.: ,lo. siieill. 5! -a7'.:'. ; pail skim :. J.t
f..-.; full skim". lair,,-. II::;.--;, il"!,
fte.vly: state and P.-nnsylvani.i, i:;,i!..P.,'.;
tvrstein Ir-.-sh, llalje. ; do. per ca.-e, ri':.-..i
'hieneo Live Stock.
Cnien Stock Yards. Ainr. 111. Cat lie 1 le
ech, is. in.i'ia head: niaiket easy iiirl sin. I
lower; .-umn-.on lo e.-.;ira st i s, s;i.;,a t,;,i;
Ftr.ckt-rs and f lers, Si'. I'; cnv.s mil
l.ulK-. ;!.i'",a.l.::,i; calves, f !.i'.' i."i.:,'i; To:iins.
Sl,; western rangers. J2.1;il. IIo,js-lJ.-ei-lpts,
i'L'.i""! head: niarket wr-ik uml
M eints lower: heavy paeklm? mni shlp-piio-
has. S.J.7.'a.",. In; enimnnn to chop','
mixed. J..S"a.l i'u; elioiee asroi te l. $::."ipi::
Hr.lii, ?;.t'"ia.!.:i.i: pips, ji..ia:i.:;'i. sii ep
Kceelpts. 12. anil head; market firm nn ! In
etnls hlpher: inferior to cluy e, S-j'J.I'i;
lamlis, t-.lal).7,"..
Oil ,.Iaikel.
(Ml City, Auk. kl There was no quota
tion on option oil today. Credit liahmees.
National transit runs, lli'.ilst harreM;
shipments. ti,t:!l harrts; lluekeyp runs',
7l,H;i7 barrells; Klituncntf, 6J,201 barrels.
la lair in! Pee: leinin-i a: n p. 1 ii,,
pric--s. i',' -ii;-: i'-.'.v rniok-- I ),(!'. 11a ! wtirkl.
I.:-.; u,e, Ha.:,-. .-: 1 1 , oi, npi ail ae.v.
as Iii averav"! i'i'-i!-. family. f.a.T":: 1 o; li nn-",
S. I . i l , , !. ill 1 li : 1 1" '. : do. s-l-.aki ,1,
lr' -.i ;.'., ,.s ci pv. ,.ie ; iniiii il .in
: , 1.. i i ;',,-.: .Io. il -. ; I-,,!;- !. Ki'o-il-,'.
' .-. , ,1, I- i : . . ; i! ,. d i. unnk d.
i.. ;.. .: i , -..!. i-. . s. p. I. :.;.if
,i i. . -a, :a-,l. :7c ; Hi i ill pi. -1.1
.:- , la avera'te. I..i.e. I
:i-il;fal I, o-eip 7.' . -. as in In at.. I ai d
a ape; la ol. i-i'l e, oil ;r i .,, j , ; ;
i',. .: ,:o, .1,,. in ti.hs, !'.. :',-.: d ..
1 no io i--', ,,,ee, i-y tallow, i"
,,,L.;dieaiis. II, .: , ,:,llry lie., L", -.12'V'., at
lo tpi.'-lily, iiirl s, :',' ; '.
W.sliltiirn, Crosby's Superlative is sold cvcrvwlicro from tlia
1'aclOc ('ottst to St. .Joliii's, New FoimUland, anil in I ii"IuikI, Ircitmd
:ttK' .' very largely, ami is rccognizud an liie hest Hour in tht
" i
i'n.'lal't !,;v;
I lnf" i lo. A. n.;. Y'.l 'all
v. It'i lot: a !' w ... d,-:
t '!. : lair I i (,o...i.
wi: 'i ' i'!r 'i' i,, ' ltd : Y ,
I ' ' ' ' re-!' ::n-..
-cull .ii.l i!m.
If. s (.t.-ely .oi.l
:,. lie,-.--- Ln.vol-,
..-is, 1.I'I; lie: .- I
, f : ..
l i.'. ai ,i
-.; I'.-Ir ':
;,; i .ttnr.'S. V- , '
: :. -.. . i. . a :el 1 . ap,;,
! i-.ii far f. I fat I.e.-. I. -'-.-.
!., '!.:,: , e ioi (,, ji.'-i, ij.;;,.
., I. i",; enlls and . ,,ni-
.-.",; I : I, e, , tl to
-..-,; w, i :,o,-s. 1 ,ts, : !.r..-i:'..",i:
a'lee,, f- -J" p.., (;,,,., pXt.
Fillshiiry Flouf n-IUs havo a capac
ity of 17.:,i0 harrels a day.
For Infants and Children.
ic to
cis:-jri! f ' ,r . T
pnonnFuntrr Ton n?
Has Mnveil to III New Qunrtcr.i,
402 Lackawanna Avenus.
Entranro on niilB nnt to Firet National
Dank. Ho lias now in a
1 P
m Ui HUUlG!
II 1 1
s inn fi j m
Compriiix; nvorythinfr rq-ifHiio fr flno
lltrcli;4fit Tniloi iny. And t!io mo rau
bo Bhtiwn to Mlvuntnuo in hi nplon
dmly itt-U'd up rwnna.
Is Cxtcndetl to All Reader ot The Trlh.
line tn Call on "OLD KUUALiLti" in Ilia
Mew BimIiicm tlwin
Undivided Profits,
Special attention given to Business and Perconal
5 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, R!t
cts, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools aud Suj
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
nnd a full stock of Waon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Huhs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
iiTTEllEllEI 1 OD
n ' 7 . i -42ir3'C- rL'2 IV f '
Whci It !?ut what to ue for
Nrrvmis I)cttility, LfM cf I'owct.
ether wcakm :?3, Imtn nny caue.
use Sfine Pill. Drains cbcckcd
an;l full vtr;or nuirlcly rrstorcil.
irttaeltiei. rh trxalii-tritil Utatlr.
M.ntcd for J51.0boi-s $...00. With
f..iiorrirr:; we pivea cuarantfc in
rtr?or rctuni thr niunc',. Adr!r
For salo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenuoand
Spruce Street, Scran ton, Pa