X s THE SCKANTOtt TRinUNE-PRC OAT MOTtNINTJ, "AUGUST 14, 1S0H. IKIlymid Weekly. No Sunday Kdittim. rubllslied at Scrnnlnn, l"n.. h The Tribune 1Mb ILvhiiu; loiiiiuuiy. E. P. KINGSBURY, Pnim. Ocm'i. Mas. . H. RIPPLE, Sic'v and Tc. klVV 8. RICHARD. Cditok. . W. W. DAVIS. ButiNtM Maniac.. W. W. YOUNGS, Adv. Md'. New York Onlre: Tribune llnlldliij. Frank ft. dray, Manager. l.NTIRBtl AT THB fjnTOFPlrn AT SCTtANTOM, PA. A8 8IC0ND CLAS9 MAIL UATTKR. SCRANTON, Al'lil'ST 14, li. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. President WILLIAM M'KINLEY. Vice President- GARRET A. HOUAKT. STATIC. Coneressincn - :it - Lurse GAl.l'SHA A. OHOW, SAMl'KL A. DA VEX POUT. t Ol TV. Conines?-W 1 1 . LI A .M 'o N N E L L. Commissioners S. W. itulSKIlTS, Oil. ICS ROBERTS. Audltorr-A. E. KIEFEU. FRED L. WARD. i, i:; i si, aim vk. Semite. 21st l.i.tr!ei ML. W". J. SCOTT. Representative, 3d 1 intrlet 1JU. N. I'. .MACKEY. - Tin: iu;ih hlk an ri.viFoim. 1. Tariff, not only lo furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of ihe R-ovcrnmont, but to protect American la bor from deKi-jdalioti to the wane bvel of other lands. 2. Keeiproe.il ,i",rroniriit lor open maikets and discrimlnaliim du ties in furor of the American merchant marine. 3. Maintenance of the ixl-l init Hold standard and opposition to free coln jirb of silver except liy international agreement with the leadintr commercial nations of the world. 4. Pensions and preferences for veterans of the I'nlon nrniy. 6. A firm, vigorous and illgnllleil foreign policy. . The Hawaiian Islands to be controlled by Ihe United Stntes; the Nlcaramian canal to be built; a naval sta tion In the West indies. 7. Protection of American citizens and property in Turkey. S. Renssertion of the Monroe do'triro. Kventiml wlthc'ruwal of European power from this hemisphere and union of all Knsllsh-spcnkln,T people on this continent, !. The United Slates actively to use Infill once to restore pence and clvo Independ ence to Cuba. 10. Enlargement of the navy, defense of harbors and seaeonsts. 11. Exclusion or Illiterate and Immoral im migrants. 12. lieapproval of the civil ser vice law. 1". A free ballot and on honest count. II. Condemnation of lynrhln::. IT,. Approval of national arbitration, in. Ap proval of .1 free homestead law. 17. Ad mission of the rcmnininir territories, rep resentation for Alaska and ab. iitlon of enrpnt-har; federal otlb-r rs. is. Sympathy with lesltlmnto of.Yirts to lessen Intemper ance 111. Symp itheiie refer, nee lo "Ihe rirhts and Interests of woman." Con iVnsrd by the Tlnv r-1 Irrald. It could bo wished Hint there wnubl be mine niithorlt,.itivo denial of -ne report, which are bolnir circulated tliroiii-hnut the stute with piowlnpr frequency, re lative to the us? of money 111 bi half of the senatorial candidacy nf Hon. John Vv'aiuini.iker. If Mr. Wniianriket In personitlly cierniznnt of such allowed disbursements he inusl know hIso that they are doliiR lilsi roiti tatlon tin rm-: If hi- Is, not cocnilznnt of them. It is time he took the trouble to nuikenfeiv imlnted inquiries ns to ivhnt Is beliift done tinder rover of his well known mi me. Stealing a Dead nan's Prestige. The ereillt which we had been dis posed to iicrord lo Mr. liiyiin for sin cerity In n. fallacious cause has been seriously shaken by his recent unfair ness to a distinguished statesman now dead. When, In his Madison Square pardon spoec li, the free silver nominee quoted a Burbled passne from one nf Janus 11. Elaine's speci lies, lie nut only resorted to what Rinrig honorable men Is unlvors- ly regarded n a dis reputable trick (namely, deliberate per version of an opponent's nicinlni;) bul he nlso committed the more serious of fense of misrepresenting one who Is no longer alive to set himself right. The phoul who molests a grave is not more censurable than Is the orator who tries to steal for his cause a dead man't prestige. We have twice printed long extracts from the speech of Mr. Blaine to which Mr. Pryan alludes; and those extracts have shown in the proverbial tlnrily of Mr. Blaine's own words that while he favored in 1878 fan his party favor. now) the remonetizntioii of silver by meann of an Internotlinal bimetallic agreement, nnd, po:-, ncli an agree ment, was disposed l i :. .. v the resump tion of the eoinage of silver In this country In limited amount (as was done, first undi-r the liland-Allison act and later under the Sherman act) yet he opnosed wilh all his superb might the proposition to plve free and un limited coinage by this nation alone to silver dollars the bullion value of each of which was then worth In the world's markets only ?2 (now 03) cents. In case there is any doubt in any voter's mind as to the authenticity or the ex tracts which The Tribune has printed or as to the accuracy of its assertions In these premises, a postal card application to Chairman Babcoek, of the Republican Congressional campaign committee. Washington, D. C, will brlntf a com plete copy of Senator Blaine's speech, or It may be rend at any public Ilbrary In the Congressional Globe under sen ate proceedings of the date of Feb. 7, 187S. Tet William. J. Bryan, a candidate for president of 4te United States, af ter Mr. Illaine's eath, has the effron tery to stand In a public place, within hearing of many who were Mr. Blaine's warm friends, and in an address In tended to reach' every American voter say In effect, that Mr. Elaine favored the tree coinage by this government of a dishonest dollar. It is false and It Is infamous. I'.rynn cuimot have been de ceived. He had no right t' g;mbK per vert or misquote. His rpeech, we are told, was "the product of careful prep aration"; hence Ids offense In this one instance was studiously planned and ut terly Inexcusable. If Bryan will falsify the attitude of Mr, Blaine, what other false things may lie not stoop to? LI Hung Chang siys he is coming t' America to ark e.U'st!ons about the tariff. He must be eaieful not to men tion Vols painful subji et within the hearing of any Democrat. "The Itc;)iiblicnn party siand for honest money nnd Ihe clinnce to cam it by honest mil." ' V I U.I AM JI'KINLKY. j S- O The president of the Co ik count;'. III., board of commission ".'s wants the state's attorney of that county to "prosecute the hard coal trust." l!ls trrlevance Is that bids to furnish the cimr.ty with coal are not as Inv this year as they were last. Neither is the visible supply of thN limit "d commodi ty as larire tills year as U was l ist. With the demand for anthiaelte coal constantly prowl:!?! ami the supply Ign ited by ii at lire wit!: ul possibility of replacement lieu gone. U it tii'icts nnahle thai the price shun! ! advanc '.' The Distioner-t Dollar. The it. l.olds (iiobe-l lei.i, i ral. in a:i editorial which we t-hall iUle. pr.-sopt's nut onI an opportune thonpht but i.lso a timely lllintratlop of the ,-iy? of ar gument which Is bcid littid to the re tlliiivments of the p-.vse.it political rami also. It does ii.it call name. It a olds olirnsive personalities. It simp ly lays before its readers in clear lan guage the plain, liiipeisonal common sense of the silver controversy, itiid leaves the rest to tin lr own hitelli'jeiu c. This, ns we have repeatedly tried lo impress upon Hie doha'era of the day, is what decent people want, whnt they will listen to ami what they will be in fluenced by when it comes to mnllilnn their ballots next November. Without more ado we give way to our western contemporary: "The free silver advocates," it saya, "grow Indignant when told Hint they are seeking to substitute a dishonest dollar for an honest one; hut the fact remains, nevertheless, that such Is the purpose, whether they all realize t or imt. An honest dollar, of course, is a dollar that comes up to the inscription on its face and is worth loo cents. We have dollars of tint kind now. Includ ing those made of silver, which is to say that the promise of the government to maintain the gold standard makes nil forms of currency as good ns gold. ' But under the fre.- coinage polli y tills promise could not be kept. The silver min.rs could lake their bullion to the mints and receive rtnmped dol lars In return. They would not be hoiu est dollars, however. Ill the sense of being worth b'O cents each. The pov- rnmrnt would not undertake the lin posslble task of holding them nt par. It could not agree to redeem them In gold, nnd in the absence of such a guarantee, they would pass only at their intrinsic value, which would be about fifty crnts apiece. Tip- government would merely act as a coinage ntreiit, assuming no reFponslhlllty beyond that of returning n given number of silver dollars for a given ntumint of sliver bullion, as the miller takes wheat and converts it into Hour for Ills customers. "At ti e prec.ent time all sliver dolli.rs ure coined on account of the govern ment, and Issued by the government In payment of Its expenditures and obliga tions; but In the event of the adoption of free coinage, the situation would be very different. 'The dollars would be coined,' as Secretary Carlisle says In :i recent letter, ' on private account, nnd delivered to private Individuals nnd corporations as their own property, the government ' i iinr no interest what ever in them, anil being, therefore, un der no obligation to sustain them by guaranteeing their value.' Thus, the prop of government credit being re moved, the silver dollar would drop to the level of lis bullion vrluc. It would bear the stamp of a dollar, but it would not be a dollar in fact. The finality of dishonesty would nituoli to it by reason of its ntit being What It pretended to be. "This aspect of the matter Is a inwt Important one. involving not only a question of business prudence nnd safety, btitalsoa consideration of mor ality. Under the existing system our dollars are all honest dollars, nnd the Republican party proposes to keep them so, Instend of trying the experi ment of free coinage, which means de preciation, discredit nnd general mia l'ortune. Intelligent citizens should have no diiliculty In s.ong Hint It Is their duty to vote against a charge that would Hood the country with dishonest dollars nnd drive the better ones out." The advocates of free sdver male no claim that the cost of living will le doubled. They ho'd that the cjst of liv ing will be enhanced only in proportion to wages. Scrantoa Times. Whether they claim this or not and the fact that tlu-y prophesy higher prices if free coinage carries constitutes such a claim In effect It Is a matter of record that In free silver countries wages are low and goods are relatively dear, while In this country, under Pro tection and the gold standard, wages have risen while the prices of many articles have fallen. Why should any American vote to plve up a pood cer tainty for a bad uncertainty? Here Is a queer sample of Philadel phia Times logic: "The Indianapolis convention means the right thing done in the right way. It Will serve twg mosi Important purposes. First. It will withdraw from the support of Bryan nearly or quite a million Democratic voters throughout the country, and it will not prevent patriotic Democrats from voting directly for McKinley In every doubtful state of the Union." If patriotic Democrats in doubtful states are going to vote, as they should, for McKinley. what, pray. Is the use of a third ticket? It Is the doubtful states lhat n ill settle the question at issue. . . . . . Mr. Bryan's argument that we our.ht not to d what Kutvpe does will. If it Is sound, apply w ith cejual f, re ami cogency to other things than ire, iK.v. For ir.s t.inc. lt ought als to apply to meat, potatoes and clothing. If these nre us d abroad, they should, according to the Nebraska oru'.or's reasoning, be Ininv-diately dirtai'd'd within the United Plate We ought b 1 e in bp-.-ndent if fill rope; we oukM . r.giilate our bills of I'.tro without .riling the aid en- consent of any other nation. Vine, we have found i.n ...t. I taio.s and clothing useful things. ju I ns we have found the pold s.t'i'.id ld a useful thing. Tiny have p:o-inot.-d i.ur well-lKlng Jl'st ns the gold standard has. But if Ktnope us, ss then also, that s.ttb.s it. Areordtn:: to I'ryan, they will have t i p.'. And thus, we perceive the ul i ! 'absurdity of his funii.iir.elital i-rguinoiit lev free silver. Tic fall "n v;i: j : tut the lack ,." cu rb. r: whit ;i be. a:, i ! a; i save i!;e t.oiM" set h a sh . -U !.i IV- v. tet ef I'"'. i. siill coiiiiau'r.;;. lb .e ;'s - on t',.- I-1' . s si:n :l. .i ;'."'.' :l tbal l:-.e f.-.o.uvs ie- in. :!: t :'. of lv . v.viv T.i...-'. " he l i- i I si:, i.a.ril Irtal since rero.ti.. have luvn e.iteiil I. ' Tlii r'u v.", t'..U t:e "W'li ' is siill e;,-I'.-. sir:; a.', t!iom:;i w- l;.t. aop.ir.-ni ,y i..',l s.i C...-.I p. II fi.lt II !:: lint fr.;lKntly i :' -! I P... SJe-.-nl T:ia '. Voiy tip-. ).'i.Mii t!i.' coot'sesiional ej. ciiei s (T J v. ii't th ir l : ; n t f tariff revolution, the troub'.e a r. Tin n It was mad,, wmse 1 y the 'c t'.o:i .1 Cli veiand in is.it.'; II!' lnvlvV l i.i'a i ii:g of 1Vi.:, ai'.d linnlly th- ir.-ltatio!: I'm free ci.lnap" wldch is sllll ill iivopivss. T!a:e: will i:ol improve until Protection Is restored nnd the business I n 1 ' r . s ; of the country reclve substantial assur ance t lint there will l e no (i-l.esciiiei.t ,.f ihj currency. - - Uvi-ry lesson of hii tory proves con clusively tliat cheap money, hy which teim we mean money of d.'havcd value plus a lying government lint, cheats the woikingr.iaii. The rich can liv? though, the valoe of their money ! cm in two; but the poor have too little ns it If to nial.e it ra-y for them to have Hat little siill further reduce 1 by currency Inllation. An honest dol lar is good for all classes, but it Is especially good for those who cannot afford to lose any pint of their own In '.'s or savings through a fail in the ninip y standard. Labor's R?al Crown of Thorns I'roni tlie Times-Herald. Slallstlcs, which are fund.-lied la plenty, are not needed lo prove that the Wll-on tariff law has been a crown of thorns for American' iaimr. The in :sl riiiieilici.il ob servation will sullii c to Impress a candid mind w ilh this fact. The report of the commissioner of labor for Ihe t inted Stales eoerin ,' ill" period fiom 11 to June ::n ism, shows thai Inl ine: Ihe year and n half under the Wilson l ew i he loss of wai;es to employe wri t f I.",,!!?!'!".';', more then under I wo lull Vea'-s of .McKinley protection, and tii.u jl.'.ilj more employes were made idle by sliiuei and lockouts under Wilson tnt.fr than under two years of protection. Five mill Ion spin. iles in New I-JiiHlan 1 nro idle. Sl.ili: ll,-s from in tram s in Vtiv York city Am?. A, l.v.i::, shewed that :;.I77 v.eie nut of employnn nt in these trades tilonu, Kelurns from leu innniif ietiirt.rs in Ihe slate of New York show th.u where t'.'. aJli people wi re earning wiu'ea ilurlm: ls;- there wjre only 17.IM tersoiis iiiiploved ilnrin.T isii;:, a 'decrease of tl per ,vi;I. Comli. - down to lil, steady work was clveii lo only it'.dl jierrons, a deer, use of W - per ccei. l'loin 1 lmrliiir Ihe 1-st year id the AlcKi...; larilf I'nrope houe.m i.ii-i,oiii,.' of our Roods, while we purchased roods lo ihe value of .".i.",,ii77,Mi.'i III Kuropc, avln-; a balance of sMCTilMOT III favor of Anieri can labor. Iiiirinn ihe lirst year of the Wilson law we sold Kuropu i;::i..Vi:;. wi worth nf Kcods and bought Muroiican pro -Uets to the value of Stl.'.'l.'il l.iCI, leaving a balan. -. of onl fJa.'.lMi.ws la our f.ivo.-. 'I'he dilferenee lielwc ii Ihe li. dance iiit'ier Hie McKinley law mid the lialauie under the Wilson law In $.''C,Sii;:, h'l, une of the "crowns of tho.-ns" lhat have been pressed down upon the brow of labor, l-ixporis of all ami. i,ll ural pro In Is have fallen off in 1'.' at Ihe rate of S I -V 1. -i-iin.imt.i year as compared with isaj. Anier. lean farmers captured "li per cent, lss of Ihe marktls of the world In i".i than they possessed in 1VU. Ill lac latter ye-i", un der protection, the proliieis of Ihe farm r, presented 7S.ei( ;,er eeiil. of our total i -ports. The pioporlljn for Ki'i was II. li' per cnl. less. I'roni the mnl reliable tOiulsties olnaln nl.le it is esti-.na'.ed that for Ihe twelve months previous to Die ahroe-ation of .Mc Kinley reciprocity treat !o. with I'ulia mil other Kpanish-Ainerlinn .ontitrles there were idtli.ped tvom Api'-' ":..-,ii :i ":ii barrels of Hour, cipi!... - to l.-,,r,i:i,'),ii bushels of w heat. T his t i.ow is 1 1; tlrely nbandoned. the rin'.y in American Hour hrn lnn been ralsi .I from !) cenis per b.i-n I to per barrel. In lMi:.'. tin !nr the .MeKbdey tariff, we rvporled l';i,.W,i.:j bushels of wheat. In Is:'.',, under Ihe Wil son law. we exported only 40,:;:iS,.M7 hush .-Is of wheat. Live stock that was worth nearly :,ii..ii.i,(i,in on Jan. 1, 1.!''. under M. kiniey proteetioii, was worth S7.IJ;'i.r1:M Ii -n morcy to the fcrnor.j exactly four ycvei later. onil.T the Wilson tarff law. The annual lor to the farmers on cro:is for the Fame period Is estlnintcd at S7JS.7-l.M:i, maklnp a total loss to the farmers of I2.".l.'7i This Rives but a rint sncccstlon of th ' rlr.p ar. l weight of (he "crown of IhornV that lips be n pressed down upon lite brnv f.f the firmer. Mr. r.ryan will tin ' t!.nt the "crc.'-n of thorns" that T.lli h e.isl asid by American labor next NovcnVr is the one thst wr.s fitted loion the bro-.v of labor by the Fifly-third congress. rrtKF t oiNAf.r, Aii..i:oit. Prom the Ho-lon Advertiser. In the savimrs liaid: alone tlier are Sl.M".'ro. i.e.1 lo th rr-d't o' 4.S7",.'i") a... posiiors. If iV!-ee.it silver dollars can be used In payment of the loans, etc., dit to such intilution:i, the t'opositora will lose r,.'-0.f'mW. Th iTonosilg In state and private banks aniount to S1.3l,i.fi'A..:i). Ii. re 's n thre-itened loss of about ntr.0, iine.H.0 more, amnn;; the depositorn. The 1. Sni' shareholders In hulldlns ami loan ansoelntions have claim to J."ii,V!. ciiii. nnd lire thrcaiencl with n loss of nearly JiVi.WO.iiUJ. This a.tiounts in pll to a thrr atere-d left of about Ji.HeO.OOO. This estimate doss not lncludf the Insurance losses. In different Insurance endowment and similar eiit'-rprises ther lire 5,S.K),ihiii people with cliiliiis of a face vulue of $:i,Iup,ijiiUVh. on which ihe payment of de preciated voin may brlmr about a loss of Sl.lni.'.iwna If some of the small invest oi a wen: not included in more than one of the p- parate classes this, would mean a. loss or $'!,r.n.0iK!,iii) to be divided umiKi; 17.il.tu.iH0 people, mostly wage earners. In Ihe fare of such ligurea, no true frbnd at Iho wni kiimiiian can consisi.ntly talk or net In favor of the free coinase move ment. Tin: vau i: of 'Ki:dit. Tom Peed rt Portland. "Credit plays a great part in tills silver nuesilna. If your merchants buy goods from Kncland yr.u'll tind that credit aniounls lo a :r at ,1.- it. ar,l cn a silver basis we will pay a big sum for this, cred it. That's why the merchant does not want a silver .usl. Te.-y s.iy on a silver basis i-i'll seeli- down your debt one half. Would yu:i do it nnd deprive thu m..;i you owe cf one-half of what jou owe him? li-.!l the nat'on dn It? I B:v "no,1 and nut 1 1 out si ailment do I make This stalemi nt. bill from a n-llish it:i.: li. We mu: t nrrscrve our credit In tills world. ; ard If we adc: t a silver basis we will j i'-.-.!il i: thr. war! i ever. Wo war.l no silve. I l..uls lo li.-'; ::s ort cf I'ne-'-. h-i''.l I'm I li. ,"i!'ro the jhf ;i-i !s dfihotui able. Di'-trnr.t iiroovhi on ,; w hard times in In'k; r, ii-i held linn s will la.-t until v.m turn de.wn tie -: -'Ovi-i-i les, nnd v lien io set II this thlntr fur pood and all hi Novesn ler we'll he.-.r no nioi.j of haul t!mi." it pirivrs rm: m:s. I I'ri.m the f." ;"! on Tim "". The TvliiiMn .Uspjay.-.l comnie vl.i'ii" ( n I trprbe to pii!il:--b!u x I'.'i. Wl'l'iiin J. Pryan's Meat :-:n!i .u Aladbon :-..iire ' ti.inh-a list ii-ii;:c-. pi fell In Hi's mora ili i;';; i' -.aii'. Til - Tilbime ina I a 'i. it j -ti.in red nily lhat It pu'iii.-... , i):e i e. iv. r -.alii, .a uT p.l:!i'-il cnaoie.. i leu. 1' le vieiT ;l- re: ,!. r.: eoHId have a : j I,;-; i . Unity toti .'i,:-! kr.'W l;-,-:ii i.s e. I- r r. i:a ii it v..--- : 1 e-.c-vii-io. , v. i'iiu t:.v. I '! .; to -r.r: t.i mt. .' ;: ..- r-. 'I'l.e I Triii'i i a ;.: ;'.. '.. j-i-rr s .! I" ds i i- liie .1 l.v .'. i.. ,-i. :.!. i.--r ;t i: a "'n.'.v-:. i ).::' i." :.. f. i. in s : :, ., "ii' liV .. ' r ;1. i..:r"' l,ol.: - ; i. i !.! s i a! . . A.,d ". ,- .,., I've s.i a 'i:o villi :i: i.i e.. l : ', ,. ;;i I li, lr d;..;..:r r '1 i And rm- li -i: I'a b i n v.-.-11 n. ir ba-i:!n' 1,111, 'Oil, i si ... I in,-, ., Dill, I'll do c,i I ii-hi" I c-i i;" An 1 i l;.- i'-r ' pi. And I'd die for 'ini, Kur ii'a my lir n. 'Ke snci rs 'cos vee 'aven't no br.i',3 and the ri --t. And I tvle.i to smile, 'aef piueky. I've ached for a Idnfant at my breast, (hiw.l knows! l"it per'nrs H's lucky. I'or 1 wo'iMn't, it may be fur.'.iy Tlp things 'in moiher 'as 'ml to hear J..it lo (jet !:ill lirinkln' uionev. r.ut, "l:!II," I si 7, "I luvn yer. Hill, I'll skin' It if I can; You may Ji er at tue. You may nicer at me Itut you're my man." The 'applcst time ns T ever 'ad Wos when he come out of Itorstal (It saved 'In troin p-oin' ciuit. lo the had.. Thoi-Hh for live lonjj years I lorst all). And when I nn-t ''m oulsido ihe irate 'Ke bl-.l'oliered lust like a kbldv "Tllo. Hal. old Rill!" sez 'ee that's sfraiwhl ! U'lie ain't ve dressed like a widdy?" Then, "Hill," 1 sez, "I lnvs yer, Hill. I'v ' worked us 'ard as i can; I've b 'en Strom" -for you. And I Ions for you, I'or you're my man." . . The Sketch. LIGHTNING FRUIT JARS A11 good housekeepers use - Lightning Jars. Why? Because they open and close easy, and are perfect sealers. The re sult is they never lose a can of fruit. HE mnin rrnrrn rvii M e IfbbH II f.1 iiiU.bJ. lUll'Lib Ulliil 1.IM1TKI). imii. HWi VCU H1AR0 CF TOR FLOORS? Vl'ill jbsil;i(;l y ilo iiwi'.y with the Dust ,tiis;iiicc f Stores, .School Houses, Ilttlls nnd till I'tili lie fl.-.ccs. No more iirinUlinj;, no niorj Scrii'nl-iinj;. Wc c;m show merits of the Hood,- on our own floors. It will pay yo:i to iiic!,t:alc. in p oiin mh i OlfbM AGENTS. 10 VVBSH!BGTOS AUE'IUl SCRATON f CRANTON, PA The r)iirth Year of the Scranton Triiiniu School for Kindergarten ers will open in this city SKKI'EM W.li. 11., In:);;. For further parti, cuhti'j uiWres9 . Vim S. W. I'NDERWOOD, WINCHESTER, MASS. ' i i':l J,f ."i!.t.K fjt;i SM'ii. I .'it:,i i:,,. i;!.,:, -.-:,, . i. I If Jeiii .in ,i-V! i,-, n.. I ..-! it v.onM I tll'i !.- ''':.: : ii ' l.i -i .1 : ; IV i'i;.t i . ! bell"! l.-'il l '.. I ' .. V.'..i ci:,;.-.i to i... rcil.w;:i , !! le '..la..'.. j n n r I nut mi u ul 0 lillOiibOO U nn tin IB.. PPi Kill FX ft ? ORDER TO 'I r'l rr ii if it, MAKE M LAY ALL CARPETS II 111 I 111 I H NEW WOMAN'S SHOE 9 1 It Mm m T nr orra m nr nnnnrmnirn iltd Uilil'! n, 1 KJl El I II lift.!' Ill I I. II The Host Perfect Fitting Shoe Made. Al Full . Liuc iu All Widths at BANISTER'S 1BTE IT 1111 An your bwi's nupRests anything in the way of Stiit:oncry, Blank Hooka or DM hupplied. nnd whon yotir lut Is full brinn it in nli'l wo wdl Hiirpriso you with tllo liovcltitis wo receivo daily. Wo also carry n very unfit line of railing Cari's and Wed dins Invitations nt a model ato jiria. islicners zni Engravers, HOTEL JCRMVN ISLILDINO. f OflltlflMT t IN DEMAND JUST HOW AND cw supply the Diiaam look at liis line. He may have srtmc Jo suit YOU. MERCHANT TAILORING fprlng and Sntnmor, from Siflnp. TrnnKBr iUKii nnd OT -rcoti. foi HiKn and iloinestio tbric. madn to order to suit tile in out fa tidioun In prioe, fit mad w. iHmanshlp. D. BECK, 337 Adams Ays. II. m m Iq Inr WHEN IT OW PRICES WE ARE W U UNAPPROACHABLE. You can draw your own conclu sions by taking a look into our large show window. KEEP BUR WORKMEN EfflPLflYEfl WE WILL OF KOME-GSOWN TOMATOES PEAS, GREEN CORN, CELERY, BEETS AND CARROTS, FAN CY "JENNY LIND" AND GEM CANTELOUPES, WATERMEL ONS, CALIFORNIA FRUITS. I a PIERCE, FE1 IK. BE 32B Washington An, SCRANTON, PA. TiLEPHOric 555. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. C. C. LAT'n.ACIT. SttROKON DENTIST. Xo.l!B Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL TeX chintre. Physicians and Surgeons. tll. A. TRAIY)IJD,"srKciAl,IST"rN DIseRpen of Women, corner Wyomlnif nvcnuo and Spruce street, Scranton. Of lice hours. Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. tn. to 6 p. lit. "iR. "cotKnvsrtpiriTN67"si7 n.' Wn.hlnirton ave. Hours. 12 m. to 3 p. m. lUsenseM of women a specialty. Tele phone No. S2V, ill. W. K. A I.LEN 612 NOUTlf,-VASII. ins-ton avenue. DR. C. L. FRUY, r R ACTTP E "lIM IT E r dlsrases of tllo Eye, Ear, Xoso nnd Throat: ollleo 122 Wyoming ave. Real, denee, C29 Vino street. I-R. L. M. OXTES. 12ii WASHLNJTON nvetiue. Olfiro lioursi. I lit 9 a. m 1 ijo to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residcnco 301) iiadi. fcon nvPtiue. in. .1. C. It ATESON, TtTEflrAY3 AD Friilnys. at f.fi Linden street. Otlice hours 1 to 4 p. m. DP.. R. W. I.AMERBAPX, A SPECIAL. 1st on chronic disennea of tho heart, lunRS. liver, kidneys and Renilo urinary orpans, will occupy tho olllce of Dr. lioos, 2.12 Adnms avenue. Ollico hourn 1 to 5 p. m. W. O. nOflK, VETERINARY SUlt penn. Hordes Cattle nnd Doss treated, tlcspitnl, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2f,2. SeceH. O. R. CLARK CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: store Hi, V.'ashinston ave. nue; a-reen house, 1350 North Main ave . tiuo; store telephone 7S2. Vire Sreens. JO?. KUETTEL, REAR BU LACK A. wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turcr of WlreScreens. Hotel sa n J K estanrants. "thbHsLK C A FIJ. 125 and 127 FRANrT Un ovenue. Itates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor. 6CRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , L. & W. pnsfenccr depot. Conductd on the European p1nn. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMIN8TKK HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth SL and Irvlnir Plain, New York. Rates. 5S.M per day nd upwards. (Amerb canplaut B. N. ANA BLR. IToprletor. Will lOufflu CI, COMES TO A CLEAN SWEEP Threatens our stock of Huminnr Slioea. Jim. drop in hnforo if over, and you'll striko Blio baruuina that'll surprise you. Peoplo are apt to think somthin.; of prices, but wo niaUo lijtlit of ours and have out them down to bargain sizes, just to help tho (joiMla out. THE STAHOAnO SKOC STORE Hotel Jermyn Itulldinn, Spruce St. REPAiRIN G. I.UWVCM, WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law.- Republican bullillnsr, Washington avenue. Scran ton. Pa. JESStTPS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth bulliiing, WaahlnKton avenue. W. H. JK3STTP, ITORAfE E. HANT. W. H. .TEMsnr. .in. PATTEP.SON WITiTOX. ATTOR rey anil Counsellors at I, aw: offices . nd S Library holbllnn. Heranton. Pn. RORE1Vr"T,T. If. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WTLCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth bnlldlnsr. Rooms IS. M and 21. PRANK T. OKELL ATTOr'nEY-aS Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKEORD, ATTORNKY. t-Law, rooms C3, 64 and 5, Common wealth bnlldlnR. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. OfTlee. 317 Spruce St., Pcrnntnn. Pn. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave.. Scranton. Pa. CRIH "tOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dim Hank Rulldln, Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums at i per rent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law. Commonwealth building, Bcranton, Pa. . C. COMEGYS. 321 PPRtTrE STREET. " I). R. REPLOCT.E, ATTORNEY LOANS tieprotlnted on real eslnto security, Mears' hulbllnir, corner Washington avo tiuo and Spruce street. B. F. KILL AM, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyomlnr sv.. Scranton. Pa. JA9. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEYAtT law, 4n Commonwealth hld'K. Scranton. i. M. C. RANCK. isn WYQMINU AVE. Architects. EDWARD IT. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms ?. JS and 20, Commonwealtli bulldlne:. 'ranten. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFIC'S rear of S06 Vashina-ton avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 415 Spruce st . cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS. ARCHITECTi Price bulldinc, ini Washington avnu, Scranton. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA, Heranton. Pa., prepares boys and e-irlt for college or business; thoroughly; trains yoone children. Catalogue at ra quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. PITELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN! and School. 412 Adams avenue. Sprint term April 1.1. Klnderirarten $10 por tmi. Loam. THB REPVPLIC 8AVING8 ANf Loan Association will loan you mony on easier terms nnd pay you better oa Investment than nny other association. Coll on S. N. Callender. Dims BanK bulldinp. JMiscellanemts. BAITER'S ORCHESTRA MI7SIC FOIt balls, picnics, parties, receptions, we. I. fllnps and concert work furnished. Far term address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's mn1e store. MEUARGEE BROTHERS. "RINTER3 aupplles, envelopes, paper .isns, twine. Warehouse, UQ Washington ave.. Scran ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwnre, Conlane and OU Cloth. TOO West Lackawanna ave. THOHA3 AUBREY, EXPERT AC. rountant and auditor. Itooma W and 2t, Williams BulMIna;, ciioslte. postofflce, Aeeit for tin Res Fire iixtinguLncr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers