THE i S6BANTON 0TIIBUNE THUnSDAT MOBNING, AUGUST 13, 1896. 8 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report mm ABSOLUTELY PURE CARBONDALE. fRMar win please not thai advertise. BwntK. orders for Job work, an.l Items ror publication left at the establishment pt Ehannon ft Co.. newsdealers. North Mam street, will receive prompt attention: oi See open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.l FELL INTO DEEP WATER. Particulars of tlie Drowninc Howard foster. The body of Howard K. Foster, who ns dr.iwnod at Nlni-vt-h Tuesday eveii liis. was brought to this rily on the 4.U3 Hflaware an.l Hudson train yosterduy afternoon. Mr. Foster, with a mirty of young t -ti)l, went io the river in but ho. The j.lace li plmse for the bath was on a latije wind bur nhieh projected for some ill--tniiep into the water. At the outer end of tin' bar it dosrended abruptly In to iloei water. It was hen' that Mr. Foster met his death, for he fteppeil off the bar into the deep water and. being unable to sivlin. was drowned before the eyes of his friends, who were unuble to ttlvo him any assistance. It was not until after several hours' hard work that the body was reeoveied. Mr. Foster was a young man of stei IIiik eharai ter and a favorite anions Ins many neiiuaiiitanres. lie was but twenty-four years of ae, and bail not as yet hail a i haiiee to develop the many talents of which he was possessed. I'ECKVILLE. OVERCOME BY THE HEAT. Mis Nellie .Uulrooiiry Sneeiiiiibs to the Tierce Kn. Miss Nellie Muliooney, a younV lady employed ill the family of .Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Utilise, of South Main street, was prostrated by the severe heat and her condition has been ciiito serious. When found Hie youiiK lady was on the Moor in an unconscious condition. lr. J A. Kelley, who responded to the call fol-u physician, worked over her for some time and was at last rewarded by lesloiinif the unfortunate youiiK bull to consciousness. Ai present she is feel ill!; a little belter. Mr. Mcvenoon I i I, cave. Frank Stevenson, who for several years has very acceptably tilled the position as operator al the l-. & H. shipping olitce, will today begin bis duties as station audit at W'aymnrt. a position to which he has lately been promoted The place was made vacant by the resignation of Fred tlreiiiiell. The many friends of Mr Stevenson con gratulate him upon his promotion, but regret that his new duties will cause his removal from this city. .Miuers Contribute. The miners at No. 1 tunnel have sub scribed over a hundred dollars for the hem-tit of the fitlston sufferers. It was chlelly tluoii:th the cffoits of Mine Foreman Walerlleld that the subscrip tions was stiu ted and the men rescind ed vselieiously to the call. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. 'HI. If'" II -C' -i An. llllM' . Willi d son. Floyd, weeks' visit Serauton. is .Misses H"H- Aliss r.riilnet Celhlres, or Fiirvl. w street, is vislthm at Sliuiou SpiIiiks. lieoixe Sc neck, or liiooklyn, X. V., Is the at-t of his biollur, Joseph Scheck, in I he Kali.'. 1 h" A'Ijis Mary lliinis. ir Stisiiuchan nii, ai: 1 Annie o'Uuiiiko. of St. i 'athei ine. the Kitests or Aliss Alary Mor- !Nlnioiil sti'ei't. 'r.i'ik liurdell anil t nil d rroin a tluei . Is' Ht VVaynuirt. M ins Genevieve KccKiin. of the uaest of her cousins lln: Hie end Alice I'avanaiiK". A!i?. I'. l Ca'i'cn has reliiined rrom a wvk's vls't with l dative and frb-nds In 1 HI-loli :ni Scrantoii. Jliss Annie Collins, or 1'iovlileiici". is the (,'tiest or Albs .Mai'Ktieriie hiiford, of C'olleKe strict. o. II. Jadtvln. of New York, mid V. ('. .Taihvia, of llonesd.ile, spent yesterday in this city. Miss Alollie llayley, of Caiman street, has returned home afler a visit with friends In I'ittstou. !r. William .Morrison, who has been vls ItliiK his parents Air. and .Mrs. William Munisoii on Kiuhth avenue, retuniol yes his dm it s in St. Juseph bospitul, Itjadtm,'. Miss Lizzie Tlerney Is visit Iiik Mis. Frank Shanley, of Aluylleld yard. H. 1.. AIosit. cf Scran ton. Is the guest of Ids cousin, li. Li. SlllK'-r. uf South Main stret. Alias Canle Honey, of Bilinon street, left yesterday for a two weeks' visit In Wayne county. Aliss Amies Civeiran, of Siisiinehanna, is the Kticst of her cousin, Janus Crcenuil, of the West Side. Wilson Uurry left yesterday for a stay lit Chuctanena. Mr, and Airs. Thomas F.ibd, of New Turk city, are th Kiiests of the former's )u rents, .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kltel, of Smith Main street. Airs. 1. J. Alurcy and dmiKhter. of llctli any. are visiting Mi. F. t. Ut-Mer, on River street. .Miss Mme Barns and Aliss MuffKlt Iloollluin. of Susquehanna, ami Miss Fal lon, of New York city, are the guests of Miss Blna Loflns. or Pike street. Mrs. Charlotte Becker and dauxhter, of Xllngliuuilon, are visiting her brother. Dr. Fletcher, on Washington street. Miss Katharine lJvsmoml, matron-at the KmeroiH'y hospital, lert yesterday for a week's visit with relatives. Murdumes Wickwlre ami Seeley, of Shef field. I'll., are visiting friends Ht No. 4. Ex-Pity Solicitor Horns and Hon. C. P. O'Alalley, of Scrunton, weiv In this elty yesterday. ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SALEOF CARPETS fait read our price and compare them with any and allot the other attempts: 25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75a Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95c Brussels Carpets, Now... ...75c Also a quantity of Body Brussels length Iron to 20 yard In each piece at about one half price to close. j.scoiiISjs.a,. Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer. TERMCah tb Above Qoooa. Miss Julia M. Kestell and Herbert A. Frear, both popular young people of this place, were wedded yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Airs. Wlllliun Kestell, on Uepot street. The ceremony was con ducted In a simple unaffected way In the presence of the relatives of the two fam ilies. Rev. S. C. Simpkins, of the Meth odist F-piseopnl church olllciutel. Only the Immediate relatives of the principles were present. The bride's costume was a traveling suit. The front parlor In which the two were made one wus prettily dec orated with potted plants, and they Mood underneath an arch of evergreen and daisies. They were unattended except by one flower bearer. Miss Kena Frvir, a iii'lee of the uroom. The bride carried a bunch of carnations und roses. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served after which Air. and Mrs. Frear b-rt on the Oelaware and Hudson train for Niag ara Falls. Those present were: Mr. und Airs. K. K. (Irlener, Air. mid Airs, b'loyd It. liriener. Air. und Airs. William Frear. Air. und Airs. Horace Frear. Airs. Jennie Fivar and Air. ami Airs. John lloyt, or AUvliel I. William Swales spent Sunday last at Nanticoke. Air. unrf Airs. William Hell, Airs, lieorgp A. Bell, Airs. Joseph (!. Hell, uecomp inlcd by Air. and Airs. .Martin Kllhorn and Mis. W. F. Kilhorn and daughter, Kalie. of Philadelphia, spent yesterday ut Lake Wl. imhi. Mr. and Airs. Henry Jones, who have Imiii visiting Airs. Jones" par-nis here for the past two weeks, letiiruel to their hutiM at Scrantoii yesterday. 11AI.I.STKAH. Hi Bummer spent Sunday in Hinghnm ton. Airs. John Tyler Is the guest of fiends and relatives In Newport. K. 1. Frank .1. Arnold is seriously ill ut his home on Main street. Attorney John I'Yiij'lson of Susiiielinn na, spent Tuesday with friends in ihls place. Airs. H. F. Ilcrnsleln and family, accom panied by her sister, Airs, AI. K., of New York cilv. spent Tuesday ut Heart lake. The Bed M n of Ana wan tribe. Stll, of our village, have arranued lo picnic at l-anes-boro Tuesday, the ISth lust., with all the oilier tribes of the llnjiioved Order if Bed .Men of Siisoiiehaiinu unit Wayne ioiiJ lies. Specl tl nrrunKf tneuts or are by the File railroad wdl make It an In cvpensive outing and a large attendance is expected. The societies of iTrace church, of (treat Bend, are soon to have a new p.nier pnli lish'il under the clltorshln of I lev. ill ward AleHenry. Aliss Kill Hi Fessenden Is llio guest oT her grandparents nt llopbottoiu. Simon Sprlnsfnni, who spent Saturilay and Sunday with W; -F. Bernstein, re turned to New York Monday tnornhijr. His coming to town was to urruiiKe ror 'a creasing tl;e onerallon or the le.xtlb) nilil fore In the next two weeks. TAYLOK. All the members or the Allnook.a tribe, No. 'J17, Improved Order or Ke. Men, are reipicsted to meet at their hall tomorrow evening, as business of great importance to the tribe will he transacted. This evening the Bepubliciin league will hold a meeting In the burgess' otlice at 8 o'clock to elect three delegates to attend the Kc publican state convention, which will be held at Kile next month. The Beds, of this place, and the Kureka Beserves, of Providence, will cross bats this artcriioou on the school house grounds. Bev. Thomas ibillltlis, who has) been visiting here for the past two weeks, left for his home In New Philadelphia, O., Tuesday. The rmieral services over the remains or Willie, the 7-inoiiths-old chihi or Air. and Airs. William (lammuii, or Mlnooka, took place yesterday afternoon. Key. V. A. Klmr ollli laled. Alter the services the remains were hi, rue to the Forest Hume ecmeter for Interment by I'ndertaker J. K. Davis. All those who ate Inking part in the eun tuta entitled "Old Woman hi the Shoe," are requested to meet ut the t'alvary Bap tist church ror rehearsal Saturday even lug at 7.:i o'clo"k, NEW .Mil l OKI), K. V.'. Bu.le is having a in w stone side walk "lid in ri on I or his house. The Methodist picnic ut Heart luke yes terday was a grand success. A cry of lire was heurtl In the tannery and all alarm scut In. The hose cart re sponded, but the tire was put out without much damage. Tlie pay car on the ficlaware. Iacka wanna and Western will distribute the "free silver" here Saturday. A foundation Is being laid for the shingle mill. The Patriotic Order Sons of America people are talking or un excursion In the near future. T. J. fair and family, or this place, were ill Montrose on business Tuesday. Charlie Wood Is having some repairing done in bis store on Main street. Harvest apple are selling fur 20 cents a bushel NICHOLSON. Attorney S. I.. Tiffany Went to Montrose Monday and Tuhkhannock yusu r.Jay to attend court. Mr. and Airs. Arthur Moore and sun. Claude, went to Heart hike Wednesday for a ten days' outmg. Aloses Shields visile, I clink' Miitntnlt yesterday. .Miss Mate Crocker returns to her home III Alontrose today, accoinpunleil by her friend, Aliss Susan Black. -Miss .Maine Benjamin und Fiainc Baker spent the ituy at laike Wlnola Tuesday Aliss Belle Ore-n, of Hcranton, is giiet or Airs. Klmer Bucou. The little i-year-ulij son or Kvlngton Bell, the stulion agent, is dangerously III at Ihls wiitiui;. Airs. I .u ura Walker is repnrled a very little belter. he TO GET POWER FROM NIAGARA. Dynamos lit the l ulls lo Trnn.niit Klerlrieity to Other ilies. New York, Aug. 12. There ore now In service In California three or four lines over which power Is transmitted In the fortn of electricity for distune s varying; from twenty to thirty-live miles. The pressure under which the electricity Is sent Is from 10.0OU to 12,90) volts. The amount thus conveyed is equivalent in each case to neveril thousand horse power. The great plant af Niagara has thus far FUpplied power only to factories close at hand. Active steps are now being taken, how ever, to furnish other cities. The contract has been let for the construction of a line to Buffalo, fif teen miles away, over which eventual ly1 about 20,000 horse power will be transmitted. This would require all of the output of the four 6.000 horse power dynomos. These machines are not all In place yet at the falls. For this and other reasons only 6.0tK horse power will be delivered at first. At least 1.000 of this will be taken by the Buffalo Street Hallway company, and It Is hoped that connections will be made (for this purpose by or before November 1. That pat tlcular customer pays $4U annually per horse power, but Is to have it for :!8 If it takes more that the amount Just mentioned,. Weeklies devoted to elect rival . Inter ests have within the lust few. daya printed many details of the enterprise. The current Is to be generated and transmitted according; to the "three phase system" that Is, three separate alternating currents will be sent, the waves of one being; a, fraction of a wave length behind another. Thre copper wires will be required for this purpose. F.aeh 5.000 horse power will have Its own set of wires, go that there will be twelve of the latter even tually, when the whole 20,000 is in, de livered. It has not yet been definitely decided whether to send the current at a vol tage of 10,000 or 20.000. The dynamos generate it as 2.000 and the current will go through three-phase transformers at Niagara, which will raise the voltage to whatever figure is adopted. This is only for transmission purposes. In Buf falo another set of transformers will reduce the voltage tor pressure) to whatever degree Is desired. On trolley roads it Is customary to use a voltage of about 500. There has been much talk about the danger to humnn life and to animals from accidental contact with wires con taining htghtpotetitlul currents, and for that reason the Idea of underground conduits bus been considered. A pule line has been adopted, however. This line will run along u private right of way. and will be carefully fenced in. Nobody but trespasser or careless linemen, therefore, can-get hurt. An additional wire to catch lightning will he strung uloiiir the same set of poles, and ut each 111 ill pole It will be run to the ground, so as to conduct off any superfluous electricity gathered from the atmosphere. The particular fonn of Insulator to be used for the power wires on this line Is the "petticoat" type, so that, no mutter how wet the outside may be come, there are dry inner' surfaces which will ffectiuilly check the leakuge of electricity MRS. ROOT iOES ON THE FORCE. Milliliter of ii Itesctie Hume M ill lie tiivcii Police Power. St. Paul. Minn., Aug.. 12. Mayor Poran decided to appoint as u special police ofllcer Mrs. S. V. Hoot, manager of the Besctie Home, tfi-day. The commission will state that' Mrs. Root is subject to the chief-of-pollee und must at all times report her actions ty him, and that she will serve without expense to tlie city. Mrs. Boot said this morning that she was very much pleased with the pros ect of becoming a "copper," not sf) much for the honor and prestige of the position ,as because she felt It neces sary to successfully carry on the work he has undertaken, that she be given the power to do a great amount of work which she had heretofore been compelled to cull on the police for. WYOMING. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T-ehmnn spent Sunday with the lutter's sister, Mrs. Kozell. Miss Francis Henwoo and Walter Hoover, of Wllkes-Harre, Were calling on Miss riwltzer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dymond and his nephew visited relatives at Lack vllle Sunday. Miss Mary Wagner, of Berwick, Is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Swltzer. Mr. and Mrs. James Giles and Mrs. Benlllhuuer and Mrs. Chestnut, of Parsons, were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Chestnut's yesterday. Constipation Causes fully half tlie sickness in tlie world. It retains the digested food too long iu the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, iud Mood gestiou, bad taste, coated pfk tongue, sick headache. In- I II sotnnla, etc Hood's Pills 1 1 IS cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by V. I. Hood tt Co., Lowell, Mass. 1'liu ouly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hern Mods in Merchant Tailoring. W :' I n A VI S will open .in a-few 'days at the Ftothinghara Building, 215 Vybming Avenue." ft u- uri-J complete and modern Merchant Tailoring establishment. We make Suits from 9 the finest that money can buy to the cheapest that can be made consistent with good workmanship and good goods. None but all wool goods will be used in the cheapest garment we make. Our Specialty for the present will be All-Wool Suits, made to order for $15.00; Fabrics, finish and fit guaran. teed as good as anything that can be made elsewhere in Scranton for $25.00. In fact, you can't buy the same goods ia ready made for any less. Ancient methods and ancient prices are done away with our in establishment. We buy our goods directly from the mills and save the wholesalers profits. We are thoroughly equipped for business. Our cloths, our cutters and our tailors are all here. There will be no disappointments to customers. Their orders will be completed when promised. Our cloths- consist of all new and elegant patterns. Wait for the Opening, which will be announced in a few days. V J. DAVIS, 215 lilfYOHG AVENUE FROTH INGHAM BUILDING. rreiNWAY 8ON1 . . Ackaawledged tb. Leading PIANOS Ol to. War 14 DECKER BROS.. KRANICHB BACHB and other ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. iirch.Mr will always find a complete tuck and at price a low as the quat. tty el tb. Instrument wttl pcrnl at I A. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ae. Scrantoii ON THE LINE OF THfc ar. located the finest flshlnir and hunting ground. In the world. Denerlpllve books on application. Tickets to all points in Main., Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United State. Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tavoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rate, always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc.. sn application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 3S3 Broadway. New York. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tb. Superbly Appointed and Commodious Kterl fiteHlinliipt. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, American through and through, leave Buffalo I H'mIht anil Fridays 9.30 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac, The Sou, Duluth, und Western Points, paxsiug all places of interest by daylight. In coiinuutioo with THE UREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the most dirert route, and from ev ry point of comparison, the most delightful aud comfortable one tn Minneapolis 8t. Paul, Ureal Palls, Halena. Kutte. HDoltane aud Pa cific coast. Th. onlv trnuiH'Outtii.ntal lin. running th. famous buffet, library, observa. tion car. S.w HT Imnr train for Portland vis Spnknne. HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka, It miles from Almiieapolif, largest aud mist bcautiul resort in the west. '1 lck.tsand any information of any agent or A. A. HKKL), Ueneral Psssenner agent, Buffalo, N. Y. MIDSUMMER CLOSING SALE K Sterling Silver Sliirt Waist Sets, worth tSc to $1; choice for SOc. Worth $1.'25 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth 3.SO, at $2.5(1. Worth $2.50. at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers Triple Plate Spoons. Forks and Knives at reduced prices. F.u. graved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers, Cake Ruskets, etc, finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. ERIR'S ESTABLISHED 1873. miiiiii Telephone Coll 5154. SUMMER CLEARING SALE OF CARPETS BEST VALUE EVER GIVEN IN SCRANTON. seuson. DURONT'S DINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER anufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BE UN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District US WYOMINd AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: TTTOS, FORD, Plttx'ton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MI'LLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the. Kopauno CbendcnJ Com f any's High ixvloaives. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 9 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINQ, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. in. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and Upper.) Particular Attention Given to Collections. Prompt Settlement Uuaranteed. Vour Hitst ess is Kaspcctf ulljr Solicited. Telephone 144, 1A1 Iri lira mw VXE have purchased several thousand dollars' vorthy of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers from A. Richards & Co., Auctioneer, 56 Reade Street, New York, for spot cash and we offer them for almost nothing : 50 cases Men's Dress Shoes, congress and lace, all toes stales and sizes, for 89c. 36 pair Men's Calf Patent Tip Congress Shoes, for 99c; are worth $2.00. 72 pair Men's Russet Shoes, all razor toes, sizes 6 to 11, for 59c. Men's Hand-Sewed Calf Shoes, all razor toe, worth $3.00, for $1.59 72 pair Ladles' Patent Leather Sandals, sizes 2)4 to 7, at 59c; are worth $1.25. 64 pair Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, sizes 2xt to 8, worth $1.25, for 50c. 36 pair Misses' Russet Shoes, regular price $1.00, for 50c. 32 pair Child's Opera Slippers, sizes 84 to 1 1, at 49c 64 pair Youths' Shoes; sizes 1 1 to 2, at 69c RUSSET SHOES ALMOST GIVEN AWAY a Men's Russet Shoes, regular price $2.50, for $1.25. Men's $3.00 Russets for $1.75. x Men's $5.00 Russets for $2.50. Ladies' Russet .Shoes reduced to $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Misses' Russet Shoes reduced to 50c, 75c. and $1.00. Boys' and Youths' Russet Shoes reduced to $1 .00 and $1.25. $(rThe above are only a few of onr Great Bargains. Call and examine our goods. No trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it. Dauidou's One Price Shoe House, 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. e ofl'er this week a splendid assortment of good at prices which dwf competition. Patterns all choice, but are thoie we will not carry into net ow 18 your opportunity to secure Uood Carpets at Low Prloe. Tapestry Brussels, SOc, 5"c and 60c a yard. Were 63c, 75c and 85c a yard. Velvets. 65c and 90c, Formerly 85c. and $1.10. All Wool Ingrains reduced to 50c from 65c and 70c. Heavy Wool Figured Cotton Carpets, double cotton chain warp, '25c and 30c; former price 35c and 40c. .Smyrna Rujcs, 30x60 Inches, handsome designs and col . orlngs, at $U5; former price $3.00, We have Just received a complete line of Genuine Gwallor Rugs, beau tiful combination of color, latest HtyleH, rich Oriental effects., aud iu order to introduce them will .ell during the sale at $ 1 .3o. These Rugs are good value for $2 50. S. G. KERR, SON & CO., Opposite Main Entrance to th. Wyoming House. 408 Lackawanna Avenue ON THE SQUARE. SQUARE EDGED . I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. O QUA RE OOUARE RICHARDS LUMBER CO., 02 COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. 'PHONE 422. DEALING TO EALERS. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCfUNTON AND WILKES-BARRE. PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUUPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. stai a A LOUNGE FREE. ... With every purchase of $40.00 or over for Cash or Credit in any of our departments. week the in it. YOU SEE we are making , it pleasant for the stay : ; at-homes and the slim pock I ; etbook brigade. But, that's J where the latter are enjoy ing refreshing bargains this seashore or the lakes aren't Iti.M na..siata.ii I Baby Carriages About one dozen remaining in stock. You want them we want to dispose of 'em. What will you give? Space is worth more to us about now. Refrigerators Are in about the same boat. Thi3 is the weather for them seasonable bargains we call 'em. One More Week For our Lounge Gift Sale. 218, 225 AND 227 Wyoming . Avenus. CLOTHING ON CREDIT, TOO.