OTE SCRASrrOX TRIBX7NE---WID3T15SDAT MOt&TNXJ, - ATTGTJST 12,, 1896; 12 GARBONDALE. rReaders wftl plas not that advertls. snents, order for Job work. Mid Items for Eubilcatlon left at the establishment pf hannon A Co., newsdealers. North Main tract, will nrelve prompt attention; of ice open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.J A NEW JAIL. Vnn Dura Iron Works, of ClevelnuU, thr Hnrrraftful Bidder1). This c-lty will booii be provided with ft new jail if tht most improved pat tern, tin- ecnitraet for the work having tieen awarded to the Van Dorn iron works, "f Cleveland, Ohio. There were several bidders, hut their prlee was far beyond that of the hucj ssful contractors. They were as fol lows: Hunt & Connell, Scranton, $1, 4.U; K. T. Uarnum. Detroit, $1,338; Van orn Iron works, $sl7. . The plans and specifications of the work were drawn up by the Van Dorn company and the representatives of the otiicr companies hinted that they n iiulred certain fixture upon which Van J torn held the llxt ores and that thus all other cuiiipetltois were shut out. The Van Dorn axi-nt, however, denies this, nml says that the only patent held by them was on the square bar work and that has run out. The new Jail will be of concrete and steel and the contract requires the work to be done In sixty days. In the south side will be the compartment for females, which will have steel doors and observation panels. Across the corri dor will lie the six steel oases for the men. They will have grated tops and doors, while the back and sides are solid. Kadi cage will contain a water closet and be equipped with the must sanitary idmnliinK- BADLY BITTEN. A icioiis Oog Tcnr n Little Hoy's I'acc. A ferocious attack was made Uxjii Willi.-, the little son or Mr. ami .Mrs. H-nry Mcl.uuKh.lin, of Brooklyn street, by u im-IhIiIioi's don and before the ani mal could he pulled off the lad's face lind beep torn in a horrible manner. The hoy has always been on good terms with the dog and often played with it fur hours, so that the attack cannot be explained. At tin- time the little fellow was going Into the own er's house when the aiilmul Jumped upon him and knocked him down. His uereams soon brough help and the dog was finally pulled olY. The face of the boy presented u horrible appearance. It was torn and scratched and there was a large cut under the ear. The Vicious animal has since been sho I'rolcs-or It. I'.. I'itts to l.cnve. i-roiessor iv r;. ruts, wno ror tne last few years has been situated In this ..If.. I...U I l.U. I.......M..H einuer in fereui n'Krci as Hilling Ills stay here lip has made many friends who have learned his worth. Howard riiMcr Drowned. A telegram was received here last evening from Nineveh, N. Y., stating that Howard Foster, son of J'. ,1. Fos ter, of Canaan street, had been drowned in the river. No particulars were given, PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. N. .T. Drown of Wilkes-liarr" i the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Mcdojwty of Lincoln avenue. Mr. and Mrs. K V. Ctogan and chil dren. Miss Annie Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Monahan and daughter Kate, und Messrs. Thomas Drennan and l.uwrence Muhme returned Monday Hum Atlantic City. .1. F. I.e ha.s been appointed ptst niaster ul South Canaan, Wayne county. Mian Mary llannan of Philadelphia, U visiting Miss Hebecca Coleman ot Wayne Kt-eet. Miss Annie Moon of Terrace street 1 Hie guesl of friends in (MITord. Mrs. W. !. (liles and children leave to-day for a visit of feveral weeKs with friends In tturtoii. N. V. John I'.ildgett is spending the week 01 Crystal Lake. Mrs. Hannah and Margaret Killeen of Itiouklyn street are vlsltng friends in Clinton, Wayne county. Miss .Mattle Hards is visiting friends in Peckville. .Mrs. C. K, Murcy of Eighth avenue Is ill at her home Miss Charlotte Ciles left yesterday for a stay of several weeks n.t Atlantic City. The MIS!: Annie Malloy and Mabol Jenkins of Scranlnn are the guests of Mis. Stockard of Dertsett street. John Merrill ot Terrace street Is confined to his home by sickness. Miss Julia Kilhullen of Mrooklyn etreet has left for a two weeks' visit with friends In Scranton. Joseph UurkeMif Utieonta. N. Y who has been visiting friends In tills city, has returned home. Mrs. Waller Wills of South Church street is seriously 111. Misses Mattle Howell and Katie Els ton are visiting at Lake Ariel. Mrs. Dwight Khlnevault has return--d from a two weeks' visit with rela tives at Montrose. Misses Murphy ond Snow, who have lieen spending the past month at Crys tal Lake, have returned to their home in Scranton. Dr. Grander of Forest City was tn town yesterday. A party of six yours men from Pcranton. composing a camping party, passed through thitf city yesterday en route for Crystal Lake. Miss Mamie Cannon of Pike street Is visiting friends in Scranton. Miss Khotlii Whitehead of Helmont street ond Miss Carrie Lewis of Cot- ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS Just read our prices and compare them with any and ail of the other attemptst 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now..; 18c 35c Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpets, Now. .....39c 75a Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95a Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Alio a quantity of Body Brussels lengths from a to jo yard In each piece at about one JiaU price to ctuec. Carjau and Wall Papar Dealer. TERM9ali ea Ue Above deed. tage etreet have iron t Wayne coun ty, where they will visit for two weeks. Miss Marie Bryson is visiting Iter brother. R II. Hrysun. in Plttston. P. . P. Flannelly. M. F. Norton. Thomas and Patrick Boylan left yea terday for a. visit in New York City. Mrs. H. M. Hunter and Mrs. Ida E. MeCotnb leave to-morrow for a two weeks' visit at Wantagm Falls. N Y. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morgan and children have returned from a visit at East Worcester and Coonerstown, N. Y. Rev. J. (1. Evans of Vaiidllng lert yesterday for Ocean drove. Miss Pearl Van A man of AVIlkes- Tiarre is the guest of Miss Viola Sulli van of Belmont street. FOREST CITY. The police of Forest City are evtdently Intending to wage a war of extermina tion against our noble canines. Officers Holden. Bates and Wescott were noticed traversing the streets this morning with lasso In hand and "blood In eye. One of the first canines to chance their way was an Innocent but, as he proved to be, wilv nue. After considerable flirtation the Intended victim retreated to the shaded of one of our gutter bridges. Onleer Hates signalled for help and Otll- cer Wescott made quick response The chances were ten to one against the pug. but, crafty brute that he was. he lunged forward right through the waiting snare and, wiser than Lot's wife, never looked back until, at least, the catchers were beyond his vision. By this time our chief wore a determined visage und spying another member of the same numerous family coming from jNortn Main street at a rapid rate toward the Bennett house the olilcer stationed him self and snare in the middle of the street and waited. The dog came: the dog was caught; but upon examination, nlas! he was found to be muzzled. . Monday afternoon at Midway Grove, Mrs. Jennie V. Dinsniore addressed the W. C. T. C. Monday evening the meet ings were brought to u close by a con cert in the Methodist Episcopal church, given by "the Beveridges." Admission, 10 cents. Attendance large. The "Gos pel meetings" may be said to i.uve been a success. Much Interest has been manifested and the addresses were able and Iiimi nn live. Tne Republicans of Forest City should endeavor to secure ex-Speaker (lalushu A. Grow to address them on the issue of the day. There is perhaps no states man of the present who understands better than he the cause of our indus trial ills. W. A. May. of Hcranton. wus In town yesterday on official business. Miss Mary Smith, of Scranton, has been the recent guest of V. I.. Petersen. liev. Mr. Wilbur, pastor or the Bap tist church in Jackson', was In attend ance at the gospel meetings Monday. Frank Cunningham, our efficient and popular postmaster, has returned from Atlantic City looking much refreshed by the ocean breezes. Kev. ( S. B. Stone, the energetic pastor of I he Methodist Episcopal church, is still at the seaside recuperating. -- MONTROSK. Monday opened iiuorter sessions court and the usual augmentation to the town's population. Among the legal men from abroad who are in attendance at court are: E. It. W. Searle, J. D. Miller and it. J. Manning, Susquehanna; S. L. Tiffany, l.athrop. and II. . Wutrous, Curbon dale. The number of criminal cases for trial Is exceedingly large. Maishal Barney, w ho was recently In jured near New Milford by falling from his bicycle, is rapidly Improving. Two successful balloon ascensions were accomplished on Saturday by George linker, of South Montrose. Mr. Baker engaged an aeronaut, not taking the da.'lng voyage himself. The para chute drop was excellent and the pyro technlcitl display from the balloon in the evening ascension was viewed by several thuusand people. These ascen sions were made under the ausolces of Montrose Fire company. No. they feel ing that It would be doing more than was expected from them by giving these ascensions, which, oil uccount of the elements, they were unable to pro duce on July 4. Stephen Miller, the blacksmith, who was shot near Forest Lake on Aug. 1, Is slowly recovering. Frank Randolph, the genslug digger, who wus urrested Saturday as being Implicated In the shooting of Miller ut Forest Lake, was discharged alter a hearing before Jus tice Courtrlght. on Sunday, during the extreme heat of the afternoon. Bight Kev. Michael J. llobun. bishop of the Scranton dio cese. Rev. Father K. J. Lafterty, offici ating at Auburn und Montrose, and Rev. Lallcy. or St. Joseph's, perrormeo the sacred rites of consecrating the new Catholic cemetery. Klshop Hoban, after the beautiful ceremony, addressed the large assemblage. 1 1 is remarks were In part as follows: "We are Jiere today lo consecrate to God this acre. God's acre of ground. When we sanctify the bodies of those entering our church and it Is deemed most proper that we should also sanctify the very ground where these bodies are to be laid. All over the world these sanctified spots are distributed." 'TLNKIINANOCK. The August session of the court open ed Monday afUrnoon. In 'the case of Harry Khoades and Will Ollfoy for stealing trout from the private fish pond of W. K. and C. A. Little the grand jury returned a true bill. They did likewise In the case of Dan Dom slfe, Will Blrchard und Bryon Ayers, on the charge of larceny of a horse and carriage belonging to Col." 10. S. Hand rick. A true bill has been returned against Ferdinand Champlewier for the murder of Benjamin Carter at Skin ners Fddy on the night of July 3rd. In the case of K. V. Lott charged with assaulting his wile the jury, found him guilty, lie has not yet beon sen tenced. Mrs. Samuel Eysenbnch Is quite ill at her home on Putnam street. Mrs. K. W. Bardwell and her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Kram are at Dimock where they will remain until after camp meeting. R. P. Nouhop spent yesterday in Waverly, N. Y. i Alfred Slgman spent last week with his parents at Kaston. TAYLOR. The funeral of Mopkln, the R-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bash am, took place yesterday afternoon from the home of his parents on Main street. The services, which were held at the house, were very appropriate and large ly attended. Interment was made at the Forest Home cemetery. Misses Tlllle Weber and Nellie Con nor left yesterday afternoon for a week's Visit at Trucksville. It Is rumored that the Archbald col liery will shut down on next Saturday to make extensive repairs and Improve ments. The Republicans of Taylor will hold a meeting at the burgess' office tomorrow evening, August 13, to elect three dale gates and three alternates to attend the annual convention of the Republican league of Pennsylvania at Krle in Sep tember. . Pyne, Archbald and Sloan have peti tioned to court for a borough. Why not become annexed to Taylor borough? All you need to do la to knock for admis sion and the gates will be thrown open. FACTOR YVILLE. Miss Mary Dean, of New York, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Q. S. Wilson, of this place, Wright Mroadbent and wife, of Hyde Park, are visiting: relatives in town. The following teachers will teach at the places named: Annie Carpenter, Glen; Josle Lindsey, Tunnel; Artie Col vin. Carpenter Hollow; Mary Baldwin, Bunker Hill. Hallock Reynolds and George Klein felter took a drive to Mud pond Satur day and returned laden with water lilies. Mrs. L. D. Kemmerer Is visiting rela tives In Wayne county. Stanley Himrell started on his bicycle Monday morning for Niagara Falls. The entertainment given In the brick church by Prof. Mi-Keen and wife was well attended and all were well pleased with the programme. Xiba Hinds took a trip to Scranton on his bicycle Saturday. , OLD FORGE. 'Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Draker, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stewart. Mrs. Samuel Broad head and Miss Weathy Broadhead re turned home on Friday from a week's visit in Atlantic City. Messrs. Nelson " and Jenkins were elected delegates to represent the Fourth district at the convention to be held in Scranton today. Mr. and Mrs. Lymun Hntilcker, of Jer myn, spent Sunday ut the home of A. Wood. A number of the members of the Brick church F.pworth league will attend the grand rally at the Wyoming Camp ground today. The house of Abrarn Seal was de stroyed by lire on Sunday. The man who shot at Constable Wil liam Davis is out on bull. 1R1CEBUR;. One of the horses driven In W. C. Grir fin's store team wus overcome by the excessive heat yesterday. Prof. John Mct'awley, of Carbondule, visited friends here on Monday. Miss Nellie Clark, left last evening for a week's visit with friends in Archbald. The woodwork on the new brewery Is completed. Wllllum Owens and son Thomas, of Blalrsville, Pu., are the guests of the former's uncle, U. L. Owens of North Main street. Mrs. John Thomas of Lincoln street, Is seriously III. John Llllibrklpre, of Blakely, called on friends here yesterday. Modern Hods in Merchant Tailoring I T A VIC will open in a few days at the Frothingham Building, 215 Wyoming Avenue, a V complete and modern Merchant Tailoring establishment. . We make Suits from VV A the finest that money can buy to the cheapest that can be made consistent with good workmanship J J- XT !.. 11 I 1- MI1 1 . . ana gooa gooas. rnone dui an wooi gooas win De usea in tne cneapest garment we make. Our Specialty for the presentwill.be All-Wool Suits, made to order for $15.00; Fabrics, finish and fit guaran teed as good as anything that can be made elsewhere in Scranton for $25.00. In fact, you can't buy the same goods in ready made for any less. Ancient methods and ancient prices are done away with our in establishment. We buy our goods directly from the mills and save the wholesalers profits. We are thoroughly equipped for business. Our cloths, our cutters and our tailors are ail here. There will be no disappointments to customers. Their orders will be completed when promised. Our cloths consist of all new and elegant patterns. Wait for the Opening:, which will be announced in a few days. V J. DAVIS, 215 WYOMING AVENUE FROTHINGHAM BUILDING. TEINWAY SON . . ackaawlcdged the Leadlaf PIANOS Of the WarlA DECKER BROS.. ILRAN1CHB BACHB and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, flusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchser will always find a complete etock and at price a low as the qua ty of the Instrument mW permit at II. fl. HUT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Arc. - - Scranton This is the complaint of Pill thousands at thU season. H Jf They have no appetite; food limtWhli does not relish. They need thetoning upot the stomach and digestive organs, which course ot Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies mid enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptlo can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic touch." Sarsaparilla Is the best In fart the One True Itlood Purifier. ni are the hest after-dinner HOOd S I'lllS pills, aid digestion. 2M ON THE LINE OF THt CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest Ashing- and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Mlnnettpolip, St, Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vunvouver, Seattle, Tauoma, . Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fined with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to want of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 3S3 Broadway, New York. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN KTEAAISHIP COMPANY. The Superbly Appointed and Commodious fieri Htcnimliip. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, American through and ihruugb, leave Buffalo I ivudavi und Friday o . 30 p ml fur Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The 00, Duluth, mid Western Points, paeeing all plure of interest by daylight In connection with THE flREAT NORTHBRN RAILWAY, It form the most direct route, and frum ev ery point of comparison, the most delightful and oomfortaU" ons t Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ureat Falls, Helun. Butte. Spokane anil Pa cific coaet. The onlv tranm ontinentiil line running the famous buffet, library, obsar ra ti on car. New 07 hour train for Portland via Spokane, HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake Minnetonka. Ill miles from Miuneaiiolif, largest aud meat beantiul reeorc ia the went. iickstsand any information of any agent or A. A. 11 BAKU, Uenural Pasnencer agent, Buffalo, N. Y. MIDSUMMER 1 SALE Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth 6."ij to $i; choice for SOc. Uorth $1-25 to $1.75; choice for $l.O0. Sterling Silver Kelt llucklcs. worth rt.KO, at 2.SO. Worth $2.ftU. at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. (iemiinc Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives ut reduced prices. Kn. graved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers, Cake baskets, etc.. finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Strc, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. MERCEREAU ft CONNELL DUPONT'S lilllNG, BLASTING MO SPORTING POWDER aiiufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BEI.IN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District WYOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, Pa, Third National Hank Building. AOR.NOIE8: THO8. FORD. Plttston. Pa. JOHN n. SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wtlkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno ChemlcnJ Com amy's High Evoalves. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman Sth Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOPRS from T.30 a. m. to p. tn. (l hour intermUsion for dinner and supper.) Particular Attention Olven to Collection.. Prempt tettlement Guaranteed. Your Bust u Keapectiuliy solicited, i elepbont 1 34, I5! PI HH1 lil lluxj Mm w b have purchased several thousand dollars worth of Mens, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers from A. Richards & Co., Auctioneer, 56 Reade Street, New York, for spot cash and we offer them for almost nothing : 50 cases Men's Dress Shoes, congress and lace, all toes styles and sizes, for 89c. 36 pair Men's Calf Patent Tip Congress Shoes, for 99c; are worth $2.00. 72 pair Men's Russet Shoes, all razor toes, sizes 6 to 11, for 59c. Men's Hand-Sewed Calf Shoes, all razor toe, worth $3.00, for $1.59. 72 pair Ladles' Patent Leather Sandals, sizes 24 to 7 flt 59c. 5 are worth $1.25. 64 pair Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, sizes 2l2 to 8, worth $1.25, for 50c. 36 pair Misses' Russet Shoes, regular price $1.00, for 50c. 32 pair Child's Opera Slippers, sizes 8 to ii, at 49c. 1 1 64 pair Youths' Shoes; sizes 11 to 2, at 69c. RUSSET SHOES ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Men's Russet Shoes, regular price $2.50, for $1.25. Men's $3.00 Russets for $1.75. Men's 5.00 Russets for $2.50. .. Ladies' Russet Shoes reduced to $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Misses' Russet Shoes reduced to 50c, 75c and $1.00. Boys' and Youths' Russet Shoes reduced to $1.00 and $1.25. t$J5rThe above are only a few of onr Great Bargains. Call and examine our goods. No trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it. Davidow's One Price Shoe House 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CLEARANCE SALE LACE CURTAINS We have several small lots or Lace Curtains, two and three pairs era pattern, which we desire to close out We want their room. You want the goods. This is a rare chance to secure choice designs at your own price. Muslin Curtains Three yards 10 pairs at 10 pairs at Nottingham so pairs ot 10 pairs at 20 pairs at Irish Point 4 pairs at 4 pairs at 5 oalrs at 3 pairs at long, 93c, $1.23, 50c $1.25, full width, were J1.50 were 1.75 were 75c were ft. 00 were 150 $1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 3.30, were A2S were 3.00 were 4.50 were 5.00 Special Prices On our entire stock of BRUSSELS, CLLXY, TAMBOUR, Etc. Summer Curtains Snow flakes, silk stripe and CRE TONNE from fi.50 to fe.25 per pair. Sash laterials by the yard. Full line of Novel ties. S. 6. KERR, SON & CO., Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House. 408 Lackawanna Avenue ON THE SQUARE. lUUAKt EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH, Si UARE liEAUNG TO uare Dealers. RICHARDS LUMBER CO., 02 COKIMOaWEUTH BUILDING. 'PH3.1E 421 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO 8CRANT0N AND WILKE8-BARRE. PA MasMifaeturan of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUUPING MACHINERY. OMcral Office: SCRANTON, PA. aie A LOUNGE FREE. . . . With every purchase of $40.00 or over for Cash or Credit in any of our departments. ; OU SEE we are making ' it pleasant for the stay- at-homes and the slim pock J etbook brigade. But, that's ing refreshing bargains this week the seashore or the lakes aren't in it. Baby Carriages About one dozen remaining in stock. You want them we want to dispose of 'em. What will you give? Space is worth more to us about now. Refrigerators Are in about the same boat. ' This is the weather for them seasonable bargains we call 'em. One More Week For our Lounge Gift Sale. 218,225 AND 227 .. Wyoming Avenue. CLOTHING ON CREDIT, TOO.
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