The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
fRMr win p1 not that flvrtl
n''nt. order, for Job work and I Horns ror
rubllcktion left at the f,ab"shhenM-
fehannon & Co.. nwden,7"; NVi5b- of-
treet. will receive prompt attention.
ice open from a. m. to 10 p. ni.j
A Wll-Kuow n !i lid Ufsitt l U M'timiin
Is Cnllrd Awiiy.
AftiT an Illiifss of several werks ai.d
int.-nse .suftVi'ing fii'in Hrutir il-Uflsy.
Mis. Willium Kuumia was rullod uway
yesd-i-diiy inoriiliiR.
Slu- Is niouiin-d liy lu-r pun-ins. Mr.
uinl Mrs. I(um-1 Curpi'iitHr, lu-r lius
l.aiitl. William Kuuiuls, Iict Histor, Mrs.
U A. l-iiir.lii k mill Iut two i-liihlren.
V.iUnr ami S:ulic .Mis. iioinuls wuh
lorn in rninulali- about tlilrty-seven
ai s aa. mul lias luul Iut In hup in
this city fur tin past Iwvlw yiars. She
was ussuciat'U in utllve niiMiilii'lshlii
v.ili tin' Unlli-H' Auxiliary of the ISroth
piIhkicI il' Jtiiilruail Trainmen, and with
l.imitia l-"iltfe, laus,'liteis uf lt
lu kali. She was liifclily esteemed as a
ininl-er of tin- Methodist liun li. netive
In all taiod works. Slie will In; Hieatly
misled liy u law little of devoted
fi lends.
lUU.-nl al St. llihH iinvonl.
A l-. livat for Hie Sisters of the 1m
maeiiluto Moure of Maryof the Srriiuum
dioees.', oinneil oil Tlmisday evening
Hi St. U.ise t'oliVeiit. It will eoiiiintie
until Allfjust n. Aholit tidily sisters
I'epl'I'Sentilip' Hip ilil'iVrent eonvents
thluUKllout tiu dioreseureln uttendum e.
Kev. r'ntlir .Midler, of the Keilemp
tore.t older, will l ondin t the lvtluat.
Misses Anna Kerry. Klta Felts mul
Anna Koseiisrant returned Thursday
evening from iieena llruve, N. .1.. wlieiv
they have spent the past month.
11. .1. Iteuton, who has been spending
Ids vacation at his former home, At'ton,
.V J., has been iiiiite ill at that place.
Miss Delia l.oiinhi y of Ptttston,
who has been vblUnic her cousin. Miss
Surah M'llale if the South Side, has
returned home.
T. I'. Urown hfl yesterday for a
(shell sojuiun nt Atlantic I'lty.
.Mis;s .Mary V. Jiurke of South Main
Mi t Is entertaining her cousin, Miss
Miiry Mullen, or l'hllad.lhia.
Mrs. ,1. .M. I'eiilne of uueno, who ha:l
l u speiidiiii; the summer with her
duuthter. Mrs. II. Ceynolds, returneu
home yesterday. She was u m ouipanied
by Mrs. II. U. I'e ynolds iind her niece,
Mis Kvu 'or
Miss Isadelle IVi ths of U"llUe;i-!ai re
Is helllg elltel taile d lit the llolll.' of
Mr. uod Mrs. John Ivttrlck. Salem av.
liue. -Miss ollna IleirliiK, wlio has been
milking an extxciid. d visit In UalnUud.
I'a , lias vi'turiiei home.
A purty comiiostM of Mrs. V. II.
Cow leu und son, Willie. Mrs. T. .1.
Maxey it in t son, Kay. Miss l.eona lel
ilei iiiHl Miss Minnie t'owles of thlseity;
Miss Jean Searles, Miss May Klngs
litiry of Pittsburg; MIhh Minle S -ailea
of Hancock, N. V.: .Mrs. Henry llox
uml daugliter of Forest City, and Mr.
mul Mrs. W illiam Senile of this place
left yesterday for Crystal Lake, wher;
they have rented a. cottage. They et
pect to be gone about two wivks.
.Mrs. Nelson Nubbins of Wyoming
street la visiting her sinter in liay City,
Miss Sallie Spellman of lloiiesdale is
visiting her cousin, Miss Mary liurUe,
on Urooklyn t-tivet.
Joseph Hook, who has spent the sum
mer traveling In Kuiope, will return
nl. .ml the L'iMli of this mouth.
.Mrs. H. S. Ital'feitie of Maylbld is
visiting Mrs. II. I). Ileitlng of Salem
.Mrs. T. I. I'.ees and Owen D. Ke
of Ninth stret will have next week for
a visit with relatives in St. Mary's,
William Smith, on employe of the
Heiidrick Manufacturing company, ran
a nail through his foot which will in
capi'citate It i in for duty for several
(la; a
W lllard and John Kvans of tills city
v.ill have on Mouiiav for n week's
visit in Seeleyvllle, Wayne county.
Mis. P. F. C.allagher of Chicago Is
visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mar
tin Callagher.
.Miss F.dlth Moses of Wilkes-Ha rrc
Is being entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. I). I tees. Ninth avenue
und South Terrace street.
Mrs. Julia Howard has ret 'lined
home after an extended visit with her
son, P. F. Howard. In Albany.
Miss Tessle Pace of Pjttsloii, v.ho
haft been the guest of Miss Jennie FoXi?
of South Main (street, returned home
yesterday. Misses Kutherlne Pace an 1
Jennie Foxe and James .1. Foxe accom
panied her and will be her guesis for
a short time.
Mrs. Jumes and Otis nenedlct if
Scranton are visiting Mrs. Andrew Wil
liams on South Church street.
Mrs. II. C. Wheeler and daugliter.
Hazel, are visiting friends In Scranton.
OLD FOK ;!:.
P.ev. and Mrs. J Erwln P.madhead, of
Susquehanna, are visiting relatives
A large number attended the trolley
party Under the auspices of the Pres-
Curpct Remnant and Odd
Pieces tit Lew Than Cost.
Sec Our Show Windows for
Wall Papers
Odd Lots at One-Half Price
to Close Out. Now it the
time to buy, us we have some
Very desirable lots left.
- .i.
uuui i iiiuuiui LacKi Ave
Carpets an Wall Paper Dealer.
byterian church to Nanticoke on Thurs
day evening.
Hon. h C. G rover, of Moosic, was
calling on friends here on Thursday.
Miss Nellie Wharton, of Scranton. was
calling on friends on Friday.
Henry Oarbuit Is improving from his
recent attack of rheumatism.
Daniel Mitchell Jms bestiu work on a
new hl.K-k.
Miss Katie Hcalcy was a caller In
Scranton yesterday.
.Miss Shields, of New York. Is the guest
of Miss dcucvieve Kobinson.
Miss Annie Turner returned to Cleve
land. Ohio, yesterday ufter a month's
visit with her mother, Mrs. John Mc
Carty, of the West Side.
Mrs. Milo Howell was a visitor at
Plttston yesterday.
M. 11. Collins has accepted a position
In the toiisorial parlors of ii. A. Lewis,
of Luzerne. .Mr. Collins, during his stay
of thirteen months here, has formed u
large circle of friends, who regret bis
Miss l.olii Hatcher and brother Frank,
of liini'haiiitMii. N. Y.. are spending a
few weeKs at the home of their cousin.
.Miss Ida .Miller, of the West Side.
The Moosic Populars will cross bats
Willi the Morning (Hol ies, of Hiinmor",
on the la tier's grounds on Sunday after
no, hi.
Miss Annie Hastie, of the North F.nd,
acc panieil by her cousin, Miss Mattie
Krown, of Mo;i.4ic. are spending u couple
of weeks with friends in Curhondule.
The members of the Avocu lliise coin
iany and their lady friends are mak
ing arrangements for their coming fair,
which ill be held I let. L'U and '".I.
The funeral of the nlneteen-in inths'
old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. F.dwar,d
Keagcii incurred yesterdyy afternoon
and was largely attended. Interment
was made in St. Mary's cemetery.
The Christian Kndeavors of this place
aeiiinipanied the live-cnunty excursion
to Farvlevv on Thursnay.
Miss Nettie lilllVner and guest:). Misses
Jennie mul Kate Driifi'ner, will' a party
of rtttstoii filends, picnicked at Falling
Springs o;i Thursday.
Mrs. Johnson and daugliter. Miss I.ou
Johnson, siieiit yesterday Willi Scran
ton friends.
Miss Mary Taj lor, of the West Side,
and Thomas Slua, of olyphunt, were
married mi Thursday afternoon at St.
Peli r's cathedral, Scranton. After the
ceremony the bridal party drove to the
home of the bride on the West Side,
win-re a dinner wits served to t lie Im
mediate friends of the coiitracling par
ties. The Saislield club, of Avoca, Is mak
ing preparations for the erection of u
handsome sliiictiire on their property
on North Main sircel, which will add to
the beauty and the convenience ol tile
ton ii. The building will consist of all
opei a house, club rooms and store
rooms. Alex. Brainier end Charley Kimbach,
of Cat boiidale, were circulating among
friends here last evening.
Miss ki. Mo.ahan and niece, Ml"s .tg
lies Morahan, are visiting friends and
relatives in Jermyu.
The fimeiul of the late M'S. 1'lb-n
I nifty took place Thursday al'terno iu
and was lurgclv attended. S ! vices
were held ut St. Patrick's chinch, lv.
J. M. Suiouller olilciatlng. The in'.er
iiiei.t was made In St. Patilck's ccin
eti i y.
Mrs. H. P.. Matthewson has r.'tuinrd
liome alter an extended visit Willi her
parents in Norwich, N. Y.
Several disgraceful lights took place
on our principal sitreets Thtlisday eve
ning. Where weie our ollicers that
there were no arrests made'.' If they
had been Hungaiians they would have
till been locked lip for the n'l'lit.
A large number were in alt' mlance
ut the social given by th young people
of the Presbyterian church last eve
ning, which was held indoors on ac
coant of the wenther. The Standard
bund furnished some excellent music.
Services will be held In the episcopal
Mission in Kdwurd's hull to-unriow
afternoon at .'! o'clock. Kev. 12. J.
Jloiighton will have cliarg-'.
.Miss Jeaiiiictte Vil!iam.-:oii of West
Plttston is tin- guest of her cousin.
Mrs. Dry Harris, on Delaware avenue.
The young child of Mr. und Mrs.
Hugh Murray died yisterd'y morning
of cholnu Infantum. The fniieial will
tai:c place this at'teri.oon at J o'clock.
Hurlitl In the Archbald cene -t-ry.
The Club of 'II:, will h dd ile'lr usual
business mei ting on Tuesday evening
instead of Monday evening of n-xt
liegular services in the Congrega
tional church to-moricw morning ami
evVnlng. Jtev. I'eter K,,lieit:i will oc
cupy the pulpit.
Miss Maggie Sullivan or Mayii..ld
spent u ew days wlftli friends u; this
The summer resorts at Heart LaVe
have the' laiger.t representation tver
known at that resort.
Charles Dean is visiting In town.
Kev. Fretl M. Davenport left Thurs
day for a aojourn at ocean Orove.
A Liryan und Sewall club is soon to
be orgunizeil.
Hopbottom has a flourishing silver
Miss Helle MeCollum Is visiting at
Salem, Mans.
The nnimnl drangeis' picnic will be
held at Lake Carey, August 13.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Jay are visiting
at Oreeiiu. N. Y.
Mureury etnod at In the stone
quarries Thursday.
A new enterprise in Khape of a mill
for preparing lumber, shingles, etc..
for use Is soon to by established In this
place. V. K. Wilder und J. O. Williams
of Lakeside are the promoters.
An Interesting social entertainment
was held al the Presbyterian church
Friday evening.
The Patrons of Husbandry of Sun
quchamia county will hold their annual
picnic on the Harford fair grounds,
August 25.
The next moetU of the McKinley
club will be at the opera bouse, Wed
nesday evening, August 12.
John V. Leiioy, formerly of New
Milford, but recently of Finest Chy,
was burled from his h:;me in this plac;
Tuesday. He was H4 years of age and
leaves a large circle of friends to
mourn his demise."
Marshall Barney, the young man wlio
was badly Injured by falling from his
bicycle In this place Saturday evening,
has been removed to his home In Mont
rose. It is said he will be confined to
the house several months.
The Hallstead base ball club and th?
home talent crossed bats for one In
ning Friday afternoon, when . rain
stopped the fun. ' The score at that
time stood 1U to i In favor of the visi
tors. The home crew should take a day
off and practice.
To-night at Midway Grove will occur
the joint discussion of the Issues of the
day by Hon. W. H. Berry of Chester,
Pa., from a Prohibitionist standolnt.
and A. J. Colburn. esq., of Scranton, a
noted Kepupblican orator. The former
gentleman was a recent candidate for
state treasurer on the Prohibition
ticket and Is a statesman of high at
tainments who ever commands the re
spect of the members of all parties.
Mr. Colburn Is an orator and politician
of national reputation. His oration
lioinlrHtir.g Maj. Warren at Harrishurg
for president of the state league of
Htpiibllca- clubs brought forth econl
uniH from all sections of the 1'nlon.
and In every campaign since his ser
vices as a campaigner have been In
demand. He w ill arrive-In the city to
morrow and will be met by the Repub
lican club which will later form his
escort to the arena. During his stay
at this place he will be the guest of
W. J. Maxey, esq., through whose ef
forts largely Mr, Colburn was secured.
Charles Bartholomei.v, hitherto a
prominent Populist of the town, de
serves a medal. In un Interview with
The Tribune leporter Mr. Bartholomew
stated that tor a long time he was a
lirm believer In the theory of free sli
ver, but after a few years' subset Iptiou
to the Kocky Mountain News, a stout
exponent of the .-white metal, and a
cureful perusal of the arguments there
in advanced, he became convinced that
their reasoning was founded on fallacy.
Mr. Bartholomew, therefore. Is nj.v
pressing cii to w here he sees lh while
1 liune shine of sound money'-; Henry
of Navarre.
Oeorge Maxey, the Tiibui!.1 Corre
spondent, was a visitor to Cat bnudalc
Klchard Pollard yesterday was In at
tdldatice ut the funeral of u relative
In the Pioheer City.
An action was brought against Peter
Slouzys by the Law and order league
for selling liquor to minors. Squlr
Hiaman heard the charge. F. J. Os
good appeared for the commonwealth.
The squire sustained the action and
bound Peter over to court.
In these days of high registration of
the thermometer everyone is wishing
that they, like Peury, were caught In
an iceberg.
Tlie heaviest subterranean stream
struk yet at the artesian well was pene
trated by the drill. Wednesday after
noon, at a depth of about 2li0 feet. It is
estimated by the men in charge of the
boring that the bore-hole Is (lowing
forty gallons per minute. The stivum
Is located In soaostmie strata, the red
slate or true water source having not
yet been reached. There is little or no
uncertainly but that this well will sur
pass all other wells in this section,
in the quantity of water it will Mow
when completed. The lontractors,
Howell and Hlunchard. have never yet
put down u Iml- where the indications
point -d so favorably towards un Im
mense prod tti lion of water. The good
work still continues.
A new base ball team was organized
Wednesday evening, by the players who
recently withdrew from the Jerinyn
county league team. Frank Cain was
elected captain of tin- new organiza
tion and William K. Davis, manager.
Among the others composing the team
are Owens. P.lakewlee, Morgans, Gen
dull, and Mullully. '
Tin- street committee Is improving the
cross walks In tlie borough. Nearly all
the stone sidewalks have been laid on
Second street In front of residences arid
Hie street now presents an attractive
Mi'-s Annie Ilefl'ernan, of Plymouth,
Is spending a few days In this place as
tlie guest of Miss Mary Timlin, of Main
The rain storm yesterday was very
moderate; merely settledthe dust.
A number of our young people will
drive to Luke Winola this evening to
attendtlie dance.
Mr. Aiiey, proprietor, of the Hotel at
Piecevllle, died Thursday, of heart dis
ease. Funeral will be held today.
Mr. and Mrs. William Shields, of
Siirlngvllle, were callers In town yes
terday. Tlie Yonni; People's Society of Christ
Ian Kndeuvor held an Ice cream social
last nlht on the lawn of the Presby
terian church which wus well attended.
Alva Kockwcll, son of Warden Koek
w. II, of Liithrop townsip, met with a
serious accident last Tuesday afternoon
while unloading n load of hay. A pulley
connected with the hay fork broke loose
und hit the boy on tlie heud, crushing
the skull. Dr. Wheeler was called, and
lemoved several pieces of bone. He
wus alive the last heard from and
chances are against his recovery.
Miss Jessie Stearns, of Peckvllle, vis
frletids here yesterday.
A new culvert is being built under
Main street In front of Koehler's hotel.
The employe's of the Storr's colliery
received their monthly wages Thurs
day. Patrick Jordan, of Scrunton. called on
friends here yesterday.
George Muiiford called on Olyphunt
friends Inst evening.
With Hood's Sarsapa
rllla," Sales Talk," and
ihow that this medi
cine has enjoyed public confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
is simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
any other. It is not what we gay, but
what Hood's Sarsapnrilla docs, that tells
t he story. All advertisements of Hood's
Bnrsaparillft, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it
self, are honest. We have never deceived
the public, and this with its superlative
medicinal merit, is why the people have
abiding confidence in it, and buy
Almost to tiio exclusion of all others. Try It
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
j , i n.i are me omy puis w lane
flOOd S PIUS with Hoods Bariaparllla,
Hood s
WI T A VI C will open in a few days at the Frothingham Building, 215 Wyoming Avenue, a
V v complete and modern Merchant Tailoring establishment. We make Suits from;
q the finest that money can buy to the cheapest that can be made consistent with good workmanship
and good goods. None but all wool goods will be used in the cheapest garment we make.
Our Specialty for the present will be All-Wool Suits, made to order for $ 15.00; Fabrics, finish and fit guaran.
teed as good as anything that can be made elsewhere in Scranton for $25.00. In fact, you can't buy the same goods in
ready made for any less. Ancient methods and ancient prices are done away with our in establishment.
We buy our goods directly from the mills and save the wholesalers profits. We are thoroughly equipped for
business. Our cloths, our cutters and our tailors are all here. There will ba no disappointments to customers. Their
orders will be completed when promised. Our cloths consist of all new and elegant patterns.
Wait for the Opening, which will be announced in a few days.
The Taylor Silver Cornet band will
treat our lieople to an open air concert
from the band stand this evening. The
concert will commence at H o'clock
sharp, when the following programme
will be rendered:
March Directorate Sousa
Contest Concert Polka Thomas
Cornet solo Prof. John Wutklns
Five minutes with minstrels
Concert Polka
Clarionet solo Stella Castaldlnn
KI Captain March Sousa
The Day F.xnress Boos
A descriptive piece with railroad Imi
tations. March tndeptentia Hull
Brownies Picnic Carlton
The burgess Is spending a few days
at Atlantic City. Squire Doles is faith
fully attending to the duties of the
Joseph Oenke accepts the challenge
of Michael Joyce of Mlnooku, to run lull
yard foot race, and will met Joyce ut
Hasliam Hotel. Taylor, on Tuesday
evening to sign articles.
The 10-moths old child of Mr. and
Mrs. John Barr. of Old Forge will be
burled this aft.ernuon at the Forest
Home cemetery.
Knights of Hidden Kagle of Castle No.
"39 and 3"3 of Old Forge are request
ed to the present this evening at the hall
of :!;i. where C.raud Chief F. Tobln
will be present on otlklal business.
Tluy will meet promptly ut hulf-past
six o'clock at Kentlham. The Taylor
Castle will also be present.
Misses Sadie und Hichle Clangwer, of
North Main street, are visiting relatives
at Ceiiterinoivland.
. This afternoon the greut game of alley
ball will take place, at Mountain Park,
bet ween Dove Brothers, of Old Forge and
Wilson and Stewart, of Dutiinore. The
contest will be for ):iU0 a side and a
purse of $.ri0 given by Division No. I, A.
O 11., H. of K., who will run their excur
sion to the Park this morning.
The borough council has u contract
with the Traction company that the
company must kee; the road from I'n
lon strent to Jermyu and Company's
store In repair for th.'ee yeurs. At
present the road Is in a poor condition
and needs attention and repairing.
The meeting ut the Calvary Baptist
church lust evening was largely attend
ed. The pastor. Dr. H. 11. Harris, and
Kev. Thomas C.rifflths, of New Phila
delphia, Ohio, are conducting the ser
vices. They are both earnest and elo
quent preachers, and all should lear
The Taylor Band will have Its nn
nual day's outing on the 1st li at I. liy
La ke.
The funeralof Everett, the 13-months
old child of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Davis, of Kynon street, which died on
Thursday will take place this afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Interment at the Forest
Home cemetery. Taylor.
Miss Kniinu Felts, of Nort Taylor. Is
rusticating ut Montrose with friends
and relatives.
Misses Lizzie Bowen and Oligj
Lowry, of North Main street, are
spending their vacation at Nicholson.
Mrs. P. S. Cixmey and son Frfd of
Philadelphia are the guests of Mrs. K.
M. Kozell.
Miss Nellie Sarber of Orange Was
calling on her cousin. Miss Ldda Mc
Itlll, Tuesday.
Mr. anil Mrs. Edward Kozell, Mrs.
William Pates mid Miss Nellie Kozell
attended the funeral of the former's
cousin. Miss ICmma Comstock, at
Mount fJion, Tuesduy.
Miss Alice I.a France returned to her
home in Duryea Tuesday utter spend
ing a few days with relatives here.
Miss Kosa Sutter of Mount Zlon was
calling on frli nds here Wednesday.
iMIss Kvtt Ccall'UUMh of Jackson 1-1
visiting her grand parents, Mr. und
Mrs. J. V. Baker.
Kegular meeting of the borough
council wuh hedd Wednesday evenln.;.
Members present were: J. J. Shoe
maker. William CunlckKhanU D. I).
Dunlund and John Lloyd. Bills amount
ing to $4!i2.12 were ordered paid. The
bill iwas presented by Burgess T. B.
Smith for $lJ!t.5 costs connected with
cases of Jeffery & Chesworth against
T. B. Smith was ordertd paid. Com
mittee on lire alarm gong repoit that
the tie, gong could not be secured on
trial o,n:l committee report that they
could get one for on ti lal. Oi
motion It was ordeied that the com
mittee be authorized to purchase th
same. On motion It is ordered that
the borough ordlnunce be referred to
borough attorney for revision and cor
rection and that the president of coun
cil and burgess be authorized to con
fer with the atorney.
Miss Alice Bell, of the West Knd, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. H. K.
Jones, of Scranton, has returned home
after a few days' visit with frlenJi at
The Delaware and Hudson follleries
In this vicinity received orders yester
day to start on full time this morning
until further orders.
Clias. Kay and daughter Edith, who
have been i:uiet ill the past week, ure
Mr. and Mrs. William Kestell have
returned from a two weeks' visit at
The Delaware and Hudson paid at
Grassy Island yesterday.
Mrs. Allen, the wife of Kev. Allen, who
has been suffering from scarlet fever. Is
able to be around the house again. -
Mrs. Homer English and daughter,
Maty, will leave this morning for a
few weeks Visit with relatives at Dale
vllle. .:
Mrs. Chauucey Jlubbard and. son are
visiting relatives In Wayne county .
Sterling Silver Shirt WaUt
Sets, worth (iSj to $1; choice
for SOc. Worth $1-25 to $1.75;
choice for $1.00.
Sterling Silver Kelt Buckles,
worth S.SO, ut $'2.5U. Worth
$2.50. at $1.75.
Closing Out ull titir Fine
China ut about llulf l'ricc.
Genuine Rogers Triple
Plate Spoons. Forks und
Knives at reduced prices. Cn
graved free.
Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake
Vaskets, etc., finest plate, new
styles, very low prices.' At
our New Store,
Spring House
THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, is
new and well furnlrhed and UHUNKD TO
located midway between Hlnghamton nn.l
Scranton, on the Montrose anil Lacka
wunna Railroad, six miles from D., I,. &
W. K. R. nt Aiford Station, and nve nillej
from Montrose; capacity eighty-Hve.
three minutes' walk from railroad station
House situated 100 feet from the lake,
wide veranda extends the entire length
of tlie house, which is 100 feet.
Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc.
Free to (Jue3ts.
Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling in thin
respect the Adirondack and Catskill
Fine uroves. plenty of shnde and beautl.
ful tcenery, making a Summer Resort un.
excelled In beauty and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion, swings, erociiief
koUi $7 tu $io Per Week. $1.50 Per Day.
Excursion tickets sold at all stations on
D., L. & VV. lines.
Porter meets all trains.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
ft! jV! M
f 00,000 Barrets per Annum
(anuf.ictured at the Wapwalloppn Mil!,
Luzerne courKy, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District
11S WYOMINa AVENUE. Scranton, Pa,
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FOTtn. l'ittston. Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & 81 IN. Plymouth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilke-Darie. l'a.
Anents for the Kcpauno Chemical Com
anv'a lllKh Explosives.
Hotel Walton
Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia.
Ore of the most m.-c-nitl-'ent hote'.s in tba
world. Palatial in every detail.
Absolutely Fireproof.
European Plan $1.50 Upwards,
American Plan $4 Upwards.
Fltuated bear all the leading theatres and
railraad stations.
I. D. CRAWFORD. Manager.
aiuinn w mm
We ofl'er tins week a HplenJiil assortment of goods at prices which defy
fonipetitiou. l'atterus all choice, but are those we will not carry Into next
season. Now is your opportunity to secure Wood Carpets at Low Prices.
Tapestry Brussels, 5Ce, 85c and 0c a yard.
Were 65e, 75c and S5c a yard.
Vehets, tiac and !H)c, formerly S5e. and $1.10.
AH Wool Inxrains reduced to 50c from 5c and 70c.
Heavy Wool Figured Cotton Carpets, double cotton
chili n warp, 25c and :10c; former price 35c and 40c.
Mnyrna Hugs, IWMM) inches, handsome designs and col
orings, at Hl.l't; former price
We have just received a complete line of Genuine (Iwalior Rugs, beau
tiful com bi nut iou of color, latest styles, rich Oriental etl'ects. and in order to
introduce them will sell during the sole at $ 1 .5o. These Hugs are good value
for $2 50.
Opposite Main Entrance
tu the Wyoming
Book and News
Linotype Composition
Done Quickly and Reasonably
At The Tribune Office.
Write or Call for Samples and Rates.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeaeral Ottice: SCRANTpN. PA.
are only about
lialf the early sea
son prices. Not
many weeks j-et
left iu which
there's a demand
for Summer Cloth
ing. You know
that so do we,
and so we'd rather
lose a little now
than more later.
too, if necessary. We're so
' jtt anxious to get all summer
i(j goods off our hands, and our fall stock on
i $ the shelves and tables, that we'll take al
i most any kind of a price for this hot weather
i j stuff. And now's the time you need such
things. The mercury will be bubbling
1 1 around the top of the thermometer for a
(( long time yet. Come in and see how
W cheaply you
r rw
con n
SON & CO.,
408 Lackawanna Avenue
About the price al-
l most and the credit terms,
can avoid a good deal of swei-
218, 225
AND 227