The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 07, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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f Rader will plaw not that advertise.
lnnts. orders for Job work, and Horns for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Mala
treet.' will receive prompt attention; ot
ic open from I a. m. to 10 p. nv J
Crorge Jnoobus, of Scranton, Will
Probably Tnke hiirjiK of House.
The many frlfnds of UeotRe F. Jaro
tnis. who formerly conducted the Hotel
Harrison, and later, the Forest House
In Hcranton, will lie kUuI to welcome
film again to Carbonditle.
There la a prospect thnt he may a
uin the charge of the Hotel Anthra
cite, though the arrangements are not
yet completed. .As some of the director?
of the Anthracite Land and Improve
ment company are absent from the
city the negotiations are delayed.
A Itunawny.
A horse beloiiKinjf to Stephen? &
Tucker, In charge of Frank Hoylun, took
friplit lust evenintf on Ulrkett street,
unci dashintc down the hill, run into a
pile of lumber on Itobinson avenue.
Mr. Boy lun wus thrown violently upon
the ground, receiving some painful
bruises, and a deey cut over the eye.
Though painful, his Injuries do not ap
pear dangerous.
lioy Injured While Swiininin;.
A imlnful uccldent hapened to little
Frank Kllpatrlck of Terrace street, on
-Wednesday while swimming with n
number of boys near thu Delaware and
Hudson Alill-dam.
A deep gush in Ills head Is the result
nf his experience in diving. He wus
taken to Dr. Kelley's otlice where his
wound was stitched together by the sur
peon, and he Is now doing well.
Incursion In I'arvirw.
The member.t of 1h Christian En
diuvor societies of Luzerne, Wayne,
l.iu kauuiiim. Sus(U liaunu and Wy
oming counties, enjoyed their excursion
yesterday at Farvlew. Music was fur
nished by the liwreni'e band of Scrun
ton. Among 'the guests, was a large
representative from this city.
Mis. O. V. Jiu-uIhis or Scianton was
the guest of Airs. F. K. Dunn's Wed
nesday. r'rul't-ssor .1. F. I'rnwi-ll left yesterday
for Slierbunie, his former home.
Miss Jemile Martin of Moscow, who
lias liecii visiting her cousin. Miss Maty
A. burke of lirouklyn street, has re
turned home.
'. V. Fulkerson and son, Harper,
have treen upending the last few days
in Hroinpton.
Mis. W. II. KdKell. Mr. and Mrs. K.
t'lurkson, Mr. and Mrs. ( O. Melleti.
Mrs. J. R Van Hergen. Mrs. II. K. Van
Hergen and Mrs. M. K. Kays spent
yesterday at the !ny farm In Kenton.
Mrs. John Mitchell of Scrantoii is
the guest of her mother. Mrs. H. Kurke,
on t'ike street.
Alius Maggie llurke of Providence Is
the guest of Miss Julia Kllhulleii.
The Misses lMlth Hawkins und
Knnler Kryan were guests of Mrs. Mary
Iiauiels of Jerrnyu this vifek.
Mrs. (ieoige Jolinsjii of Kanesvllle,
Ohio, Is the guest of Mrs. William
Lewis on South I'hurch street.
Father Hundley of lloiiesdale was the
Ifiiest of llev. T. F. t'offey yesterday.
.Mrs. Wllliaiu Lever and niece of
Heiantou are the guests of the former's
noil, J. W. Lever, on I Srove street.
Professor Kumsby of Can ton. Oh!o,
successor to Professor Pitts us leader
of the Mozart orchestra, will move to
this city next week. Professor Pitts
will go lo the KruUiiiighniii In Scran
ton. Master Hubert Uariner left yester
day for u visit with his gialidparents in
.Misses (trace and Helen ' lrluml,
guests of Miss Kelle Vaimon, this cily,
liuve returned to their home In Dan
ville. Miss Ada 'Hopkins or Ahienville is
visiting Inr uuiit, Mrs. Kinest Klver.
of this city.
Miss Nlchol of Scianton Is the gue-it
ol Misses l.lzzii- and Mabel Davis on
KeVt hill HVetlUe.
.loyph Kirs has accepted a position
on the Lender ron e.
Kdwaid K. Kurke is making a tour
or the New ICngland slates.
Mrs. M. K. Kays or Scianton Is the
guvst of Mrs. J. K. Van Kergen.
Mis. D. W. Humphrey. Mrs. S. 3.
Hauls ami Mis. J. Roberts spent yes
terday with Mis. W. ICockfellcw at
W likes- Karre.
oscar W'aniuicolt, wife ami daughter
are visiting frlem's m W'uymait.
Miss Jennie Ward of Itlakely is the
guest of Mis. A. T. James on South
Washington street.
Delegate election tomorrow.
The Misses Mackey, of Scrunton, are
the guests of their brother, Dr. N. C.
' Mackey and family.
The Arlington Social -club will give
another of their dances at the Kink
next Saturday evening. W. Stones
orchestra will furnish the music.
Our base ball club, the Tigers, will
play the Lentonites on the W. Hall
grounds, Clenhurn, tomorrow (Satur
day.) K. F. Leighton find son Kedford, of
ringluimton, are the guests of Mrs. An
drew Kedford.
Tee cream every day at Martin Hold's
"Little Delmonico."
Mrs. K. M. f'owles, who has been an
Invalid for over live years. Is very ill.
Mr. Stegman, formerly of Wallsville,
has located here, and is working a
quarry on the Nelson Carpenter place.
Dr. J. P. Coult and family. Rev. J. V.'
Muir and family, of Kungor, Pu.; Miss
Carrie Bliss, and Mr. W. A. Sanford, a
Carpet Remnants an J Odd
Pieces at Less Than Cost.
See Our Show Windows for
Wall Papers
Odd Lots at One-Half Price
to Close Out. Now is the
time to buy, us we have some
very desirable lots left.
I Lack. Ave
Gvpeti cpd Wall Paper Dealer.
scon us
former teacher bere, are camping at
ljike Sheridan. ." - - .
Kev. A. Bergan Browe, of the Bap
tist church; will All the pulpit at W-to
u. m. next 'Sunday, und continue his
lecture on the "Pilgrim's Progress" in
the evening at I.M.
' The usual Sunday services will be
held at the Methodist Kplscopul church
next Sunday.
Te Kpworth League will give an en
tertuliunVut ut the Methodist Episcopal
church tills Friday evening ut 8 o'clock.
An elegant programme has been ar
ranged consisting of recitations, music,
a fan drill and a pantomime. Mr. Prior,
of Wllllamsport. will give a talk on
Australiu. A silver collection will be
taken. After the entertainment lee
cream anil cake will be served in the
band room. All are invited.
While playing in the yard back of
his home on Second Rtreet, Wednesday
afternoon, Joseph O'Brien, a boy about
14 years of age, met with an accident
which he will not soon forget. He
had occasion to go Into the house dur
ing his play and started to do so by
running very rapidly. When within
a few feet of the house he came In con
tact with a loosely stretched clothes
line which caught him on the heud.
The rebound threw young n'Krlen with
great foive on the ground, where lo
wus picked lip by his parents. Dr. 3.
D. Davis was Immediately sent for
and he found the boy unconscious upon
his arrival.. Through the effoits of the
doctor he was restored to conscious
ness and to-day Is resting uuite easily.
Ferdinando Dlago, an Italian laborer
In the employ of William Clemow, was
killed Wedntsdny afternoon in the IM
gerton mines nboet ,'t o'clock. Mr.
Clemow and two laborers were engaged
In their usual duties when a large mass
of rock it nil coal fell, killing one of the
laborers und causing a leoort to be
circulated over tow n to tie- effect that
all three wer.1 killed. Ijtter reports,
however, brought the Intelligence that
only one wus killed.
Dr. S. H. Moyer Is III at the home of
his sister. Mrs. Arthur Day of Ceme
tery street.
Miss Bessie K'.np "t Luzerne Is vis
iting at the home of Miss Jennie (Jreen
slude of II street.
Postmaster T. A. Hendricks ut tended
the Ciliran obsequies ut Avoca, Wed
nesday. Council nieets ill regular session this
evening. This is the lust meeting be
for tne contract exolies lor the urc
lights and will no doubt prove Interest
ing. At. .1. in iveil his family and
household goods to Mis. Kdwaid Wood
worth's house on Second street, yes
terday, where he will reeslde.
The condition of K. A. Lane of Fourth
ft reel, who has been very ill for the
pust week, does not Improve.
S. K. Cook of Main street Is III.
ci.ark's ;kli;n.
Benjamin Mead attended the funeral
or his tit phew, Charles Meud, of La
porte, who died after a long sickness
of cancer In the stomach and returned
on Saturday ul'ternoou last.
Prof. J. Hi McKeen, a blind singer
ami elocutionist, with with his .wife,
will give a free entertainment in the
Methodist church here on Thursday
evening of this week.
Mrs. Ferguson of New York Is a vis
itor at Mr. James Kibble's,
Muster Kdwaid Koaidinun of Daltou
spent several days with his aunt, Mrs.
Klla Chapmaiis.
The Kpworth Leugue will hold un
entcrlaliiiiieiit on Tuesday evening,
August 11. Admission five, after .which
they will serve Ice cream und cuke.
Kev. Floyd Leach of Larksville culled
on friends here this wtek.
M. K. Coiirwright of Tyione is visit
lug relatives' here.
Kev. John Muir of Bangor, Pa., de
livered an able sermon In the Metho
dist church here on Sunday evening
last to a delighted audience.
Mis. John Wilson und Miss Kill til
Wilsnn siient Wednesday with their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Stiunk of Nichol
son, formerly residents or Clark's
lilt-ell. (
Mr. Oram of Dover, N. J., returned,
home on Tuesday last.
The Methodist and Baptist Sunday
schools will take their usual uniiuul
picnic to Lake Manitaku.
Mr. und Mrs. Keiijaiulu Mead und
daughter, llattie. will spend Sunday
with friends In Nicholson,
Miss I.eona Keiiuetle has returned
from u visit to her home In South lilb
ttoll. The dram entitled "Lucky Hunch"
presented Monday evening by dross
Bros, in their tent, was well attended.
Mrs. Watklns. or Academy street, is
visiting her fulher Mr. Serine or
The Junior League will give a
"Mother (loose" entertainment in the
lecture room of the Methodist church,
Friday evening, Aug Ttli. Adinlnsion
ten cents.
Miss Mabel - Reynolds has returned
from a visit to Nicholson and Mont
rose. The Misses Palmer und Ada Jackson,
of Scianton, ure the guests of Iraettu
Mom 11.
Lawyer Edgar und family, of Scran
ton, are boarding nt the residence of
Mr. Wall, of this place.
The class of '!M of Keystone who have
been camping at Luke Winolu, for the
past week have returned home.
Kobert Hepburn, of Scran ton, was a
caller in town last week.
M. L. McMillan, of Nicholson, made a
business trip to tills place Wednesday.
The Active's base bull team of Provi
dence were defeated by the Reds of this
place on the school house grounds Wed
nesday afternoon. The game, w.hile not
being a very good one, wns ipiiet. The
Reds played a good game from the slurt
to the Jlnlsh, and Won by the score of
16 to 2. ...
Richard J. Davis announces himself
as a delegate to the Third Legislative
convention from the First ward.
James flrilllths, a prominent young
man of this town, was united In mur
rlage to Miss Sarah Davis, the accom
plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
T. Davis on Tuesday at Pittston.
Miss Mary Kvans has returned to her
home In Oyphant after a week's visit
with relatives In this place.
The Olyphant school board met last
evening'. All the members were pres
ent. On a motion all the regular teach
ers were named for the coming school
term, and the following new ones for
all vacancies and new oiienlngs: Day
schools Misses Maggie Evans, Saran
Ruddy, Edith Evans,- Mamie Nealon.
Night schools Thomas T. McHale,
Eva Vessle, Nellie Murphy, Mamie Ro
gan, Katie Walsh. Their salaries and
positions will be fixed at a future meet-
A meeting of the Twin Shaft Relief
association of Forest City -was held
lust . evening In the otlice. of W. J.
Muxey. The reports of -committees
were heard and accepted. About $l,2&ii
was reported as te amount of tli-
subscription.- It may reasonably be
doubted If there Is another community
that has contributed so much tuiwurd
the Pittston sufferers In proportion to
population; and Mils sum coming from
the toilers of Forest City is a splendid
monument to the generosity of our
citizens. The money will be forwarded
to the stiff erors via the board of trade
of Scranton.
John Maxey, Miss May Muxey, Ar
thur Kchrens and Miss Flo Allen were
among the Forest City people recently
noted at Crystal Lake.
One prominent in Ithe Democratic
councils or Luckawanna county wus
interviewed ul the Krle station yester
day by The Tribunee reiwter. The
gentleman stated that for the first time
In his life he would vote the Republican
ticket, and added, "I am not alone In
taking this step. -
The borotijgh council met last even
ing. The Subject of sidewalks was
thoroughly discussed and coercive
nieusures will soon be taken to Improve
the side.wulks of Forest City.
Every Republican, and in fact every
patriot, Vhoiild uttend to-night's meet
ing of tile McKinley-llobart club in
Davis' hall. The roll of the club Is
open to all who believe In placing coun
try above party and who will sleze th?
opportunity to maintain a country's
(Juite n number from Froest City
attended the Christian Endeavor ex
cursion to Farvlew yesterday. -
The Hillside Coal and Iron comany
have llnlshed the mid-summer survey
of their mines at this plae.
Miss Louise Westgate left this morn
ing fur an extended visit to her friend,
Miss Edna Craham of tired t Itend and
relatives In New York state.
..Mrs. Alexander, wife of our popular
clothier. Is seriously III at Scianton.
F. J. Osgood, onrt- of Forest City's
enthusiastic political leaders. Informs
us that many converts ure Hocking to
his "free coinage of Iron" standard.
Ross Herrick and wife are nt Lake
Owasco, New York, visiting Judge Sit t
ser and wife. Ed. Stone and wire are
ulso ut the lake.
n. M. Fields, of Fucloryville, was In
town yesterday.
Lust evening Miss Elizabeth Kllt
redge gave a reception ut her home in
honor of Miss Cluru Bascnni, of White
Hull. N. Y.
(iuy Jackson und Louis Chaffee are
on a bicycle trip through New York
The Tunkhannock fuir will be held on
Wednesday, Thursday und Friday, Sep
tember Hi, 17 und 18.
Miss Muine Peck, of Kingston, Is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. J. Wood Plutt.
Hatton Stone left Tuesday for Rush
vllle. Neb., to visit his brother Kurt.
Will Foote, of Troy, who wus in busi
ness In Tunkhannock some time ugo, is
here on a visit.
Dr. C. F. Freas. of Scranton, spent
Sunday in town with relatives.
All pipe for the sewer has been laid
lu the First ward, except on Warren,
Harrison ami on Tioga streets, from the
Keeler House to the postoflice. None
has been luid in the Second ward.
Work hus now ceased and on the l!!ith
Inst, the people will Vote on the ques
tion of Increasing the bonded Indebted
ness of the town In order to complete
the work already begun.
on Saturduy the Tritons play bull In
Wilkes-Karre. t
How Political Centres of Stales
.Wove Performances Through Pub
lie liulidiiigs.
From the New York Sun.
The city of Chllllcothe, On is celebrat
ing Just now with appropriate Ohio
festivities the centennial anniversary
of its settlement. It is- i celebration
which is to last lor ten days or more,
und Incidental to it ure sundry Ohio
observances In Hie way of 'speeches, a
Hue urt exhibition, a county fair, und an
editorial excursion. Clilllicythe, on the
bunks of the Scioto, wus settled In 179G
by emigrants from Virginia. For ten
years from ISiiti to Islo It was the cup
Itul city of Ohio, or "Old Capital," as
it was sometimes called, until Colum
bus, the present capital, succeeded it.
Ohio, admitted into the Union 111 ISO'.',
Is not the only state which after hav
ing formally adopted a capital city ap
propriate, accessible, and centrally lo
cated hus afterward made a change.
Such a change is not ulwuya desirable
for the new capital, but it Is almost In
variably disastrous for the old one, for
a capital city in the Cnited States en
Joys usually few of the advantages of
growth lu population und in progress,
and an "old capital" comes very often
to resemble, ill respect to Its commer
cial paralysis and general, backward
ness, what Is culled In Europe ''a cath
edral town" a city once important as
the seut of u greut church edifice, but
which in the advance of time has se
cured no other distinction. The former
capital of the state of (eorgla. now At-
Liver DIDs
Mke biliousness, dyipepsia, headache, consti
pation, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's P11U. They do their work
easily and thoroughly. llS I I
Best alter dinner pills. III S
25 cents. All druggists. I w
Prepared by C. I. fiuml & Co.. IxiWfll. Mass.
The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsupurilla.
antifactured at the Wapwallopen Hills,
Luzerne county Pa., and at WU
mingtot 'elawars.
General Agent for ths Wyotnlnr District
Scrsatoa. Ps
Third National Bank Bulldinr.
THOS. FORDIttston, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa,
E. W. MULLIGAN, WUkes-Barre, Pa.
."V,.'0 ,R"P" CIshqIoM Coav
aaor' Hlrh iCxfilosiv.
lanfa, was the little town of Mllledge
Vilie, which few persons have heard of
Since their schooldays, when knowl
edge of state capitals and the streams
tu which they were nearest were re
garded us among the elements of learning-
originally the' capital of Nebraskn
was oiuahu. but It is now Lincoln. Car
son City has superseded Virginia City
as the capital of Nevada, and Charles
ton has superseded Wheeling as the
capital of West Virginia. For a con
siderable time it was the custom in
New Knglund, such were the rivalries
between some old established cities, for
even the smallest states to maintain
two capitals, and the sessions of the
legislature were held In them alternate
ly. Connecticut, small in area, had two
capitals Hurtford-and New Haven, and
Rhode Island, still smaller, had five
capitals at one time. Now Hartford .
the only capital of Connecticut, but
Rhode Island adheres to two. Some of
the new states have not retained the
capitals they bail when territories. The
capital of Dakota as u territory was
Yangton, which Is jiow the second
largest city in South Dakota, but not
the capltul. Pierre, a" smaller place,
having superseded it. - Blsinuick is the
capital of North Dakota.
New York stute hus had some experi
ence In capitals. The seat of govern
ment 'during the colonial period was the
city of New York. The legislature held
Its sessions at the fort on the Battery
during the early portion of the period,
and subsequently met fit the City Hall.
Occassionally sessions were held at Ja
maica. Ntnv York was nominally tho
capital during the Revolution, but the
occupancy of the city by the royal
troops compelled the legislature to meet
at Poughkeepsle, Kingston and Albany.
After the evacuation, sessions of the
legislature were held at these places or
in New York. The legislature hus met
continuously In Albany since 17S.
What fixes with greater permanence
than anything else the retention at a
certain place of a capital is the estab
lishment of capital buildings, entailing
usuallly very large expense and appeal
ing to the aesthetic laste of some of the
inhabitants and to the pecuniary recol
lection or a still larger number of per
sons by reason of the fact that theso
buildings are usually constructed from
the proceeds of tuxutlou, and those who
contribute any share of this are ready
to oppose any Innovation in the way of
a new capital.
NO III MQltroit III.W.
The Kraveler Und Little Confidence
in the Tales otitic Funny Nan.
The truin boy was passing along with
a stuck of comic liteiuttire. The kind
faced gentleman looked Interested and
the boy stopped, says tile Detroit Free
"Haven't you anything except funny
literature?" he usked.
"Not this trip," was Hie unswer.
"Don't you like to luugh?' 1
"Very much, Indeed. But I'm afraid
my mind is of too practical a turn to
develop what you might call a delicut
responsiveness of humor."
"You want facts?"
"I'm afraid so. When T .wus a young
man and went courting the young ludy
never ordered more dinner than I could
puy for; neither did she. use the palpa
ble subterfuge to get me Into the vi
cinity of an ice cream parlor. Although
I was not enjoying a large Income her
father never threatened to kick in
down the front doorstep, nor did he keep
a bulldog where he would be likely to
bite me. My mother-in-law Is a most
estimable lady, whose presence In our
household has always been a joy, and
never In my life have I been obliged to
get In the night ami walk the floor with
a crying baby. These circumstances
have had a tendency to make me dis
trust the accuracy of humorists, there
by, no doubt, materially lessening my
appreciation of their efforts."
The train boy looked at him pityingly
and said:
"No. There ain't no use o' you're
tryin' to lalgh. Walt till we get to
the next station and I'll get you a dle
llonary and a pocket encyclopedia.
Manufacturers of ths Celebrated
111 lit
CAPACITY ! Barrels per Annum
are located ths finest fishing and huntln
grounds In the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points In
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Canadian and'
United States Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portiund, Ore., Sun
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars J
attached to all tbrought trains. - Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be had with second-duns tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time tables, etc
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
353 Broadway, New York. '
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 300,000
Undivided Profits, 64,000
Special attention given to Business and Personal
3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits.
, . . .
nraatjr Is tlw Hhrioa ul Men's Worship,
and Wouibu Via With tOnch Other to
Make Themselves Attractive.
The remark, "She dresses elegantly,"
ia a very common, one in this ago of
wealth and progress.
Woineii vie with each other in mak-
iug- themselves at
tractive, for mcu
admire a stylishly
dressed woinuu.
Uood clothes add
tu the charms of
the woman in per
fect health, but
are ill-befitting-those
through ignor
ance or care
lessness have
anlTcred the
inroads of fe
male diseases
to btitnip tliciu
as physical
wrecks. It is
but true, that
borne physi
cians allow
women to suffer
needlessly, be-
causo man can
only work from theory, and at best only
patch up, without removing the cause.
. Proof is abundant that l.yiliu K.
Pinkham's Vegetuble Compound re
moves the cause, (rives strength to the
weakened organ., vigorous health to
the system, and therefore beauty to
the face and form.
Mrs. Piiiklium, Lynn. Mass., gladly
answers, free of charge all letters.
Here is one of the results :
" Three months ago, 1 wrote you a
letter describing my troubles, which
were liiHaiumatiou of the womb aud
bladder. 1 had not seen a well day
since the birth of ray second child. 111
years ago. 1 had spent hundreds of
dollars for doctors and medicines.
' Such pains as I endured. Sly back
ached, my feet and limbs were swollen,
and it was almost impossible for me to
stand ; I could not walk any distance.
I received your answer to my letter,
and followed closely all your advice,
and 1 have been usng l.ydia K. Pink
ham's Compound for three mouths.
Now I can work all day without pain.
I have recommended the Compound to
many of my friends, and gladly recom
mend it to all women in any way
afflicted with fema lo troubles."-Ly D1A
Uatie, 227 iSpriug St., tireeusburg, Pa.
Spring House
THI3 HOVSE Is strictly temperance. Is
new and well furnished and OPKNKD TO
located midway between Binghamton and
Scrunton. on the Montrose and Lacka
wanna Railroad, six miles from D., I.. &
W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five miles
from Montrose; capacity eighty-five,
three minutes' walk from railroad station
House situated 100 feet from the lake,
wide veranda extends the entire length
of the house, which is 100 feet.
Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc.
Free to Uuests.
Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this
respect the Adirondack and Catskill
Fine groves, plenty of shade and beautl.
ful scenery, making a Hummer Resort un.
excelled In beauty and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion, .swings. croquet
grounds, etc. COI.D SPRING WATER
Rates $7 to $io Per Week, fi.go Vtr Day.
Excursion tickets sold at all stations on
D., L. & W. lines.
Porter meets all trains.
CALL UP 3682i
M. W.COLLINS, Manager.
l i- SS
1 1!
: i
We have scleral small lots of Lace
pattern, which we, desire to dose out
goods. This is a rare cliaucc tu secure
Three yards
10 pairs at
to pairs at
20 pairs at
to pairs at
Ions, full width.
!KU' were J 1.50
$i,'2) were 1.75
5()('H were 75c
71('H were ,i.ou
Sl.'2., were 1.50
so pairs at
4 pairs at
-I pairs at
5 pairs at
3 pairs at
SI.50, were
2.00, were ?.oo
3.4)0, .were 450
3.5'J were 5.00
Opposite Main Entrance
to the Wyoming House.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Clean, Quick, Effective, Saves Labor.
For Cleaning and Polishing
Gold, Silver. Silvcr.l'lutud Ware,
Brass, Nickel, etc., has 1111 equal.
No Dirt, No Dust. Contains No
Acid, Bicycle and Harness Mount,
lugs it will ulso clean and polish.
Samples Free.
SlilUt Sfcs". ...mtftm tfk
What Sarah Bernhard ay
are only about
half the early sea
son prices'. Nqt
mauy weeks' yet
left in which
there's a demand
for Summer Cloth
ing. You know
that so do we,
and so we'd rather
lose a little now
than more later.
- Ctitlaius, two an J fliree pair of a
We want their rooui.--You want th
choice designs at yotff wu price.
On our entire stock of BRUSSELS,
Snow flakes, silk stripe and C RE
TOW I; from 1.50 to J3.25 per
by the yard. Full Hue of XoveP
408 Lackawanna Avenue
OMra! Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Sterling Silver Shirt Waist
Sets, worth U5c to $1; choice
for 50c. Worth $1.25 to $1.75;
choice for $1.00.
Sterling Silver Belt Buckles,
worth 3.RO, at $2.50. Worth '
$2.50, at $1.75.
Closing Out all our Fln
China at about Half Price.
(enuine . Rogers' Triple
Plate Spoons, Forks and
Knives ut reduced prices. n
graved free.
Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, Cake
Baskets, etc., finest plate, new
styles, very low prices. At
our New Store,
Electric Batteries, Electric Exploders, fur
plodlug blasts, Safety Fuse, aud
Repauno Jdiemical Co. 's
Alxmt the price al
most and the credit terms,
too, if necessary. We're so
anxious to get all summer
goods off our hands, and our fall stock on
the shelves and tables, that we'll take al
most an)' kind of a price for this hot weather
stuff. And now's the time you need, such
things. The mercury will be bubbling
around the top of the thermometer for a
long time 3'et. Come iu and see how
cheaply you can avoid a good deal of swel-
) BNn777