i -THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST C, 1896. 8 CARBONDALE. fReadtm will plase not that advertlf tent, orders for job work, and Items tor publication left at the establishment of Shannon ft Co., newsdealers, North Main treet, will receive prompt attention; of uo open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.) MOZART BAND EXCURSION. The Picnic Will Hi- Held at Funit-iv on Saturday, August 1.1. The Mozart band's annual excursion and picnic at Far view on Saturday. Ave. 15, will doubtless prove a Riaiul aucresH, judging from the patronage ex tended In former years to this popular organization. Among other nttrarthuis offered, there will probably be a game of base ball between the Alunml nnd Jerniyn teams. The MozartH have secured Professor Rumsby, of Canton. Ohio, as leader of the orchestra, who will till the vacancy left by Professor Pitts, now engaged at the Frothlngham theulie, Scran tun. Professor JRumsby will be here In time to participate in the excursion. There will be present the lionesdale Cornet band. May Held band, the Citizens' and Temperance bands, of Jermyn; the Iawrence band, of Scrantun, and other munlcal organizations. HIT BY THE ERIE FLYER. Accident at llolleiibcckN Switch. Westly Walker Severely Injured. On Tuesday evening the "ICrie llyer," which leaves this city in the afternoon at fi.10, crashed Into a heavy team driven by W'cstly Wallter. who had been drawing lumber for Levi Patterson, of this city. The horses and their driver wore hurled to the distance of about thirty feeet. Mr Walker was found uncoii Hi imif ami badly lit about the head and face. In-. lihikivlco. of P.nvst City, was summoned nnd found no broken bones, but could not yet d-teindno whet In r he was Injured internally. hie of the huises was fatally Injured. .Ml. WulKc-r, who r-slib's in Waymart, had a wondeiful escape from instant death. The Scnrl-Sands Wedding. Yesterday evening at S o'clock Miss Sarah Senile and John Judge Sands were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willhun Seaih-s mi Wyoming street, ftev. C'hurles Lee otllclating. The bride was attended by Miss Minnie Cowles f this ilty and Miss licitlm ruinil.s of Hancock. The ushers were W. Maxey of Mull t rose and i. Sands of Pittsburg. Both panics are deaf mutes. The groom is an employe at the liela Waie and Hudson iiiui-bine shops. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. II. T. Conrad of Middletown. Conn., accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. John Matte and her sou Howard of CarboiiUalc ure guests of friends in town. Mrs. Coin ad has been matron of the Alpha IMla Phi club house at Wesleyan unlveisity for the past six years. John lirown returned Tucsduy mghl from his vauutioii which was spent in New York and oilier cities. Mrs. I). J. Duncan and son ure visiting in I'bnira. Frederick Moses lift yesterday for a two weeks' trip, including Long Praneli, Asbury lJurk ami other points along the New Jersey cousl. Miss Hannah Cillespie left yesterday lor a visit in Wilkos-liuire. The young ladies' cooking club will be entertained lu-day by Mrs. Charles rilrs at the Miller collage. Cryslal Luke. Mr. and Mis. V. O. Scurry will Join u party who are to spend the coming Ueek at Pei Cll pond. Airs. Orlln Montague yf Jersey City is visiting her parents. .r. and Mis. James I 'all lis. of Lincoln uveiiue. Norman Uelder has resigned his posi tion ut the Fair to accept one with Pel! Prown. the hardware dealers. .Miss Alida Colter IcH yesterday for !Sev York, where she will make her future home. Mis. Charles Hugan and daughter left yesterday for Manhattan hcacli, where 1 1 1 -y will spend a month. I'anh l Scurry, Charles Shu! lock and Hubert McMillan spent Tuesday eve ning at Camp Crystal. M.s. Alexander Shannon, who has born visiting In lioston the past three weeks, has returned home. There was u reunion of the Moon family at Crystal Lake yesterday. Truman I'tley and family of Ceme tery street have returned from a rp-i-ent visit to Klinlra. Misses Maine Murphy nnd Nellie Mc Carthy of Susipiehanna. und Kitty dor Icy of Jersey City were the guests of Mrs. J. .1. ) Hoyle Tuesday. The Misses Annie and Jennie Duffy of Fallbruok street are visiting friends in Diminore. The Misses Ktta Start nnd Anna J'lynn of Hyde Park ure visiting tlm hitter's sister, Mrs. John Doyle, on Fall brook street. VVYOMlNfJ. Miss NVliie Phelly of Kcwtnn is visit In? friends lu re this ft'et-k. The Ladies' Aid society of the. Metho dist iKpiscopal church will have a trol lop party on Saturday afternoon. Tick ets, 50 cents. The car wili leave Highlit street nt 2 p. m. Mifis Cora Lloyd is spending the week at the Wyoming camp ground. Mrs. Ellis I.arrir.h end Mrs. Arthur Sanders and daughter are spending the week at Blootnlngdnle Miss Maggie Wilson of Scranton Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. tieorge Smith. Mrs. Joseph McTiill a nil her (laugher Lelcla visited friends at 'Wllkes-Parre Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. .Towncml. Tr. ttnd Mrs. A. O. Shoemaker moved to thu camp ground yesterday.- Mrs. J. J. Shulde and Mrs Pen l.nn bach siient yesterday at the Wyoming camp grounds. Miss Emily Harsch of Wyoming, Miss Carpet Remnants and Odd l'ieces at Lean Tlian Cost. See Our Show Windows fur Bargains. Wall Papers Odd Lots at One-Half Price to Clone Out. Now in the time to buy, as we huvc twine very desirable lots left. J. SCOTT INCUS Lack. Ave Carpets tnd Wall Piper Dealer. 1 1 Annie. Hancock of Virginia and their friends plc'uiced at Lookout Mountain Monday ufternooii. Mrs. Edward Kozell is quite III. Miss Nellie UrlKfis of Providence is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Urigge. Hnvss Prtoliers will be with us for one night only, Thursday, August C. They bring with them thlrly-lwo actors and two carloads of scenery. Miss olive Hnhson of Washington. D. C. is the guest or Mrs. II. T. Gregory. The Sons of Temperance expect to change their place of meeting In the near future from the Paptist church to Hancock's hall. JF.KMYN. Willie Nicholson, a son of Mrs. John Nicholson, of Cemetery street, was the victim of a distressing accident Tues day morning. He Is employed by the Delaware and Hudson company as a driver boy In their mines and before commencing his usual duties for the day took his mule to the shop to have Its shoes set. When returning from the shop, his mule became fractious and ran away. During the night of the mule, the hoy was dashed up against n. watering tank by the vicious animal and then thrown from lis back, his foot catching in the harness. He was dragged several yards before b.eaking away and when picked up was found to be badly Injured about the face and otherwise bruised. Dr. Davis was called und he brought In Doctors Shields and Manly, who examined into the injuries of the boy and found that beyond being painfully bruised and wrenched, noth ing serious would follow. The Injured boy is the son of Mrs. John Nicholson, of Cemetery street, and was her only support. The family have boon very unfortunate. A year ugo an older brother was hurt so severely in the mines that death resulted The father wus also killed in the mines. Kh'iier Fowler, of Fourth street, was stung on the back of the head hv u large bee about noon yeserdny. The sting seemed at lirst like en ail other occasions when he was stung, as his father keeps a large hive of boos. A Utile laioi. however, the boy became quite sick and upon examination It was found he liuii been stung on a nerve. The pain from the sting is still very great. Thomas Hullls. of Fuuith street, who wus injured In tin- Kile mines. Monday, by a la rife sdab of rock falling upon him. is rapidly recovering and will be able tf resume, work In a few days. The Jcrinyu base ball club of the county league oiganization Is nt pres ent miller several dlllicultles. which threaten to cause the disliauilment of the team. I'nder the circumstances nothing but a half hearted game can be put up by the locals. The chief cause of the trouble .Seems to be jealousy i mong the members of the club, several desiring In be captain. "Dick" tJendull and Clarence Ulukeslce. two members of the club, have resigned their posi tions und turned over their suits to the manager, P. J. McDonald. Ueports have be. n circulated that ilondall will organize a new nine and combat with tile present one. The Jenny II club played with the Alumiils, of Carbondule, Tuesday iil'teruoon, but owing to their badly crippled condition and the dis satisfaction among the players, defeat was the result. Mrs. John Whitbeck, of Fourth street. Is very ill. A large number from I Ids nluce con template picnicking at Furview toduy. NICHOLSON. Some uf tiie people of Nicholson are considerably excited over a story that the little six or seven-year-old son John nie, of a Hungarian family living, on O.ik street, tells, to the effect that his lather killed a man and put him in til ground under the house. It is also rumored that there was a terrible time ut the said house on the evening of the third of July, since which time u man has been missing. The Tribune repre sentative is Informed that Ihe story grew out of the fact that certain par ties got the little fellow to toll this story for u stick of candy, and he keeps on telling It In hopes or getting more coiilectioiiery. Yesterday afternoon the borough council were called together and went to the house and made some investigations, but found no evidence or u trugicul nature. Mrs. Dwlght Wuterbury and her sister. Miss Cameron, Mrs. A.-H. Moore, Miss I'na Titus and Mrs. Charles Wil liams visited the Kleetrle City Tuesday. A social given by the Kpwortlr league was held on the lawn of 10. F. John son's last evening. There was a large attendance. Yesterday was the hottest day of the season in this place. The thermometer registered one hundred in the shade. I OKKST CITY. The funeral of John V. Leroy was In Id Tuesday morning in the Presbyterian church, llev. P. P.. Kennedy preached a lining sermon, after which the re mains were taken to the Erie station thence conveyed to New Miiford where Interment was made. Services were also conducted at the latter pjnee. The pull-bearers were the following asso ciates nf the deceased M. D. : Evans, J. J. Walker. Frank Sott. tleorge Maxey, V. L. Peterson, Benjamin Maxey. After considerable discussion concern ing their respective merits as wheelmen John Higgin and John Franko an nounce an Interesting race in the near future to determine the best man. C. C. Hart, of Derrick was in town yesterday. Mr. Hart is confident of the success of the Prohibition party in the '9fi election. Prof. 3. Luther Morgan is making ar rangements to enter his choir in the competitions of the coming L'ticu eis teddfod. W. J. Murphy, of Olyphunt, is regis tered at the Forest House. OLD lORGE. A n?nt sum was realized nt the lee cream and watermelon social held by the Brick' church Ep worth league on the church lawn on Monday evening. Uev. and .Mrs. K. L. Santee are visit ing friends In Shickshlnny. Miss Lizzie Jackson is visiting rela tives in Ctirverton. Mrs. Wlllam Humphrey Is confined to her home by sickness. AIONTROSK. Mr. fleorge A. Jefmup of Scranton Is in Montrose today. Charles Webb or Mauch Chunk Is Visiting his mother here. Asa P. Hlakeslee of Mauch Chunk was in town on business for the Mont rose railway, of which he Is general manager. The new time fable of the Montrose railway is as fololws: !-.- Hound Botith C:00 a m., every day except Sunday; 9:'.V) a. in., every day ex cept Sunday; 10: if, a. m on Sundays only; 4:10 p. in., every day. except Sun day. Trains arrive from Tunkhannpck on week days at .1:11) u. m. and 4.10 p. m.: on Sundays at 8:10 a. tn. Marshall Harney, the general secre tary of the Young- Men's Christian as sociation, sustained severe injuries n t -a fall from his wheel while n route to Hullstead for the conference-. He Is expected home on Tuesday,1 ... AVOCA. . James F. Judge of Scrantun was ti caller in town lust evening. Mrs. Martin o'lluru of Catasaimua is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mia. Hestou of the North Knd. M. J. Keape is visiting friends in Phil adelphia. Messrs. Frank Gavan, Neal Huddy, M. A. O'.Mulley. M. J. Lynott. W. 1. Bolin nnd P. 11. Diirkln of Scranton were visitors In town on Tuesday eve ning. Miss Annie Callahan, Miss Nellie Heap and lirotlier Willie ure spending a week nt Lake Ariel. ( Miss Teresa Puttie of Pittstnn Is visit ing the Mioses ijibbous. Mis. Ihcunun and daughter, Miss Kate llivnnan of Philadelphia, ure vis iting ut the Curran residence. Miss Mamie Dunn of Plymouth Is vis iting the Misses Nellie and Mamie Walsh of drove street. Mr. .Manning of Philadelphia hus ac cepted a position us tousorlal artist in tile establishment of F. P. Devors. Miss Tillle Mi Cube of the North 12ml is spending a week with Plttstoit Iriends. The funeral of the late Hartley Cur ran ocurred yesterday morning and was largely Blended. Solemn high muss va celebrated nt St. Mary's church by llev. J. .1. Curan, biother of the deceased. Father McCabe was deacon and Futhev iiolden of Williamsport sub-deucim. The sermon was un eloquent discourse end was preached by Kev Father I'lane. In the sanctuary were seated the fltllow- ing clergymen: Kev. Fathers yuinnaii. Lavelle and Dixon of Plttston. Kev. Father Phillips of Plains, Kev. Father Coffey. Nealon and Milune. Carbondale; MoNully of Soruntoii; Murphy and Siiioulter of ulyphaiit; tlerrity of Stroudsbuig; Kirnan of Parsons; Hosie of Cnrbomlale; Kelh-y and Hrodertck of Wilkes-Purre; Ureen of Ashley; Moughlin of Overton: Hussey of Bent ley Creek; Dolun of Duninore; Mack of Arclibald; O'Uourke of Huzleton; Walsh of Moscow: O'Donnell of Par sons; lieu of Sugar Notch Polity and Lynott of Jermyn; Dunn of Wilkes Harre: Mollltt of South Scfifiitoii : O'Mulley of Kingston; Coroner of For est City: Carmody and McAndrews of Scranton, und O'Buyle, Ireland. Tho masters of ceremonies were: Messrs. James Holmes of Carbondule, J. J. ODuimel of Wllkes-Parre and Francis J. Clurke of Dunmore. The remain were folowed to the Avoca Catholic cemetery by a long cortege. The pall bearers were Messrs. J. F. Mitchell and J. F. McLaughlin or Avoca; M. H. HIs glns. James Hurlnett, P. H. Dutktii and Dr. P. II. Kearny r Scranton. At the gruve the Henedlctua wus sung by Kev. M. F. Crane and several other priest. Many persons were present front a distance, among which were the fol lowing: Misses Ella Crulg, Teresa Hut tie. Lizzie Kuue. Mr. und Mrs. James Filzpalrlck. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Uohun. Mrs. William Hlgglus. Mrs. John Keat ing, Mrs. J. M. Fay. Mr. nnd Mis. 10. J. McDonnell. H. J. Conlail. Mrs. Blglun. and Mrs. Mauley of Plttston; Mr. and Mrs. llilbert, Air. and Mrs. Otlbert Cur ry of Plains; William O'Mulley, Charloa Macklu. Mr. Marley. Mrs. Martin Flah erty, Mrs. Michael Foy, Mrs. Will Mc Laughlin, Mrs. P. McLaughlin and Kd. McLaughlin of Wllkes-Hurre; M. K. Swift and John Column or Dunmore; Mrs. Thomas MeCann, Mrs. John !lb liey of Ashley; Mr. und Mrs. T. A. Hen dricks of Jermyn; lion. J. J. o'Neil, Michael Morun, T. V. Powderly. Jr., !. I , Brown, T. F. I!ghes. James Holmes. L. McCube and Keglna McCabe of Cur boiidale, James Jordan of Olyphtint; M. F. Corcoran, Mr. und Mrs. Oeury Dills of Duryea; I. A. Phllbln, Jumesi Muck. James Kearny of Arclibald; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MoAtidrewn. John Burke. Kedmond Kouche, J. J. O'Hoyle, T. C. Melvin. T. F. Walsh, H. J. McNully, J. Al. Casey, M. P. Flynii. M. .1. Lynott. W. P. Poland, John O'Hoyle. Dennis Itoache, F. H. Brown, M. .1. Kelly. John K. Kelley, John McC.owuli, Dr. O'Hura. T. J. Kelley. Hon. J. E. Roache, T. V. Cuiiimiugs. Dr. F. L. McUraw, P. H. Ollgallan. James White, Enos Flynii. Samuel McEachon, Professor A. P. O lioyle. J. J. O'Mulley. T. H. Walsh, Hon. H. E. AlcDouuld, J. J. Mughrun. A. J. Howley. John F. Murphy. T. P. Duffy, Airs. Thomas Lynott. Annie and Agnes Lynott of Scranton Thomus Cur ran. John AlcKown. Mrs. James Mu loney, Mrs. Ashworth or Newport News, Va.;' Mrs Breniiun and daughter. Miss Kate Prennuu of Philadelphia. Al. 11. Collins luis resigned his por tion In connection with F. P. Devers toiisoriul parlors and will In the near future open u purlor in the Newlin block. Mrs. Thomas Lynott and daughter Annie of Providence Were callers in town yesterday. Misses Agnes Lynott and Nellie Cum miugs of Scranton spent the lust few days with friends here. AUCI1RA1.1). A regular session of the school board was held on .Monday ei alng. all mem bers having been present except Messrs. Toolln nnd O'Horo. The bond of ex Treasurer O'Kourke was released nd a numherof billsamountlng to JoOO, were ordered paid. Prof. Martin, of Klm hurst was allowed to explain to the members the Lovett system of penman ship. Messrs. AIcAmlrew and Myers were appointed a committee to confer with the Jermyn board in reference to the Edgerton pupils at the Jermyn schools. Th 3 bovoughcouncllalsomet on Mon day evening. President Jones presldi'd. After approving of the puthmasters time und several bills, the ordinance providing for abandonment of the old road up the mountain in th? First ward, pass;'d final reading. There wan some discussion as to the new license ordinance and Purg'ss Hurke leportcd that many transient niorchauts had procured licenses. He was ordered to see that all doing such business here procure a llcens-. After directing no tice to the Traction company to clear ihe ditch beside the trick on South Main street, the meeting adj.iuriied. Among those from t i-.iii v.l.o attended the funeral of the late H. ii. Cut ran. of Avoca weie: Airs. Al. A, Foote. Mr. and Mrsl Al. J. Kearney. Air. and Mrs. Pat rick Kecgan. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cur ran. AIlss Delia Coyne. Airs. John J. Brown and Messrs. Putrick AIcDon- Much in Little i Is especially true o( Hood's fills, (or no modi- ; cine ever contained o great curative power in j w siuau &hvi. lucj Ufa wuuw meuiciuo clu-st, always ready, al ways efficient, alnuys sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure ill liver 111). Pills sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 55c. The only Pills to take With Hood's Ba naps rills. InlOOdl'S Htghest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report B&B&tfO!L1f PURE r-.ell. John Kearney. James P. Alack, A. J. Cawley and P. H. I'hllbin. The Father Mathew society of this place will run un excursion to Furview on Wednesday next. ;,li-. John H. Lu:k. th vet ran look keeper of the Forest Alining company has lu-en again a gi-andfiuhtr, his daughter, Mrs. John J. Samson liHVing ilven b'rth to a son at Mr. Lack's cot tage ul Hraili-y Beach. N. J. It is hardly necessary to say that Ai'r. lu-k is greatly delighted over this latest ad dition to his household. The mother and child are in li. .ni. hurd Kielty. who bus been in Ire laud during the post six v. . oks reluriic .: yesterday ul'.ernoon. II Al.l.STI-AI). Miss Florer.iv Chi le.-ter is the guest of friends In Klmiia. The brick v.i.ik on the new school hous on Franklin Mre.-t has bten com menced. Herbert Sackett and Alis-i Lyula (luge were united in marriage hist Wednesday Hfterncun by Kev. Air. Em. crick of C.mklin, N. Y. A ."-year-old son of Frank Alay feli out or a tree the first of the week and broke mi arm. The sad new was received In this pluce last evening of the death of Post master John A. Allllan?. which occur red at a hospital In Philadelphia, wher he was being treated for a throat trouble. He was an cnteMU-ising, ener getic business man. He was of a very genial nature und was much lespected and liked by all who knew him. be sides a wife and three children, he Is survived by an ugid father and muthu-, one brother and a sister. A MIUNHiHT TALK. Burglars Were Mot Over-Scmpulou but They Knew lieu to Quit. From th Jury. The hourmidnight. Pluce kitchen in millionaire's house. The weather cloudy, probably ruin. "Tick! Tick! Tick!" This noise came from the dollar alarm clock which the hired girl, as usual, hud not taken to her room for fear of getting alarmed. "Saw! Saw! Suw!" This noise could never be laid to a dollur clock; only robbers would break the silence thusly .with saws. "Drop! Drop! Drop!" This noise Is the lock dropping to the floor. The door softly opened and two desperate vil lains peer through the darkness, and after striking a match and lighting the gas. one of them softly hisses: "The Job is did! Now for the gold!" The other Is evidently of the same mind, for he takes from beneath his coat u lurge hug and a murderous-looking stick, and beckoning to his pal, they steal softly up Ihe back stairs to break the millionaire his head or his pocket book. As It tukes some time to creep up the millionaire's back stairs, we will leave the villains creeping and see what Is happening In the rich man's spacious sleeping apartments, nnd w hy , lie doesn't awuken to foil the robbers ut VTEINWAV SON'S . . Acknowledged th Lesdlaf PIANOS Of tlx Wwl4 DECKER BROS.. KKANICHB BACHB and oth.r. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Jlusical Merchandise. Sheet Music and Music Books. urchsMrs will always find complete stsck snd at prices as low as th qual ity f th Instrument will permit at II. A, Hill. BERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyomins Aye. - Scranton E. rs Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated 1s D CAPACITY! foo,ooo Barrels per Annum ON THE LINE OF THh ore located the finest Ushlns; and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive boons on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis. St. Paul. Canadian and United States Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle. Tacoma, Portland, Ure., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars filly fitted with beuulnj?. curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be bad with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A., 333 Broadway, New York. I if il CHUN PACIFIC n their game. Could you see Into this room you would certainly bet a dollar to a had apple that the man was nslecp. but Ids wife's eyes are wide open aa phe turns over, thumps him on tlie funny bone and nay.: "And i-o. Charli s. you refuse to buy me a dlumor.d rn.cl.lace like Mrs. Jones has'.'" ' Fur the millionth time. 1 do! Co to u!ei p!" answered the rich man, opening his eyes for a second to flare ut the d iwn-trodden woman. "You wretch!" she griped. "Vuii Kttuunder r!" he lii-iwled. "i'll gft a dlvoM-i !" "The quicker ilja better!" In the meantime the robbers, having finished their creeping business, had advanced tn the door of the room, and as they paused on the thresbold they overheard the words fclven above. Their faces blanched their hands trembled, and with a bound they lied tied from that house as If idiot from a c-anmiii. and never slopped a slop until-a mile of siiveis lay between them und that uiii-iibl ed residence. These men could stab, shoot, rob, murder but when it came to Kettin mixed up In a family iiarrcl- excuse tli-n.r Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO- U. E. CROr UT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, is new and well furnished and OPENED TO THE PCUUC THIS YEAR ROUND, Is located midway between Btnghamton ani Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna Railroad, six miles from D I, ft W. R. R. at A I lord Station, and live miles from Montrose; capacity eighty-live, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to (iuests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catsklll Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shade and beautl. fill scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swings, croqiit grounds, etc. COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OP MILK. Rstes $7 to $io Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets Bold at all stations on D., L. ft W. lines. Porter meets all trains. BALDWIN'S THE , BEST IN THE MARKET "'A GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE INT S CONNELL CO., 34 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING l&nufactured t the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District liS WVOMINO AVENUE. Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AOENC1KS: THOS. FORD. Plttston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & POX, Plymouth. Ta. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wlikes-Ilarre, Pa. Agents for the Kcpauno C'hcmictvl Com (iiuv'a Hl;h Explosives. eiuKH.ce mr thc Hi.kmt Mrote.t Atmraemt, mT? CmTAR RH i--.HAi.Kii win cure yrni. wnnjprfnl boon to miirerw from Colds, Sore Thrmtt InlflPll.n. Rrnnrallli. orilAt I'trVEK. Ant innnrtiiatt rtlitf. An efllck'it. In portmt.TMn'T to $ on fimt Inrtlrniion of mlif. ('ontlnnrd Iwi 1 rrects JPerainnenc Cnr. SnOtffurUonmanntced or mofiry refunded. Prlre, V . Trial if rro nt l)rna-!ts. Rmatrred mull. JO cgou. M B. US11LI, sir., liira knit, ILch., D. 1. 1 .. ..... . CrCTBKll ATT'm CA tnl T HfJL TI;o uim and esrrat remnly fir mjM I nWU ail skin i!l!H,sca1K-snim. fch'ss' ItlHMim. fUl nm. Hums. -nia. Wonderful tv .irfurPILKIt. rrlce.Apte.tlruc-Dai ' "tjr hj luutl pre.'uxi. JtdilniiaiiiKiTp. OP ! For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN II. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa. Complexion Preserve!! DR. HEBRA'S ReraoTCT FreeUet, Pimples. Ltor . Males, Blacl-.haads; r.barn aud Tea, and ro. Li ores tba akin to its orliri- nal frchneu, producing aJK clear and heal thy cmt-iiJ Dlciton. fnoerlor toallf ira preparations and pcrf-ctly linrmlcKa, At all irugist:,oriiiaUedic:SOvta, buud iur Cbeolai, VIOLA SKIN SOAP u f!i-tf Uwwm" - Ikis iirtMns aooe, suittM Tar tin Mlet. &od without a riTSI b lk Minrrr. Ibakasr m mat ilillmnj. oa nut. ulnnMii Prise 23 Cents. G. C. BITTNER& CO., Toledo. O. For Ml by MATTHEWS BROS, and lOHN H. PHELPS, Scranton. Pa. I AIR IDH POWDER 5 IC-OIQ. SUMMER - SALE OF BEST VALUE EVER Wo ofler this week n splendid assortment of goods at prices which defy competition.. Pal torus all choice, but are those we w ill not carry into next season. Kow is your opportunity to secure Uood Carpets at Low Price. Tapcstrj Brussels, 5r, 51c and GOc a yard. Were 0."ic Wc and S3c a j ard. Ulvt'ts. ."( nnd !0c, Formerly 85c. and $1.10. All Wool Ingrains reduced to 5lc from Oac and 70c. Heavy Wool Figured Cotton Carpets, double cotton chain warp. 2.1c and 3!)c; former price 33c and 40c. Miiyma SJuirs. :iutiu hulii's, handsome designs and col orings, t.t Tenner price $3.00, Me liuve Just received a complete line of Genuine Gwalior Ruga, beau tiful combination of color, latest styles, rieh Oriental effects, and in order to introduce them will sell during the sale at $ 1. 5o. These Rugs are good value for $2 o(l. s. e. KERR Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRC PA. Manufacturars of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, KU1SIINUAKD PUMPING MACHINERY. FREE SAMPLE ffi Clean, Quick, Elective, Saves Libsr. Tor CleaniiiK und , Polishing Gold, Silver, Silver. Plated Warn, Ilrass, Nickel, etc., has no equal. No Dirt, No Dust. Contain No Acid, Bicycle and llarness Mount' tags it will also clean and polish. Samples Free. FOOTE i SHEAR CO., 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE SIS; What Sarah Bernhard ay. HI Cut out this ad. and bring it with you. T. THIS If Hore Lounffes than If I P we dispose of them no matter whether purchases are for CASH OR CREDIT, or in any of our depart ments. REMEMBER. OUR ODD AND END SALE CONTINUES AND LOUNGES ARE FREE. LACE CURTAINS AND PARLOR SUITS are receiving-Special Attention this week. t " MUST " SALE IN OUR ESTABLISHED 1873. IUIII11I loll 5151 CLEARING CARPETS GIVEN IN SCRANTON. , SON El CO., 408 Lackawanna Avenue General Office: SCRANTON. PA. MIDSUMMER Sterlins Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth (5c to $1; choice lor 50c. Worth $1-2R to $1.75; choice for $1.H). Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, wort It 3. S ), at 2. RO. Wort h $2.R0, at $1.75. C.losiiiK ()t all our Fine China at about Half Price. (icnuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En graved free. Tea Sets. Ice Pitchers, Cake Baskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. THE MOOSIG POWDER CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COiUTH B'L'O'O. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BUSTIBG POWDER 11 A UK AT MOOSIC AND RU3H UALU WOKK8. LAFLIN A RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Butterlos, Elertrin Exploder, fur pludtutf blasts, Safety r use, aud Repauno Chemical Co. 's explosiVes. F o I WEEK we want this is the way 225,227 AND218 WYOMING AVENUr CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. IIS CLOSINGSAIiB LOUNGES REE 0