0 SCRANTON SOCIAL NEWS AND GOSSIP Brief Mention of What Is Doing in the Pleasure Way. SUMMER EXODUS IN FULL SWINQ Outpouring to Seashore and Jloun tains Mil Been Quite General and There Is Little to Talk About. Country Club Meeting This Morn. ing.The September Tennis Tour neySocial Evcuts of the Week. - In a social way Scranon humanity Is having as little to do these hot days as It has iiv other directions, In business, in church matters, in everything: In fae. Anyhow, there are really so few in town who enjoy the social side of life, that possibly not more than a few linker's dozens could be gathered to gether for any sort of pleasantry. The few who are left are the paternal heads of families ami the young business men. Tho mothers and girls have Mown to the seashore or hills. ' This morning takes place ithe formal meeting' of the country club ardents at 11 o'clock in the board of trade rooms. A board of directors, which is to choose from among its own number the club's ofllcers, is to be elected; tho con stitution and by-laws are to be adopt ed and the unolllclal agreements be tween the provisional committee and Architect llolden and the Pennsyl vania Coal company lire to be ratified, Willie tile dub' Mouse is being erected the plans are now completed and tlie grounds leveled and arranged the small proportion of -members In the city will have somolhlng to talk about and the directors will be kept busy. AVhcn the others return homo early irt September they will t'md the- building well mi ller way. and the tennis courts ready for the annual tourney, which has hcre- tofoi-rt been -.Vfti ill noted, by the Lawn -'".. .... , . r ' A parly .consisting of tli" following Ciecu Ridge ladies Hpcut Thursduy at IClnihuwd: Mi's. A. L. Brooks, Airs. John Jollier. Airs. Jacob Letiick, Mrs, tinard, Mrs.. Kike, Mrs. Nieliol, Mrs. K. T. Blackmail. Miss Jessie Wilbur, .Mrs. Jiilht Pinl mid Mis. Jacob K .1.. 1 1 lor. The Reason at Elmhiiist is In (lie zen ith of its glory, 11 ml the beauties of this delightful suburban resort were never more pronounced than ut present. KI111- hurst, like wine, improve villi age. and Willi each succeeding year lln fruits of Colonel Schoonmuker's enter prise become more apparent. The visi tor whom eyes feast upon the attrac tions of Eliiihurst, with its handsome resiliences, well kept lawns and thrifty trees und shrubbery, can scarcely real ise that ten years ago the spot had nothing io recommend it save the la mous mind springs, from which copious streams of pure water gurgle ceaseless ly the year around. The labor and en terprise which transformed the bleak bill top into a beautiful garden 1111 something that can scarcely be appre ciated by imo who has not watched the progress of the work step by step. Jlo tel Klmhurst, which is now owned en tlrely by Horace E. Hand, is this year again under (supervision of Mr. Nash, whose ability as an entertainer needs 110 recommendations to persons resid ing In the. vicinity of Scranton,, In the completion of ''Oak Terrace," the. residence of Colonel Schoonmaker, the founder of Klmhiirst, has realized the Ideal suburban home. This beauti ful edlllce which Is situated near the end of the Elmhurst boulevard. Is a model In Its way. Added to the de lightful surroundings, enhanced by the skill of the landscape gardener, are the interior artistic effects and all of the comforts of a city residence. The Idea of "Oak Terrace" is carried out through out the premises from the grove of oak trees south of the house to the Interior decorations, which are of oak leaves und acorns, and no detail calculated to increase its attractiveness has been neglected. Colonel Schoonmaker, like many other residents of Klmhurst, has decided that the locality Is equally nt tractlve as a winter home, and will hereafter remain ther" the year around, having disposed of .lis Florida prop erty. On Wednesday evening Miss Amelia IW'yiindt entertained a number of young people at her home on the South Side. Those present were Misses Lizzie Senn, Mollie Wyandt, Anna Zwick, Katie Nueher, Km ma Jollier, Sophie Heckel, Yettle Naeher, Kdvvln Armbrust, ill iam Uotke, Charles Zwiek. Philip Haen diges, William Naeher, Charles Voher. Miss Margaret Murphy, of Cayuga Btreet, entertained the following friends Wednesday night: Misses U. Coyne, Minnie Coyne, Nellie Kelly, Mame Mof fltt, B. Duffy, Kate Curran, B. (lallagh er. Miss Flynn, of Wllkes-Barre; Miss Irene Connell. Miss Kva Handley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Charles Hastings, Frnnk Hummell, Joseph Follard, Kd. O'Hara, John Holland, 13. A. Murphy, Joe Fallon, John Fallon, of Rendham; AVIll Connell and Master John Murphy, of Brooklyn, N. Y. - Mrs. Mills, of BrlsMn, was tendered a surprise party Monday afternoon by the following friends in honor of her forty-first birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Reu ben Dean, Mr. and Mrs. John Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Zimmerman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Evans, MiV-nn.il Mrs. irant Ctler, Mrs. Rnllcgh, Mrs, Rob bins, Mrs. S. Cutler, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. George Matthews, Mrs. Fields, Airs. Deubler, Mrs. Chamber lain, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Maitland Mut thews, Mrs. Fred Thomas. Mrs. Lnwrle, Mrs. Jones and Misses Bessie Hess, Inez Zimmerman, Lottie Deubler, Louisa Thomas, Myrtle Deubler, Mrs. Watson and Newton Deubler, Masters David Zimmerman, Harold Evans, Arthur Dean, George Evans, A number of friends tendered Miss Minnie Allen a surprise party at her home on Blume street. Dun more, Thursday night. Those present were: Misses Margaret Stewart, Lora Brady, Minnie Bruning, Lille Altemtra, Sarah Kenny, Ida Powell, Jessie Meadwny, Llllle Brode, and Richard Webber. Wil liam Kolther, Joe Slegle, John Swingle, Kdgar Jones, Arthur Warfel, Howard Derby, George Allen, George Altemiru, William Webber nnd Helsner Altemiru. Miss Loretfa Slack entertained tho following friends at her home 011 Tenth street Thursday night: Misses Clara Allen, Ethel Derby. Hannah Smith. Lizzie Dandriffs, Stella Yohe, -Miss Kresge, Louise McFarland, Mrs. Eu gene Kresge, C. E. Derby. Gorman Wiliams, Bart Danvers, Bert Allen, Messrs. Kresge, Robertson, Finn, Hen- 1 ry. Q. Williams, Fred Hinea, Harry Dunvers. . . On Tuesday .evening Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Bond entertained the following friends In honor of their guest. Miss Minnie Schwlnn of Houtzdale: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Phlnney, Mr. and Mrs. Louise Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walters, Miss Celeste Sandel of Danville Misses Hetzel, Sailor, Haendeges, Walter, Den ike, doss and Messrs. Reynolds, Bees, Haendeges and Walter. Miss Frances Flannery gave a danc ing party at her home on Powderly street, Carbondale, Tuesday night for her guests. Misses Katie and Frances Kelcur of this city. ' Fred C. Hand will entertain a num ber of friends at his home on Mulberry street, Wednesday evening in honor of his guest. Comedian Roland Reed. Miss Dora Burns of Bloom avenue was married to Michael C. Kane of West Market street by Rev. J. J. O'Toole Wednesday afternoon. Miss Nora Holleran attended the bride and Thomas Neary was groomsman. Mrs. Henry Stewart, ot Mead avenue, Dunmore, entertained a party of friends with a dinner on Wednesday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Thomas Orchard, Mrs. N. L. Moon and Miss Marie Moon, of Carbondale, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Orchard and Miss Mary Or chard, of this city. PERSONAL MENTION: Mr. and Mrs. M. J I. llritlln and family, of Third street, are at Ashury Park. Miss Ida SliiinbiiiK. of Syracuse, is vis iting her sister, ai lafi Mulberry street. .Mrs. I. Wlnstor-it and daughter, Grace, ore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Simmons. II. .ililler, of the Jackson House. I'rank lin avenue, tins koiio to Atlantic City lor u ten days' vacation. Robert T. Gould left yesterday for Ocean Grove, N. , to spend two weeks Willi his parent, at their cottage. F. I.. Moore, Sidney Dunn and Thomas l 1 1 1 1 ti have returned from Wayne county. where iliny spent their vacation Willi rel atives. Mrs. T. J. Stewart und daughter.. of To ledo, O., who )iaii beta visiting Mrs. Stewart's mother, .Mrs. P. U. u'.Malley of Adams avenue, leli yesterday for Phil adelphia. .Mrs. Af. Pranket a-nJ daughter, Edith of New York: .Miss Rosa Jacoby. of New ark, N. J.: MUb Mluny David, of Wilkes- Harre, are the guests of Mr, and .Mrs. S, L. G.'illeji and family, , .1. T. Richards, .Mrs. J. Duncan and daughter, R, ll'Brieii, wile and soil, l. tloMurd ami- wife, Iteortio V. Millar, K. Kirkpatrick and Newton Jacksou were registered at the St. Denis, in .New York city, last week. ;.Myer lKivldow, the shoe merchant, leaves tonight lor Atlantic t'lty, where lie will spend a week. Emm (here he will go lo Boston and other eastern cities to make his purchases from the manufacturers for ills fall nnd winter trade. William Owen, ot Madison avenue, and daughters. Misses .Mary and Flo, and granddaughter, Miss Florence Doud, will leave this morning for Atlantic I'tty. They will be accompanied by Mi's. Frank Rob- ling Jr., and .Mrs. Frank Kobliug, sr., and daughter, Kate. Mr. nnd Mis. it, M. Spencer, of Dun more, are visiting in I'iucliiiiati. .Miss Lucy lillis, of Church street, Dun more, Is visiting in Matich Chunk. '.Misses Lydia and Mamie Melvln, of New Tork, arovlsiting North End relatives. Miss Mamie Dunleavy, of Plttston, spent the past two weeks with Plttston friends. .Miss Jessie Becker, of South Hyde Park avenue, Is home from u sojourn at Asbury Park. .Mrs. J. Henry Jones, of Washburn street, will spend the summer at Lake Henry. iJIIss Jennie James, of Fillmore avenue. Is entertaining Miss Bertha Cole, of Phil adelphia. "Miss Jda Speece, of Pittston, Is the guest of Mrs. E. L. Bertiiie, of South Main avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Flack, of Green Ridge street, have gone to Danville to re. main two weeks. Miss Cella Langan, of Hawley, has re turned home after a visit with Miss Mamie Langau, of Minooku. .Miss Kathryn Hart, of New York, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Bur nett, of Linden street. Miss Lizzie Kemmer Is visiting at the home of .Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Morgan, of Park street, Carbondale. Minr.o E. Wells, of the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western dining room, spent the past three clays at Ilaltou, 'Mr. und Mrs. J. B. Ormsley and daugh ter, of New Albany, ure visiting Mrs. William Burlinrame, of Tenth street. Miss Tessie MeUee, of Cedar avenue, nnd Miss Kate Barrett, of Plttston ave nue, spent part of the week in Carbondale as the guests of Miss Kale Collins. District Attorney nnd Mrs. John R. Jones and their children, Marshall and Anna, ure ut l.ake George. They went Monday and will remain away three weeks. Dr. W. Jl. Henwood Is home from a trip to southern California. Miss Eva May Wkltlng. of this city, is the guest of Carbondale friends. Rev. J. W. Malone, of the cathedral. Is enjoying his annual vacation. Miss Katie Judge, of the Arlington ho tel, is visiting her sister in Binghamton. Mrs. C. M. Butts, of Green K)dge, is en tertaining Mrs. F. H. Angell, of Albany, N. Y. Merchant M. C. Judge, of Taylor, has gone to Clinton, la.,' to spend a month there. Miss Lizzie Krauss, of Dunmore, is home from a visit with Miss Bertha Bold, of Waverly. Judge R. W. Archbald held court this week In the district Dresided over by Judge Harold M. McClure, ot Lewlsburg, 1'nion county. Miss Caroline A. Wolf, soprano soloist of Elm Park church choir, left Tuesday morning for 11 triu to New York, Boston anil Niirragansett Pier. John Londergan, of New York, and Miss Minnie Londei-gnn, of Binghamton, were the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. G. A. Hays, of North Sumner uvenue, during the week. H. Jt. Burroughs has severed his rela tions with the John Raymond institute of the Young Men's Christian association and will enter the emoloy ot George V. Phil lips in the life Insurance business. Jnnies F. Doyle, proprietor of the Fair- child House, llahimoiidspurt. N. y., for merly connected with the Valley House and St. Charles hotel of this city, was married a week ago. His bride was Miss Lllliun Jones, of liaiiiiiioiidsport. Rev. Walter Gorman, of Ashley, assist ant to Rt. Rev. Bishop lloban, Mrs. Wai ter Gorman, of Penu avenue, his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brown nnd MIjs Kittle O'Boyle, of -Penn avenue, ure at Fur Itockaway and will remain another week there. .T. P. Toohey, of Clarke Bros.' stores. Is In New York city. Miss Mary Duffy, of Pleasant street. Is Visiting In Philadelphia. Bliss Llllle GalTney, of Stone avenue. Is enjoying her vacation. Miss Mary Davis, of North Everett ave nue, is visiting In Wllkes-Uurre. Miss Minnie Jones, of South .Main ave nue, has gone to Sheridan Lake. Miss Mabel -Phillips, of .Mull'in street. Is Hie guest of Plymouth friends. Mr. nnd Mis. W. A. Wrlgley, of Twelfth street, nre visiting ut CciilrciiKirelanil. Mrs. Thomas tleddoe. of North Gurlield avenue. Is vlsltlnif ill Krooklyn, N. -Y. Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.udeck and daugh ter, of North Park, are ut Harvey's Like, Miss Kete Kosar und Funnle und Mkry Mi-Mine, of tho West Hide, ure at Crystal Luke, Mrs. P. J. Nealls and children, of Jail;. son street, are visiting in Fermoy, Wayne county. Mrs. Murk Miles, of New street. Bulled Wednesday on the City of New York for Europe. .Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stone, of this city, are home from a month's visit to Wat kins' Glen, N. Y. Miss Edna Saxe, of North Main avenue. Is home from a visit with friends In Sus quehanna county. After a pleasant stay at Delaware Water Gap, Miss Mildred Belden, of Swetlund street, has returned home. Mrs. Emma .Murphy and daughter. Miss Josephine, of Atlanta, G11., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simpson, of North Eighth street. Mrs. William Sheppcrson and her two children, of Danville, ere the gucBta of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Griffiths, of North Sumner avenue. Miss Madge Renshaw, of Newark, N. J., who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Renshaw. of North Main avenue, has gone to Tunkhannock to visit friends. Charles Moore, of Aduins avenue, is at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Shiner will spend the next ten duys at Asbury Park. Professor H. L. Kiirdick, of Green Ridge, Is home from a tour through Maryland. .Mrs. Allen Singer, ot Mousey avenue, has gone 10 Monroe county to spend the sum mer. Miss, Clara Spelcher ts entertaining her cousin, .Miss Gertie Fisher, of Wilkes llarre. Mrs. W. H. Slevens and family, of Green Ridge, will spend the summer ut old Point Comfort. John H. Brooks has gene to Cottage City to spend two weeks. He left Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Thomas Bell and -family, of the West SI le. left Thursday for three weeks ut Oeenn Grove. Miss Frances Moses, of this city, was the guest of .Mrs. S. 9. Singer, of Cur bomlnle this week. Deputy Sheriff U C. Portree, of Moscow, went 011 Thursday to Denver, Colorudo, to remain away until September. i.Miss Lulu Foster und Miss Grace Weed, of Waymarl, Pa., are the guests of Miss Miune Clark, ot Capouse uvenue. Miss Rose Jacoby, of Newark, N. J., and Miss Minnie David, of Wllkes-Barre, are visiting tho .Misses Gnlletl, of Jefferson uvenue. Rev, WillUm SQierry, of Springfield. Mass., has g-jlie home after u week's visit with Rev. J. A. Moffitl, of St. John's church, South Side. .Miss Emily Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue, returned home Thursday from Adams county. This slate, and Washing ton. D. C, after a three weeks' visit. .Mrs. P. J. Hor.ui and Miss Mury Me Andrew, of Dunmore, and Miss Anna Huunn, of Washington avenue, spent Wednesday ns the guests of .Miss .Mary F. Bremian, of L'urboinlule, 'Miss Annie Lynett Is visiting In Hones dale. Mr. P. A. Street, or Green Ridge, is In New York city. Miss Cora Reynolds, of South Main ave. nue, is at Flmhiirst. Mm. Frank Spencer, of Jackson street, Is visiting In Waverly. Charles Hopewell, of the North End, is vlsiiing In lllnghaintiin. Fdward George, of West Market street, Is home from a visit to Elk Iike. Dr. Franklin Taylor, of the North End, has returned from a visit to Canada. .Miss Margaret Walsh, of Miner's Mills, Is visiting friends on the West Side. Thomas Phillips und family, of Kings ton, are visiting West Side relatives. Mrs. C. M. Florey and Miss Margaret Q. Thomas are sojourning nt Ixike Carey. .Miss l.lllie Davis, of Eynon street, will spend tho coming two weeks at Harvey La lie. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Burr, of South Main avenue, havo just returned from Nova Scotia. Miss Mabel Greenwood, of North Gar field avenue, has gone to Oswego, N. Y., for two weeks. Mrs. Benlley and daughter. Miss Mar garet, of tho North End, are visiting in Cooperstown, N. Y. Airs. T. W. Phllllos and daughter. Miss Margaret, of South Main avenue, will leave today for Atlantic Cily. ' Miss S. Ionise Hardenbcrgh, of this city, Is the guest of her brother, Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh, of Honesdale. Patrolman Amasa W. Palmer has en tered upon his annual vacation, which he w ill spend in New York and Boston. iRcv. William Edgar, of the Providence Methodist Episcopal church, and his fam ily will leave today for Asbury Park. IMiss Katherlne Holzeman. of Bethle hem, has returned homo, after a week's visit with Miss Martha Jones, of Frink street. Theodore Smith, of Slocum street, is nt Lake Wlnola. Miss Adelaide Glover left for Connecti cut Thursday morning. IMiss Ella F. Donahoe, of Stone avenue, will leave Monday for Atluntlc City. 'Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Griffin ami children, of Hellevue, have gone to Atluntlc City. IMiss Mamie and Bessie Gibbons, of Ml nooka, will leave roduy for Atluntlc City. Harry Neimeyer and Herbert Watres will spend the coming week at Lake Wlno la. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder, of Weston Place, are home from a sojourn at Cottage City. Miss Weir, of this city. Is the guest of Miss Annie Coyne, Hill Street, Arch bald. Mrs. W. G. Fulton and children have gone to the Massachusetts coast for the summer. iMiss Agnes Callahan, of Newark, N. J., is the guest of Miss Anna May Barre,tt, of Adams avenue. Rev. D. W. McCarthy, of St. Joseph's church, Minooka, Is enjoying his vaca tion at the seashore. Mrs. C. S. Wlnstock and daughter. Miss Grace, nre the unests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, of Olive street. W. C. Squires, of the Wyoming House, spent four duys this week the guest of his mother In Dunsville, N. Y. Mrs. Samuel Samter and Mrs. Benjamin Samter nnd their families will spend Aug ust In Sullivan county, N. Y. J. D. Mlshler, of Reading, and M. H. Burgunder, munager or the Academy of Music, were In town this week. IMiss Leona I.r-hru, of Bake Swansea, has returned home after a visit with Miss Amy Decker, of Cayuga street. iMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moore and Miss Ann Jones, of Adams avenue, and Thomas M. Jones and Miss Helen V. Jones, of Plttston avenue, will leave today for Fur Rockawny for two weeks. IMiss Nellie Beamish Is in Atlantic Cily. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Piatt ure traveling In Nova Scotia. Miss Hunt Is visiting Miss ArchbalJ at Martha's Vineyard. William F. Sheehan. of th's city. Is so journing in Syracuse. Attorney K. W. Thayer, of South Main avenue. Is nt Asbury Park. Miss Anna llritlln. of New York street. is home from the Delaware Water Gap. Miss Alice Morahan. of Avoca, visited friends In Scranlon and Dutimoro yester day. Rev. If. T. Shields, of Towanla. Is visit ing his father, Muthew Shield, of Scran ton street. Deputy Clerk of the Courts T. P. Daniels will leave today for Atlantic City, to be gone ten days. .Misses Dorcttn Jennings and Mury Jlo- Andrew, of Farvlew uvenue, leave today for Atlantic City. Mrs. B. M. Wlnton and family have gone to Delhi. N. Y.. where they will spend the month of August. John M. Ward returned to New York Monday after snenillng a week with his mother at Klmhurst. Miss Lizzie Keogh, of Norwich, N. Y., Is visiting her brothers, the Messrs. Keogh, of Adrms avenue. Miss Atinu Eurley, of Plttston, was the guest of Miss Kathryn Huggerty, of North Main i' venue, Wednesday. I Ion. mid .Mrs. 11. M. Edwards and their daughter. Miss Mart: a ret 1-Mwurus, spent Thursday ut Uike Wlnola. Mrs. T. .1. Stewart und daughter. Ml Lucellle, of Toledo. O., after a visit with Mrs. Stewart's mother have gone to Phil adelphia. IMr. and Mrs. K. I. Fuller, Miss Jermyn and Mortimer Fuller left yesterday morn ing for Shelter Island, where they will remain during August. Thuy will stop at the Manhunsett House. .Mrs. P. II. Golden and family, ot Penn avenue, are at Lake Ariel. Miss Teresa Nallln, of Plttston avenue. Is visiting friends In Uawley. Miss Mary Duffy, of Price street. Is the guest of friends In Dover, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Cawley, of Lafayette street, arevlsiting In Honesdale. Mrs. V. E. Arnold and daughter. Ro niaine. are at "The Lodge," Preston Park. iMiss Ma Shlnburg, of Syracuse, Is spend ing a few days with her sister, on Mulbcr. ry street. I. A. Finch and family, of Washington avenue, left yesterday for Vineyard High lands, Mass. Alderman and Mrs. Frederick Fuller left yesterday for Block Island, where they will spend two weeks. Miss Margaret Hoschke. of Brooklyn, N; Y.. and Miss Christie Zonke, of Penn avenue, are nt Lake Winola. Deputy Prothonotary and Mrs. Myron Kasson have gone to Springsvllle, Susque hanna county, to remain two weeks. Miss Minnie McDonald, who visited Mrs. Joseph Keogh, of Adams avenue, has re turned to her home. In Syracuse, accom panied by .Miss Mamie Kelley, of Lacka wanna uvenue. Theodore Smith, of Sloccm street, Is at Luke Wlnola. Thomus Huyden, of the Coyne House, Is at Atluntlc City. Miss Julia McGulgan, of the South Side, Is visiting friends at Mauch Chunk. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder, of Weston place, are home from a visit to Cottage City. Miss Anna M. Barrett, of Adams ave nue, is entertaining Miss Agnes Callahan, of Newark, N. J. Miss Lizzie McManama, of Mulberry street, has gone to New Yolk, where she will remain until September. Mrs. William Kress, of Allentown, Pa., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Ra nier. of South Lincoln avenue. W. C. Saulrer. of the Wyoming, has re turned from Dansvllle. N. Y.. where he spent several days with his mother. Attorney A. J. Colborn and Hon. W. H. Berry will debate the silver question 011 Aug. 8 In a tent to be pitched between Foreit City and andling. Mrs. John Klrby, daughters. Misses Nel lie and Johanna, and son. John W. Klrby, of Broadway, have returned from a ten days' stay at Atlantic City. .Mrs. J. F. Lane, of Jacksonville, Fla., Miss Tyson, or Pottsvllle, and Miss Kutu ryn Hart, of New York city, are visiting the Misses Leonard, of lif Jefterson ave nue. Don't Head This. Monday and until the goods are closed out your choic of our 25c. Dim ities fur only 9c. A large line or 12Hft Dimltleg for E. Silk Stripe Challies und Swivel Silks for 12VS.C, were 25e. 20-ceiit Dotted und Striped White SwUn Mc 15-cent India Llnon ....lie lS-cent India Llnon 25-cent India Llnon 1 80 20-cent Skirting1 Pique 15e 25-cent Skirting Pique 18c Mears & Hagen. MUSICAL NOTES. In speaking of Uie recent performance of the "Mikado" In this city by ama teurs from Wllkes-Barre, the Elmlril Telegram very properly suggests thnt with tho talent In Scranton an opera company could be easily organized that would eclipse in excellence the best ef forts of our Wllkes-Barre friends. The Telegram also names Professor Richard Lindsay as the director best fitted by natural ability and experience to con duct rehearsals of such an organization. Much time has been spent In bringing out heavy productions by various musi cal societies of the city, and it seems as though something in a lighter vein would meet with approval from the public. An amateur opera company under direction of Professor Lindsay ought to meet with success musically and financially. II II II The Thiele-Jones Concert company hava made arrangements to give a num ber of summer concerts under manage ment of O. B. Jones, of the Frothlnjj ham. The company which Includes Er nest Thlele, violinist; Mrs. Thlele, so prano, and Reeve Jones, concert pian ist, expect to give their first entertain ment at Olen Summit on Wednesday evening. They will make a tour of about six weeks visiting summer resorts and close with a concert at the Froth ingham. The reputation of this trio of artists Is such that it Is needless to prophecy the musical success of tho sV terprise, and under the management of Mr. Jones the arrangement will no doubt prove financially encouraging also. II II II Professor J. Franklin Crowell, one of America's greatest zither players, has located at Carbondale, and It Is prob able that he will be heard in this city before the winter is over. The zither Is a common Instrument In Germany and Austria, where many excellent per formers may be found, but Is little known In America. Belnff one of the most difficult of stringed Instruments to play upon, few American musicians possess the patience required to gain perfection as performers. Professor Crowell Is one of the few who have suc ceeded In mastering the zither, and is said to rank with the foremost artists of foreign birth, who occasionally give ua hints of the possibilities of the rare Instrument suggestive of the Celestial harps. Professor Crowell will be a wel come addition to the musical ranks of this valley. II II II A large number of music lovers gath ered at Laurel Hill park on Sunday last expecting to enjoy a concert by Bauer's band, although the entertainment had not been announced, and many were disappointed. Tomorrow the band will appear as usual, the concert beginning at 3 o'clock, and an attractive pro gramme will be rendered. II II II Kim Park church congregation was verv fortunate during tho month of July In having such an able organist as ; Mr. George S. Beechwood, of L'tlca, N. Y. His playing was of an artistic char acter, showing great musical ability. He certainly has a bright future before him. Mr. Beechwood Is a pupil of Alex lluilmunt, Paris. . II II II Miss Caroline A. Wolf soprano, and Mr. Alfred Wooler tenor, of the Kim Park church quartette, are taking a well earnt l vacation. Miss Wolf go-s to Boston, and Mr. Wooler to Lake Chautauqua. II II II Owing to the stagnation of business In the west, the Haydn Kvans Glee party have concluded to postpone their western tour until another season. II II II Miss Piehel. formerly soloist at the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, will go to Chicago In the fall to mi an en gagement. II II II Llewellyn Jones, barlbtie and ac companist, will spend his summer vaca tion In Boston. II II II The next recital given by pupils of Mr. Southwurth will occur at Powell's In September. II II II Burt Blume. the well known baritone of Chicago, Is In tha 4ity visiting friends. , CHURCH DOINGS AND RELIGIOUS NEWS Chronicllngs of Particular Interest to Cburcb-Going People PASTORS ON THEIR VACATIONS There Is Jio Activity iu Church Societies, tho Kndcnvorcrs Ex-ccptcd-Prcpnrins for the Big State Convention in OctobefNcvt Week's Endeavor IJny nt Lnkc ArieW-Tomorrow's Services. This Is truly the season of church In activity. Pastors are absent on their vacations; church and Sabbath school officers are either out of town for the summer or are Journeying between city and country so often that they get but little opportunity for otliclal work, and there is piuctlcally none of the social anil chiiicli organization pleasure and work that really has so much to do with religious. activity In the cooler und win ter months. To the Christian Kndeuv orers, it seems, has been left all there is to do outside of regular Sunday ser vice and weekly prayer meetings; and just now the Endcavorers' work in pre paring for the mammoth October state convention necessarily smacks more strongly of buslncas than religion. The real big gun and the opening gun of thr Immediate preparation for the convention was fired at Thursday night's "rally" In the Second Presbyter ian church, when. In addition to reports of the Washington national convention, the programme for the gathering here was first made public. It provides for ! services and meetings In Klin Park j church, the Frothlngham theater and me Acauemy or .music. "Endeavorers Day" nt Farvlew will be on Thursday next, when societies or Wayne, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Wyom ing and Lackawanna county to the number of several thousand will take purt In tho outing. Tho fare for the round trip from Scranlon will bo 75 cents. A splendid feature for that day will be the hinging of the United choir, the organization which will sing during the October convention. It Is made up or three large and separate cliuirs from Hie North End, West Side and central city. A cool place lo rest awhile Is at the Young Women's Christian association 100111M. 20.ri-2O! Washington uvenue, Sun day, Aug. 2, from 3.15 to 4.15 o'clock. All young women will receive a nearly welcome. Miss Abbie Hancock will have charge of the meeting, and a num ber of the young women who attended Northlleld conference will tell all about It and how they were helped in various ways. Wednesday. Aug. 5, a party will leave Young" Women's Christian asso ciation rooms at ! a. 111. und 1 p. in. to go to Mountain Lake. Any young wo men who can go with the party will be most welcome. Most of the West Side ministers are on vucntion. Rev. J. P. Moffatt, the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, left Tuesday for the west. Mrs. Mof fatt Is at her former home, Wentherly, Pa, Itev, D. P. Jones, of the Taber naclo Congregational church. Is visit ing at Chicago. Mr. Jones has been giv en a six weeks leave of absence by his church. He Is In ill healh, unit the western trip he is taking Is for both recuperation and pleasure. Rev. D Jones, of the Welsh Calvlnlstic Method ist church, with his family, Is spending the summer nt Lake Wlnola. Rev. M. H. Mill, of St. David's Episcopal church, is visiting In the western part of the state. Rev. T. Bell, of the Plymouth Congre gational church, left this week for his annual rest. Rev. W. S. Jones, of the First Welsh Baptist church, Is on a several months' visit to Wales. Among the ministers visiting In the city are Rev. Thomas Griffiths, of the Baptist church at New Philadelphia, O.; Rev, Camber W. Kvans, of the Congregat lon- al church nt Given, la., and Rev. John Evans, of Brooklyn, N. Y, "Tho United States In Bible Proph ecy," will be the subject to be discussed by the evangelists in the Gospel Tab ernacle on South Main avenue, between Eynon and Kim streets, Sunday at 2..10 p. m. All those deslrious of becom ing acquainted with the rise nnd pro gress of our own nation ns revealed in tha prophetic word of God should be present at this meeting. Subject for Sunday evening, at 7.45, "A Union of Church and State In America, or His tory Repeating Itself," will be thor oughly treated. The evangelists are much encouraged In Uielr work, as they note tho growing Interest that Is man ifest by their steadily Increasing: crowds of people who gather at the Tabernacle from night to night. NOTES OF CHURCHES. Prayer services will be conducted to morrow at the Tabernacle Congrega tional church. The Sunday school of 'St. David's Episcopal church picnicked at Weber's grove, Tuesday. Rev. F. P. Doty, of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church, is at Waverly, N. Y. The pulpit of the Jackson Street Bap tist church will be occupied tomorrow by Rev. Thomas Griffiths, of Ohio. Th. Jackson Street Baptist and the First Welsh Baptist churches combined In an excursion to Lake Ariel Tuesday. Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor Calvary Baptist church, will preach at both of tomorrow's services at the First Welsh Baptist church. Communion will Vie observed at the morning service of the Hellevue Welsh Calvlnlstic Methodist church. ' Rev. J. T. Morris, the pastor, will preach In the evening. The Young People's Baptist union of Northeastern Pennsylvania win hold u reunion picnic at Lai-e Ariel on Wed nesday, Aiij'. 2d. . Many hundred people are expected to attend. The church of which Rev. Father Treltz is past'jr. will be dedicated at Matamoras. Pike county, on August JS by Right Rev. Bishop Unban. I;, v. I. e llald. O. S. B., will pi-each the salmon. The Volunteers will hold meetings in th'dr tfiit on Linden strict aa f dU.Wii: Holiness mcotinir, Sunday, 1U.HU u. M.: Chi'lstliiii praise und pray, r .icrviee. 3.4."i p. 10., to be addressed by the Rev. Mr. Alrich; revive! service, 8 p. in. The Church of St. Francis of Assist, at Hernice, Sullivan county, of which Rev. Father Knrlghl. formerly of this city. Is) pastor, will be dedicated Sunday. l!t. Rev. Bishop O'Hara will officiate. Waverly Baptist church Rev. A. Bergen Bower pastor. At 10.30 a. 111. the pastor will repeat, by request, his first sermon to the church, and ut S p. m. Ftereoptienn sermon, "The Pil grim and Giant Despair." Second an niversary of the pastorate. ' The cuts of scenes in the Scranlon Young Men's Christian association's John Raymond Institute." about a dozen In number, were used to Illustrate the import just issued by the educational deparment of the association's Interna tional committee. The .report was is sued from New York. The 3.45 o'clock Sunday afternoon meeting at the Railroad Department Young Men's Christian association will be conducted by the Rev. BenninKer, who Is visiting at the home of Rev. J. B. Sweet Special music. All welcome. On Thursday evening. August 6. a re treat will begin at the Mountain houe. near Wllkes-Barre, for the Sisters t Mercy of that city. The retreat will be conducted by Rev. Father Buckley. S. J., of New York, and will end on August 15. Rev. D. Bustin, of Buffalo, N. Y.. lo cated at Ashley, since his return from home a short time ago, has been ap pointed assistant priest at St Mary's, Wilkes-Furre, to take the place of Rev. Father O'Rourke. who went to Hazle ton. Father Bustin was a teacher at St. Thomas' college, Scranton, before he went lo Rome to finish his theology, lie was ordained nt the Vatican, Rome, in May of this year. TOA'iORROWS SERVICES. Penn Avenue Baptist church Uev. Wuiren !. Partridge, of Cincinnati. f..liiieily pastor of the church, will preach morning and evening. Green Ridge Presbyterian churcli Rev. John H. Worrall. D. D., of Uan vllle, Ky., will preach ut UUO a. m. a nil I 7.45 p. m. Bible school at 12 o'clock; j-.nuenvor Society meeting at 6.45 p. 111. All Souls L'nlversalist church. Pine street, Rev. F. W. Whippin pastor Ser vice at 10.30 u. ni. Subject, "Fear Not." Green Ridge Baptist church Rev. W. J. Ford pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and T.3U p. in. Communion at tH? close of the morning service. Rev. F. II. Button, of Keystone Academy, will preach In the evening. First Church of Christ (Scientist", 519 Adams avenue Sunday service 10.I10 u. m.: experience meeting Friday eveninj? fAx o'clock. All welcome. Seats five. Gospel Tabernacle, Adams nveimo, Dunmore Preaching by Rev. P. Hickey of Brooklyn. N. Y., ut 10.30 a. 111. anil 7.30 p. m.; .Sunday school at 12 noon; Lord's supper at close of morning ser vice. Washburn Street Presbyterian churcli Rev. John P. Moffatt pastor. Ser vices at 10.2U a. 111.; Bible school at 2..'ii p. in.; Christian Endeavor nt .35 p. rn. Pulpit will be decupled ill the morning; by Mr. A. V. Bower. No preaching in the evening. Court Street Melhodist Episcopal church George T. Price pastor. Preu oil ing ut 10.30 11. 111. and 7.30 p. 111. Morning: subject, ''Worry ll'H Remedy;" even ing subject, "The Possibilities of Man hood." Trinity Lutheran church, Adams ave nue, coiner Mulberry street Rev. Kil Win Ltinn Miller puslor. Services) lit 10.30 and 7.2(1. Grace Lutheran church, corner Mad ison avenue and Mulberry street Uev. Foster I'. Gift pastor. Services ut J0.:h n. 111. and ut 7.30 p. m. Rev. W. I f . Stublilcbine and the pastor will ex change pulplls on Sitbbiith eve. United Evangelical churcli, Cupouso avenue Preaching ut 10.30 a. 111. by 1 W. Pcarsall, of the Railroad Ymiiij? Men's Christian association. Every body welcome. St. Luke's church Rev. Rogers Israe l recinr. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. 7.3U n. m., holy communion: !U5 a. 111.. Sunday school; 10.30 n. m., Lllany ser mon and holy communion; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. St. Mark's. Dunmore 10.30 n. 111.. morning prayer and sermon; 3 p. m., Sunday school; 4 p. 111. evening prayer nnd sermon. Rev. Edward J. Huugh tiui hi chnrge. St. Mark's Lutheran church, Four teenth and Washburn streets Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor. Services 10.30 a. m., 7.30 p. 111. Preaching at both ser vices. The Second Presbyterian church Service, 10.3.0 a. m., "Twilight service nt 7 p. 111. under care Christ lun Endeav or. The Rev. W. H. Swift, of Iinnes dule. Pa., will preach. All are cordially Invited to both services. Elm Park church Preaching nt 10."O a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the Rev. L. C Muller. Sunday school at 2, and Ep worth League at 6.30 p. in. Howard PlaceAfrlcan Methodist Epis copal church 10.30 a. m.. preaching by the das tor. Rev. C. A. MeGee; 8 p. m.. Miss Jennie Howard, of Livingston col lege. South Carolina, will lecture on temperance. This service will be under the auspices Of the Women's Christ lull Temperance union, of Howard Place church. Grace Reformed Episcopal churcli. Wyoming avenue below Mulberry street Divine worship, 10.30 a. 111. and 7.30 i. m. Preaching by the pastor, a- m., seventh in u series on the Christian armor, "The Sword ot the Spirit," Epli., vl:17; p. m.. "Sixth Trumpet," Rev., ix: 13-21. Scuts free. Everybody welcome. Communion. 10.30 a. 111. : Sabbath school. 12 111.: Young People's Society Christian Endeavor, fi.30 p. 111.; Thursday, 7.45 !. m.. Union Bible class fur lesson study. All welcome. Providence Christian church Rev. U. M. Kinter will preach In the morn in k on "The Trial of Your Fulth." and in the evening there will be a Christian Kn deavor rally at which a number of re ports will be heard from delegates who were nt the Washington convention. Rev. C. K. Guild and the pastor will also make some remarks. Sumner Avenue Presbyterian churcli Rev. John Griffith pastor. Mornlnfr service. 10.30, subject, "The Inspired Word;" Sunday school nt 11.15 n. in.: evening service at ti. subject, "Faith and Works." St. David's church, corner Jackson street and Bromley avenue Rev. M. H. Mill rector. Ninth Sunday after Trin ity. Morning prayer and sermon ut 10.30 a. m.: evening prayer at 7.3" p. m. : Sunday schnr 1 nt 2 20 p. rn. Seats free. Simpson Meth"(Hst Episcopal church. West Side J. Ti. Sweet pastor. Rev. James Wenninger, or Lebanon, will preach morning nnd evening. Morninjs prayer meeting at 9.30 o'clock: preach -lnc nt 1.30 o'clock; Sunday school nt 12.00 o'clock; .TMi i. r Lcictle nt .'! OO o'c'.ock: Epwertli League ut '."'' o'( look : pnnrliir.r nt 7.30 o'clock. Free seats and a c.U'dlil vi'fi r.;o to r 11. First B:!pt:?t church. Scranton street -Pas -or. Rev. S. F. Matthnvs. Pi-.:ieh-lrof .'a' l-ilti momlmr and evi niurr uy tlic Maxtor: I '.env lial Mi;o r close of "xinlntr service; Lih'e :-!:o. 1. p. in.. Dr. I.Viidu.' x.ii 'Tint ndciit ; Young Peo ple's prayer meet iuy. !.'.') n. in., leader. Fli-J Niece. All are l,3i.. I!.'.' iinit"l. Klrst Pivsl-V tefhui chun h. WasHnw tii av; nui The Lev. Jemes Stuart Dickson will pivaeli In the morning nt 10.30 o'clock: Christian Einb avor meet -ing at C.30 p. 111. Tlcre will be no even Insi ii rviie during Augic't. T y !iom it .Vny Concern. 1. Prof. C. Coles, editor Storms ami Signs. Kingston. Pa., ai.i desirous of making a public test of "sign planting" next summer. And I want some man or woman of means to furnish ill bast 2i acres if good- rich land, place, thereon a building huge enoivh to accorr.mo-dat- all employes aim all necessary Utensils for the work. Seeds to be selected by a special committee,- and the "vital forces" nt vegetable life to be weighed twice each day, viz: 7 LMDER 124-126 Wyoming Av& OUR fl Great winding-up sale of summer and other goods at way below the cost of manufacture. .1. at 9 a. m. and con tinues all during the month. Space will not admit stating prices. If you wish to save money on your purchases at tend this sale. o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. A special reporter to be employed, whosa duly it shall be to Inform the Associated Press each day of the results In pro gress. I feel and know that by the aid of these experiments and by the pub lishing of the results, we can enrich this country at least JoO.OOO.OOO each and every year. The man . or woman who assists us In making these tests, we be lieve that his or her name will go down iu history as one of the greatest bene factors of the lltth century. Address PROP. C. COLES. Kditor Storms and Signs, Kingston, Pa, Exchanges please copy, i PROP. COLES FOR AUGUST. From Storms and Signs. The outlook for the month of Auguat O.xoti) is discouraging- in the extreme. The Planets Venus, Mercury and Ju piter, our financial stimulator, are all lost behind the sun. Saturn is In tha far southwest, and Mars, the old red warrior, will rise at midnight to play his cunning tricks on old Mother Earth, who stands all alone and opposed by King Leo, the lion the king of the "low: ebb" forces who will Bend epidemics, drought, microbes, strange new bug and parasites, etc., to afflict Earth. Dissatisfaction In political and money circles will cause much alarm and may be blood-shed. Never before to our recollection, have the Planets been In the same position as they are now; and we predict that nothing but sober, thoughtful, st-udy actions on the part of us fl'l, will save America from the blnsling effects of a destructive finan cial hurricane. From the 1st to the lfith of the month we may experience soma very strange weather: for. If Mars turns his cruel attention to Earth, then the heavens will weep ns easily as a child. If he turns his attention to oth er planets, then the vital forces of the atmosphere will disperse the rain clouds and make old Mother Eartli quake and thirst. The Susquehanna. Juniata, Alleghany, Schuylkill and Lackawanna valleys in the state of Pennsylvania, will be In the pathway of a sirens electrical current, moving eastward; and cities, situated llk Scranton, without sufticlent river front age t i nircst the electrical current, will wuko n shining murk. Wind storms nnd hail stcims. tornadoes and cy clones, earthquakes and floods wilt cause great loss of life and property. Terrible gales will sweep along the sea, coarts nnd do great damage to ship ping. Cool waves bordering on to frost, ai'd perhaps snow, will visit some sec Huns; while In other sections people will be dying from the heat Fearful let is aiming the savages will be re ported this month and awful deeds and riots among the civilized. The unex pected is liable to happen at any time nnd nt any place. Several beautiful sunset scenes will appear this month; also a strange phenomena. Venus. Earth and Mercury will combine their forces against Mars 011 and after the l.ith Inst. Therefore we may expect some very great disturbances during the latter part of the month. During this month almost unprecedented else trlcal storms will take place in the) states ot Pennsylvania. New York and) New Jersey as well as In the North., em, Southern and Western states. We have warned you, now beware! Professor O; Coles, Editor Storms and Signs, Kingston, Pa., V. S. A., July 25th, 1IM. 11 SATURDAY AC Ill