feHE : SCEAKTON. TRIBtJNE SATUB0AT MOKNINS, - AUGUST 1, J 898. CARDONDALE. tKssders wttl plssss not that sWlss menu, orders for Job work, ana liemi far publication left at tha establishment of Shannon Co., tiswtdealers. North Mala real, will raeaiva prompt auenuon. ui- open irom a, m. 10 iv p. m.i AT HYMEN S SHRINE. Two July M'addinga Are Celebrated in a Appropriate Manser. Patrick J. Newcomb and Mint Mar- caret Duffy, of Gordon avenue, were married on Thursday afternoon at St Hone's church by the Rev. W. A. Neal- on, in the presence of a large assembly of ther friends. The bride was attend ed by Bliss Kllzabeth Hastings, of Dun more, and the groom's best man was . Matthew -Murphy. After the ceremony the young people were driven to Crys tat Lake, and. In the evening a recep tlon was) given at 'the home of the unue moiner. rne music ror ine oc casion Was furnished by an Italian or- ciiesira, iniurr inv icauerMiip ui i Fior. On Wednesday evening at St, Hose's church, tlve Rev. J. J. Griffin ofHclating;,'' Michael Connor and Miss Mary A. Duffy were united In mar rlage. They were attended by Miss Jennie Rooney and Mr. Michael Mono han. After the ceremony a reception was given at the bride's home on Hoh pltal street, where over one hundred guests congratulated the young peo. pie and joined in the festivities of the occasion. Successful Nodal Affair. An informal lawn party on the spa clous grounds of the old Meredith cot tage was attended last evening by a large number of guests. A dancing pa vilion had beeh erected for the occasion, and the many colored lights and lan tarns suspended from the branches of the trees added to the beauty of the scene. The large assembly of over one hundred truest found entertainment in dancing, vocal music and various games and the- hostesses provided a variety of refreshments, so that the large-number present enjoyed the social gather ing. Death of J. H. Carr. 3. M. Carr. who for many years was an activ business man in this city, died last Monday at his residence in Springfield, O., aged seventy years. His children, six in number and his wife were present at the time of his death. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Morgan, and daughter. Charlotte, are visiting in I'tka. Dr. J. J. Thompson yesterday moved his effects into the Hampton residence on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrose, of Sus quehanna, attended the Newconib- Duffy wedding Thursday evening. Miss Amy Klnback returned yester day from a visit with friends in Scran ton. Hhe was accompanied by. her friend, Miss Rldgway, of that city, who will be her guest. David Lewis uml family and their guest, Miss Lewis, of West Virginia, spent Thursday ut Clifford. Miss Kate Rosar, Mary McLaln and Fannie McLaln are visiting their cousin, Miss Mary McAndlew,. of Ninth ave nue and Spring street. John Cuskk, of this city. Is being en tertattied by Dr. ,1, 11. Houlihan, of Susquehanna. Next Monday Dr. and Mrs. 1. A T'lace and daughters, Louisa and Ade laide, Mrs. Chester Wright and Miss Utile Kirby, will leave for Ocean Grove. George Wills will return today from his month's visit in Ulngliainton, une onta and Cooperstowu. Dr. Grant Bey (Dr. Jumes A. S. Grant) Who married Miss Ada M. Toirey, daughter of the lu,te John Torrey, of Honesdale, Is dead at Cairo, Egypt ' aged 58 years. Miss Mary J. Biglln, of Scranton, und nics, MUs Sadie Collins, of Jenny n, spent yesterday with friends in town. Joe Herbert and 'Will Coon will leave today for Atlantic City, where they will spend th next ten days. Professor Itessler is rusticating at the Bulley, on the borders of Elk. luke, in Wayne oouny. Miss Anna Campbell, of North Church street, is 111. Fred M. Herry is spending the week with his brother, D. L. Berry, of Oly phant. Mrs. O. W. Keene and Ellle Farrell are spending a few days in Pittston and wllkes-Barre. Miss Hazel Gardner, of Washington Tired Feeling Mikes you stent "ill broken up," with out life," ambition, energy or appetite. It Is often the forerunner of serious 111 nsis, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, Weak. imtMlM hlnnri. fne If th tilnnt la rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it Ira parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsapsrllls for that tired feeling is therefore apparent , to every one, snd the good it will do you Is equally beyond question. Remember injvyvyvuj i Sarsaparilla lithe best In fact the Oh True Blood Furifler. Hood's P11U 2S:Ste"WS.k.!' Carpet Remnants and Odd Pieces at - Less Than Cost. See Our Show Windows for Bargains. Wall Papers Odd Lots at Oncllult Price to Close Out.' Now is the time to buy, as we have some very desirable lots left. J, 419 I L. S... F LaCJL 8TB (ftSlti aid fail taper Dealer. wmiiir.iK vuui a II1UU11 street, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mi's. A. UUnk. ut tirandt. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. K. Johnson anJ daughter. Bertha, of Maple avenue, are attending a family reunion in A Hon, N. V.. Harry Lester, of Susquehanna, Is vis iting Dr. Fletcher, of this city. Miss Maine Slmrell. who has been visiting friends in Olyphant. has re turned home. Miss Ada Hopkins, of Aldenvllle.'Pa., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Olver, of Jefferson street. Miss Grace Hathaway will leave to day for Atlantic City. Misses Anna and Pearl Rosengrant, Anna and Maggie Dunstan, May and Maud Pengelly, Lydia Grennell and Sa die Miller, arrived home last night af ter spending a month at Ocean Grove. Dr. W. F. Morrison, of the Reading hospital, arrived in town last night and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Morrison, of Eighth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Abbey and son, Vere, will leave today for a visit In Philadelphia. AKC1IBALD. Mi's. Kule DoUKher, wife of ex-Coun-cllmun John J. Dougher, died at her home on North Main street on Wednes day night. She had been ill only a few days, and the announcement of her death caused general surprise and re gret. The deceased was born in Price-burg- about forty-three years ago, but had spent nearly all her life in this bor ough. She was a daughter of Mrs. Lena Miller, of South Main street, and a sis ter of Rev. M. F. Miller, of Clearfield; Miss Angelina Miller, Mrs. John Walsh, Adam, Stephen, Nicholas and Christo pher Miller, of this place, and Jacob and Francis Miller, of Wilkes-Barre. Her husband and ten children survive her. Mrs. Dougher was a good wife and mother, and hud a charming man ner that won and retained a large circle of friends. Having lived here since childhood, site wus known by very many of our people, by whom her death Is deeply deplored. Her funeral takes place his morning. A high mass of requiem will be sung in St. Thomas' church at S.30 o'clock, after which her remains will be interred in the Catholic cemetery. Patrick Maguire, of Sulem street, who died on Tuesday, was burled on Thuis day morning. Mr. Maguire was one of the oldest residents of the East Side. He is survived by his wife. The funeral of the late Mrs. Brian Flaherty, of Hill street, took place on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Flaherty had been ailing only a few weeks, .ihe wus widely known and universally re spected. She is survived by her hus band and a grown family. In Ht. Thomas' church tomorrow a collection will be taken up in uid of the sufferers from the Twin shaft disaster. It is to be hoped that the well known reputation of the place will be sus tained by a generous response to this deserving appeal. Misses Mume Mangan, of Pittston, and May Bolund, of Curbondule, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nealon, of Laurel street, have returned home. Mrs. M. J. Moran and Mrs. Gilbert Curry, of Avoca, visited friends here on Thursday. PECK VILLI-:. Mrs. Emma Kemlull left yesterday to visit with friends ut Wilkes-Barre. The Blukely board of health will hold a regular meeting ut the council rooms this evening. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. il ium WurHeld, is ill of cholera Infantum. The Grassy Island, Delaware and Hudson breaker, made seventeen und one-half days In July. Henry Chupmun is getting ready to erect a dwelling house on his vacant lot on Hickory street. Contractor Whltlc lias been awarded the contract. The Hev. and Mrs. John B. Smith, of Hyde Park, were in town last Thursday evening and called at the home of Mr. und Mrs. Joseph G. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Jones, of Scran- ton, are visiting for a few days with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thoinus Bell, of the West End. I'he infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Chupmun, is very sick. Mahlon S. Shaffer, of Wilkes-Burre, was a culler on his many friends Here yesterday. Services as usual in the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at ID.'M u. m. and Z.IIO p. in. Sunday school at 2.30. Epworth league at6..'!0 p. m. Theme for morning sermon, "Satisfaction Man Finds When Sheltered Under Sod's Wing." In the evening. "The Two fold Aspect of the Divine Way." All will receive a cordial welcome, and es pecially the young people. It is an encouragalng thing to see the large number of young people who crowd the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday evenings to listen to the ser mons prepared especially for them. The committee of young people who have charge of decorating the pulpit for Sunday services deserve a great deal of credit for the artistic manner in which they do their work. Srayed. To the premises of the un dersigned, a red and white cow. Owner can have same by entiling and paying damages. Frank Davis, Kldge Road. TUNKIIANNOCK. fi. M. Fields, of Fuetoryvllle, was In town yesterday in the interest of the Security Mutual Life Insurance com pany of Binghamton. The Grangers picnic will be held at Lake Carey on Aug. 13. Rev. John Brown, of New Haven, Conn., who has been visiting here for some time left yesterday morning for Stroudsburg. Dr. Hubert McKown, of Pittston, spent a few days In town this week with his parents. Mrs. H. W. Bardwell Is entertaining her niece. Miss Mamie Sturk, of Mont rose. Last evening Miss Mary Avery gave a reception to her two cousins from Phil adelphia at her home on Tioga street. Today the Soranton Railroad Young Men's Christian Association team play ball here with the Tritons. George Kittredge. Dick Purdon. Fred Wolfe, Harry Kittredge, Frank Miller and Ed. Purdon are camping up the riv er near Vosburg. Clarke and Sigman of the Triton ball team, played with Towanda yesterday against Troy. Mrs. J. G. Burgess, of Mehoopany, Is visiting friends in town. OLYPHANT. The residence of Justice of the Peare McNally, on Dunmore street, was total ly destroyed by Are at 2 o'clock ves- terday morning. The Excelsiors Hose company responded to the alarm and assisted In savimr the arilolnlntp nrnn. erty. The building was Insured. me nrst car on the oiyohant Subur ban line was run over the road yester day between Dunmme anil thla r!n,.o The car contained several officials of the road and some members of the borotiah council. An effort will h mmlo to have cars running next week. The ifhunl hnarri mot In mwlal mam- slon on Thursday evening. Tha meet -1 Ask for IOjU Baking Powder Otherwise the grocer may give you some of the alum powders which wil' spoil your food and make you ill There is no other compound or mixture that can take the place of ROYAL BAKING POWDER, or that will make cake, biscuit, griddle-cakes, doughnuts, bread, etc., so light, sweet, palatable and wholesome. J) ROYAL CAKING POWDER CO., 1C WALL 6T., NEW - ing was called for the purpose of adopt ing some system of heating and ven tilating the new Fourth ward school building. The contract was awarded to G. B. Carpenter, of Wllkes-Barre. the contract price being $750. The Ful ler system Is the one to be used. All the members were present at the meet ing. . JERMYN. One of the prettiest weddings of the season occurred Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Nlchol son, on Second street, when Miss Emma Soby, of this place, was united in murrloge to Edward 8. Nicholson, of Pittsburg. The couple were made man and wife standing under a beau tlful arch and gate of festooned ever green and roses. The housf was artis tically decorated with wreaths of ever green and potted plants. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Francis Gendall, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church. At 8.30 o'clock the bridal party entered the room and at once proceeded to the arch, where they were met by the pastor, who pronounced the words that made them tnun and wife. The bride was attired In an exquisite dress of cream satin with silk civ pe and carried a bouquet of bridal daisies. The flower girls were Misses Ethel Soby, Gladys Soby und Florence Nicholson. They carried baskets of flowers which were showered upon the happy couple. After the nuptial rites were performed about two score of Invited friends par took of the wedding supper. Both con tracting iurties are well and favorably known here, and have a host of friends who wish them every hupplness. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson wisely dispensed with a. wedding trip, and will be "at home" to friends until Saturday morn ing, when they will leave for Pitts burg, where they will reside. An unpretentious, but pretty wed ding took place at the St. James Epis copal church Wednesday evening ut d o'clock. Rev. E. J. Balsley, rector of Trinity church, Carbondale. uniting in marriage John Hogarth and Miss Eliz abeth Farrar. The arrangements for the event Were made Very quietly, and the news of It will come as a surprise to even Intimate friends of the couple. The brld was attended by Miss Nellie Hogarth, a sister of the groom. Both were handsomely attired. The bride groom's best man was James Rellly. Mr. Hogarth is the leader of the Jer iiiyn Temperance band of this place, and is a muslclun of considerable merit. The friends of the couple are legion and join with The Tribune In wishing them every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Ho garth will reside In Jermyn. The Locals were defeated by the Rail road Young Men's Christian associa tion Thursday afternoon In their first game of the County league series, at Alumni park. The battery for Jermyn were Flemmlng and Flannigun; Scran ton. Davis, Cavanuugh and McNulty. The score was 9-12. FOREST CITY. At the meeting of the Young Men's Christian association tomorrow after noon at 3.30 o'clock in Odd Fellows' hall the subject to be considered Is "How to Spend Our Sundays." Jonahan Davis, of the Warren tract, who has been spending some time abroad, sails today for home on the steamship l.ucaiiia, of the Cunard line. The despised English sparrow Is eat ing itself back Into public favor by con suming large numbers of army worms. Hev. J. I.. Williams, of the Baptist church, will preach a sermon on "Gambling" tomorrow evening. Among those from this place that leave on the excursion today for Atlan tic City are Postmaster F. Cunningham, B. W. Blakeslee, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fleming and the letter's Jster. Miss Tessle Clark, of Pleasant Mount. Labor Day Is the next legal holiday. A Populist delegate to the St. Louis convention, who had never before seen an electric light, described it to his con stituents as "a hot hairpin in a bottle." J. F. Wilcox, of Honesdale, was a bor ough caller yesterday. - Deputy Sheriff H. 8. Conklln, of Mont rose, was In town on business yester day. The number of stolen bicycles report ed to the police of this country last year was 13.000; this year, up to July 1, the number was 14.500. Edward Stubbs. of Jermyn, was a Forest City visitor yesterday. A case of diphtheria exists at the For est City hotel. C. Sehnetllng. of Wllkes-Barre, paid this place a visit yesterday. It is reported that the Erie will re duce fare to two cents a mile. MOSCOW? Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 8. Kennedy re turned to their home in Stroudsburg on Tuesday after 'pending a few days with relutlves here. Dr. V. T. Budd. of New Jersey, who hus been the guest of Hon. and Mrs. W. K. Beck returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. A. P. Gardner, of Glen Home, called on friends In town on Monday. J. T. Richards, of Scranton, president of the Moscow Water company, was In town on Monday. ' Mrs. K. Spencer and daughters, Eu genia and Louise, of Wett Pittston, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Teager. The following ladies and gentlemen were entertained at the home of Mr. Don't ask for "baking powder" simply; YORK. and Mrs. V. F. Clements Friday even ing In honor of their guests, the Misses Prior, who left for their home in Orom well, Conn., on Saturday: Dr. nnd Mrs. I.'Amore&ux, Mr. und Mrs. S. S. Yea ger, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Noack, Misses Bessie Pyle and Mollle Noack, F. W. Posten and Michael Martin. Miss Nettle Hurdlck returned to her home In Scranton on Tussduy. George Cannon Is visiting his brother. B. J. Cannon. .Sheriff L. C. liortree left Wednesday for Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson, of Phila delphia, are visiting Mr. Simpson's mother, Mrs. E. Simpson. Miss Carrie Hurdlck. of Scranton. Is visiting her cousin. Miss Bessie Yea ger. The Moscow reading rooms will be open every Wednesday und Saturday evening, and on Sunday afternoons. Miss Minnie Bartholomew returned home from Scranton Thursduy. Mrs. Pelton was a visitor in Scranton Thursday. DAL TON. Professor E. P. Bovard. of Jermyn, Pa., called on Professor Thompson at this place Friday. Miss Lulu Heeiner and mother, of Mill City, were visiting here Wednes day. A new Walk is being luld from Kred Snyder's residence to the Turnpike street. A new walk has also been laid In front of Miss Tinkham's home on the same street. Rev. W. H. Lowell has occasion to smile. It Is a young son. Miss Grace Mosher is visiting at this plucc Miss Grace Kintr, of Clark's Summit, called on friends at this place Fri day. The Junior base ball club, of this place, crossed bats with the Glenburn professionals lust Wednesday after noon at the latter' ground. Did they win? Well, nit. Glenburn, IS; Dalton. 1. Miss Jessie Van Fleet, of Wallsvllle, Pu.. is visiting' at this place. The result of the law of this bor ough In regard to dogs being muzzled ut this time of the year has proved successful with a, few exceptions. A few dogs are still allowed to run In the streets without w. muzzle on. Constable Slude says: "He does not wish to shoot any man's dog, but they must be muz zled or something will happen to them." Professor Trasue, of Pottsvllle, was visiting at this idace Friday. Mrs. G. D. Moure, wife of Kvangvlist Moore, who conducted meetings at this place some time ago, is spending: a few days at the residence of A. G. Ives on Wuverly street. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Fuller are visiting at Scranton. Miss Mable Purdy was at Scranton Thursday. Miss Gussie Koblns, of Wllkes-Barre. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Parsons, at this place. James Stevans and family have moved to Scranton. Richard Davis has moved Into the house occupied by htm. Mrs. Hager and Mrs. A. B. Davis Were out of town Thursday. There will be a delegate election here Saturday from 4 to 7 p. m. for the pur pose of electing a delegate to the Re publican county convention, which meets at Scranton, Aug. 4. Mrs. Fred Snyder is sick. Charles Miller and son. Hurd, of Buf falo, were visltinfr here Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Griffiths, of Scranton. Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. William Kym er, at this place. NICHOLSON. Harry Hayes, of Great Bend, has been spending three or four days here with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Hayes, of Con necticut, who is visiting friends In this place. A. Bundle and F. C. Drlggs and their families went Thursday to Windfall pond to camp for a Week or two and have a good time fishing. Grace, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cowen, who has been af II k-ted for some time with heart trou ble, died Friday morning at the home of E. G. Bacon. O. H. Williams and daugher, Mrs. George Henninger, went to Mansfield, Pa., yesterday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Judge. The ball game yesterday between the Montrose and Nicholson teams resulted In a score of 23 to 9 In favor of Nichol son. Miss Bessie Wheeler accompanied her friend. Miss Jessie Hoyt, of Water- town, N. Y., who has been visiting; her for several weeks, to Star Lake.- in tne WEAEt MEN CURED AS IF DY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood shcald send at unco lor a dook that explains hour (all manly vigor Is CAtlly, quickly snd permanently restored, b'otnaa suffering from weakness can af ford to ignore t bis timely advice Book tells bov7 full atretiffth. fin. reloptnen and tone are imparted to every portion of ths Vol 7. Kent with positive proofa(sealedree to nay man on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.M. Y. Adirondack mountains, where they will spend the month of August. - Anthony Hawke was manied Thurs duy evening to Miss Lulu Cunm. nt Say re, the home of the bride. After a short trip they will begin housekeeping in this place. The Misses Lillian and Anna Boyle of Brooklyn, N. Y., have returned home after a rive weeks' visit at Father Far rell's. Miss Mate Crocker, of Montrose, is the guest of Miss I'nu Titus. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Titus are visiting their son, William, at Wllkes-Burre. MOOSIC. R. Bellas has moved Into the house owned by Warren Dolph on the river bank. Mrs. Al. Smith was a caller in Scran ton yesterday. Mrs. Lay. of Avoca, was a caller In town yesterday. W. R. Manners was a caller out of town yesterday., V .' PilesI Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itch ing and stinging; most at ' night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for fiO cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow': Soothm Srmp hai been nssd for over Fifty Years by Mil. l:cns of Mother- for t:.eir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, ,'Jlays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic nnd Is ths best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng Syrup," and take no other Mnd. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. COMPLcAiu.i dUffliiHES May be hidden imperfectly by cosmetic and powders, but can only be removed perma nently by HETSEL'S SUPERIOR FACE BLEACH. It will positively remove Freckle, lan, Moth, Salluwncss, anil cure nny ilisRiisod of the skin, such as Pimolei. Acne. Blackheads. Oillness, and renders tn skin Bolt and besu- UiuL Price SI per bottle. For sale at . E.M. HETSEL'S 330 Lsckswsnas Ave Scranton, Pa. SPECIAL THROUGH CARS Dally (except 3uiulnyi via CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY Beginning Juno k'.K 190, leaving Scran ton at S.'-W a. m., for Loiik Brunch, Ocean Grove. Ashtiry Park. lie 1 mar (Ocean Beach) Spring Lake, Sea (jirt, &c. This will be kunt nu for the entire season. especially for the accomm xlution of families. as u win enaiiio pugBengera tn secure ana ro tuin comfortable seats the entire iournev. J. H. OLHAt-'SEN, 11, K BALDWIN, Gen. Superintendent . Uen. l'nsa. Agent. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, tlltifttK ttlVHiNG AVE. AND CENTER ST. OWICE MOT'RH frnm 7 5 a m In 0 n in. (1 hour intermission for dinner and supper.; Particular Attention dives to Collections. Prompt settlement Guaranteed. Vcur Bust ocs i Peapcctfully Solicited. ? eleplione 134. MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestic uss snd of all slzea, includins Buckwheat ninl birdney, delivered In uny part of ths city St the lowegt price. Orders received ut the Office, first floor. Commonwealth bulUllDK. room No. t; telephone No. M? or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended to.Doaler sui plled at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. We have several small lots of Lace Curtains, two and three pairs of a pattern, which we desire to close out. We want their room.' You waat the goods. This is a rare chauce to secure choice designs at your own price. ' Muslin Curtains Three yards long, full width. 10 pairs at 93c, were Jf.50 10 pairs at $1.25, were 1.75 Nottingham 20 pairs at 5CC, were io- pairs at 75(' were 20 pairs at $1.25, were 75C fi.oo Irish Point 4 pairs ct 1.50. were 4 r"irs at '.()$, were 5 pairs at 3.0!), were 3 pairs at 3.5ft, were .'-25 4 5 500 Opposite Alain Entrance to the Wyoming htitse. 0. ran, son THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES.BSMM 2 - JT WW .,r,M,w..s fibiMsmnnriv, Manufacturers or Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers tiniOTItin a kin niisinitfn aa ?........ ' nuioimu hhu ruurinu MAUnlNtnT. i 111 FOR BUYING. Window Screens, Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, ' Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Hammocks, Refrigeratoss, Lawn Mowers. We have the stock and nssorilllpnt. Vnn nnnil Y 1 1 them now, if ever. Liberal discount for cash on all seasonable goods. FOOTE SHEAR CO, liS WtSHINGTO.I AUE4U1 i 1 ,uZ cm What Sarah Bcrnhard sty ust" Sale iu our store is simply "a til r This brings summer comfort within easy reach of every body. Here are a few hints hints that are cheaper to take than ignore: JMs-mHJ UNTIL AUGUST 15 IMnSlOO UNTIL ADCUST 15 CLEARANCE SALE LACE CURTAINS Special Prices Oo our entire stock of BRUSSELS, CLL'NY, TAMBOUR, Etc. Summer Curtains Snow flakes, silk stripe and CRE TONNE from fuso to fj 5 j pair. Sash Hater ia Is by the yard. Full line of Novel tics. &C0., 408 Lackawanna Avenue QeMraJOffk SCRANTON, PA. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Wyoming Ave. OlftfflONDS AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, RICH CUT GLASS STERLING AND SILVER PLATED WARE. LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Jewelers and Silversmiths 130 WYOMINQ AVE. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric (latteries, Electric Exploder, fur pladlug blasts, Safety Fuee, sad Repanao Chemical Co. 's exp"osiVe $ MERCEREAU & CONNELL IRCEREAUIlCOlELL Clothing. The sale of Summer Goods case of must." We must have the money that is tied up in this class of stock, and we must use its space for fall goods. Summer Clothing has no business being in this store after Aug. 15, although such garments will be worn much later. A COME-DOWN IN PRICES 1 1 1 Of 50 in some cases. 2U7AND218 WYOMING AVENUE 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers