6 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 189G. HAVE Serge or Summer Clothes MADE TO ORDER BY THE FRANK T. Coal Exchange Building, EASTERN LEAGUE BASE BALL GAMES Ruibenler Get a Firm Hold on First Position. ' SCRANTON WON AT BUFFALO Took (be Last of Ike Series from Ihe BisonsWilLes-Harre Had lo Win, Too-Took Korhestcr 'IV u Innings lo Down Providence. Yesterday's Kesult. Ikranton 5 Buffalo I Wllkes-Barre 3 Albany a Rochester Providence 1 Springfield at Syracuse, rain. Miami's superior pltchiiiK won for Scranlun the only one of the three gauies played with Buffalo In the pres ent series. Wllkes-Mnrre, by stood luck, managed to defeat Albany on bunched hits, though the latter deserved to win. A wild pitch in the tenth inning: lost '. Providence the Kami' at Rochester. The positions of the clubs remain un changed. No games are scheduled for to-day, PvrcrntiiRe KerorU. p. v. u p.c. Itochesler X! 4'J U ..jW) Providence T:t ti lit ."5 Albany ?". 11 i .''W H'tffal.i 4". :;7 .".IS Syracuse '. ?.". SS :7 .j"7 tsprir.jtleld ii "i Scratiton Tl 27 4t ::su Wllkes-Harre rl :'5 to -3iS Tomorrow. Game. Scranton at Toronto. Wilkes-LSarre at UulTalu. Providence at Syracuse. Springltvld ut Rochester. BROWN DID IT. He Received Indifferent Support, but His South Wing Curves Were Never Solved. Buffalo. July ::. The Scrantons tinned the tables on the lUiffalox today, winning by a score of ! to 1, and It looked tor a time as If it would be a shut-out for the Hlsons. Hrown pitched a great game for the Karons, and but live scattered hits can be traced afiuinst him. flame. n realty lost the game for Viuf falo. the five runs being made in the first three innings in which he pitched. 'ruber tinlslied the lust six innings and not a run wus added. Attendance 2.500. Score: BITKAT.O. A.R It. II. P.O. A. K. Clymer, cf 4 V 11 :S 11 0 Pield, lb 4 U I la 0 I) loudmouth. If 4 i I 0 I Rltchey, ss 4 I 11 I 4 11 Urettlnger. lib I! 1) 1 1 0 1 I ce, 2i :: u u :: 0 u I'l'qllhurt, i- 3 11 2 ." u u ilaiinoii, p H 11 11 11 t 0 Urulier, p a 11 U I 0 11 Totals :a 1 r. 1-7 11 SCRANTON. A.E. n. H. P.O. A. B. tiriflln, cf 4 :i I 11 u Aleunev, rr ." 1! :! 1 11 11 I'Brlen, tr 4 I I 7 U U Kugun, If u 1 li II U Mumiire. ss 4 11 1 I i i Kilmer, 'Jb 4 1) 0 a 2 1 llilt. hili-iiiti. 3b 4 II I I i 1 Merger, c 4 0 o 7 1 u Drown, p 4 11 1 ft 2 1 Totals Uuffalo IIS a 11 Ti 8 S II 0 0 0 0 II 1 0- 1 11 -i 11 a 11 11 11 11 r. Scran I on I.1.. no ...I ........ C3 ,., J t.'l.-.., I. ...... t... .errors Hnffalo, S; Scranton, 1. Left on biises UulTalu, Scranton, 1. Struck out Hy Cannon, 2; by Uruber, 1; by Hrown, 7. To-buse hits Meaney, Mugulre, Hutchinson. Sacrifice till o'lSrlen. Stol en bates Griffin. Double plays 11 utchin !, Kelsltr ami ii'Riien. Wild pitches Hv lltuwn, 2. Tlmi 2.113. I'niplre Ket-til.-k. TO TORONTO AGAIN. ' Albany Couldn't Support Butkeoberger' Team and It W ill Qo Back to Canada. ' Albany. Juty 3o.The Albanys played their last game lu re to-day. .Manager Uinkenberger having decided lo go Lack 10 Toronto again, where he has . be.-n promised good lluancial backing. The niunuex-mcnt was losing at a rate if $100 per day in this city, and with no hope of latter prospects. Wllkes-Uarre won to-day by bunch ing their hits tn thn second inning. Al bany Mayed the belter game, both at Lai and in the field, but their hits were scattered. Score. ALKAXY. . ,, A.B. II. 3! P.O. A. IS. IMehanty, s 3 10 12 0 Kreeman, rf 4 1 2 1 0 0 rr.rlen, ir 4 n 1 2 11 0 Sugden. u 4 2 6 2 U Lutenberg jr 4 11 1 1 11 Wright, cf 4 " I :t 0 0 Smith. 3b 2 V 1 2 2 U Trilby, 2b U V 0 : 2 0 Dunn, p a o 1 12 0 Casey 1 v a 11 u v Totals 23 2 27 11 0 Casey batted in place of Truby in the ninth inning. WIt.KES-BAP.Re A.B. R. H. P.O. 1 4 3 3 3 7 j 1 0 A. 1 4 w V V V (I Lyttle. if .... Potiner, 2b ... J-czotte. rf ... Pens, cf Smith, 3b , Karl, lb MeMahon, an Wente, v .... l.uckey, p .. 3 .... 3 .... 3 .... 3 ....ai Totals 31 3 7 27 13 2 Albany 1 i 0 11 (I 0 0 1 02 Wilkea-Barrr 30UUUU00 I Earned runs Albany, 1; Wllkes-Barre, X. Two-base bits Lyttle, Lexotte. Stolen bases l.uitnberg, Ielelianty, Wente. Double plays- Bonner, MxMahnn and Karl. Base on balls Off Dunn. 3: off Lackey, 2. Struck out Putin. 4: l.uckey, 1. Time 1.40. Umpire llornung. Provi4enreKorhpstrr. Rochester, July 30. Rochester and Prov. Idenc played an exciting ten-Inning game here today, the home team finally winning out on a single by Johnson, his stolen base and a wild pitch by Hodson, who succeeded Rudder ham In the seventh. Beore: R H E. Rochester 1 00002110 1-S 10 t ' Providence 1010110000-7 10 1 Batteries Callaichan, McKarland and Boyd; Hudderbam, Hodson and Dixon. YOUR CARROLL CO., WYOMING AVENUE. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percenlage Keeord. P. W. U P.C. Cincliinati Si lit 2S .Usi Kaillmiuv M u 27 Mn Cleveland Ki .W .'7 Chicago ! f.l 3S ..V3 Pittsburg 14 4'S ax .us Huston M 4:1 as .r-21 Philadelphia. M as 44 .17a Itiooklyi Ki 3S 4r, WashiiiKtou 7S ::i 4"i .4W New York ' 2 : 4 .4"2 St. Louis s.1 27 ; .3IS Louisvllie Si 21 W :XU Pliilndelihin-Nev York. Philadelphia. .Inly 3H.Philudelphla bent New Yurk avala today in a well-pluyed name by superior all-round work. The batting of the PhMIIes was terrific, eight of their twelve hits Isdng two and three, baggers and a home run. Sullivan was taken out of the box In the eighth and Clarke pitched the game out. Davis es sayed to play left Held, but owing to a sore leg, he made but a poor effort at It. ami In the eighth I'lrlch took his place. Weather clear and warm. Attendance, 2,3tW. Score: It. U.K. Philadelphia. 0 114 0 0 3 2 01 1 12 3 New York S 02 OS 1 00 I 9 II 2 Batteries Humbert and Clements; Sul livan, Clarke und Wilson. I'mplre Slieri dan. Huston Knit imore. Boston. July 30. Boston appeared to have a winning lead up to the eighth, when Stivetl weakened. Attendance, 2.1'iH. Score: It. U.K. Boston 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 12 4 Baltimore 1) 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 5 W 13 1 Batteries Stivetts and liaiiZ'-l; Hem ming and Clark. I'mplre Lynch. ( inciiiiiali-Pittsburg. Cincinnati. July :tu. Pittsburg outplayed Cnclnnatl all points of the game this afternoon and won easily. Attendance, 3.U0O. Score: K.H.L. Cincinnati 00 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 5 2 Pittsburg O 04OU0103 8 14 1 Batteries Foreman and Peilz; llawley and Merrill. I'mplre Lally. Urooklyn Washington. Brooklyn. July M0. Both teams played a perfect llelding game today, but the Sell mors should have won, as they outbatted the home players. The game was called at the end of the ninth inning on account of darkness. Score: It. U.K. Brooklyn ft 1 0 (1 0 0 2 1 0 4 1 Washington 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 4 10 1 Batteries Abbey and tiriin: Mclames and .c(.lulre. I'niplre Hurst. (Called 011 account uf darkness.) SI. l.oui-" levcluiid. St. Louis, July :w. Both sides were blanked up to the seventh inning today, when Cleveland's luuky hitting got four runs. Score: K.H.M. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 0 3 12 0 Cleveland 000 0 0040 0 4 13 3 Batteries Kissinger and McKarland; Cuppy Young and dimmer. I'mplre Betis. PITCHER L0VETT REPORTS. lie Will Twirl Against the Toronto Tomorrow. Special to the Scratiton Tribune. Buffalo, N. V., July "ft. Pitcher I.oV ett. late of the Ko hesters. reported lo Manager rillin here to-day und will be put in the box ul Toronto Saturday. The Scraiitiui cluli was to-day notl lied by President Powers not lo play In Albany Saturday, but to go lo Toronto us the Toronto club has been trans ferred buck from Albany to its old home ill unuua, AMATEUR BALL NOTES. 'I'll.' Shamrocks of Sione avenue. South Side, defeated the Willow Sliv.-t Stars In a name of bull Wednesday by a score of 8 to j. The Shamrocks battery was John lledrick ami Patrick Mullen. Fred iurd tier, captain. A game will be played Sunday after noon on the Brickyard grounds, Mlnooka, between the Mouth Side Base Ball team and the leading amateur team of Wilkes- Burre. I'u I Ion and YauKhati will consti tute the battery of ihe Sooth Side club, and Breslin and McCabe of lh: Wilkes. Barre club. The Sunsets or Archhald challenge the Sunsets of the South Side or the .Monitors ol the West Side to a name oil either of the latters' grounds. Answer In The Trib une. J. Kallou, umnaKHi'. The olyphunt Browns will play with the Hurekasof Providence at .Hyphuiu tomor row afternoon. Hyphaiit, July :;u.-Tlie I'arbondale Alumiiis were defeated here today hy the Browns. The game was the lirst of the new County league and a large crowd was present. The locals won by superior field ing and balling. Pur the home team Ke b her pitched a remarkable game, allow ing the visitors tint four hits. An error by larbett and a hit by Coxe in Jhe tilth I1111111K saved the Aluinnis from u shut out. Waid, of the Scrantons. umpired a good u.iine. The score: Carbotidale 0 V 1) V 1 0 0 a- 1 Ol) pliant 1 0 3" 1 3 0 Batteries - Van leimark and 1'oxe atu Mooni-y: Kcllelur and iSarlKtt. lrt on bases -Variuiidale, '.; Olyphant. 7. r'lrM base on balls Off Vandermark, 2; Off Ke leher, 3. Hit hy pitcher W. Sheridan, Coxe. M. Sheridan. Struck out By Van. dermark. t: by Kelleher, X Stolen bases Wholer. i.ynott. Two-base hits Moo ney. Kelleher. Meehan. Passed balls Mooiiey, 2: tiarbetl, 1. I'mplre Prank Ward. Time -1. II. RECORDS WILL BE LOWERED. Many Past Riders Knit-red for the (ircen Ridge Wheelmen's Races. t-erieds u-lll ilimlit less be low ered at the race meet of the Oreen Hiilee ubeeimen at the Driving Park. August Sth. Many fast and noted riders will be here-. lilua illliliimu will vIvm nri evhililf ion of trick ami fancy riding on the safety. A large party front I'.itighamton are coming to view the races and other places will also be represented in the audience. No expense Is being spared to make this meet the best ever held here. TO PROMOTE SPORTS. The American Sporting Proleclive League Organized at New York. New Yolk, July DO. A meeting: of prominent sporting men and managers of different athletic clubs was held In this city this afternoon. The object of the meeting was to formulate a protec tive league. After considerable discus sion It was agreed to name the new or ganization the American Sporting Pro tective league, its object being to pro mote all kinds of professional sports. The organization will take in every prominent athletic club in the I'nlted States. The American Sporting Protec tive League will be run on the same plans as those of the National Base Ball lea gue. Prominent among those present at the meet I UK were "Parson" Da vies, of Chicago; James Kennedy, of the Kniplre Athletic club; Sam Austin. Pat Powers, of Jersey City, and J. II. Herman, of St. Paul, Minn. A meeting" of delegates from each city will be held In this city j about the middle of August, the object being to draw up by-laws. FAST TIME AT CLEVELAND. Heutuiioual Work of the Bradford .Mare, .Miss Jeaniags. Cleveland. July :!0. Superb weather and an exceedingly fast track drew 10.- 000 persons to the grand circuit races at the lllenvllle track today. The sensa tional performance of the day was the work of Miss Jenninfcsi. u chestnut mare owned by Dave Phillips, of Bradford, Pa. She won the 2.2f pacing event, go ing three wonderful heats and reduc ing her record to 2.0SVi. The little mare worked like a bit of erfectly adjusted machinery. Summaries: 2.19 class, trotting rterby Princess, won; Kd. .Moniu, second; Atlantis, third. Best 1 line 2.13. 2.IS class, trotting New .Castle, won; Jimmy llogue, second; Kassora, third. Best time 2.13-1;. 2.25 class, pacing Miss Jennings, won; Mocking Boy, second; day, iliird. Best lime 2.0'4. 2.i class, trotting Klamath, won; Ken tucky I'lilon, second; 1-ord Clinton, third; Lord Clinton and Kentucky I'litou dlvldd coml money. Best time 2KV FORCING THE OAS OUT. I ire Bosses Eiigugt'd in Thai Task at Twin Shalt, I'ittstou. At the Twin shaft. Pittston, yester day the efforts of the fire bosses was directed toward clearing: the gas out of the shaft. They met with a fair meas ure of success. Devices have been arranged In the different gangways that are accessible by which the whole volume of air that Is being poured into the shaft is turned tn the locality where the gas Is forcing it out to places from which it can be expelled from the mine. Nothing was done in the ,way of con tinuing the rlearinpr up of No. 3 slope, TWIN" SHAFT t'I'N'l). The Sernnton board of trade's Twin shaft fund wus increased $5 yesterday. The fund to date is us follows: Previously acknowledged 312,083 G9 Through Cleland. Simpson ft Tay lor: Arthur Prlcke. Philadelphia 5 00 Total .. .J12.US0 U9 RAN INTO A PILE OF DIRT. Horse Killed and Two .Men Injured Karly This Morning. James V. Beamish and a young; man tunned Scanlon, who resides on the West Side, were driving along Wash ington avenue at 12.: so this morning, when the horse they were driving be came unmanageable and dashed into 11 pile of dirt at an excavation between Olive and Pine streets. The horse wus killed and the carriage tinned upside down and slightly dam aged. Both of the occupants were thrown out. Mr. Scanlon was only slightly Injured, but Mr. Beamish was unconscious for souie time. His In juries are painful, but not very serious, lie was removed to his hume on Pine street. The horse was owned by John P. Ma hoit, of Bellevue. TROLLEY CAR STRUCK A WAGON. The Vehicle Was Freighted with Women and Children. A party of women and children re t'.irniog from Lily lake in a baud wagon hist night had un exciting experience oil North Main avenue. About 150 yards above Bull's Head the driver was crossing the recently opened tiollcy line of the Scran loll Traction company, which connects Providence ami the West Side, when a cur came down Hie grade ut a good rate of speed. Before the horses could pull the wagon from the rails the car struck It broad side attd threw the rear end of the Vehii le off Ihe track, but, fortunately, did not overturn It. The women und children were almost paralyzed with fright, but none of thetn were injured. OLYPHANT. Vtsttnuy afternoon, while William Mamie, a boy about Hi years of age, was driving a horse of Mr. Mackey, the hardware merchant. 011 Scotch street, the I'ulinul became frightened at some cars on the upper gravity truck and ran dnwn the hill ut breakneck speed. When they leached the Delaware and Hudson cr isflnr a trip of gravity cars was pass ing. Tin Infuriated animal and wagon crashed Into the train with such force that one of the cars was derailed. Young Muncie was th"owti violently to the ground and rendei.-d unconscious. He was carried to the drug store of Dr. Kel ly, where his Injuries were attended to. He Is not. thought to be seriously In jured. Miss Anna Brown, the soloist, was seriously injured ut her home on Tues day afternoon. Miss Drown wus de scending from the porch ut her home, when she slipped and fell, breaking her wrist. At present she is doing nicely under the care of Dr. Kelly, of Arch bald. Mrs. (leorge Hull left yesterday for Asbury Park. C. J. V'atkins spent last evening at Archbnld. - - - LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. ft'nder this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed. t'nrd from Constable Wulsh. Kditor of The Tribune. Sir: An article In your paper yesterday tinder the head of "A Tale of Two C'llleS." mentions my name in connection with the illegal arrest of a certain Scranton per son. I wish to state that 1 had no hand in the nfTair whatever, und a perusal of my otflc'ul record will show thai all my transactions as a peace officer have been perfectly legitimate. As to the prisoner who escaped from a Korrst City officer in tile fog, I Kill state that I arrested the same person, together with four others, and lauded them all safely In prison with out any helm 1 trust this will do ut pres ent. M. J. Wulsh. Constable. Porest City. July 29. IS!;. SCRANTON DRIVING PARK, AUGUST I, I8S6, 2. 20 P.M. L A. W. Rules. L A. W. Sanction ADMISSION, 23 CENTS. BICYCLE MCES SHERIFF'S SALE. OF Valuable Real Estate -ON- BATL'RDAY, AUGUST 8, 18!!. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa ciiis and Luvurl Kudus, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleus of Lackawanna County, to ma directed, I will expose to public sule by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, ut tile COURT HOUSE, ill the City of Scranton, Lackawanna County, on SATt'HDAV. TH fcj KltiHTII DAY OP AUUL'ST. A. P., 18ii, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and Interest of Hie defendants In und lo the following de scribe,! lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: No. 1. All the right, title and interest of the Scranton Glass Company in and to ail the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land in the city Scranton, In the county of Lackawanna, and stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: First Lots numbers one (1), two !!), three (3, four 4i, rtve 111. six Oil. seven lib eight (Si, nine id, ten (lot. thirteen (Ul, fourteen (14;, fifteen (15) and sixteen (Ml. and twenty (iuj feet of lots numbers eleven and twelve ((Hand 12), lying along lots ten and thirteen (lVand 13), in square or block number nine (9), on the plot of Sanderson's addition to lireen Kldge, said lots together being three hundred and thirty-one and one-half (331) feet along Green Kidge street, three hundred und thirty (XUh feel along Albright avenue (lute Third street), and three hundred and thirty (330) feet along Mylert avenue (late Fourth street), and three hundred and thirty-one and one-hnlf feet along the southwesterly side of the renter line of lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). Said lots being Improved and having thereon three glass factories, known as numbers one, two and three, a store house, an en gine room, a boiler room, blacksmith shop, a mixing house, gas house, sand house, soda house, coal house, aol house, barn, boxing und packing houses and shed ovens. Also, lots twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), in Rquarc or block number seven (7), and situate on Albright avenue (formerly Third street) on the plot of San derson's addition to the city of Berunton. Said lots being each forty (40) feet in width on said Albright avenue and one hundred and forty (1401 feet in depth. The measurement of the depth to commence ten (10 feet from the inside of the side walk on said street or avenue, with right to enclose, occupy or use said ten (10) feet for porch, steps, etc. Said lots being Im proved with a burn and packing houses and sheds. Also, all those purts or fractions of lots numbers nine (), ten (lot, eleven (It) and twelve (12 in block number twelve (12), be the same more or less, lying be tween the right of way of the Deluware and Hudson Canal Company's railroad on the southeast, the rear Hue property of A. L. Spencer on the southwest, the street called Mylert avenue( formerly Fourth street) on the northwest, und the em bankment of a switch built by the Dela ware and Hudson Canal Company, under permission of George Sanderson and oth ers, and running from their main track to the works of the Scratiton Glass Com pany utid the Scranton Forging Compuuy on the northeast. Improved with an oil tunk und oil pump. Also, all uud singular the glass works, machinery, engines, engine houses, dwell ing houses, buildings, boiler houses, of fices, tools, Improvements, easements and franchises of the Scranton Gluas Com pany. The land ubove described and the Im provements thereon and the franchise be ing the property and manufacturing plant of the Scranton Glass Company, and being the same premises fully described In the Indenture of Mortgage made by the Scrun tou Glass Company lo the Lackawanna Trust and Sufe Deposit Company, trus tee, on the 1st day of March, 18!)2. und re corded In the office for the recording of deeds lu and for 1-ackawanna county, In mortgage liook No. 43. page 401, etc.. us by reference thereunto hud will more fully und ut large appear. Subject to all excep tions, reservations and conditions us to eon I and minerals, etc., us are contained In the deeds for said land. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Lackawanna Trust and Safe De posit Company vs. the Scruntou Glass Company. Debt, $78,500. Judgment So. lA. May T, Lev. fa. to September T, 1SW). t H. WELLKS, Alty. ALSO, No. 2. All the right, title and interest of the defendant. Minnie o. Knight und Charles B. Knight, in and to all those certain pieces or purrels of laud, situate lu the townships of North Ablngton and Scott, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows, to wit: Beginning ut u corner in or near whut Is known as the Philadel phia and Great Bend turnpike, now called the Scott road; thence north (ti'ii degrees east 33 6-10 perches to a corner;- thence north 61' j degrees east 29li perches to a corner; thence north 57 degrees east 17 perches to a corner, the lust two courses being ulong the said turnpike or road; thence north 33 degrees west 11 4-10 perches to a corner; thence north 44 degrees east 144 8-10 perches to a corner; thence north 4ti degrees west 100 5-10 perches to a cor ner; thence south 44 degrees west ltM perches to a corner; thence north 4(J de grees west 24 4-10 perches to a corner; thence south 44 degrees wuxt W 5-10 perch es to a corner; thence south 40 degrees easl 121 8-10 perches lo a corner lo the place of beginning-. Containing about 150 acres, being what Is known us the Stephen Parker farm. The interest of the said Minnie o. Knight be ing the Interest she look under the lust will and testament of Stephen Parker, second, the said parcel ol land being; formed of four pieces described In the fol lowing deeds, to wit.: Deed from Benja min Armilage to Hhephen Parker, second, dated the 28th duy of October, A. D 18X., and recorded lu the office fur recording of deeds, etc., ill Luzerne county, In deed book No. 35, page 481, etc. Deed from Job Sherman to Stephen Parker, dated June J4, 1S37, und recorded In deed book No. 2", page 482. etc. Deed from Charles Bailey and wife to Stephen Parker, dated June 13, 1837, and recorded in deed book No. 35, at page 483, etc., and deed from Keuhen Sherman, et. ux., el. ul., to Stephen Park er, second, dateil April 5, 1850, und re corded in deed book No. 50, at page 475, etc. All Improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses, three barns, one Ice house und two orchards and other out buildings thereon. Seized uud taken In execution ut the suit of Dickson und Kddy vs. .Minnie o. Knight and Charles B. Knight. Debt, 32.l7u.ou. JudKinent No. 4, March T., 18M. Iy. fa. lo September 'I'.. 189t. '1. H. WKLLKS, Atty, ALSO. No. 3. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, H. L. Hall, In und to all the following described lots, pieces and parcels of land, together with the Improve ments thereon situate in the borough of Glenburn, Lackawanna county, state of Pennsylvania. First All that certain lot or piece of land situate, lying und being lu the bor ough of Glenburu, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded uud described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a corner in line of lands of Edgar Northup, and lands formerly con veyed by J. G. Hall to 11. C. Hall; ihence by lands of 11. L. Hall and lands of Myron Hall, south 27V degrees east 8.1 rods to a corner in line of lands of William Hall F.state; thence by same hinds north 51 de. grees east 5ti 72-100 rods lo u corner of lot conveyed to Samuel Hull and by It north 30 degrees west 17 ti-10 rods to a corner; thence still by same north ii.j degrees east 11 2-10 rods to a comer In road, for merly Waterford turnpike; thence by said road north 26 degrees west nine rods to a corner In road; thence still by same north 39 degrees west 25 rods to corner of lunds of W. J. Watts, and thence by said Watts' lands south 85 degrees west 58 5-10 rods to a corner; thence south 61 degrees west 8 7-10 rods to the place of beginning. Con taining 25 8-10 acres of land more or less. All Improved with a barn and apple orch ard tbereon. Second All that certain messuage or tenement and tract of land situate In the borough of Glenburn, county of Lacka wanna, and slate of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a stake and stones on the east side of a spring run and in line of Kdgar Northup' s laud; thence along lands now or late of the estate of Jabes U. tail, south 273i degrees west imaxnetic bear ing) 47 perches to a corner In the middle of an old stone wall, a corner of M. j. Hull's land; thence along lands of the said M. J. Hall south 5!m degrees west 28 ltMUO perches to a corner In the middle of the turnpike road leading from Glenburn to Dulton; thence along the middle of tLu said road north 31 degrees west 3 (iS-lou perches to a corner of Nettle Colvln's lot; thence along the said Nettle Colvln's lot south 83 degrees west 18 1-10 perches to a corner at the side or the D., L. W. P. K.; thence along the side of said railroad north 3!i degrees west 11 16-100 perches to a corner; thence north 48 degrees west 20 24-100 perches to a corner by tbe aloe of said railroad and in line nf Edgar North, lip's land, thence ulong the said Kdgur Nort Imp's land north i7 1 i degrees eusl 23 perches to a corner In the middle ot the said turnpike loud: thence ulong the mid dle of the suid road north 54 degrees west 20 perches to u corner in the middle of the said road and in line ot Kdgar Northup's land; thence ulong the suid Kdgar North lip's land north itl't degrees east 40 perches to the place of beginning. Contuining 15 ucres ot lund, be tne same more or less, being the same land conveyed by Jabez G. Hall to II. L. Hall, by deed bearing date April 1, 188. uud recorded In the of fice of recorder of deeds In und for the county of Luckawanna In deed book No. 59. page 492, etc. All Improved with two two-story frame dwelling houses, out buildings and apple on-hard thereon. Third All that certain lot of land ly ing In the borough of Glenburn, county of Itckawannu, and state of Pennsylvania-, lying on the southwest side of Ihe Dela ware, Luckawanna and Western railroad track, and bounded us follow, viz.: Beslnning ut the northwest corner of the lot and running thence along lands now or late of Kmily Northup, south ." degrees west twelve and six one-hundreds chulns to a post and stones In line of lunds lute of J. G. Northup's F.state; thence hy same south 42li degrees east eighteen and elev-eii-one-hundredlhs chains to u stone cor ner of lunds of Jonathan Hall's Estate, now land of A. Lelchton; thence by same north 62 degrees and 40 minutes west ten und sixty-one one-hundredths chains to a point one hundred feet from center of main line of the Delaware, Uiekawanna and Western railroad track; then by lands of said railroad company north M'ii de grees, seven chains; thence north 94 de grees west, 2U chains; thence north 'M't. degrees west two chains; thence north -16 degrees and 20 minutes west two chains; thence north 50 degrees and five minutes west, two chains; thence north 55 de grees west two and thirty-two one-hundredths chains to place of beginning. Con taining 20 acres and 84 perches of land, be ing same land conveyed by Jabez H. Hall and wife to Herbert L. Hall by deed bear ing date April 7, 1883, and recorded In the ofllce of the recorder of deeds In and for the county of Lackawanna, in deed btiok No. 10, page 175, elc. All Improved with one bam and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles A. Hunter, assigned to B. M. Green, executor, vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, 523.06. Judgment No. 658, May T., 18U5. Al. It. fa. to September T 189J. Also ut the suit of Philip Harlos vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, WOO.OO Judgment No. 474. March T.. 1896. Fl. fu. to September T., 18. Also at the suit of W. L. Atherton vs. H. U Hull. Debt. $100.00. Judgment No. 492. Novem ber T., 1895. Al. li. fa. to September T.. 1896. Also at the suit of James Holgate vs. H. L. Hall. Debt, $89.00. Judgment No. 6M, November T., 1S95. Al. II. fa. to Sep tember T., ISIHi. Also at the suit of W. L. Atherton vs. II. L. Hall. Debt, $75.00. Judgment No. 491, November T., 1895. Al. fl. ra. to September T.. 1896. Also at the suit of assigned to B. M. Green, executor, vs. 11. J,. Hull. Debt, $1U0.00. Judgment No. 801. January T 1895. Fi. fu. to Sep tember T., 1896. Also ut the suit of W. L. Atherton vs. II. L. Hull. Debt, $100 00. Judgment No. 490. November T., 1S95. Al. fi. fa. to September T 1896. H. H. HOLOATK, Atty. ALSO. No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Clarence B. Watrous, ad ministrator of the estate of Vi. Scott W.it rous, deceused, in und to all that certain piece, lot or parcel of land situate in the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, und stute of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at u stake und stones corner on Ash street; thence easterly one hun dred and ttfty (loj feet to u stake und stones corner in line of land of Win. Lu France; thence northerly ulong Bald Hue one hundred and Mfty (150) feet to a street; thence a southerly course along suid street und parallel with the Pennsylvania Coal Company's railroad one hundred und fifty (ISO) feet to u stuke und stones corner on Ash street, und thence ulong suid street sevettty-tiye (75) feet to the pluce of be ginning. Comprising lots numbered on und two (lund 21 ill block number three (3 In A. B. Silkinun's plot of lots In the city of Scranton. Excepting and reserving coal us the same are excepted and reserved In deed from Daniel Taylor lo James W. Johnson. Being ihe same lund conveyed by ilurret Van Sickle and wife to W. S. Watrous 2d April. m, recorded lu luck awanna county in deed book No. 5 S.pUK.j 168. All improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of or Wm. Brady & Son assigned lo John H. Fellows vs. Clarence B. Watrous, ad ministrator of W. Scott Watrous, de ceased. Debt. $230.00. Judgment No. 226, September T 1896. Fi. fa. to September T., 1896. Also af the suit of J. H. Fellows vs. Clarence B. Watrous, administrator of W. Scott Wntrous, deceused. Debt. $500.00. Judgment No. 227. September T., 1896. Fl. fa. to September T., 1896. Also at the suit of John H. Fellows vs. Clarence B. Wut rous, administrator of W. Scott W'atrou3, deceased. Debt. $3,000.00. Judgment No. 225, September T., 1896. Fi. fu, to Septem ber T., 1896. FELLOWS, Atty. ALSO, No. 5. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, W. K. McGlnnls uud Isa bellu McGlnnls, in and to ull the surface or right of soil of that certain lot of land situate tn the First ward of the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, und state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed us follows: Beginnlg at a stuke In the western line of a street or ulley (now called und known us Weston pluce), at a point one hundred und two (1U2) feet on a course of north, nine degrees west from the north ern corner of a lot of land now or late of Ira Tripp; thence by other lands, lute of E. W. Weston, south eighty and one hal fdegrees west one hundred and fifty feet to a stake; thence noith nine degrees west lifty feet to a. stake; thence north eighty and one-half degrees east one hun dred und fifty feet to a stake, and thence by the western line of said street or alloy south nine degrees east fifty feet to the place of beginning. Coal and minerals re served. All improved with a one and a half story frame dwelling house with at tachments, frame barn, outhouses, fruit trees and shrubbery. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of A. L. Francois, et. al., trustees of Hiram Lodge. No. 261, F. und A. M., of Providence, Pu., vs. Wm. E. McGlnnls and Isabella McGinis. Debt. $8U0.0o. Judgment No. 561, September T., 1896. Fl. fu. to Sep tember T., 1896. WARREN & KN API', Attys. ALSO, No. C. AH the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Guiseppe Rosa, In and to ull that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the borough of Dunmore, coun ty of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsyl vania. bounded and described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a corner of lot number three (3) and live (5) on Willow street; thence along said Willow street north forty-eight degrees thirty minutes east forty feet to a corner; thence by lot num ber seven (7) south forty-one degrees thirty minutes east one hundred and four teen feet to a corner; thence north forty eight degrees thirty minutes west forty feet to a corner; thence by lot number three (3y north forty-one degrees thirty minutes west one hundred and fourteen feet to the pluce of beginning. Contain ing four thousand, five hundred and sixty (4,560) square feet of land more or les?. being lot number five (5) on Willow street In said borough of Dunmore as the same Is laid down in the otllce of the Pennsylvania Coal Company in New York. Coal and minerals reserved. Improvfl with two story frame and stone dwelling house, frame barn and other outbuildings and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. J. Moore vs. Guiseppe Rosa. Debt $190.00. Judgment No. 557. September T., 1S96. Fl. fa to September T., 1896. E. C. NEWCOMB, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. FRANK II. CLEM ON S. Sheriff. Sheriff's otllce, Scranton, Pu., July 14. 189G. SCRANTON SCRANTON, PA. The Fourth Year of the Scrunton Training School for kindergarten, crs will open in this city SEPT KM BER 14, 189G. For further part), culara address MISS 8. W. INDERWOOl), WINCHESTER, MASS. Clearance Sale of Shirts Our Entire Stock of Negligee Shirts We Have Reduced To Less than Cost THIS comprises every style in Hadras, Silks, Flan nel, Cheviot, and Cellular Cloth Shirts from the celebrated Manufacturers of the HANHATTAN BRAND who have an undisputable reputation as leaders of styles and makers of the very best shirt in the mar ket. This is an exceptional opportunity for obtaining extraordinary Shirt Values. FRANK P. 412 Spruce St. UNION X-Clusiva reinforcements accounts for UNION Unbreakability. ON s ra UK. CHASE & FARRAR BICVCI.E SLKUUONS. JisH Linden Street. Opp. Court House. THIS WEEK ONLY Search Lights CUT FROM $5.00 TO 3.00 C. r,1. FLOREY 222 WYOMING AVENUE. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ A CO.. U. E CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOPSE is strictly temperance; la new and well furnished and OPKNED TO THR PUBLIC THE YtCAR Rol'ND, is located midway between Rlnghamton anl Scranton, on the Montrose und Lucka wanna Railroad, six miles from D., L. & W. R. R. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which Is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing; Tackle, Etc. Free to tiuests. Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack und Culskill Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shade and beaiitl. ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. swings, croquet grounds, etc. COLD SPRING WAT CP, AND FLKNTY OK MILK. Rates $7 to f to Per Week. Si. go Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at ull stations on D., L. & W". lines. Porter meets ull trains. .3EVIV6 RESTORES VITALITY. Made a W JJiWe!i Man 16th Day. 'Mff of Me. TKE OPKAT :loth DaT. PIIB3VOII X133IWI33IDY produces thenbnve results In :ioduy. It ai t puweritillyaudiiiiirkljr. Cure wbeuailottaeretul Vomuuieu will regain their Jopt uiatiliuod.anduld lueu will recover tli-ir youthful vuror by uauui KKVIYO. It nuirblv ami Mireiy res-tore Serums ncNR, Loiit Vitality, liutNiirncy. Nightly bminsioar. Lust Power. haiiitiH Memory. atuix plm-aae. and all eflerts ot stdt-alniM or eicetnand indiscretion, fldilrh unfits one tor study, lmsinem. or marriage. It not only rurea by ':artihii at the x at ot d. trur. but isasreat nerve t.mlr uud blood builder, bring ing hack the pluk glim to pale eherksaidre storing the lire of youth. It ward-- eff lummy aud Consumption, luuut on bavins ItKVI Vo.nn tlier. It ran be carried in vt-st noi-ket. lty lu'.il 1 .00 it pavkac .emu tor tS.OO, wit b a poal ive written guarantee tn cure or relund he money. Circular tree. Address '-nif!!"'"- CHIlVGO. Far sale by MAPI HEWS BROS., Dragglst Senates, Pa. KvK tnm UH. C'tf utr -v ATj t I - CHRISTIAN 205 Lackawanna Avenue. ai BALDWIN'S Hill THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE HUNT & CQNNELL CO., 42UftCKlV.al.NA AUE1UL JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side nest to First National Dank. He has uow lu a Comprising everything req dalle for Has tlerehant Tailoring. And the same cau be shown to advantage in his spleu diuly fitted up rvonis- A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ul The Trib une to Call on "OLD RBLIABLR" In HIS New Business Hume I ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum CALL UP 363?i OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET. BL W.COLLIXS, Manager. DON'T FAIL TO SEE TKS VOI P AMERICAN, The Finest ana Highest Orade Wheels Made In America. 106 Wheels. Up-to-Date In Every Particular, $.aS.aa. Cease sttW E. R. PARK BR, Ml Sr gSrses, taai mm aava elf m taw I 111 111 111 HI H uoei id Mini CO. iApKidi