HIE SCTIANTON' TTtlBUNE FRIDAY MOHUING, JULY 31, 189. Our Book Shop is oiio where ymi an- ri v il-iifl I pUk ill u bonk anil i i into II. ii k ii. another hikI lest il. mul then try still another without Im-Iiii; pesti-rcil with the UKKi-stions of il too-ldmlly ileik. We like liouklovi'is uml want them to eiiino mid hn-uihe tin" atiiiosplii'ii' of our books whether tln-y buy or not. N 0 RTON'S 322 Lacka. Ave. OUR OATS. . . Alwais in the past ibe Best in 5cranton W ill be in tli'.- future as niol as nuts; tli at can be made by the BEST CLEANING MACHINERY Which removes the foul seeds and tin st. Try our "GLEAN OATS." SCRANTOJI, OLYPHANT, CHREDND1LE, THE GENUINE Have tlie initials O.. B. & CO. imprlut ed ia each cigar. QARNEY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTURERS, COURT HOUSE SQ. MISS FANNING TOOK POISON. Tlioiiuht Her Alliiiiici'il lliisliiind Hns I lit rue lo Iter, ('iiriff Kiiiiiiinn', a uiini'f living on Rreuker street, ri'ooivt'il tin' IntelliKenee yesterday from New York that his 17-yeur-nlil iluuuhter. Kiite, hitd taken a quantity of cinholie mill with sulelilnl Intent. In tin interview with a Trili- llii.. .... Ii. M.. Ii' t...- ....!.! 11.... , in- i' ("'uri, iiit. r alining rum I nui aliollt il year ukii he reei'iveil a letter from a Mr. Wilson, of New York, an Unite, rei nesting hilu to Hi'iiil one nf Ills ilaiiKliters to ui t us I'oinpanion to his wile. Mr. Wilson is a retired mer chant anil a man of eonslderalile weullh. After reeeivillK the letter. Mr. KuilllInK ilei ided to send liis oldest daughter. Kale, to the Wilsons. 1 luring her slay there slie lieiuine infatuated with a io llieuian named Kilwuril ll'Mrlen, and fl'e(llelltly wrote letters to her .tlV!llS nlioiit liim. In tin- last letter she Informed them that they were ennafjed and July 22 set for their marriaKe. All iirrunifements for the event had lieen eomnleted. On the niuriiiim of .1 illy 22 she huil occusion to tco out on the street lief II U si ill IK I -1 1 V lie was luitroliiiK. Slie hadn't been walking lone; before she saw O'Hrlen talking; with a woimjn. She was sud denly seized with a lit of Jealousy. Hushing to a driiK store she procured 'i dose of I'lirbolie aeld, and tfnhiK out on -the street onee niore drunk il. o'Hrleii. iiotieliiK Iter action, rushed to her side and tonk the poison away from her. She was removed to a hospital and Iter relatives Informed. A dispatch re ceived late yesterday stated that she was much Improved, and would be dis charged from the hospital in a few days. - - nilsbury Flour mills have a capac ity of 17.5U0 burl els a day. Car of I'isli, tic. I'cr round. Atlantic Fish Co. will huv another car of fish on Thursday, July :I0, on 1)., I.. & V. switch, I.ack'u ave., by depot.; 6c. per H. cleaned. SCIIANK & KOEIILER, LOCAL ENDEAVORERS HOLD A RALLY Met Last Nixbt in the Second Presby terian Church. NATIONAL CONVENTION' ECHOES I'oiilaiiicd in Hie Report- of Three li legato and tin Addrt'sit of Hev. t.i'iirur I:, tiiild-l'rouraiiiuie lor tin- Slate ( uiivi'iilion Here Mil An-iioiiiicciU-i:iidciivr llav lit Far icw ci 'I'hiiriUav. Christian Kndeavorers l'rotn all sec lions of the cily "rallied" in the Second Fie.'ibylerian church last night. Threi. reports were made of the recent nation al lonvi'iitlon at Washington: Hev. 'Jioigi' K. liuild, of the Providence I'lesliyterian church, told of the Im pression hi' 1'icclved as a uiiuister. and Charles K. lianicls divulged the pro urunime fur the '!; I'eunsvlvuiiia coii venliini lo be hilil in this city in Oc tober. The attendance was fairly large, but j would nave in cn larger il the tempera ture had been more conducive to com fut Whatever tendency there was in I lie heat to depress the gathering was forestalled by the stirring Kndeavor songs of the united convention choir. The ehnir Is In three purls, representing j the .North Kiul. West Sid" and central I city, ami It formed the major portion of j last night's audience. i Th" meeting was conducted by .Mr. laniels; Charles Chandler led the sing- In it. and Professor J. Chance, or- j ganist of the church, was the organist. A song opened the ineetillg. Key. .Mr. I Hi 1 1 n read a scripture lesson and of-; fercd prayer. 1 TIIKY ItKAO UKPoUTS. Miss May Heni dli t and Miss Margar et Jamlesoji. of this city, and Miss Nel- ; lie Urisbin. of West Mcdlold, Mass. who is visiting here, read ivoorts on the big convention. Miss Hetieiliit told of "incidents and scenes " Miss Jamie- ; son of the Junior rally, und Miss Uris- ' bin of "impressions." Kach was an '' able effort and t:vat"d Particularly of: I he lesser but Interesting features of the big galhering. much of which has been I reported in tin- secular and religious i press In only a general way. Mr. liuild gave an Instructive enmpar- ! ison oi" the convention with former , ones in MolllH'lll. New York city. Cleve- laud and 'ioston. Iii his remarks he dwelt especially on three points: That i in fifteen years the greul Christian Kit- i deavor army has been created and has j furnished all denominations with pruc- j tically equipped young religious work- crs. unknown before Kndeuvorisin; the ! distinguished personnel of the speakers ' and their splendid topics; the exultation of Jesus Christ, und the deep spiritual power, .which prevailed all of the num erous convention meetings. T1IK STATU CONVKNTIO.V. Hefore reading the programme out lined for tlie state convention here, Mr. Daniels spoke briefly or the Penn sylvania delegation, of the approach ing slate gathering he said delegates ure now being chosen, that the Phil adelphia union's transportation agent is expected here next Week, and that other transportation agents will soon begin visiting this city. Concerning next Tlniisduy's Kndeav or Day at Farvlew, Mr. Chandler, th" music director. Informed the choir in' m bers Ihul upon presenting their mem bership tickets to ticket agents on the morning of the excursion, they could procure round-trip transportation for SO cents each. The regular rale is 7a cents. Follow ing Is tlie stute convention pro gramme as read by Mr. Daniels: Au ditoriums, "A," "It" and "C" refers to Klin Park Church, the Frothingham Theater and Academy of Music, the three places wherein simultaneous meetings will be held. Tl'KSDAY, OCT. li. 2.311 -Kxeeutive committee meeting. 4.IHI -I'liiyer und praise service. Tl'KSDAY F.VKN1NO. Auditorium A. 7.:i Piaise service. 7.i.il leviilional. 7..V.--Address of Wile'imc. X-ICi ItespOllSe. X. l.V- President's annual aililri-Ks. X.&'i-Siiigliig. X. H Annual report of secretary. SAV-Singing. ti.im-Aililrcss: subject, "The Presence of Christ in This Convention." !..'." Adjournment and reception. This uriiKi'iumiie would he repeated in Auditorium B and C with u ilHTereiil per son to make the address oil the presence of Christ, etc. WKDNKSDAV. OCT. 7, A. M. ti.lW-Sunrise meetings; t tieniu, "Longing lor Ciod." Aiiilitorluui A. x.-lfi- Service of song. .oo-1 i 01 luilol service. tf.15- iteporls from department coinniiin'l ers. tt.tr Junior superintendent. ti.il Missionary superintendent. .:" --"Christ ia ii Citizenship." !. 1.1- -( 'oiTespuiulence. UA-SliiKliig. p im".'i,.,l Marshals Iteview." Secretary .McDonuld. in.4i Annoiuiceinciit of commanders. 111.4.1-Aiinual sermon. jl.4.1 Adjutant's and evangelistic ser vices. E We have the best shape and fits to be had. Our Leader All sizes and widths. Russet or Black colors. 41 o Spruce Street 3.00 Auditorium It. this service repeated with different person to preach. WKDNKSTIA Y P. M. Auditorium A. 2 '. Song service. .lo A'liiress; subject, "The Pledge us it Men is on Soul Culture Devotion to .My own Church and Seeking tlie I'nsaved." . ?t)-Open purliunieiit: subject, "The Strong und Weak Points In Your Society." ILtn-SingiiiK. U.uj "Christian Kndeavor and the SmIj buih School," (John Wuiiiiuiiiuker. if poesihlei. Coniiuiltee conferences. tt'KDXKSDAY P. M. Auditorium It. 1. WI Servlcf of S0I1K. :.li-"Cliilsiian Kndeavor und the Sali huth School," (John Wiinmunuker, if possililel. 2. :C- Singing. la-Address; suhjet "For Christ and the Church." SUM Open parlianient; theme, "Keeping Hie Pledce." 3. :iil-Cuiiiinillee conferences. WKDNKSDA Y P. il. Aiiiiitorluin A. 7.3ii Song and devotlouul service. Thone for the evening, "Our TillleS." "..la Address. "Men ami Women for our Time- Chr'.stians." S.;'" -Address, "The Message for our Times -tlie Word of Hod." S..1H-Singing. !i iio-Adili'i ss, "Tin' Leader for Our Tillies Jesus Christ." .::- Adjournment. Auditorium II. "."a Song and devotional service. Theme for the evenlnf. "Three Clival Deiiiirtnietits of Kndeavor." 7.-HI--Address, "Junior Kndeavor.' S.2H "Missionary Kg tension." X.r.ii-Singing. i.ihi "Christian Citizfiiship." r !t."i Adjournment. Ac. liiorhnn C. 7.uU-Song and devotional. Theme for the evening, "Christian Knileavor. the New Crusade." 7 r.u-Address. "Hurtful Amusements mid Kvil Social Cslonis." s.M-Address. "I'lirlghteoiis Ilusln.ss and llusiness Aletliods." S.m Singing. !Mi --"Sabhath Desecrallon and 'Public Wrongs. "LSi-AdJournmcnt. Tllt liSiiAY. OCT. S. A. M. Auditorium A. S.:W to 7.11- Sunrise meetings; theme. I.tinging to Make Hud Known to i it hers." to Make Hod Known to others." Auditorium A. ti. 1.1- Song und devotional service. ii.lii-Opeii parliament; theme, "Deepen ing the Spiritual Life." 9. Hi-Singing. 1U.UH--Address. William Shaw fit' possible). lc.:!n itepoils from committee confer, clues. II. in -lteports from convention ci nitnll tees. la) resolutions, (hi nomina tions, (cl lliiauce. Id) election of of licel'S. A ill I i tori ll m H. X. 4.1 -Song und devotional service, jt lii-A.'lilress, Willium Shaw (if possible), tun- Singing. K..H) open parliament; theme, "How May the Pastor and His Kndeavorers He Mote Helpful to Kach Other'.'" lO.il-Singlng. l.:!i Heports from conference of com mittees. 11. 2D- Iteporls from convention commit tees, (a) linance, lb) resolutions, (r) nominations, (dl election of oN llceis. Adjournment. TIH'ltSDA Y P. M. Aiiditorium A. .'.ml- Song service. J. lit .lolin H. Wonley. i.'i - Singing. XiJ-Aildiess, "Our Weupon the Sword of Hie Spirit." IS.IiD-Junior rally. :i.:w -I leiioiiiiiiutionul rallies. Auditorium II. '.'.'"l-Service of song. I'.lii-opeii parliiimeiit; subject, "One Thousuijd New Societies Organized anil Ten Thousand Souls Saved This Coming Year." :.:!)-John H. Wooley. t t :i.:in - Junior rally. :!.;iu Denominational rallies. KVKNIMT. Aiidilorlum A. 7.r.l-Hong and devotional. 7.41 liili'odilctlou of new oltlcers. S. m -Singing. S.KI-Addres. S In Coiiseeration service. !l:Hi Adjourninciit. The same kind of programme- In Audi torium Ii and C, except a little different time for introducing oftieers. und making the meeting in Aiidilorlum C for citizens Willi J. Wilbur Chapman or some evan gelist ill charge. A song followed the reading of the repift, and then the benediction was pronounced by Kev. W. II. StubblelihiP. Next Thursday ut Farvlew will lie a big day fur Kndeavorers of Vnyn', Susquehanna, Luzerne. Wyoming and I.uckuwannu counties. A conservative estimate of the number of Kndeavorers alone .w ho will enjoy the outing places the igure at ubout 4.000. Scratitoti's united convention choir will sing. Rev. J. A. Utile, D. D., of llokelldauquu. will deliver an address In tin- morn ing. The excursion train from th's city will leave at o'clock. PERSONAL. J. 1 1. Mlshler, of Heading, was In the city yesterday. Attorney C. K. Hatteiiherg was in Honesdale yesterday. D. F. Smith, a prominent Insurance agent id Slroiiilsbiirg, called on Colonel C. K. Pryor yesterday. Harry Nehuyer und Herbert Waters went to like WInola yesterday, where they w ill spend a week. K.l'.vin B. Twitniyer. of lids city, regis tered a" a slinleiil-ut-law yesterday In the olliee of Attorney C. li. Pitcher. Dr. Van Cleff Decker registered as a practicing physician yesterday III the or tli e of Prolhoiiotury Pryor. Tlie doctor is a uraduate or the I'liiverslty of Penn sylvania und will o:ieii an ofllee in Fh-et- Vllle. Mrs. Churls Auer und son, Ueorge; XI r. Kllu Tigae and son, llobert. und Miss Hal tie Urown. of the West Side, und Dr. Daw son, td the North Knd. accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. John Hillielmer. Mr. and Mis. A. Kley and William Kvans, of Piiee tuirg, composed a jolly party that went angling for the tinny tribe ut Heart Pond, lirowu Hollow. .Monday night. They re turned Wednesday evening Well laden with Ash. . For Warm Weather. Many people do not know that Tun Hose is much cooler than black. We offer the following bargains Saturday: Misses 3.1c. fine Usle Thread Tan Hose f to 7'i. 17c; 7V4 to 11 IMc tallies' "1c. Fine Tan Hose. hlRh spliced heels, toes and soles 2t(! (tents' lac Seamless Tan Hose Wo fields' Heal Xlaco :i.1o. Tan Hose. ...21c Misses" ""Sc. Hlack Hose for 17c Misses' :i0c. Black Hose for....v 2!c Misses' tac. Blin k Hose for Jin? Hoys' lilcyd ' Hose Sic Hents' 1.1c. Seamless Hose W ; lleiits" 25e Seamless Hose 17c Uents' Mc Seamless Huse 2b' tallies' 17c. Seamless Hose 2 for 2'n." Ladles' 2f.c. Seamless Hose 17c And as lung as they lust: Ladies' Fine Mr. Black Usl Thread Hose, high spliced heels and toes, llermsdorf Dye, for only 21 cents. t'.NDKKWKAK. ' All Ladles' and Ch'Uren's 60e if'Jils..'ie All Ladies' and Childrens' 25c. goods. 19l" We have a large assortment of Vests and Pants to select from. Mear & Hagen. MOTHER DIES BY HER SON'S HAND Fearful Tragedy on Joseph J. Jrmya's Scott Township Farm. FATHER AND SON WERE QUARRELING .lira, licorgc i'lionm-, Wile ol' Mr. Jcrmyn's l'urinl.cccr, Wu Tring to Prevent llcrSon lioui Celling til His l'allicr--l)i'tails of I lie Occur rcn i'c-Verdict oM'oroner's Jr. A fearful tragedy occurred nil Joseph J. Jermyn's farm in Scott township, four miles fioui Jciniyu borougli, at noon yesterday. XI is. (ieorge Thomas, a woiiiun about ('0 years old. was in stantly killed by a bullet from a re volver in the hands of In r son. Kit h iird. dii'lntf a family Miiaml between the father and two of Hie sons. The bullet was not lired Willi iiiurdir otts Intent, but was discharged acci dentally while the son was nourishing the weapon and atlcinptliifV to get into room ut his father. Mrs. Thomas got between her sun a"d the door and tile bullet struck her in the rkrlit temple. fmeturir!T the skull, but not 'ii-net rut-lug- It She was predisposed to heart trouble, liuvinr; been trcat"d for It by Dr. Shields, of Jcrmyii. and while the bullci wound was not the direct cause of death, the slun k was so trrcat that she expired Instantly. The action of the heart stopped and she fell lifeless to the floor. The Thomas family has lived on the farm fur the past t 'il or twelve years. The father is a big, strong toller, und Ills sons, three In number, are patterned after him. The old man has u hut tem per w hen in rage. CAI'Si: OF TDK TltOl'DI.K. Karly in the morning Richard, the son In whore hands the revolver was that did the shooting, hltchid up und drove- to Carbondale. Along toward noon Herbert, tlie youngest son, who Is two years Klchurd's Junior und about 21 years old, told ills father he was going to Jerinyn, but his father refused to let him have u horse and carriage to drive there. This angered Herbert and lint words passed. He informed his father that he could walk to Jerinyn, and when he got there lie would stay and not come back any more. Then he demanded his wages and more bickering followed. Tile father told lilin to walk to Jerinyn and stay there for all lie cared, and w hen Herbert started to get ready to go. the father said: "You'll go, will you'.' Well. I'll see if you'll go." He went upstairs and got a revolver, bill befi ue lie got back to use it ill the urgilirient, Hlclnird. the other soli, re turned from Curbondale. When lie learned what was going on he weiit to his room and got a revolver, too. The father locked Hie door in the room where he wus. and Hichard began to kick in the panels to force peace ut the point of his scooting iron. I IK WOl'LD NOT I.IST1CN. Here Is where Mrs. Thomas stepped in to argue with her son to let his fat lief alone und md go near him. Klchard would not listen to her and in his halt' cra.ed attempt to break ill the door, the revolver exploded in ills hand as lie was nourishing it, mid tlie bullet did its deadly work. Coroner S. P. Long-street was notified and he drove to tlie house in tlie after noiHiti. A Jury consisting of A. .1. Wlne lirake of this city and I'M ward Stubbs. H. A. Williams, C. L. Hell, J. W. tirunt and II. K. VunKleeck of Jerinyn was empaneled. The coroner found the evi dences of ii fierce iiiarrel in the iTioum where Hie shooting took place. The door leading to the room where tlie father was when Hichard tried to force Ills way Into It was u 1 1 haltered. There was no evidence to prove a de liberate discharge of the pistol and the facts brought out in evidence were con clusive that tlie shooting was an acci dent. The jury returned tfce following verdiiit: "We find that the said .Mrs. (Ieorge Thomus cuine to her death While trying to quell a disturbance be tween her son, Herbert, und her lius baud, and was accidentally killed by a pistol shot wound of tlie head. Indicted by her son, Itichurd. while carelessly flourishing a revolver." S KLF-ACTI N i SIX SIK )OTKlt. Coroner Lomodreot took Hie weupon with him. II is a Mix-shooter, self-uct-Ine, thirty-two culibre, coiniiiiui bull dog weupon. The son who did the shooting swore to the coroner that lie hud It loaded for severul months und used it only seldom. The appearance of the bullets would go lo contradict that statement, for they Were bright and greased. I'p to a late hour last night no steps bad been taken In arrest the sou for his deed. . . . Immense I'oal Kim. During tlie twenty-nine hours end ing at noon on Sunday the run of coal We have a new Open Stock Pattern, pretty and nut expen sive, hest Porcelain, put pic and green llowcr decoration, loo-piece Dinner Set, i..oo, or you can select such pieces as you need, add to at any time and replace brcukntie This is not the only pattern we carry in open stuck, us ve have id others. Every unnle liuiu the cheapest to the finest. MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Ave. "Walk in and look around." What Yon Want mm Mil over Lehigh Valley scales at the Pack erton yards was the. heaviest during any similar period. The number of cars was 225'i, or !). 001 on a four-wheel basis, u.total of .11.1.12 tons, 1.1 cwt. This coul was hauled to tidewater in fifty seven trains. -. OPPRESSIVELY HOT DAY. Much Kultcriug I rum l he Heat iu This l ily Vcvlcidiiy. Yesterday was a most oporessively hot day In this city, and from 10 until 5 o'clock every person met on tile street Was Industriously engaged mopping himself with a handkerchief. The highest the thermometer regis- tered at Phclos' was S'l, hut there wus not tlie suspicion of a breeze and the I heavy, muggy weather caused those j who were coii':ellod to move about to sweat coph.ll.-l.v. F.leclrit'iil Kcvi.-w . July Nth, ISilli. The National Telephone Construclloi; Company, operating a tele'ihore ex change at Waukesha, Wh:., ha t reaped business. The exi hu!i",c was built .1 few mouths ago to compete with the V.'lscoi.rlii Tel 'phone coi::pi'f.y's ex change. The piles and w r ;i Ii ic Ik on sold at a nun ii:ul pi ire, said to I u eunuch to civ r tile olllstani'i!"' In debtedness. i.a'v FOLKS Those who haven't been in to the special sale. We shall make an extra effort to got. you here to day. We cannot adver tise everythinjf that is going under price. Turn where you will astonish ing values greet the eye. Dollar-coaxers on every side. Such as these, for instance: Writing Paper i 20 sheets package) IOC. (a pound China Plates A few more left, IOC. Rogers1 Teaspoons The 1847 Rogers. Sil ver plated, worth 2.00 a set. 100 sets to go today at half, $I.OO. Decorated Fruit Plates We've some choice ones that are yours for 15C- Mantel Clocks Iu iron and wood. Black with gold trimmings. Such as sell for $6 and $7. Today you pick your pick for $3.90. Today's Prices Are for Today. Don't think you can come in any time and take advantage of these prices. The idea is to get you in today. The ligures are made so low i with that 111 view and we only bind ourselves to sell at these prices while this "ad." appears. REXFORD'S 303 Lackawanna Ave. r,i EARS' EUlLDiNG, ZQl WASHI.iGTO l tVEKUI AND SP.IUCE. Arc now Kclliiit; tlicir Tan and Suinmci' Weight .'iIiixjh ut a Cash (dt. I'ricc bale. Men's ltf jular $5.00 utul $.",.r.O Tan Bal.. now W.ao. Men's Regular $4.00 Tun Hal., now $2.90. Men's Regular i?,.:,0 Tan Hal., now $2.60. Men's HeRUlur $2.f.O Tan Ruls., now $1.0. Laities' Repular $n.50 Tan Hals., now $2.60. Ladies' Regular $2.50 Tan Oxfords, now $1.H0. Misses' and Children's. Boys and Souths' Tan Shoes at a very. low price. lilUUK j I BEATTY 1 1 j !i'j!lU.i'iiiiiiiiiiiwiwMMimiiwniiiimiiimiiMMMirt 1S a Is s m 5 ii s c m s mm 4S 2 i i7hhiihiiiiihiiiw STEINWAY SON'S . . 4ckaowlcdged the Leading PIANOS - Of th WmMj DECKER BROS.. K.RAMCHB & BACHB and othart. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchaer will always find a eamBtata tack and at prices a low as the qual ity el the Instmment w'.H permit at N. A. IIULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ar. - Scrantoti We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Ht: Eilvrr Novelties in Infinite Varlrty. Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, eweler and , , . , . Watchmaker. 215 LaAaWaDBl AY1 DUPONT'S MIMNft, ELASTIC AND SPORTING anufa. tured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pit., and ut Wil mington, Lieluwure. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyyolnij District 118 WYOMINO AVLM i;, ficranton, Pa Third National Hank DulM'ng. AC.EXi'IKS: Tlins. POTtl). I'lttston. I'.i. JOHN H. SMITH a SuN. Hly mrtith. Pa. K. W. .MI LLKJAN, Wiike.-llarre. 1M. Agents f jr the Kerauno Cheiniin) Co.n taiiv's Itiolfi I'nlosives. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Fines! In Hip ( it) Tlie Litest improved furnish ings and apparatus fur keeping meat, I; utter and cyus. 223 Wyoming Avenuo. Bb. BROWNIE i mmk F0RS8LEBV I SCBANTO'. - Jim iOB55 .j DAWM7D i v si um I 9 mJjjjrTHt IMPROVED I WELSBACH LIGHT. It doesn't hurt the eye, either, m VTtie Gas Appliance Co J io N.Washlngton BIB Overall at Makes the Buy l'roud. He Can Play in tbe Dirt Bl i i i it I: WORTH MAKES THE MAN ' Anil want of it, the fellow." So, too. elothes help make the man ami want of them the savaKe. To tie well iliesseil not showily Ih a luuilible ustilrution und tin) one ililferenee between the American suv are anil the Amerleun Kentleman. Vo'J will llml our sin. Ii uieiiiate to ult Ilia most fustiilioiis. We solleit the honor of a rail. 416 LACKAWANNA AVEKUZ. OUR STOCK GF FURNISHINGS riw-w 1 Is varied ftml rxteiiM.ve. tVo Imv ntisfaHIon in style, ijiiiMt v mill prip for fvery iiikii a Ad (toy in town. V trv to give better service thiui nnyoiits ehe. We d Kive Iwtter goMl. lrop in fiiul net nrt. minted needn't buy urn less ytni wiU. We wutit yor. tu know u. M. P. M'CAIMN, Halter 2i5 WVOMIMi AVi.M'l:. fithers urn eiHtini.' on Hlr.iw lint. Ours have been cut all suiisun. kINUX AllliNCf. WILLIAM S- MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WA TliK CO. BUILDIN0, COCKER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OPICR Tt'ifrtS from 7.30 a. m. to p. m. (1 hgur Intermission tor dinner and eup;iur.) Particular Attention (liven to Collections. Prompt Settlement (iuarantecd. Vour Bust ness is Respectfully Sulicind. Telcptavnc im, MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the bpst quality for domestic ua and of all sizes, ineiudlng- Hue kwheat ami lllrrlseye, delivered iu any part of the city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the Ofllee, first floor. Commonwealth btrilding, room No. 6; telephone No. 2C.24 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly uttendej to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. Ill I, BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manafactured at aktsf at The Tribune OOce : - asVi