f. ,-v THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. i EIGHT PAGES 30 COLUMNS. SCItAKTOX, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 189(5. TWO CENTS A COPY ' One Sided. ID) Bargains m Fin Selling Under tilt' prices which fol low Is till one-sided. Dial Is, there's nothing In It for us Inn getting rid of the balance of stuck on Imnil. I'.uyers haw now every penny of imolit on their own side, ami some times a little more, but we're satis fied if vc run only make a ( It-it 11 BWecp. THE Quoted below urt not seconds, they are not last year's, they are not poorly niado or finished, they are not maile from undesirable goods or patterns a little off. They Are the Best, Brightest and Freshest Goods of the present season's Inlying, unil are therefore lluwless In every re spect. LOT 1. 10 dozen 50c. Waists. Sale Price, 25c LOT 2. 10 dozen 75c. Waists. Sale Price, 3Pc LOT 3. SO dozen Sic. and Sl.no Waists. Sale Price, 5Pc LOT 4. SO dozen top notch style Waists In exclusive designs; former price, $1.25. Sale Price, 85c LOT 5. 15 dozen of our very highest grade Phil t Wulsts, that sold for $1.73. Sale Price, 99c OLOBE Sfc IMS WAISTS BANKERS REACH AN AGREEMENT No Aio.e Gold Exports for Two Months at Least. PLANS OF THE FOREIGN HOUSES Kills ol Kxchuugc to Be Kept at Sale niMirct.--.Muy Sell Vp to 830,000,. 000... All Uillicullie Overcome und Fvcrvbudy Interested Pleased. Xev York. July 27 No gold will be exported to P.urope for the next two months ut least. This ussurance wus given toduy when the committee up pointed to perfect plans for the con trolling of foreign exchange nuide Its lepott ut it general lllft t llli? of bankers held in the office of J. P. .Morgan & Co. The coniniltte,', of which Mr. J. Pier poiit .Morgan was chairman, was In ses sion dully for live days before u plan was completed. It wus reported to the bankets ut u full meeting toduy, and ununlinously approved by them. The committee wus then discharged und the bunkers in the new syndicate enter ed formally into an agreement to curry out the plun they proposed. Wlill- i he details of this plan ure un known. It bus been anticipated in u gen eral way. The bankers will seH bills of exchuuge ut u ! Ik lire which will pre clude the nosslbility of gold exports. Hills will be sold up to $45.UO.OUO ut' $u0,- IIIIII.HIHI. After the meeting Mr. Edward LSuch, of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., said: "The plan uf the committee Is un usslii ed success, Hunkers ure pleased with It ami ull difficulties huve been over come. " All but u dozen of the banks which are members of the Cleuriug House asso ciation had up lo noon toduy paid in at the sub-treasury the yellow inetul pledged by them tv swell the gold re serve, (if tills number, three gave no tice that I bey would make deposit vin a day or two. Several banks not members of the as sociation sent contributions. All were comparatively small, with a single ex ception. The deposits were us follows: second Xutiunul lunik $ki,ihi Ninth Nallonul bunk Iiiii.ihkj living Natiunul bank lii-urnl Kast IJIver liank SUM! This made u total of SIS.oiri.000 hand ed In since Frederick 1. Tuppen of the (lallalln National bunk lirst begun to secure subscriptions. Manager William Slieivr of the Clear ing house received word from Philadel phia today Unit the banks and trust companies of thut city had paid $i.":0. (ji'ii into tlie sub-treasury at Philadel phia DANGEROUS BIRTHDAY JOLLITY. It Led In the Shouting of a Woman Whii Kuril ill n tirnvc. Jersey City, N. J., July 27. Wllllum Mai shall und his wife, Illicit, of this city. Went to the Hudson County Cuth ollc cemetery tills ufternoon to visit the mave of their daughter, who was burled two weeks ugo. While they were kneeling ut the grave praying tiny heard a shot uulckly followed by unother. . At thceeoud shot .Mrs. Mar shall guve a cry and fell over on the grave. It was found thut a charge of bird shot hud lodged In her breust. Solnu of the shot struck .Mr. Marshall on the liuiid. The police found that two men hud been tiring off a shotgun from the buck stoop of Peter Helling S house, on Malory avenue. Peter Hel ling and John Hiuvts, who were In the house. Were in fested. licllliiK said thut he had been having n little birthday celebration, and every body was feeling Jolly, und they hud fired the gun. Mrs. Marshall Is not seriously Injured. ALL CHANCING MUST STOP. Peremptory Order Will lie Issued by tlie Mayor f Heading. Reading. Pa., July 27. Mayor Weldel will tomorrow Issue positive orders to stop the chancing off of all articles, and It will apply to everything from u glass dish to watches, bicycles und piuuos. The chanc ing mania lias recently grown to wonderful proportions und thousands of chunces for bicycles ut one cent each ure dully sold. Parents. complain that their 'Illicit en are spending all their pennies In that way und never get any thing, ll Is ulso claimed In certain cir cles that some of the drawings ure not fairly conducted. Tiie result is that I he mayor bus be n compelled to take uction under the state law against chances or lotteries of any kind. The people engaging in the lot teries will lirst be notified to desist, but If they refuse prosecutions will be In stituted. WOMEN WILL RUN STREET CARS. Sovel PI ll ll to Knisc Funds lor H Hon. pilul at Hutlle Creek. Battle Creek, Mich., July IS. Next Monday will be ladles' day In Buttle Creek. The women of the city will have the entire street rullway service and several business places will be turnej over to their manugenient. The profit of the day's business .will be given to the Nicholas Hospital. The grand llnale will be nt Lnk? View. Cloguac Lake. In the fvenlng. The management will be in the hands of the ladles and will probably be a grand success. A large turnout Is ex pected, all proceeds to go to charity. AN HONEST MONEY LEAGUE. Outgrowth of Several .Meetings ol Democratic Business Men. New York. July 27. The Democratic Honest Money league of America was formed tonight at the Pluza hotel. This organization Is the outgrowth of several meetings of Democratic busi ness men which huve been held there. LEWELLING BETWEEN TWO FIRES. Mrs. Iliggs Ht'ic Hi in to Withdraw nud Mrs. Lease Says Itiiu. Tueka, Kan., July 27. It l war to the knife between little Mrs.Anna Olggs and Mrs. Mary Lease, who have ueen lighting eash other bitterly fur two years for first place among the Populist women of Kansas. A few days ago'Mrs. r:;."r v;'t; r. r-ti,:'.t'rt'73-'l'V ernor Lewelling Imploring him to with draw form the race for governor, "in the Interest of the dear cause Which is so dear to the Itearts of the people." She Intimated thut his record as gov ernor was such as would drive many from the patty, if he should be nomin ated. This brought Mrs. Lease to the gov ernor's rescue, and from her resort In Minnesota she writes a letter to J. K. Latimer, of Plensanton, in which she declares thut Lewelllng's nomlnutlon is necessury to Populist .success. FULLER'S CREW IN BOSTON. Suspected Murderer lira in nnd His Shipmates Held by the Police. lioston, July 27. The Plunt Line Steamer Olivette arrived at 7 o'clock this morning from Halifax with Flijst Mule Brum und the crew of th Ameii cun bnrkentlnf Herbert Fuller on uourd. The men, who ure under in rest, pend ing u further Investigation into the murder of Cm plain Nash, Mrs. Nush und the second mute, were taken in charge by the pcdlce of Statlnn No. I. Spence. the colored steward, said to day: The morning- after the murder there was no clue to the murderer, and every one wus tilled with alarm, but It was not long before I suspected the mute, because of the strange way he acted. He came to nie weeping and crying; and gave me his revolver, suylng he wanted me to keep It for him and pro tect him. I said, "no, you keep It your sell." But he Insisted on my taking It. I thought It wan very strange. We hunt ed for the captain's revolver but we could not find it. 1 suid "the mun who killed the captain has got his revolver. We all stand In dunger of being mas sacred." We tound the captain's gun and urg ed Mate tiiainm to take It, over and over again, but he said "no, It's too heavy," and all I could say had no effect upon him. I thought It was very strunge thut lie who wus left In com mand of the ship, should not want to have a weupon to compel the sailors to obey Id in, "When did you first suspect the mute?" was usked. "I begun to suspect lilm the suine day because of tho vvuy he acted, and be cause I saw two spots of blood on nls braces. I seized him from behind and Udd him we should huve to put the Irons on him. lie said: 'I am innocent.' One of the sullorH, u Krenchiuun. put the irons on Mute Btainin, while I covered him with Monk's revolver. I did not druw the revolver ut lirst, but only when the mate begun to grow ugly." "Where was Monk at this time'.'" "He wus looking on. I borrowed his revolver becnuae I did not trust any of the crew. It was pretty hard to tell how they stood. They did not want to have the ship steered for Halifax, and when I wanted to signal the pilot boat to get our course, they did not want me lo do It. They were always full of whims." Asked as to whether the cries of Mrs. Nash could have been heard by pas sengers Monks, the steward, answered that he did nut see how It could have been otherwise tlutn that he must huve heard them. CYCLONE DAVIS RECONCILED. All His W ind-Jninining -Eloquence Simmers Down. St. Louis, July 27. "Cyclone" Davis 'was discussing the outcome of the con vention with a party uf friends In the Llndell corridors lust evening. He suld: "There were u thousand men In that convention who differed with me, and there could huve been but one result the selection of lSryan. It was a case of either making them believe they were iwrong and a little bund of 2W .were right, or give up. We hud to give up, of course. We were not all stutesmen. and the thoii Bund on the other side were neither fools nor trultorx. We concluded they Were right." BEATEN CANDIDATiTREVENGE. r'loriduu Shoots the Mun He Held ItcApoiisiblc lor His Defeat. Orlando. Flu,.. July 27. Caljtuln W. Bailey Tucker, general manager of Tay res. Atlantic and liulf rullroad, wus shot lust night by Alfred St. Clair Ab H11118, prosecuting attorney of Luke county. The shooting occurred at Tucker's home. The physicians say Tucker may re cover. Abrums wus lately the antl railroail candidate for the legislature in Lake county. He was defeuted und charged thut Tinker had brought it ubout by unfair mentis. DATA OF THESTATE CAMP. The tiiilhcrinu is Ki-gardcil n a Very SutiilMctoi v One. Huirlsburg, July 27. The ofTWiul dutn. of the stale cainp last week us tiled. In the attorney general's ollice, show thut on the Isth that C.OCU men were present. During; rump three officers und 72 privates were III. None of the sickness, however, wus serious. The encampment Is regarded as a veiy satisfactory and successful one. ROAD AGENTS kOB A STAGE COACH. Three Muked Hiuliwiiyinen Secure 500 and Twelve Watches. Cripple Creek. Col., July 27. The Clippie Creek stage was held up near Ut ussy, Ave miles east of here, by three masked men. whi obtained twelve gold watches and SOOO. The passengers Included two or three ludies. The latter Were not molested by the robbers. A posse Jth blood hounds are on the trail of the bandits. Sleamhip Arrivals. New York. July 27. Arrived: Amster dam, from Rotterdam; Krleslund, from Antwerp; Mohawk, from London; (leor gia. from Stettin. Arrived out: I'atrla, at Marseilles. Sailed for New York: W'erra. from Olbraltsr; Satde, from Cher bourg (July 'Ml. HLiited; Aluasdum, from New York for RotTTT Iaui, passed the Liz ard: Bonn, from New York for Bi email, passed the Lizard (July 24. Pniii Ureea Suicide. Beading. Pa.. July 27.-David M. Het tinger, aged 44, of I'enn township, this county, committed! suieje last lilr.ht by taking a dose of Paris green. The deed wus committed In a Held. Treasury iinld ' eservr. Washington, July 27. The treasury gold reserve is gradually creeping up, the of ficial figures standing today at Ui&.m,n9. Tv ; '. . .:!-' ? wrl- 'S4. HORRORS' OF CUBAN PRISON PENS A Story from Havana Concerning Mel ton' Suffering. CONFINED IN A CELL WITH A LEPER His Hclense Is Dcmuudcd-.TIiii Citi. xeus ol Florida Petitiou the Slutc Department lo Act.. A Determined Effort Will He Mua'e. Jacksonville. Fla.. July 27. A deter mined effort Is being mude to induce, the 1'nlted States government to secure the release of Onu Melton, who wus cap tured on the Competitor, and who is the young American now contined by the Spaniards in Fort Cubauus. The citi zens of Key West and Florida general ly ure aroused, and .demand that this government shall do something to re lieve him. The people of Key West have petitioned Secretary Olney to act, ami they forwarded this petition to T. TV Stockton, general inaiiaiier of the Times-Union, for transmission to Washington. D. C. With the petition Mr. Stockton In cludes a letter to the secretary of state, saying: "I feel deep Interest In Melton, as he want to Cubu us the correspondent of the Tlnies-I'nlon. He had no Intention of serving in the army of the Insurg ents, but simply desired to get within their lines to furnish reliable news as to the situation in Cuba. "1'nder these circumstances It seems to be very hard for Melton to be com pelled first, to undergo the mental tor ture caused by a death sentence, and then, that sentence . having been sus pended, to endure for months the hoi rots of un overcrowded Spanish prison. IMPRISONED WITH LKPRUS. "The other correspondents were promptly released mi protest by the government, but Melton Is allowed to remain immured in a dungeon with criminals und lepers, and his release seems as far In the future us when he was first arrested." Mr. Stockton also says he has "-e-llable information lrom Havana thut the prisoner's health Is giving way, nnd that unless he is released or his condi tion ameliorated he cannot live. If Melton Is to be allowed to die by inches In u foul cell it would huve been more merciful to have permitted the Spau lurds to curry out the sentence of the court-martial and shoot him to death when he was captured." "The Spanish home government," continues the petition, "has since order ed a new trial for the prisoner by the civil courts, as provided by the terms of the proteclol and treaty stipulations, but like all official matters on the island of Cuba, the trial may be put off Indefi nitely through red tapelsm. TWENTY PRISONICRS IN A CELL. "Meanwhile Melton, with the other prisoners captured on the Competitor. Is contined in the military fortress of Cub anas, at the entrance to Havana hur bor, In a liltle dark cell, reeking with tilth and vermin, and, us if ty udd to the horror of the situation, a druiu runs through the room, breeding pesti lence und death. "Twenty other prisoners, of all colors and nationalities, und uccused of every crime In the decalogue, ure also hud dled together within the narrow futi lities of the cell; und If reports received here lutely ure correct, a leper hits been .tllj.owjt. lulu the dungeon to Increase the diseases or the other prisoners." The petition Is signed by over two hundred of the most prominent citizens of Key West. MORE TIME FOR DR. JIM. Transvaal Raiders' Case Again Ad' journed Contrary to Expectations, It Was Not Given to the Jury. London. July 27.-The trial of Dr. Jameson and his associates In the Transvaal raid, reached a concluding stage today. Hit- IMwnrcl Clarke and Sir Flunk Lockwood, for the defendants, occupied all the morning in their ideas for the prisoners, and Sir Uichurd Webster, Q. C, the uttorney-geiit-ral, in behalf of the government, replied. It was expected thut the case would go to the Jury this afternoon, but to general surprise It wus adjourned nt the close of Sir Uichurd Webster's reply for the government. JEHU IN THE BRYAN COLUMN. A Former ltciiiblican ('ongressitiiin lrom Illinois Advises Fusion. St. Louia. July 27. Jehu Baker, who has been prominent In Kepublli-un poli tics in Illinois und who deputed Wlll lum I!. Morrison for congress, made a speech to the Illinois Populist delega tion toduy before the convention met, advocating the union of all silver forces on Bryan and Sewall, and their nomi nation upon the Populist platform, AERONAUT FATALLY INJURED. Halloouisl Falls While Fixing ;uy ' Hopes mid Breaks His Buck. Kokotno. Ind., July 27 Lon Dule.who wus to have mude u bulloon ascension und parachute leap at the Kussluville bicycle races today, fell from a tree where he was fastening the guy ropes. The Injury Is fatal. Dale's back being broken In the fall. He Is 20 years old and this was his first attempt to make an ascension. LITERATURE WANTED. The Demand lor Campaign Docu ment Is on the Increase. Washington, July 27. The demand for campaign literature at Kepubli cun and Democratic congressional headiiuurters Is unpreceiideted. Sing ularly enough the requests, for sound money literature come largely from the doubtful middle and 'western states, which the Democrats ore confident nf carrying. On the other hand, the great est interests Is shown In silver litera ture In such states as are believed to be reliably Republican. This is especially true of New York, Pennsylvania and New England states. Senator Mitchell, Wisconsin, has been a c r-r-'ctu us ralUr at Democratic headquarters during the past week. Al that time Senator Mitchell was unde cided whether he would support the Chicago ticket or not. He Is reported to have said he was elected by Demo crat ics and he cannot see how he can fuvor un economic policy under these conditions. ' DARING DAYLIGHT R0BBERY. Circumstances W liich May . F.ud in Murder at New ('untie. New Custle, Pa.. July 27. A during daylight robbery thut may result in a murder, occurred this afternoon at F.d iuburg. Samuel Johnston, William Foley, Thomus Dugan and a man whose name Is not known, were coming to this city on a Pittsburg and Western train from Youngstown. At Kd In burg one of the men threw Johnston's hat off nnd when he Jumped olT to get It they fol lowed. The train passed on, when Foley nnd Dugan knocked Johnston down, beat him Insensible nnd robbed him. Two of the men were captured and lodged In Jail here this evening. Johnston wus tuken to the hospital. ' MASSACRE PREVENTED. Turks Were Preparing to Slay Christians W hen a British Commander Order.d Marines to the Rescue. Athens. July 27. A dispatch received here front the Islund of Crete states that while the national assembly was sitting on Saturday u panic occurred and the Turks prepured to attack the Christians, whereiinun the commander of the British Iron-Hud Hood lowered five bouts with which to land a force of murines, but order was restored be fore this step became necessury. Dur ing the (llstui ha nee, however, u Turk was killed by a shot llrcd by unother Turk. Three battalions of Turkish Infantry were landed ut Hetlnio on Suturday. Severul skirmishes have tuken place be tween Ketimo and Hersklllott. Sixty Cretan volunteers have landed on the Island. BRYAN IS UNDECIDED. Begs All Friends ol the Ciiukp to He. ' train lrom Harsh Criticism. Lincoln, Neb., July 27. From what Senutor Jones said just In-fore he left Lincoln It is Inlet-red thut no definite plan was arranged to bring ubout un mule rstundlng with reference to the Democratic und populist national tick ets. Mr. Bryan tonight made the fol lowing uulhorltutive statement: "Mr. Bryun received a number of telegrams during the day containing suggestions in regard to the uction of the Populist convention. He hits re plied to all thut he will act with delib eration and thut nothing will be done which cun Justly Ire criticised by those Who ure Interested in the success uf bimetallism. He begs ull friends of the cause in all putties to refrain from harsh criticism of those who, however, much differently agree in desiring the Immediate restoration of free coinage. He feels sure thut n solution of ull diffi culties will be found in due time und thut the solution will be honorable to all parties, as well ns satisfactory." FATAL EXPLOSION OF GAS. Three Persons Killed and Another Seriously Injured. T'ottsvllle, fa., July 27. By on explo sion of gas ut the Bear Itldgo colliery this morning Michael Brit'iel, Preston Hill and Wllllum Qulnn, tire boss of Conne'rs' putch, were killed, and James MuHuney. of Oit-Qi'dvllle. was injured perhaps fatally. Just how the gus wus Ignited could not be learned for Mil itancy,' the Injured mun's condition is such thut he cannot give uny cause for the net Idetit. The Philadelphia nnd Heading Coal and Iron company are the owv.ers of the colliery. It hus always been measur ably free from gas. HAS FASTED FOR FIVE MONTHS. Mrs. Henry I tig ruin Continues Her He innrknble Exhibition. Battle Creek, Mich., July 27. The strange fust of Mrs. Henry Ingram still continues. Days and months roll by, and still Mrs. Ingram does not take nourishment of any kind. She hus now guue 150 days without food. She still looks well, but has lost over 1no Hitnds In weight. When her fust begun she Weighed 210 pounds. Hundreds of people huve visited her home to get a glimpse of this remark able woman, nnd many inquiries' con cerning her are coming from abroad. BANK CASHIER SHOOTS HIMSELF. A. C. Ilifi'ord Takes His Own Life in the South A in boy Woods. South Amboy, N. J., July 27. A. C. Gifford. cashier of the American Bank of Commerce. New York city, commit ted suicide Friday morning in the woods tteur this place. A revolver was found beside hint. He und his family lived here for some time. He hud shown signs nf mental de rangement and it Is supposed he was temporarily Insane when he shot him self. His books ure said to be correct. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today i Probably Showers. 1 Horrors of Cuban Prisons. Cyclone Visits Piltsbiug. Bunkers Come to Terms. 1 Career of Fiery Tent Watson. Itepublicun County Convention Call. 3 (Local I Two Injunctions Refused by Court. Partners Muke Serious Charges. 4 Kdltorial. Political Gossip. f (Local) Surprise in School Board .Meet. Ing. J. W. Ilnntu Has a Big Suit on Ills Hands. 6 (Sporting) Base Ball Gumcs and Gos sip. What Old-Time Bull Players Are Do ing. 7 Suburban Hapiienings. Market and Financial News. I News Vn and Down the Valley. CYCLONE STORM AT PITTSBURG Hundreds of Trees Removed and Houses Unroofed. THE DAMAGE TO LIFE AND PROPERTY One Hundred Thousand Dollars Loss in l'ittshuru'.-F.Hccts ol' Storm at W ilkes.llitrrt', Philadelphia and Other Lucidities Throughout the State. Pittsburg, July 27. A cyclonic storm burst upon thin city at i.'M o'clock this utlei'iinoti, which In a few minutes caused the deuth of two persons, the fatal Injury of another and a monetary, loss of probably JIUO.OUO throughout Al legheny country. Severul churches on the hill district were partly unroofed nud one wus struck by lightning. A number of smaller houses were ulso un roofed, the streets were Hooded with surprising quickness, sewers discharged their overflow Into houses, and some of the street cars were compelled to sus pend for periods ranging from one-half to an hour and a half. Hundreds of trees were uprooted and many luwns laid waste. Smoke stacks, chimneys und windows were demolished In all di rections. At Sugar Camp grove, a picnic ground on the West Penn branch of the Penn sylvania railroad near Asplnwall. where the Klghth ward fishing and hunting club or Allegheny were encamped, a limb of a sycamore tree fell upon the commissary tent. In which a number of members of the club had taken ref uge from the storm. John Figus, of 11 Ping street, Allegheny, was Instantly killed; Ueot-ge Miller, of 226 Main street. Allegheny, hud his back broken und cannot recover, and Jacob Metz and D. L. O'Oonnell were badly hurt. In this city John Aullader, a teams ster for the Williams Brick company, was struck by a fulling sign and died within five minutes. The tetniicrature, which hud risen to H3 degrees before the storm fell rapidly to 71 degrees. The storm wan over In about ten minutes but It was succeeded by others of less violence during the evening. During the eight hours preceding midnight 1.4:1 In ches nf rain fell. STOKM IN OTHF.U SKCTIONS. Wilkes-Burre, July 27. A terrific rain storm passed over this city und valley this afternoon, accompanied by severe lightning. The trolley wires of the Wyoming Vulley Traction company were struck In several places and the commutators on many cars were burned out completely, stuffing traffic in muny places for a few hours. A number of houses are repotted to have been struck and damaged by lightning.. The telegraph and telephone wires were dis arranged und it was late tonight before service could be re-established. The downpour of rain was the heaviest known In many years, and growing crops were beaten in the ground. The loss to the latter will be heavy. At Miltiesvllle, In the lower end of this county, the Methodist church and a large foal breaker were struck by lightning. The church was partly de molished and the breaker badly dam aged. Mine Boss Joseph Selgfoss, who wus in the breaker at the time, was slightly Injured. Beading. Pa., July 27. This section wus visited by a terrific wind and rain storm late this evening, but no serious damage was done. At Lynnport, Le high county, the barns of J. C. W uchter ami A. F. Hartnmn were struck by lightning and both were totally de stroyed, together with the seuson's crop. Loss, $7,000. The dwelline of C Kbert. near the same place, was also struck by light ning, hut no one was Injured. Philadelphia, July 27. A severe storm of wind, rain and lightning passed over thla city this evening. The wind reached a maximum velocity of 1,3 miles un hour and torrents of rain fell for an hour and a half, but beyond the up rooting1 of a few trees In the suburbs, no particular damage wus done here. The storm was generul throughout eastern Pennsylvania and was very severe, but, so far us lturne.l, no great destruction of property took place. The storm passed southwest over New Jersey, but no damage Is reported from the south ern pui't of the state. FELL DEAD FROM HIS BICYCLE. Frank F.nrnhnu Suddenly Stricken nt His Summer Home. Phllndelphlu, July 27. Flunk Karn shuw. president of the big Kurnshnw Steamship company, and one of the most 'imminent men In shipping and coiiimfi-clul circles in this city, died Very suddenly Inst night nt his summer mansion ut Chestnut Hill. He was just mounting u bicycle when stricken down and fell deud on the avenue In the presence of his family und severul friends. SHOT HIMSELF THROUGH HEAD. Lemuel J. Stuilcv Commits Suicide in a Restaurant at Hurlnu. Harlan, la.. July 27. Lemuel J. Stal ley, 24 years old. committed suicide lust night. He went into u restaurant at II o'clock, took a revolver from the shelf and sot himself in the presence uf four or five people. The bull entered the foreheud and he died at 7 o'clock this morning. Klsea Lawson, a 14-year-old iad. was shot through the face accidentally by his brother at about the same hour. He will let-over. THREE DEATHS BY DROWNING. Two From Michigau and One From Wisconsin the Victims. Iron Mountain, Mich., July 27. Wil liam Husking, aged 26, and John Pus coe, aged 17, residents of Iron Moun tain, were drowned In spread Kugle Luke ty the capsizing of their boat. Puscof'M body hus been recovered. Mutt Carretle, of Kuukuunu, was drowned while bathing at yuinne-ie Fulls. Herald's Weather Forecnst. New York. July 2S. In the .Middle Btntcs today, partly cloudy weather will pre vail, with lower temperature and fresh southwesterly to westerly winds, preced ed by loeul ruin on the coast and followed by clearing and cooler conditions, tin Wednesday, fair and slightly cooler weather will prevail 'with westerly and southwesterly winds.' FiMey's a lack A few advance nunfbers In 66 Early Fall 99 Black -Dress Goods have Just come to hand and are now open for Inspection. The line com prises: Plata aM Fancy MoMirs mi SicilMeies,Armire Sidllleaes, W mention one or two specials fou the week, which cannot again be dupli cated this season at the price. 5 pieces. M-lttch English Sicilian, at 9r.c. ; srood value at )1.2u. 6 pieces, 4t-lnch Pure Mohair Bro cade, at $1.00; good value at $1.50. 10 pieces, 46-itich Kx-Flne Henrietta, 61ic. ; actual value, 85c. Our cleaning up price on WaBh Silk. Swivel Silks and Printed China and Jap Silks will Interest you. SID AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Binsy. Ceo! Shoes for Hot Feet. Our GOo. Outing Shops sale begins todaf for The Boys and Girls. LEWIS,REILLY k BAYIEf A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED 5T0CK OP FINE JEWELRY CAN BE SEEN AT 408 SMCE STREET. When you pay for Jewelry you mlfht a well get the best. A fine line of Novelties for Ladles and Gentlemen. W. J. Weichel 403 Spruce St. S 1 Atlantic Lsai 1C, Enamel Faints, Carriage Paints, Ready ' Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strict ly Pure . Lniseed Oil, Garaunteed. oods FINLEYS (5 -'. I 1 '-ftf-Antiiiii umin A''l im