The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 27, 1896, Image 1

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(L , f. . . (CI, .... ,1
Selling under the prices which fol
low Is all one-sided, that is, t litre's
nothing In it fur us gelling Hd
of the balance of stock on liainl.
Buyers huVe now every penny if
profit nn Ihelr own slile, mill some
times u little mure, but we're satis
tied If we tun mily nuike u dean
Quoted below are not seconds, they
uiV not lust year's, they tire not
poorly mude or finished, they are
not" from undesirable goods or
patterns u little off.
They Are tlie Best,
Brightest and Freshest
of the present season's buying, ami I
are therefore Haw less In evry re- j
LOT 1.
10 dozen JOe. Waists.
Sale Price, 25c
LOT 2.
10 dozen Tr.o. Waists.
Sale Price, 3Pc
LOT 3.
20 Joxcn 8uO. and ?1 00 Waists.
Sale Price, 59c
LOT 4.
SO dozen top notch style Waists In
exclusive designs; former price,
Sale Price, 85c
LOT 5.
13 dozen of our very highest grade
Phlrt Waists, that sold for $1.73.
Sale Price, 99c
v vv vvvvwvvvv
Holds a Conference With National Chair
man Mark Hanna.
The l.t'iiders Not iu favor of Stagger
iiig the Voters with Heavy Speeches
on the Currency Question" Work
on the Letter of Acceptance. .
Cleveland. July 26. Major McKlnley
ami Murk Hunna, chuirman of the Re
publican national committee, have been
In conference most of the day and even
ing at Mr. Manila's beautiful suburban
home on the lake side. Major McKIn
ley returned from Canton last evening
anil was at once driven to Mr. Manna's
home. Although Major McKlnley had
been In Cleveland most of the week
alio! had been a guest ull of that time
at Mr. Manna's house, the candidate
and his manager hud no opportunity to
discuss the forthcoming campaign. Ma
jor McKlnley said today:
"Mr. Manna and I have had but one
extended talk since my nomination, and
now 1 lind that there are scores of mat
ters which demand attention and dis
cussion with Mr. Hunna."
The campaign has been outlined In a
general way only by Mr. Hannu and
his committee. They do not know what
turn affairs may tuke iu reference to
another Democratic ticket and of ne
cessity their actions ale somewhat lim
ited in scope und significance by the im
perfectly developed situation which
confronts them. lTnder the clicuui
stunces the most that can be done Is to
have campaign literature of an In
forming character quickly prepared and
widely circulated.
Senator Sherman, who was here two
or three days lusl week to participate
in tile centennial exercises, is somewbul
alarmed at the manifestations of the
silver sentiment in certain sections and
communities. Me told Major McKlnley
that his voluminous correspondence
was laden with inquiries about the
money question, and he was of opinion
that most active measures to combat
the silver sentiment ought to be taken
at once. Me urges both Mr. Manna and
Major McKlnley to have the speaking
campaign begun at once, and said he
was ready and willing to take the stump
at a moment's notice. Oilier Republi
cans of prominence, such as Senator
Haw ley and ex-Governor Merrluin, of
Minnesota, have expressed themselves
in pretty in a h the same manner to
both Major JcKinlcy und Mr. Manna.
Major McKlnley and his manager huve
reached the conclusion that the best
results this year will be attained by
holding lurge. Indeed, uncommonly
large number of political meetings.
It is believed that It will be dltllciilt
to get people to read heavy cougreb
slolial speeches on the money question,
or other long documents. On the other
ham! there Is abundant evidence of a
lively demand for clear, crisp, simple
talk on the money question, and for
shmt articles and leaflets bearing upon
tt. In short this year the committees
of both Parties will undoubtedly spend
their money to keep hundreds of speak
ers at work in the field Instead of send
ing out millions of dreary documents
as has frequently been done. Ma
jor McKlnley und Mr. Hanna are of one
iiilmi upon this point, and the necessary
orders to the clerk In churge of this
work will be tlven out at once.
When Major McKlnley settles down in
Canton again this week, he will begin
to think seriously about bis letter of
u'i'citunie. Me expects to begin work
on It williiu ten days and may have a
draft of it complete within n fortnight.
It is not his Intention to make it public
I'm 11 month or so, however. Me wants
to see what I urn events will tuke and
needs something to determine the ulti
mate cast which he shall Rive to the is
sues of the campaign. The letter of ac
ceptance will b a sort of tlnul. supple
mentary, up-to-date pint form and the
grout work of the cunipalgn will be done
on the lines which It Indicates. Major
McKlnley will prepare this document
with greutcure and It will be one of the
most important utterances of the cum
Chairman Hanna Will Meet Member of
the Executive Committee at New
York on Tuesday Next.
Cleveland. July 20. M. A Hanna will
reach New York next Tuesday and
there will find awaiting him Senator
l'ructnr, Hunitlel Fessenden, Oeorge If.
I.yman. P. l. Cheney, Frederick Gihbs,
C. II. Hrayton, Uarrett A. Mobart. Jo
seph H. Mauley, Senator M. 8. Quay,
Powell Clayton. N. B. Scott und gen
eral William M. Osborne.
There ure many things to be consid
ered. The appointment of Cornelius N.
Hllss as treasurer of the executive com
mittee Is expected to be made public
early in the week.
In discussing the campaign, Mr.
Hanna today suld:
"The infatuation of a considerable
portion of the people of the west with
the free silver craze may be attributed
Very largely to the seductive form In
which the free silver advocates have
put forward their side of the financial
question. To offset the effect thus pro
duced we have decided to scatter broad
cast quantities of literature calculated
to present the money lsRUe in Its true
light. Another feature of this canvass
will be the active participation of the
holdups In CmCAQO.
The Kong und Short Combination En
ter Grocery Mtore.
Chicago, July 26. Shortly after tight
o'clock lust evening store hold up No.
21 took place when two young men en-'
tercel the Jewelry store of C. M. Robert
son, of No. 187 North Clark street, and
asked to be shown several articles of
Jewelry which they endeavored to pock
et. Mr. Robertson, however, got the
drop on his visitors and locking the
door to prevent their escape held them
at bay with a revolver until the police
came to his assistance. At the police
station the young men rave their names
as James flobtusan and Frank Har
per. The police clajm to know Robin
son as a tough character. , '
Store hold-up number 22. was suc
cessfully carried out about 9.30 o'clock
when the "long" and "short" combina
tion entered the grocery store of James
O'Keilly, at 134 Morgan street, and
while one man held a revolver under
Mr. O'Reilly's nose and robbed him of
his watch, the other scooped $15 out of
the money drawer and then both es
caped in the darkness.
Maiue Candidate lor Governor lie
dine lo Swallow Chicago Ticket.
Portland, Me., Jly 26 Kdward 13.
Wlnslow Will decline the Democratic
nomination for governor of Maine. This
decision, arrived at, means several
things. It means that from this time
there will be in this state a stand-up
tight In the Democratic party between
the two factions.
Mr. Winslow decided today, after a
full exchange of opinion, to write a let
ter of deelinutlon to the committee that
bus not Hied him of his nomination by
the stale convention last month. . As a
gold man he is not ready to endorse
Bryan and Sewull, dlul so told the gen
tlemen who were present at the confer
ence this morning.
The silver men assumed the offensive
soon ufter the return of Mr. Sewall
from Chicago, und they finally made un
outright demand that Mr. vYtuslow, in
his letter of acceptance, should endorse
the nomination of Bryan and Sewall, re
ptidiute the platform adopted by the
state convention, and endorse the free
silver plank of the Chicugo platform.
Mr. Wlnslow today suld:
"I have decided lo decline the iioinl
nutloii. 1 have not been forced from
the ticket- no one could force me from
thai but I could not consent to the -munds
of the free silver men. Further
than this I huve nothing to say at this
lime." ,
Whether or not the Democrats will
call another convention is doubtful. Mr.
Wllislow's letter of declination will be
ready In a few days, and It will be a
strong statement of his views on the
llna'ueiul question and, In effect, un ad
dress to the Democratic party in the
states to stand by u gold standard.
It In Likely to Ileal ttie Schisms und
Revive Home Rule.
London, July 26.-The Irish National
convention, which opens In Dublin mi
September 1, Is shaping toward a
greut historical gathering. Through
out Ireland und In the populous centres
of Kngluud und Scotland the Nation
alist societies are appointing delegates
und discussing the probable platform
of the convention with the heartiest en
thusiasm. Advices from ,Huiilh Africa and Aus
tralia are like those from the Culled
Stutes und Cunudu. From every quar
ter of the globe where a nucleus of
Irishmen can be found sufficient to
form an association, delegates are com
ing. The convention will not only rep
resent the mass of the Irish luce, but
will ulso have besides a Working lev
erage of money toward the organiza
tion of a great united party. That the
convention will heal existing schisms
and gent-hate home rule seems assured.
Mr. Healeyund his followers will be
present at the convention as friends to
itrt alms. Outside of the Kugllsli press
no one yet credits Mr. Redmond and his
section with any desire or dtslgn to
thwart this gieut uutlouul movement.
Ale. Andcrou Nhol in n Fight With
a Kentucky Olticer.
Pctcrsbuig.lud., July 26. Alex Ander
son of ihls place, was shot and killed
near Kllzaliethtown, Ky., yesterday by
the marshal of the place. Anderson
had been at a livery stable trying to
dispose of e horse he was riding, 'and
had told several stories about how the
animal had come into his possession.
Me had started for Modgeville when
City Marshal Funk overtook him and
usked hlni to return to town. Ander
son refused, and, dismounting, opened
lire on the marshal, the lirst shot tuk
lug effect in the shoulder.
The ollicer relumed the tire, wound
ing Anderson twice, one bullet going
throiieh his rl-lil urm und the other
throliuh the pit of the stomach. Ander
son died at F.lizahethlow u last night,
first uiaklnc a will In which he left
bis property to his brother, who lives
near here.
It Strikes it Mountain Side uad i''nr
Awny i: n I ire ('lilts.
City of Mexico, July 26. A remark
able phenomena ut the mine of Santos
Reyes, iu the State of Chihuahua, was
observed ut " o'clock yesterday. A tre
mendous explosion was heard und an
enormous muss of burning mailer was
seen to fall from the heavens, striking
the side of a mountain und bringing
down witli it in Its course entire cliffs,
and dually plunged Into the ground,
making a hole from which boiling wuter
still issues. A heavy ruin fell Imme
diately ufter the descent of tlie matter.
The people are superstitious and In
great alarm, us-this Is one of the uiuny
realizations of the prophecies of the
vision-seeing girl of Tabasco. The
sume meteor destroyed the house of a
miner, killing his two children.
Man Who I'.rrcd on the Hide of Mercy
Agrees to Quit the Territory.
Guthrie. O. T., July 26. Governor
Reiifrow has granted a pardon to Wil
liam D. Malllll. a well-known attorney
of Newklrk, formerly of W.nfleld. Kan.,
who was sent to the penitentiary for
five years for Issuing a cluck on a bank
In which he hud no account. He Issued
the check to give money to a little girl
who was friendless on the street, en
abling her to go home, and was bitterly
He has served nearly two years of hU
sentence and has become almost en
tirely blind. As a condition of his par
don, he agrees never to return to Okla
homa. ("all lo (.old Democrats.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 26. Kills B. t'sh
er, who was appointed provisional chair
man for Wisconsin by tho gokl confer
ence at Chicago, yesterday Issued a call
to the gold Democrats of te state, call
ing upon them to take step at once to
perfect an organization In every county In
the state and to select a county chairman.
Insurfcnts In Macedonia Have Become
While Greece Remain, Indifferent the
Cretaas Continue to Be Active.
Discontent Among the forte's Sol
dier ou Account of Puynnd Rations.
Comments of the Press.
Berlin, July 26. Count Goluchowskl,
Austrian minister of foreign affairs, re
turned to Ischl for the purpose of hold
ing an interview with F.mperor Francis
Joseph after having had a conference
with Prince Mohenlohe, the German
chancellor. On the duy of his return
to Vlennu Count Ooluchowskl hud in
Interview with Count Nigra, the Italian
ainbussudor to Austriu, und since then
Count Nigra has been summoned to
Rome by the Marquis Visconli- Venostn,
the ltaliun minister of foreign affairs. comings and goings of diplo
matic chiefs cannot be attributed to
any other cuuse than the gravity of
the situation in the east. A concert of
the powers has failed to effect any
good results as has already been stated,
und the events which ure now taking
place completely overwhelm diplomacy.
According to telegraphic advices re
ceived here yesterday the rising of til"
Insurgents In Mucedouia has become
extremely formidable. Greece, while
pretending to tuke stringent measures
uguliist any persons engaging In a raid
upon the Macedonian frontier, bus al
lowed upwards of six hundred men, ail
of them armed to enter Macedonia from
Greek territory. These men ufter sur
prising and cutting to pieces the Turk
ish troops at Motissu. succeeded ill re
pulsing a slrong force of Turkish sol
diers which hud been Relit from Salonlc i
to reinforce the Moussa troops.
A dispatch to the Vossische Zeltung
says that the reliefs (reserves) who
huve been culled out under un Irade
from the sultan, ure showing a dispo
tioll to revolt In consequence of the fuet
that their pay Is very much hi arrears
and the rations which are being issued
to them are very bud in quullty and
Very small In quantity. A special dis
patch received by the Nette Freie Press
from Sulonlca on Thursday suys that
the statements mude by the Turkish
officials concerning the situutlon ure all
calculated to conceal the desperate con
dition of affairs In Macedonia. Hard
fighting Is going on almost every day
at Druuinltzu. Series and ull points in
the PeiTm mountains. The Turkish re
serves at Prlssreiid, Preshtlua und else
where In that section are being
equipped aiid sent to the front as rapid
ly as possible, and It Is estimated that
the total number of Turkish troops con
centrated on the Macedonian and Bul
garian frontiers exceeds 7,000 men.
Kven this force, however, has not been
found sufficient to make any headway
against the insurrection, which under
tlie Inlluences of successes already
achieved by the Insurgents In the Held,
Is becoming stronger every day.
Stimulated by these and similar re
ports, seiui-otllclal newspaper organs
like the North German Gazette and the
Cologne Guzette ure. taking a more
definite tone In Ihelr articles comment
ing upon the gravity of the situation.
Tlie North German Gazette reproduces
an urtlcle from the Cologne Gazelle
which declares that unless the powers
Interfere In an energetic way Instead
of submitting proposuls to the porte, the
troubles In Crete will never end.
The Relchsbote (Conservative) pub
lishes u letter written by a German
lady living at Monustlr, wherein the
writer Kiarrates atrocities which ure
practiced there every day without the
slightest attempt at interference on the
part of tlie auf liorllies. Among the
horrors of which the lady treats in her
communication are detailed the fact of
Turks outraging Macedonian women
and girls publicly in the streets, before
the eyes of their husbands and parents.
This letter lias stirred up a strong feel
ing of public Indigiiutioii here, more, in
fuet, than the einoter massacres and
outrages iu Armenia. The Relchsbote.
in tut article accompanying the letter,
appeals to the powers to cease their
Jealousies ami Interfere In behalf of the
Macedonians and Cretans in the Inter
est of Immunity.
W Urouijn Toiiiixt Docs Not Survive
H Kent in York, I'n.
York. Pa.. July 26. Augustus Wlt
tleken. :w years of age, whose parents
live at La Crosse. Wis., was one of a
party of five who drank a gallon of
whisky. Yesterday morning he was
found dead in a barn near Logunsville,
this county. One of his companions
lay beside him, and the doctors only
munaged lo save his life after working
upon hi in all duy.
Wltticken's shure of the liquor was
more than a quurt. The whisky was
given to the tramps by two men who are
thought to have stolen it.
The Two Pallors in a Howhoat Are
Far Along on Their Journey.
London. July 26. The Norwegian
Clio, Captain Clausen, which arrived at
Pembroke yesterday from Quebec, re
ports that on July 13. In latitude 47 de
grees north, longitude HI degrees west,
she spoke the rov. boat Fox, In which on
June 6 Frank Harbo and George
Samuelson. two young Norwegian sail
ors, started from New York to row to
Harbo and Samuelson were In good
health. They received provisions and
water from the Clto. The men said
that on July 10, the weather being
rough, heavy seas upset their bout und
they lost several article.
TwentyF.ight Persons Perish in
Denver. Col., July 26. The victims of
Friday nights Hood were the three at
Golden, four In Mount Vernon canyon
and twenty-one near Morrison, making
the total twenty-eight. The servant
girl, Anna Hansen, who waa reported
dead, was not at the camp at the Unto
of the flood and consequently escaped.
A charcoal burner named Nichols up at
Kvergreen Is reported missing, making
the total list still twenty-eight. Of
these sixteen bodies were recovered yes
terday and the body of May Herres, a
little child, was found today.
I". Johnson, of Arvada, telephoned in
to Denver that he had found four bodies
In the bed of Clear Creek about a mile
above the town of Arvada. t'p to this
hour no further reports of loss of life
at Golden has been received.
Dissenters Will Not Support a Man
W ho Approves Nnbbath Breaking.
London. July 26. Lord Rosebery has
further shocked the Liberal dissenters,
who form the backbone of the party, by
allowing his name to appear on the list
of a committee getting up a testimonial
to the secretary of the Sunday league.
A meeting of Baptist pastors has sent
him a protest wherein they tell him that
the support of noconformlsts a nnot be
continued to a leader who np JVes the
desecration of the Lord's da
They ask him to seriously consider
this mutter, and also to "completely
sever himself from all support of horse
Lord Rosebery's Sunday league esca
pade Is an absolutely sure indication
of his want of tact as a leader. Me
could, without offense in any direction,
huve abstained from associating him
self with the league.
Twelve Men Kesrued from a Hark
That Grounded on the Sand Bnrs.fJ
Halifux, July 26 The Dominion gov
ernment steamer New-field arrived here
this ufternonn with the crew of a ves
sel that hud been lost on Suble Island
since the Newtleld's previous visit to
"the graveyard of the Atlantic," us
Sable Island Is called.
The crew consists of twelve men of
the Italian bark Raphael D., which
grounded on the santl bars off the Island
during a gale, and was totally wrecked.
The crew reached the island in the
ship's bouts after a thrilling experience,
narrowly escaping drowning Several
times. The Raphael 1). was on a voy
age from Genoa for Bat hurst. N. It.,
In ballast to load with lumber.
The Vice-PreMdent and His Family
iu n Building That Wa Struck.
Louisville, Ky., July 26. The vice
president and his family hud a narrow
escape from lightning early this morn
ing. A severe rain and thunder storm
passed over Howling Green, w here the
Stevensoiis are on a visit to their daugh
ter. Mrs. M. D. llaidln. A bolt of
lightning struck Potter college, in which
they are slaying, burning nut the tele
phone wires and giving shocks to Mr,
and Mrs. Stevenson and Prof. tl. F.
Cabell, whose guests they are.
It was at lirst thought the building
was on lire, but this proved to be n
mistake. No one was hurt, although
the women were very much alarmed.
Charged W ith Bigamy by the FJhur
of the Third One.
Anuerson. July 26. Kdward Cham
pion was placed In Jail In this city
tonight charged with having three
wives living. He was married to Mar
garet Wilson In this illy recently. The
father of the girl latorjjoiyid Champion
had wives living In MicRTRun and Wis
consin. Both of them will be brought here to
prosecute him.
Populist National Committee.
St. Louis, July ill. The Populist national
committee finished Its work at an early
hour this morning. J. A. KdKerton. of Ne
braska, was elected secretary, und .l. C.
Kaiikln, or Indiana, treasurer; Messrs. J.
A. Sovereign, nf Arkunsus; C. F. Taylor,
ur IVnn.vlvmiij; U. W. Jteed, of Georgia;
J. S. More, of California; C. F. Washburn,
of Massachusetts, and J. W. Hreldenth il,
of Kansas, were selected for members of
the exweulive committee. The committee
adjourned subject to the cull of the chair.
- - - -
Vandcrkilt nt Newport.
Newport, July 26. Lust night Cornelius
Vanderhilt hum removed frum his resi
dence, on Fifth avenue. New York, and
taken on hoard of F. W. Vunderhll'.'s
steam yacht. Conqueror. An easy nip
was mude along the sound ami the yacht
arrived here about 3 o'clock today. The
sick man was brought ashore ami placed
In a New York ambulance III walling. An
easy drive was to "The Hreukers." It is
expected the sea air will make his recov
ery more siieedy. ,
Mtcnnifthip Arrivals,
New York. Jlllv !!lt. Arrived nut? Hti.nm.
er La Normumlle, ut Havre. Hulled for
Mew York: Steamer Ktilltla. from Qiieens-
lown. Sighted: K-tetiniel-M Snnl. rrmn
Bremen for New York, pussed Dover;
Kensington, from' Antwerp for New York,
passed Prawle Poinl.
Did Not Fish Yesterday.
Buzzard's Buy. Mass., July 26. As is his
usual custom, the president remained ut
home ull day. There Were no callers, lie
did not attend the memorial exercises of
the late W. K. Kussell ut Sandwich today.
as expected.
Weather Indications Today ;
Fair; Warmer; Southerly Wind.
1 McKlnley's Plans for Campaign.
Ml tout Ion Serious In the Kast.
Dissatisfied Populists Kick.
The Irish Convention.
2 Watson Is Wlllln'.
Came Here Nearly Four Centuries Ago.
3 (Local) Sermon by Rev. W. W. Kuin-
eey. D. I.
Church Dedicated ut Kingston.
Arranging for a Ratification.
Political Notes.
Comments of the Press.
Koblnson Street Case.
5 (Local) Regiment at Home.
Girl was Bereeneil from View.
Twin Shaft Fund.
Thirty-live Police at Church.
6 (Sporting) Base Ball Scores.
Clubs Broke Kven.
Bicycle News and Comments.
Suburban News.
Crazy on the Cub.
Financial and Markets.
I News Cp and Down the Valley.
McKlnley Rebukes the Stlverltes.
Dissatisfied Populists Organize a Rump
Convention at St. Louis.
The Address to the American People
Reported by the ConiniitteeIt
Charges That the Populist Conven
tioa Was Conducted 1'uder the
Direction of the National Demo
cratic Chairman.
St. Louis, July 26. The meeting of
the middle of the road men at Texas
headquarters last night for the purpose
of issuing an address to the people and
placing t'"lnnel Norton at the head of
the ticket Iu place of Mr. Bryan was a
fiasco. Not more than twenty delegates
responded to the call. Colonel Norton
mude a speech advising the hot heads
to go slowly.
John rirtrh, of Wisconsin, of the com
mittee appointed t'vwalt on Governor
Stone upd ask for tlie alleged telegrum
from Mr. Bryan, reported that they
hud seen Governor Stone and he had
informed them that in his opinion Mr.
Bryan did not intend to accept the
Populist nomination. The committee
appointed to draw up an address to
the American people reported, and the
address was laid on the table. It
charged thut the convention was not
Populistlc, but was conducted In the
Interest und under the direction of the
national chairman of the Democratic
party; thut hired emlssuiies Were sent
among the delegates to Inlluence tjiein
by questionable means; that W. J. Bry
an's nomination was procured by mis
representation und the suppression of
telegrams of declination from him. The
address recommended thut in case Mr.
Bryun does not formally accept the
nomination by Aug. 3, llteti his silence
be tuki'ii as a declination, and Unit
lion. S. F. Norton, of Illinois, be con
sidered the nominee of the People's par
ty. In place of the address the rapidly
dwindling crowd of kickers adopted a
resolution us follows:
Resolved, That we, the minority, known
as the middle of Hie road people, enter
our solemn protest axaiusl the in biliary
methods of those in control of the conven
tion. There were nine delegates and three
reporters present when the result was
reached, and the rump convention ad
Arrrxt of a Struugcr With Another
Muu's Property iu His Pan-kola,
Fostorla, Ohio, July 26. A Stranger
employed a young man to get u ce'rtltl
cute of deposit for t"lK, Issued by the
Commercial Hunk of Titlin, to Melcholr
Slurk. cushed yesterduy. Fearing that
It might get him Into trouble, he turned
the paper over lo the police, who placed
the man under arrest. When searched,
certilicates from the sume hunk,
amounting to $l.l!i::.2l, notes aggregat
ing $3,433 and $:il were found. The
notes and certlllcutes were all payable
to Stark.
The struugcr gave the name of James
Johnson and said he slept In a barn and
found a bag in a grain bin containing
the money und papers. Stark Is a
bachelor living between Fostorla and
Titlin, and has not yet discovered his
loss, as no complaint has been tiled with
the police of either city.
- ..
Helpless luiuules Butchered and
Burned by Spnuish Soldiers.
Key West, Flu., July 26. Private let
ters from Matnnzus, (Tuba, to responsi
ble merchants In this city, give shock
ing details connected with the capture
by the Spanish of rebel hospitals, locat
ed respectively at Isabel and Mugda
lena, in that province. Mrs. Roig and
Izqulerilo, surgeons of the Cuban army,
in churge, with their tissislunts and
corps nurses, were all. It Is alleged,
put to the machete, while the helpless
sick ami wounded were assassinated In
their cots and the buildings then burn
ed over their heads to cover up the
Small Insurgent detachments guard
ing the hospitals made a desperate but
vuln defense against over-powering
The Tciinern May Have to Pay Jo
Accusing Their Servant.
Orange. N. J., July 26. Mary Stalger,
formerly a servant in tlie family of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Teimer, of 117 North Six
teenth street, has begun suit against
the Teimers for $20.(1(1(1 for false Impris
onment, defamation of character and
Injury to her health. Mrs. Teimer
missed a diamond and a gold ring on
June 4, und she and her husband ac
cused the servant of stealing them.
Mrs. Teimer went to Newark and saw
a clairvoyant, who declared that the
servant hud taken the rings. Tlie girl
was arrested. Detective Bell went to
Mr. Telmer's house to make un Investi
gation, und was told that the rings hud
been found in the bedroom of Mrs
Teimer. The girl was released from
jail un June 12.
Davenport Democrats Denounce the
Chicago Platform.
Pnvenport, Iowu, July 26. Davenport
Democrats declared for sound money In
very positive terms lust evening at a
big meeting. The resolutions indors
ing the administration of President
Cleveland and declared us follows:
Resolved. Thut we denounce the Chi
cago platform as un-Dcmocrutic, un
just and unpatriotic, and we favor the
immediate formation of an honest mon
ey 'Democratic leugue to oppose the
Populist I da t form and nominees und lo
uphold the honor of the nation.
Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York. July 27.-ln the .Middle Slnteii
today, fair to partly cloudy, sultry and
wanner weather, with IU;lit southerly
winds, followed by ruin In northern dis
tricts and possibly as far south us Phila
delphia iu the afternoon ur tonight. Un
Tuesday, partly cloudy, sultry weather,
preceded by rain, with slight tempera tun
changes end fresh variable winds, fol
lowed by clearing.
New .
' A few advance numbers in
"Early Fall"
Black Dress
have Just come to hand and are no
open for Inspection. The Hue com
ami Sicillkies, Armmrc
, etc.
TVe mention one or two specials for
the week, which cannot again be dupli
cated this season at the price.
5 pieces, M-inoh English Sicilian, at
itjc; good value at Sl.2"..
C pieces, 46-Inch Pure Mohair Bro
cade, at $1.00; good value at $1.60.
10 pieces, 46-inch Kx-Klne Henrietta,
6Sc; actual value, S.'ic.
our cleaning up price on Wash Silks,
Swivel Silks and Printed China and Jap
Silks will Interest you.
510 AND 512
A 11 Wt70n7iCr lKftfl5Ttr
Cool Shoes for Hot Feet.
Our 50c. Outing Shoes sale begins today
The Boys and Girls.
is s:
When you pay for Jewelry you might at
well get the best.
A fine line of Novelties for Loult an!
W. J. Welchel
408 Spruce St.
Enamel Mais,
Ready Mixed Tinted
Gloss Paints, Strict ly Pure
Lniseed Oil, Garaimteed.