The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Probability That a Country Club House
Will Be Erected This Year.
Invitation to Attend It Have Been
Extended to Two Hundred and Fiftr
Representative Persons --- Social
Eveutsofthe WeekMovcmenU of
Well-known PeopleMany Scran
Ionian at the Seashore.
The project of establishing a country
club near the terminus of North Wash
ington avenue has ngaln been taken up
and the outlook for Its erection this year
is very encouraging. A committee con
sisting of C. S. Weston. W. W. Scranton,
J. K. Dlmmick, A. U. Hunt. N. O. Rob
ertson. U. B. Smith. J. W. Oakford. K.
15. Sturges and T. II. Watklns has Is
sued Invitations for a meeting to be
held In the board of trade rooms next
Saturday morning at 11 o'clock to eon
shier the matter.
The Imitations have been addressed
to 250 of the most representative resi
dents of the city, and if the sentiment
of the meeting Is In favor of the erec
tion of a country club house, work upon
It will begin at once, and It Is possible
that a tennis tournament will be held
there in September. The club house
will be erected on ten acres of land to
be leused from the Pennsylvania Coal
company, and Is to be large and roomy
and so constructed that social events
can be lu ld in It In winter as well as in
summer. The house will contain a bil
liard parlor, bowling alley, etc., and the
grounds will be supplied with tennis
court, golf links and un arrangement
for tobogganing in winter.
A live-minute walk from the end of
Washington avenue takes the pedes
trian to the land selected fur the dub
house, the distance from the court
house suuuie being two miles and one
half. It Is thought that the club house
will make a pleasant objective point
for cyclists, and that It would be often
utilized for such social affairs as are
naturally Incident to clubs. of this char
acter. Monday evening a masquerade party
was given at the "Kdgewood" cottage.
Lake Winola. In honor of Miss Norma
Nichols, of this city. It was a delight
ful event. 'Kdgewood" Is the summer
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kynon, of
the West Side.
Mrs. David Kvnns, of Lafayette
Itreet. gave a 5 o'clock tea at her home
Monday afternoon In honor of her
guest. Mrs. Flland, of Philllpsburg,
renter county.- It was attended by Mrs.
Thomas Allen, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs.
James Jeremiah. Mrs. David Evans,
Mrs. James Butcher, Mrs. George J.
Jones mid Mrs. William N. Chase.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Acker, of South
Main avenue, Thursday afternoon en
tertained the young friends of their
daughter. Miss May, In honor of her
birthday. Those present were Misses
Belle Snyder. Lulu Boyce, Carrie Floyd,
Bessie Plitehard, Nettle Snow, Belle
and Rose Kellet, Nellie Lance, Bertha
Fellows, Bertha Carson, Stuclu Caw
ley, Dunmore; Abble May Sheppard,
Philadelphia; Lucy Fellows, Mae Green,
Llrta Fellows. Mattle Hughes, Gertrude
Floyd, Alice May Williams. Klsle Acker,
Jtanette Fellows, Harriet Acker,
Gladys Prltchard, Ray ICvans. Charles
Williams, Will and Hugh and George
Miss Letltia Doyle, of South Main
avenue, entertained with a progressive
euchre party Thursday evening. The
following' were present: Misses Alice
I tush ley. of Carbondale; Sarah Mertes,
Mamie Lecheter, of Allentown; Gwennle
Thomas, Mattle McManama, Jessie
Kellow, Miss Doyle and Louis Grambs,
Arthur Welnshank. Floyd Frederic!,
Charles Glnter. Will Schlmpff, George
Graham, Harry Kellow and Hobart
The Misses Johns, of South Hyde
Tark avenue, entertained Thursday
evening In honor of Miss Mary Evans,
of Danville.
A number of the friends of Harry
Pnnvers, of Wayne avenue, visited him
on ednesday evening and passed a
pleasant evening. Those present were
Misses Bertha Watklns, Prlscllla Wat
kins. Sarah Fidler, Alma Clancy, Lizzie
Danvers, Flo Clancy, Mattie Hunts
man, Clara Allen, Lillian and Violet
Danvers, Edwin Evans, Willie Evans,
Frank Richards, Alvln Morgans, Thus.
Evans, William Crowe, Benjamin
Thomas, John Jones, Harry Danvers
and Thomas Hill.
The following West Side young ladies
will leave on Aug. 3 for a ten days' stay
at Lake Winola: Misses Margaret
Hutton, Minnie Hughes. Jennie Price,
Mary Harris, Ethel and Pearl Porter,
Jennie Fellows, Gertie Lloyd, Clara
Neibel, Leila Porter, Bertha Wettling,
May Belle Sweetzer, Jennie Davis, Mat
tle Davis. They will be chaperoned by
Mrs. Wettling.
Three marriages were solemnized at
St. John's church this week. On Wed
nesday at 11 o'clock Mrs. Catherine
O'Connor, of Cedar avenue, was wedded
to Frank Melody, of Genet street. The
inme day at noon Miss Lizzie Foley, of
Stone avenue, became the bride of
Alexander Batcman, of Forty Fort. On
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock James
I go and Miss Mary Melody, both of the
Twentieth ward, were married. Rev.
J. A. Motiltt, acting pastor of St. John's,
The marriage of Edward Robinson,
Of Leggetts street, and Miss Katie No
lan, of Oak street, took place Wednes
day morning at Holy Rosary church,
North End. Charles Gordon, of Pitts
ton, was groomsman, and Miss Mamie
Ilobinson was bridesmaid. Miss Libbl
Neary played the .wedding march. A
nuptial mass was celebrated by Rev.
W. P. O'Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Rob
inson have gone to Niagara Falls on
their wedding tour.
At the home of Miss Kate McDon
ald, on Bloom street, Dunmore, a party
was given by her to her friends
Wednesday evening.
At the banquet given by Harry K.
Klauminzer. of Plttston avenue, Mon
day evening at Natter's hall In honor
of his winning $1,000 in the Persever
ance club, the following were pres
ent: Dr. A. Kolb, George Fasshold,
County Surveyor E. A. Bartl, Philip
Graf, John Mais. John Demuth, C. W.
Westpfahl. Robert Robinson, 8. S.
Bpruks, Joseph F. Woelkers, T. W.
Murray, Jacob Qelger, Jr., George W.
Okell, Anton Flsch, H. J. Bpruks, Al
Itose, Charles Relnhard, Paul Relnhard,
John U. Schwenker, Henry V. Uysock,
A. H. George, Joseph Radle, Henry
Rempe, Harry Maus. Jacob Klein,
Chester Cummer, Thomas Stewart,
George Houseroth, Com ad Pell, Daniel
Jacobs, William F. Budenbach, William
Hudenhach. sr.. Daniel Helns, William
Puhl, Richard Zulager, Charles E. CI.
Gets, Fred Heine, James J. Scott.
Charles G. Rosar. Nathan Jacobs.
Charles O. Pell. Charles Lewert, W. V.
Connor, William Hedrlcks, Joseph G.
Itosar, William Bnuschman, Fred G.
Otto. Barthold Schadt. Fred W. Her
man, Gustav Schmidt. Otto Most, Fred
Schoen, Napoleon Steits. John Stoeber,
B. Huss, F. Hurst and the following
members of Guth's band: Professor
Jacob Guth. Charles Roeper, John Mehl,
Christ Stange, H. Cammer. H. Mehl,
Christ Clennos. H. Pray, John 8am
mens, Jacob Krick, Joseph Elchhorn,
August Miller, William Fickus and II
Miss Margaret W. Torry. of 412 Ad
ams avenue, gave a card party on
Thursday evening In honor of Miss
Haight. of New York city, who has been
the guest of Mrs. F. 8. Godfrey for
some time past. About twenty guests
were present and passed the evening
very pleasantly in the enjoyment of
whist, music and dancing.
Miss Eva Brown, of Colliery Engi
neer; veiy pleasantly entertained a
large company of her ft lends from
Philadelphia, Newark, N. J., and cen
tral city on Tuesday evening at her
home on Capouse avenue.
Attorney W. W. Watson will spend to
day at Preston l'atk.
Miss Jessie Coarsen Is visiting Miss
Daisy Holmes, of Honesdale.
Miss T. II. Jermyn Is the guest of Miss
Kathurlne R. Torrey, of Honesdale.
Mrs. Aubrey Howell, of Clinton place.
has returned from u sojourn at Crystal
Miss Rachel Evans, of School street, Is
spending a few days with friends In
Mr. and Mrs.W. B. Christmas, of the
North End, culled on Holllsterville friends
this week.
Mrs. Kissinger, of Milton, Is guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Cleurge Sampson, of Clin
ton place.
.Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Fordham, of Mon
trose, were among the visitors to the city
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNIciiols are
entertaining Miss Maggie Kelley, of Wil
mington, Del.
Evan a. Evans, of Audenreid, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Daniels,
of Daniel street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey, Miss Hulght
and Miss Torrey expect to leave at noon
today upon a two weeks' trip along the
coast of Maine.
Judge H. M. Edwards went to Carbon-
dale lust night, where be delivered an ad
dress at the banquet held by graduating
class of Wood's Business college,
Attorney and Mrs. A. A. Vosburg leave
this morning for Rockaway Beach, at
which place they will spend a few days
and then go to Ocean Grove and Asbury
The Misses Lena and Emma Faust, of
Chestnut stret, with their cousin. Miss
Clura Koss, of West Lackawanna ave
nue, are the guests of Miss Ida Thomp
son, at Lake Carey.
Miss Ma Moore, of Glenburn. Is visit
ing Scrunton friends.
Peter Hoban, of Kelser avenue, has re.
turned from Butte City, Mont.
Mrs. c. ll. .Miller and daughter. Mrs.
George Mott, are at Lakle Ariel.
.Mrs. 8. D. kauft'man and son. of Lin.
coin avenue, ure visiting at Portland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Roberts, of North
Sumner avenue, have returned from a trip
10 r.urope.
Miss Florence Campbell, of Jersev Cltv.
hus returned home after a visit to West
Hide friends.
-Mr. and Mrs. Stark, of Lincoln avenue.
left on Wednesday for a visit to friend
at Shiiltzvllle.
Mrs. J. M. Mason, of New York cltv.
returned home Thursday after a visit to
North Knd friends.
M. J. Kittridge, of Hancock. N. Y.. wis
the guest of John E. Walsh, of Scran ton
street, during- the week.
Miss Klla Gaughan and Miss Miles, of
Shenandoah, are the guests of the Misses
Burnett, of Rlchmont nark.
Martin May. of New York, snent th
fore part of the week visiting his brother.
Contractor P. F. May. of Brllevue.
manes Manning and son. Bert, of Lin.
coin avenue, left last Sunday nlirht for
Canada, where they wll spend a month.
Mm A. Edward, of Washburn
street, ami Mrs. D. J. Moses, of North
Alain avenue, visited friends at Forest
City Thursday.
The Misses O'Ifarn. nieces of nt nv
Bishop O'Hara, their uncle, have returned
home to Philadelphia after a visit with the
Misses Hobun, of Washington avenue.
Miss Annie Hill, of Jackson street.
Visiting friends ut NewburK. N. Y.
rrang if. Forsythe, of the firm of Gun-
ster & Forsythc, Is at Atluntlc City.
meouore Kiesei, of Lackawanna ave.
nue. leaves today for a stay at Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Goldsmith have re.
turned from their wedding tour and arc at
the Jermyn.
Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Struppler, of South
Main avenue, were at Lake Henry during
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, of Vermont.
are being entertained by Mrs. O. E Jones,
of Wyoming avenue.
Mrs. Edmund Moses, of Eynon street,
returned Wednesduy after a visit to
friends at Nanticoke.
.Mrs. Valentine Abrams, of Lynn Brook,
L. I.. Is the guest of her son, Fred Abrams,
of North Main uvenue.
Miss Nellie O'Heilly. of New York city,
and Miss Angolnne Klnnerty, of Hones
dale, are being entertained by Mrs. M. F.
Wymbs, of Jiukyon street.
Wlntleld Fellows and Misses Nell and
Lois II. Fellows, of Tenth street, returned
home Wednesday from a sojourn at Coop,
erst own on the shore of Lake Otsego,
N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Blackington. Miss
Galpin and Miss Furrer, of Dunmore;
Miss Obourne, of Wllkes-Barre; Miss
Lewis, of West Plttston, and Miss Smith,
of Curbondale, are at I'nadllla, N. Y., for
a ten days' stay.
Miss Bertha Reese, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 8. M. Reese, of North Hyde Purk
avenuir. i visiting her parents. Miss
Reese Is a professional nurse nt the hos
pital near Norwich, Conn., nnd her present
visit Is In the form of a vacation.
Mrs. Christian Stange, of Willow street.
is visiting friends in Buffalo.
The fnmlly of N. Dale, of North Lincoln
avenue, are visiting at Daleville.
Terrence E. Cullen, of Dunmore. Is
spending his vacation at Newark. N. J.
Miss Margaret Cawley. of Dunmore. Is
enjoying a two weeks sojourn at the sea'
Joseph, Maggie nnd Esther Gannon, of
Dunmore. returned on Wednesday from a
visit at Plttston.
Mrs. William Hnllett. of North Hyde
Park avenue, is entertaining Miss Cost
ner. of Stroudsburg.
Miss Ellen Connolly and Miss Julia Mur
ray, of Dunmore, left on Thursday for a
stay at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McConnell, of
South Washington avenue, left Thursday
for a trip through Canada.
Mrs. II. H. Kreske and son, Clarence,
of North Sumner avenue, are spending a
few days at Tunkhannock,
Miss Mamie Beamish and John Beamish
returned Wednesday from a two weeks'
sojourn nt Atlantic City.
Miss Jennie Ferguson, of Swetland
street, left Wednesday for a visit to
friends at Factoryvllle and Blnghamton,
Miss Margaret Barrett, of Luzerne, unj
Miss Mamie Collins, of Carbondale, were
the guests of the Misses McUee, of Ce
dar avenue.
I'nder the direction of Robert Owens
the following composed a party which
were shown through the Bellevue mine on
Wednesday night: Mrs. Walter McCon
nell, Misses Yetta York, Mamie Cadden
and Lena York and Frank Doyle, Edward
Walsh. Richard J. Berhouse and Peter
Jumes Boon, of Brook trt, Dunmore,
is In New York.
.Allan Lottie Fish, of North Muln avenue.
Is at Preston Park.
Mrs. T. J. Detweller, of Church ave
nue. Is at Ocean Grove.
Miss Mary Kelley of West Drinker
street, Is visiting In Peckville.
Mrs. Von Btorch, of North Main avenue,
Is In New Jersey the guest of friends.
John Jervis. of North Main avenue, is
at Lake Ariel, where he will spend a few
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hayes, or North
Bumner avenue, are guests of Bingham
ton friends.
Miss Margaret Mason, of Brooklyn. N.
Y.. has returned home after a visit with
West Side friends.
Wllllluim McDonough and James W.
Clark, of West Market street, have gone
on a lri; to Toledo, O.
G. A. Williams, West Side reporter of
the Republican, Is at Atlantic City. Tdl
lesln Phillips is filling his position mean,
Thomas Ediis Williams, of Hartford.
Conn., returned home Wednesday after
spending two weeks with his parents on
William st'eet.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Renshuw nr.d daugh
ter. Miss Madge, of Newark. N. J., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Attlcus C. Renshaw,
of North Main avenue.
After a fortnight's visit with Mr. and
Mrs. John Keisllng, of North Main ave
nue. Mrs. John Muson, of New York
city, left for hime Thursday.
J. Miles Gibbons is at Atlantic City.
Mrs. Florence Collins is visiting Boston
James M. Duffy, of Monroe avenue, has
gone to Butte City, Mont.
Miss Sadie Loftus, of Green Ridge,
spent the week In Honesdale.
Miss Nellie Moran, of Dunmore, is In
Parkersburg, o., visiting friends.
Thomas H. Clarke fished In the streams
around Honesdale during the week.
Dr. E. M. Pennypacker spent several
days this weeks fishing at Maplewood.
Alderman O. B. Wright was the guest
of his daughter In Wllkes-Barre Tuesday.
Major T. K. Penman and sister, Miss
Mary Penman, were In Pottsville Tues
day. Miss Anna and Miss Ella Clousen. of
Shenandoah, spent Wednesday with Dun
more friends.
Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs. Frank Clark
and Miss Eftle Stuart visited Hawley
friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Colther. of High
street, Dunmore, entertained John Dice,
of Plttston, Wednesday.
Elmer Wilde has returned to his home In
Shenandoah after visiting his brother,
Asbury Wilde, of Dunmore.
Mr. and -Mrs. James McHale. of Green
Ridge, have gone to Chicago and other
points In the west to visit friends.
Miss Hannah and Miss Frieda Harris, of
Pine street, lert during the week for a
sojourn with friends at Washington and
The following Scrantonlans were regis
tered at the St. Denis in New Yolk this
week: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Foster, Mosler
T. Foster, Dr. E. Grewer and sons, J. H.
Ladwig. J. T. Richards, Mrs. J. Duncan
and daughters.
John Roberts, of the West Side, is In
New York state.
Miss Mary Jones, of Bellevue, Is spend.
Ing ten days at Luke Winola.
Grunt Corbln, of North Sumner avenue,
spent this week at Paradise, .Monroe coun
ty. George W. Starner. of the West Side,
was fishing at Long Eddy pond, New York
state, this week.
Miss Lida Barrett, of Ninth street, had
Miss Sadie O'Connell, of Honesdale, for a
guest during the week.
Mrs. A. J. Van Gorder nnd daughter, of
North Main uvenue, went to Hawley
Thursday to visit friends.
Frank Jones, of Dunmore, went to Lake
Ariel this week where be Intends to spend
the remainder of the summer.
Mrs. H. L. Burdick, of Capouse avenue,
had her sister. Miss Smith, of Clark's
Summit, for a guest this week.
Miss Alice Lundsay, of Curbondale, was
the guest of Miss Elsie Reid, of North
Sumner avenue, during the week.
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Murphy, of Ea3t
Drinker street, Dunmore, are entertain
ing Miss Mamie Clark, of New York city.
Miss Maud Soper, of Carlisle, returned
home yesterday after a two weeks' visit
with Miss Florence Bauer, of Green Ridge.
Miss Mary Evans, of Danville, returned
home Thursday after a pleasant visit with
the Misses Johns, of South Hyde Park
Mr. and Mrs. James Eaton, of Tenth
street, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carey,
of Price street, returned this week from a
two weeks' visit In Wayne county.
Miss Mary Collins, of Irvine avenue, is
Visiting in New York.
Mrs. M. W. Clarke and daughter, Miss
Isabella Clarke, ure at Asbury Park.
Mrs. M. Vipond and son, of the West
Side, have returned from Asbury Park.
Bert Rogers, of Philadelphia. Is visit
ing Howard Brown, of North Sumner ave.
Evan S. Evans has returned to his home
In Audenreid urter a visit with Providence
Attorney Homer Green and son, of
Honesdale, called on Scrunton friends
E. S. Bennett and daughter, of Green
Ridge, are enjoying life among the Thou
sand Islands.
Mrs. W. 11. Thomas, of Johnstown, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Sherwood,
of Green Hldge.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Conant will re
turn today from Massachusetts, where
they have been visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Garrett, of Toledo,
O., are visiting .Mr. Garrett's sister, Mrs.
W. If. Treverton. of Honesdale street.
Miss Laura Hallet and Muster Stanley
Hallet, of North Sumner avenue, lert
Wednesday for Lancaster to visit their
Miss Louise Johnson, of Salt LnI.e
City, is the guest of her cousin, Alias
Jennie Newlin.
Clark Knapp, son of Peter Knapp, of
Moosic, was Instantly killed by light
ning at Apee, Co'.o. Deceased was about
20 years of age. The remains will be
brought here for interment.
A surprise party was tendered Miss
Jennie Morton at her home in the North
End on Wednesday evening In honor of
her seventeenth birthday.
Misses Jennie and Kate Draffner, of
Willlamsport, are visiting at the Draff
ner residence.
Mrs. Frederick Kopf and son, Her
bert, and Mrs. Nelson, of Scranton, were
entertained at the O'Malley residence
on Wednesday.
Miss Susie Gallagher, of Wllkes
Barre. is the guest of Alius B. O'Brien.
U. E. Curran. of Church street, is
lying critically 111.
Mlcses Ida Miller and Susie Wert .4
have 'returned after a pleasant visit
with friends In Forty Fort.
E. C. McClelland and M. F. Nolacc,
of New York city, were callers in town
Rev. J. R. Teefy, of Toronto, Is the
guest of Rev. M. F. Crane.
Rev. W. J. Healey . returned to his
home In Alton, 111., yesterday.
Despite the inclement weather, a
large crowd attended the Joint excur
sion of the Moosic and Avoca Presby
terian churches to Lake Ariel yester
day. The Home Dramatic company are
practicing steadily to give a first-class
production of "The Yankee Detective"
to the public on July 29. A large crowd
should greet the company. The pro
ceeds will be donated to the Twin Shaft
Relief fund.
M. F. Hoban and daughter, Sarah,
are visiting friends in Newport News,
The Moosic Populars wvll play the
Empires, of Wllkes-Barre, on Sunday
afternoon on tb latter't ground.
Rev. Jacob Shelty, of Ohio, Called to
Pastorale of Chestnut Street Church.
Plea Made in the July Number of
Young MenSong Service nt Wash
burn Street Pretbyterian Church.
Dedication of St. Ignatius Church
of Kingston Nervier in Churches
The Chestnut Street Presbyterian
church, which has been without a pas
tor since the death of Rev. Mr. Pape.
at a meeting held last Monday evening
decided to call to the pastorate Rev.
Jacob Shelty. of Ohio. Mr. Shelty
preached at the church last Sunday and
so pleased were the congregation that
drrangemeuts were Immediately made
for the meeting of Monday night. Mr.
Shelty has ucceyited the call and will,
with his wire and four children, locate
here in September. The new addition
to Scranton ministerial circles is 32
years of age and is recommended for
his ability as a preacher and as a gen
eral worker. He la especially popular
with the young people. The Chestnut
street church now numbers 84 members
nnd the church building 13 free from
The July number of Young Men. the
olliclal organ of the local Young Men's
Christian association, has this to say:
"The greatest need of the Scranton as
sociation at present is men. The Scran
ton business men have nobly supported
the association, and have enabled the
directors to pay off every cent of In
debtedness, buth for building and cur
rent expenses, nnd now they Justly look
for large results In the mental, moral
and physical Improvement of young
men. The secretaries of the associa
tion cannot do what must be done. At
least one hundred and fifty of our active
members should be active on some of
the association committees during the
coming year. At the May meeting of
the board of directors it was decided
to change the time for the rppolntment
of association committees from April 1
to September 1, and to request the pres
ent committees to continue in office un
til that time. This change was sug
gested because it was felt that the long
Interim during the summer months,
when bo many of our members were out
of the city, coming as It did directly
after the organization of the commit
tees, gave them a poor start for their
year's work. Under the new arrange
ment the appointment will be followed
by an immediate organization for work
at the beginning of the busy season.
The quartette of the Washburn Street
Presbyterian church, under the direc
tion of Mrs. B. T. Jayne, will give a
song service tomorrow evening in
place of the regular evening service.
A few weeks ago a song service was
given which was so much enjoyed that
numerous requests have been made for
another. Next Sunday evening the
programme will be more varied .than
before, several musical people from the
central city having consented to assist
the quartette. Rev. Mr. Moffatt will
also give a short sermon In harmony
with the reBt of the service. As this
will be the last Sunday evening church
service before the pustor's annual vaca
tion, a large congregation will no doubt
be present. During the month of Aug
ust the evening service will be In charge
of the Christian Endeavor society of the
Tomorrow Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara
will dedicate St. Ignatius church at
Kingston. The order of exercises Is as
follows: Pontifical mass at 10.30 a. m.,
by Rt. Rev. ' Michael J. Hoban, coad
1utor Bishop of Scranton; sermon at
Pontifkial mass by Very Rev. Daniel
J. McDermott, of Philadelphia; Pontl
ficlal vespers, 7.30 p. m., by Very Rev.
Eugene A. Garvey, of Willlamsport.
The order of the procession previous
to the blessing or dedication of the
church is as follows: First, altar boys.
second, clergymen; third, Bishop and
attendants. The procession will pro
cecd around the building and returning
enter the church by the main door
and proceed to the sanctuary. Rev,
Father O'Malley, the pastor, has sent
Invitations to the different prleBts of
the diocese and about thirty-five have
signified their Intention to be present
The Interior of the church is now com
pleted. Two of the leading subjects of agita
tion uniting the serious thinkers in the
world today will be thoroughly ui
cussed at the Gospel Tabernacle on
South Muln avenue, between Eynon
and Elm streets, next Sunday after
noon and evening. Subject for 2.30 p,
m.. "Saved by Grace and Not by
Works." At 7.45, "Which Day Is the
Christian Sabbath?" Saturduy. the
Seventh Day. or Sunday the First Day
of the Week." The speaker has made
these subjects a matter of careful stilly
for many years, and will present them
from a strictly Bible standpoint. The
Interest continues to de.'pen fivin nlgat
tonight, as Is plainly demonstrated by
the large congregations that are in reg
ular attendance to hear the word of
God expounded.
The Free Methodists of East Benton
will hold a tent meeting near the resi
dence of Edwin S. Franklin, commenc
ing n Friday evening, July 31. and
closing Sunday evening, August 2. Rev.
H. W. Armstrong, of Vose, pa., anil
Rev. J. T. Logan, of Wllkes-Barre, will
assist the pastor, Rev. John Wintsch.
Pleaching services will be as follows:
Friday evening. 7.30; Saturday, 10.30 a.
m., 2.30 and 7.30 p. tn. Services at same
hours on Sunday.
The annual picnic of the Asbury
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school of
Green Ridge was held Thursday ut Nay
Aug falls. About 300 children enjoyed
the days outing. Rev. A. F. Chuff ee,
the pastor and members of the congre
gation, looked after the comfort t.f tlw
little ones.
Rev. W. F. Davis, of Taylor, called on
Providence friends Tuesday.
Rev. Dr. Pendleton, of Schenectady, N.
Y., was a recent visitor to this city.
Here;" "The Spiritual Blessings Are
Ordained by Cod: to console and to
Rescue Mission Workers will hold ser.
vices at the falls tomorrow afternoon at
Rev. M. H. Mill, of St. David's Epls
copal church, will begin his vacation next
Rev. D. P. Jones will leave this week
for the west on a four weeks' trip for his
R?v. John O'Toole, of Holy Rorary
church of Providence, Is spending his va
cation on Lop Island.
The Chi Vpsllon society of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church elected
officers last Monday night.
Rev. J. A. Moffitt. of St. John's church,
I South Side,' bad Rev. W. F. Sherry, of (be
Springfield, Mas, diocese, for a guest
this week.
The Tabernacle Congregational church
Sunday school and Its friends will picnic
on August 6 at the Hound woous.
Rev. Thomas 8. Griffiths, of New Phila
delphia, O., visited a number of his friends
on the West Side during the week.
Mr. Watson, of Ashley, talked on "War
Reminiscence" at the Bimpson Methodist
Episcopal church Thursday evening.
Hurengthen Our Souls When Victory
"omes." These thoughts are taken from
Psalms xxv. 17. The sermon will be in
Rev. E. J. Schmitt, pastor of the Evan
gelical Church of Peace, or the South
Side, was in Newark, N. J., Thursday as-
slstlng nt an ordination.
On Friday, July 31, the Adams Ave Pres.
byterian mission will hold an excursion
to Lake Ariel. Tickets sold for 72 cents
and 40 cents at Powell's music store.
The Simpson chapter of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church held a lawn
social Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Kmmcline Smith, of North Hyde
Park avenue.
Services at the Rescue mission tomor
row w'll be as follows: Open air song ser
vice, 7.45; mission meeting, 8 p. m. All
Christian workers are Invited to come and
assist In the meetings.
Rev. W. II. Pearce, D. D., formerly
pastor of the Elm Perk church, hut now
a resident of Wilkcs-Barre, came to Scrun
ton Wednesday to officiate at the funeral
of a former ;mrlsh!oner.
Rev. T. Bell, of the Plymouth Congre
gational church, will, with his family, o
to Asbury Purk this week for their sum
mer vacation. A pulpit committee will
supply the pastorate during Mr. Bell's
Volunteers of America will hold services
nt their tent on Sunday next as follows:
Holiness meeting, at 10.30 a. m.: Christian
Praise service, at 3.45 p. m.; revival ser
vice, at 8 p. m. Rev. William MacArthur
will conduct the afternoon meeting.
A half-hour song and praise service will
be held at the Young Women's Christian
association rooms, 2uG Washington avenue.
Sunday afternoon at 3.43. Miss Amanda
Nichols will conduct the service. This Is
a meeting for young women and we hope
you win come.
Rev. J. L. Kllgorc. D. D., a minister of
the .Maryland conference of the Methodist
Protestant church, will preach Sunday.
July 2'ith, morning and evening, In the
l nlted Evangelical church, Kirk and
Luke streets, Dunmore. Subject In the
morning at 10.30, "The Cloud Covered
Light." All are Invited.
The Tribune recently printed a sermon
on "Poverty" which was preached by
Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor of the Taber
nacle Congregutlonul church, of the West
Side. The reading circle afforded the ser
mon by this paper's circulation reached
far into the west. The Illinois Methodist
Monthly printed a portion of the discourse,
giving credit to The Tribune for the
About l.COO persons went to Lake Ariel
Thursday on the free excursion of the
Men's Guild of St. Luke's church. The
arrangements for It were made by a com.
mlttee consisting of C. B. Derman, chair,
man: Brother Francis, William Coleman,
F. H. Juckson, Rev. E. J. Haughton, Mr.
Montgomery, Mr. Harding, Mrs. Foster,
Mrs. C. B. Derman, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.
Hazzard, Mrs. Keeh and Miss Sherrer.
Camber W. Evans, of Owen, la., will be
here Sunduy. In the morning at 10 o'clock
he will preach ut the Tabernacle Congrc.
gatlonnl church, on South Hyde Park
avenue, and In the evenios at 7 Mr. Evans
will till the pulpit of the Congregational
church at Old Forge. Rev. Jones, pastor
of the Tabernacle, will preach alternately
with Mr. Evans. Mr. Jones' evening ser
mon at 8 o'clock in the Tabernacle church
will be on the topics: "The Arm of God In
Our Existence in This World;" "The
Sources from Whence Tribulations Are
Running Into Our Lives While We Are
The Second Presbyterian Church Ser
vices at 10.30 a. m. "Twilight service"
under the care of Christian Endeavor at
7 p. m. The Rev. Ferd Von Krug, of
Kingston, Pa., will preach. All cordially
Invited to both services.
St. Luke's Church Eighth Sunday after
Trinity. Rev. Rogers Israel, rector. 7.30
a. in., holy communion; 9.15 a. m.. Bun
day school; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer
and sermon; 7.30 p. m. evening prayer and
St. Mark's, Dunmore Rev. Edward J.
Haughton in charge. Eighth Sunday af
ter Trinity. 10.30 a. m., morning prayer
and sermon; 8 p. nt., Sunday school; 4 p.
m., evening prayer and sermon.
Elm Park Church Sunday, July 20th.
Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by
the Rev. W. W. Ramsey, D. D., of Arch
street church, Philadelphia. Sunduy
school at 2 and Epworth league at 6.30 p.m,
Plymouth Congregational Church Rev,
T. Bell, pastor, -Morning service at 10.30;
evening service at 7.30. Evening theme,
"The Value of Testimony by Experience."
First Church of Christ (Scientist) No.
Clt Adams avenue. Sunday service 10.30
a. m. Experience meeting Friday even.
ing at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Seuts free.
Green Ridge Presbyterian Church'
Morning service at 10.30, evening service
at 7.45. Sermon by Mr. A. V. Bower.
Bible school at 12 o'clock. Endeavor so-
clety meeting at (1.15 p. m.
Adams Avenue Mission-Corner New
York Btrect. Regular services at 10.30 o.
m. and 7.45 p. m. In charge of J. T. Dunn.
Tomorrow evening Arthur Williams will
deliver the address.
Grace Lutheran Church Corner Madi
son avenue and Mulberry street. Rev.
Foster I'. Gift, pastor. Services at 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Holy communion In
the morning. Evening sermon, II Tim
othy I, 5.
Grace Reformed Episcopal Church Wy
omtng avenue, below Mulberry street.
Divino Worship, morning and evening;
preaching by the pastor; Sabbath Behoof
1i! ni.: Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. Seats all free.
Every one welcome. Subject, 10.30 a. m
"The Helmet," sixth In the series on the
Christian Armor. Eph. vl. 1": subject, 7.S0
p. m., "The Fifth Trumpet," Rev. viil. xlll
9, 12. Thursday, 7.45 p. m.. a union Bfble
class for lesson study. All welcome.
Waverly Baptist Church Rev. A. Ber
gen Brew?, pastor. Preaching by the
pastor, 10.30 a. m., "David's Dominant De
sire;" 8 p. m.. Illustrated sermon, "The
Pilgrim's Varied Experiences."
First Presbyterian Church Washington
avenue. Rev. James Stuart Dickson, of
Philadelphia. Pu will preach morning
and even! n p.
Washburn Street Presbyterlun Church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services nt
Iij.So a. in. nnd 7.45 . m.; Bible school, at
12 ni.; Christian Endeavor society, 6.35
p. ni. (consecration meeting). The pastor
will preach in the morning on "The Per
fect Peace of the Christian." A song ser
vice under the direction of the choir will
be given- in the evening. Remarks will
also be made by the pastor. This service
will be the last at which the pastor will be
present until the first Sunday in Septem.
fcer. All cordially welcome to all the ser
vices. Jackson Street Baptist Church At 10.30
a. m.: Cogncl and pi-alse services ot 7
p. m. The Rev. Jehu Evans, formerly of
Brooklvn, N. V.. will preach for us ut 2
p. m.: Sunday school. Mrs. E. R. Griffiths,
superintendent. The public Is cordially In.
vited to all the above services.
Green Ridge Baptist Church Rev. W. J.
Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and
7.30 p. m.: subject in the morning. "The
Cross the Power and Wisdom of God;"
In the evening, "Moral Suicide."
First Baptist Church Scranton street.
Pastor, Rev. 8. F. Matthews. Rev. James
Fielding, of Factoryvllle. Pa., will occupy
the pulpit morning and evening of the
Sibbath; Sunday school, 2 p. m., Dr. Bed.
doe. superintendent; Young People's
prayer meeting, 6.20 p. m. All are cordial
ly Invited.
Calvary Rcformcd'Church-Corner Mon
roe avenue and Gibson street. Rev. W,
H. Stubbleblne. pastor. Preaching both
morning and evening, at 10.30 a. m. and
7.80 p. m., by the pastor. Everybody wel
come. Providence Jlethodlst Episcopal Church
Rev. William Edgar, pastor. All the
usual services will be held. Preaching by
the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
More Picture
We are busy; more than busy. Clerks rearranging, repricing,
reducing and Belling. Frame makers working like beavers,
making np odd lots of mouldings into frames. Everybody on
the jump. At last we have got the entire picture depart
ment rearranged. We have grouped the framed pictures into
lots as follows:
Lot No. i
Not many of these just a
road. They are worth from
Lot NO. 2
Not many more of these. Some nice ones among them though.
They Bold for 75o., fl.00 and f 1. 25.
Lot No. 3
Here's a better lot, bettor assortment and better bargains.
These are big pictures, big values. You will find In this lot
pictures that were $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Yes, even some
slightly soiled ones that sold as high as $3. Framed in white
enamel, oak and gilt.
Lot NO. 4 Th,s Lot.
Ilere's the banner lot. Pictures for the parlor, Pictures for
the dining room, Pictures for any part of the house. Oak
Frames, Gilt frames, White Enamel frames. Pictures them
selves iuclude genuine signed Etchings, some colored. Water
Colors and Coloritypes. Sizes run from 12x10 to 20x24.
fine lot containing pictures worth from $1.50 to $3.50.
Lot No. 5 Sell This Lot, 98c. .
Some very superior pictures and frames found among these
Quite a number have elegant frames with gilt mats. Forme
prices on some were as high as $4.
Lot No. 6
A miscellaneous assortment of undoubted value, mostly white
enamel frames, sizes 20x24. The majority have mats. Subjects
suitable for the parlor. Very few diuing room pictures among
them, but what few there is are beauties.
Lot NO. 7
New, clean, salable frames with artistic pictures. Some of the
frames are seven inches deep and 20x24 inches inside measure
ment. A variety of subjects, including genuine Pastels with
six-inch silt frames and mat.
That Ends
The lots, but we have a number of higher priced pictures that
go for about half value. The fact is every pioture in the store
can be bought at a reduction for the next few days.
morning subject, "Sabbath Desecration;"
evening subject, "Pardon." Seats free.
All are welcome.
Howard Place African Methodist Eolaco.
pal Church Preaching morning and even
ing oy me pastor. Rev. C. A. McOee.
All Souls' Vntversallst Church-Pin.
street. Rev. F. W. WhtDnen. castor.
Morning subject. "Death and Judgment:"
evening services will be omitted until
Sept. .
St. Marks' Lutheran Church Four.
teenth and Washburn streets. Rev. A. U
Homer, I'h. D., pastor. Services. 10.30
a. in. and 7.30 p. m.; morning subject, "The
Lord's warning Against False Prophets."
Trinity Lutheran Church Adams ave
nue, corner Mulberry street. Rev. Edwin
Lunn Miller, pastor. Services at 10.30 and
Miss Sadie Kaiser, the well known
vocalist and London correspondent of
The Tribune, had the honor on July 9
of singing before their Royal Hlgnesses
the Prince and Princess of Wales, the
Princess May, Duchess of York, and
Princess Victoria of Wales, and suite,
at a concert given at Stafford House,
the London residence of the Duke and
Duchess of Sutherland, which, next to
Marlborough House, the London resi
dence of the Prince and Princess of
Wales, Is the grandest of the town
houses of any of the nobility and roy
alty of the United Kingdom. She sang
the three songs, "London Pride,"
"Sweet Lavender" and "Roving Jenny,"
being accompanied on the piano by the
composer. Lady Parkyns, who, as well
as being a great lady and social leader.
Is also the noted composer of some of
the finest songs brought forth by the
present generation of song writers.
Their Royal Highnesses enjoyed Miss
Kaiser's work very much and applaud
ed her heartily when she had finished
quite an exception; and the princess
personally complimented Lady Parkyns
and Miss Kaiser on their Joint perform
ance afterwards. At the recital she
carried a large bouquet of La
France roses, white orchids and maiden
hair ferns, which was the gift of Lady
Parkyns. Miss Kaiser has also been
selected by Sir Alexander Mackenzie
to sing the soprano solos In the choral
work, "Scenes from Hellas," by Mao
Ewen, which Is to be performed with
full chorus and orchestra at the orches
tral concert In large Queen's hall, which
Is to be given next week, at the end of
the Royal Academy year.
. I! II
John T. Watklns, the well known
baritone, has been making rapid prog
ress with his musical studies at the
Royal Academy, London. Mr. and
Mrs. Watklns will spend the summer
holidays In Wales.
A new Invention by which the pitch
of a piano nan be raised or lowered In
an Instant, Is one of the latest features
In a musical way that will prove of un
told benefit to vocalists. The appli
ance, which Is on exhibition at Pow
ell's, Is certainly an Invention that can
not be Included In the list of numerous
clap-trap affairs that often cheapen the
appearance of really good Instruments.
Miss Elsie A. C. VanDervoort, con
tralto at Elm Park church, who has
been spending the summer at her home
In Mt. Vernon, expects to resume her
position In this city In September.
The Thlele-.Tones Conceit company
will fill a few dates during the summer
season, and when the regular amuse
ment season opens, will probably make
an extended tour under the manage
ment of O. E. Jones, of the Frothlngham
Last evening a regular meeting of the
McKInley club was held at Owens' hall.
In Blakely. A large number of Republi
cans were present, despite the rainy
weather, and an enthusiastic meeting
was held. A number of prominent Re
publicans of the West Side enrolled their
names last night. It was decided at the
meeting to meet the first and third
Wednesdays of the month hereafter, In
Olyphant and Klakely respectively. A
separate club will be formed in Blakely
In the near future.
The funeral of Miss Emily Major will
take place from the family residence In
Blakely tomorrow afternoon.
The services at the Episcopal mission
of this place will be discontinued until
Sunday, Aug. 9.
This afternoon the Browns of this
place will cross bats with the Jermyn
club at the park here.' Manager McAn-
few little pieces that are in the
75c to $1.00
SeU Th,s L0. 49c.
Sel1 This Lot 69c-
Se This Ut, $1.25.
Sell This Lot, $1.48.
Sell This Ut, $1.98.
drew will have an unusually strong
team tn the field. Kelleher and Oar
bett will be the Brown's battery.
R. J. Griffiths Is a candidate In the
Second ward of Blakely for delegate to
the Republican county convention.
John Lango, an Italian about 22 years
of age, had hla skull crushed and both
legs broken while at work In the Blue
Ridge mine, near Peckville, yesterday
morning. He was taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital.
Tomorrow evening the American
Protestant association will attend a
divine worship at the Welsh Baptist
church, where the Rev. J. M. Lloyd will
preach a special sermon.
Fred Wlnslow Is spending a week's
vacation at Lake Underwood.
David J. Lewis, of Shamokln, was m
caller to this town Thursday. Mr. Lew
is Is a representative or the Shamokln
eisteddfod which will be held In that
place on Labor day.
On August 18 the Mlnooka tribe. Im
proved Order of Red Men, will hold
their excursion. Mountain Park will
be the resort. The Taylor Union band
will accompany the excursion.
News was received here Thursday an
nouncing the death of James Eagan,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eagan.
of Peltsvllle. He was drowned in the
Missouri river.
Professor and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of
Priceburg, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Llewelyn, on Union street.
The work of preparing the ground
and foundation for the building on the
Davis lot is going on steadily under the
supervision of Samuel Hallos.
This afternoon the game of alley bait
takes place at Dunmore on Logan's
court, between Wilson and Stewart, of
Dunmore, and Rickaby and Dove, of the
Sibley, for $30 a side.
John Langan, of North Main street,
Is Improving the looks of his home
with a neyv porch.
Miss Nellie Clark, of Honesdale. It
the guest of her uncle, Rev. J. L.
Miss Anna Cuslc, of Scranton, Is vis
iting friends here.
William Murphy, of Archbald, was a
caller In town Thursday evening.
Miss Bessie Craig, of Peckville, Is vis
iting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
J. D. Sampson.
Many Crazy Sovereign Have Occu
pied Mod era Thrones.
From the Boston Traveler.
It has been Bald that no reigning
royal house In Europe Is free from the
taint of Insanity, and there are many
actual lapses into insanity, by reigning
sovereigns on record. John of England
was probably Insane toward the end
of his career. Henry VI. was dlntlnctly
an imbecile; so was Charles VI. of
France. If Philip III. of Spain were
alive in the present day he would cer
tainly be considered a religious man
lac. George III. of England was in
sane for ten years of the regency, but
this does not bring him under the terms
of the question. The late Ludwlg of
Bavaria was e. hopeless maniac, but
the most signal example of permanent
insanity on the throne was furnished
by Paul I. of Russia. Though he begua
his reign well, the French revolution
seems to have entirely turned his brain.
He forbade the wearing of round hats
or any French fashions throughout hla
empire, forced his soldiers to powder
their hair and wear long queues,
obliged his nobles to stop their car
riages In the street and get out and
kneel In the mud as he passed. He made
and unmade alliances and treaties with
the Irresponsibility of a schoolboy. la
fact, no sane man could possibly have
conducted himself as he did in such,
July 1, 1S9G ...1847.263,(90
March 1, 1S93 8a,Ut,2W
Increase under Democratic Ad
Harrison decrease in four years,
1889.1893 244,819,739
CleavelaJid Increase tn three
years, 1893-1896 362.33.C30
Republican monthly decrease of
debt, 186i-lS93 15.701,114 77
Democratic monUily Increase of
debt, 1W3-18W . C5ULM H