THE ECHAUTON TBIBUNE HATURDAY MORNING. JULY 25. 1896. A 1 Neu)s ; WEST SIDE EVENTS. Rev. J ha Evans, of Brooklyo, N. Y., Will Be Heard in the First Welsh Baptist Church Tomorrow. Rev. John Evans, of Brooklyn, N. T., Is in the city and will preach at tho Klrst Welsh BaptlBt church at tomor row cervices. Rev. Evans is a brother to the distinguished Dr. Fred Evans, who is known as one of the greatest of Welsh-American divines. Lr. Evans, several months ago, was stricken by a peculiar mental distase for which he U now under treatment. Rev. John Evans, the man who is now hre, is aleo a prominent preacher and is we!l thought of. lie has many friends. MRS. MORGAN BURIED. Followed by one of the largest of re cent funerals on this side, the remain of the lute Mr. Isaac Morgan were interred yesterday in Washburn street cemetvry. The funeral procession started from the residence on North Hyde Park avenue at :' o'clock and a half hour afterward the services Were Vgun at the First Welsh Baptist church, which was well tllld by the mourners. Rev. John Evans, of fctiouk lyn, N. Y., preuched the sermon. His words were beautifully eulogistic to the character of the deceased. The many floral tributes were banked about the handsome casket. Relatives and friends were generous in these, their testimonials to the deud. Special music was rendered by the church choir, under the leadership of W. W. Evans. The pall-bearers .were: B. Hughes. Thomas Howell, James Evans and Evan P. Davis. STREETS ARE BAD. West Side streets are in fairly bad condition. The unusual spectacle of u buggy being pulled up West Lackuwan na avenue hill created much comment last evening. It Is so seldom a hap pening. The street is covered with mob iles and travel Is accompanied by per petual bumps. The paving of the hill Is under way. Robinson and Nlr.fh streets are also being prepared for pav ing. The streets are almost. Impass able to bicyclists and u mint Is In tore for the ward constable who stands on the sidewalk and arrest ) the riders thus driven from the road. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. A child of Patrick McUovern, of Lu cerne street, died yesterday. The tire hydran: at the corner of Me ridian and Luzerne streets burst at an early hour yesterday morning and the surrounding country was Inundated. Mrs. L. M. Lanban and Hon, of Phila delphia, returned home yesterday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Rob ertson, of Nortii Rebecca avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagen, of Tenth stieet, are visiting at Newark, N. J. Something that everybody wants Is receipt for health and recreation. The long looked for receipt can be found by buying yourself a ticket at Nichols, the tailor, and spend next Tuesday, July '.'S. t Lake Ariel, with the mammoth joint excursion of the First welsh Baptist and the Jackson Street Buptlst Sunday schools. Miss Mary Phillips, of Swetland street, has returned from a visit at Wllkes-Burre. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Moffat will leave Monday for a vacation trip. Mr. Moffat will go west, while Mrs. Moffat will visit her many friends at Weatherly, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Joslah Puff, of North Lincoln avenue, have returned from Asbury Park. Miss Elvira Harris, of North Hyde Park avenue, left yesterday for a stay at Hazleton. Mrs. Walter Knapp, of North Brom ley avenue. Is visiting at Kingston. Miss Miller, who for the past two weeks has been the guest of Miss Thay er, of South Main avenue, lias returned to her home at West Plttston. Miss Myrtle Savltts, of South Fllmore avenue, has returned from a ten days' visit at Newton Center. Jonah Davis, of Eynon street. Is at Lake Wlnolu. William Price, sr., and Mrs. Price, of South Main avenue, returned yester day from a pleasure trip along the St. Lawrence. Miss Anna James, of Wllkes-Burre, Is the guest of Miss Bertha Kelley, of Eynon street. EARLY all of the Men's Spring Suits worth from TWELVE TQ EIGHTEEN DOLLARS, we have marked down to In order to clear by July 1st. Such gradesstyles makes and values we never dreamed of offering. When we say we sustain losses on many, and profit on none, we appeal to the intelligence of our patrons, and rely on our long record of reliable deal ers to those who know us by reputation. Our corner show window display will give you a good idea of these suits. THE SAMTERS qsan Dsj Gct-cn, of tb? SUbtirbs. Reese B. Davis, of Believe Heights, is visiting at Plttston. Mrs. George W. Powell, of Bellevue, and Mrs. Frank Brundage, of Wilkes Barre, but formerly of this side, are at ucean Grove. T. E. Price, barber, returned yester day from Camp John Gibbon. Mrs. Sirenda Gothard, of South Main avenue, is 111. The funeral of the late John Sllcox took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence on North Fllmore ave nue. There was a large funeral. In tennent was made In Washburn Street cemetery. New windows are being placed In the Bellevue Welsh CalvlnUtlc Methodist church. Miss Ida James, of South Rebecca avenue, has returned from a visit at Carbondale. West Side Huiuess Directory. HARRIET J. DAVld. FLORIST. -CUT r lowers and funeral designs a specialty, 1W South Main avenue; l doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER Coblnot Photos, Sl.M per down. They are Just lovely. Con vine yourself by calling at 6tarner's Photo Parlors, lul and 1M South Maio avenue. SECOND HAND FURJflTURE Cash for nytning you have to sell. Furniture. btovts, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, IttH and Ids Jack- DUNMOKL. The Mlsaes Ella Cole, of Clay avenue, and Florence Weber, of Drinker street, have returned from Moosliuhere they have been spending th last lew days with IllelKK. Flunk Buxter, of Drove street, went on a lishing excursion last nliilit to Long fond. Ml Battle Leyinan attended the Wood's business college commencement exercises ut Carbondale lam night. The horse belomtlng to Kdward Craw ford ran away yesterday morning on Sport Mill road. Mr. Crawford was thrown out of his humify, sustaining serious Injury uboi't live head. He was uble. however, to stop the runaway horse and drive to his home without assistance. The .Misses Kvu and Nellie Flynn, of Chestnut street, are visiting friends In Archb.-ild. Mls Fanny MiHale has returned home from a visit with Wllkes-Barre friends. K. Thompson, of Clay avenue, will leave for a few days' vacation at Lake Wlnola today. Duumore Is being threatened with a plague of the army worms. A very large number of them are already creating dire havoc in the gardens and lawns. - Property owners and gardeners are complaining on all sides. Thomas Hughes of South Blakely street, is spending his vacation at Lake Wlnola. Til- Barrett's Indians will play the Buffers In Laurel Hilt tark this after noon for ti a side. The hose oris of the A. D. Spencer and J. U. Smith Fire companies are expected to arrive today. If this should be the case a large parade or all our firemen in uniform with their uppartus will take Place tonight. If the ground is in good enough condition by this uftenioon a great game of alley ball will take place at 3 o'clock between .Messrs. Wilson and Stewart, of Dnnmore, and Rickuby anil Dove, of Prlcebuig. This quartette comprises the best alley ball players in Pennsylvania and the contest will bo most exittlns:. Fifty dollars a side will be the stakes played for. The neew street car line to Throop Is be. 1MB wildly pushed ahead and It is ex pected that cars will be run over the line Ina few weeks. The Luyal Temperance Legion Is busy making arrangements for the running of a Joint excursion with the Green Kldge Legion to Lake Ariel. M1NOOKA. Mlti Lottie Hobbs and her mother, Mrs. Hobbs, or Cansdu, is vlstlng at Christ Fasshold's. John Morgans, of Miner's Hill, is as piring to be the Republican delegate in the South district. The Young Men's Institute team will play with the team of the Welcome Social club on next Sunday morning. A large number of the young people from Greenwood attended the excursion to Lake Ariel yesterday. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will meet tomorrow afternoon. Services at the Ureenwood Presby terian church tomorrow at 10 and 11 o'clock; Sunday school at 3 p. m. J. J. Uallagher is slightly indisposed. The Welcomes held a social last night. There was a dance given at J. J. Coyne's hall lust evening In honor of Michael Mc Nally und other New York boys, who have been visiting here. Pride. Pastor "You seem resigned to die, and I know It Is because you are such a good Christian." She" "faln't thet so much, pastor, but they do say thet I will hev one of the long est funerals ever held at 8augertles.' Judge. i Hattort and Furnisiuu 1 south side News. Great Praise for the Showiof Made by the Ceatarys ia Responding to tbe Test Alarm. Congratulations are on all sides pour ing in upon the members of the Century Hose company for the brilliant feat performed Thursday night In respond ing to the test alarm from box 24 at the city hall. To make the trip in ex actly three minutes ia something that deservea credit, whether the company was Informed before hand or not. The Century's were not forewarned, that la a fact which can be relied upon. Tiie teum were in their stalls when the alarm sounded. Perhaps, faster time was made than Is usually made, but that Is uccounted for by this fact, tiiat it isn't every day u second alarm is sent in five minutes after the first alarm from a box in the heart of the city. The distance from the Ceiilu y'g quar ters to the corner of Washington ave nue and Mulberry street along the route the wagon went Thursday night is about 1.5VU feet less than a mile. The route was over the Plttston avenue bridge to Jefferson avenue, to Mulberry street, to Washington avenue. A honj that can travel u mile In three min utes over the ordinary city or country roud hitched to a buggy, will go so fust that the driver will be upt at the end of his Journey to rind a spoke brok en or a bolt out of one of Ills wheels. Then imtiglue what It Is to haul a fire wagon loaded with I10R", ultogetheV weleliluE about L'.SiUO pounds, and go tin ee-imui tela of u mile III the tame time. Edward Knellcr. the driver of the team and permanent man, deserves the larger part of the credit. T. W. C. A. NOTES. The meeting tomorrow afternoon, July 26. will be led by Miss Anna Van Nort. The subject will be "Sufficiency." Every young woman 1 cordially wel comed to these Sunday afternoon ser vices. They are short and very Inter esting. This is au invitation for ail young women. Come, .1.45 to 4.15 p. 111. Don't forget the "I. W. T. club" every Friday evening. Next week a social time. Ice cream will be sold. Junior meeting every Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. The funeral of Miss Kmma Rosar, of Alder street, will be held this morning at o'clock. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. Mary's German church, and Interment will be made in the Twentieth Ward cemetery The funeral of Patrick Reap will be held from the family residence on Pitts ton avenue, near Palm Htreet, at 9.30 this morning. High mass of requiem will be celebrated In St. John's church, and Interment will be made in Hyde Park cemetery. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Robert Watklns, of Brook street, who was Injured Tuesday In the Axle works, was much better yesterday. The funeral of Henry. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jannsen, of Pros pect avenue, was held yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in the Twentieth Ward cemetery. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Miller, of Cedar avenue, at 11 o'clock Thursday night. PROVIDENCE. Benjamin Blckam hud Joseph Kalop arrested yesterday and brought before Alderman Fldler on the charge of threatening to kill. Kalop Is a board ing boss and hud some trouble with some of his boarders and blamed Mr. blckam for It. A few nights ago Kalop told his story to Thomusi Uallagher, of Parker street, and In their presence threatened to be revenged on Blckam, If it required five years to obtain his end. The cuse was settled upon the payment of the costs by defendant. John Archibald was arrested last eve ning at the Instance of Jumes Richard son for assaulting Thomas Richardson, the son of James, In the Marvlne shaft. He was held under $300 ball to appear at court. The first anniversary of the Senior Wesley league, of the Primitive Metn odist church. wlll be commemorated tomorrow evening at the church. The exercises will commence at 7 o'clock. The following programme will be rendered: Singing, congregation; pray er. Rev. Charles Prosser; selection. choir; topic. A. Powell; singing, congre gation; reading, Miss 13. Wrightson; recitation, Miss E. James; selection. choir; dialogue, "Crowning; the Angel," five young ladies; singing, congrega tion; talk, "Our Name," II. Broadliurst; talk, "Our Purpose," E. Ibberson; se lection, choir. A brief conference on our "Remodelled and enlarged church," conducted by pastor. Benediction and handshaking. The Providence Presbyterian En deavor society will have u grand en deavor rally tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. The society had Blx delegates at the convention In Washington, and reports will be mude of Its meetings there. They will be given by Miss May Benedict, Mrs. K. A. Reynolds, Miss Nettle Knapp, G. W. Benedict and Rev. George K. Guild. The singing will be led by a full choir. Street cars go ing up and down the valley pass the church on Main avenue. Rev. D. M. Klnter, pastor of Provi dence Christian church, on North Main avenue, will preach on Lord's day morning on "The Christ Life," and at 7.30 p. ni. will tell "Why I Am An A. P. A." The Rev. W. F. Davis will occupy hl.-i pulpit both morning and evening to morrow and will preuch In Welsh at both sessions. Rev. W. a. Watklns, of the North Main avenue Buptlst church, will preach tomorrow morning; on the sub ject "Jehu's Zeal for Mod." I. W. Thomas will speak In the evening, and the Mozart Olee Club society will sing. Thomas Jowsens, of Brick avenue. who was injured a few days ago In the Dickson shaft. Is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Davis, of Wayne avenue, will leave tonight for New York city. Panooka lodge, of Knights of Cythlai, wilt run an excursion to Binghamton, Aug. 8. Lawrence's band will accom pany them. The daughter of John Salsman, of Parker street, Is seriously HI. The child of Albert Sims, of Daniel street, Is seriously fll. Miss Bamie Burke, of Diamond ave nue, is visiting friends in Olyphant. Thomas Morgan, of School street, Is recovering from his recent serious Ill ness. Miss Bertha, daughter of Rev. W. O. Watklns, is canvassing the city and vicinity for the "Commonwealth," the state denominational paper. She la do ing this with a view to entering the sophomore class at Bucknell university In September. Her success hitherto la gratifying. Mrs. Stephen Chappell, of North Main avenue, ia slightly Indisposed. A. A. Yosburg and wife, of North Main avenue, leave for New York this morning'. The members of the Niagara Hose company. No. 7, are requested to be present at a meeting to be held tomor row afternoon at the hose house, Business of importance will be trans acted. - Thomas Evans, of Davis' drug store, who has been ill for the past few days, resumed work yesterday. Mrs. Foley, of Leggetts street, Is 111 George Mulley and George Sllkman will spend their vacation at Atlantic City. FACTS ABOUT COINAGE The irold eagle weighs 270 grains. The $3 gold piece weighs 135 grains. The trade dollar weighs 420 grains. The $20 gold piece weighs D16 grains. The 10-cent piece weighs 41.6 grains. The 20-cent piece weighs "7.10 grains The bronze cent piece weighs 48 grains The gold dollar coin weighs 25.8 grains. The cent nickel piece weighs 72 grains The half-cent copper weighed 132 grains. The silver 6-ctnt piece weighs 20.3 grams. The 2-cent bronze piece weighed 90 grains. The "dollar of our daddies" weighs 416 grains. The 3-ceiit silver piece weighed 1&U7S sraliiii. The S-cent nickel piece weighs 77.10 grains. The common quarter of sliver weighs 104 grains. The old fashioned copper cent weighed 2t4 grains. The fineness of our gold coins Is about 90 per cent. The quarter eagle, or 2.!0 gold piece, weighs tii grains. The 3-cent nickel piece, now dlscon tinned, weighed 30 grains. The standard dollar weighs 412.1; grains, the half dollar 208 grains. The nickel C-cent piece Is exactly three-quarters 01 an inch in diameter. The stiver half dollar was authorized April 2. 17!2, and coinage was begun in 17m. The 2-cent bronze piece is composed of H5 per cent, copper and & per cent, of tin and zinc. The 1-ceiit bronze piece Is composed or Vo per ctnt. of copper and & per cent of tin and zinc. The 10-cent silver piece was author ized by congress in 1792 and Its coin- ape was begun In liSKi. The $5 gold piece was first coined in 1795. by virtue of an act of congress passed April 2, 1792. The nickel cent was authorized Feb ruary 1, 1867, and its coinage was be' run the same year. The first regular sliver coinage to be passed out In the order of business was In October, 1792. The 110 ifold piece was authorised by act of congress April 2, 1792, and Its coinage was begun in 1794. The silver quarter was authorized by act of congress in 1792. April 2, and coinage was begun In 1796. The quarter eagle, or $2.00 in gold, was authorized April 2, 1792, and its coinage was begun In li6. The S20 gold piece was authorized by act of congress March 3. 1849, and its coinage was begun in 18d0. The bronze cent was issued In accord ante with a law passed in 1857 and its coinage was begun in 1846. The (list purchase of copper to be used in the United States colnAgw was In 1792. September 11, six pounds. The cent takes its name from the Latin word "centum" (a hundred), this coin being a hundredth of a dollar. Charles 11.. soon after his accession to the throne. In 1800, had dollars of 412 aralns coined for use In Scotland. The dollar gold piece was authorized by act of congress March 3, 1849, and Its coinage was begun the same year. The diameter of the sliver dollar Is exactly an inch and a half and its thick ness eighty-thousandths of an Inch. The "dollar of. our daddies" was au thoi Ized by uct of congress April 2, 1792,' and its coinage was begun In 1794. The standard dollar was authorized by act of congress February 28, 1878, and coinage was begun in the same year. Jefferson Is said to have been the first American statesman to suggest the dol lar us the tlnaiicial unit of our currency. The old fashioned copper cent was au thorized by act of congress April 22, 1792, and lis coinage was begun the fol lowing year. The general fineness of our silver coins Is from 89 to 90 per cent., except the 3 cent piece, which contained 25 per cent In alloy. Moses Brown, of Boston, has the credit of making the first deposit of gold bull ion to be coined. In 1795 he deposited 12.276.72. In 1786 congress provided for the Issu Ing of four coins: A 110 gold piece, a dollar of silver, a 10-cent piece and copper cent, "in God we trust" first appeared on the copper 2-cent Issue of 1864 and is the first use or the word "uoa" in any government act. The common nickel (5-eent piece) was authorized by act of congress May 16, 1866, and its coinage was begun in the same year. The 3-cent nickel piece received the authorization of congress by a law pass ed April 3, 1866, and Its coinage was begun the same year. The eagle, being the national bird, ap pears on many of our coins and Its name has been appropriated to tne goiuen iu dollar piece from that fact. The first deposit of sliver bunion to be coined wus by the Bank of Mary land, July 18, 1794, that institution send ing in 180,71 5.735 in French coins. The decimal system proposea by Mor ris was this: Ten quarters, one penny; 10 pence, one bit or bill; 10 bits, one dol lar, and 10 dollars, one crown. The bronze 2-cent piece was first coined 111 1864. being authorized by act of congress iu the same year. The Is suance of this coin was discontinued February 12, 1873. The name "dime, appneu to our 10 cent piece, comes from the French word "dlxleme," the origin"! form In English use, sometimes appearing on early coins as "dlsme." The first step taken by our govern ment In the direction of a coinage was In 1781, when Robert Morris was en trusted with the duty of investigating the subject and making a report. A copper half cent is among the num erous coins authorized by congress, the law to this effect being passed In 1792 and coinage begun the following year. Dr. Deletion's "Vitalizing Sara parilla Pills." Contain all the virtues of the liquid Sarsaparlllas In a concentrated form, and being candy coated are delightful to take. Combined with the SarsaparilU are other extremely valuable blood and nerve remedies, which render them at once the greatest blood purifier and blood maker as well as the most power ful nerve builder known. Tlulr magi cal powers to cure all nervous diseases, nervous weakness, nervous headache, hysteria, loss of vital power, falling health, etc., are pleasing and wonder ful. Price 50 cents and J1.00. Sold by Carl Lorenz, 418 Lackawanna avenue, druggist, Scranton. Pilest Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itch ing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore.") Rwayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayne 4k Son, Philadelphia, MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall at reel Heview. New York. July 24.-Stocks ruled weak today, but except in a few Instances the pressure to sell was not pronounced. For that matter the bulk of the stocks sold according to good Judges of the market was for professional account. Even lon don speculators were inclined to reduce their lines or American securities and these liquidations account in some degree for the weakness here. The dominant In fluences, however, was the financial situa tion. Mr. Whitney's Interview had a ten to unsettle matters, as the ex-sevre. tary of the navy did not take a cheerful view of the presidential race, especially so far as the sound money advocates are concerned. The talk about a third ticket also had an unfavorable effect, and the re ports that the Populists would endorse the candidacy of Mr. Bryan added to the bear ranks. The street seemed to ignore the heavy deposits of gold for the day, about ll.SOO.OUO. which brings the total for three days up to $17.245,uu. The fact that there will be no gold shipments to Eu rope tomorrow! owing to the recent agiee merit by the foreign bankers, was also passed by, so far as effect on stock prices is concerned. The bears concentrated their efforts on .Manhattan, and the stock was forced down from S3 to W. Rvports were current that the directors Intended to cut dividends because of poor earnings, damage suits and increased competition. Regarding the alleged reduction In divi dends. Insiders stated that a dividend had Just been paid and that action on the next dividend will not be tukeli for some time to come. Other particularly weak Issues were Sugar. Chicago Uas, the Grangers and International. Sugar and Burling ton and Qullicy fell about 2 per cent., and the other prominent shares 't to IVb Per cent. In the last half hour a firmer tone prevailed and prices rallied per cent. In the case of Manhattan, ial per cent., tiie remained or the list, the Industrials and Grangers showing the greatest re cuperative ability. Speculation closed II rm In tone. Net chunges show decline of '4al? per cent. Total sales were 184.347 shares, including 47.0UO Sugar. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est Ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... ." 0 IU u8 Am. Sug. Iter. Co. ..104'u 104; lUI'i lW'i Atch., To. 4k 8. Fe. . ll7i 12 il ll'i Canada Southern .... 444 447 44 4474 Ches. & Ohio 14 14 13! 1.1k Chicago Qas 53 DJ'i t,V3 &:'', Chic, & N. V 94'i 84 Chicago, li. & Q. ... t'i 9 94 94i C. C. C. & St. 1 23', 23, 23i Chic, Mil. & St. P... 70"i 7u'a 70 Chic, R, 1. 4k Pac. ... 55 G6 64", 5D"i Del. 4k Hudson 120 120 Via 120 D. , L. & W 151'i 152 15Ui 1D2H Dlst. & C. F 107i 1U 10Vi li Oen. Electric 23V 23 23 23' Lake Shore 142 142 141 142 Louis. A Nash 46-i 461; 45 45Ti M. K. & Tex. Pr. ... m-ii 19s 19 19-( Man. Elevated 92'-i K 90'i 91 Mo. Pac 17'i 17i 17 17 Nat. Lead 20U MU 2o'i 204 N. J. Central 92'i K 92 92 N. Y 8. 4k W., Pr. . 18 K Mi 18 Omaha 34 34 34 34 Pac. Mall 184 18 184 H'i Phil. 4k Reading 11 U 10 W Southern R. R 7 "4 Southern H. R. Pr. . 21 21 19", V Tenn. C. & Iron .... JO'i 1C-4 Hi'i 1 Texas Pacific 6S O'i Wa t'nlon Pacific G". 0 6 6 Wabash, Pr. 14', H'i 14'. 14'k Western I'nlon 79', 7', 73' 79 W. L ' f 7a 7 V. S. Leather 7 7 1 7 V. 8. leather. Pr. ... 46 48 47' , 48'i U. S. Rubber Wi li'.i lulii Wi CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES, WHEAT. Open.- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. September 57T. 68 57 67' December 60 60 C9T. Ul7 OATS. September 18'. 18 17 17 December 18 18 18 18 CORN. September S6i 2tfi 2ti"i 26'i December 27 27 26 57 LARD. September 3.37 3.40 3.27 3.27 PORK. September 6JI0 6.27 . Ill Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quolation-A!l on Par of 100. Quotation Based Name. Bid. Askad. Dime Dep. Jk DIs. Bank 140 ... Scranton Lace Curtain Co W National Boring 4k Drlll'g Co ... I... First National Bank W ... Scranton Jar 4k Stopper Co ib Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Bonta Plate Glass Co It Scranton Car Replacer Co lot Scranton Packing Co 93 Weston Mill Co tM LacKawanna Iron 4k Bteel Co, ... 150 Third National Bank 350 ... Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co 90 Scranton Traction Co 17 20 M BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 33d Annual Gaines of the PITTSTON CALEDONIAN CLUB WILL 81 HELD IT LIKE IRIEL, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1 896. Scranton Erie and Wyoming Valley Station. TICKETS, Adults 7 Sc. Children under 12 years 40e The committee reserves the right 10 nanaicap any or an games. PROGRAMME) 1st prise. 2nd. 3rd, 1. Boys' Race, under 15 year, once around. 1 00 $ 50 I DO 2. Ulr ls Race, unuer 12 years, 120 yards ... 1 00 SO I. Boys Vaulting with the Pole, under 15 years, 110 prize paid for any height less six feet 3 00 2 00 1 00 4. flitting the Bail.... dw 200 Iu 5. KHce. 1Z0 yards 4 00 2 00 2 U0 0. Throwing Light Hammer 4 00 2 00 1 00 7. Running Hop Step and Jump 4 00 2 00 1 00 V. Boys' Mace on Ha huh and Feet. 220 yards 2 00 1 00 9. Runnlnir Hlsh Lean. 3 00 2 uO 1 ui 10. Half Mile Race, en trance fee, 50c 8 00 3 00 2 00 11. uiri- Kace, ..1 yards 2 00 1 00 12. Three Legged Race, 220 yards 3 00 2 00 100 11. out jine Bicycie Race, Silver Cup, Gold Meal. 14. One Mile Race, en trance fee, 11.00.... 10 00 S 00 100 it. uigniana r ung in costume, 7 double steps 800 SIM 10. Clog dance In cos- tume.O double steps C 00 4 00 17. Sailors' Hornpipe la costume 800 400 18. Vaulting with the Pole, no prize paid for any height less than 8 feet 0 inches 6 00 4 00 2 00 19 Hurdle Race, twice around 800 400 inn XV. Bicycle nace, t mnes. silver cup, uom .Madal. 21. 440 yard Race, no prize ir time is over 80 seconds 8 00 4 00 I 00 22. Sack Race, once around 300 100 1 00 23. Three Mile Race, en trance fee 11.00, no prize for any time over W, minutes.. 30 00 20 00 10 00 24. Quoits, played on tne soa w 400 25. Alley Ball Game .... 10 00 6 00 3 00 Kl'LKH OF THE GAME. The names will be aoverned bv the Rule of the N. A. U. C. A. Competitors must hand In their names to the Secretary during the preceding game, the last entry to commence the competition. Where there are three prizes, no third prise will be paid unless there are four (4) competitors. No one allowed In the ring except judges and competitors and officers of the day. No competlter allowed to compete un less dressed in proper athletic costume. jumw siKUTMEKs. Secretary, . A. U WKIR, Chief. 8craaton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due mi no ... People's Street Railway, flrst mortgage due 1913 110 ... Scranton Plttston Trac. Co. ... ' w People's Street Railway. See- ond mortgage due 1920 ut ... Dickson Manufacturing Co km Lacks. Township School 5 lot City of Scranton St. Imp 8 ... 103 Borough of Wlnton 8 100 Mt. Vernon Coal Co u cranton Axle Works lot Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia. July 24. Provisions were in steady jobbing demand at unchanged prices. We quote: City smoked beef, 11a Vic; beef hams, li.5Ual(i.60 for old and new, as to average; pork, family, llUaln.W; hams, S .P. cured. In tierces. alOc; do. smoked, 10iia12c.. as to average; sides, ribbed, in salt, 4V-; do. do. smoked, 5a Sc.; shoulders, plckle-cured, 6aiV-: do. do. emoked, O'.uH'jc: picnic hams, 8. P. cured, 50c: do. do. smoked, a7o.; bellies, in pickle, according to average, loose, 5a5V-: breakfast bacon, 7SaS., as to brand and average: lard, pure, city refined. In tierces, 4a44c.; do. do. do.. In tubs, 44c.; do. butchers', loose, 3Wh Sc: city tallow. In hogsheads. Sc.; coun. try do., 2'sa2c., as to quality, and cakei, 8c. New York Produce Market. New York, July 24. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Spot market dull ami steady: un graded rd, 67a07c; No. 1 northern, tittle; options closed steady and unchanged: July, 02c; August, 03"4c; September. 05V.; October, 4'.,c: Decemb.-r, tSV. Corn Spots dull and firm: No. 2, Ka32',c. elevator: saWiC. afloat: July, iC'.c; September, 31"..c; October, 88c. Oats Spots dull, firmer; July. 22V'.; September, spot prices. No. 2, 88c: No. i white. 244c; No. 2 Chicago, 24c; No. 3 at 22c; No. 3 white. 23c: mixed western, 23a24'.c; white do.. 2r-ja29c; white, state, 2&a2c Beef Dull and steady. I.ard Quiet and steady; western steam, JXW: city, S'iag.lo; September, 33.00; retined, quiet; continent, 18.80; South America, 34.50; compound, 34.a 4c Pork Steady, quiet; old mess, t.5o 7.75: new mess, J7.7a82J. Butter Oood demand, steady. Cheese Fairly active. 1 ) 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch I, 1896. Total Product of 1 II! The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative i sold everywhere from the Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as tbe best flour in the world. MEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. ON THE SQUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUMBER, ' SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. SI RICHARDS LUMBER CO., 02 C0MM0XWE1LTH BUILDING. 'PH1RE 422. IRON AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Ritw ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps; Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, . Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEli EIDER SCRANTON. PA. EVERY WOMAN Mi Mtda fl libit, Matkty, ncahtlaf mJMm. Onlf ticrmloi nl IMputdruthM!dMiaa4. lljeawaallb bM,ft Dr. Paal'o Tfct? vt prompt, Mte wrtala pvaiMwMitaM, wmiinii muwwmmmmn vtwb Fat aal bv JOHN H. PHILM hiimali a. UyAmi. AM.... .. Sprue SUMt Soranton, Pa. firm; state large, G4Cc; do. small, SSsj 7c; part skims, 2aic; full skims, lals. Kg8 Light receipts, nrra. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa.. July 34.-The option oil market was quoted today at 31.U8; credit balances, l.ui. A CHAPTER OK MONEY MAKING. Sir: If a man takes a piece of steel worth 15 cents and makes of it watch springs worth 3100, that Is skill. If he takes a piece of paper worth I cents, and writes on it a poem that sells for t. that Is genius. If he takes a fann worth ti an acre, and by his labor and knowledge puts It In heart again and makes It worth t8V an acre, that Is work. If a man takes a hammer worth 80 cents, and in a day's use of It earn, that's hard work. , If a man buys a yearling at a trotting sale for tlS that In Its three-year form develops ability to make a mile at a 2.08 1-4 gait, that Is judgement. If a man buys a silver mine he has never seen, and (t makes him a millionaire, that's luck. It a man buys an article today for II. SO and sells It tomorrow for tie, that' business. But when a government takes S3 cents' worth of sliver and coins it into a cart wheel, and says legislatively that It I loo cents, or a dollar, and pays It out as such to Its creditors, that Is not finance, but highway robbery. Nsw York Sun. Peruvian flitters. Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 8, 1803. Aunt Rachel S;r: I have been using your Peruvian Bitters of late for malarial fever that I have not been entirely rid of for the past two years until now. I must say your BIHers beat everything. 1 used It only six weeks and began to improve the first week. 1 am now well and hearty and feel young again, even now In this very hot weather. MRS. JANE NEWMAN. rillsbury Flour mills have a capac ity of 17.G00 barrels a day. I' SQUARE. UARE DEALING TO UARE UEALERS, STEEL Pennyroyal Plllo la nmftt Tbt rails (Or. FttTt) mw 4Hmm (raw lolD. GONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers