13 111E ' SCBANTON TRIBUNi: SATURDAY MOBN1NGJ; JULY 25, 1890. 4 GARBONDALE. rRftdera will pleat net mat adtartlsa. merits, orders for Job work, and Mnai fr publication left at tha establishment ot shannon Co., newsdealers. North Main atrect, will receive prompt attention;, of flea open from I a. m. to 10 p. m. ANOTHER INDUSTRY. The Hondrirk Manufacturing Com pany to Make Bicycle Spoke. The manufacture of bicycle spoken will be another Industry which the Hemlrlck Manufacturing company will enKuxe In, and as the article made by them possesses many merits it will undoubtedly be In great demand. The metal used in the spokes is tha patented metal used in the Pendleton Dobbin works. The Pendleton company have control of this article and its qual ities especially adapt it for use In bi cycles, one great advantage Is that al though the metal is bright and pre sents much the same appearance as Dickie plate, yet It will not rust no matter how much It Is left In the wet. This, therefore, will be a boon to rid ers who have to devote much time In keeping their wheels In good shape. When once fairly Introduced the spokes should meet with ready sale. THE NEW POSTOFFICE. Will be Opened at Simpson on .Hon day Morning. The fittings necessary for the new poHtofTice at Simpson have arrived. The place will be formally opened to the pub lic Monday morning. Postmaster. Hoyt has been busy making preparations for the olllce which will be in the store of Simpson & Watklns. ' A mall pouch will be sent from this city each day on the 11.34 Ontario and Western road, and will be returned on the 2.114 p. m. train. Should the busi ness require it, more pouches will be put on and the mull sent by the siren cars. The opening of the office will be a Kieat convenience to ptople residing tn the district. Heretofore the mall could only be gut by coming to this city, which caused a great deul of trouble. The people uiv now happy. To Ituii 1,000 Miles. A race of 1.000 miles against time Is ivbat u certain man in town Is trying to arrange. He proposes to secure An thracite park, and will endeavor to make the distance In 1,000 hours. This will be a little over forty-one days, and he thinks that by walking a mile each hour he can do the distance in the time required. Katlng and sleeping will lie done In the spate time in each hour. Polniidcr Hurt. John Landresh. a Polander who re sides on upper Melmont, met with a pnltiful accident while at his work yes terday morning. He was caught be tween two coal cars at the Delaware and Hudson pockets, and his right arm was crushed In a terrible manner. Dr. Bailey is attending to the injured man. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. Peola mutron at the station house, is confined to her bed by sick ness, and It is feured that an operation will be necessary to relieve her. The Sunday school of the Methodist church of this city will join with those from Honesdale and Jermyn on an ex cursion to Farvlew Aug. 13. Music will be furnished by the Honesdale Cornet band and Jermyn Temperance b.and. Workmen are now engaged In placing the new Ice machine in position at Krantz's brewery. A powerful pump for the purpose of forcing water out of an artesian well has been put in also. Mrs. Anthony Henlgan, of Scranton, Is visiting friends in this city. James Coughtry, of Albany, is visit ing friends In this city, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Boton have b gun housekeeping in the apartments loom Of ill health, (U'spondoncy ami despair, gives wuy to the sunshine of hope, happiness anil health, upon taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, because it gives renewed life and vitality to the blood, mid through that imparts nerve streu Jt gth, vigor and encrgv CJJ to the whole bodv. Read iFlf 11 this letter: "lioodsSar VSHefr s a pi r ilia he 1 pod me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to sun shine. No pen can describe what I suf fered. I was deathly sick, had tick head aches every few days and those terrible tired, despondent feelings, with heart troubles so that 1 could not go up and Sunshine down stiin without clasping my hand over my heart and resting. In fact, it would almost take my breath away. I suf fered to I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. There Is no pleasure in life if deprived of health, for life become burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far more than advertised. After taking one bottle, it is sufficient to recommend Itself." Mrs. J. E. Smith, Beloit, Iowa. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Mood It Co., Lowell, Mass. u rtiti - cure all liver Ills, bilious- UUUU 3 fills uess. ueadacue. Carpet Remnant!) and Odd Pieces ut Less Than Cost. See Our Show Windows for Bargains. Wall Papers Odd Lots at One-Half Price to Close ofit. Now In the t time to buy, as we have some very desirable lots left. J, SCOII INCUS, Lack! Are - Carpets and Will Paper Dealer. on North Main street over Evans' tail oring establishment. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Prankel and daughter. Edith, of New Tork, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Singer. Miss Martha Singer has returned from a two weeks' stay at Nineveh, N. Y. Mrs. Fayette Wa sh, of South Church street, will leave today for an extended visit at Brooklyn, N. Y and Rockaway Beach. Miss Margaret and Adelaide O'Brien, of Pittston, are the guests of Miss Mary Ftneran. Rev. B. E. O'Bryne, of Honesdale, was visiting in this city yesterday. Miss Mattle Klock. ot Elmlra, Is the guest ot Miss Teresa Durkln, of Scott street. John O'Brien, of Oneonta, formerly of this city. Is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Wilcox, of Great Bend, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Purble, have returned home. Miss Alice Rashlelgh attended a party in Hyde Park Thursday night, given by Miss Lettie Doyle. Miss Mollle Day, of Wllkes-Barre, is the guest ot her cousin. Miss Sarah Grady, of Pike street A party consisting of the following young men will leave next Monday for a two weeks' outing at Crystal Lake: Moore Crago, Scranton: Theodore Mor gan, A. F. Birkett, A. L. Blrkett, Wy land Gregory and L. Abbott. Miss May Merritt, of Terrace street. Is confined to her home by sickness. Miss Alice Rellly, of Pittston, has re turned home after several days' visit with friends In town. Miss Lizzie Lyden, who has been vis iting in Wilkes-Barre tor some time, has returned home. Miss Mary Dugan, of Brooklyn street, has returned after a few weeks' visit with friends in Archbald. John Brown left yesterday for Jer sey City, where he will Join Mrs. Brciwu, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Burke. Kev. John Mary, of Canada, has been a guest at St. Rose rectory for the past few days. The Pittston relief fund has reached the neighborhood of four hundred dol lurs. Rev. J. J. Griffin, of St. Rose parish, sent in a cheek for $10 yesterdav and the receipts of the benefit concert bring the amount to $;)91.65. Mr. George Love, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and his niece. Miss Margaret Lov?, were today calling upon friends In this city. They were former residents of this city, and are now Visiting at Ben ton, where they returned last evening. 1F.CKVIU.K. Services as usual in the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Preach ing by (he pastor, Rev. S. C. Simpklns, at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 2.30. Enworth league ot 8.30. p. m. Theme for morning sermon, "Man Sheltered Beneath God's Wings:" evening, "Fixing Responsibility Where It Belongs." Sermons especially for the young people. Everybody will receive a cordial welcome. Rev. W. L. Thorpe, presiding elder of the Honesdule district, visited at the patsonage of the Methodist Episcopal church yesterday. Rev. W. L. Thorpe, in company with Rev. S. C. Simpkins, went to Franklin Valley lust evening to look after the interests of that church. The singing In the Methodist Episco pal church last Sunday evening was splendid. The church has presented each member of the choir with a new anthem book. That's right. Show your appreciation by your works. What's the matter,wlth having a po liceman stationed down In front of the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday evenings to look after the gentlemen und ladies who seem to think there is no law governing the borough. The services are quite often disturbed by the hideous yells and cursing and screeching, and after services are closed the streets are almost impass able because of the crowds that stand along the street and will not allow the church-going people to pass. Is there not some way to remedy this? Miss Bertha Reynolds, of the West End, returned home last Wednesday evening after spending two weeks vis iting at Factoryvllle. Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Grlener, Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam Frear. Mr. and Ms. Frank Ben scouter, Mrs. Jennie Frear and Mrs. Joseph Bell returned yesterday after a ten days' outing at Lake Sheridan. Last Thursday evening a public en tertainment was held in the Ledyard hail for the purpose of presenting Mine Superintendent Salboth Williams, of the Blue Ridge Coal company, with a sur veyor's transient, which was given him by the COO employes of the mine. Mr. Williams has been inside foreman for the punt three years and on the first of July he was promoted to the position ot assistant superintendent of seven collieries under Dr. Rice. The enter tainment consisted of solos and duets which were furnished by local talent and several out of town parties. The instrument was of the latest improved pattern and cost one hundred and forty dollars. Harry Simpson, the outside foreman of the Blue Ridge, presented the Instrument to Mr. Williams with a few remarks expressing the high esteem he was held In by the employes. Mr. Williams responded and thanked them all very kindly. Miss Belle Wallace Is spending a few weeks with relatives in Susquehanna county. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kay have re turned home after an extensive visit with relatives at York state. Services at the Baptist church tomor row. Preaching by the pastor In the morning at 10.30, subject. "Reasons for Christians to Rejoice;" Sunday school, 2.30; evening service, at 7.30, subject, "Temperance." Rev. Peter Roberts, of Olyphant, was a caller in town last Thursday even ing. The Misses Jennie and Margaret Wil liams entertained a trolley party from Providence at their home on South Main street Thursday evening. The party was composed of the following: The Misses Carrie and Emma Huff. Lizzie Williams, Tompkins, Wells, and Shaf er, and the Messrs. James and John Drown, Walter Stanton, Richard Thomas, Harry Huff, and Mr. Gee, all of Providence; also Miss Stella Weld man and Joseph Reese, of Peckville, and Master Afred Wllllama.ofOlyphant. A very enjoyable evening was spent In games and other amusements until 11.30 oclock when all partook of a very boun teous supper served by the Misses Wil liams, after which the party left on the 12 o'clock car for home. . What's the matter iwith stretching a rope. down by the gravity crossing and charging admission to the horse rac ing which takes place on our Main street on Sunday. f - j ; CLARK'S (JREEN. Mrs. Jane Wheeler, of Tompklnsvlll?. is visiting relatives here. Messrs. Harry Austin and Wlllard Cole, of Mont Clair, N. J., spent several days with friends here. Electric Star lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will confer tha second degree on Saturday 'evening next. Haydn Austin spent Sunday with h:s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Austin. Hiram Zimmerman, of Altlmount. Is visiting friends here. Miss Llnle Luker visited her friends here a few days since returning to her home in Scranton Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. W. Pentecost Is making ex tensive Improvements on his dwelling. Mrs. Mae Bennett and daughter, Lena, returned to her home in Newark, N. J., on Tuesday last. Llsile Trace is now home and will spend her vacation here. Miss Edith Wilson and Clara Covey returned from a visit among friends in Scranton on Tuesday. Mrs. Abram Singer, of Scranton, is visiting at Mr. Andrew Singer's. FOREST CITY. Rev. J. O. Evans, of Vandllng, will be the leader at the Young Men's Chris tian association meeting tomorrow af ternoon at 3.30 tn Odd Fellows' hall. "The Peril and Power of Ambition" will be the subject. The first quarterly meeting of the Susquehanna County Medical society will be held at the Central house In Great Bend Tuesday, Aug. 4, at 10 o'clock. An Interesting programme has been prepared. The Susquehanna County Veteran as sociation will hold its annual encamp ment in Montrose Aug, 19, 20 and 21. There will not be any preaching ser vices in the Methodist church tomor row. It is said that the army worm shows good sense in one direction they will not touch tobacco. The annual gathering of the Jeffers, Loomis and Titus families will occur on Wednesday, Aug. 19, at the residence of O. D. Roberts, in Hopbottom. W. L. McMillan, of Nicholson, was looking after his Insurance Interests in this place yesterday. President John McDonald, of the bor ough council, will nerve on the grand Jury In Montrose next week. Postmaster John Connolly, of Star ruca, was a pleasant visitor to this bor ough yesterday. NEW MILFORD. Miss Ada Dennis, of Montrose. Is opera house last evening. Rattlesnakes are quite numerous in this vicinity, several having been killed up to date. Mrs. D. B. Replogle and child, ot Scranton, are visiting at S. V. Trum bull's. John V. LeRoy and wife, of Forest City, are visiting his parents in the township. JS. E. Payns family, of Wilkes-Barre, are occupying their cottage at Loch Eden. .Mrs. D. W. Knapp, of Detroit, Mich., is calling on friends in town. Miss Florence Summers, of Syracuse, N. Y.. is visiting at the home of Mrs. L. G. McCollum. The annual gathering of the Jeffers, Loomis and Titus families will occur on Wednesday, Aug. 19, at the residence of O. D. Roberts, in Hopbottom. The Thayer family reunion will be held on Thursday, Aug. 13, at toss park, Binghamton, N. Y. Merle Shelp and Fred Badger are camping at Upper lake. A private hop was enjoyed at the opera house last evening. Mrs. Dr. Hakes, of Earlville, N. Y., is visiting in town. W. B. Phlnney, of the Eagle, rode his bike from Halstead to this pluce Thurs- SCRANTOEU'S GREATEST hip SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S FINE SHOES, E HAVE TOO MANY Hen's Fine Shoes in stock and we must sell them at once to make room for Fall Goods. You may be worth millions of dollars and still have use for your money. Economy is a quality well worth preserving. There is no use of your paying from $ 1 .00 to $2.00 more for your Shoes elsewhere, when you can buy them from us for less. Big Bargain Facts Require but Little Talk. We Will Turn Them Into Gold. Our stock of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Hen's Shoes, except Patent Leather, must be sold. We prefer to count dollars rather than Shoes. w NOTE THE BARGAINS: 72 pairs of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Hen's Fine Calf Shoes, regular price the world over $5.00, Our Special Price, $3.00 62 -pairs of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Men's $4.00 Calf Shoes, canvass and lace, Reduced to $2.50 75 pairs of Hen's Fine Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, regular price $3.50, Reduced to $2.50 125 pairs of Hen's Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, Congress and lace, regu lar price $3.00, Reduced to $2.00 200 pairs of Hen's Calf, Goodyear welt, Shoes, sold all over the world for $2.50, Our Special Price, $1.69- MATCH THEM IF YOU CAN Men's Dress Shoes, only 89c,; Men's Heavy Shoes, Congress and lace, 88c; Men's Russet Shoes, $1.00.; Boys' Dress Shoes, only 89c,; Boys' Heavy Shoes, 83c; Youths' Dress Shoes, 85c; Youths' Heavy Shoes, only 75c; Ladies' Shoes, only a few of thein, at 70c; Misses' Fine Shoes, 65c; Child's Shoes, 5 to 8, wedge heel, only 43c. The above are only a few of our great bargains. We invite comparison and defy competition. You will simply throw away money if you buy shoes elsewhere. Remem ber, all our Shoes are of the best makes and we guarantee every pair, and if you are dissat isfied bring them back and we will refund your money. We have only one price to all. Absolutely Pure day In exactly sixty minutes. He is the heaviest bicycle rider tn this end of the state. OLD FORGE. Dr. Knapp, of West Pittston, was calling on friends on Thursday. Henry Garbutt Is confined to his home by rheumatism. Miss Lennle Owens, of New York, Is visiting at the livme of Mrs. Bynon. Evan Pickrell and L. Shotwell, two of our enterprisng young men have opened an Ice cream parlor next door to Drake & Stewart's store. They will sell Wil liams's cream. Thomas Faraday's Crackers and Thomas Plckrell's Base Stealers played a very Interesting game on Thursday. The game by innings was: Crackers 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 816 Base Stealers 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 It NICHOLSON'. John Courtrlght, of Clark's Green, was a caller In town yesterday. L. A. Bingham, of Binghamton, Is spending a few days In town. Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Lord and son, Glenn, spent a few days at Hart Lake the fore part of the week. Mrs. N. L. Walker has returned home 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. STRICTLY CASH AND ONE from New York state, where she has been having her eyes treated, slightly Improved. Rev. F. E. Adams, pastor ot the Unl versalist church, Is now having his usual vacation. Preaching services will be discontinued until the last week in August. moosic. Members of Washington camp, No. 174, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will ussemble at their hall on Main street to attend the funeral of Brother Clark Knapp, deceased, on Sunday at 12.30 p. m. MIks Edith Winters, of Nioat, Mont gomery county, was visiting friends in town yesterday. S. F. Price was a caller In Scranton yesterday. If the llaby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow':. Soothing Symp hat been used for over Fifty Years by Mil j:.ins of Mother) for t.elr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success, It Soothes the Child, Softens tha Gums, .'.Hays ail Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remody for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggt&ts In every part of the world, Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Wlnslow1! Soothing Syrup," and take no other Kind. - Twenty-five cents a bottle. 307 Lackawanna Ave. I PRICE. 1 SUMMER SALE OF PREVIOUS TO Greatest Bargains ever given In Scranton. We have an immense assortment of short lengths in every grade; desirable patterns, too, the result of a good spring trade, and we have decided to close them out at about Half rrlce. Bring the measure of your rooms and we will surprise you very agreeably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay. For example, we quote best grade Body Brussels: BlgelOW, WIlItlHll. Low eil and Wen EcllO, $1.00, formerly $1.25; other makes of Body Brussels, wc, formerly jtiS; Velvets, 75c. and 65c formerly $1.00 and 85C. All other srades at proportionately low prices. An examination of our stock will convince yon that an investment D0W will save you money, if purchased only for future use. S. G. KERI), Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming How. Branch at Carbonda Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, llftlATiaiA lain nii..n..T. .A?......... ' ' Lutoiinu k.u warm MAiHlNtHT. BE un t 1 FOR BUYING Window Screens, Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Hammocks, Hefrigeratoss, Lam Hovers. We have the stock and assortment You need tbcm now, if ever. Liberal discount for cash on all seasonable goods. FOOTEfi SHEAR CO,, 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE. What Sarah Bernhard say THERE ARE CLASSES OF 1 9 ) holds from the honest promiser. The man who pays us cash for his Clothes pays just as much as the one whom we accommodate with credit. Clothiers generally are all aiming for your patronage, but the clothier who treats you fairest and makes you feel that your money is well spent, is the one who will get it. We are trying our best to win your trade by giving you the greatest Clothes values to be had and giv ing you credit when you need it. 1 om 2 lc&SiZZJ ESTABLISHED 1873, I53! Cdlt U CLEARING CARPETS STOCK TAKING. SON & GO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue Oencral Ottlcw SCRANTON, PA. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Wyoming Are. DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND JEWELRY, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, RICH CUT GLASS 1 STERLING AND SILVER PLATED WARE. ' LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Jewelers and Silversmiths, IJO WYOMINO AVa THE ,1001 POWDER CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COUTH BID'S, SCRANTON, PA. SIRING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUflH LALU WORKS. LAPUN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrio Batteries, Etectrlo Eiploder. for plodlng blasts, Seietjr Fuse, and Repauo Chemical Cft's mari EXPLOSIVBS. TWO PEOPLE In this world who "cry down" credit one doesn't need it the other has been denied it. Don't listen to the ghost stories either tell. Our CLOTHING ON CREDIT System isn't built on (lie ac commodation plan. It grants cash no privileges it with ! 225,227 AMD 218 WYOMING AVENUE MERCEREAU & CQNNELL MERCEREAU & CONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers