THE SCR ANTON TBtBUNE- SATURDAY MORNING JULY 25, 186, WORLD OF FICTION. It was thought that after Robert Louis Stevenson had written "Jekyll and Hyde" and "The Suicide Club" the possibilities of the horrible In Action were pretty well exhausted during- this generation at least; but H. O. Wells. In his latest book, proves otherwise. ,The Island of Dr. Moreau" (New York: Stone & Kimball) Is described on Its title page as "A Possibility." Human ity can thank their stars it Is not like ly ever to become a reality. Such a narrative of horrors, so Intense, realist ic and Vivid, and yet nowhere sensibly overdrawn, has rarely before seen print In any age; It confirms Mr. Wells claim to the possession of the most am bitious and strenuous imagination in contemporary letters. Doctor Moreau Is a noted vivisection 1st. who. being driven from England by the burking of unsctentilic sentimelital iem. establishes himself in a small Islund In the South Pacific. For ten years he here experiments uninterrupt edly. Then a castaway (who tells ihe story) Is thrown on the inland and sees such astonishing results of the doctor's handiwork that lie demands an expla nation. The chapter headed "Dr. Morc.ui Explains" ! the pivot of the book. We yuote from the doctor's talk: "You forget nil mat a skilled vivlsetlor can do with llvint, things." said Moreau. "Small efforts have oeen aiiiput.i tton, tongue-cutting, excisions. Of course you know a squint may be Induced or cured by surgery? Then In case of c. olHlons you have ill kind of set. on jury change, pigmentary nlsturba mo fill cations of the parlous, alt atlon in Ui secretion of fatty tisane. Thi.-se are trivial cases of alteration. Surgery can do butter thir.n than that, '.here i. building up as wll as orakti.a down i nd changing. Von navi hoard, iwriiaw, of a common surgical operation rcJort.J to In oases where the r.o.o Mrs beer, destroyed; a flan of skin !i cut from the fore-herd, turned down on the nos-.i. and heals in the new position. Tills !h :i 1 1 lid ! grafting In a new position of rait of mi animal upon Itself. Drafting or lioMy obtained material from another animal i nl-v not slble, the ease of teeth, for example. The kraftlng of tklr. and lioni i done to la "llltate heating: the surgeon places In the middle of the woun J piece.' of ekln siitpotd from another animal, or fragments of bone from it '.:ci:iH freshly killel. Hun ter's coek-siur-pf)i.i: jlv yoii ha-e neard of that-flourished on the bull's neck; and the rhinoceros rats of the AUeriau zou aves are nls t be thaimht ol-m -inters manufactured l-v traiur-rrlnir a ill) from the tail of ar. ot -ll.uiry rat to Hs snout, an 1 allowing It to ho il :n that position. ' "Manufactured monsters!" said I. "Then you mean to tell me" "Yes. These creatures you have seen are animals carven and wrought Into new shapes. To the study of the plasticity of living forms my life ha been devot.'d. It's not simply the outward form of an animal which 1 can change. The physiology, the chemical rhythm of the, creature, may ulso be made to undergo un enduring modification. 'A similar ou ra tion is the transfusion of blood. But perhaps my meaining grows plain now. You begin to see that It is a pussftilt- thing to transplant tissue from one part of un animal to another, or from one animal to another: to alter Its chemical reactions and methods of growth; to modify the ar ticulation of Its Jimbs: and lnded to change It in Its most Intimate structure." There is further conversation along (his line, until we come to the follow ing: "Hut," said I, "these things these on! muls talk!" Hw said that wo no and proceeded to point out tnat the posslbllty of vivisec tion does not stop at a mere physical n.ctu nioi pilosis. A pig may be educated. The mental structure Is even less determinate than the bodily. In our growing sett nee of hypnotism we find the promise of- a possibility or superceding old Inherent In ctincts by new suggestions, grafting iipcn or replacing the Inherited fixed lutas. Very much Indeed of what we call moral educa tion, he said. Is such un artificial MoCill cation and perversion of Instinct; peg naeity Is trained Into courageous self sacrltice. and suppressed sexuality Into religious emotion. And the great differ ence between man and monkey Is In the larynx, he continued, In the incapacity to frame delicately different sound-ryni-bols by which thought could be sustained. Th Island, In other word, was peo pled with inuii-mnde animals, having the shape, the voice and some of the cruder Instinct of men, set before u background of ferocity and bestiality. The pututlve nurrator of the story lived for nliio months amongst these beast folk und the novel Is mainly a descrip tion of his and .their unpurallcled ex periences. At the end. Dr. Moreau, who held over his creations u singular power, is killed by a half-completed monstrosity that broke away from the banduges of the vivisection table; and the beast-men gradually lost the hyp notic suggestions which nude them partly human In thoughts, and relapsed Into their original animal Instincts. The pictures drawn by Mr. Wells of the con sequences of this unanticipated emerg ency are sufficient to convince the un scientific reader that the old plan of populating the earth Is decidedly the safer. A word should be said for the me chanical appearance of this interesting volume. It is ideal. A prettier book was never published. II II II In a different vein, but every .whit as Interesting, Is "Dr. Nikola" by Guy Boothby ) published by the Apple tons In their Town and Country library). Dr. Nikola is an Impossible hypnotist and discoverer of occult mysteries, who makes all persons bow to his strong mesmeric force and relentless will. He learns that in a Thibetan monastary live a race of monks who have accumu lated extraordinary knowledge cover ing thousands of centurlea. He de termines to penetrate Into this holy of Oriental holies and possess himself Of Its wonderful secrets. Hp does this disguised as u Chinaman, and Is detect ed at the last minute, with singular consequences. The leader who begitn this novel will swallow many improb abilities before he lays the book down, Directory Wholesale. BANKS. Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co. Merchants' end Mechanic', 2t Lacks. Traders' National, 234 Lackawanna. West Side Bank, lot N. Main. So ran too Bavins, 123 Wyoming. BBDDINO. CARPET CLEANING, ETC. The Scran ten Bedding Co., Lacks. "BREWERS. , goblnson, B. Bone, 3S N. Seventh, eblason, Mlna, Cedar, cor. Alder. CHINA AND QLASSWARS. Kuppreoht, Louis. 231 Peon. TOTS AND CONFECTIONERY Williams, J. O. Bro., n Lacks, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. Matthews, C, P. Sons Co., M Laeka, Tho Weston Mill Co., fl-t Lacks. PAINTS AND SUPPLIES. MeSe. ta Spruce. LETTERS. but he will not stop until he shall hava read It through. II II II Following In the path marked out by Zangwlll. Abraham Cahan, a Lithu anian Jew and a political refugee, has given us In "Yekl, a Tale of the New York Ghetto" (New York; D. Appleton & Co.), an Interesting and at -times vivid picture of the slum life of the Hebrew colonists of New York. It' Is a picture of poverty, misfortune and squalor, with every detail telling elo quently of the persecutions which have come to a noble race; yet there ar human touches to the book which re veal the underlying thread of common humanity. The reader of this book will perhaps not feel much drawn towaid the characters it depicts, but if he be a fair-minded man, he will be filled with unutterable shame to think that it was the persecution of so-called Christians which reduced these people to the lev-l almost of nun tec', bracts. II II II There is admirable adroitness In the manner In which Clyde Fitch in "Some Correspondence and Six Conversations" (New York: Stone & Kimball) touches up soclnl foibles. His brutih is feathery In Its lightness; It gives off only tin merest bits of color, but In a half-dozen strokes the artist completes a picture that Is at once recognizable as accmatc and Instinct with the true spirit of the theme. The Idea of packing a wlioh comedy of modern life Into two, four or six brief letters Is felicitously conceivej and consummately executed; while tw for the conversations, they uiu simply delicious. If Mr. Fitch's ort hi a trifl ? superficial, no one can deny that It Is exquisite ai far as it goes. . " !l 'I "Checkers, a Hard-Luck Story" (Chi cago; Herbert S. Stone & Co.) is dis tinctively American In theme. In it Henry M. lllossom, Jr., has drown a veritlstlc picture of the race track as a social and financial Institution, with it ) terminology put Into dialect forms that every one will recognize as true to the subject. Ho far as we recall no other writer of fiction has up'proached the sporting Held from the same half-satirical, half-humorous standpoint, and the result Is a book distinctly fresh, or iginal and. If we may use the word, up-to-date. Mechanically, too. It Is Worthy of appreciation. Its naming crimson cloth covers are appropriately "flashy," while type and paper are of the newest grade of excellence. II II II "A Daughter of Cuba" by Helen M. Gcwen (New York; The Merrlam Co.) is fittingly described on Its title-page a3 "a story of love und wur." It Is a nar rative spun round the struggle for Cuban Independence, with Its hero a brave American who does impossible feuts at arms, and its heroine a hand some senorlta who, contrary to all the law9 of fiction, does not marry the hero In the last chapter. For the reasons why we refer all curious persons to the book Itself. MISCELLANEOUS. From the Royeroft Printing shop In the town of East Aurora, comes an other of those artistic books with which this now Venetian band of bookmakers (we mean no reflection upon the gen tlemen of the turf) are wont at uncer tain Intervals to delight bibliophiles. It Is a sister book to the "Song of Song3," Issued lust year; being "The Journal of Koheleth," otherwise the book of Ko cleslastos, with an essay by Klbert Hubburd. But "1- copies) arc to be is sued: 700 printed on Holland hand-made paper and twelve on Jayuin vellum, the whole numbered and signed by Mr. Hubbard, to be followed by the distri bution of the attractive Romanesque types und the destruction of title-pag?, colophon and borders. The binding Is In white buckram with rough paper sides; the size an imperial octavo. It Is, of course, a delight to read the musings of the "soli of David" as they are set forth In this beautiful .wise; but fur more to the relish of the seeker nfter modernized wisdom is the intro ductory essay of Mr. Hubbard. To say that he has caught the spirit of the Hebrew monologlst und re-volced it In the more conventional phraseol ogy of our time Is to say what anyone is at liberty to dispute. For to each mood this message from the ancient days presents an Individual meaning; If It were not so It would not so long have survived. In its depths we mirror our own mental characteristics a fai t true of all Inspired Scripture. According to Mr. Hubbard's reading, the mun who wrote that book, who ever he .was (und the (supposition that it was Solomon does not meet with the present essayist's approval) did not write for publication: had. In short, no ambitious Idea that he was writing for Immortality. "Most authors," Mr. Hub bard observes, "are like farmers In a photograph gullery very different per sons from the awkward men in shirt sleeves who so gracefully toss the gold en sheaves over the cross-beams Into the mow. In Shakespeare there Is a careless quality which shows that of whatever he wrote he never blotted a line. And although we say with Ben Jonson, would he had blotted a thou sand, the work lives ami Is deathless on Recount of Its very Imperfections. A lawyer's brief, a malefactor's de fense, a shop-keeper's advertisement, may be perfect and complete, but their author's motives are ulterior, and like all other selfish things that strive to clutch and hold they are ephemernl. Only second rate men have exalted alms. The great of earth simply en deavor to do their work, not to be great." "To me," the espaylst remarks, furth er on, "the Book of F.cclesiastes Is simply the Journal of a man .who has lived long and studied much; who has traveled and observed and meditated; who has tasted of all the so-called pleasures of life. And now ho has of Wholesale MONUMENTAL WORKS. Owens Bros., 218 Adsms avenue. MILK. CREAM, BUTTER, ETC. Scranton Dairy Co., Peon and Llndea, ENGINES yND BOILERS. Dickson Manufacturing Co. DRT GOODS, MILLINERY, ETC. The Fashion, 301 Lackawanna avenue. PLUMBING AND HEATING. Kowlsy, P. F. A M. T 231 Wyoming avs. OROCEHS. Kelly, T. J. A Co., 14 Lackawanna. Megargel A Connell. Franklin avenue Porter, John T., 2 and 28 Lackawanna. Rice, Levy A Co., 80 Lackawanna, HARDWARE. Connell, W. P. A Sons. 118 Penrl. Foots A Shear Co., 11 N. Washington, Hunt Connell Co.. tit Laokawaaaa. played the game to the limit, and. Old Age plucking; him by the sleeve, he recognizes that he Is about to quit. We catch him off his guard and hear him talking aloud." There la an epigrammatic turn to Mr. Hubbard's philosophy which often puts his thoughts In miniature. Lacking space for adequate quotation, we yet do partial justice to his perceptive powers by presenting a few stray pick ings from the masterly Introduction: "No man allows his thoughts to ap pear in dressing gown and slippers, save with the wife of bis bosom, and she nev er tells his best, because she can't trans late it." "Conversation Is comment and criti cism on things external: very, very rarely does It rise to self-revelation or soul confession." "Talleyrand was right: Words were Invented that men might conceal their thoughts and the purpose has never been forgotten." "The average man plays to the gallery of his own self-esteem." "Laughter has a certain proportioned relation to tears, and unless this rela tivity Is shown hi literature the lines come tardy off." "A cheerful resignation is always he roic; but no phuse cf life la so pathetic as a forced optimism." "Hope pushed to the extreme Is only cowardice." "There is a sort of skyey metaphysics that is unlike charity, being exceeding ly puffed up. It always has an answer ready. It claps Its calipers to science, art or philosophy without warning, and reasons high finding, meanings, por tents, proofs where'er It lists. What ever Is not In accordance with Its pre conceived predilections is boldly argued down, or calmly waived, or smiled away. Through its nimble alchemy it extracts sunbeams from cucumbers', or resolves the sold of experience into vapor by the breath of its mouth. Pressed too closely, like the Ink-fish, It clouds Its slippery form In misty, mean ingless words, lieware of these mazy, hazy, hotly arguing philosophers who twist and distort all the beautiful things of earth Into 'proof.' " "Deep down In our heart we crown with laurel the literature that contains the honest doubt. Hamlet is a vast In-tcrrogatlon-polnt; Faust Is a guetis; the Divine Comedy u dream: and Abt Vogler, alb-clad, nmlce-tired and stolcd with the sacred tippet, Is carried on the wings of music free and clear of all the ensnaring tlxlty of faith." "In these thoughts of the Prophet there Is at times the strong, well-potsed Independence of the man who Is con vinced of his kinship with the Divine; of one who, feeling his footsteps mor tised and tenoned lu granite, knows the amplitude of tln'e. He does not strive to be explicit, to make his philosophy synthetic, to convert or to proselyte. As In all sublime oratory there Is a dash of indifference to the opinions of the audience, so In great literature there Is a quality that says with Browning: 'I do not WPite for you.' " II II II Aldtn's Living Topics Cyclopedia reaches us In handsome single-volume form, comprising; some 300 pages of crisply stated facts not found In other cyclopedias because other cyclopedias are not up to date. There Is to be a new edition of this cyclopedia each month, with each subject freshened to the mo ment of golnjv to pies'", and new topics added. Each y ;u.- one can pot a new volume for 35 cents, after l-ivlng $1 for the first one. in the meantime, the Living Topics magazine, a little pam phlet Issued fortnightly for a nominal sum, will keep the purchaser of one of these larger volumes Informed of all that transpires subsequent to the date of his edition of the cyclopedia. New York: John B. Alden, 10 and 12 Vande water street. INTERNAL JtKVKM L" RECEIPTS. First twenty-two months. McKinley law. First twenty-two months. Oorman law. 1SW. I imm. Oct J12,S40.2"J), Nov 11.322,07 j Dec 11!,!M4,1"U! ISM. Sept. 8li.182.14" tS.493,43 7.774,071 9,031,963 I, 960.480 9,U4.977 lQ.ti4X.WM 10.7U.O53 II, 810,385 Oct. .. Nov. ., Dec. .. 18. Jan. .. Feb. ... March April . May .. June ., Jal ll.n.S'JI Feb ,4Sy. March ii.awj.7r. April ., May .., June ... July ... Aug. ., 8'ept. ., Oct. ... Nov. . Dee. .., ISM. Jan. ... Feb. ... March April .. May ... June July ... Il.420.4j5' 12.232.704' 13,72ii,52 14.5ol.SH7 J2.301.32S' ll.KfW.SJl 13,OtM,4Ul July 1ZS9S.4W Aug 13,172,104 Sept. 12.260.008 13,216,603 13.1HO.OS4 12,750,771 11,041.101 tO,806,Co2 11,036,204 11,225,577 11,560,109 12,4XU.3J6' 12,427,0: ll,439,9S6j Oct. ... Nov. ., Den. .. 1898. Jan. . . , Feb. ... March April ., itiaa.ioi! 12.01s,22 J3,0.'.0.1W7 I4.77V.922' lt.SUII.llS May Juno 13,352,717 Total ....t273,918.3ui Total ...$237,198,215 Decrease Under "Tariff for Rev enue Only" 3,"20,144 Acquiring Knowledge. ' "Papa, w hat Is an old saw not the saw yon saw with, but the kind this paper speaks about?" "What old saw does the paper speak about?" "That's what I want to know. It says: Everybody 'has heard the old saw, never look a gift horg In the mouth." ' I want to know where the saw comes In." "Well, there's your old saw. An old taw Is an old proverb." "Why shouldn't you look a gift horse in the mouth?" "Because because It's bad taste. It's ungrateful and all that sort of thing." "All what sort of thing?" "Why. to look a horse In he mouth that has been given to you shows that It snows that you are not thinking of the giver, but at the value of the gift." "What would anybody want to look a horse In the mouth for?" "To tell how old It Js." (After a pause) "Papa, can you tell how old a saw Is by looking at it teeth?" Chicago Tribune. Not a Mysterious Di nprjeornnce. "What has become of all your chick en??" "We have had two church conferences In our town this year." Judge. and Retail City and Suburban Representative Business Houses. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Dale A Stevens, 27 Lackawanna. Cleveland, A. 8., IT Lackawanna. DRY GOODS Kelly A Healey. 20 Lackawanna. Finley, P. B., 510 Lackawanna. LIME. CEMENT, 8EWER PIPE. Keller, Luther, 813 Lackawanna. HARNESS & SADDLERY HARDWARE. Frits O. W., 410 Lackawanna. Keller A Harris, 117 Penn. WINES AND LIQUORS. Walsh, Edward J., 33 Lackawanna. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Williams, Samuel, 11 Spruce. BOOTS AND SHOES. Goldsmith Bros., 304 Lackawanna. WALL PAPER, ETC. Ford, W. M., 120 Penn. v CANDY MANUFACTURERS. Cerantou Candy Co.. 22 Lackawanna. TOWN WHICH IS IN NEED OF WOMEN Vancouver Village, Where the Fair Sex U ia (treat Demaad. SOME RARE BARGAINS IN MATRIMONY Lonely Maidens Can Procare Hus bands to Suit the Most Fastitlons. Big Soma Awaiting Those Who Will Be Life Companions. From the Ban Francisco Examiner. There Is a city In the western part of Canada, close to the Pacific Ocean, which Is named by all who visit It the most desolate spot upon the face of the earth. Its climate Is good, its natural resources excellent. Its houses fair. Its streets well paved, yet within this town there Is an ulr of forlorn dejection that strikes the most careless traveller that comes within its boundary. It Is on Vancouver Island, a sweet, fair spot. And the desolation Is caused by one thing one only. The lack of women and girls. Thi particular town Is scarcer of the product than any of Its locality. There are many towns upon the Island, but this one lucks women so sadly that In a recent census of the place It was found nearly 30.000 short. This number in-clud-.s a count of serving women, wo m. n to do the work of the house, cook, wush, and iron, it also Includes work lug girls and women vfho are not ex pected to marry. And, of course, It took in the queus of the city, the fair ma trons of the homes and the mistresses of the pretty establishments. Today the doorsteps of these houses yawn vacantly and the vines fluttering over the portals seem to say: "She comes not yet." PIJOPOSITION. It Is not to be expected that such a condition of affairs could exist without becoming unknown. The thrifty long shoremen of the place and the wood men, the miners, and the merchants have written east ubout It, and a few days ago the mayor of the place was surprised and delighted to receive a let ter containing a suggestion. It was that, as women were loo numerous In the east to dud the homes they desired he, the mayor, should devote a part of the funds or the town to sending east for a car load of marriageable young women to come out and settle In the va cunt homes. The letters suggested that as the young women were not lu afflu ent circumstances, most of them living with married sisters or supporting themselves, it might be a good thing to provide each with a small "dowry" with which to equip herself to come out to the frontier coast and marry one of the needy men. The letter so Impressed the Mayor of the place that he laid It before a com mittee of men and women, for there ore a few women there, and they decided that nothing could be better. Their fertile brains hit upon the expedient of fitting up a hotel or "homo" for all the new arrivals, and they suggested a re ception committee of men and women to meet them. "When they get off the train," said the chairman of the com mittee, "we will approach them, shake hands with them, ond make them feel at home at once, men as well as women being there to say. 'How do you do?" " The scheme at last reports was being carried out, and a hundred little grip sacks In the East were being filled with the small belongings of the femininity, the same that were to transform that corner of Vancouver from the most desolate place upon the earth Into a par adise. In other countries, especially those of Europe, women are so much more beau tiful than men that certain Induce ments are held out to men to marry. These people can hardly believe that there Is an El Dorado for women, where a woman needs only a wedding gown and a bouquet to take possesion of by a delighted and worthy man. In these European countries the men have been thinned out by emigration. They have gone out to Australia, have gone up Into the high seas, have come here. But the women have stayed at home. Hence the dower question be came Important, and grows more and more so every year. In France tha poorest girl must have her dot, and if her parents cannot give it to her she must work until she gets It. Here a girl. If she be poor, works only to give herself a trousseau, and Is very fortu nate if Bhe comes to her husband with a $5 bill In her purse. Women of Amer ica do not know how like queens they are compared to those of other coun tries. WORTH HER WEIGHT IN OOLD. There are places upon the frontier of the United States, villages bordering upon recently opened places, Territories and upon the limits of cultivation, where a woman Is worth her weight In gold and a great deal more. There Is a genuine bateiing of women con stantly taking place. Let a woman from the city go there and the "courtship" begins Immedia tely, and great rivalry there Is for her hand. The men have gold ore to ofTer they own "claims." they have partly worked farms, and they want a good home to live In. They will hire China men or half breeds, anything to do the hard work. If only a good-looking wo man will light the parlor lamp at night and sit In the window and wait for them to come home. The "price" for a pretty .woman of good education and family In a new:y constructed town Is great enough to es tablish a man In business In the city and Introduce him to society. The agent of a matrimonial bureau In Chi cago, who, as much out of curiosity ns for business, kept himself In touch with frontier needs, received a letter from a wealthy miner of a certain desolate FLOUR. BUTTER, EGOS, ETC. The T. H. Watts Co., Lt., T23 W. Laeka. Babcock, O. J. A Co., 118 Franklin. MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Scranton Supply and ifach. Co., 131 Wy FURNITURE. Hill ft Connell, 181 Washington, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Blume, Win. A Son, (22 Spruce, HOTELS. Scrsnton House, near depot MILLINERY ft FURNISHINO GOODS. Brown's Be Hive, 234 Laeka. City and Suburban. ATHLETIC'OOODS AND BICYCLES. Florey, C. M., 222 Wyoming. HARDWARE AND PLUMBING. Ouaster A Forsyth, 227 Peon, territory. "1 nt-ed & wife ' wrnl tfi miner, "and If you can persuade a good- luoKing woman to come out here and take it. look at me I can gamble she will have me. I won't show her my bronzed mnr lint I'll l h m a squint at the ore. If she'll name her figure ahe can have it. Mines put In her name the day before she becomes Mrs. Hawkins. The "price" of a woman for with such quick matrimonial arrangements "true love" goes to the wall and poor Cupid goes home out of his occupation depends upon the woman and the loca tion. In thriving villages, where every man owns his own farm, a pretty girl want a good house "clear," a big acre age of land, and a good-looking man. The live stock la also taken into account by her. Homelier girls get less. And so all the way down to the woman who Is angular and sour, and who must be contented with a farm hand and lots of hard work. That Is the way things are managed In the woman's El Dorados, where every woman can have a hus band "as quick as wink," and where every man Is waiting for a girl to come along. In the moat rlaunluti. Byyt vi cm where a delegation of women Is expected l" utmost any aay, tne matrons of the town are determined that there shall be romance In their city and enough courtship to make matters spicy gossip. The married men are likewise inclined to this arrangement, as part of the cost of transportation comes out of their pockets as taxpayers. The matrons propose to open the amusement halls every night and give sociables, fulrs, and tea drlnklngs. They have planned an amateur dramatic company, and as for dances, each Is to have a dancing class under her own chuperonage. The girls upon the day of their arrival are to be given a recep tion, and all will become acquainted speedily. BARGAINS IN WIVES. .The greatest bargain sale of wives ever known took place upon a recently opened domain u. four ,un - - - " afW. A fiantlo cull was sent to the citiea ror one hundred women. And poor girls, out of fun and curiosity and willingness to have a home, went out there. The men met them at the station. The girls looked them over shyly. By evening all the girls had found boarding places In the wooden shanties of the "town." And by Sunday the parson was kept busy tying the nuptial knots. The prettiest girls and the richest ones got the wealthiest men. A girl with $50 was an heiress and a man with $100 was a prince. The plain girls took up with poor fellows with hope nd chances. It was a quick, natural selection. One very handsome fellow, with blond curls, got a very pretty girl, though neither had a cent. It was a case of beauty. The rude courtship was carried on In the three evenings be tween the time the girls arrived and Sunday, and within a week there were nearly one hundred small wooden houses going up In the town. There Is no name for this peculiar state of society where women are want ed to make homes and where money Is laid down for them and paid to them to queen It over a home. A glaring headline in an English paper once called It "The Barter of Women In America." But among those who see the satisfac tory after workings it Is merely the good-natured consent of the girls to ad Just themselves to their country, which Is yet new enough not to be as evenly distributed as It will be when the twenty-first century man and woman come in. CHAIRMAN HA.WA. From the Times-Herald. Mr. Hunna Is a man of business and Is interested in politics only In so far as politics may be employed to promote the welfare of the country. It Is his good fortune to be the disinterested and bosom friend or the statesman to whom the country turns for guidance on th road to prosperity. What he has done to biiim sbout the nomination of .McKinley has been done from the most unselfish mo tives and without expectation of recom pense beyond Identification with the Pa triotic work of which his friends, no more than the country at large, will be the beneficiary, it Is McKinley' wonderful good fortune hat the work of the ant.j conventlon campaign, as well as of the regular campaign now begun, has de volved upon men In whose hands his honor Is safe and who wish no success apart from his own. Under -Mark Hannas chairmanship no Republican leader worthy of the name will b ignored. No unworthy alliances wll be made. No unnecessary dollar will be collected, and no dollar will be ex pended except for legitimate purposes. There will be no rainbow chasing. Busi nesslike methods will prevail at head quarters. The books of the committee will be kept so that they may be at any time open to the Inspection of those who have a right to see them. There will be no deficit to be met four years later. No mud will be thrown. Personal Issues will not be allowed to becloud the great questions at stake. The campaign will be conducted on a dignified plane, and the methods employed to secure success will be worthy alike of the candidate and the cause. ABOVE PERSONALITIES. From the Washington Star. But the contest will not be between man and man. .Mr. .McKinley easily matches the best man In America In point ot purity of life and exalted conceptions of citizen ship. He, as an Individual, as .Mr. Bryan us an Individual does, stands for home and country and all things or good re port. But the platforms of the two fac tions make the issue. The country Is to choose between them, and In doing so will exercise all the greater care for knowing that thevinan elected will faithfully carry out his pledge to the people. That the campaign Is to be free from all coarseness seems assured, and the assurance Is most welcome. The two leaders being men of blameless lives, there will be no excuse tor personalities, nor for the slightest Ue. parture from s discussion of the princi ples Involvtd. This will rule out spouters of the ba.ier soit, and leave the stump to men of Ideas and personal excellence. Cowl. W. C, 1807 N. Main. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Rogers, A. E., 216 Lackawanna. BOOTS AND SHOES Goodman's Shoe Store, 432 Lackawanna. N FURNITURE. Barbour's Home Credit House, 42t Laeka CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. Inglls, J. Scott, 419 Lackawanna. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Oiterhout. N. P., 110 W. Market. Jordan, Jamos, Olyphant. Barthold, E. J., Olyphant CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Snook, 8. M., Olyphant. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. Winks, J. C, Ul Psan. TKA, COFFES AND BPICB. OranA Vnitrn Tta Ce U8 S. Mala, A SPIRITOAUST SPEAKS. Advice from a Prominent Member of this Society. She Tells a "Moon" Reporter the Secret c' Her Good Health and Happiness. When a person has been cared from malady that has troubled him for year and the best physician in the country were powerless to grapple with it. When the patient bad suf fered for year all the agonies that pn can de scribe, and then wu cured by a remedy, it is no wonder that the patient who has that been cured would be loud In the praise of that remedy. This h the case of Henry Weston, whose story was told in the Mo several moot hi ago. It will be remembered that Mr. Wetton doctored with one of the best special ists in the country nnd found no relief, and then after a lew boxes of Dr. William' Pink Pill had been Ukea he was well. Mr. Weston it o jubilant over hit recovery that he never tires of telling hi ttory to other. It was through bim that Mr. John Ettell. of South Avenue, was induced to try them. She Is well acquainted with Mr. Wetton, and through his advic and knowing that he had been cured by thi remedy, the was induced to try them. A Moon reporter called on Mrs. Estell and asked her tf the ttory of her cure was true. She taid that she kuew of the remarkable cure of Mr. Weston, and the wat tuflerins from the after effect of the grippe and a baa case of indigestion. She doctored with a local physician and received no special bene fit. Mr. Weston had urged her to try the pills, and after she had wade up her mind that it wat uselett for her to doctor with the physicians any longer, tho decided to try Dr. William' Pink Pills for Pale People. She went to Amoerg a Murpny urug ttore and asked thern about the remedy, ttating her case. The drumtiat told her that they Jcnew of many case like hers that had been cured by the pill, and they had not the least bit of doubt about her receiving great benefit if she took the medicine. She bought a box and iu a very short time she wat a new woman, the effect of the grippe were all gone and her stomach which bad troubled her for to many years was better. For years she had to eat only the easiest food that could be digested, aud mauy article! of diet that she longed for had to be let alone. 8he was troubled with that awful disease of indiges tion and the long train of disease that go with it. She suffered with all of the hor rors that persont affected with that malady are subject to, but after ahe had taken the pills a snort time she found relief and now she eats everything she desires, and hat no fears at all. She eat things now, and hat no after pain, or trouble with indigestion, that a lew month ago the would not have thought of taking into her ttoiaach no more than she would a doae of poison. To a Moon reporter she said: "The Dr. Williams' Pink Pills made a new woman of me." Mrs. Estell Is the picture of health, and tayt the feelt bet ter to-day than the hat for years, and attri butes her good health to the uae of the reme dy that everyone ia taking. She cannot say enough in favor of it nnd never mines a chance to tell ber friends of what it ho done for her. One to look ot her would not think that she had ever had a tick day in her life nnd the tayt the feels better than the hat for many years. Mrs. Kstell it well-known in thit city, her husband owns the Eatell cottoget on South Avenue, where the and ber husband reside. The lady i president of the Ladle' Aid, and the it a prominent worker in the Pint Society of Spiritualist In thit city. She is knowu in almost every home here and a re commendation that comet from her bat weight. When ahe tells her friends of what thit great remedy hat done for her and they tee the healthy look on her face, they cannot doubt it, no matter how much they might detire. It i certaiuly a marvel what it Eat done for her. To the scribe the said that tbt thought it wat ber duty to her friends to tell them of what the Dr. Williami' Pink Pill had done for her. She had been cured and when the saw others who were trying their best to EVA M. HETSEL'S Superior face Bleach Pwltlielj RemoTN all Facial Blenlihet, . No more Freckle. Tan. Sunburn, Black Heads, Liver Spot. Pimple and Hallow Coin- Elexien If ladies will in mv Superior Face leach. Not a cosmetic, but s medicine whicU acts directly on the tkln, removing all ditcol oration. and one of the greatest purifying agent for the complexion in existence, a perfectly clear and s pollen complexion can on obtained In every Instance by it use. Price 51 per bottle. For tale at E. M. Helnel s Hair Droning nd Manicure Parlor. 310 Lacka wanna are. Mail order filled promptly. M Ckkketer EaslUk DlMHd Braes, mriYROYAL PILLS Orastiatu utj vaij Venaia. arc, af rtllftbta. laoic ul Vruffttt tor rwcAMftrf Wnft Vt i otuf m ran it in kssi ana aui nnaiaiiia' it, trftlol with taliM ribbon. Tnvk sts aktKstsK. Uttuia duLanruua suafifis (iom$ mnd imUttont. Ai Drtfffi". 4. In tump for ptnWultrt, teatlsMBltU uJ "tUllef for LtvllesV tttttr, b rtrtara Ul, ltw,sjejv JeiIIUniisi. AMffOliT. FLORAL DESIGNS. Clark, O. R. ft Co.. 201 Washington. CATERER. Huntington, i. C, 308 N. Washington, GROCERIES. Plrie, J, J., 427 Lackawanna, UNDERTAKER AND LIVERY. Raub. A P.., 425 Sprues, DRUGGISTS. McGarrah ft Thomas, 209 Lackawanna. Lo rents, C, 418 Lacks:. Linden ft Wash, Davis. G. W Main and Markst. Bloes. W. S., Peckvllle. Davie, John J., 108 B. Main. CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. Slmwell, V. A., tit Linden. PAWNBROKER. Green. Joseph, 107 Lackawanna. CROCKERY AND OLAS8WAR& MaroUaa, J. U, He Lackawanna 4U mEAl F7 rcsi sMtJUIUMi get relief from their maladies by doctoring with the physicians sod after taking treat, ment for months and secured no rslief, the believed that it wot time for them to try something that wonld cure them. In all the easel that the had recommended thit remedy for the had not heard of one that had sot been greatly benefited by it- To the reporter she said, "Yon cannot pnt it too strong for me. I am overjoyed at the result of ay experience with the remedy, and I have sot only recommended it to friend in this city, but bare written to a number in other place who hsve taken my advice and bought the pill, with the tame remarkable retultt at I hod. It it a remedy that thould be in every home." J. W. Murphy, of the drag Arm of Am berg & Murphy, wss seen by a Moon re. pretentative In regard to the esse of Mrs. Estell. "Yes," said he, "ber cats wat L..V1 V. I - , ' perhaps hundreds in thit city alone. ' We never hsve any fear about rteonunendins mete puis to our cuttomtrs. nioo not si a rule guarantee patent remedies, but tbert it no risk to run in guaranteeing this remedy. no one who bat ever taken it eon say any. thing but praise for it and what sveryeaa tayt mutt be true." Mr. Murphy then cited the esses of number of our prominent dtisent who hid been cured by the pills and whose caste had been almost beyond cure so nuny thought. We hsve to many calls for these pill and bear so much sbout their cures that it be come an everyday occurrence with ut and we do not keep track of the parties who sre cored by them," he said to the scribe, "but if we kept a list of our patrons on the remedy we could furnbh yon a long list of per. torn to Interview, who hsve uot only been made well, but happy alto by thi medicine." Dr. William' Pink Pillt for Pale People are handy to take and carry. They can be carried in the vest pocket and taken st any time during the day. The cue or Mrs. Ettell and Mr. Weston mentioned in this article were treated by doctor for months. Mr. Weston paying out hundreds of dollars to doctors and then given up. lie wat cured with a few boxes of Pink Pills. Mr. Estell only bought two botes, just a dollar didihe spend. Thit was vastly dinerent from paying out a dollar a visit from a physician. It it no wonder that peo ple are so anxious to tell their friend of what thit remedy will do. Dr. Williami' Pink Pills for Pale People are prepared by the Dr. Williami' Med. icine Co., of Schenectady, N. Y., a firm whose ability and reliability are unques tioned. Pink Pill sre not looked upon a a patent medicine, but at a prescription, having been used as tuch for year in general practice, and their lucceasfut retultt In curing various afflictions made it imperative that they be prepared in quantities to meet the demand of the public, and place them in reach of all. They are an unfailing ipecifio for snch diseases at locomotor ataxia, partial partly!. St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu ralgia, rheumatism, nervous hcadaohe, the after effect of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and tallow complexion, and the tired feeling resulting from nervou prostra tion, all diseases resulting from vitiated hu mora in the blood, tuch at scrofula, chronio erysipelas, etc. Tney are also a ipecifio for troubles peculiar to female, tuch at snpprea tion, Irregularities, and all forms of weak ness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheek. In men they effect a radical cure in all case arising from mental worry, overwork, or es cesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, contain all the fie ments necessary to give new life and richness to tbs blood and restore shattered nerve. They are for sale by all druggists, or msy be had by mail from Dr. Wifliam' Medicine Company, Schenectidy, N. Y., for 60 cents box, or tix boxes for .50. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest Ashing and huntln (rounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Province. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Korthwett, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoms, Portland, Or., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throucht trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be bad with second-cla tickets. Rates always less than via other line. For further Information, time tables, eta on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 383 Broadway. New York. z&t REVIVO nceivnco fiinkiii. , j Made a lstDay.pji iwweii Man lBtbDay.f of Me. rr. OP EAT 30th bay. jpxuiasaroB x?.xizsxa33ir produce the above result In SO risy. It act sowcrf ally and quickly. Cures when all other tall. Vouug men will retain tlielr lost manhood, and old men will recover tbelr youthful visor by using RKV1 VO. It quickly tnd aurely restorea Nervou nesa, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nlsbtly Emissions Lot Power, Faluns Memory, Waetint Diwsse. and all effecte of w)U-abiue or exceae and indiscretion which unttta one for study, businesa or marrlase. It not only cum by sorting at the eeet ot d.seeee, but 1st treat nerve tonic aud blood builder, briar lug back the pink (low to pale cheeks and r storing the Are of youth. It wards oil rneatuty and Consumption. Insist on bavins RKVIVO.U other. It can be carried la vest pocket. By mall, 1.00 per package, or all tor DS.OO, with a poal written guarantee to cure or refund he mouey. Circular free. Address ' urniCiP ..-. OHirfir. For salt by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggist Seriates. Ps. BROKER AND JEWELER. Radln Bros., 128 Penn. DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS. Kresky, E. H. ft Co.. lie . Mala. CREAMERY Stone Bros., 808 Spruce. , BICYCLES, GUNS, ETC, Parker, E. R., 821 Spruce. DININO ROOMS. Caryl's Dining Rooms, 60S Llndea, TRUSSES, BATTERIES AND RUBBEB Benjamin ft Benjamin, FrankUn ft Spruosv MERCHANT TAILOR. Robert. J. W 128 N. Main. PIANOS AND ORGANS, telle, J. Lawrence, 808 Spruce. DRT GOODS. CLOTHING. SHOE. HARDWARE. ajfriUsx. sab rose. tolnlaaAoMa ; r7 '.ma' m "W M T . Hi