The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1896, Image 1

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Approve of the Boy Orator but Object to
Sewall for Vice-President.
From the Wuhloirtoa Times.
Then He Lost HI. Head and Did Several
Foolish Thlnis.
Sale of
Selling under tlie prices which fol
low la all one-sided, that Is. there's
nothing in it for us liut Retting rid
of the balance of stock on hand.
Uuyers have now every penny of
prollt on their own side, and some
time)) a little more, hut we're sntls
fled If we can only make a clean
Quoted below are not seconds, they
are not last year's, they are not
poorly made or finished, they are
not made from undesirable goods or
patterns a little off.
They Are the Best,
Brightest and Freshest
of the present season's buying, and
are therefore (lawless in every re
spect. LOT 1.
10 dozen 60c. Waists.
Sale Price, 25c
LOT 2.
10 dozen 75c. Waists.
Sale Price, 39c
LOT 3.
20 dozen S5c. and $1.00 Waists.
Sale Price, 59c
LOT 4.
30 dozen top notch style Waists In
exclusive designs; former price,
S1.2G. , . .
Sale Price, 85c
LOT 5. v
15 dozen of our very highest grade
Shirt Waists, that sold for $1.75. ,
Sale Price, 99c
Litre Fence Spring' Poetry-He
Milken an Eloquent Appeal tor the
.Man Iroin Maiue, Who Is Compared
to Itunibrl Hnailin--lgnatins Dou
nelly Makes a Lively Speech.
St. Louis, July 25. The Populist con
vention, which held sessions after mid
night, nominated W. Jennings Bryan
for president, and Mr, Watson, of Geor
gia, for vice-president.
Just as Watson was declared nomi
nated the electric lights went out, lPav
lns the hull in darkness, while pande
monium reigned, and the convention
was adjourned until 9 a. m. today.
St. Louis. July 24. The Populist con
vention was called to order by Senator
Allen, permanent chairman, at 10.05
o'c lock. Prayer was offered by Rev.
Mr. Williams, of the Union Methodist
church, of St. Louis.
The stutes were called for the ap
pointment of a delegate to act on the
conference committee with the sliver
convention. When the state of Texas
was reached, the spokesman of that
delegation declared indignantly that
Texas hud no name to present for such
a committee. The report of the com
mittee on rules and order of business
which was made last night was taken
up for action. The majority report had'
been read last night. The minority re
port was now read the point of It be
ing that nominations for vice-president
shall he made prior to nominations for
president. The majority report was
explained by Delegate N. Pomeroy, of
New Jersey, a member of the committee
on rules. There were but three points
of difference, he said, between the ma
jority and minority the principal one
being a reversal ofhe order of nomi
nations for president and vice-president.
Ignatius) Donnelly criticised the plan
for the m-lectlon of a chairman to the
national committee, declaring In in
dignant tones that It seemod ua If very
little would be left for the People's par
ty after this convention got through its
work, except its national organization,
and he did not wish to see that national
organization put into the hands of the
Democrats, as it would be under the
prosposed rule.
Mr. Howard, of Alabama, scouted the
Imputation that the convention was not
competent to make Its own choice of
chairman, and he also Insisted that the
portion of the rules which sent all reso
lutions to the committee on resolutions
was gag law and ought to be voted
down In Populist convention.
A delegate rose to a question of priv
ilege and protested with great vehem
ence against the unwarranted Interfer
ence of otHciuls of the convention with
the delegates who rose to address it.
He Intimated that these subordinates
were acting In the Itryan interest. The
chairman ruled that there was no ques
tion of privilege presented, and when
unothcr delegate urose, directed the of
ficers to make the delegate take his
George Abbott, of Nebrasku, dis
closed thi purpose of the movement to
proceed to the selection of a vice presi
dent by a brief speech, was also re
ceived with tumultuous applause. He
"The men who want you to vote for
vice president first do so because they
think we. will give them the vice presi
dency after they have nominated Bry
an. Now. I comp from Nebraska, and
I say to you I will tight any proposition
to make Sewall vice president (loud
cheers.) Let us go ahead and nominate
I'.ryan in goo,d faith and I will guaran
tee you will have a vice president from
the south (cheers).
Delegate Patterson, of Coloiado,
spoke earnestly In favor of nominating
Bryan and Sewall.
The name of Bryan was greeted with
applause, and the name of Hewall .with
shouts of disapproval. Patterson said
there were those who paw, in the au
spicious opening of the convention a
great hope for the future, a lifting of
heavy burdens from the shoulders of
the people, and that hope would be
realized by the election of the ticket
nominated at Chicago with Bryan at th
head (loud applause), and with 8wdl
ut the foot (shouts of dissent, which
Interrupted the speech for some time).
Patterson, however, was not easily sup
pressed, and soon got a further hear
ing. In which he said: "I believe that
if the ticket is divided. If Bryan is
named for president and somebody
other than Sewall for vice president. It
will Inevitably lead to confusion."
(Shouts of "no," "no," "sit down, sit
Mr. I'ntterson got out another sen
tence or two. "It would be declared" he
exclaimed, "a case of traffic and barter.
How would the people look upon any
attempt to force Mr. Sewall out of the
race." "How will the people of this
country," Mr. Patterson resumed, as
soon as he got the chance, "regard Mr.
Bryan If he accepts at the hands of this
body a nomination which discards his
companion on the ticket. I give It as
my deliberate opinion that, as an honor
able man, as one pledged to stand by his
companion, he cannot with honor and
decency give countenance to any action
which separates him from the candi
date for the vice presidency."
Mr. Jerry Simpson, taking the stand,
said he would once more hold out the
right hand of friendship to the south.
"If you will go ahead," he said, "in a
regular way and nominate a man for
president, I will pledge you the 92 votes
of Kansas for your candidate for vice
president." (Cheers).
. delegate from Kansas, rising In the
body of the hall declared that Mr. Simp
son was not authorized to speak for
"Very well," rejoined Mr. Simpson,
"91 voles from Kansas, one goes
astray." (Laughter and aplause).
A delegate from Maine wished to an
swer Mr. Patterson but the previous
question was demanded and the
chnlr pronounced It to he car-
0 y
ried and declared all further de
bate to cut off. Nevertheless,
Mr. Gerry Brown, of Massachusetts,
and Oovernor Uibbs, of Texas, were er
mitted to address the convention both
In favor of nominating the vice presi
dent and selecting a southern Populist
for the office.
Jerry Simpson, from the body of the
hall, inquired whether Governor Gtbbs
would pledge the 10:1 votes of Texas for
this purpose In the same way as he had
pledged the votes of Kansas.
Governor GIbba replied: "There are
some men who can pledge the vote of a
delegation without consulting them, but
we are not that kind of men." (Laugh
ter). The question was put on the adoption
of the majority report so tar as It did
not conflict with the minority report,
and It was adopted.
When that portion of the rules was
reached which provided for a reversal
of the order of nominating president
and vice president, "Cyclone" Duvls
took the stand and suld he believed he
could now point the way to a haven
of peace. He had received pledges front
the states of Nevada and Illinois in ad
dition to the states of Kansas and Ne
braska that If the convention proceed
ed In regulur order they would sustain
the middle of the road candidate for
vice president. He for his part, was
wiling to trust their good faith and to
withdraw all obstruction.
A delegate from Minnesota added to
these pledges "the almost unanimous
support" of Minnesota's 53 delegates.
But the convention was not in the hu
mor to accept the olive branch of
peace. Fifty men addressed the chair
at once, and when the chairman declur
td that the previous question had been
ordered, Mr. Crandall, of New Jersey,
advanced to the platform and shaking
his fist said he wus u delegate and he
proposed to be heard. He was howled
down notwithstanding.
The roll of states was called on the
question of substituting the minority
report giving precedence to the presi
dential nomination for the majority re
port to proceed to ballot for president
Hist and vice-president.
Mr. Skinner, of North Carolina, who
had cast 95 of that state's votes for the
majority repiat, announced that he
would change that vol:- unless good
faith was to be observed, and southern
vice-president nominated. A scene of
great confusion ensued which delayed
the proceedings some time. An inform
al count showed the vote to be: For
the minority report 720, for the major
ity 706.
Before the result was announced. Mr.
Skinner changed the vote of North
Carolina, casting the whole 95 votes for
the minority report, which was thus
The official total was: For the mi
nority, 783, for the majority report. Gin.
The report as thus was declared
adopted. The chair announced that the
committee on resolutions nad prepared
a report, but the minority member who
wished to sign a minority report, re
quested time for this purpose.
General Weaver, of Iowa, chairman
of the committee on resolutions and
platform, then took the stand and read
the platform as follows:
The People's party, assembled In nation,
al convention realtlrms Its allegiance to
the principles declared by the founders cf
the republic and also to the fundamental
principles of Jut government as enunciat
ed In the platform of the party in 1S2.
We recognize that through the conniv
ance of the present and preceding admin
istrations, the' country has reached a crisis
In Us national life as predicted In our
dealaration four years hko. and that
prompt and patriotic action Is the supreme
duty of the hour. We realize that while
we have political Independence, our finan
cial and Industrial independence is yet
to be attained by restoring to our country
the constitutional control and exercise
cf the functions necessary to a people's
government, which functions have been'
basely surrendered by our .public servants
to corporate -monopoly. The Influence of
European money rhangers has been more
potent In shaping legislation than the
voice of American people. Executive
power, and patronage have been used to
corrupt our legislators and defeat the
will of the people and plutocracy has
thereby been enthroned upon tue ruins of
Democracy. To restore th government
Intended by the fathers and welfare and
prosperity of this and future generations,
IContlnneil on Psga 1.1
Chances on a Probable Entombing.
They Receive by Acclamtlluo the Id
doraemeot of the SilverNes.
Keiull of Koll i'nll of Dilates Upon
Membership of Old ttoldiersOlr
Scott's Reference to l'resident
Cleveland Recital ol lhe "Wail of
William Whitney."
St. Louis. July 24. The strain of the
past few days showed on the delegates
to the silver convention this morning.
They were Blow In gathering In the hall
and the somewhat diminished attend
ance showed that the feur expressed by
Mr. Shlnn, of Kansas, that the dele
gates could not all be kept here, was
well founded.
The chairman rapped for order at 10.S0
and introduced Rev. R. W. Covert, of
the Missouri delegation, who opened
the proceedings with prayer.
Mr. Buker, of California, chairman on
conference, announced that the com
mittees had met this morning and
would meet again at once o'clock this
afternoon. The sliver men were as
sured that the Populists were net
working harmoniously along the lines
laid down by this convention. (Cheers).
He believed thut the unanimous re
port from the conference committees
of the two conventions would be one of
the strongest campaign documents
that would be circulated. In order that
this ndght be successfully accomplished
he moved that the further proceedings
of the convention relating to the adop
tion of a platform and nominations he
deferred until this afternoon at 3.30
This was seconded by delegates from
Kansas and Wisconsin, and the motion
was carried with but one dissenting
vote. The remainder of the national
committee was announced and the
members were requested to meet imme
diately upon adjournment this morn
ing. A motion was made and agreed to
authorizing the committee to fill vacan
cies. There was a tumultuous demand
for a speech from Senator Stewart, to
which he responded.
The convention took up the veteran
soldiers resolution and it was decided
to call the roll of states thut the chair
men of delegations might announce the
number of vet trans In each state dele
gation. The call resulted in showing
l!it! Union soldiers, 18 confederates and
4 Mexican soldiers represented In the
convention. Out of the roll call great
a suggestion with crystallised into a mo
tion which was agreed to that the old
soldiers and sailors of the union, con
federate und Mtxlcan war armies form
the basis of an organization within the
party for campaign purposes to save the
C. R. Scott, of Omahn, formerly a
Republican, said that he would work to
bury the party he had left. Reference
was made by a delegate on the floor to
Cleveland. Replying to this Mr. Scott
"Oh, God, give us cyclones, if they
must come, with famine and pests; but
uh, God, by Thy mercy save us from
another four years, of Grover Cleve
land." After several other sppechos and the
reading cf a poem entitled "The Wail
of William Whitney," the convention
took a recess until 3 p'clock.
The Nomination of Bryan and Sewall
Ratified with (.rent
St, Louis, July 24. The last session of
the national silver convention attracted
the largest attendance of spectators
that has honored the convention.
At 3.55 o'clock Chairman St. John
called the convention to order. Mr.
JBaker, of California, chairman of the
silver convention committee of confer
ence, reported the resolution adopted
In connection with the conferees from
the Populist convention. He said the
Continued oh Pag l
Exciting Scene at a Political Meeting
in South Carolina.
Columbia, H. C, July 24. While Oov
ernor Evans was speaking at a political
meeting at Florence today, Judge Karle
Jumped to the stand and struck Gover
nor Evans in the head with his fist,
getting u little blood drawn from under
his eye In the personal row which
followed. Governor Evans first landing
in his face. It was an exciting episode
and a most painful spectacle the gov
ernor of the state and a circuit judge
in a public, "scrap." .
The trouble was caused by Evans al
luding to Earle as a "flee" with his
tail cut. The whole court room was
wild with excitement for at least fifteen
minutes. Friends crowded around the
two men after they had been very for
cibly separated. A number of pistols
were drawn and held ready for use.
There was a lively passage at arms
between Generuls Watts and Rlch
bourg, candidates for adjutant general,
the latter telling Watts finally that he
would be personally responsible fvr
what he had suld.
National Committee of One from Each
State Is Urged to Meet at In
dianapolis on August 7.
Chicago, July 24. When the sound
money conference assembled the com
mittee appointed lust night submitted
a report which was unanimously adopt
ed. It provides for the appointment of a
national committee of one each from
each state to meet In Indianapolis. Aug.
7 for the purpose of issuing a call for
a national convention, not later than
Sept. 2. The report also provides for
the appointment by the chair of an
executive committee of five to name
states representatives, who shall ar
range for the holding of Btate meet
ings to give expression to their sound
money sentiments and to send dele
gates to the national convention.
Minnesota and Texas were repre
sented at today's meeting. Daniel
La-wler being present for the former
state. He reported a complete state
organization by counties and by a state
executive committee for sound money.
Thp sentiment of delegates Is that the
eastern states will be forced Into line
for a notional convention even if the
machine leaders are against the move
ment. Fntnl Cloud Hurst.
Golden, Col., July 24. An immense cloud
burst swept a portion of this city away
shortly after S o'clock tonight. The loss
of life Is variously estimated at from ten
to II ft J'.
Weather Indications Today; i
Showers; Followed by Clearing Weather. I
1 Populists Have a Lively Day.
Sllverites Nominate Bryan and Sewall.
Closing Day at Camp John Gibbon.
2 Dun's Review of Trade.
3 (Local) Why Coho & Co. Got the Con.
4 Elltorlal.
National Capital Gossip.
G (Local) Experts Inspect Twin Shaft.
Detained on a Serious Charge.
Kadzlna Autopsy.
6 Society ard Personal.
In Religious Circles.
7 Suburban Happenings.
Market and Financial News.
8 (Sporting) Base Rail Scores.
General (Sporting Gossip.
Happy Times at Fair Chautauqua,
Free Sliver Fallacies Exposed.
Celtic News from Qwalte .
10 (Story) Field & Fannlng's Junior.
11 World of Letters.
A Town In Need of Women.
n News Up and Down the Valley.
Ordered Several Officers of the Thir
teenth Under Arrest, bat They Were
Subsequently Released When Ex
planations Were Made.-tieneral's
Action Generally Condemned-Wet
and Muggy Day in Camp.
Special from a Staff Correspondent.
Camp John Gibbon, Lewistown, Pa.,
July 24. Captain Kambeck, of Com
pany B, and Lieutenant Smith, of Com
pany E, who Is also prothonotary of
Wayne county, were placed under ar
rest by General Snowden personally at
11 o'clock last night. There offense, If
such a word can be used to describe the
trivial cause of their arrest, was in con
nection with the visit of Company B to
Company B, of the First regiment in
the Second brigade, and Lieutenant
Smith's action as commander of the
guard In permitting the company to re
turn Into the Third brigade's lines after
camp. The Thirteenth's officers are In
dignant over the affair, and the same
feeling Is being evidenced throughout
the brigade as rapidly as the circum
stance Ib being made known.
A lively and Interesting feature of the
case was added to It this morning when
the presence of Captain Kambeck and
Lieutenant Smith was ordered at divi
sion headquarters. Meanwhile an or
der had been received from General
Gobin, the brigade commander, not to
send the officers to General Snowden
except on an order from brigade head
quarters. This was construed in the
Thirteenth's camp as a repudiation tjy
General Gobin of the well known mar
tlnetlsm and peacock soldiery of Snow
den. It complicated the case and
showed that General Uobln did not
countenance his superior officer's ac
tion; at least that was the, opinion In
the Thirteenth's camp.
The story of the arrest Is this: Com
pany U and a Ninth regiment com
pany were returning to the Third from
the First brigade after being enter
tained in the First regiment. The
Thirteenth's and the Ninth's drum
corps were along and the latter was
pluylng during the beginning of the
march across the field. It was two or
three minutes after taps, 10 olclock. At
the same time a First regiment com
pany with a drum corps was returning
over the field after a visit to the Third
brigade. This drum corps played all
the way across the field Into the First
brigade lines.
Captain Kambeck gave the counter
sign and secured the entrance of his
command into camp, and Sergeant Ma
jor Harry Coursen did the same for the
drum corps. The Ninth regiment party
passed around the Thirteenth and en
tered camp at a point along their own
About twenty minutes later -two
horsemen. General Snowden with a ma
jor for an aide, came galloping over
the field from division headquarters.
They were halted by the guard, com
pelled to dismount and on giving the
countersign were permitted to enter.
General Snowden asked for Major Bar
nard, who yeBterday was brigade offi
cer of the day, and after complaining
of the noise told Major Barnard to
consider himself under arrest.
A moment later he withdrew the or
der and asked the major's pardon.
Meanwhile Colonel Coursen and Lieu
tenant Colonel Mattes had joined the
group and In response to the division
commander's questions were trying to
convince him that the noise complained
of was not made In the Third brigade
lines, but was by some returning First
bi-igaders near their own camp.
It was then that General Snowden
asked for the regimental commander
of the guard and was led to Lieutenant
Smith at the guard tent. After ques
tioning him about admitting Company
B on Captain Kambeck's countersign,
fleneral Snowden told him to consider
himself under arrest, and after being
passed over the line by Major Barnard,
galloped off toward the First brigade
In about twenty minutes he returned
and had Captain Kambeck brought be
fore him. In response to the general's
question as to whether or not he (the
captain) had countersigned his men
into camp and on receiving an affirma
tive reply the captain was told to con
sider himself under arrest.
The two arrested officers were merely
removed from duty, occupied their
quarters and had the same freedom of
the camp as before. Lieutenant Reel,
supernumary officer of the guard, suc
ceeded Lieutenant Smith as guard com
mander. In Lieutenant Smith's case the charge
against him Is that he hud no right to
pass the drum corps as a body on the
strength of Sergeant Major Harry
Coursen's countersign. ,
At 4 o'clock this afternoon Cap
tain Kambeck and Lieutenant Smith
were released from arrest. Col
onel Coursen, accompanied by Major
Harnard, went to brigade headquarters
In the middle of the afternoon and af
ter reviewing the case with General
Cobln, reported to General Snowden, at
division headquarters. There the three
men were in consultation for about ten
minutes, during which time General
Snowden told Colonel Coursen to re
Instate the arretted captain and lieu
tenant to their commands. Captain
Kambeck and Lieutenant Smith were
at division headquarters during the
talk with General Snowden, but the
latter did not ask to see them.
All during today General Suowden's
action In arresting the otllcers was con
demned in language that was more
emphatic and which cannot very well
be reproduced In print. It was the com
mon opinion of officers well posted on
the United States Army regulations,
under which the National Guard is or
ganized, that no breach was made on
which the arrests were warraned or
justifiable. The whole thing Is looked
upon as a trivial circumstance which
gave Snowden a chance to display him-
Continued on Pare 8.
WAISTS,- ragtag la.
from 45 cents to.
each. .
Out Price .
510 AND 512
Always Busy.
Cool Shoes for Hot Feet.
Our 80c. Outing Shoes sale begins todafl
The Boys and Girls.
When you pay for Jewelry you might a
well get the best.
A fine Una of Novelties for Ladle and
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St.
Enamel Paints,
Ready Mixed Tinted
Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure
Linseed Oil, Garaunteed.