The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1896. Absolutely Pure. A rruam of tartar l.nkmx ixiwilcr. Highwit cf nil in !c'vfli,n; strvuctb. Latest lulti'tl bt.tis tiovurumont I'ojd Uopurt. Royal Powiieu To., Kow York. GARBONOALE. tr.MiJor!" wttl please note that advertise ment. orders for Job work, ami Items for publication !-f t at tho establishment of Shannon e "'o., newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention: of lice open from II a. m. to 10 p. m.) EVERYTHING ARRANGED. A I! ii; Croud Mill AltrnJ Hit' I'nioil Sunday Sclioiil Kxrtirsion. All the nrrniisonienl fur llKunlon Sunday sehnnl -xi'ur.-tiin tu hi run on next VVt'ilncsday tu Limi-stmri liavi hoeu comiili'ti'il. ;nul t'Vrry ine hxiKs forward to the !si -. The jirli'i n( the lii-ki-ts i'lv very rea siniiihle. It will lie mi con's fur adults Olid 40 edits fur chlllreii under 12 yen I'M "f nm Tho ticket will Include a I'ide of seven miles on the Htoninhnnl which runs on the Susquehanna The mnny advantages which this ilace fiera inukes it a desiiulile Jilace lor excursions. The scenery Is nlso very line uinl im one can spend a day linne enjuyahly than to so nil next Wednesday's exclusion. BICYCLIST INJURLU. I.oais (.ni'drllii l ulls in I ron! of u Ti'iini of Horses. l.ouis t lii i d.'lla. of Nin th .Main strn't, timl u rai'iiiw osciti"' ti'iini seiiiiiis in jury th" uMier da;-, while riillntf his li'cyele. Mr. t'lirdcllu had Just pur chased a li::iidsome new w heel and was 0:1 Jtlver st'eet pract ieinif. 'Ihoiiias Idewellyn innie uloaif with hi.-- luavy ti urn and In endeavni Iiik to fc.t nm of the way 'laidelW. with the Usual luck nl' iih.v riders, tell off dir.'Ol ly In front of the horses, lie escaped with a lew bruises hut his wheel Is ruined. Vcsti'idny nt ( rystnl I. like. An eiijoyalde time was: had yesterday nt t'ryslal Lake l.y the vocnphone hand iind a laiire n tun her of their friend. Various sanies were Indulged In duriiiB the day and all I'm nlshoii mm li spurt. An orchestra was also piesenl and fur nished music in the Ki"Ve for danelin;. A law rimiiliei from town weiu nut to hear the conrtil Riven In tho even lnr at the Lake house. The numbers were loudly upplaudeil. V. oixt'x 'oiaiiiciieciiH'iil. Tonight will take place the lirst an nual eo'iinii'liceinent of Woiid's llusi IlesM c olh'KC. It will he held In the opera house and the fact that lion. Thomas James, e. -postmaster of the I'nited States, will deliver tile address of the evening: Is uttiactlnf; more than pass ing atteiitlmi. As n speaker Mr. James ranks liinh. and no one should miss I he opportunity of hearing the distin guished Keiitleinan. Tor I hi I'illslon NiiHVrrr. The amount of money cleared ut the enterlalnim nt held for the relief of the 1'lltslon sul'i'eiers Is not so great us ex pected, the extreme heat keeping a K I many pooide from uttemltn. About is iill that will he ndded to the fund. It is hoped that the people of this city will contrlliute in other ways for this charitable imrpose. Kisli'ddluil I linir .Meet. A lui'fre iiunilier of voculists uttended the liist rehearsal of the choir which Will represent the Welsh Baptist church fit the eisteddfod on AiliJ. 211. The choir will hold (mother meetlnst on Sunday afternoon and on Wednesday eveniim. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Joseph Lena, cf I'ark stieet, lift yes terday for N'ar.ticoke. where he has nccured a position. Miss I.orettu Malloy, of lironklyn tli'pt, will spend the next two weeks with friends In Archbatd. Miss Jennie Vovle hus returned to her home In Olyphant. after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Frank Orchard. Patrick Scott, of Onrnnta. Is vif-It hr his parents In this city. .Marcus Duffy, clerk at thp pestofilep. Liver BSSs Like biliousness, Uysieisia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, hulim-Mlon arc promptly cured hy Hood's Tills. They do their work easily mid thoroughly. Pest after dinner pills. 15 cents. All dnuglsts. Pills r.Tpared hy C. I. Hood & l'o., Lowell, Mass. The only I'ill to tuke with Hood's Marsaparilla. IE Carpet Remnant and (Kid 1'icccM at Less Tlitui Cost. Sets Our Show Windows for Bargains. Wall Papers Odd I.ols at On-llalf Price to Close Out. Now. is the time tti buy, u vc have aoiiic very desirable lots left.- J 419 Lack. Ave lU I UUUI I III Carpets and Wall Piper Dealer. Hoods I SPHTTBCI.K Is visiting hi Seranton. Ills place is tilled temporarily by Miss Lizzie Scurry. Professor Pitts Is In receipt of a llat terlnir offer from Seranton for him to play In that city this winter and con templates moving there. Joseph Hpellman, of Honesdale, la visiting friends In thla city. Lawrence O'Brien, of Onconta, Is the guest of friends In town. Sirs. A. O. Nicol Is visiting In Scran ton. Miss Helen Scurry, of Washington street, is visiting Miss Maggie Davis, of Seranton. Frank OallnRher and Thomas Gllien are in Philadelphia. Mrs. James O'ltourke and dauBhter, Annie, are spending u few days with relatives In Mount Pleasant. Kev. J. J. Curran, of Wllkes-Barre, was In this city yesterday. Miss Cora Avery and Minnie Bowen left yesterday for a tour of several Xew England cities. Miss Mary Healey, of South Church street. Is visiting friends In Uenlck Center. Miss Lillian Ttobtnson and Kose Strickland returned yesterday from Ocean tlrove. Mr. Leon Place, of Sidney, N. Y Is visiting his brother. Dr. O. A. Place, of Terrace street. Miss Mary Healey, of Wllkes-Barre,. Is the guest of Miss Kate Healey, of South Church street, i irds are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Sadie A. Searles to John Judge. The ceremony will take place on August 5 at X o'clock at the homo of the bride's parents on Wyoming street. Mrs. James Birmingham nnd children i and Wallace Healey have returned : fi'ntn m v-ltiir with fi'iendM 111 Sllsolle- haiuia. Miss S:rah Monnaie, of) lironklyn. N. V., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Au gustus Aloirale. of Dundaff street. J.Iixs Mum? nnd Annie (.olden re lumed to their home In Plttston yester day, after a visit of two weeks. JKRMYN. A very pretty wedding was solemn ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (1. I. Cole, on North Main street, Wednesday evening. Kev. Francis Cendall uniting In marriage Miss Ida O.'lfllths, of this borough, and Simon C. France, of Car bondale. Standing under a beautiful aih of ferns and daisies, the happy couple were made man and wife. The bride, a charming young lady, is a sis ter of Mrs. (1. I. Cole. She was attired in a traveling suit of steel colored serge and cd'.'iicd a large bompiet of carna tions and maiden hair ferns. The bride was attended by Miss Minnie Jones, of Carhoiidalc. who was also attired in a handsome dress of steel colored serge. Miss Leone Farnham, of Hreen Kldge, a. cousin of the bride, acted as llower ghl and carried a botniuet of sweet peas. The groom's best man was Will iam Bird, of Cas'botidalc. Miss Margar et Maule presided nt the organ and played Mendelssohn's wedding march, w hile the party proceeded to the urch. Alter the ceremony, over l.'iO Invited guests partook of a sumptuous banquet. The groom Is u populnr Ontario and Western railroader and enjoys u large circle of friends, who wish him much happiness in the step he has just tak en. The couple were the recipients of many useful and costly gifts, among them being a handsome bed room suite from' the employes of the New Vork, Ontario and Western railroad. Space forbids a full list of the presents re reived. The out-of-town guests were Mr. a lid Mrs. Francois. Seranton; Mrs. (1. W. Wllliums. Olyphant; Mrs. S. H. Vail. Seranton; Mi. and Mrs. A. Hus sel, Oreen field; Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Farnham. Seranton; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, Carbondale; Miss (ieorgle France, of Blairstown, N. Y.; Mrs. Da vid Jones. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Bobbins. .Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. (leorge Boss and Miss Ceorgle Davis, of Carbondale. The Citizens' hand was present and dur ing the evening serenaded the newly wedded pair. Mr. and Mrs. France left on the midnight train lor Blairstown, N. J., und other points of Interest, and upon their return from their wedding trip will reside in Carbondale. The Tribune Joins their host of friends In wishing them a happy and prosperous future. Messrs. Sullivan, Williams, Mulherln, Secretary Baker and Principal E. D. Bovard, who were appointed by the school board as a committee on sup plies, met 111 the directors' room In the new school building Wednesday even ing. After carefully considering the bids from the different companies to supply the necessary material for the ensuing term of school, it was decided to divide the original order among the different competitors. The Kress Sta tionery company of Wllkes-Barre, and the Mount Holly Supply house will fur nish some of the supplies, while Dr. S. D. Davis will furnish the larger part. A game of base ball has been ar ranged between the Jermyn and May field clerks and the clerks of Carbon dale, to be played Monday afternoon nt Alumni park. The game promises to be very interesting, as the two teams are very evenly matched. The batteries will be as follows: Jermyn and May Held clerks, Battenberg and Loughney; Carbondale clerks, Forbes nnd Nealon. Bev. J. F.lllt Bone, of Oneonta, N. Y.. will preach In the Methodist Episcopal church on Sabbath morning next. DAIION. Miss Kdltii and Charles Miles, of Ynnkers, N. V.. are visitinc; at their Rrandfather's, I jr.. J. P. Miles, of this place. At a recent meetinR of the school hoard. Miss Lena Xorthup. of C.len burn, was elected as assistant teacher In the primary department. Miss Nor thup was one of the graduates ot our school at Its last commencement, nnd while a student has always shown the hlshest marks of scholarship. She suc cessfully passed the county superin tendent's examination, and there is no doubt thnt she will maae an excellent teacher. William Austin and family have re turned home after a few weeks' en campment at Windfall pond. Hardware Merchant 8. O. Shoemaker has Improved the front of his store by placing two new hitchlriK posts. There should be he In front of the postoflice also. Dr. John Wentx and family, of Seran ton. are spending the summer months at the residence of O. W. Mason, of this place. Kev. C. H. Newmg and Itev. J. B. Santee attended a funeral at Windsor, X. Y.. last Monday. Frank Wall and family are camping at Windfall pond. Meorpre Parkton, of HtrotulsliurR, Pa., sjent n few dnys with his father. Mr. James Piirkton. at this place. Itev. C. II. NewhiK and family were at Lake Yt Inula Wednesday. Dr. C. D. Mackey's new houses are nearly ready for occupancy. Those w ho own dofis nnd let them run loose In the street, will have Jo keep them muzzled after July 25. One of our borough ordinance reads: "Any dog caught running losse and not muz sled between July 25 and Aug.. 23, shall be shot by the high constable or other authority, and the same shall receive from' the borough a fee of one dollar." Miss Bertha Santee, who has been quite sick, has recovered. Dr.- Van Decker, of Fleetville. Pa., was at this place Tuesday. Mr. Decker Is n new doctor at rleetvllle, being a graduate from the Jefferson Medical college, nnd Is meeting with success. Professor Thayer and his singing class will give a concert at the Method ist church next Saturday evening. W. Clark Dean has vturned to his home at this place. Clark graduated from the Phillips Exeter academy In June, and expects to enter the Boston Institute of Technology this fall. Miss Thomas, of Seranton. called on Miss Mabel Purdy, at this place, Tues day. FOREST CITY. About S00 persons uttended the Sun day school excursion to lainesboro, Wednesday. Mrs. John Bedell. Mrs. Thomas Car son. Mrs. Mary Edwards and Mrs. Jane Moses, of Seranton, s:ent yesterday with friends In this place. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at the home bf Mrs. J. L. Williams. John M. Hughes, of Seranton, was in this borough yesterday. Will Jones has returned from an en Joyuble triy to Atlantic City: Mrs. S. Barclay, of Moscow. Is vlslt Injf her niece. Mis. William Ordung, fcr a few days. Oeorge M. Patteisou, a prominent Carhondallan, was In this place yes terday. Mrs. John Armstrong and son. Earl, of West Plttston, are visiting relatives in town. Carl Nellson, the champion uf free sil ver doctrines, In Vandllng, was u For est City visitor yesterday. Business called F. .J. Osgood to the Pioneer city yesterday. The borough council met last even ing MOOS1C. John Moffat, of Dunmore, was a caller in town yesterday. Miss l'.essle (ireen was a visitor In Seranton yesterday. Miss Carrie' Snyder, of Avoca, was a caller in town yesterday. Miss Agnes Butler Is visiting anions friends in Carbondale. C. F. Price wus a caller In Avoca yesterday. Charles Keogh. of Rendhum, was a culler In town yesterday. Miss Mary Irving, of Wllkes-Burre, is visiting In town among friends. Key. J. c. Tenant, formerly pastor of the Moosle Methodist Episcopal church, will preach to his old congrega tion next Sunday, July L'O. TAYLOR. This afternoon the funeral of May, Ihe seveii-iuonihs-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, will take place. Kev. M. J. Lloyd will officiate. Inter ment ut the old Taylor cemetery. Mr. und Mrs. William W. Ileese re turned home Wednesday from a week's visit at Atlantic City. This evening the school board will meet, when the appointing of school teachers will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. James, of I'nlon street, left Wednesday for a week's visit at Tunkhannock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel J. Phillips have returned home from their wedding tour, which included Philadelphia and At lantic City. SCRANTON'S GREATEST HI SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S FINE SHOES. w E HAVE TOO MANY Hen's Fine Shoes in stock and we must sell them at once to make room for Fall Goods. You may be worth millions of dollars and still have use for your money. Economy is a quality well worth preserving. There is no use of your paying from $1.00 to $2.00 more for your Shoes elsewhere, when you can buy . them from us for less. Big Bargain Facts Require but Little Talk. We Will Turn Them Into Gold. Our stock of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Hen's Shoes, except Patent Leather, must be sold. We prefer to count dollars rather than Shoes. NOTE THE BARGAINS: 72 pairs of Stacy, Adams & Co. V Hen's Fine Calf Shoes, regular price the world over $5.00, Our Special Price, $3.00 62 pairs of Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Men's $4.00 Calf Shoes, canvass and lace, Reduced to $2.50 75 pairs of Hen's Fine Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, regular price $3.50, Reduced to $2.50 125 pairs of Hen's Calf Hand-Sewed Shoes, Congress and lace, regu lar price $3.00, Reduced to $2.00 200 pairs of Hen's Calf, Goodyear welt, Shoes, sold all over the world for $2.50, Our Special Price, $1.69- MATCH THEM IF YOU CAN Men's Dress Shoes, only 89c,; Men's Heavy Shoes, Congress and lace, 88c; Men's Russet Shoes, $1.00.; Eoys' Dress Shoes, only 89c,;' Boys' Heavy Shoes, 83c; Youths' Dress Shoes, 85c; Youths' Heavy Shoes, only 75c; Ladies' Shoes, only a few of them, at 70c; Misses' Fine Shoes, 65c; Child's Shoes, 5 to S, wedge heel, only 43c. The above are only a few of our great bargains. We invite comparison and defy competition. You will simply throw away money if you buy shoes elsewhere. Remem ber, all our Shoes are of the best makes and we guarantee every pair, and if you are dissat isfied bring them back and we will refund your money. VVe have only one price to all. OLYPHANT. Mr. and Mrs. Coome. of Mount Car niel. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schunk. on Lackawanna ave nue. U rattan Singer, of Carbondale, was a caller In town yesterday. Dr. Van Busklrk, of Hull avenue, vis ited hlB parents at Taylor last eve ning. Mlsa Mary Jane Meager, aged 15 years, died at her home on Third street, Blakely, yesterday morning. About two weeks ago Miss Meager met with a slight accident by stepping on a rusty nail, but had been able to be around until Monday, when an attack of lock jaw set In, which was the Immediate cause of her death. The funeral will take place on Sat urday afternoon. Interment will be made In the I'nlon cemetery. Florence, the 4-mo:Uhs-old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Patrick Feeley, of Lackawanna avenue, died yesterday from cholera infantum. Funeral will take place this afternoon. Miss Hannah of Wyoming, Is visiting friends In town. It. Muldoon, of Jermyn. Is the guest of Miss Mary Carbine, on Lackawanna avenue. P. E. Clumarr. proprietor of Hotel Anthracite, called on friends libown yesterduy. Mrs. P. A. Loublnac. or Taylor, called on acquaintances here yesterday. , Miss Mary Carbine Is slowly recov ering. Dr. D. W. Jones, of Susquehanna street, left this morning for Baltimore Md where he will take up his resi dence again. Mrs. John Ferguson itturned. home lust evening, after a week's visit with friends in Hawlcy. Miss Mamie Burke, of the North Is visiting her cousin. Miss Nellie llal lagher. A fair sized audience greeted thi "Convict's Daughter" at the Father Mathew Opera house lust night. It was reproduced for the benefit of trie Plttston fund. Mrs. David Davis and Mrs. John Davis, of Wllkes-Barre. visited friend, on Lackawanna Btreet the fore part of the week. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mrs. Robert Jones visited friends here this week. Dr. E. F. Smith, of Providence, visited D. F. Smith and family Wednesday. Mrs. C. Dully visited her brothers, Frank and William Bonno, at Seranton, over Sunday. Messrs. Hecklenian. of Dunmore. ex pect to build u new house soon on Wuodluwn park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fritz and son, Harold, have returned from a visit with relatives at Tobyhunnu. Miss Wolf, of DuHon, has opened a klndergardeli school In the old Metho dist Episcopal chapel und has quite a number of pupils. Mrs. R. Page is able to be out again after her recent Illness. Miss Jennie Luubsher hus returned hoint from her visit to Delaware Water clap. WYOMING. Mrs. MeCutelieon Is entertaining her niece of Avoca tills week. Rev. C. Hewurd, of t'ittstoti, called on Itev. Heldy Monday. II. T. Gregory was a caller at Pitts ton last evening. Mi', and Mrs. C. W. Stiff are expected (1 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. STRICTLY CASH AND ONE home ' this week from a two weeks' visit at Lake Erie. Mrs. W. Barrett is entertaining her niece this, week. Mrs. Ralph Robinson Is convalescent. Messrs. Lease and Rice were calling on friends at Cen t remorcland Sunday Mrs. J. V. Baker is critically 111. 1. I). Durlard and son, Stanley, spent Sunday at tho Wyoming camp grounds. Mr. and Mrs. George Colibaugh, of Jackson, spent Sunday with her par ents, t Miss Fannie Bates, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Sunday with her sister, Mis. Ed ward Rozell. Misses Maggie Switzer, Llda McRIU and Grace Hoover, of Wllkes-Barre, and Messrs. Earnest Dymond and Charles Setllff enjoyed a fishing trip to Dymond's pond on Saturday. Not Finical. A coroner's Jury found In the case of a man kicked to death by a mule that he suffered death by being run over by a rail road train. The jury had no blanks about mule accidents. Los Angeles tCl.) Ex press. If the Batty Is t utting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow:: Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Year, by Mil. liens of Mother: for tUelr Children while Teething, wit'o Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, .'.Days all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, nnd Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists in every part of th") world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. iI$lW$ ails you? Have you a feel ing of weight in the Stomach ! Bloating after if II I vf vi eauuii ueicn- J Jyy iSJL)- ins of Wisd-, B ClfJ,; VomltldBof Food , t L X Waterurash- Heartburn Had Taste in the Mouth , in the Horning Palpitation of the f Heart, due to Distension of Stomach l Cankered Mouth Gas la the Bowels i r i A e i..i. e:..i.i .i. I t.vM wi ricnu runic nuucuir Depressed, Irritable Condition of the 1 ) Mind Dizziness Headache Con stipation or Diarrlntaf Then yon have ' DYSPEPSIA . la ot of It many forms. The poslUvt J ' cart r ioi aiM retting compiaini u Acker's Dyspepsia CaMct$ y Bull, prepaid, an receipt of 25 ctoU. C'h AHLkH ftktiNicr. lintel hmwrlHl. Ntw York.iMYi: "I uffircil liorrlblv troin Ovs-I kjwMtrt, but Acker' Tablet, taku alur , iiteult, luivrvitifU me." Acker Medicine Co., .tViftChamlwre St, N. T. MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestlo use and of all sizes. Including Uuckwheut and Blrdseye, delivered In any part of tho city at the lowest price. - Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. I); telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to.Denlers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. 3 07 Lackawanna Ave. MM PRICE. KERt?S SUMMEfR PREVIOUS TO SALE OF Greatest Bargains ever given in Seranton. We have an immenu assortment of short lengths in tvery grade; desirable patterns, too, the result of a good spring trade, aud we have decided to close tlicm out at about Half Prlee. Bring ihe measure of your rooms and we ill surprise yon vert agreeably with the handsome carpets you can purchase for a small outlay. For example, we quote best grade Rody Brussels: BlgelOW, Whittall, low ell and Glen Ft hO, $1.00, formerly other makes of Body Brussels, 83c., formerly ji.15; Velvets, He. aiid C3c fornierl) $1.00 and 85c. All other grades at proportionately low prices. An examination of our stock will convince you that an investment DOW will save you money, if purchased only for future use. S. 8. KERR, Opposite Main Entrance to th Wyoming House, Branch mt Carbondale. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKE8-BARRE, PA Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. FOR BUYING. Window Screens, Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, - Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Hammocks, Refrigeratoss, Lavn Mowers. We have the stock and assortment You need them now, if ever. Liberal discount for cash on all seasonable gooJs. . 1 1 FOOTE li SHEAR CO,, 119 WASHINGTON AVE.iUl What Sarah Bernhard ay THERE ARE t GLASSES OF holds from the honest promiser. The man who pays us cash for his Clothes pays just as much as the one whom we accommodate with credit. Clothiers generally are "all aiming for your patronage, but the clothier who treats you fairest: and makes you feel that your money is well spent, is the one who will get it. We are trying our best to win your trade 1 by giving you. the greatest Clothes values to be had and gir ' ing you credit when you need it. o ESTABLISHED 1873. utu mi leiioi coll m clearing CARPETS STOCK TAKING. S0?U C0. 408 Lackawanna Avenue Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. Jewelers and Silversmiths, 130 Wyoming Ave. DIAMONDS AND DIAMOND JEWELR, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, RICH CUT 6L1S3 STERLING AND SILVER PLATED WARE. , LEATHER BELTS, SILVER NOVELTIES, FINE GOLD AND SILVER W1TCHEJ. Jewelers and Silversmith 130 WVOMINO AVE. THE iOSIC POWDER CO., ROOmS I AND 2, CODI'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA, TUNING AND BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Battering, Electric Exploders, for ex plodlun blast. Hufety Fuse, aud Repanoo Chemical Co. 's explosives. TWO 0 PEOPLE In this world who "cry down" credit one doesn'l need it the other has been denied it. Don't listen to the ghost stories either tell. Our CLOTHING ON CREDIT System isn't built on the ao commodation plan. It grant! cash no privileges it with a 227 MB 218 WYOMING AVENUE